Exemple #1
                $news_text_extra = sprintf($st[47], $user_ship[colon], $user[login_name]);
            } elseif ($temp == 3) {
                $extra_text = "<br />" . $st[48];
                $news_text_extra = sprintf($st[49], $user[login_name], $user_ship[colon]);
            } elseif ($temp == 4) {
                $extra_text = "<br />" . $st[50];
                $news_text_extra = sprintf($st[51], $user[login_name], $user_ship[colon]);
            post_news($news_text_extra, "other, player_status");
        dbn("update {$db_name}_ships set metal=0, fuel=0, elect=0, colon=0 where ship_id = '{$user_ship['ship_id']}'");
        $user_ship['metal'] = 0;
        $user_ship['fuel'] = 0;
        $user_ship['elect'] = 0;
        $user_ship['colon'] = 0;
        $user_loc_message .= $cw['cargo_jettisoned'] . ". \n{$extra_text}<p />";
if ($_GET['tempo']) {
    if (!$user['gdt']) {
        $user_loc_message .= "<p>" . $st[1801] . "</p>";
    } else {
        $cyclesenp = mt_rand(50, 150);
        $cycles = $user['turns'] + $cyclesenp;
        if ($cycles > $GAME_VARS['max_turns']) {
            $cycles = $GAME_VARS['max_turns'];
        dbn("update {$db_name}_users set gdt=gdt-1, turns={$cycles} where login_id=" . $user['login_id']);
        $user_loc_message .= "<p>" . sprintf($st[1802], $cyclesenp) . "</p>";
Exemple #2
function load_unload_planet($selected_ships, $load_or_unload, $do_ship = 0)
    global $user, $user_ship, $db_name, $tech_mat, $text_mat, $planet, $sure, $type, $dump_all, $cw, $st;
    $extra_where = "";
    $captaining = 0;
    if ($selected_ships == 1) {
        foreach ($do_ship as $ship_id) {
            $extra_where .= "ship_id = '{$ship_id}' || ";
            if ($ship_id == $user['ship_id']) {
                $captaining = 1;
        $extra_where = preg_replace("/\\|\\| \$/", "", $extra_where);
        $extra_where = "&& ({$extra_where})";
    if ($load_or_unload == 2) {
        //unloading the ship
        //select all ships that are valid
        db("select sum({$tech_mat}) as goods, count(ship_id) as ship_count from {$db_name}_ships where login_id = '{$user['login_id']}' && location = '{$user['location']}' && {$tech_mat} > 0 " . $extra_where);
        $results = dbr(1);
        $turn_cost = ceil($results['ship_count'] * 0.75);
        $max_reached = "";
        if (!isset($results['goods'])) {
            //no goods on any ships
            return sprintf($st[1535], $text_mat);
        } elseif ($user['turns'] < $turn_cost && !isset($dump_all)) {
            //insufficient turns
            return sprintf($st[1536], $turn_cost);
        } elseif ($results['goods'] + $planet['colon'] > $planet['max_population'] && $type == 1) {
            $max_reached = "<b class='b1'>" . $cw['warning'] . "</b>: " . $st[1537];
        } elseif (!isset($sure) && $selected_ships == 0 && !isset($dump_all)) {
            get_var($st[1538] . " {$text_mat}", 'planet.php', sprintf($st[1539], $text_mat, $results[goods], $results[ship_count], $turn_cost) . $max_reached, 'sure', 'yes');
        } else {
            //finish unloading the planets.
            $t_cost_str = "";
            dbn("update {$db_name}_planets set {$tech_mat} = {$tech_mat} + '{$results['goods']}' where planet_id = '{$user['on_planet']}'");
            dbn("update {$db_name}_ships set {$tech_mat} = 0 where login_id = '{$user['login_id']}' && location = '{$user['location']}' && {$tech_mat} > 0 " . $extra_where);
            if (!isset($dump_all)) {
                $t_cost_str = " pour un coût total de <b>{$turn_cost}</b> cycles.";
            if ($captaining == 1 || $selected_ships == 0 && $user_ship[$tech_mat] > 0) {
                $user_ship[$tech_mat] = 0;
            $planet[$tech_mat] += $results['goods'];
            return "<b>{$results['goods']}</b> " . sprintf($st[1540], $text_mat, $results[ship_count]) . $t_cost_str;
    } else {
        //loading the ship
        $taken = 0;
        //goods taken from planet so far.
        $ship_counter = 0;
        if ($planet[$tech_mat] < 1) {
            //can't take stuff if there isn't any to take
            return sprintf($st[1541], $text_mat);
        } elseif ($type == 0) {
            db2("select ship_id,(max_fighters - fighters) as free,ship_name, {$tech_mat} from {$db_name}_ships where login_id = '{$user['login_id']}' && location = '{$user['location']}' && (max_fighters - fighters) > 0 {$extra_where} order by free desc");
        } elseif ($type != 0) {
            db2("select ship_id, (cargo_bays - metal - fuel - elect - colon) as free, ship_name, {$tech_mat} from {$db_name}_ships where login_id = '{$user['login_id']}' && location = '{$user['location']}' && (cargo_bays - metal - fuel - elect - colon) > 0 {$extra_where} order by free desc");
        $ships = dbr2(1);
        $first_mess = "";
        $sec_mess = "";
        $turns_txt = "";
        $out = "";
        if ($type == 0 && $planet['allocated_to_fleet'] > 0) {
            //warning about fighter allocation
            $first_mess = $cw['warning'] . ".<br /> " . $st[1542];
            $sec_mess = $cw['warning'] . ":<br />" . $st[1543];
        if (!isset($ships['ship_id']) && $selected_ships == 0) {
            //check to see if there are any ships
            return $st[1544] . " <b class='b1'>{$text_mat}</b>.";
        } elseif (!isset($ships['ship_id']) && $selected_ships == 1) {
            //check to see if there are any ships
            return $st[1545] . " <b class='b1'>{$text_mat}</b>.";
        } else {
            while ($ships) {
                //planet can load ship w/ spare fighters.
                if ($ships['free'] < $planet[$tech_mat] - $taken) {
                    if (isset($sure) || $selected_ships == 1) {
                        //only run during the real thing.
                        dbn("update {$db_name}_ships set {$tech_mat} = {$tech_mat} + '{$ships['free']}' where ship_id = '{$ships['ship_id']}'");
                        $out .= "<br /><b class='b1'>{$ships['ship_name']}</b> : " . sprintf($st[1546], $ships[free], $text_mat);
                        if ($ships['ship_id'] == $user_ship['ship_id'] && $type == 0) {
                            #update user ship
                            $user_ship['fighters'] = $user_ship['max_fighters'];
                        } elseif ($ships['ship_id'] == $user_ship['ship_id'] && $type > 0) {
                            #update user ship
                            $user_ship[$tech_mat] += $ships['free'];
                            $user_ship['empty_bays'] -= $ships['free'];
                    $taken += $ships['free'];
                    //ensure user has enough turns, or stop the loop where the user is.
                    if ($user['turns'] <= ceil($ship_counter * 0.75)) {
                        $turns_txt = $st[1547];
                        $out .= $st[1548];
                    //planet will run out of fighters.
                } elseif ($ships['free'] >= $planet[$tech_mat] - $taken) {
                    $t868 = $ships[$tech_mat] + ($planet[$tech_mat] - $taken);
                    if (isset($sure) || $selected_ships == 1) {
                        #only run during the real thing.
                        dbn("update {$db_name}_ships set {$tech_mat} = '{$t868}' where ship_id = '{$ships['ship_id']}'");
                        $out .= "<br /><b class='b1'>{$ships['ship_name']}</b>s " . $st[1549] . " <b>{$t868}</b> <b class='b1'>{$text_mat}</b>";
                        if ($ships['ship_id'] == $user_ship['ship_id'] && $type == 0) {
                            #update user ship
                            $user_ship['fighters'] = $t868;
                        } elseif ($ships['ship_id'] == $user_ship['ship_id'] && $type > 0) {
                            #update user ship
                            $user_ship[$tech_mat] = $t868;
                    $taken += $t868 - $ships[$tech_mat];
                $ships = dbr2(1);
            #end loop of ships
            $turn_cost = ceil($ship_counter * 0.75);
            if (!isset($sure) && $selected_ships == 0) {
                get_var($st[1550], 'planet.php', $turns_txt . sprintf($st[1551], $ship_counter, $taken, $text_mat, $turn_cost) . "<p />" . $first_mess, 'sure', 'yes');
            } else {
                dbn("update {$db_name}_planets set {$tech_mat} = {$tech_mat} - '{$taken}' where planet_id = '{$user['on_planet']}'");
                $planet[$tech_mat] -= $taken;
                if ($planet['allocated_to_fleet'] > 0 && $type == 0) {
                    dbn("update {$db_name}_planets set allocated_to_fleet = 0 where planet_id = '{$user['on_planet']}'");
                if ($type == 1) {
                    $planet['alloc_fight'] = 0;
                    $planet['alloc_elect'] = 0;
                    dbn("update {$db_name}_planets set alloc_fight = 0, alloc_elect=0 where planet_id = '{$user['on_planet']}'");
                    $out .= $st[1552];
                return "<b>{$ship_counter}</b>" . sprintf($st[1553], $taken, $text_mat) . " <b class='b1'>{$planet['planet_name']}</b>:<br />" . $out . "<p />" . $st[1554] . " <b>{$turn_cost}</b>.<p />" . $sec_mess;
Exemple #3
function bay_storage_little($ship)
    if (empty($ship['cargo_bays'])) {
        return "\n&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>" . $cw['none'] . "</b>";
    $ret_str = "";
    $colour = '';
    if ($ship['cargo_bays'] * 0.1 > $ship['empty_bays']) {
        $colour = '#c00000';
    } elseif ($ship['cargo_bays'] * 0.25 > $ship['empty_bays']) {
        $colour = '#d6750e';
    if ($colour) {
        $ret_str .= "<font color={$colour}><b>";
    $bay_storage = str_replace("'", "\\'", bay_storage($ship));
    if ($ship['cargo_bays'] - $ship['empty_bays']) {
        $ret_str .= "<span onmouseover=\"montre('{$bay_storage}');\" onmouseout=\"cache();\">";
    $ret_str .= "<b>" . ($ship['cargo_bays'] - $ship['empty_bays']) . '/' . $ship['cargo_bays'] . "</b>";
    if ($ship['cargo_bays'] - $ship['empty_bays']) {
        $ret_str .= "</span>";
    if ($colour) {
        $ret_str .= '</b></font>';
    return $ret_str;
Exemple #4
function process_mining()
    global $db_name, $final_str, $GAME_VARS, $st, $cw;
    if ($GAME_VARS['alternate_play_1'] == 1) {
        db2("select s.ship_id, s.location, s.mine_rate_metal, s.mine_rate_fuel, s.cargo_bays, s.metal, s.fuel, s.elect, s.colon, star.metal AS star_metal, star.fuel AS star_fuel, star.star_id, s.mine_mode\t\t\tfrom {$db_name}_stars star, {$db_name}_ships s\t\twhere star.star_id = s.location && s.location != 1 && (s.cargo_bays - s.metal - s.fuel - s.elect - s.colon) > 0 && ((s.mine_mode = 1 && s.mine_rate_metal > 0 && star.metal > 0) || (s.mine_mode = 2 && s.mine_rate_fuel > 0 && star.fuel > 0)) && s.login_id not in ( (select login_id from users_holiday_mode where mode = 1) )");
    } else {
        db2("select s.ship_id, s.location, (s.mine_rate_metal + s.mine_rate_fuel) as mine_rate_metal, (s.mine_rate_metal + s.mine_rate_fuel) as mine_rate_fuel, s.cargo_bays, s.metal, s.fuel, s.elect, s.colon, star.metal AS star_metal, star.fuel AS star_fuel, star.star_id, s.mine_mode\t\tfrom {$db_name}_stars star, {$db_name}_ships s\t\twhere star.star_id = s.location && s.location != 1 && (s.cargo_bays - s.metal - s.fuel - s.elect - s.colon) > 0 && mine_rate_metal > 0 && ((s.mine_mode = 1 && star.metal > 0) || (s.mine_mode = 2 && star.fuel > 0)) && s.login_id not in ( (select login_id from users_holiday_mode where mode = 1) )");
    $metal_fuel = array();
    while ($ships = dbr2(1)) {
        //new star system. get metal content
        if (!isset($metal_fuel[$ships['star_id']]['metal'])) {
            $metal_fuel[$ships['star_id']]['metal'] = $ships['star_metal'];
        //new star system. get fuel content
        if (!isset($metal_fuel[$ships['star_id']]['fuel'])) {
            $metal_fuel[$ships['star_id']]['fuel'] = $ships['star_fuel'];
        if ($ships['mine_mode'] == 1) {
            $str_txt = 'metal';
        } else {
            $str_txt = 'fuel';
        //run out of that resource in this system.
        if ($metal_fuel[$ships['star_id']][$str_txt] <= 0) {
            continue 1;
        //make up an amount of metal/fuel to mine.
        $temp_amount = $ships['mine_rate_' . $str_txt] + mt_rand(-1, 1);
        //if this takes to cargo capacity, lower temp_amount
        if ($ships['empty_bays'] <= $temp_amount) {
            $temp_amount = $ships['empty_bays'];
        //update the
        dbn("update {$db_name}_ships set {$str_txt} = {$str_txt} + '{$temp_amount}' where ship_id = '{$ships['ship_id']}'");
        //update ship and star resources.
        $metal_fuel[$ships['star_id']][$str_txt] -= $temp_amount;
    $final_str .= "<br />\n" . count($metal_fuel) . $st[1859];
    //************************planetary mining *****************************
    $planet_count = 0;
    db2("select p.planet_id, p.location, p.drones_alloc_fuel, p.drones_alloc_metal, star.fuel AS star_fuel, star.metal AS star_metal, star.star_id\t\t\t from {$db_name}_stars star, {$db_name}_planets p where ((star.fuel > 0 && p.drones_alloc_fuel > 0) || (star.metal > 0 && p.drones_alloc_metal > 0)) && star.star_id = p.location && p.login_id not in ( (select login_id from users_holiday_mode where mode = 1) )");
    #planetary mining loop
    while ($planet = dbr2(1)) {
        //new star system. get metal content
        if (!isset($metal_fuel[$planet['star_id']]['metal'])) {
            $metal_fuel[$planet['star_id']]['metal'] = $planet['star_metal'];
        //new star system. get fuel content
        if (!isset($metal_fuel[$planet['star_id']]['fuel'])) {
            $metal_fuel[$planet['star_id']]['fuel'] = $planet['star_fuel'];
        $fuel_to_mine = 0;
        $metal_to_mine = 0;
        if ($planet['drones_alloc_fuel'] > 0) {
            $fuel_to_mine = $planet['drones_alloc_fuel'];
            //don't overmine the system.
            if ($fuel_to_mine > $metal_fuel[$planet['star_id']]['fuel']) {
                $fuel_to_mine = $metal_fuel[$planet['star_id']]['fuel'];
            if ($fuel_to_mine < 1) {
                //no negative by accident.
                $fuel_to_mine = 0;
        if ($planet['drones_alloc_metal'] > 0) {
            $metal_to_mine = $planet['drones_alloc_metal'];
            //don't overmine the system.
            if ($metal_to_mine > $metal_fuel[$planet['star_id']]['metal']) {
                $metal_to_mine = $metal_fuel[$planet['star_id']]['metal'];
            if ($metal_to_mine < 1) {
                //no negative by accident.
                $metal_to_mine = 0;
        $metal_fuel[$planet['star_id']]['fuel'] -= $fuel_to_mine;
        $metal_fuel[$planet['star_id']]['metal'] -= $metal_to_mine;
        //update the planet
        dbn("update {$db_name}_planets set fuel = fuel + '{$fuel_to_mine}', metal = metal + '{$metal_to_mine}' where planet_id = '{$planet['planet_id']}'");
    //end planetary mining loop.
    //loop through all mined star systems and update them with new values
    foreach ($metal_fuel as $id => $arr) {
        dbn("update {$db_name}_stars set metal = '{$arr['metal']}', fuel='{$arr['fuel']}' where star_id = '{$id}'");
    //ensure no negative amounts of metal/fuel in star systems.
    dbn("update {$db_name}_stars set metal = 0 where metal < 0");
    dbn("update {$db_name}_stars set fuel = 0 where fuel < 0");
    $final_str .= sprintf($st[1860], $planet_count);
    $final_str .= print_time() . $st[1861] . count($metal_fuel);