  * Get the data being exported
  * @access      public
  * @since       1.2
  * @return      array
 public function get_data()
     global $edd_logs;
     $data = array();
     $args = array('nopaging' => true, 'post_type' => 'edd_payment', 'meta_key' => '_edd_payment_shipping_status', 'meta_value' => '1', 'fields' => 'ids');
     $payments = get_posts($args);
     if ($payments) {
         foreach ($payments as $payment) {
             $user_info = edd_get_payment_meta_user_info($payment);
             $downloads = edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details($payment);
             $products = '';
             if ($downloads) {
                 foreach ($downloads as $key => $download) {
                     // Display the Downoad Name
                     $products .= get_the_title($download['id']);
                     if ($key != count($downloads) - 1) {
                         $products .= ' / ';
             $data[] = array('id' => $payment, 'date' => get_post_field('post_date', $payment), 'first_name' => $user_info['first_name'], 'last_name' => $user_info['last_name'], 'email' => $user_info['email'], 'address' => $user_info['shipping_info']['address'], 'address2' => !empty($user_info['shipping_info']['address2']) ? $user_info['shipping_info']['address2'] : '', 'city' => $user_info['shipping_info']['city'], 'state' => $user_info['shipping_info']['state'], 'zip' => $user_info['shipping_info']['zip'], 'country' => $user_info['shipping_info']['country'], 'amount' => edd_get_payment_amount($payment), 'tax' => edd_get_payment_tax($payment), 'gateway' => edd_get_payment_gateway($payment), 'key' => edd_get_payment_key($payment), 'products' => $products, 'status' => get_post_field('post_status', $payment));
     $data = apply_filters('edd_export_get_data', $data);
     $data = apply_filters('edd_export_get_data_' . $this->export_type, $data);
     return $data;
  * Get the Export Data
  * @access public
  * @since 2.5
  * @global object $wpdb Used to query the database using the WordPress
  *   Database API
  * @return array $data The data for the CSV file
 public function get_data()
     $customer = new EDD_Customer($this->customer_id);
     $payments = $this->get_stored_data('edd_recount_customer_payments_' . $customer->id, array());
     $offset = ($this->step - 1) * $this->per_step;
     $step_items = array_slice($payments, $offset, $this->per_step);
     if (count($step_items) > 0) {
         $pending_total = (double) $this->get_stored_data('edd_stats_customer_pending_total' . $customer->id, 0);
         $step_total = 0;
         $found_payment_ids = $this->get_stored_data('edd_stats_found_payments_' . $customer->id, array());
         foreach ($step_items as $payment) {
             $payment = get_post($payment->ID);
             if (is_null($payment) || is_wp_error($payment) || 'edd_payment' !== $payment->post_type) {
                 $missing_payments = $this->get_stored_data('edd_stats_missing_payments' . $customer->id, array());
                 $missing_payments[] = $payment->ID;
                 $this->store_data('edd_stats_missing_payments' . $customer->id, $missing_payments);
             if ('publish' == $payment->post_status || 'revoked' == $payment->post_status) {
                 $found_payment_ids[] = $payment->ID;
                 $payment_amount = edd_get_payment_amount($payment->ID);
                 $step_total += $payment_amount;
         $updated_total = $pending_total + $step_total;
         $this->store_data('edd_stats_customer_pending_total' . $customer->id, $updated_total);
         $this->store_data('edd_stats_found_payments_' . $customer->id, $found_payment_ids);
         return true;
     return false;
  * Get the Export Data
  * @access public
  * @since 2.5
  * @global object $wpdb Used to query the database using the WordPress
  *   Database API
  * @return array $data The data for the CSV file
 public function get_data()
     $args = array('number' => $this->per_step, 'offset' => $this->per_step * ($this->step - 1), 'orderby' => 'id', 'order' => 'DESC');
     $customers = EDD()->customers->get_customers($args);
     if ($customers) {
         foreach ($customers as $customer) {
             $attached_payment_ids = explode(',', $customer->payment_ids);
             $attached_args = array('post__in' => $attached_payment_ids, 'number' => -1);
             $attached_payments = edd_get_payments($attached_args);
             $unattached_args = array('post__not_in' => $attached_payment_ids, 'number' => -1, 'meta_query' => array(array('key' => '_edd_payment_user_email', 'value' => $customer->email, 'compare' => '=')));
             $unattached_payments = edd_get_payments($unattached_args);
             $payments = array_merge($attached_payments, $unattached_payments);
             $purchase_value = 0.0;
             $purchase_count = 0;
             $payment_ids = array();
             if ($payments) {
                 foreach ($payments as $payment) {
                     if ('publish' == $payment->post_status || 'revoked' == $payment->post_status) {
                         $purchase_value += edd_get_payment_amount($payment->ID);
                     $payment_ids[] = $payment->ID;
             $payment_ids = implode(',', $payment_ids);
             $customer_update_data = array('purchase_count' => $purchase_count, 'purchase_value' => $purchase_value, 'payment_ids' => $payment_ids);
             $customer_instance = new EDD_Customer($customer->id);
         return true;
     return false;
  * Get the Export Data
  * @access public
  * @since 2.5
  * @global object $wpdb Used to query the database using the WordPress
  *   Database API
  * @return array $data The data for the CSV file
 public function get_data()
     if ($this->step == 1) {
     $total = get_option('edd_temp_recount_earnings', false);
     if (false === $total) {
         $total = (double) 0;
         $this->store_data('edd_temp_recount_earnings', $total);
     $accepted_statuses = apply_filters('edd_recount_accepted_statuses', array('publish', 'revoked'));
     $args = apply_filters('edd_recount_earnings_args', array('number' => $this->per_step, 'page' => $this->step, 'status' => $accepted_statuses, 'fields' => 'ids'));
     $payments = edd_get_payments($args);
     if (!empty($payments)) {
         foreach ($payments as $payment) {
             $total += edd_get_payment_amount($payment);
         if ($total < 0) {
             $totals = 0;
         $total = round($total, edd_currency_decimal_filter());
         $this->store_data('edd_temp_recount_earnings', $total);
         return true;
     update_option('edd_earnings_total', $total);
     set_transient('edd_earnings_total', $total, 86400);
     return false;
 * Plugin Name: Easy Digital Downloads - Disable emails on free purchases
function jp_no_email_free($payment_id)
    $amount = edd_get_payment_amount($payment_id);
    if (0 == $amount) {
        remove_action('edd_complete_purchase', 'edd_trigger_purchase_receipt', 999, 1);
        // This disables customer purchase receipts
        remove_action('edd_admin_sale_notice', 'edd_admin_email_notice', 10, 2);
        // This disables email notices to admins
Exemple #6
  * Create identity and track purchase
  * @param  int $payment_id
  * @return null
 public static function track_purchase($payment_id)
     $user_id = edd_get_payment_user_id($payment_id);
     $uid = EDD_Segment_Identity::get_uid_from_user_id($user_id);
     // Send identity
     $traits = array('name' => edd_email_tag_fullname($payment_id), 'email' => edd_get_payment_user_email($payment_id));
     do_action('edd_segment_identify', $uid, $traits);
     // Track the purchase event
     $props = array('trans_id' => edd_get_payment_transaction_id($payment_id), 'total' => edd_get_payment_amount($payment_id), 'time' => strtotime(edd_get_payment_completed_date($payment_id)));
     do_action('edd_segment_track', $uid, 'Checkout', $props);
 * Returns the admin label for the specified gateway
 * @since
 * @param string $gateway Name of the gateway to retrieve a label for
 * @return string Gateway admin label
function edd_get_gateway_admin_label($gateway)
    $gateways = edd_get_enabled_payment_gateways();
    $label = isset($gateways[$gateway]) ? $gateways[$gateway]['admin_label'] : $gateway;
    $payment = isset($_GET['id']) ? absint($_GET['id']) : false;
    if ($gateway == 'manual' && $payment) {
        if (edd_get_payment_amount($payment) == 0) {
            $label = __('Free Purchase', 'edd');
    return apply_filters('edd_gateway_admin_label', $label, $gateway);
  * Get the data being exported
  * @return array $data
 public function get_data()
     global $wpdb;
     $data = array();
     $campaign = $this->campaign;
     $campaign = atcf_get_campaign($campaign);
     $backers = $campaign->backers();
     if (empty($backers)) {
         return $data;
     foreach ($backers as $log) {
         $payment_id = get_post_meta($log->ID, '_edd_log_payment_id', true);
         $payment = get_post($payment_id);
         $payment_meta = edd_get_payment_meta($payment_id);
         $user_info = edd_get_payment_meta_user_info($payment_id);
         $downloads = edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details($payment_id);
         $total = edd_get_payment_amount($payment_id);
         $user_id = isset($user_info['id']) && $user_info['id'] != -1 ? $user_info['id'] : $user_info['email'];
         $products = '';
         if ($downloads) {
             foreach ($downloads as $key => $download) {
                 // Download ID
                 $id = isset($payment_meta['cart_details']) ? $download['id'] : $download;
                 // If the download has variable prices, override the default price
                 $price_override = isset($payment_meta['cart_details']) ? $download['price'] : null;
                 $price = edd_get_download_final_price($id, $user_info, $price_override);
                 // Display the Downoad Name
                 $products .= get_the_title($id) . ' - ';
                 if (isset($downloads[$key]['item_number'])) {
                     $price_options = $downloads[$key]['item_number']['options'];
                     if (isset($price_options['price_id'])) {
                         $products .= edd_get_price_option_name($id, $price_options['price_id']) . ' - ';
                 $products .= html_entity_decode(edd_currency_filter($price));
                 if ($key != count($downloads) - 1) {
                     $products .= ' / ';
         if (is_numeric($user_id)) {
             $user = get_userdata($user_id);
         } else {
             $user = false;
         $shipping = isset($payment_meta['shipping']) ? $payment_meta['shipping'] : null;
         $data[] = apply_filters('atcf_csv_cols_values', array('id' => $payment_id, 'email' => $payment_meta['email'], 'first' => $user_info['first_name'], 'last' => $user_info['last_name'], 'shipping' => isset($shipping) ? implode("\n", $shipping) : '', 'products' => $products, 'amount' => html_entity_decode(edd_currency_filter(edd_format_amount($total))), 'tax' => html_entity_decode(edd_payment_tax($payment_id, $payment_meta)), 'discount' => isset($user_info['discount']) && $user_info['discount'] != 'none' ? $user_info['discount'] : __('none', 'atcf'), 'gateway' => edd_get_gateway_admin_label(get_post_meta($payment_id, '_edd_payment_gateway', true)), 'key' => $payment_meta['key'], 'date' => date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), strtotime($payment->post_date)), 'user' => $user ? $user->display_name : __('guest', 'atcf'), 'status' => edd_get_payment_status($payment, true)), $payment_id);
     $data = apply_filters('edd_export_get_data', $data);
     $data = apply_filters('edd_export_get_data_' . $this->export_type, $data);
     return $data;
  * Send purchase details to MailChimp's Ecommerce360 extension.
  * @param  integer $payment_id    [description]
  * @return bool
 public function record_ecommerce360_purchase($payment_id = 0)
     // Make sure an API key has been entered
     if (empty($this->key)) {
         return FALSE;
     // Don't record details if we're in test mode
     if (edd_is_test_mode()) {
         return FALSE;
     $payment = edd_get_payment_meta($payment_id);
     $user_info = edd_get_payment_meta_user_info($payment_id);
     $amount = edd_get_payment_amount($payment_id);
     $cart_details = edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details($payment_id);
     $tax = edd_get_payment_tax($payment_id);
     if (is_array($cart_details)) {
         $items = array();
         // Increase purchase count and earnings
         foreach ($cart_details as $index => $download) {
             // Get the categories that this download belongs to, if any
             $post = edd_get_download($download['id']);
             $terms = get_the_terms($download['id'], 'download_category');
             if ($terms && !is_wp_error($terms)) {
                 $categories = array();
                 foreach ($terms as $term) {
                     $categories[] = $term->name;
                 $category_id = $terms[0]->term_id;
                 $category_name = join(" - ", $categories);
             } else {
                 $category_id = 1;
                 $category_name = 'Download';
             // "bundle" or "default"
             $download_type = edd_get_download_type($download['id']);
             $download['sku'] = edd_get_download_sku($download['id']);
             // if ( 'bundle' == $download_type ) {
             //   $downloads = edd_get_bundled_products( $download_id );
             //   if ( $downloads ) {
             //     foreach ( $downloads as $d_id ) {
             //       # Do something
             //     }
             //   }
             // }
             $item = array('line_num' => $index + 1, 'product_id' => (int) $download['id'], 'product_name' => $download['name'], 'category_id' => $category_id, 'category_name' => $category_name, 'qty' => $download['quantity'], 'cost' => $download['subtotal']);
             if ($download['sku'] !== '-') {
                 $item['sku'] = $download['sku'];
                 // optional, 30 char limit
             $items[] = $item;
         $order = array('id' => (string) $payment_id, 'email' => $user_info['email'], 'total' => $amount, 'store_id' => self::_edd_ec360_get_store_id(), 'store_name' => home_url(), 'items' => $items, 'order_date' => get_the_date('Y-n-j', $payment_id));
         // Set Ecommerce360 variables if they exist
         $campaign_id = get_post_meta($payment_id, '_edd_mc_campaign_id', true);
         $email_id = get_post_meta($payment_id, '_edd_mc_email_id', true);
         if (!empty($campaign_id)) {
             $order['campaign_id'] = $campaign_id;
         if (!empty($email_id)) {
             $order['email_id'] = $email_id;
         if ($tax != 0) {
             $order['tax'] = $tax;
             // double, optional
         // Send to MailChimp
         $options = array('CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION' => false);
         $mailchimp = new EDD_MailChimp_API($this->key, $options);
         try {
             $result = $mailchimp->call('ecomm/order-add', array('order' => $order));
             edd_insert_payment_note($payment_id, __('Order details have been added to MailChimp successfully', 'eddmc'));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             edd_insert_payment_note($payment_id, __('MailChimp Ecommerce360 Error: ', 'eddmc') . $e->getMessage());
             return FALSE;
         return TRUE;
     } else {
         return FALSE;
 * Email template tag: value
 * The total value of the purchase
 * @since       1.0.0
 * @param       int $payment_id
 * @return      string value
function edd_wallet_email_tag_value($payment_id)
    if (get_post_type($payment_id) == 'edd_payment') {
        $value = edd_currency_filter(edd_format_amount(edd_get_payment_amount($payment_id)), edd_get_payment_currency_code($payment_id));
    } else {
        $item = edd_wallet()->db->get_customer_wallet_item($payment_id);
        $value = edd_currency_filter(edd_format_amount($item->amount));
    return html_entity_decode($value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
  * Get the Export Data
  * @access public
  * @since 2.4
  * @global object $wpdb Used to query the database using the WordPress
  *   Database API
  * @return array $data The data for the CSV file
 public function get_data()
     global $wpdb;
     $data = array();
     $args = array('number' => 30, 'page' => $this->step, 'status' => $this->status);
     if (!empty($this->start) || !empty($this->end)) {
         $args['date_query'] = array(array('after' => date('Y-n-d H:i:s', strtotime($this->start)), 'before' => date('Y-n-d H:i:s', strtotime($this->end)), 'inclusive' => true));
     //echo json_encode($args ); exit;
     $payments = edd_get_payments($args);
     if ($payments) {
         foreach ($payments as $payment) {
             $payment_meta = edd_get_payment_meta($payment->ID);
             $user_info = edd_get_payment_meta_user_info($payment->ID);
             $downloads = edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details($payment->ID);
             $total = edd_get_payment_amount($payment->ID);
             $user_id = isset($user_info['id']) && $user_info['id'] != -1 ? $user_info['id'] : $user_info['email'];
             $products = '';
             $skus = '';
             if ($downloads) {
                 foreach ($downloads as $key => $download) {
                     // Download ID
                     $id = isset($payment_meta['cart_details']) ? $download['id'] : $download;
                     // If the download has variable prices, override the default price
                     $price_override = isset($payment_meta['cart_details']) ? $download['price'] : null;
                     $price = edd_get_download_final_price($id, $user_info, $price_override);
                     // Display the Downoad Name
                     $products .= get_the_title($id) . ' - ';
                     if (edd_use_skus()) {
                         $sku = edd_get_download_sku($id);
                         if (!empty($sku)) {
                             $skus .= $sku;
                     if (isset($downloads[$key]['item_number']) && isset($downloads[$key]['item_number']['options'])) {
                         $price_options = $downloads[$key]['item_number']['options'];
                         if (isset($price_options['price_id'])) {
                             $products .= edd_get_price_option_name($id, $price_options['price_id'], $payment->ID) . ' - ';
                     $products .= html_entity_decode(edd_currency_filter($price));
                     if ($key != count($downloads) - 1) {
                         $products .= ' / ';
                         if (edd_use_skus()) {
                             $skus .= ' / ';
             if (is_numeric($user_id)) {
                 $user = get_userdata($user_id);
             } else {
                 $user = false;
             $data[] = array('id' => $payment->ID, 'seq_id' => edd_get_payment_number($payment->ID), 'email' => $payment_meta['email'], 'first' => $user_info['first_name'], 'last' => $user_info['last_name'], 'address1' => isset($user_info['address']['line1']) ? $user_info['address']['line1'] : '', 'address2' => isset($user_info['address']['line2']) ? $user_info['address']['line2'] : '', 'city' => isset($user_info['address']['city']) ? $user_info['address']['city'] : '', 'state' => isset($user_info['address']['state']) ? $user_info['address']['state'] : '', 'country' => isset($user_info['address']['country']) ? $user_info['address']['country'] : '', 'zip' => isset($user_info['address']['zip']) ? $user_info['address']['zip'] : '', 'products' => $products, 'skus' => $skus, 'amount' => html_entity_decode(edd_format_amount($total)), 'tax' => html_entity_decode(edd_format_amount(edd_get_payment_tax($payment->ID, $payment_meta))), 'discount' => isset($user_info['discount']) && $user_info['discount'] != 'none' ? $user_info['discount'] : __('none', 'edd'), 'gateway' => edd_get_gateway_admin_label(get_post_meta($payment->ID, '_edd_payment_gateway', true)), 'trans_id' => edd_get_payment_transaction_id($payment->ID), 'key' => $payment_meta['key'], 'date' => $payment->post_date, 'user' => $user ? $user->display_name : __('guest', 'edd'), 'status' => edd_get_payment_status($payment, true));
         $data = apply_filters('edd_export_get_data', $data);
         $data = apply_filters('edd_export_get_data_' . $this->export_type, $data);
         return $data;
     return false;
 * Get the fully formatted payment amount. The payment amount is retrieved using
 * edd_get_payment_amount() and is then sent through edd_currency_filter() and
 * edd_format_amount() to format the amount correctly.
 * @since 1.4
 * @param int $payment_id Payment ID
 * @return string $amount Fully formatted payment amount
function edd_payment_amount($payment_id = 0)
    $amount = edd_get_payment_amount($payment_id);
    return edd_currency_filter(edd_format_amount($amount), edd_get_payment_currency_code($payment_id));
function edd_userpro_embed_profile_fields($hook_args)
    if (!current_user_can('edit_user', $hook_args['user_id'])) {
    echo '<div class="userpro-section userpro-column userpro-collapsible-1 userpro-collapsed-1">' . __('Purchase History', 'edd-userpro-embed') . '</div>';
    echo '<div class="userpro-field userpro-field-edd-purchase-history userpro-field-view" data-key="edd-purchase-history">';
    $purchases = edd_get_users_purchases($hook_args['user_id'], 99999, true, 'any');
    if ($purchases) {
		<table id="edd_user_history">
				<tr class="edd_purchase_row">
					<th class="edd_purchase_id"><?php 
        _e('ID', 'easy-digital-downloads');
					<th class="edd_purchase_date"><?php 
        _e('Date', 'easy-digital-downloads');
					<th class="edd_purchase_amount"><?php 
        _e('Amount', 'easy-digital-downloads');
					<th class="edd_purchase_details"><?php 
        _e('Details', 'easy-digital-downloads');
        foreach ($purchases as $post) {
            $purchase_data = edd_get_payment_meta($post->ID);
				<tr class="edd_purchase_row">
            do_action('edd_purchase_history_row_start', $post->ID, $purchase_data);
					<td class="edd_purchase_id">#<?php 
            echo edd_get_payment_number($post->ID);
					<td class="edd_purchase_date"><?php 
            echo date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), strtotime(get_post_field('post_date', $post->ID)));
					<td class="edd_purchase_amount">
						<span class="edd_purchase_amount"><?php 
            echo edd_currency_filter(edd_format_amount(edd_get_payment_amount($post->ID)));
					<td class="edd_purchase_details">
            if ($post->post_status != 'publish') {
						<span class="edd_purchase_status <?php 
                echo $post->post_status;
                echo edd_get_payment_status($post, true);
						<a href="<?php 
                echo esc_url(add_query_arg('payment_key', edd_get_payment_key($post->ID), edd_get_success_page_uri()));
            } else {
						<a href="<?php 
                echo esc_url(add_query_arg('payment_key', edd_get_payment_key($post->ID), edd_get_success_page_uri()));
                _e('View Details', 'edd-userpro-embed');
            do_action('edd_purchase_history_row_end', $post->ID, $purchase_data);
    } else {
		<p class="edd-no-purchases"><?php 
        _e('You have not made any purchases', 'edd-userpro-embed');
    echo '</div>';
 * Sale Notification Template Body
 * @since 1.7
 * @author Daniel J Griffiths
 * @param int $payment_id Payment ID
 * @param array $payment_data Payment Data
 * @return string $email_body Body of the email
function edd_get_sale_notification_body_content($payment_id = 0, $payment_data = array())
    global $edd_options;
    $user_info = maybe_unserialize($payment_data['user_info']);
    $email = edd_get_payment_user_email($payment_id);
    if (isset($user_info['id']) && $user_info['id'] > 0) {
        $user_data = get_userdata($user_info['id']);
        $name = $user_data->display_name;
    } elseif (isset($user_info['first_name']) && isset($user_info['last_name'])) {
        $name = $user_info['first_name'] . ' ' . $user_info['last_name'];
    } else {
        $name = $email;
    $download_list = '';
    $downloads = maybe_unserialize($payment_data['downloads']);
    if (is_array($downloads)) {
        foreach ($downloads as $download) {
            $id = isset($payment_data['cart_details']) ? $download['id'] : $download;
            $title = get_the_title($id);
            if (isset($download['options'])) {
                if (isset($download['options']['price_id'])) {
                    $title .= ' - ' . edd_get_price_option_name($id, $download['options']['price_id'], $payment_id);
            $download_list .= html_entity_decode($title, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . "\n";
    $gateway = edd_get_gateway_admin_label(get_post_meta($payment_id, '_edd_payment_gateway', true));
    $default_email_body = __('Hello', 'edd') . "\n\n" . sprintf(__('A %s purchase has been made', 'edd'), edd_get_label_plural()) . ".\n\n";
    $default_email_body .= sprintf(__('%s sold:', 'edd'), edd_get_label_plural()) . "\n\n";
    $default_email_body .= $download_list . "\n\n";
    $default_email_body .= __('Purchased by: ', 'edd') . " " . html_entity_decode($name, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . "\n";
    $default_email_body .= __('Amount: ', 'edd') . " " . html_entity_decode(edd_currency_filter(edd_format_amount(edd_get_payment_amount($payment_id))), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . "\n";
    $default_email_body .= __('Payment Method: ', 'edd') . " " . $gateway . "\n\n";
    $default_email_body .= __('Thank you', 'edd');
    $email = isset($edd_options['sale_notification']) ? stripslashes($edd_options['sale_notification']) : $default_email_body;
    //$email_body = edd_email_template_tags( $email, $payment_data, $payment_id, true );
    $email_body = edd_do_email_tags($email, $payment_id);
    return apply_filters('edd_sale_notification', wpautop($email_body), $payment_id, $payment_data);
  * Retrieve all the data for all the payments
  * @access public
  * @since 1.4
  * @return array $payment_data Array of all the data for the payments
 public function payments_data()
     $payments_data = array();
     if (isset($_GET['paged'])) {
         $page = $_GET['paged'];
     } else {
         $page = 1;
     $per_page = $this->per_page;
     $mode = edd_is_test_mode() ? 'test' : 'live';
     $orderby = isset($_GET['orderby']) ? $_GET['orderby'] : 'ID';
     $order = isset($_GET['order']) ? $_GET['order'] : 'DESC';
     $order_inverse = $order == 'DESC' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
     $order_class = strtolower($order_inverse);
     $user = isset($_GET['user']) ? $_GET['user'] : null;
     $status = isset($_GET['status']) ? $_GET['status'] : 'any';
     $meta_key = isset($_GET['meta_key']) ? $_GET['meta_key'] : null;
     $year = isset($_GET['year']) ? $_GET['year'] : null;
     $month = isset($_GET['m']) ? $_GET['m'] : null;
     $day = isset($_GET['day']) ? $_GET['day'] : null;
     $search = isset($_GET['s']) ? sanitize_text_field($_GET['s']) : null;
     $payments = edd_get_payments(array('number' => $per_page, 'page' => isset($_GET['paged']) ? $_GET['paged'] : null, 'mode' => $mode, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'order' => $order, 'user' => $user, 'status' => $status, 'meta_key' => $meta_key, 'year' => $year, 'month' => $month, 'day' => $day, 's' => $search));
     if ($payments) {
         foreach ($payments as $payment) {
             $user_info = edd_get_payment_meta_user_info($payment->ID);
             $cart_details = edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details($payment->ID);
             $user_id = isset($user_info['ID']) && $user_info['ID'] != -1 ? $user_info['ID'] : $user_info['email'];
             $payments_data[] = array('ID' => $payment->ID, 'email' => edd_get_payment_user_email($payment->ID), 'products' => $cart_details, 'amount' => edd_get_payment_amount($payment->ID), 'date' => $payment->post_date, 'user' => $user_id, 'status' => $payment->post_status);
     return $payments_data;
 * Process the payment details edit
 * @access      private
 * @since       1.9
 * @return      void
function edd_update_payment_details($data)
    if (!current_user_can('edit_shop_payments', $data['edd_payment_id'])) {
        wp_die(__('You do not have permission to edit this payment record', 'easy-digital-downloads'), __('Error', 'easy-digital-downloads'), array('response' => 403));
    // Retrieve the payment ID
    $payment_id = absint($data['edd_payment_id']);
    // Retrieve existing payment meta
    $meta = edd_get_payment_meta($payment_id);
    $user_info = edd_get_payment_meta_user_info($payment_id);
    $status = $data['edd-payment-status'];
    $unlimited = isset($data['edd-unlimited-downloads']) ? '1' : '';
    $date = sanitize_text_field($data['edd-payment-date']);
    $hour = sanitize_text_field($data['edd-payment-time-hour']);
    // Restrict to our high and low
    if ($hour > 23) {
        $hour = 23;
    } elseif ($hour < 0) {
        $hour = 00;
    $minute = sanitize_text_field($data['edd-payment-time-min']);
    // Restrict to our high and low
    if ($minute > 59) {
        $minute = 59;
    } elseif ($minute < 0) {
        $minute = 00;
    $address = array_map('trim', $data['edd-payment-address'][0]);
    $curr_total = edd_sanitize_amount(edd_get_payment_amount($payment_id));
    $new_total = edd_sanitize_amount($_POST['edd-payment-total']);
    $tax = isset($_POST['edd-payment-tax']) ? edd_sanitize_amount($_POST['edd-payment-tax']) : 0;
    $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date)) . ' ' . $hour . ':' . $minute . ':00';
    $curr_customer_id = sanitize_text_field($data['edd-current-customer']);
    $new_customer_id = sanitize_text_field($data['customer-id']);
    // Setup purchased Downloads and price options
    $updated_downloads = isset($_POST['edd-payment-details-downloads']) ? $_POST['edd-payment-details-downloads'] : false;
    if ($updated_downloads && !empty($_POST['edd-payment-downloads-changed'])) {
        $downloads = array();
        $cart_details = array();
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($updated_downloads as $download) {
            if (empty($download['amount'])) {
                $download['amount'] = '0.00';
            $item = array();
            $item['id'] = absint($download['id']);
            $item['quantity'] = absint($download['quantity']) > 0 ? absint($download['quantity']) : 1;
            $price_id = (int) $download['price_id'];
            $has_log = absint($download['has_log']);
            if ($price_id !== false && edd_has_variable_prices($item['id'])) {
                $item['options'] = array('price_id' => $price_id);
            $downloads[] = $item;
            $cart_item = array();
            $cart_item['item_number'] = $item;
            $item_price = round($download['amount'] / $item['quantity'], edd_currency_decimal_filter());
            $cart_details[$i] = array('name' => get_the_title($download['id']), 'id' => $download['id'], 'item_number' => $item, 'price' => $download['amount'], 'item_price' => $item_price, 'subtotal' => $download['amount'], 'quantity' => $download['quantity'], 'discount' => 0, 'tax' => 0);
            // If this item doesn't have a log yet, add one for each quantity count
            if (empty($has_log)) {
                $log_date = date('Y-m-d G:i:s', current_time('timestamp', true));
                $price_id = $price_id !== false ? $price_id : 0;
                $y = 0;
                while ($y < $download['quantity']) {
                    edd_record_sale_in_log($download['id'], $payment_id, $price_id, $log_date);
                edd_increase_purchase_count($download['id'], $download['quantity']);
                edd_increase_earnings($download['id'], $download['amount']);
        $meta['downloads'] = $downloads;
        $meta['cart_details'] = $cart_details;
        $deleted_downloads = json_decode(stripcslashes($data['edd-payment-removed']), true);
        foreach ($deleted_downloads as $deleted_download) {
            $deleted_download = $deleted_download[0];
            if (empty($deleted_download['id'])) {
            $price_id = empty($deleted_download['price_id']) ? 0 : (int) $deleted_download['price_id'];
            $log_args = array('post_type' => 'edd_log', 'post_parent' => $deleted_download['id'], 'numberposts' => $deleted_download['quantity'], 'meta_query' => array(array('key' => '_edd_log_payment_id', 'value' => $payment_id, 'compare' => '='), array('key' => '_edd_log_price_id', 'value' => $price_id, 'compare' => '=')));
            $found_logs = get_posts($log_args);
            foreach ($found_logs as $log) {
                wp_delete_post($log->ID, true);
            edd_decrease_purchase_count($deleted_download['id'], $deleted_download['quantity']);
            edd_decrease_earnings($deleted_download['id'], $deleted_download['amount']);
            do_action('edd_remove_download_from_payment', $payment_id, $deleted_download['id']);
    do_action('edd_update_edited_purchase', $payment_id);
    // Update main payment record
    $updated = wp_update_post(array('ID' => $payment_id, 'post_date' => $date));
    if (0 === $updated) {
        wp_die(__('Error Updating Payment', 'easy-digital-downloads'), __('Error', 'easy-digital-downloads'), array('response' => 400));
    $customer_changed = false;
    if (isset($data['edd-new-customer']) && $data['edd-new-customer'] == '1') {
        $email = isset($data['edd-new-customer-email']) ? sanitize_text_field($data['edd-new-customer-email']) : '';
        $names = isset($data['edd-new-customer-name']) ? sanitize_text_field($data['edd-new-customer-name']) : '';
        if (empty($email) || empty($names)) {
            wp_die(__('New Customers require a name and email address', 'easy-digital-downloads'));
        $customer = new EDD_Customer($email);
        if (empty($customer->id)) {
            $customer_data = array('name' => $names, 'email' => $email);
            $user_id = email_exists($email);
            if (false !== $user_id) {
                $customer_data['user_id'] = $user_id;
            if (!$customer->create($customer_data)) {
                // Failed to crete the new customer, assume the previous customer
                $customer_changed = false;
                $customer = new EDD_Customer($curr_customer_id);
                edd_set_error('edd-payment-new-customer-fail', __('Error creating new customer', 'easy-digital-downloads'));
        $new_customer_id = $customer->id;
        $previous_customer = new EDD_Customer($curr_customer_id);
        $customer_changed = true;
    } elseif ($curr_customer_id !== $new_customer_id) {
        $customer = new EDD_Customer($new_customer_id);
        $email = $customer->email;
        $names = $customer->name;
        $previous_customer = new EDD_Customer($curr_customer_id);
        $customer_changed = true;
    } else {
        $customer = new EDD_Customer($curr_customer_id);
        $email = $customer->email;
        $names = $customer->name;
    // Setup first and last name from input values
    $names = explode(' ', $names);
    $first_name = !empty($names[0]) ? $names[0] : '';
    $last_name = '';
    if (!empty($names[1])) {
        $last_name = implode(' ', $names);
    if ($customer_changed) {
        // Remove the stats and payment from the previous customer and attach it to the new customer
        $previous_customer->remove_payment($payment_id, false);
        $customer->attach_payment($payment_id, false);
        // If purchase was completed and not ever refunded, adjust stats of customers
        if ('revoked' == $status || 'publish' == $status) {
        update_post_meta($payment_id, '_edd_payment_customer_id', $customer->id);
    // Set new meta values
    $user_info['id'] = $customer->user_id;
    $user_info['email'] = $customer->email;
    $user_info['first_name'] = $first_name;
    $user_info['last_name'] = $last_name;
    $user_info['address'] = $address;
    $meta['user_info'] = $user_info;
    $meta['tax'] = $tax;
    // Check for payment notes
    if (!empty($data['edd-payment-note'])) {
        $note = wp_kses($data['edd-payment-note'], array());
        edd_insert_payment_note($payment_id, $note);
    // Set new status
    edd_update_payment_status($payment_id, $status);
    edd_update_payment_meta($payment_id, '_edd_payment_user_id', $customer->user_id);
    edd_update_payment_meta($payment_id, '_edd_payment_user_email', $customer->email);
    edd_update_payment_meta($payment_id, '_edd_payment_meta', $meta);
    edd_update_payment_meta($payment_id, '_edd_payment_total', $new_total);
    // Adjust total store earnings if the payment total has been changed
    if ($new_total !== $curr_total && ('publish' == $status || 'revoked' == $status)) {
        if ($new_total > $curr_total) {
            // Increase if our new total is higher
            $difference = $new_total - $curr_total;
        } elseif ($curr_total > $new_total) {
            // Decrease if our new total is lower
            $difference = $curr_total - $new_total;
    edd_update_payment_meta($payment_id, '_edd_payment_downloads', $new_total);
    edd_update_payment_meta($payment_id, '_edd_payment_unlimited_downloads', $unlimited);
    do_action('edd_updated_edited_purchase', $payment_id);
    wp_safe_redirect(admin_url('edit.php?post_type=download&page=edd-payment-history&view=view-order-details&edd-message=payment-updated&id=' . $payment_id));
	 * Retrieves Recent Sales
	 * @access public
	 * @since  1.5
	 * @return array
	public function get_recent_sales() {
		global $wp_query;

		$sales = array();

		if( ! user_can( $this->user_id, 'view_shop_reports' ) && ! $this->override ) {
			return $sales;

		if( isset( $wp_query->query_vars['id'] ) ) {
			$query   = array();
			$query[] = edd_get_payment_by( 'id', $wp_query->query_vars['id'] );
		} elseif( isset( $wp_query->query_vars['purchasekey'] ) ) {
			$query   = array();
			$query[] = edd_get_payment_by( 'key', $wp_query->query_vars['purchasekey'] );
		} elseif( isset( $wp_query->query_vars['email'] ) ) {
			$query = edd_get_payments( array( 'meta_key' => '_edd_payment_user_email', 'meta_value' => $wp_query->query_vars['email'], 'number' => $this->per_page(), 'page' => $this->get_paged(), 'status' => 'publish' ) );
		} else {
			$query = edd_get_payments( array( 'number' => $this->per_page(), 'page' => $this->get_paged(), 'status' => 'publish' ) );

		if ( $query ) {
			$i = 0;
			foreach ( $query as $payment ) {
				$payment_meta = edd_get_payment_meta( $payment->ID );
				$user_info    = edd_get_payment_meta_user_info( $payment->ID );
				$cart_items   = edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details( $payment->ID );

				$sales['sales'][ $i ]['ID']             = edd_get_payment_number( $payment->ID );
				$sales['sales'][ $i ]['transaction_id'] = edd_get_payment_transaction_id( $payment->ID );
				$sales['sales'][ $i ]['key']            = edd_get_payment_key( $payment->ID );
				$sales['sales'][ $i ]['discount']       = isset( $user_info['discount'] ) && $user_info['discount'] != 'none' ? explode( ',', $user_info['discount'] ) : array();
				$sales['sales'][ $i ]['subtotal']       = edd_get_payment_subtotal( $payment->ID );
				$sales['sales'][ $i ]['tax']            = edd_get_payment_tax( $payment->ID );
				$sales['sales'][ $i ]['fees']           = edd_get_payment_fees( $payment->ID );
				$sales['sales'][ $i ]['total']          = edd_get_payment_amount( $payment->ID );
				$sales['sales'][ $i ]['gateway']        = edd_get_payment_gateway( $payment->ID );
				$sales['sales'][ $i ]['email']          = edd_get_payment_user_email( $payment->ID );
				$sales['sales'][ $i ]['date']           = $payment->post_date;
				$sales['sales'][ $i ]['products']       = array();

				$c = 0;

				foreach ( $cart_items as $key => $item ) {

					$item_id  = isset( $item['id']    ) ? $item['id']    : $item;
					$price    = isset( $item['price'] ) ? $item['price'] : false;
					$price_id = isset( $item['item_number']['options']['price_id'] ) ? $item['item_number']['options']['price_id'] : null;
					$quantity = isset( $item['quantity'] ) && $item['quantity'] > 0 ? $item['quantity'] : 1;

					if( ! $price ) {
						// This function is only used on payments with near 1.0 cart data structure
						$price = edd_get_download_final_price( $item_id, $user_info, null );

					$price_name = '';
					if ( isset( $item['item_number'] ) && isset( $item['item_number']['options'] ) ) {
						$price_options  = $item['item_number']['options'];
						if ( isset( $price_options['price_id'] ) ) {
							$price_name = edd_get_price_option_name( $item['id'], $price_options['price_id'], $payment->ID );

					$sales['sales'][ $i ]['products'][ $c ]['quantity']   = $quantity;
					$sales['sales'][ $i ]['products'][ $c ]['name']       = get_the_title( $item['id'] );
					$sales['sales'][ $i ]['products'][ $c ]['price']      = $price;
					$sales['sales'][ $i ]['products'][ $c ]['price_name'] = $price_name;

		return $sales;
  * Remove a payment from this customer, then triggers reducing stats
  * @since  2.3
  * @param  integer $payment_id The Payment ID to remove
  * @param  bool $update_stats For backwards compatibility, if we should increase the stats or not
  * @return boolean             If the removal was successful
 public function remove_payment($payment_id = 0, $update_stats = true)
     if (empty($payment_id)) {
         return false;
     $new_payment_ids = '';
     if (!empty($this->payment_ids)) {
         $payment_ids = array_map('absint', explode(',', $this->payment_ids));
         $pos = array_search($payment_id, $payment_ids);
         if (false === $pos) {
             return false;
         $payment_ids = array_filter($payment_ids);
         $new_payment_ids = implode(',', array_unique(array_values($payment_ids)));
     do_action('edd_customer_pre_remove_payment', $payment_id, $this->id);
     $payment_removed = $this->update(array('payment_ids' => $new_payment_ids));
     if ($payment_removed) {
         $this->payment_ids = $new_payment_ids;
         if ($update_stats) {
             // We removed this payment successfully, decrement the stats
             $payment_amount = edd_get_payment_amount($payment_id);
             if (!empty($payment_amount)) {
     do_action('edd_customer_post_remove_payment', $payment_removed, $payment_id, $this->id);
     return $payment_removed;
  * Retrieves Recent Sales
  * @access public
  * @since  1.5
  * @return array
 public function get_recent_sales()
     $sales = array();
     $query = edd_get_payments(array('number' => $this->per_page(), 'page' => $this->get_paged(), 'status' => 'publish'));
     if ($query) {
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($query as $payment) {
             $payment_meta = edd_get_payment_meta($payment->ID);
             $user_info = edd_get_payment_meta_user_info($payment->ID);
             $cart_items = edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details($payment->ID);
             $sales['sales'][$i]['ID'] = $payment->ID;
             $sales['sales'][$i]['key'] = edd_get_payment_key($payment->ID);
             $sales['sales'][$i]['subtotal'] = edd_get_payment_subtotal($payment->ID);
             $sales['sales'][$i]['tax'] = edd_get_payment_tax($payment->ID);
             $sales['sales'][$i]['fees'] = edd_get_payment_fees($payment->ID);
             $sales['sales'][$i]['total'] = edd_get_payment_amount($payment->ID);
             $sales['sales'][$i]['gateway'] = edd_get_payment_gateway($payment->ID);
             $sales['sales'][$i]['email'] = edd_get_payment_user_email($payment->ID);
             $sales['sales'][$i]['date'] = $payment->post_date;
             $sales['sales'][$i]['products'] = array();
             $c = 0;
             foreach ($cart_items as $key => $item) {
                 $price_override = isset($payment_meta['cart_details']) ? $item['price'] : null;
                 $price = edd_get_download_final_price($item['id'], $user_info, $price_override);
                 if (isset($cart_items[$key]['item_number'])) {
                     $price_name = '';
                     $price_options = $cart_items[$key]['item_number']['options'];
                     if (isset($price_options['price_id'])) {
                         $price_name = edd_get_price_option_name($item['id'], $price_options['price_id'], $payment->ID);
                 $sales['sales'][$i]['products'][$c]['name'] = get_the_title($item['id']);
                 $sales['sales'][$i]['products'][$c]['price'] = $price;
                 $sales['sales'][$i]['products'][$c]['price_name'] = $price_name;
     return $sales;
 * Get the backer's pledge amount. 
 * @param WP_Post $backer
 * @param bool $formatted
 * @return string
function wpo_crowdfunding_get_backer_pledge($backer, $formatted = true)
    if ($formatted) {
        return edd_currency_filter(edd_format_amount(edd_get_payment_amount($backer->ID)));
    return edd_get_payment_amount($backer->ID);
  * Process refunds
  * @access      public
  * @since       1.0.0
  * @param       int $payment_id The ID of a payment
  * @param       string $new_status The new status of the payment
  * @param       string $old_status The old status of the payment
  * @return      void
 public function process_refund($payment_id, $new_status, $old_status)
     if ($old_status != 'publish' && $old_status != 'revoked') {
     if ($new_status != 'refunded') {
     if (edd_get_payment_gateway($payment_id) !== 'wallet') {
     $user_id = edd_get_payment_user_id($payment_id);
     $refund_amount = edd_get_payment_amount($payment_id);
     // Deposit the funds
     edd_wallet()->wallet->deposit($user_id, $refund_amount, 'refund');
     // Insert payment note
     edd_insert_payment_note($payment_id, __('Refund completed to Wallet.', 'edd-wallet'));
 * Email template tag: price
 * The total price of the purchase
 * @param int $payment_id
 * @return string price
function edd_email_tag_price($payment_id)
    $price = edd_currency_filter(edd_format_amount(edd_get_payment_amount($payment_id)), edd_get_payment_currency_code($payment_id));
    return html_entity_decode($price, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
 * Process PayPal IPN Refunds
 * @since 1.3.4
 * @param array   $data IPN Data
 * @return void
function edd_process_paypal_refund($data, $payment_id = 0)
    // Collect payment details
    if (empty($payment_id)) {
    if (get_post_status($payment_id) == 'refunded') {
        // Only refund payments once
    $payment_amount = edd_get_payment_amount($payment_id);
    $refund_amount = $data['payment_gross'] * -1;
    if (number_format((double) $refund_amount, 2) < number_format((double) $payment_amount, 2)) {
        edd_insert_payment_note($payment_id, sprintf(__('Partial PayPal refund processed: %s', 'edd'), $data['parent_txn_id']));
        // This is a partial refund
    edd_insert_payment_note($payment_id, sprintf(__('PayPal Payment #%s Refunded for reason: %s', 'edd'), $data['parent_txn_id'], $data['reason_code']));
    edd_insert_payment_note($payment_id, sprintf(__('PayPal Refund Transaction ID: %s', 'edd'), $data['txn_id']));
    edd_update_payment_status($payment_id, 'refunded');
 * Retrieves subtotal for payment (this is the amount before taxes) and then
 * returns a non formatted amount.
 * @since 1.3.3
 * @param int $payment_id Payment ID
 * @return float $subtotal Subtotal for payment (non formatted)
function edd_get_payment_subtotal($payment_id = 0)
    $subtotal = 0;
    $cart_details = edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details($payment_id);
    if (is_array($cart_details)) {
        foreach ($cart_details as $item) {
            if (isset($item['subtotal'])) {
                $subtotal += $item['subtotal'];
    } else {
        $subtotal = edd_get_payment_amount($payment_id);
        $tax = edd_use_taxes() ? edd_get_payment_tax($payment_id) : 0;
        $subtotal -= $tax;
    return apply_filters('edd_get_payment_subtotal', $subtotal, $payment_id);
 * Reduces earnings and sales stats when a purchase is refunded
 * @since 1.8.2
 * @param $data Arguments passed
 * @return void
function edd_undo_purchase_on_refund($payment_id, $new_status, $old_status)
    if ('publish' != $old_status && 'revoked' != $old_status) {
    if ('refunded' != $new_status) {
    $downloads = edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details($payment_id);
    if ($downloads) {
        foreach ($downloads as $download) {
            edd_undo_purchase($download['id'], $payment_id);
    // Decrease store earnings
    $amount = edd_get_payment_amount($payment_id);
    // Decrement the stats for the customer
    $customer_id = edd_get_payment_customer_id($payment_id);
    if ($customer_id) {
        $customer = new EDD_Customer($customer_id);
    // Clear the This Month earnings (this_monththis_month is NOT a typo)
  * Refund a charge in Amazon
  * @access public
  * @since  2.4
  * @param  $payment_id int The ID number of the payment being refunded
  * @return string
 private function refund($payment_id = 0)
     $refund = $this->client->refund(array('merchant_id' => edd_get_option('amazon_seller_id', ''), 'amazon_capture_id' => edd_get_payment_meta($payment_id, '_edd_amazon_capture_id', true), 'refund_reference_id' => md5(edd_get_payment_key($payment_id) . '-refund'), 'refund_amount' => edd_get_payment_amount($payment_id), 'currency_code' => edd_get_payment_currency_code($payment_id)));
     if (200 == $refund->response['Status']) {
         $refund = new ResponseParser($refund->response);
         $refund = $refund->toArray();
         $reference_id = $refund['RefundResult']['RefundDetails']['RefundReferenceId'];
         $status = $refund['RefundResult']['RefundDetails']['RefundStatus']['State'];
         switch ($status) {
             case 'Declined':
                 $code = $refund['RefundResult']['RefundDetails']['RefundStatus']['ReasonCode'];
                 $note = __('Refund declined in Amazon. Refund ID: %s', 'edd');
             case 'Completed':
                 $refund_id = $refund['RefundResult']['RefundDetails']['AmazonRefundId'];
                 $note = sprintf(__('Refund completed in Amazon. Refund ID: %s', 'edd'), $refund_id);
             case 'Pending':
                 $note = sprintf(__('Refund initiated in Amazon. Reference ID: %s', 'edd'), $reference_id);
         edd_insert_payment_note($payment_id, $note);
     } else {
         edd_insert_payment_note($payment_id, __('Refund request failed in Amazon.', 'edd'));

										<div class="edd-order-payment edd-admin-box-inside">
												<span class="label"><?php 
_e('Total Price', 'edd');
echo edd_currency_symbol($payment_meta['currency']);
&nbsp;<input name="edd-payment-total" type="text" class="med-text" value="<?php 
echo esc_attr(edd_format_amount(edd_get_payment_amount($payment_id)));

										<div class="edd-order-payment-recalc-totals edd-admin-box-inside" style="display:none">
												<span class="label"><?php 
_e('Recalculate Totals', 'edd');
												<a href="" id="edd-order-recalc-total" class="button button-secondary right"><?php 
_e('Recalculate', 'edd');
Exemple #28
                                                        				<tr class="edd_purchase_row">
                        do_action('edd_purchase_history_row_start', $post->ID, $purchase_data);
                                                        					<td class="edd_purchase_id">#<?php 
                        echo edd_get_payment_number($post->ID);
                                                        					<td class="edd_purchase_date"><?php 
                        echo date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), strtotime(get_post_field('post_date', $post->ID)));
                                                        					<td class="edd_purchase_amount">
                                                        						<span class="edd_purchase_amount"><?php 
                        echo edd_currency_filter(edd_format_amount(edd_get_payment_amount($post->ID)));
                                                        					<td class="edd_purchase_details">
                        if ($post->post_status != 'publish') {
                                                        						<span class="edd_purchase_status <?php 
                            echo $post->post_status;
                            echo edd_get_payment_status($post, true);
                                                        						<a href="<?php 
 * Sales Summary Dashboard Widget
 * Builds and renders the Sales Summary dashboard widget. This widget displays
 * the current month's sales and earnings, total sales and earnings best selling
 * downloads as well as recent purchases made on your EDD Store.
 * @author Sunny Ratilal
 * @since 1.2.2
 * @return void
function edd_dashboard_sales_widget()
    $top_selling_args = array('post_type' => 'download', 'posts_per_page' => 1, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'meta_key' => '_edd_download_sales', 'meta_compare' => '>', 'meta_value' => 0, 'orderby' => 'meta_value_num', 'update_post_term_cache' => false, 'order' => 'DESC');
    $top_selling = get_posts($top_selling_args);
	<div class="edd_dashboard_widget">
		<div class="table table_left table_current_month">
			<p class="sub"><?php 
    _e('Current Month', 'edd');
					<tr class="first">
						<td class="first b"><?php 
    echo edd_currency_filter(edd_format_amount(edd_get_earnings_by_date(null, date('n'), date('Y'))));
						<td class="t monthly_earnings"><?php 
    _e('Earnings', 'edd');
    $monthly_sales = edd_get_sales_by_date(null, date('n'), date('Y'));
						<td class="first b"><?php 
    echo $monthly_sales;
						<td class="t monthly_sales"><?php 
    echo _n('Sale', 'Sales', $monthly_sales, 'edd');
			<p class="label_heading"><?php 
    _e('Last Month', 'edd');
    $previous_month = date('n') == 1 ? 12 : date('n') - 1;
    $previous_year = $previous_month == 12 ? date('Y') - 1 : date('Y');
    echo __('Earnings', 'edd') . ':&nbsp;<span class="edd_price_label">' . edd_currency_filter(edd_format_amount(edd_get_earnings_by_date(null, $previous_month, $previous_year))) . '</span>';
    $last_month_sales = edd_get_sales_by_date(null, $previous_month, $previous_year);
    echo _n('Sale', 'Sales', $last_month_sales, 'edd') . ':&nbsp;' . '<span class="edd_price_label">' . $last_month_sales . '</span>';
		<div class="table table_right table_totals">
			<p class="sub"><?php 
    _e('Totals', 'edd');
					<tr class="first">
						<td class="b b-earnings"><?php 
    echo edd_currency_filter(edd_format_amount(edd_get_total_earnings()));
						<td class="last t earnings"><?php 
    _e('Total Earnings', 'edd');
						<td class="b b-sales"><?php 
    echo edd_get_total_sales();
						<td class="last t sales"><?php 
    _e('Total Sales', 'edd');
    if ($top_selling) {
        foreach ($top_selling as $list) {
					<p class="lifetime_best_selling label_heading"><?php 
            _e('Lifetime Best Selling', 'edd');
					<p><span class="lifetime_best_selling_label"><?php 
            echo edd_get_download_sales_stats($list->ID);
</span> <a href="<?php 
            echo get_permalink($list->ID);
            echo get_the_title($list->ID);
		<div style="clear: both"></div>
    $payments = edd_get_payments(array('number' => 5, 'mode' => 'live', 'orderby' => 'post_date', 'order' => 'DESC', 'user' => null, 'status' => 'publish', 'meta_key' => null, 'fields' => 'ids'));
    if ($payments) {
		<p class="edd_dashboard_widget_subheading"><?php 
        _e('Recent Purchases', 'edd');
		<div class="table recent_purchases">
        foreach ($payments as $payment) {
            $payment_meta = edd_get_payment_meta($payment);
            echo get_the_title($payment);
 - (<?php 
            echo $payment_meta['email'];
) - <span class="edd_price_label"><?php 
            echo edd_currency_filter(edd_format_amount(edd_get_payment_amount($payment)));
</span> - <a href="<?php 
            echo add_query_arg('id', $payment, admin_url('edit.php?post_type=download&page=edd-payment-history&edd-action=view-order-details'));
" title="<?php 
            printf(__('Purchase Details for Payment #%s', 'edd'), $payment);
            _e('View Order Details', 'edd');
        // End foreach
    // End if
 * Retrieve upgrade count and earnings for specific date
 * @since 3.3
 * @return array
function edd_sl_get_upgrades_by_date($day = null, $month = null, $year = null, $hour = null)
    $args = apply_filters('edd_get_upgrades_by_date', array('nopaging' => true, 'post_type' => 'edd_payment', 'post_status' => array('revoked', 'publish'), 'meta_key' => '_edd_sl_upgraded_payment_id', 'year' => $year, 'monthnum' => $month, 'fields' => 'ids'), $day, $month, $year);
    if (!empty($day)) {
        $args['day'] = $day;
    if (!empty($hour)) {
        $args['hour'] = $hour;
    $upgrades = get_posts($args);
    $return = array();
    $return['earnings'] = 0;
    $return['count'] = count($upgrades);
    if ($upgrades) {
        foreach ($upgrades as $upgrade) {
            $return['earnings'] += edd_get_payment_amount($upgrade);
    return $return;