public function login()
     if (!IS_POST) {
     $account = I('account');
     $pwd = md5(I('pwd'));
     $where = array('account' => $account);
     $user = M('user')->where($where)->find();
     if (!$user || $user['password'] != $pwd) {
     if ($user['lock']) {
     if (isset($_POST['auto'])) {
         // 			$value='tongyingyang';
         // 			$value = encryption($value);
         // 			echo $value;
         // 			$value = encryption($value,1);
         $account = $user['account'];
         $ip = get_client_ip();
         $value = $account . '|' . $ip;
         $value = encryption($value);
         // 		echo $value;
         // 		echo'<br/>';
         // 		echo encryption($value,1);
         @setcookie('auto', $value, C('AUTO_LOGIN_TIME'), '/');
     session('uid', $user['id']);
     redirect(__APP__, 3, '登陆成功,正在为您跳转...');
 public function runLogin()
     if (!IS_POST) {
     $account = I('post.account');
     $pwd = md5(I('post.pwd'));
     $where = array('account' => $account);
     $user = M('user')->where($where)->find();
     if (!$user || $user['password'] != $pwd) {
     if ($user['lock']) {
     if (isset($_POST['auto'])) {
         $account = $user['account'];
         $ip = get_client_ip();
         $value = $account . '|' . $ip;
         $value = encryption($value);
         cookie('auto', $value, C('AUTO_LOGIN_TIME'));
     session('uid', $user['id']);
Exemple #3
 * 加密文件
 * $file 需要加密的文件的路径
 * $filename 加密之后的文件名称
function encrypfile($file)
    !$file && ($file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/indexSuccess.php');
    $content = file_get_contents($file);
    $encryp = encryption($content);
    $decryp = decryption($encryp);
    return $encryp . '*******' . $decryp;
 public function handleLogin()
     if (!IS_POST) {
     $POST = deep_htmlspecialchars_decode($_POST);
     $objUser = M('user');
     parent::checkField('username', $POST['username'], 'require', '用户名不能为空');
     parent::checkField('password', $POST['password'], 'require', '密码不能为空');
     parent::checkField('verify', $POST['verify'], 'require', '验证码不能为空');
     if (md5($POST['verify']) != $_SESSION['verify']) {
     $userData = $objUser->where(array('username' => $POST['username']))->field('id,username,password,lock,login_time')->find();
     if (!$userData) {
         $this->error('用户名不存在,请注册', U(APP_NAME . '/Login/register'));
     } else {
         if ($userData['password'] != md5($POST['password'])) {
         if (!$userData['lock']) {
     //每天登录增加经验 积分
     $today = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));
     if ($userData['login_time'] < $today) {
         $objUser->where(array('id' => $userData['id']))->setInc('exp', C('POINT_LOGIN'));
         $objUser->where(array('id' => $userData['id']))->setInc('point', C('LEVEL_LOGIN'));
     $objUser->where(array('id' => $userData['id']))->data(array('login_time' => time(), 'login_ip' => get_client_ip()))->save();
     if (isset($_POST['auto'])) {
         $username = $userData['username'];
         $ip = get_client_ip();
         $value = $username . '||' . $ip;
         $value = encryption($value);
         //cookie('auto',$value,time() + 3600 * 24 * 7);
         @setCookie('auto', $value, C('AUTO_LOGIN_TIME'), '/');
         //P($_COOKIE['auto']); die;
     //写入session 并跳转到首页
     session('uid', $userData['id']);
     session('username', $userData['username']);
     $this->success('登录成功...', U(APP_NAME . '/Index/index'));
 public function _initialize()
     if (isset($_COOKIE['auto']) && !isset($_COOKIE['uid'])) {
         $value = explode('|', encryption($_COOKIE['auto'], 1));
         $ip = get_client_ip();
         if ($ip == $value[1]) {
             $account = $value[0];
             $where = array('account' => $account);
             $user = M('user')->where($where)->field(array('id', 'lock'))->find();
         if ($user && !$user['lock']) {
             session('uid', $user['id']);
     if (!isset($_SESSION['uid'])) {
 public function _initialize()
     if (isset($_COOKIE['auto']) && !isset($_SESSION['uid'])) {
         $value = explode('||', encryption($_COOKIE['auto'], 1));
         $ip = get_client_ip();
         $username = $value[0];
         $where = array('username' => $username);
         //array('id', 'lock','email','login_time','login_ip')
         $user = M('user')->where($where)->field('id,lock,username,login_time,login_ip')->find();
         if ($user) {
             //如果上一次写入数据库的登录IP跟 这次IP跟一样
             if ($user['login_ip'] == $ip) {
                 if ($user['lock']) {
                     session('uid', $user['id']);
                     session('username', $user['username']);
                     //每天自动登录增加经验 积分
                     $today = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));
                     if ($user['login_time'] < $today) {
                         M('user')->where(array('id' => $user['id']))->setInc('exp', C('POINT_LOGIN'));
                         M('user')->where(array('id' => $user['id']))->setInc('point', C('LEVEL_LOGIN'));
                     M('user')->where(array('id' => $user['id']))->save(array('login_time' => time()));
     $objUser = M('user');
     if (isset($_SESSION['uid']) && isset($_SESSION['username'])) {
         $userInfo = $objUser->where('id=' . $_SESSION['uid'])->field('id,username,face,point,exp,introduce,email,reg_time,login_time,ask_num,adopt_num,answer_num')->find();
         $this->assign('userInfo', $userInfo);
         $commentNum = $this->getCommentMsg(array('status' => "0", 'reply_uid' => session('uid')), 'count');
         $this->assign('commentNum', $commentNum);
         $letterNum = $this->getLetterMsg(array('status' => "0", 'receive_uid' => $_SESSION['uid']), 'count');
         $this->assign('letterNum', $letterNum);
         $bestNum = M('best')->where(array('uid' => $_SESSION['uid'], 'status' => "0"))->count();
         $this->assign('bestNum', $bestNum);
         $tipNums = $commentNum + $letterNum + $bestNum;
         $this->assign('tipNums', $tipNums);
     $this->linkList = M('linktxt')->where('status = "1"')->field('link_name,link_url')->limit(25)->order('id asc')->select();
     $aboutUs = M('single')->where('id=1')->getField('content');
     $aboutUs = deep_htmlspecialchars_decode($aboutUs);
     $this->assign('aboutUs', $aboutUs);
     // 微信二维码
     $this->weixin = M('ad')->where('id=12')->getField('ad_pic');
     $this->siteInfo = M('site')->where('id=1')->field('site_name,icp')->find();
     $this->newAllList = $this->getAllNew();
     $this->rewardAllList = $this->getAllReward();
     $this->commentAllList = $this->getAllComment();
Exemple #7
                $view["admin_message_html"] = '<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">Password changed successfully.</div>';
                require 'template/login.php';
            } else {
                $view["admin_message_html"] = '<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">Password does not match confirmation.</div>';
    } else {
        if (isset($_POST["new_xapo_app_id"])) {
            if ($_SESSION['admin']) {
                if ($_POST["new_xapo_app_id"] != "" && $_POST["new_xapo_secret_key"] != "") {
                    $updateKeys = update_keys_query();
                    $q = $sql->prepare($updateKeys);
                    $xapo_key = encryption($myHashKey, $_POST["new_xapo_app_id"]);
                    $xapo_secret = encryption($myHashKey, $_POST["new_xapo_secret_key"]);
                    $q->execute(array($xapo_key, $xapo_secret));
                    $view["admin_message_html"] = '<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">Keys changed successfully.</div>';
                } else {
                    $view["admin_message_html"] = '<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">Keys can\'t be empty.</div>';
$queryGeneralSettings = "select * from settings where name<>'password'";
$resultSettings = $sql->query($queryGeneralSettings);
if ($resultSettings) {
    while ($row = $resultSettings->fetch()) {
        if ($row['name'] == "xapo_app_id" || $row['name'] == "xapo_secret_key") {
// ���Ⱥκ�
//$id = $_REQUEST[id];
//$pwd = $_REQUEST[pwd];
$id = 'user1';
$pwd = 'User1';
//����ִ� ��
if (empty($id) || empty($pwd)) {
    echo "{\"status\":\"NO\"}";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = '{$id}'";
$result_pwd = mysql_query($sql, $connect);
$total_record = mysql_num_rows($result_pwd);
//�������� �ʴ� ID
if ($total_record != 1) {
    echo "{\"status\":\"NO\"}";
} else {
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result_pwd);
    $db_pwd = $row[pwd];
    $key = "this is a key for encryption";
    // ������ �� �� �ִ� key ��
    $encryption = encryption($pwd, $key);
    $str = strcmp($db_pwd, $pwd);
    //문자열 비교
    if ($str) {
        //다른 경우
        echo "{\"status\":\"OK\",\"num_results\":\"{$total_record}\"}";
    } else {
        echo "{\"status\":\"NO\"}";
} catch (Exception $ex) {
    echo $ex->getMessage();
//general settings
$queryGeneralSettings = "select * from settings";
$resultSettings = $sql->query($queryGeneralSettings);
if ($resultSettings) {
    while ($row = $resultSettings->fetch()) {
        $settings[$row['name']] = $row['value'];
if ($settings["password_set"] == '0') {
    if (isset($_POST["new_password"])) {
        if ($_POST["new_password"] == $_POST["password_confirmation"]) {
            $q = $sql->prepare($change_password);
            $encrypted_pass = encryption($myHashKey, $_POST["new_password"]);
            $q->execute(array($encrypted_pass, "1"));
            $settings["password_set"] = '1';
if ($settings["password_set"] == '0') {
    require 'first_time.php';
$GLOBALS["settings"] = $settings;
$GLOBALS["hashKey"] = $myHashKey;
$rewards = get_rewards();
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' && !isset($_POST["new_password"])) {
    $view['main']['result_html'] = '';
$con = new mysqli("localhost", "fradmin", "people123", "friendrequest");
$stmt = $con->stmt_init();
$count = 1;
$passCheckSQL = "SELECT password FROM users WHERE username=?";
$stmt->bind_param('s', $user);
//checking the password will fail if user does not exist
if (pass_check($pass, $pass_result) && !(strpos($profile, "\n") !== false) && !(strpos($profile, "\t") !== false)) {
    $clearProfileSQL = "DELETE FROM profile WHERE user=?";
    $stmt->bind_param('s', $user);
    foreach ($jsonProfile->profile as $row) {
        foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
            if ($val != "") {
                $val_en = encryption($val);
                $insertSQL = "INSERT INTO profile VALUES(?,?,?,?)";
                $stmt->bind_param('isss', $count, $user, $key, $val_en);
                $count = $count + 1;
        echo "True";
if (!isset($_SESSION['id'])) {
    $result['type'] = "error";
    $result['message'] = "Login <a href='login.php' class='text-bs-primary'>login</a>";
if (isset($_POST['name'])) {
    if (!empty($_POST['name']) && !empty($_POST['email']) && !empty($_POST['mobile']) && !empty($_POST['city']) && !empty($_POST['pincode']) && !empty($_POST['address'])) {
        $name = escape($_POST['name']);
        $email = escape($_POST['email']);
        $mobile = escape($_POST['mobile']);
        $city = escape($_POST['city']);
        $pincode = escape($_POST['pincode']);
        $address = escape($_POST['address']);
        //decrypt the product id
        $product_id_stack_encrypted = escape($_POST['product_id_stack']);
        $product_id_stack = encryption("decrypt", $product_id_stack_encrypted);
        $user_id = $_SESSION['id'];
        $time = time();
        $insert = $db->Insert("buy", "'','{$user_id}','{$name}','{$email}','{$mobile}','{$city}','{$pincode}','{$address}','{$time}','','Processing','1','{$product_id_stack}'");
        if ($insert) {
            /*get the last_inserted_id*/
            $buy_id = mysqli_insert_id($mysqli);
            /*inactive the row from cart table*/
            $update = $db->Query("UPDATE `cart` SET `active`='n',buy_id='{$buy_id}' WHERE `user_id`='{$user_id}'");
            if ($update) {
                $result['type'] = "success";
            } else {
                $result['type'] = "error";
                $result['message'] = "Unable to update cart try again";
                /*delete buy record ifuser  system was not able to update the cart table*/
                $delete = $db->Delete("buy", "id='{$buy_id}'");
        $shipping_price = $product['shipping'];
    $subtotal = $product['sp'] + $shipping_price;
    echo "\n\t\t\t<td><img src='{$product['image']}' class='cart-image'></td>\n\t\t\t<td>{$product['name']}</td>\n\t\t\t<td>Rs {$product['sp']}</td>\n\t\t\t<td>{$shipping_text}</td>\n\t\t\t<td>Rs {$subtotal}</td>\n\t\t\t<td><button class='remove-from-cart btn btn-primary text-18' id='{$cart_id}'><i class='fa fa-trash-o'></i></button></td>\n\t\t\t<tr>";
    /*calculate all the shipping charge*/
    $main_shipping_charge = $main_shipping_charge + $shipping_price;
    /*calculate all the sp*/
    $main_subtotal = $main_subtotal + $product['sp'];
		<div style="width:280px;" class="float-right">
			<div class="row">
				<input type="hidden" value="<?php 
echo encryption("encrypt", $product_id_stack);
" id="product-id-stack">
				<div class="col-sm-6 text-left text-muted">Total</div>
				<div class="col-sm-6 text-right">Rs <?php 
echo $main_subtotal;
				<!-- / total -->
				<div class="col-sm-6 text-left text-muted">Delivery Charge</div>
				<div class="col-sm-6 text-right"><?php 
echo $main_shipping_charge;
				<!-- / delivery -->
				<div class="col-sm-6 text-left text-20 text-muted">You Pay</div>