Exemple #1
 function preflight()
     // We need our constants before commandfile searching like DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_LOGIN.
     require_once __DIR__ . '/bootstrap.inc';
     require_once __DIR__ . '/command.inc';
Exemple #2
     * Assure that matching version-specific command files are loaded and others are ignored.
    function testCommandVersionSpecific()
        $path = Path::join(UNISH_SANDBOX, 'commandUnitCase');
        $major = $this->drush_major_version();
        $major_plus1 = $major + 1;
        // Write matched and unmatched files to the system search path.
        $files = array(Path::join($path, "{$major}.drush{$major}.inc"), Path::join($path, "drush{$major}/drush{$major}.drush.inc"), Path::join($path, "{$major_plus1}.drush{$major_plus1}.inc"), Path::join($path, "drush{$major_plus1}/drush{$major_plus1}.drush.inc"));
        $this->mkdir(Path::join($path, 'drush' . $major));
        $this->mkdir(Path::join($path, 'drush' . $major_plus1));
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            $contents = <<<EOD
// Written by Unish. This file is safe to delete.
\$GLOBALS['unish_foo'][] = '{$file}';
            $return = file_put_contents($file, $contents);
        drush_set_context('DRUSH_INCLUDE', array($path));
        $loaded = drush_commandfile_list();
        $this->assertContains($files[0], $loaded);
        //Loaded a version-specific command file.
        $this->assertContains($files[1], $loaded);
        //Loaded a version-specific command directory.
        $this->assertNotContains($files[2], $loaded);
        //Did not load a mismatched version-specific command file.
        $this->assertNotContains($files[3], $loaded);
        //Did not load a a mismatched version-specific command directory.
     * Assure that matching version-specific command files are loaded and others are ignored.
    function testCommandVersionSpecific()
        $path = UNISH_SANDBOX . '/commandUnitCase';
        $major = $this->drush_major_version();
        $major_plus1 = $major + 1;
        // Write matched and unmatched files to the system search path.
        $files = array($path . "/{$major}.drush{$major}.inc", $path . "/drush{$major}/drush{$major}.drush.inc", $path . "/{$major_plus1}.drush{$major_plus1}.inc", $path . "/drush{$major_plus1}/drush{$major_plus1}.drush.inc");
        mkdir($path . '/drush' . $major);
        mkdir($path . '/drush' . $major_plus1);
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            $contents = <<<EOD
// Written by Unish. This file is safe to delete.
\$GLOBALS['unish_foo'][] = '{$file}';
            $return = file_put_contents($file, $contents);
        drush_set_context('DRUSH_INCLUDE', array($path));
        $loaded = drush_commandfile_list();
        $this->assertTrue(in_array(realpath($files[0]), $loaded), 'Loaded a version-specific command file.');
        $this->assertTrue(in_array(realpath($files[1]), $loaded), 'Loaded a version-specific command directory.');
        $this->assertFalse(in_array(realpath($files[2]), $loaded), 'Did not load a mismatched version-specific command file.');
        $this->assertFalse(in_array(realpath($files[3]), $loaded), 'Did not load a a mismatched version-specific command directory.');
Exemple #4
 * The main Drush function.
 * - Runs "early" option code, if set (see global options).
 * - Parses the command line arguments, configuration files and environment.
 * - Prepares and executes a Drupal bootstrap, if possible,
 * - Dispatches the given command.
 * function_exists('drush_main') may be used by modules to detect whether
 * they are being called from Drush.  See http://drupal.org/node/1181308
 * and http://drupal.org/node/827478
 * @return mixed
 *   Whatever the given command returns.
function drush_main()
    // Load Drush core include files, and parse command line arguments.
    require dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/preflight.inc';
    if (drush_preflight_prepare() === FALSE) {
        return 1;
    // Start code coverage collection.
    if ($coverage_file = drush_get_option('drush-coverage', FALSE)) {
        drush_set_context('DRUSH_CODE_COVERAGE', $coverage_file);
        xdebug_start_code_coverage(XDEBUG_CC_UNUSED | XDEBUG_CC_DEAD_CODE);
    // Load the global Drush configuration files, and global Drush commands.
    // Find the selected site based on --root, --uri or cwd
    // Preflight the selected site, and load any configuration and commandfiles associated with it.
    // Select and return the bootstrap class.
    $bootstrap = drush_preflight();
    // Reset our bootstrap phase to the beginning
    $return = '';
    if (!drush_get_error()) {
        if ($file = drush_get_option('early', FALSE)) {
            require_once $file;
            $function = 'drush_early_' . basename($file, '.inc');
            if (function_exists($function)) {
                if ($return = $function()) {
                    // If the function returns FALSE, we continue and attempt to bootstrap
                    // as normal. Otherwise, we exit early with the returned output.
                    if ($return === TRUE) {
                        $return = '';
        } else {
            // Do any necessary preprocessing operations on the command,
            // perhaps handling immediately.
            $command_handled = drush_preflight_command_dispatch();
            if (!$command_handled) {
                $return = $bootstrap->bootstrap_and_dispatch();
    // TODO: Get rid of global variable access here, and just trust
    // the bootstrap object returned from drush_preflight().  This will
    // require some adjustments to Drush bootstrapping.
    // See: https://github.com/drush-ops/drush/pull/1303
    if ($bootstrap = drush_get_bootstrap_object()) {
    // How strict are we?  If we are very strict, turn 'ok' into 'error'
    // if there are any warnings in the log.
    if ($return == 0 && drush_get_option('strict') > 1 && drush_log_has_errors()) {
        $return = 1;
    // After this point the drush_shutdown function will run,
    // exiting with the correct exit code.
    return $return;
Exemple #5
 public function listTables()
     $current = drush_get_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE');
     drush_set_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE', FALSE);
     $return = $this->query('SHOW TABLES;');
     $tables = drush_shell_exec_output();
     drush_set_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE', $current);
     return $tables;
  * Calls a Drush command.
  * This is an exact copy of drush_main from drush.php, but that file
  * cannot be loaded because it produces side effects.
  * @see drush_main
  * @return int|string
 protected static function drushMain()
     $return = '';
     // Start code coverage collection.
     if ($coverage_file = drush_get_option('drush-coverage', false)) {
         drush_set_context('DRUSH_CODE_COVERAGE', $coverage_file);
         xdebug_start_code_coverage(XDEBUG_CC_UNUSED | XDEBUG_CC_DEAD_CODE);
     /* Set up bootstrap object, so that
      * - 'early' files can bootstrap when needed.
      * - bootstrap constants are available.
     $bootstrap_class = drush_get_option('bootstrap_class', 'Drush\\Boot\\DrupalBoot');
     $bootstrap = new $bootstrap_class();
     drush_set_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_OBJECT', $bootstrap);
     // Process initial global options such as --debug.
     $return = '';
     if (!drush_get_error()) {
         if ($file = drush_get_option('early', false)) {
             require_once $file;
             $function = 'drush_early_' . basename($file, '.inc');
             if (function_exists($function)) {
                 if ($return = $function()) {
                     // If the function returns FALSE, we continue and attempt to bootstrap
                     // as normal. Otherwise, we exit early with the returned output.
                     if ($return === TRUE) {
                         $return = '';
         } else {
             // Do any necessary preprocessing operations on the command,
             // perhaps handling immediately.
             $command_handled = drush_preflight_command_dispatch();
             if (!$command_handled) {
                 $bootstrap = drush_get_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_OBJECT');
                 $return = $bootstrap->bootstrap_and_dispatch();
     // How strict are we?  If we are very strict, turn 'ok' into 'error'
     // if there are any warnings in the log.
     if ($return == 0 && drush_get_option('strict') > 1 && drush_log_has_errors()) {
         $return = 1;
     // After this point the drush_shutdown function will run,
     // exiting with the correct exit code.
     return $return;
Exemple #7
 public function install($profile)
     $options['account-name'] = drush_prompt(dt('Enter the administrator (uid=1) account name'));
     $options['account-pass'] = drush_prompt(dt('Enter the administrator (uid=1) password'));
     $options['account-mail'] = drush_prompt(dt('Enter the administrator (uid=1) e-mail address'));
     $options['locale'] = drush_prompt(dt('Enter your desired locale'));
     $options['site-name'] = drush_prompt(dt('Enter the name of your site'));
     $options['site-mail'] = drush_prompt(dt('Enter the global mail address of your site'));
     // Setting the options as a drush command specific context so the site install
     // routine picks it up.
     drush_set_context('specific', $options);
     // Determin the major version and launch version specific installation.
     drush_include_engine('drupal', 'site_install', drush_drupal_major_version());
     drush_core_site_install_version($profile, $options);
     drush_log(dt('Installation finished.'), 'success');
Exemple #8
  * Find the URI that has been selected by the cwd if it was not previously set
  * via the --uri / -l option.
  * @return string The site URI.
  * @see _drush_bootstrap_selected_uri()
 protected function get_selected_uri()
     $uri = drush_get_context('DRUSH_SELECTED_URI');
     if (empty($uri)) {
         $site_path = $this->site_path();
         $elements = explode('/', $site_path);
         $current = array_pop($elements);
         if (!$current) {
             $current = 'default';
         $uri = 'http://' . $current;
         $uri = drush_set_context('DRUSH_SELECTED_URI', $uri);
     return $uri;
Exemple #9
  * Log into the bootstrapped Drupal site with a specific
  * username or user id.
 function bootstrap_drupal_login()
     $uid_or_name = drush_set_context('DRUSH_USER', drush_get_option('user', 0));
     $userversion = drush_user_get_class();
     if (!($account = $userversion->load_by_uid($uid_or_name))) {
         if (!($account = $userversion->load_by_name($uid_or_name))) {
             if (is_numeric($uid_or_name)) {
                 $message = dt('Could not login with user ID !user.', array('!user' => $uid_or_name));
                 if ($uid_or_name === 0) {
                     $message .= ' ' . dt('This is typically caused by importing a MySQL database dump from a faulty tool which re-numbered the anonymous user ID in the users table. See !link for help recovering from this situation.', array('!link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/1029506'));
             } else {
                 $message = dt('Could not login with user account `!user\'.', array('!user' => $uid_or_name));
             return drush_set_error('DRUPAL_USER_LOGIN_FAILED', $message);
Exemple #10
 * The main Drush function.
 * - Parses the command line arguments, configuration files and environment.
 * - Prepares and executes a Drupal bootstrap, if possible,
 * - Dispatches the given command.
 * @return
 *   Whatever the given command returns.
function drush_main()
    $phases = _drush_bootstrap_phases(FALSE, TRUE);
    // We need some global options processed at this early stage. Namely --debug.
    $return = '';
    $command_found = FALSE;
    foreach ($phases as $phase) {
        if (drush_bootstrap_to_phase($phase)) {
            $command = drush_parse_command();
            // Process a remote command if 'remote-host' option is set.
            if (drush_remote_command()) {
                $command_found = TRUE;
            if (is_array($command)) {
                $bootstrap_result = drush_bootstrap_to_phase($command['bootstrap']);
                if ($bootstrap_result && empty($command['bootstrap_errors'])) {
                    drush_log(dt("Found command: !command (commandfile=!commandfile)", array('!command' => $command['command'], '!commandfile' => $command['commandfile'])), 'bootstrap');
                    $command_found = TRUE;
                    // Dispatch the command(s).
                    $return = drush_dispatch($command);
                    // prevent a '1' at the end of the output
                    if ($return === TRUE) {
                        $return = '';
                    if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_DEBUG')) {
                    drush_log(dt('Peak memory usage was !peak', array('!peak' => drush_format_size(memory_get_peak_usage()))), 'memory');
        } else {
    if (!$command_found) {
        // If we reach this point, we have not found either a valid or matching command.
        $args = implode(' ', drush_get_arguments());
        if (isset($command) && is_array($command)) {
            foreach ($command['bootstrap_errors'] as $key => $error) {
                drush_set_error($key, $error);
            drush_set_error('DRUSH_COMMAND_NOT_EXECUTABLE', dt("The drush command '!args' could not be executed.", array('!args' => $args)));
        } elseif (!empty($args)) {
            drush_set_error('DRUSH_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND', dt("The drush command '!args' could not be found.", array('!args' => $args)));
        // Set errors that ocurred in the bootstrap phases.
        $errors = drush_get_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_ERRORS', array());
        foreach ($errors as $code => $message) {
            drush_set_error($code, $message);
    // We set this context to let the shutdown function know we reached the end of drush_main();
    drush_set_context("DRUSH_EXECUTION_COMPLETED", TRUE);
    // After this point the drush_shutdown function will run,
    // exiting with the correct exit code.
    return $return;
Exemple #11
  * Initializes Drush which boostraps Drupal core
 public function initializeDrush()
     define('DRUSH_BASE_PATH', sprintf('%s/../drush', $this->root));
     define('DRUSH_REQUEST_TIME', microtime(TRUE));
     require_once DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/includes/bootstrap.inc';
     require_once DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/includes/environment.inc';
     require_once DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/includes/command.inc';
     require_once DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/includes/drush.inc';
     require_once DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/includes/backend.inc';
     require_once DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/includes/batch.inc';
     require_once DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/includes/context.inc';
     require_once DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/includes/sitealias.inc';
     require_once DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/includes/exec.inc';
     require_once DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/includes/drupal.inc';
     require_once DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/includes/output.inc';
     require_once DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/includes/cache.inc';
     require_once DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/includes/filesystem.inc';
     require_once DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/includes/dbtng.inc';
     $drush_info = drush_read_drush_info();
     define('DRUSH_VERSION', $drush_info['drush_version']);
     $version_parts = explode('.', DRUSH_VERSION);
     define('DRUSH_MAJOR_VERSION', $version_parts[0]);
     define('DRUSH_MINOR_VERSION', $version_parts[1]);
     $GLOBALS['argv'][0] = 'default';
     drush_set_context('arguments', array('default', 'help'));
     drush_set_context('argc', $GLOBALS['argc']);
     drush_set_context('argv', $GLOBALS['argv']);
     drush_set_option('root', $this->root);
     // make sure the default path point to the correct instance
     $currentDirectory = getcwd();
     $phases = _drush_bootstrap_phases(FALSE, TRUE);
     // We need some global options processed at this early stage. Namely --debug.
     $return = '';
     $command_found = FALSE;
     foreach ($phases as $phase) {
  * Teardown after each test.
 public function tearDown()
     // Reset drush_log for good me assure.
     drush_set_context('DRUSH_LOG_CALLBACK', $this->prevLog);
Exemple #13
 * @file
 * drush is a PHP script implementing a command line shell for Drupal.
 * @requires PHP CLI 4.3.0, PHP CLI 5.x, or newer.
// Terminate immediately unless invoked as a command line script
if (!drush_verify_cli()) {
    die('drush.php is designed to run via the command line.');
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/environment.inc';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/command.inc';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/drush.inc';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/backend.inc';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/context.inc';
drush_set_context('argc', $GLOBALS['argc']);
drush_set_context('argv', $GLOBALS['argv']);
 * Verify that we are running PHP through the command line interface.
 * This function is useful for making sure that code cannot be run via the web server,
 * such as a function that needs to write files to which the web server should not have
 * access to.
 * @return
 *   A boolean value that is true when PHP is being run through the command line,
 *   and false if being run through cgi or mod_php.
function drush_verify_cli()
    if (php_sapi_name() == 'cgi') {
Exemple #14
  * Tests drush_format_table() with word wrapping.
  * @see drush_format_table().
 public function testFormatTableWordWrap()
     drush_set_context('DRUSH_COLUMNS', 60);
     $output = drush_format_table($this->words);
     $expected = ' Drush is a command  scripting         for Drupal         ' . PHP_EOL . ' line shell          interface                            ' . PHP_EOL . ' A veritable         Swiss Army knife  designed to make   ' . PHP_EOL . '                                       life easier for us ' . PHP_EOL;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $output);
Exemple #15
 * The main Drush function.
 * - Parses the command line arguments, configuration files and environment.
 * - Prepares and executes a Drupal bootstrap, if possible,
 * - Dispatches the given command.
 * @return
 *   Whatever the given command returns.
function drush_main()
    $phases = _drush_bootstrap_phases();
    $return = '';
    $command_found = FALSE;
    foreach ($phases as $phase) {
        if (drush_bootstrap($phase)) {
            $command = drush_parse_command();
            if (is_array($command)) {
                if ($command['bootstrap'] == $phase && empty($command['bootstrap_errors'])) {
                    drush_log(dt("Found command: !command", array('!command' => $command['command'])), 'bootstrap');
                    $command_found = TRUE;
                    // Dispatch the command(s).
                    $return = drush_dispatch($command);
        } else {
    if (!$command_found) {
        // If we reach this point, we have not found either a valid or matching command.
        $args = implode(' ', drush_get_arguments());
        $drush_command = array_pop(explode('/', DRUSH_COMMAND));
        if (isset($command) && is_array($command)) {
            foreach ($command['bootstrap_errors'] as $key => $error) {
                drush_set_error($key, $error);
            drush_set_error('DRUSH_COMMAND_NOT_EXECUTABLE', dt("The command '!drush_command !args' could not be executed.", array('!drush_command' => $drush_command, '!args' => $args)));
        } elseif (!empty($args)) {
            drush_set_error('DRUSH_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND', dt("The command '!drush_command !args' could not be found.", array('!drush_command' => $drush_command, '!args' => $args)));
        } else {
            // This can occur if we get an error during _drush_bootstrap_drush_validate();
            drush_set_error('DRUSH_COULD_NOT_EXECUTE', dt("Drush could not execute."));
    // We set this context to let the shutdown function know we reached the end of drush_main();
    drush_set_context("DRUSH_EXECUTION_COMPLETED", TRUE);
    // After this point the drush_shutdown function will run,
    // exiting with the correct exit code.
    return $return;
Exemple #16
 * The main Drush function.
 * - Parses the command line arguments, configuration files and environment.
 * - Prepares and executes a Drupal bootstrap, if possible,
 * - Dispatches the given command.
 * @return
 *   Whatever the given command returns.
function drush_main()
    $phases = _drush_bootstrap_phases();
    $completed_phases = array();
    $return = '';
    $command_found = FALSE;
    foreach ($phases as $phase) {
        if (drush_bootstrap($phase)) {
            $completed_phases[$phase] = TRUE;
            $command = drush_parse_command();
            // Process a remote command if 'remote-host' option is set.
            if (drush_remote_command()) {
                $command_found = TRUE;
            if (is_array($command)) {
                if (array_key_exists($command['bootstrap'], $completed_phases) && empty($command['bootstrap_errors'])) {
                    drush_log(dt("Found command: !command (commandfile=!commandfile)", array('!command' => $command['command'], '!commandfile' => $command['commandfile'])), 'bootstrap');
                    $command_found = TRUE;
                    // Dispatch the command(s).
                    $return = drush_dispatch($command);
                    if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_DEBUG')) {
                    drush_log(dt('Peak memory usage was !peak', array('!peak' => drush_format_size(memory_get_peak_usage()))), 'memory');
        } else {
    if (!$command_found) {
        // If we reach this point, we have not found either a valid or matching command.
        $args = implode(' ', drush_get_arguments());
        if (isset($command) && is_array($command)) {
            foreach ($command['bootstrap_errors'] as $key => $error) {
                drush_set_error($key, $error);
            drush_set_error('DRUSH_COMMAND_NOT_EXECUTABLE', dt("The drush command '!args' could not be executed.", array('!args' => $args)));
        } elseif (!empty($args)) {
            drush_set_error('DRUSH_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND', dt("The drush command '!args' could not be found.", array('!args' => $args)));
        } else {
            // This can occur if we get an error during _drush_bootstrap_drush_validate();
            drush_set_error('DRUSH_COULD_NOT_EXECUTE', dt("Drush could not execute."));
    // We set this context to let the shutdown function know we reached the end of drush_main();
    drush_set_context("DRUSH_EXECUTION_COMPLETED", TRUE);
    // After this point the drush_shutdown function will run,
    // exiting with the correct exit code.
    return $return;