<?php include '../include.php'; url_query_require(); if (url_action('delete')) { db_delete('press_clips', $_GET['delete_id']); url_change('/press-clips/'); } echo drawTop(); echo drawTableStart(); echo drawHeaderRow($page['breadcrumbs'] . $page['title'], 2, getString('edit'), 'edit/?id=' . $_GET['id'], getString('delete'), drawDeleteLink()); $r = db_grab('SELECT c.title' . langExt() . ' title, c.url, c.pub_date, c.publication' . langExtT() . ' publication, c.type_id, c.description' . langExt() . ' description, t.title' . langExt() . ' type FROM press_clips c JOIN press_clips_types t ON c.type_id = t.id WHERE c.id = ' . $_GET['id']); ?> <tr> <td class="left"><?php echo getString('title'); ?> </td> <td class='title'><?php echo $r['title']; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="left"><?php echo getString('category'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo draw_link('categories.php?id=' . $r['type_id'], $r['type']); ?>
function email_user($address, $title, $content, $colspan = 1) { global $_josh; $message = drawEmailHeader() . drawTableStart() . drawHeaderRow($title, $colspan) . $content . drawTableEnd() . drawEmailFooter(); $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $headers .= "From: " . $_josh["email_default"] . "\r\n"; if (!mail($address, $title, $message, $headers)) { error_handle("Couldn't Send Email", "The message to " . $address . " was rejected by the mailserver for some reason", true); } }