$emailcheck = false;
 $namescheck = false;
 $telephonecheck = false;
 $newFname = trim($_POST['myFname']);
 $newLname = trim($_POST['myLname']);
 $newEO = $_POST['EO'];
 $newPhone = trim($_POST['myPhone']);
 $newCperson = trim($_POST['myCperson']);
 $newCPhone = trim($_POST['myCphone']);
 $newEmail = trim(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'myEmail'));
 $newWebsite = trim($_POST['myWeb']);
 $newNotes = trim($_POST['myNotes']);
 $newCUsername = trim($_POST['cUsername']);
 $newCPassword = trim($_POST['cPassword']);
 //check for empty first name/company name
 if (emptyTest($newFname)) {
     $namescheck = true;
 } else {
     $error = $error . "First Name Required!";
 //check email
 if (emailCheck($newEmail)) {
     $emailcheck = true;
 } else {
     $error = $error . "Invalid Email.";
 if (phoneCheck($newPhone, 10)) {
     $telephonecheck = true;
 } else {
     $error = $error . "Invalid Phone.";
 $newStreet = trim($_POST['myStreet']);
 $newCity = trim($_POST['myCity']);
 $newState = trim($_POST['myState']);
 $newZip = trim($_POST['myZip']);
 $newdateAcc = trim($_POST['myAcc']);
 $newdateDue = trim($_POST['myDue']);
 $newborrow = trim($_POST['myborrow']);
 $newnotes = trim($_POST['myNotes']);
 $newClient = trim($_POST['myClient']);
 $newFee = trim($_POST['myFee']);
 $newINS = trim($_POST['myINS']);
 $newINTime = trim($_POST['myINTime']);
 $newEmN = trim($_POST['myEmN']);
 $newStat = trim($_POST['myStat']);
 //check for empty first name/company name
 if (emptyTest($newION) && emptyTest($newCON) && emptyTest($newOType) && emptyTest($newStreet) && emptyTest($newCity) && emptyTest($newState) && emptyTest($newZip) && emptyTest($newdateAcc) && emptyTest($newdateDue) && emptyTest($newborrow) && emptyTest($newClient) && emptyTest($newFee)) {
     $requiredCheck = true;
     if ($intOrd != $newION) {
         $sql = "select count(*) as c from Aegis_Order where `InternalOrder#` ='" . $newION . "'";
         $result = mysqli_query($con, $sql) or die("Error in the consult.." . mysqli_error($con));
         //send the query to the database or quit if cannot connect
         $count = 0;
         $field = mysqli_fetch_object($result);
         //the query results are objects, in this case, one object
         $count = $field->c;
         //if address does not yet exist
         if ($count != 0) {
             $requiredCheck = false;
             $error = $error . "There is already an order with this internal order number.";

$error = "";
//check if the form is made
if (isset($_POST['SubButton'])) {
    //set up our booleans for the items
    $requiredCheck = false;
    $newfn = trim($_POST['fn']);
    $newln = trim($_POST['ln']);
    $newjT = trim($_POST['jobTitle']);
    $newpass = trim($_POST['pass']);
    $newEmail = trim($_POST['email']);
    $newPermissions = trim($_POST['permission']);
    //check for empty first name/company name
    if (emptyTest($newfn) && emptyTest($newln) && emptyTest($newpass) && emptyTest($newEmail) && emptyTest($newPermissions)) {
        $requiredCheck = true;
    } else {
        $error = $error . "Check your required fields!";
    if ($requiredCheck) {
        //update employee in database
        $sql = "UPDATE `Aegis_Employee` SET `FirstName`='" . $newfn . "',`LastName`='" . $newln . "',`JobTitle`='" . $newjT . "',`Password`='" . sha1($newpass) . "',`Email`='" . $newEmail . "',`Permissions`='" . $newPermissions . "' WHERE `Employee#` ='" . $employeeNum . "'";
        $result = mysqli_query($con, $sql) or die("Error in the consult.." . mysqli_error($con));
        //send the query to the database or quit if cannot connect
        Header("Location: dashboard.php");
        //where we go after we get this working