(SELECT ' . $selStatType . ' FROM ' . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . ' c ' . $join_clause . ' WHERE SUBSTRING(c.date_lastlogin, 6, 2) = \'03\' AND SUBSTRING(c.date_lastlogin, 1, 4) = ' . (int) $year . ' ' . $where_clause . ') as month3, (SELECT ' . $selStatType . ' FROM ' . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . ' c ' . $join_clause . ' WHERE SUBSTRING(c.date_lastlogin, 6, 2) = \'04\' AND SUBSTRING(c.date_lastlogin, 1, 4) = ' . (int) $year . ' ' . $where_clause . ') as month4, (SELECT ' . $selStatType . ' FROM ' . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . ' c ' . $join_clause . ' WHERE SUBSTRING(c.date_lastlogin, 6, 2) = \'05\' AND SUBSTRING(c.date_lastlogin, 1, 4) = ' . (int) $year . ' ' . $where_clause . ') as month5, (SELECT ' . $selStatType . ' FROM ' . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . ' c ' . $join_clause . ' WHERE SUBSTRING(c.date_lastlogin, 6, 2) = \'06\' AND SUBSTRING(c.date_lastlogin, 1, 4) = ' . (int) $year . ' ' . $where_clause . ') as month6, (SELECT ' . $selStatType . ' FROM ' . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . ' c ' . $join_clause . ' WHERE SUBSTRING(c.date_lastlogin, 6, 2) = \'07\' AND SUBSTRING(c.date_lastlogin, 1, 4) = ' . (int) $year . ' ' . $where_clause . ') as month7, (SELECT ' . $selStatType . ' FROM ' . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . ' c ' . $join_clause . ' WHERE SUBSTRING(c.date_lastlogin, 6, 2) = \'08\' AND SUBSTRING(c.date_lastlogin, 1, 4) = ' . (int) $year . ' ' . $where_clause . ') as month8, (SELECT ' . $selStatType . ' FROM ' . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . ' c ' . $join_clause . ' WHERE SUBSTRING(c.date_lastlogin, 6, 2) = \'09\' AND SUBSTRING(c.date_lastlogin, 1, 4) = ' . (int) $year . ' ' . $where_clause . ') as month9, (SELECT ' . $selStatType . ' FROM ' . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . ' c ' . $join_clause . ' WHERE SUBSTRING(c.date_lastlogin, 6, 2) = \'10\' AND SUBSTRING(c.date_lastlogin, 1, 4) = ' . (int) $year . ' ' . $where_clause . ') as month10, (SELECT ' . $selStatType . ' FROM ' . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . ' c ' . $join_clause . ' WHERE SUBSTRING(c.date_lastlogin, 6, 2) = \'11\' AND SUBSTRING(c.date_lastlogin, 1, 4) = ' . (int) $year . ' ' . $where_clause . ') as month11, (SELECT ' . $selStatType . ' FROM ' . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . ' c ' . $join_clause . ' WHERE SUBSTRING(c.date_lastlogin, 6, 2) = \'12\' AND SUBSTRING(c.date_lastlogin, 1, 4) = ' . (int) $year . ' ' . $where_clause . ') as month12 FROM ' . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . ' GROUP BY month1'; $result = database_query($sql, DATA_AND_ROWS, FIRST_ROW_ONLY, FETCH_ASSOC); $third_tab_content .= $nl . ' data.addRows(12);'; if ($result[1] >= 0) { $third_tab_content .= draw_set_values($result[0], $chart_type, _LOGINS); } $third_tab_content .= ' } </script>'; $third_tab_content .= '<script type="text/javascript">'; $third_tab_content .= $nl . ' google.load(\'visualization\', \'1\', {packages: [\'' . $chart_type . '\']});'; $third_tab_content .= $nl . ' google.setOnLoadCallback(drawVisualization);'; $third_tab_content .= $nl . ' function frmStatistics_Submit() { document.frmStatistics.submit(); }'; $third_tab_content .= '</script>'; $third_tab_content .= get_chart_changer('1_3', $chart_type, $year); $third_tab_content .= '<div id="div_visualization" style="width:600px;height:310px;"> <img src="images/loading.gif" style="margin:100px auto;" alt="" /></div>'; } } } $tabs = new Tabs(1, 'xp', TABS_DIR, '?admin=statistics'); //$tabs->SetHttpVars(array('admin'));
(SELECT ' . $selStatType . ' FROM ' . TABLE_ORDERS . ' o ' . $join_clause . ' WHERE SUBSTRING(o.payment_date, 6, 2) = \'04\' AND SUBSTRING(o.payment_date, 1, 4) = \'' . $year . '\' ' . $where_clause . ') as month4, (SELECT ' . $selStatType . ' FROM ' . TABLE_ORDERS . ' o ' . $join_clause . ' WHERE SUBSTRING(o.payment_date, 6, 2) = \'05\' AND SUBSTRING(o.payment_date, 1, 4) = \'' . $year . '\' ' . $where_clause . ') as month5, (SELECT ' . $selStatType . ' FROM ' . TABLE_ORDERS . ' o ' . $join_clause . ' WHERE SUBSTRING(o.payment_date, 6, 2) = \'06\' AND SUBSTRING(o.payment_date, 1, 4) = \'' . $year . '\' ' . $where_clause . ') as month6, (SELECT ' . $selStatType . ' FROM ' . TABLE_ORDERS . ' o ' . $join_clause . ' WHERE SUBSTRING(o.payment_date, 6, 2) = \'07\' AND SUBSTRING(o.payment_date, 1, 4) = \'' . $year . '\' ' . $where_clause . ') as month7, (SELECT ' . $selStatType . ' FROM ' . TABLE_ORDERS . ' o ' . $join_clause . ' WHERE SUBSTRING(o.payment_date, 6, 2) = \'08\' AND SUBSTRING(o.payment_date, 1, 4) = \'' . $year . '\' ' . $where_clause . ') as month8, (SELECT ' . $selStatType . ' FROM ' . TABLE_ORDERS . ' o ' . $join_clause . ' WHERE SUBSTRING(o.payment_date, 6, 2) = \'09\' AND SUBSTRING(o.payment_date, 1, 4) = \'' . $year . '\' ' . $where_clause . ') as month9, (SELECT ' . $selStatType . ' FROM ' . TABLE_ORDERS . ' o ' . $join_clause . ' WHERE SUBSTRING(o.payment_date, 6, 2) = \'10\' AND SUBSTRING(o.payment_date, 1, 4) = \'' . $year . '\' ' . $where_clause . ') as month10, (SELECT ' . $selStatType . ' FROM ' . TABLE_ORDERS . ' o ' . $join_clause . ' WHERE SUBSTRING(o.payment_date, 6, 2) = \'11\' AND SUBSTRING(o.payment_date, 1, 4) = \'' . $year . '\' ' . $where_clause . ') as month11, (SELECT ' . $selStatType . ' FROM ' . TABLE_ORDERS . ' o ' . $join_clause . ' WHERE SUBSTRING(o.payment_date, 6, 2) = \'12\' AND SUBSTRING(o.payment_date, 1, 4) = \'' . $year . '\' ' . $where_clause . ') as month12 FROM ' . TABLE_ORDERS . ' GROUP BY month1 '; $result = database_query($sql, DATA_AND_ROWS, FIRST_ROW_ONLY, FETCH_ASSOC); $second_tab_content .= $nl . ' data.addRows(12);'; if ($result[1] >= 0) { $default_currency = Currencies::GetDefaultCurrency(); $second_tab_content .= draw_set_values($result[0], $chart_type, _INCOME, $default_currency); } $second_tab_content .= ' } </script>'; $second_tab_content .= '<script type="text/javascript">'; $second_tab_content .= $nl . ' google.load(\'visualization\', \'1\', {packages: [\'' . $chart_type . '\']});'; $second_tab_content .= $nl . ' google.setOnLoadCallback(drawVisualization);'; $second_tab_content .= $nl . ' function frmStatistics_Submit() { document.frmStatistics.submit(); }'; $second_tab_content .= '</script>'; $second_tab_content .= get_chart_changer('1_2', $chart_type, $year, 'mod_payments_statistics'); $second_tab_content .= '<div id="div_visualization" style="width:600px;height:310px;"> <img src="images/ajax_loading.gif" style="margin:100px auto;" alt="' . _LOADING . '..."></div>'; } else { $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt, c.abbrv as country_abbrv, c.name as country_name