function view($data) { startOfPage(); //$title = get_Title(); //siteTitle("$title"); //startOfPage(); //startContent(); //$content = "this is the title"; //$title = get_Title(); //siteTitle("$title"); echo "<div class='jumbotron'>" . PHP_EOL; startContent(); users_renderLoginForm(); echo "</div>" . PHP_EOL; echo '<hr>' . PHP_EOL; echo '<div class="container-narrow">' . PHP_EOL; endContent(); p("<h2>Here is the list of your current enrollments</h2>"); //users_renderLoginForm(); $history = $data["Enrollment"]; h1("Your Enrollments"); foreach ($history as $enrollment) { purchases_render($enrollment); } endOfPage(); }
function view($data) { startOfPage(); echo "<div class='jumbotron'>" . PHP_EOL; startContent(); //$title = get_Title(); //siteTitle("$title"); admins_renderLoginForm(); echo "</div>" . PHP_EOL; echo '<hr>' . PHP_EOL; echo '<div class="container-narrow">' . PHP_EOL; //echo "<a href='index.php?option=store&view=admin'>If you are a professor, login here</a>".PHP_EOL; $courses = $data["Tbl_Courses"]; if (users_loggedIn()) { echo "<h2><a href='index.php?option=courses&view=edit'>Edit title and subtitle</a></h2>"; } // if (!empty($courses)) // { // foreach ($courses as $course) // { // courses_render($course); // } // } endContent(); endOfPage(); }
function view($data) { startOfPage("homeeeeee"); startContent(); siteTitle("Blackboard"); p("Welcome to Blackboard - Please Log in !"); users_renderLoginForm(); echo "<p><a href= 'index.php?option=user&view=students_list' >List of students</a></p>"; echo "<p><a href= 'index.php?option=subject&view=subjects_list''>List of subjects</a></p>"; endContent(); endOfPage(); }
function view($data) { startOfPage("esto es el view enrollment"); siteTitle("Blackboard"); p("Welcome to Blackboard - Select your subjects!"); $history = $data["enrollments"]; h1("Your Subjects"); foreach ($history as $enrollment) { enrollments_render($enrollment); } endOfPage(); }
function view($data) { startOfPage("homeeeeee"); startContent(); siteTitle("Blackboard"); p("Welcome to Blackboard - Please Log in !"); users_renderLoginForm(); echo "<h3>If you want to change the title and subtitle do it now!</h3>"; echo "<b><a href= 'editTitle.php' >Edit title</a></b>"; endContent(); endOfPage(); }
function view($data) { startOfPage("subjectsss en view subdetail"); startContent(); siteTitle("Blackboard"); p("Welcome to Blackboard - Please Log in and select your subjects!"); $subject = $data["subjects"]; if (!empty($subject)) { subjects_render($subject); } endContent(); endOfPage(); }
function view($data) { startOfPage(); startContent(); siteTitle("Blackboard"); p("Welcome to Blackboard"); $subjects = $data["subjects"]; if (!empty($subjects)) { foreach ($subjects as $subject) { subjects_render($subject); } } endContent(); endOfPage(); }
function view($data) { startOfPage("students list vieww"); startContent(); siteTitle("Blackboard"); p("Welcome to Blackboard - Please Log in !"); $students = $data["users"]; if (!empty($students)) { h2("List of students:"); foreach ($students as $student) { students_render($student); } h2("List of professors:"); foreach ($students as $student) { professors_render($student); } } endContent(); endOfPage(); }
function view($data) { startOfPage(); startContent(); //echo '<hr>'.PHP_EOL; echo '<div class="container-narrow">' . PHP_EOL; //$content = "this is the title"; //$title = get_Title(); //siteTitle("$title"); //p("<h2>Welcome to IIT Web Site. Please login and enroll to a course</h2>"); //users_renderLoginForm(); //echo "<a href='index.php?option=store&view=admin'>If you are a professor, login here</a>".PHP_EOL; $users = $data["Tbl_Users"]; if (!empty($users)) { foreach ($users as $user) { users_render($user); } } endContent(); endOfPage(); }
function view($data) { startOfPage(); //startContent(); //$content = "this is the title"; //$title = get_Title(); //siteTitle("$title"); echo "<div class='jumbotron'>" . PHP_EOL; startContent(); users_renderLoginForm(); echo "</div>" . PHP_EOL; echo '<hr>' . PHP_EOL; echo '<div class="container-narrow">' . PHP_EOL; endContent(); //echo "<a href='index.php?option=store&view=admin'>If you are a professor, login here</a>".PHP_EOL; $courses = $data["Tbl_Courses"]; if (!empty($courses)) { courses_render($courses); } //endContent(); endOfPage(); }
} else { include '../header.php'; echo "<p class='w3-xxxlarge' style='text-align: center;'>FATAL ERROR CONTACT DBA</p>"; include '../footer.php'; exit; } $day = date('d'); $month = date('m_'); $year = date('y_'); $q_tbnm = $month . $year . $sem; $stu_qry1 = "SELECT * FROM `{$tbname2}` WHERE sem='{$sem}' ORDER BY regno ASC"; $res_stu1 = mysqli_query($sql_conn2, $stu_qry1); $res_cnt = mysqli_num_rows($res_stu1); if ($res_cnt == 0) { echo "<div class='w3-xlarge'>NO STUDENTS/STUDENTS DATA FOUND ON DATABASE. CONTACT DBA/HOD.</div>"; endOfPage(); } # LIST ONLY TODAY ATTENDANCE - START if (isset($_POST["td-param"]) == "1") { echo "<div class='w3-xxlarge'>STUDENTS OF SEMESTER " . $sem . "</div>"; echo "<table class='w3-table w3-striped w3-border'>\n <tr class='w3-red'><th>Sl No.</th><th>Name</th><th>Register No</th>"; echo "<th>" . date('d F Y') . "</th>"; $i = 1; while ($list_res1 = mysqli_fetch_row($res_stu1)) { echo "<tr><td>" . $i . "</td><td>" . $list_res1[0] . "</td><td>" . $list_res1[1] . "</td>"; $stu_qry3 = "SELECT `" . date('d') . "` FROM `{$q_tbnm}` WHERE regnum='{$list_res1['1']}'"; $res_stu3 = mysqli_query($sql_conn2, $stu_qry3); $list_res3 = mysqli_fetch_row($res_stu3); echo "<td>" . $list_res3[0] . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; $i++;