Exemple #1
function traverse($node)
    foreach ($node->children as $child) {
Exemple #2
function delete_ngi()
    if ($_POST) {
    } else {
Exemple #3
 * Controller for an edit user_dn request
 * @global array $_POST only set if the browser has POSTed data
 * @return null
function edit_dn()
    //The following line will be needed if this controller is ever used for non administrators:
    if ($_POST) {
        // If we receive a POST request it's to edit a user dn
    } else {
        // If there is no post data, draw the edit DN page
Exemple #4
function create_document($topic_dists, $theta, $length)
    $doc = array_fill_keys(range(0, 24), 0);
    while ($length-- > 0) {
        $topic = draw($theta);
        $word = draw($topic_dists[$topic]);
        $doc[$word] += 1;
    return array_map(function ($start) use($doc) {
        return array_slice($doc, $start, 5);
    }, range(0, 24, 5));
 * Controller for an edit site property request
 * @global array $_POST only set if the browser has POSTed data
 * @return null
function edit_property()
    $dn = Get_User_Principle();
    $user = \Factory::getUserService()->getUserByPrinciple($dn);
    //Check the portal is not in read only mode, returns exception if it is and user is not an admin
    if ($_POST) {
    } else {
Exemple #6
 * Controller for an add service type request
 * @global array $_POST only set if the browser has POSTed data
 * @return null
function add_type()
    //The following line will be needed if this controller is ever used for non administrators:
    if ($_POST) {
        // If we receive a POST request it's to add a service type
    } else {
        // If there is no post data, draw the add service type form
Exemple #7
 * Controller for a retrieve account request.
 * @global array $_POST only set if the browser has POSTed data
 * @return null
function retrieve()
    //Check the portal is not in read only mode, returns exception if it is
    if ($_POST) {
        // If we receive a POST request it's to update a user
    } else {
        // If there is no post data, draw the edit user form
Exemple #8
 * Controller for an edit service request
 * @global array $_POST only set if the browser has POSTed data
 * @return null
function edit_service()
    $dn = Get_User_Principle();
    $user = \Factory::getUserService()->getUserByPrinciple($dn);
    //Check the portal is not in read only mode, returns exception if it is and user is not an admin
    if ($_POST) {
        // If we receive a POST request it's for a new site
    } else {
        // If there is no post data, draw the edit site form
Exemple #9
function delete()
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['id']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['id'])) {
        throw new Exception("An id must be specified");
    $dn = Get_User_Principle();
    $user = \Factory::getUserService()->getUserByPrinciple($dn);
    //get the site
    $site = \Factory::getSiteService()->getSite($_REQUEST['id']);
    if ($_POST or sizeof($site->getServices()) == 0) {
        submit($site, $user);
    } else {
 * Controller for a new_property request
 * @global array $_POST only set if the browser has POSTed data
 * @return null
function add_service_group_property()
    $dn = Get_User_Principle();
    $user = \Factory::getUserService()->getUserByPrinciple($dn);
    //Check the portal is not in read only mode, returns exception if it is and user is not an admin
    //Check user has modification rights for this entity
    if ($_POST) {
        // If we receive a POST request it's for a new property
    } else {
        // If there is no post data, draw the New property form
function delete()
    $dn = Get_User_Principle();
    $user = \Factory::getUserService()->getUserByPrinciple($dn);
    //get the site
    if (isset($_REQUEST['propertyid']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['propertyid'])) {
        $property = \Factory::getServiceGroupService()->getProperty($_REQUEST['propertyid']);
        $serviceGroup = \Factory::getServiceGroupService()->getServiceGroup($_REQUEST['id']);
    } else {
        throw new \Exception("A service group must be specified");
    if ($_POST) {
        submit($property, $user, $serviceGroup);
    } else {
        draw($property, $serviceGroup, $user);
Exemple #12
 * Controller for a request to add NGIs to a project
 * @global array $_POST only set if the browser has POSTed data
 * @return null
function add_ngis_to_project()
    $dn = Get_User_Principle();
    $user = \Factory::getUserService()->getUserByPrinciple($dn);
    //Check the portal is not in read only mode, returns exception if it is and user is not an admin
    ////Check the user has permission to see the page, will throw exception
    //if correct permissions are lacking
    if ($_POST) {
        // If we receive a POST request it's to add ngis
    } else {
        // If there is no post data, draw the add NGI page
function delete()
    $dn = Get_User_Principle();
    $user = \Factory::getUserService()->getUserByPrinciple($dn);
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['propertyid']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['propertyid'])) {
        throw new Exception("A propertyid must be specified");
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['serviceid']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['serviceid'])) {
        throw new Exception("A service id must be specified");
    //get the service and property
    $property = \Factory::getServiceService()->getProperty($_REQUEST['propertyid']);
    $service = \Factory::getServiceService()->getService($_REQUEST['serviceid']);
    if ($_POST) {
        submit($property, $service, $user);
    } else {
        draw($property, $service, $user);
function delete_endpoint()
    $dn = Get_User_Principle();
    $user = \Factory::getUserService()->getUserByPrinciple($dn);
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['endpointid']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['endpointid'])) {
        throw new Exception("An endpointid must be specified");
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['serviceid']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['serviceid'])) {
        throw new Exception("A service id must be specified");
    //get the service and endpoint
    $endpoint = \Factory::getServiceService()->getEndpoint($_REQUEST['endpointid']);
    $service = \Factory::getServiceService()->getService($_REQUEST['serviceid']);
    if ($_POST) {
        submit($endpoint, $service, $user);
    } else {
        draw($endpoint, $service, $user);
Exemple #15
function drawInterface($dbname, $out, $struct, $databases)
    echo "<html><head><title>sGrep</title></head><body>";
    echo "<style>a:link, a:hover, a:active, a:visited{color:black;text-decoration: none;}</style>";
    echo "<div class='bar'>";
    echo "<span><b>Databases</b>: </span>";
    foreach ($databases as $database) {
        echo " <span><a href='?dbname={$database}' style='color:blue;'>{$database}</a></span> | ";
    echo "</div>";
    echo "<h1>Graf</h1>";
    echo "<div class='draw' >";
    echo "</div>";
    echo "<div class='structure' >";
    echo "<h1>Short structure</h1>";
    echo "<table class='short_structure' >";
    foreach ($struct as $tablename => $column) {
        echo "<tr id='table_structure_short_" . $tablename . "' colspan='2' style='background-color:red;'><td><b>" . $tablename . "</b><span style='color:grey'>(" . count($column) . ")</span></td></tr>";
        foreach ($column as $columnname => $columnvalues) {
            echo "<tr colspan='2'><td><a href='#table_structure_column_" . $tablename . "_" . $columnname . "'>" . $columnname . "</a></td></tr>";
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<h1>Long structure</h1>";
    echo "<table class='long_structure' >";
    foreach ($struct as $tablename => $column) {
        echo "<tr colspan='2' style='background-color:red;'><td><b>" . $tablename . "</b></td></tr>";
        foreach ($column as $columnname => $columnvalues) {
            echo "<tr id='table_structure_column_" . $tablename . "_" . $columnname . "' colspan='2'><td style='background-color:green;'><b><i>" . $columnname . "</i></b></td></tr>";
            foreach ($columnvalues as $columnvaluename => $columnvalue) {
                echo "<tr>";
                echo "<td>" . $columnvaluename . "</td>";
                echo "<td>" . $columnvalue . "</td>";
                echo "</tr>";
    echo "</table>";
    echo "</div>";
    echo "</body></html>";
Exemple #16
function travel(&$out, $n = 0, $i = 0, $j = 0, $depth = 1)
    // $is_inner = ($depth == 0) ? 0 : 2;
    // ->
    draw($out, $i, $j, $i, $j + ($n - 1));
    $j += $n - 1;
    // down
    draw($out, $i, $j, $i + ($n - 1), $j);
    $i += $n - 1;
    // <-
    draw($out, $i, $j, $i, $j - ($n - 1));
    $j -= $n - 1;
    // up
    draw($out, $i, $j, $i - ($n - 3), $j);
    $i -= $n - 3;
    $j += 1;
    draw($out, $i, $j, $i, $j);
    // if ($depth == 2) return;
    if ($n - 4 < 0) {
    travel($out, $n - 4, $i, $j + 1, $depth++);
function create_restored_course(&$tool_content, $restoreThis, $course_code, $course_lang, $course_title, $course_desc, $course_vis, $course_prof) {
    global $webDir, $urlServer, $urlAppend, $langEnter, $langBack, $currentCourseCode;
    require_once 'modules/create_course/functions.php';
    require_once 'modules/course_info/restorehelper.class.php';
    require_once 'include/lib/fileManageLib.inc.php';
    $new_course_code = null;
    $new_course_id = null;

    Database::get()->transaction(function() use (&$new_course_code, &$new_course_id, $restoreThis, $course_code, $course_lang, $course_title, $course_desc, $course_vis, $course_prof, $webDir, &$tool_content, $urlServer, $urlAppend) {
        $departments = array();
        if (isset($_POST['department'])) {
            foreach ($_POST['department'] as $did) {
                $departments[] = intval($did);
        } else {
            $minDep = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT MIN(id) AS min FROM hierarchy");
            if ($minDep) {
                $departments[0] = $minDep->min;

        $r = $restoreThis . '/html';
        list($new_course_code, $new_course_id) = create_course($course_code, $course_lang, $course_title, $course_desc, $departments, $course_vis, $course_prof);
        if (!$new_course_code) {
            $tool_content = "<div class='alert alert-warning'>" . $GLOBALS['langError'] . "</div>";
            draw($tool_content, 3);

        if (!file_exists($restoreThis)) {
        $config_data = unserialize(file_get_contents($restoreThis . '/config_vars'));
        // If old $urlAppend didn't end in /, add it
        if (substr($config_data['urlAppend'], -1) !== '/') {
            $config_data['urlAppend'] .= '/';
        $eclass_version = (isset($config_data['version'])) ? $config_data['version'] : null;
        $backupData = null;
        if (file_exists($restoreThis . '/backup.php')) {
            $backupData = parse_backup_php($restoreThis . '/backup.php');
            $eclass_version = $backupData['eclass_version'];
        $restoreHelper = new RestoreHelper($eclass_version);

        $course_file = $restoreThis . '/' . $restoreHelper->getFile('course');
        if (file_exists($course_file)) {
            $course_dataArr = unserialize(file_get_contents($course_file));
            $course_data = $course_dataArr[0];
            // update course query
            $upd_course_sql = "UPDATE course SET keywords = ?s, doc_quota = ?f, video_quota = ?f, "
                            . " group_quota = ?f, dropbox_quota = ?f, glossary_expand = ?d ";
            $upd_course_args = array(
                $course_data[$restoreHelper->getField('course', 'keywords')],
                intval($course_data[$restoreHelper->getField('course', 'glossary_expand')])
            if (isset($course_data['home_layout']) and isset($course_data['course_image'])) {
                $upd_course_sql .= ', home_layout = ?d, course_image = ?s ';
                $upd_course_args[] = $course_data['home_layout'];
                $upd_course_args[] = $course_data['course_image'];
            // Set keywords to '' if NULL
            if (!isset($upd_course_args[0])) {
                $upd_course_args[0] = '';
            // handle course weekly if exists
            if (isset($course_data['view_type']) && isset($course_data['start_date']) && isset($course_data['finish_date'])) {
                $upd_course_sql .= " , view_type = ?s, start_date = ?t, finish_date = ?t ";
            $upd_course_sql .= " WHERE id = ?d ";
            array_push($upd_course_args, intval($new_course_id));

            Database::get()->query($upd_course_sql, $upd_course_args);

        $userid_map = array();
        $user_file = $restoreThis . '/user';
        if (file_exists($user_file)) {
            $cours_user = unserialize(file_get_contents($restoreThis . '/' . $restoreHelper->getFile('course_user')));
            $userid_map = restore_users(unserialize(file_get_contents($user_file)), $cours_user, $departments, $restoreHelper);
            register_users($new_course_id, $userid_map, $cours_user, $restoreHelper);
        $userid_map[0] = 0;
        $userid_map[-1] = -1;

        $coursedir = "${webDir}/courses/$new_course_code";
        $videodir = "${webDir}/video/$new_course_code";
        move_dir($r, $coursedir);
        if (is_dir($restoreThis . '/video_files')) {
            move_dir($restoreThis . '/video_files', $videodir);
        $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-info'>" . $GLOBALS['langCopyFiles'] . " $coursedir</div>";

        require_once 'upgrade/functions.php';

        $url_prefix_map = array(
            $config_data['urlServer'] . 'modules/ebook/show.php/' . $course_data['code'] =>
            $urlServer . 'modules/ebook/show.php/' . $new_course_code,
            $config_data['urlAppend'] . 'modules/ebook/show.php/' . $course_data['code'] =>
            $urlAppend . 'modules/ebook/show.php/' . $new_course_code,
            $config_data['urlServer'] . 'modules/document/file.php/' . $course_data['code'] =>
            $urlServer . 'modules/document/file.php/' . $new_course_code,
            $config_data['urlAppend'] . 'modules/document/file.php/' . $course_data['code'] =>
            $urlAppend . 'modules/document/file.php/' . $new_course_code,
            $config_data['urlServer'] . 'courses/' . $course_data['code'] =>
            $urlServer . 'courses/' . $new_course_code,
            $config_data['urlAppend'] . 'courses/' . $course_data['code'] =>
            $urlAppend . 'courses/' . $new_course_code,
            $course_data['code'] =>

        if ($restoreHelper->getBackupVersion() === RestoreHelper::STYLE_3X) {
            restore_table($restoreThis, 'course_module', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id), 'delete' => array('id')), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        } else if ($restoreHelper->getBackupVersion() === RestoreHelper::STYLE_2X) {
            foreach (get_tabledata_from_parsed('accueil', $backupData, $restoreHelper) as $accueil) {
                Database::get()->query('UPDATE course_module SET visible = ?d WHERE course_id = ?d AND module_id = ?d',
                    $accueil['visible'], $new_course_id, $accueil['id']);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'announcement', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id), 'delete' => array('id', 'preview')), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'group_properties', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $group_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'group', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'group_members', array('map' => array('group_id' => $group_map, 'user_id' => $userid_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Forums Restore
        $forum_category_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'forum_category', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $forum_category_map[0] = 0;
        $forum_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'forum', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id', 'map' => array('cat_id' => $forum_category_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $forum_map[0] = 0;
        $forum_topic_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'forum_topic', array('return_mapping' => 'id',
            'map' => array('forum_id' => $forum_map, 'poster_id' => $userid_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $forum_topic_map[0] = 0;
        $forum_post_options = array('return_mapping' => 'id',
                                    'map' => array('topic_id' => $forum_topic_map,
                                                   'poster_id' => $userid_map));
        if ($restoreHelper->getBackupVersion() === RestoreHelper::STYLE_2X) {
            $forum_post_options['set'] = array('post_text' => '');
        $forum_post_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'forum_post', $forum_post_options, $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $forum_post_map[0] = 0;
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'forum_notify', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'map' => array('user_id' => $userid_map, 'cat_id' => $forum_category_map, 'forum_id' => $forum_map, 'topic_id' => $forum_topic_map),
            'delete' => array('id')), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'forum_user_stats', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
        'map' => array('user_id' => $userid_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        if ($restoreHelper->getBackupVersion() === RestoreHelper::STYLE_2X
                && isset($backupData) && is_array($backupData)
                && isset($backupData['query']) && is_array($backupData['query'])) {
            $postsText = get_tabledata_from_parsed('posts_text', $backupData, $restoreHelper);
            foreach ($postsText as $ptData) {
                if (array_key_exists($ptData['post_id'], $forum_post_map)) {
                    Database::get()->query("UPDATE forum_post SET post_text = ?s WHERE id = ?d", $ptData['post_text'], intval($forum_post_map[$ptData['post_id']]));

        $forumLastPosts = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT DISTINCT last_post_id FROM forum WHERE course_id = ?d ", intval($new_course_id));
        if (is_array($forumLastPosts) && count($forumLastPosts) > 0) {
            foreach ($forumLastPosts as $lastPost) {
                if (isset($forum_post_map[$lastPost->last_post_id])) {
                    Database::get()->query("UPDATE forum SET last_post_id = ?d WHERE course_id = ?d AND last_post_id = ?d", intval($forum_post_map[$lastPost->last_post_id]), intval($new_course_id), intval($lastPost->last_post_id));

        $topicLastPosts = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT DISTINCT last_post_id FROM forum_topic WHERE forum_id IN (SELECT id FROM forum WHERE course_id = ?d)", intval($new_course_id));
        if (is_array($topicLastPosts) && count($topicLastPosts) > 0) {
            foreach ($topicLastPosts as $lastPost) {
                if (isset($forum_post_map[$lastPost->last_post_id])) {
                    Database::get()->query("UPDATE forum_topic SET last_post_id = ?d WHERE last_post_id = ?d", intval($forum_post_map[$lastPost->last_post_id]), intval($lastPost->last_post_id));

        $parentPosts = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT DISTINCT parent_post_id FROM forum_post WHERE topic_id IN (SELECT id FROM forum_topic WHERE forum_id IN (SELECT id FROM forum WHERE course_id = ?d))", intval($new_course_id));
        if (is_array($parentPosts) && count($parentPosts) > 0) {
            foreach ($parentPosts as $parentPost) {
                if (isset($forum_post_map[$parentPost->parent_post_id])) {
                    Database::get()->query("UPDATE forum_post SET parent_post_id = ?d WHERE parent_post_id = ?d", intval($forum_post_map[$parentPost->parent_post_id]), intval($parentPost->parent_post_id));
        // Forums Restore End

        // Glossary Restore
        $glossary_category_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'glossary_category', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $glossary_category_map[0] = 0;
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'glossary', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'delete' => array('id'), 'map' => array('category_id' => $glossary_category_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        // Glossary Restore End

        $link_category_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'link_category', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $link_category_map[0] = 0;
        $link_category_map[-1] = -1;
        $link_category_map[-2] = -2;
        $link_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'link', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'map' => array('category' => $link_category_map, 'user_id' => $userid_map), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $ebook_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'ebook', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        foreach ($ebook_map as $old_id => $new_id) {
            // new and old id might overlap as the map contains multiple values!
            rename("$coursedir/ebook/$old_id", "$coursedir/ebook/__during_restore__$new_id");
        foreach ($ebook_map as $old_id => $new_id) {
            // better to use an intermediary rename step
            rename("$coursedir/ebook/__during_restore__$new_id", "$coursedir/ebook/$new_id");
        $document_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'document', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'map_function' => 'document_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array(1 => $group_map, 2 => $ebook_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $ebook_section_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'ebook_section', array('map' => array('ebook_id' => $ebook_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $ebook_subsection_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'ebook_subsection', array('map' => array('section_id' => $ebook_section_map,
            'file_id' => $document_map), 'delete' => array('file'), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Video
        $videocat_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'video_category', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $videocat_map[''] = '';
        $videocat_map[0] = 0;
        $video_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'video', array(
            'map' => array('category' => $videocat_map),
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $videolink_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'videolink', array(
            'map' => array('category' => $videocat_map),
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Dropbox
        $dropbox_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'dropbox_msg', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
                'map' => array('author_id' => $userid_map), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'dropbox_attachment', array('map' => array('msg_id' => $dropbox_map), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'dropbox_index', array('map' => array('msg_id' => $dropbox_map, 'recipient_id' => $userid_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Learning Path
        $lp_learnPath_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'lp_learnPath', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'learnPath_id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $lp_module_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'lp_module', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'module_id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $lp_asset_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'lp_asset', array('map' => array('module_id' => $lp_module_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'asset_id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        // update lp_module startAsset_id with new asset_id from map
        foreach ($lp_asset_map as $key => $value) {
            Database::get()->query("UPDATE lp_module SET `startAsset_id` = ?d "
                    . "WHERE `course_id` = ?d "
                    . "AND `startAsset_id` = ?d", intval($value), intval($new_course_id), intval($key));
        $lp_rel_learnPath_module_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'lp_rel_learnPath_module', array('map' => array('learnPath_id' => $lp_learnPath_map,
            'module_id' => $lp_module_map), 'return_mapping' => 'learnPath_module_id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        // update parent
        foreach ($lp_rel_learnPath_module_map as $key => $value) {
            Database::get()->query("UPDATE lp_rel_learnPath_module SET `parent` = ?d "
                    . "WHERE `learnPath_id` IN (SELECT learnPath_id FROM lp_learnPath WHERE course_id = ?d) "
                    . "AND `parent` = ?d", intval($value), intval($new_course_id), intval($key));
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'lp_user_module_progress', array('delete' => array('user_module_progress_id'),
            'map' => array('user_id' => $userid_map,
            'learnPath_module_id' => $lp_rel_learnPath_module_map,
            'learnPath_id' => $lp_learnPath_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        foreach ($lp_learnPath_map as $old_id => $new_id) {
            // new and old id might overlap as the map contains multiple values!
            $old_dir = "$coursedir/scormPackages/path_$old_id";
            if (file_exists($old_dir) && is_dir($old_dir)) {
                rename($old_dir, "$coursedir/scormPackages/__during_restore__$new_id");
        foreach ($lp_learnPath_map as $old_id => $new_id) {
            // better to use an intermediary rename step
            $tempLPDir = "$coursedir/scormPackages/__during_restore__$new_id";
            if (file_exists($tempLPDir) && is_dir($tempLPDir)) {
                rename($tempLPDir, "$coursedir/scormPackages/path_$new_id");

        // Wiki
        $wiki_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'wiki_properties', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'wiki_acls', array('map' => array('wiki_id' => $wiki_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $wiki_pages_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'wiki_pages', array('map' => array('wiki_id' => $wiki_map,
            'owner_id' => $userid_map), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'wiki_pages_content', array('delete' => array('id'),
            'map' => array('pid' => $wiki_pages_map, 'editor_id' => $userid_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Blog
        if (file_exists("$restoreThis/blog_post")) {
            $blog_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'blog_post', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Comments
        if (file_exists("$restoreThis/comments")) {
            $comment_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'comments', array('delete' => array('id'),
            'map' => array('user_id' => $userid_map),
            'map_function' => 'comments_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($blog_map, $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        //Abuse Report
        if (file_exists("$restoreThis/abuse_report")) {
            restore_table($restoreThis, 'abuse_report', array('delete' => array('id'),
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'map' => array('user_id' => $userid_map),
            'map_function' => 'abuse_report_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($forum_post_map, 
            $comment_map, $link_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Rating
        if (file_exists("$restoreThis/rating")) {
            restore_table($restoreThis, 'rating', array('delete' => array('rate_id'),
            'map' => array('user_id' => $userid_map),
            'map_function' => 'ratings_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($blog_map, $forum_post_map, $link_map,
            $new_course_id)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        if (file_exists("$restoreThis/rating_cache")) {
            restore_table($restoreThis, 'rating_cache', array('delete' => array('rate_cache_id'),
            'map_function' => 'ratings_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($blog_map, $forum_post_map, $link_map,
            $new_course_id)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Course_settings
        if (file_exists("$restoreThis/course_settings")) {
            restore_table($restoreThis, 'course_settings', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Polls
        $poll_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'poll', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'map' => array('creator_id' => $userid_map), 'return_mapping' => 'pid', 'delete' => array('type')),
             $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $poll_question_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'poll_question', array('map' => array('pid' => $poll_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'pqid'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $poll_answer_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'poll_question_answer', array('map' => array('pqid' => $poll_question_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'pqaid'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'poll_answer_record', array('delete' => array('arid'),
            'map' => array('pid' => $poll_map,
            'qid' => $poll_question_map,
            'aid' => $poll_answer_map,
            'user_id' => $userid_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Assignments
        if (!isset($group_map[0])) {
            $group_map[0] = 0;
        $assignments_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'assignment', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $assignments_map[0] = 0;
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'assignment_submit', array('delete' => array('id'),
            'map' => array('uid' => $userid_map, 'assignment_id' => $assignments_map, 'group_id' => $group_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Agenda
        $agenda_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'agenda', array(
            'return_mapping' => 'id',
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id)
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $agenda_map[0] = 0;

        // Exercises
        $exercise_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'exercise', array(
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $exercise_map[0] = 0;
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'exercise_user_record', array(
            'delete' => array('eurid'),
            'map' => array('eid' => $exercise_map, 'uid' => $userid_map)
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $question_category_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'exercise_question_cats', array(
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'question_cat_id'
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $question_category_map[0] = 0;
        $question_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'exercise_question', array(
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'init' => array('category' => 0),
            'map' => array('category' => $question_category_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'exercise_answer', array(
            'delete' => array('id'),
            'map' => array('question_id' => $question_map)
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'exercise_answer_record', array(
            'delete' => array('answer_record_id'),
            'map' => array('question_id' => $question_map,
                'eurid' => $userid_map)
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'exercise_with_questions', array(
            'map' => array('question_id' => $question_map, 'exercise_id' => $exercise_map)
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        $sql = "SELECT asset.asset_id, asset.path FROM `lp_module` AS module, `lp_asset` AS asset
                        WHERE module.startAsset_id = asset.asset_id
                        AND course_id = ?d AND contentType = 'EXERCISE' AND path <> '' AND path IS NOT NULL";
        $rows = Database::get()->queryArray($sql, intval($new_course_id));

        if (is_array($rows) && count($rows) > 0) {
            foreach ($rows as $row) {
                Database::get()->query("UPDATE `lp_asset` SET path = ?s WHERE asset_id = ?d", $exercise_map[$row->path], intval($row->asset_id));

        // Attendance
        $attendance_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'attendance', array(
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $attendance_activities_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'attendance_activities', array(
            'map' => array('attendance_id' => $attendance_map),
            'map_function' => 'attendance_gradebook_activities_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($assignments_map, $exercise_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'attendance_book', array(
            'map' => array(
                'attendance_activity_id' => $attendance_activities_map,
                'uid' => $userid_map
            'delete' => array('id')
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'attendance_users', array(
            'map' => array(
                'attendance_id' => $attendance_map,
                'uid' => $userid_map
            'delete' => array('id')
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Gradebook
        $gradebook_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'gradebook', array(
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $gradebook_activities_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'gradebook_activities', array(
            'map' => array('gradebook_id' => $gradebook_map),
            'map_function' => 'attendance_gradebook_activities_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($assignments_map, $exercise_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'gradebook_book', array(
            'map' => array(
                'gradebook_activity_id' => $gradebook_activities_map,
                'uid' => $userid_map
            'delete' => array('id')
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'gradebook_users', array(
            'map' => array(
                'gradebook_id' => $gradebook_map,
                'uid' => $userid_map
            'delete' => array('id')
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Notes
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'note', array(
            'set' => array('reference_obj_course' => $new_course_id),
            'map' => array('user_id' => $userid_map),
            'map_function' => 'notes_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($new_course_id, $agenda_map, $document_map, $link_map,
                $video_map, $videolink_map, $assignments_map, $exercise_map, $ebook_map,
            'delete' => array('id')
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Units
        $unit_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'course_units', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'unit_resources', array('delete' => array('id'),
            'map' => array('unit_id' => $unit_map),
            'map_function' => 'unit_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($document_map,
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Weekly
        $weekly_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'course_weekly_view', array(
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'course_weekly_view_activities', array(
            'delete' => array('id'),
            'map' => array('course_weekly_view_id' => $weekly_map),
            'map_function' => 'unit_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($document_map,
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        restore_table($restoreThis, 'course_description', array(
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'delete' => array('id')
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);


        // index course after restoring
        require_once 'modules/search/indexer.class.php';
        Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_REMOVEALLBYCOURSE, Indexer::RESOURCE_IDX, $new_course_id);
        Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STOREALLBYCOURSE, Indexer::RESOURCE_IDX, $new_course_id);

    // check/cleanup video files after restore transaction
    if ($new_course_code != null && $new_course_id != null) {
        $videodir = $webDir . "/video/" . $new_course_code;
        $videos = scandir($videodir);
        foreach ($videos as $videofile) {
            if (is_dir($videofile)) {

            $vlike = '/' . $videofile;

            if (!isWhitelistAllowed($videofile)) {
                unlink($videodir . "/" . $videofile);
                Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM `video` WHERE course_id = ?d AND path LIKE ?s", $new_course_id, $vlike);

            $vcnt = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT count(id) AS count FROM `video` WHERE course_id = ?d AND path LIKE ?s", $new_course_id, $vlike)->count;
            if ($vcnt <= 0) {
                unlink($videodir . "/" . $videofile);
        $backUrl = $urlAppend . (isset($currentCourseCode)? "courses/$currentCourseCode/": 'modules/admin/');
        $tool_content .= action_bar(array(
            array('title' => $langEnter,
                  'url' => $urlAppend . "courses/$new_course_code/",
                  'icon' => 'fa-arrow-right',
                  'level' => 'primary-label',
                  'button-class' => 'btn-success'),
            array('title' => $langBack,
                  'url' => $backUrl,
                  'icon' => 'fa-reply',
                  'level' => 'primary-label')), false);

Exemple #18

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/resources/globals.php";
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/resources/common_functions.php";
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/pages/install/install.php";
function draw()
    global $o_project_installer;
    global $global_path_to_jquery;
    $block_style = "display:inline-block; border:1px solid black; padding:1em; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.05);";
    echo "<!DOCTYPE html>\n\t<head><title>Banwebplus help!</title>\n\t<script src='{$global_path_to_jquery}'></script></head>\n\n\t<body><div style='width:800px; margin:0 auto;'>\n\n";
    $b_all_green = draw_status_code($block_style);
    draw_link_to_login($block_style, $b_all_green);
    echo "\n\n</div></body>";
function draw_jquery($block_style)
    global $global_path_to_jquery;
    if ($global_path_to_jquery === "") {
        echo "<div style='{$block_style}'>\n\t\t\t<div style='display:inline-block; color:red; font-size:2em; font-weight:bold;'>\n\t\t\t\tALERT!!!\n\t\t\t</div><br />\n\t\t\tThis page will not work very will until jquery has been set up.<br />\n\t\t\tTo use jquery, create a file in\n\t\t\t<div style='display:inline-block; font-family:monospace;'>\n\t\t\t\t/some/path/banwebplus/server_config.ini\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\twith the following line:<br />\n\t\t\t<div style='display:inline-block; font-family:monospace;'>\n\t\t\t\tglobal_path_to_jquery = \"/jquery/js/jquery-1.9.0.js\"\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div><br /><br />\n\n";
function draw_help_code($block_style)
    echo "\n\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3024745/cross-browser-bookmark-add-to-favorites-javascript\n\t\tfunction bookmark() {\n\t\t\tif (window.sidebar) { // Mozilla Firefox Bookmark\n\t\t\t\twindow.sidebar.addPanel(location.href,document.title,'');\n\t\t\t} else if(window.external && window.external.AddFavorite) { // IE Favorite\n\t\t\t\twindow.external.AddFavorite(location.href,document.title);\n\t\t\t} else if(window.opera && window.print) { // Opera Hotlist\n\t\t\t\tthis.title=document.title;\n\t\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\talert('Bookmark could not be added automatically.');\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t</script>\n\n";
    echo "<div style='{$block_style}'>\n\t\t\t<div style='font-size:2.0em'>HELP!</div>\n\t\t\t<b>Why am I here?</b><br />\n\t\t\tEither you\n\t\t\t<a href='#' onclick='bookmark();'>bookmarked</a>\n\t\t\tthis page or you were redirected here because some of the necessary components\n\t\t\tto run this page are not properly installed.\n\t\t</div><br /><br />\n\n";
function draw_status_code($block_style)
Exemple #19
function annaZug()
    global $kegelArray;
    global $punkte;
    logFrame("\n--- Annas Zug ---");
    logFrame("- Wurf -");
    $besteWurfLinie = array();
    $besteWurfLinie["m"] = 0;
    $besteWurfLinie["a"] = 0;
    $besteWurfLinie["getroffen"] = 0;
    logFrame("Ermittle beste Wurf-Linie");
    for ($p1 = 0; $p1 < sizeof($kegelArray); $p1++) {
        if ($kegelArray[$p1]["status"]) {
            if (anzahlKegelAufDemSpielfeld() !== 1) {
                for ($p2 = 0; $p2 < sizeof($kegelArray); $p2++) {
                    if ($kegelArray[$p2]["status"] && $p1 != $p2) {
                        //Koordinaten übersichtlicher
                        $p1X = $kegelArray[$p1]["x"];
                        $p1Y = $kegelArray[$p1]["y"];
                        $p2X = $kegelArray[$p2]["x"];
                        $p2Y = $kegelArray[$p2]["y"];
                        //m errechnen
                        $dX = $p1X - $p2X;
                        $dY = $p1Y - $p2Y;
                        if ($dX == 0) {
                            $dX = 1;
                        //Division durch Null verhindern
                        $m = $dY / $dX;
                        //a errechnen
                        $a = $p1Y - $m * $p1X;
                        $getroffen = wurf($m, $a, false);
                        logFrame("Es könnten " . $getroffen . " Kegel getroffen werden.");
                        if ($getroffen > $besteWurfLinie["getroffen"]) {
                            $besteWurfLinie["m"] = $m;
                            $besteWurfLinie["a"] = $a;
                            $besteWurfLinie["getroffen"] = $getroffen;
            } else {
                $besteWurfLinie["m"] = 0;
                $besteWurfLinie["a"] = $kegelArray[$p1]["y"];
    logFrame("Beste wurf-Linie ermittelt: y = " . $besteWurfLinie["m"] . " * x + " . $besteWurfLinie["a"]);
    draw($besteWurfLinie["m"], $besteWurfLinie["a"], true);
    //Besten wurf zeichnen
    $anzahlUmgeworfen = wurf($besteWurfLinie["m"], $besteWurfLinie["a"], true);
    //Besten Wurf ausführen
    logFrame("Insgesmat " . $anzahlUmgeworfen . " Kegel umgeworfen.");
    $punkte[sizeof($punkte) - 1]["anna"] += $anzahlUmgeworfen;
    //Punktestand speichern
    //Entscheidung: Runde fortsetzen?
    $temp = punkteInsgesamt();
    if ($temp["randy"] + anzahlKegelAufDemSpielfeld() * 0.5 <= $temp["anna"]) {
        logFrame("\n---- Anna hat sich für die Fortsetzung der Runde entschieden. ----");
        return true;
    } else {
        logFrame("\n---- Anna beendet die aktuelle Runde. ----");
        return false;
Exemple #20
    $tool_content .= "
                <div class='form-group'>
                    <div class='col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-2'>
                        <input class='btn btn-primary' type='submit' name='submit' value='$langModify'>
                        <a class='btn btn-default' href='auth.php'>$langCancel</a>

draw($tool_content, 3);

 * @brief display form for completing info about authentication via eclass
 * @global type $langAuthTitle
 * @global type $langInstructionsAuth
 * @param type $auth_title
 * @param type $auth_instructions
 * @return string
function eclass_auth_form($auth_title, $auth_instructions) {

    global $langAuthTitle, $langInstructionsAuth;

    $content = "<div class='form-group'>
            <label for='auth_title' class='col-sm-2 control-label'>$langAuthTitle:</label>
Exemple #21
    } else {
        $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-info'>{$langStudentCannotRegister}</div>";
    // teacher registration
    if ($eclass_prof_reg or $alt_auth_prof_reg) {
        // allow teacher registration
        $tool_content .= "<table class='table table-striped table-bordered table-hover'>";
        $tool_content .= "<tr><th>{$langOfTeacher}</th></tr>";
        if ($eclass_prof_reg) {
            $tool_content .= "<tr><td><a href='formuser.php?p=1'>{$langUserAccountInfo1}</a></td></tr>";
        if (count($auth) > 1 and $alt_auth_prof_reg) {
            $tool_content .= "<tr><td>{$langUserAccountInfo1} {$langWith}:";
            foreach ($auth as $k => $v) {
                if ($v != 1) {
                    // bypass the eclass auth method
                    $tool_content .= "<br /><a href='altnewuser.php?p=1&amp;auth=" . $v . "'>" . get_auth_info($v) . "</a>";
            $tool_content .= "</td></tr>";
        $tool_content .= "</table>";
    } else {
        $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-info'>{$langTeacherCannotRegister}</div>";
} else {
    // disable registration
    $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-info'>{$langCannotRegister}</div>";
draw($tool_content, 0);
Exemple #22
        $bad_words .= $words[$cur_word++] . ' ';
    parser_message('blazon', 'Not understood - ' . $bad_words);
parser_message('Disclaimer:', 'Provided for education and information only. The use of heraldic devices is restricted in many countries, independently of copyright. The granting of a Coat of Arms is solely the right of the appropriate Heraldic Authority for your nationality and country of residence.');
if ($parser_messages->hasChildNodes()) {
// Read in the drawing code
$dir = opendir($format);
while (($file = readdir($dir)) != false) {
    if (substr($file, -4) == '.inc') {
        require $format . '/' . $file;
$output = draw();
// Output content header
if ($asFile) {
    header("Content-type: application/force-download");
    header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="shield.svg"');
    header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: text");
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="shield.svg"');
    header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
} elseif ($asText) {
    header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: text");
    header('Content-Type: text/plain');
} else {
    header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8');
echo $output;
Exemple #23
        <div class='panel panel-info text-left'>
          <div class='panel-heading'>$langThisWizard</div>
          <div class='panel-body'>
        <form class='form-horizontal' role='form' method='post' action='$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]'>
            <div class='form-group'>
              <label for='lang' class='col-sm-2 control-label'>$langChooseLang:</label>
              <div class='col-sm-10'>" . selection($langLanguages, 'lang', $lang, 'class="form-control" onChange=\"document.langform.submit();\"') . "</div>
            <div class='form-group'>
              <div class='col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10 text-left'>
                <input type='submit' class='btn btn-primary' name='install1' value='$langNextStep &raquo;'>
                <input type='hidden' name='welcomeScreen' value='true'>
    draw($tool_content, array('no-menu' => true));

Exemple #24
        $tool_content .= "</div>
                <span class='tag'>$langProfileMemberSince : </span><span class='tag-value'>$userdata->registered_at</span>
//render custom profile fields content
$tool_content .= render_profile_fields_content(array('user_id' => $id));
$tool_content .= "</div>
draw($tool_content, 1);

 * check access to user profiles
 * @global type $status
 * @param type $level
 * @return boolean

function allow_access($level) {
    if ($level == ACCESS_USERS) {        
        return true;
    } elseif ($level == ACCESS_PROFS and $_SESSION['status'] == USER_TEACHER) {        
        return true;
    } else {
Exemple #25
            $tool_content .= "</tr>";
    $tool_content .= "</table>\n            </div>\n        </div>\n    </div>";
    if ($can_upload && !$is_in_tinymce) {
        $tool_content .= "<br><div class='text-right'>{$langMaxFileSize} " . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . "</div>";
if (defined('SAVED_COURSE_CODE')) {
    $course_code = SAVED_COURSE_CODE;
    $course_id = SAVED_COURSE_ID;
draw($tool_content, $menuTypeID, null, $head_content);
function select_proper_filters($requestDocsFilter)
    $filter = '';
    $compatiblePlugin = true;
    switch ($requestDocsFilter) {
        case 'image':
            $ors = '';
            foreach (MultimediaHelper::getSupportedImages() as $imgfmt) {
                $ors .= " OR format LIKE '{$imgfmt}'";
            $filter = "AND (format LIKE '.dir' {$ors})";
        case 'eclmedia':
            $ors = '';
            foreach (MultimediaHelper::getSupportedMedia() as $mediafmt) {
Exemple #26
                                        <table class="admin_table">
                                                <th class="text-left">Id</th>
                                                <th>Account state</th>
                                                <th>Sign up date</th>
                                                <th>Ip address</th>

    foreach ($result['users'] as $key => $value) {


} else {
    if (strlen($query) < 3) {
                                            <div class="info">
                                                Enter in the search box username, full name or email. Minimum of 3 characters.
    } else {
Exemple #27
require_once 'archive_functions.php';

$toolName = $langCourseInfo;
$pageName = $langArchiveCourse;
$navigation[] = array('url' => "index.php?course=$course_code", 'name' => $langCourseInfo);

if (!isset($_GET['token']) || !validate_csrf_token($_GET['token'])) csrf_token_error();

doArchive($course_id, $course_code);

$tool_content .= "
    <div class='alert alert-info'>
        <li>$langBUCourseDataOfMainBase $course_code</li>
        <li>$langBackupOfDataBase $course_code</li>
    <div class='alert alert-success'>$langBackupSuccesfull</div>" .
        array('title' => $langDownloadIt,
              'url' => $urlAppend . "courses/archive/$course_code/$course_code-" . date('Ymd') . ".zip",
              'icon' => 'fa-download',
              'button-class' => 'btn-success',
              'level' => 'primary-label'),
        array('title' => $langBack,
              'url' => "index.php?course=$course_code",
              'icon' => 'fa-reply',
              'level' => 'primary-label')), false);

draw($tool_content, 2);
 * Validate a given uploaded zip archive contents against the whitelist and error if necessary.
 * @param array   $listContent - The list contents of the zip arhive, preferably by directly wiring PclZip::listContent().
 * @param integer $menuTypeID  - The menu type to display in case of error.
function validateUploadedZipFile($listContent, $menuTypeID = 2)
    global $tool_content, $head_content, $langBack, $langUploadedZipFileNotAllowed;
    if (!is_array($listContent)) {
        return false;
    foreach ($listContent as $key => $entry) {
        if ($entry['folder'] == 1) {
        $filename = basename($entry['filename']);
        if (!isWhitelistAllowed($filename)) {
            $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-danger'>{$langUploadedZipFileNotAllowed}<br><a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>{$langBack}</a></div><br>";
            draw($tool_content, $menuTypeID, null, $head_content);
                $link_text = $entry['title'];
            if ($entry['copyrighted']) {
                $link_text .= " <img src='../document/img/copyrighted.png' />";
            $tool_content .= "\n  <tr{$style}>";
            $tool_content .= "\n    <td><input type='radio' name='selectedDocument' value='" . $entry['path'] . "'/></td>";
            $tool_content .= "\n    <td width='1%' valign='top' align='center' style='padding-top: 7px;'>" . icon($image, '') . "</td>";
            $tool_content .= "\n    <td><div align='left'>{$link_text}";
            if (!empty($entry['comment'])) {
                $tool_content .= "<br /><span class='commentDoc'>" . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($entry['comment'])) . "</span>\n";
            $tool_content .= "</div></td>\n";
            $tool_content .= "<td><div align='center'>{$size}</div></td><td><div align='center'>{$date}</div></td></tr>";
        $tool_content .= "\n  <tr class='nobrd'>";
        $tool_content .= "\n    <td colspan='2'></td>";
        $tool_content .= "\n    <td colspan='3' class='right'><input class='btn btn-primary' type='submit' value='" . $langImport . "'></td>";
        $tool_content .= "\n  </tr>";
    $tool_content .= "\n  </tbody>";
    $tool_content .= "\n  </table>";
    $tool_content .= "\n  </fieldset>";
    $tool_content .= "\n</form>";
    $tool_content .= "\n</div>";
    $tool_content .= "<p class='right smaller'>{$langNote}:<br/>{$langScormIntroTextForDummies}</p>";
// else if method == 'post'
draw($tool_content, 2, null, $head_content);
Exemple #30

if ($user->data['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS) {
    error_box("Erreur", "Vous devez être connecté pour accèder à cette page.", "index.php");
$tpl = new raintpl();
if (!empty($user->data['partner']) && !empty($user->data['tokken'])) {
    $tpl->assign("link", "https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=" . $user->data['partner'] . "&token=" . $user->data['tokken'] . "");
draw($tpl->draw("page_trade", $return_string = true), "Mise à jour");