if (!isOK($_GET['q']) && !isOK($_GET['game']) && !isOK($_GET['gametype'])) { $inPageTitle = 'Latest maps'; $pageTitle = 'Map Factory - the game map database'; $pageDescriptiom = 'Download custom Maps for your favorit FPS (First Person Shooters) games, and submit your own maps.'; } else { $pageTitle = ''; if (isOK($_GET['q'])) { $pageTitle .= 'Results for "' . utf8_encode(htmlspecialchars(rawurldecode(stripslashes($_GET['q'])))) . '"'; $pageDescriptiom = 'Search results for ' . utf8_encode(htmlspecialchars(rawurldecode(stripslashes($_GET['q'])))); } else { $pageDescriptiom = 'Download a large selection of the best'; } if (isOK($_GET['game'])) { $rs = $db->select('SELECT name FROM game WHERE guid="' . $_GET['game'] . '"'); $pageTitle .= (isOK($_GET['q']) ? ' in ' : '') . $rs['result'][0]['name']; $pageDescriptiom .= (isOK($_GET['q']) ? ' in ' : ' ') . $rs['result'][0]['name']; $pageKeyword = $rs['result'][0]['name'] . ', ' . $pageKeyword; } if (isOK($_GET['gametype'])) { $rs = $db->select('SELECT name FROM gametype WHERE guid="' . $_GET['gametype'] . '"'); $pageTitle .= ' ' . $rs['result'][0]['name']; $pageDescriptiom .= ' ' . $rs['result'][0]['name']; $pageKeyword = $rs['result'][0]['name'] . ', ' . $pageKeyword; } $pageTitle .= ' maps'; $pageDescriptiom .= ' maps'; $inPageTitle = $pageTitle; } } $tpl->assignVar(array('page_title' => encodeCurly($inPageTitle), 'PAGE_TITLE' => encodeCurly($pageTitle), 'PAGE_DESCRIPTION' => encodeCurly($pageDescriptiom), 'PAGE_KEYWORDS' => encodeCurly($pageKeyword)));
<?php ///////////////////////// // LATEST COMMENTS ///////////////////////// $tpl->setCacheKey('cached/latest_comment.tpl', 'latest_comment'); if ($tpl->isCached('cached/latest_comment.tpl', 60) == false) { $rs = $db->select('SELECT c.date AS date, c.name AS name, c.message AS message FROM map_comment AS c JOIN map AS m ON c.map_id=m.id WHERE c.status = 1 AND m.date < ' . time() . ' AND m.status = 1 ORDER BY c.date DESC', 0, 14); foreach ($rs['result'] as $key => $item) { $tpl->assignLoopVar('comment', array('date' => timeWarp($item['date']), 'name' => $item['name'], 'message' => encodeCurly(cutText($item['message'], 120)))); } }
$rs_response = $db->select('SELECT date, parent_id, name, message FROM map_comment WHERE parent_id IN (' . implode(',', $idList) . ') AND status = 1 ORDER BY date ASC'); $n = 0; foreach ($rs['result'] as $comment) { $message = nl2br($comment['message']); $message = preg_replace('/([\\t\\r\\n\\v\\f]+)/is', '', $message); $message = preg_replace('/((?:<br \\/>){2,})/is', '<br /><br />', $message); $tpl->assignLoopVar('comment', array('time' => timeWarp($comment['date']), 'name' => encodeCurly($comment['name']), 'message' => encodeCurly($message), 'id' => $comment['id'])); foreach ($rs_response['result'] as $response) { if ($response['parent_id'] == $comment['id']) { $message = nl2br($response['message']); $message = preg_replace('/([\\t\\r\\n\\v\\f]+)/is', '', $message); $message = preg_replace('/((?:<br \\/>){2,})/is', '<br /><br />', $message); $tpl->assignLoopVar('comment.response', array('time' => timeWarp($response['date']), 'name' => encodeCurly($response['name']), 'message' => encodeCurly($message))); } } $n++; if ($n > COMMENT_PER_PAGE) { break; } } } else { $tpl->assignVar('commentDisplay', 'none'); $tpl->assignVar('commentClass', 'off'); } ///////////////////////// // PAGINATION ///////////////////////// $pageTotal = ceil($rs['total'] / COMMENT_PER_PAGE);
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FROM map AS m JOIN game AS g ON m.game_id = g.id JOIN gametype AS t ON m.gametype_id = t.id JOIN author AS a ON m.author_id = a.id LEFT OUTER JOIN map_comment AS c ON c.map_id=m.id AND c.status=1 WHERE m.status = 1 AND m.game_id = ' . $gameId . ' AND m.date < ' . time() . ' AND g.status = 1 AND t.status = 1 GROUP BY m.id ORDER BY m.date DESC', $paginationPage * 5, 5); foreach ($rs['result'] as $key => $item) { $tpl->assignLoopVar('moreMapGame', array('id' => $item['id'], 'title' => encodeCurly($item['title']), 'game' => encodeCurly($item['game']), 'gametype' => encodeCurly($item['gametype']), 'author' => encodeCurly($item['author']), 'author_id' => $item['author_id'], 'image' => $item['image'], 'comment' => $item['comment'], 'download' => $item['download'], 'comment_s' => $item['comment'] > 1 ? 's' : '', 'download_s' => $item['download'] > 1 ? 's' : '', 'ratting' => round($item['ratting'] / 5 * 80), 'rattingPercent' => round($item['ratting'] / 5 * 100), 'map_guid' => $item['guid'], 'game_guid' => $item['game_guid'], 'gametype_guid' => $item['gametype_guid'], 'author_guid' => $item['author_guid'], 'class' => $key % 2 == 0 ? 'pair' : 'odd')); } ///////////////////////// // PAGINATION ///////////////////////// $paginationPageTotal = ceil($rs['total'] / 5); if ($paginationPageTotal > 1) { $tpl->assignVar(array('pagination_game_id' => $gameId, 'pagination_game' => $game, 'pagination_total' => ceil($rs['total'] / 5), 'pagination_page' => $paginationPage + 1, 'pagination_next' => $paginationPage + 1, 'pagination_prev' => $paginationPage - 1)); if ($paginationPage > 0) { $tpl->assignSection('pagination_prev'); } if ($paginationPage < $paginationPageTotal - 1) { $tpl->assignSection('pagination_next'); } } }
m.image_id AS image, g.name AS game, g.guid as game_guid, t.name AS gametype, t.guid AS gametype_guid FROM map AS m JOIN game AS g ON m.game_id = g.id JOIN gametype AS t ON m.gametype_id = t.id WHERE m.status = 1 AND m.author_id = ' . $authorId . ' AND m.date < ' . time() . ' AND g.status = 1 AND t.status = 1 GROUP BY m.id ORDER BY m.date DESC'); foreach ($rs['result'] as $key => $item) { $tpl->assignLoopVar('moreMapFrom', array('id' => $item['id'], 'title' => encodeCurly($item['title']), 'game' => encodeCurly($item['game']), 'gametype' => encodeCurly($item['gametype']), 'image' => $item['image'], 'map_guid' => makeGUID($item['title']), 'game_guid' => $item['game_guid'], 'gametype_guid' => $item['gametype_guid'], 'class' => $key % 2 == 0 ? 'pair' : 'odd')); } } ///////////////////////// // MORE MAP GAME ///////////////////////// require 'bloc/moreMapGame.php'; ///////////////////////// // PAGE INFOS ///////////////////////// $tpl->assignVar(array('PAGE_TITLE' => encodeCurly($gameName . ' - ' . $mapTitle), 'PAGE_DESCRIPTION' => encodeCurly($mapTitle . ', a ' . $gametypeName . ' map for ' . $gameName . ', realised by ' . $authorName), 'PAGE_KEYWORDS' => encodeCurly($mapTitle . ', ' . $gameName . ', ' . $gametypeName . ', ' . $authorName . ', ' . implode(', ', $keywordList))));
GROUP BY a.type, map_id ORDER BY a.total, a.type DESC'); $total = 0; $activityList = array(); $activityTotal = array(); $factor = array('comment' => 10, 'vote' => 4, 'download' => 1); foreach ($rs['result'] as $key => $item) { if (array_key_exists($item['id'], $activityList) == false) { $activityList[$item['id']] = array(); } $activityList[$item['id']][] = array('key' => $key, 'type' => $item['type'], 'total' => $item['total']); if (array_key_exists($item['id'], $activityTotal) == false) { $activityTotal[$item['id']] = 0; } $activityTotal[$item['id']] += $item['total'] * $factor[$item['type']]; $total += $item['total']; } arsort($activityTotal); $i = 0; foreach ($activityTotal as $id => $total) { $item = $rs['result'][$activityList[$id][0]['key']]; $tpl->assignLoopVar('activity', array('id' => $item['id'], 'title' => encodeCurly($item['title']), 'game' => encodeCurly($item['game']), 'gametype' => encodeCurly($item['gametype']), 'image' => $item['image'], 'map_guid' => $item['guid'], 'game_guid' => $item['game_guid'], 'gametype_guid' => $item['gametype_guid'])); foreach ($activityList[$id] as $a) { $tpl->assignLoopVar('activity.type', array('class' => strtolower($a['type']), 'name' => $a['type'], 'n' => $a['total'])); } $i++; if ($i == 12) { break; } } }