Exemple #1
function easy_media_gnl_shortcode($attsn)
    if (easy_get_option('easymedia_disen_plug') == '1') {
        extract(shortcode_atts(array('med' => -1, 'size' => ''), $attsn));
        $paged = get_query_var('paged') ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
        // for pagination
        $deff_img_limit = easy_get_option('easymedia_img_size_limit');
        // get the default image size limit
        $theopt = easy_get_option('easymedia_frm_size');
        $imwidth = stripslashes($theopt['width']);
        $imheight = stripslashes($theopt['height']);
        if ($med > '0') {
            $finid = explode(",", $med);
            $medinarr = $finid;
            $emargs = emg_gallery_gen($finid, $paged);
        $emg_query = new WP_Query($emargs);
        if ($emg_query->have_posts()) {
            $mediauniqueid = emgRandomString(6);
            //Random class for fitText
            echo '<div class="pagwrap"><div class="easycontainer emgclearfix">';
            echo '<div class="rig">';
            while ($emg_query->have_posts()) {
                $images = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_gallery', true);
                $isresize = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_gallery_opt1', true);
                if (is_array($images)) {
                    $ig = 0;
                    foreach ($images as $img_id) {
                        $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($img_id, 'full');
                        $img_url = easymedia_imgresize($img[0], $deff_img_limit, $isresize, $img[1], $img[2]);
                        $img_url = explode(",", $img_url);
                        $img_info = get_post($img_id);
                        $ext = pathinfo($img[0], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
                        $filenm = basename($img[0], "." . $ext);
                        $emgthumbimg = easymedia_resizer($img[0], $img[1], $img[2], $imwidth, $imheight, true);
                        if (get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_gallery_opt2', true) == 'on') {
                            $thumbttl = $img_info->post_title;
                            $thumbttl = esc_html(esc_js($thumbttl));
                        } else {
                            $thumbttl = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'easmedia_metabox_title', true);
                        emg_gallery_markup($imwidth, $imheight, get_the_id() . '-' . $img_id, $img_url[0], $emgthumbimg, $filenm, stripslashes($thumbttl));
                } else {
                    echo '<div style="display:none"></div>';

        } else {
            echo '<div class="easymedia_center">';
            echo '<div class="view"><img src="' . plugins_url('images/ajax-loader.gif', __FILE__) . '" width="32" height="32"/></div>';
            $contnt = ob_get_clean();
            return $contnt;
        echo '<div style="clear:both;"></div>';
        echo '</div></div>';
        // @since 1.3.75
        if (emg_get_aff_option('emg_affiliate_info', 'emg_aff_id', '')) {
            echo '<span class="emg-aff-link">Powered by <a href="https://secure.ghozylab.com/demo/?ref=' . emg_get_aff_option('emg_affiliate_info', 'emg_aff_id', '') . '&goto=emg" target="_blank">Easy Media Gallery Plugin</a></span>';
        echo '</div>';
        // JS
        // Dinamic CSS
        echo '<style>/*Dynamic CSS - By GhozyLab*/';
        echo emg_dynamic_css_generator();
        echo '</style>';
        $content = ob_get_clean();
        return $content;
    } else {
        echo '<div style="display: none;"></div>';
        $contnt = ob_get_clean();
        return $contnt;
Exemple #2
function emg_earn_xtra_money()
    $aff_id = emg_get_aff_option('emg_affiliate_info', 'emg_aff_id', '');
    $aff_name = emg_get_aff_option('emg_affiliate_info', 'emg_aff_name', '');
    $aff_email = emg_get_aff_option('emg_affiliate_info', 'emg_aff_email', '');
    if ($aff_id != '') {
        $iscon = 'style="display:none;"';
        $isdis = '';
        $ists = 'Connected';
        $intext = 'Disconnect';
        $dnonce = 'data-nonce="' . wp_create_nonce('emgaffiliate') . '"';
        $dcmd = 'data-cmd="emg_affiliate_dis"';
    } else {
        $iscon = '';
        $isdis = 'display:none;';
        $ists = '';
        $intext = 'Connect';
        $dnonce = 'data-nonce="' . wp_create_nonce('emgaffiliate') . '"';
        $dcmd = 'data-cmd="emg_affiliate_con"';

		<div id="emg-not-yet" <?php 
    echo $iscon;
		<h3>If you don't have a GhozyLab Affiliate account, you can sign up today for free <a href="https://secure.ghozylab.com/affiliate-area/" target="_blank">here</a></h3>
        <h4 style="font-style:italic; color: #666;">Hurry Up! Join with GhozyLab Affiliate with 6,000 affiliates and pays out over $200,000 per year! Earn EXTRA MONEY and get 30% affiliate share from every sale you make!</h4>
		<p class="emg-iscon" style="font-style:italic; color:#666; border-bottom: 1px dotted #CCC; margin-top: 35px; padding-bottom: 5px;"><?php 
    _e('Fill your Affiliate Account Email or Payment Email and press Connect button to start earn extra Money with us!', 'easy-media-gallery');
		<div id="emg-aff-registered" style="width: auto;<?php 
    echo $isdis;
		<h3 id="emg-aff-holder">Hi, <?php 
    echo $aff_name . ' ( ' . $aff_email . ' )';
        <hr />
		<form method="post">


			<table class="form-table">
					<tr valign="top">
						<th style="width:155px !important;" scope="row" valign="top">
    _e('Account Email or Payment Email', 'easy-media-gallery');
							<input id="emg_aff_email" name="emg_aff_email" type="text" class="regular-text" value="<?php 
" />
							<label id="is-status" style="color:green; font-style:italic;" class="description" for="emg_aff_section_email"><?php 
    echo $ists;

    if (false !== $aff_id) {
        wp_nonce_field('emg_aff_section_nonce', 'emg_aff_section_nonce');
									<br /><input style="margin-top: 10px;" <?php 
        echo $dnonce;
        echo $dcmd;
 type="submit" class="button-secondary" id="emg-aff" name="emg-aff" value="<?php 
        echo $intext;
"/><span id="loader"></span><br /><br />
                                    <span class="emg-aff-note">NOTE: To respect <a href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/about/guidelines/" target="_blank">Plugin Guidelines</a> ( point 10 ) so by pressing the connect button that means you are agree to displaying <strong>Powered by</strong> link in your gallery footer</span>

         <hr style="margin-bottom:20px;">   
				<div class="feature-section">

					<img src="<?php 
    echo EASYMEDG_PLUGIN_URL . 'includes/images/aff-sc.jpg';
" class="emg-affiliate-screenshots"/>

    _e('How does it work?', 'easy-media-gallery');
					<ul style="margin-left: 30px;list-style-type: circle;">
    _e('After successfully registered with our Affiliate program what you have to do just :', 'easy-media-gallery');
    _e('Fill your Affiliate Account Email or Payment Email in field above and Hit Connect button', 'easy-media-gallery');
    _e('After connected you will see green connected status', 'easy-media-gallery');
    _e('Check your gallery and you will find your affiliate link in the bottom of your gallery like in the right side screenshot', 'easy-media-gallery');
    _e('Now when individuals follow that link and subsequently make a purchase, you will be credited for the transaction and you will receive a payout', 'easy-media-gallery');
    _e('Congratulations! You are ready to start to earn extra money with us :)', 'easy-media-gallery');

    echo ob_get_clean();