     * Test broken method: get_parent_path_from_tree()
    public function test_get_parent_path_from_tree() {
        global $USER;


        $dataset = $this->get_parent_data_provider();
        $i = 0;

        foreach ($dataset as $data) {
            $childuuid = $data[0];
            $parentname = $data[1];

            // This condition was added to test if the uuid was false, assert for a fals value and then report on the error
            // The idea is to mimic a data provider method where by the test will continue if there is one false assertion
            if (empty($childuuid)) {
                $this->assertFalse($childuuid, 'Data set#'.$i.': '.$data[2].' in parent '.$data[1].' is false ');

            $foldertree = elis_files_folder_structure();
            $resultpath = array();
            $this->repo->get_parent_path_from_tree($childuuid, $foldertree, $resultpath, 0, 0, false, 0);

            if ($parentname != 'Company Home') {
                $this->assertTrue(!empty($resultpath), 'Data set#'.$i.' childuuid = '.$childuuid);
                if ($parentname == USERS_HOME) {
                    $parentname = elis_files_transform_username($USER->username);
                $this->assertEquals($parentname, $resultpath[count($resultpath) -1]['name'], 'Data set#'.$i);
            } else {
                $this->assertTrue(empty($resultpath), 'Data set#'.$i);
Exemple #2
    function get_parent_path($uuid, &$path, $cid, $uid, $shared, $oid, $type = 'parent') {
        if (ELIS_FILES_DEBUG_TRACE) mtrace("\n".'get_alt_parent_path ' . $uuid . ', ' . $cid . ', ' . $uid . ', ' . $shared . ', ' . $oid . ')');

        // Call the appropriate get_parent_path method
        if ($type == 'tree') {
            $foldertree = elis_files_folder_structure();
            self::get_parent_path_from_tree($uuid, $foldertree, $path, $cid, $uid, $shared, $oid);

            // add Company Home to the top of the array that has been returned, as elis files folder structure does not return Company Home
            $encodedpath = self::build_encodedpath($this->elis_files->get_root()->uuid, $uid, $cid, $oid, $shared);
            $folderparent = array('name'=> $this->elis_files->get_root()->title,'path'=>$encodedpath);
        } elseif ($type == 'parent') {
            self::get_parent_path_from_parent($uuid, $path, $cid, $uid, $shared, $oid);
            $path = array_reverse($path);
Exemple #3
 * Recursively determine whether the specified path is actually valid on the
 * configured repository.
 * @param string $path
 * @return bool True if the path is valid, False otherwise.
function elis_files_validate_path($path, $folders = null) {
    if ($path == '/') {
        return true;

/// Remove any extraneous slashes from the ends of the string
    $path = trim($path, '/');

    $parts = explode('/', $path);

/// Initialize the folder structure if a structure piece wasn't passed to this function.
    if ($folders == null) {
        $folders = elis_files_folder_structure();

/// Get the first piece from the list of path elements.
    $pathpiece = array_shift($parts);

    if (!empty($folders)) {
        foreach ($folders as $folder) {
            if ($folder['name'] == $pathpiece) {
            /// If there are no more path elements, we've succeeded!
                if (empty($parts)) {
                    return true;

            /// If there are path elements left but no children from the current
            /// folder, we've failed.
                } else if (!empty($parts) && empty($folder['children'])) {
                    return false;

            /// Otherwise, keep looking below.
                } else {
                    return elis_files_validate_path(implode('/', $parts), $folder['children']);

    return false;
Exemple #4
     * Test times for get_parent using recursive get_parent alfresco calls
     * @uses $CFG, $DB
    public function test_get_parent_path_tree() {
        global $CFG, $DB;


        $options = array(
            'ajax' => false,
            'name' => 'elis files phpunit test',
            'type' => 'elisfiles'

        $repo = new repository_elisfiles('elisfiles', context_system::instance(), $options);

        // Make sure we connected to the repository successfully.
        if (empty($repo->elis_files)) {
            $this->markTestSkipped('Repository not configured or enabled');

        // set up the storage for the full path of the path's UUIDs to validate against
        $expectedpath = array();

        // create folder, get uuid, get path via get_parent_path and elis_files_folder structure
        // for first folder, create under moodle, then create under the previous folder...
        $parentfolderuuid = $repo->elis_files->get_root()->uuid;
        $times = array();
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 20; $i++) {
            $currentfolder = FOLDER_NAME_PREFIX.$i;

            $currentfolderuuid = $repo->elis_files->create_dir($currentfolder, $parentfolderuuid, '', true);

            // add the parent folder to our expected sequence of UUIDs
            $expectedpath[] = repository_elisfiles::build_encodedpath($parentfolderuuid);

            // elis_files_folder_structure get_parent_path test
            $starttime = microtime();
            $folders = elis_files_folder_structure();
            $altrecursivepath = array();
            $repo->get_parent_path($currentfolderuuid, $altrecursivepath, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'tree');
            $endtime = time();
            $structuretime = microtime_diff($starttime, microtime());

            // validate the count
            $this->assertEquals($i, count($altrecursivepath));
            // validate the encoded folder UUIDs

            // look over the expected path parts
            foreach ($expectedpath as $pathindex => $expectedpart) {
                // obtain the matching part from the actual return value
                $resultpart = $altrecursivepath[$pathindex];
                $this->assertEquals($expectedpart, $resultpart['path']);

            // NOTE: add this back in if we are testing performance
            $times[] = $times[] = "Folder: $currentfolder and time: $structuretime";

            // or nested folders
            $parentfolderuuid = $currentfolderuuid;
Exemple #5
* Recursively builds a dynamic tree menu for seleting the categories to filter
* search results by.
* @param array  $cats     An array of category objects from the DB.
* @param array  $selected An array of currently selected category IDs.
* @return array An array of completed HTML_TreeMenu nodes.
    function make_root_folder_select_tree($folders = false, $path = '') {
        global $CFG;

        if (ELIS_FILES_DEBUG_TRACE) mtrace('make_root_folder_select_tree()');

        if (empty($folders) && (!$folders = elis_files_folder_structure())) {
            return false;

        $icon  = 'folder.gif';
        $eicon = 'folder-expanded.gif';
        $nodes = array();

        foreach ($folders as $i => $folder) {
            $npath = $path . '/' . $folder['name'];

            $text = ' <a href="#" onclick="set_value(\\\'' . $npath . '\\\')" title="' . $npath . '">' . $folder['name'] .
                    (!empty(elis::$config->elisfiles->root_folder) && elis::$config->elisfiles->root_folder == $npath ?
                    ' <span class="pathok">&#x2714;</span>' : '') . '</a>';

            $node = new HTML_TreeNode(array(
                'text'         => $text,
                'icon'         => $icon,
                'expandedIcon' => $eicon,
                'expanded'     => false

            if (!empty($folder['children'])) {
                if ($cnodes = $this->make_root_folder_select_tree($folder['children'], $npath)) {
                    for ($j = 0; $j < count($cnodes); $j++) {

            $nodes[] = $node;

        return $nodes;