private function collect_images($url, $dir)
     $continue = true;
     $domain = '';
     $base = '';
     do {
         echo $url . "\n";
         $p = new Page($url);
         do {
             if ($p->curr_line()->contain('href="')) {
                 $href = $p->curr_line()->cut_between('href="', '"')->to_s();
                 $href = htmlspecialchars_decode($href);
                 echo "{$domain}{$href}\n";
                 $p2 = new Page($domain . $href);
                 $p2->go_line('Original image');
                 $src = $p2->curr_line()->cut_between('href="http:', '"')->to_s();
                 $src = 'http:' . $src;
                 $outpath = $dir . basename($src);
                 download_it($src, $outpath, "--header=\"Accept: image/*\"");
                 // echo '<pre>'.htmlspecialchars($p2->curr_line()).'</pre>';
         } while (!$p->next_line()->contain('<center>'));
         if ($p->curr_line()->contain('alt="next"')) {
             $m = $p->curr_line()->regex_match('/href="([^"]+)" alt="next"/');
             $url = $base . html_entity_decode($m[1]);
         } else {
             $continue = false;
     } while ($continue);
 private function download_images()
     for ($n = count($this->images) - 1; $n >= 0; $n--) {
         $img_url = $this->images[$n];
         $output = $this->dir . basename($img_url);
         echo "Downloading {$img_url}...\n";
         download_it($img_url, $output);
 private function download_video($streams, $choice, $dir, $filename)
     if (!isset($streams[$choice])) {
         echo "INVALID CHOICE!";
     $stream = $streams[$choice];
     $new_filename = "{$dir}/{$filename}.{$stream->ext}";
     download_it($stream->url, $new_filename);
 private function download_images($json)
     foreach ($json->data as $post) {
         $output = $this->output_path($post);
         // try hires
         $image_url = isset($post->images[0]) ? $post->images[0]->source : $post->source;
         if (!is_file($output)) {
             echo "Downloading {$image_url}\n";
             download_it($image_url, $output);
 private function download_images($images, $dir)
     $i = 1;
     $dir = substr($dir, 0, 120);
     foreach ($images as $page_url) {
         $ext = '.jpg';
         $filename = Text::create($i)->pad(3)->to_s() . $ext;
         $outpath = $dir . $filename;
         if (!is_file($outpath)) {
             $retry = false;
             do {
                 $image_src = $this->get_image_src($page_url);
                 // $ext = Text::create($image_src)->cut_rafter('.')->to_s();
                 download_it($image_src, $outpath);
                 $retry = filesize($outpath) === 0;
             } while ($retry);
 private function download_chapters($chapters)
     $prefix = 'Birth_of_Levi';
     $dir = '/home/khandar-gdp/tmp/birth of levi/';
     foreach ($chapters as $infix => $url) {
         echo "Opening {$url}...\n";
         $p = new Page($url);
         $i = 1;
         do {
             $line = $p->curr_line();
             $img = $line->cut_between('="', '"');
             $suffix = Text::create($i++)->pad(3)->to_s();
             $ext = $img->cut_rafter('.');
             $filename = "{$dir}{$prefix}-{$infix}-{$suffix}.{$ext}";
             if (!is_file($filename)) {
                 download_it($img->to_s(), $filename);
         } while ($p->next_line()->contain('pages['));
 private function download_episodes($dir, $episodes)
     $dir = rtrim($dir, '/') . '/';
     foreach ($episodes as $url => $text) {
         $episode_dir = $dir . $text . '/';
         if (!is_dir($episode_dir)) {
             $h = $this->open($url);
             $i = 1;
             $thumbnails = $h->find('#modal-chapter-thumbnail', 0);
             foreach ($thumbnails->find('.img-thumbnail') as $img) {
                 $src = $img->src;
                 $src = str_replace('https:', 'http:', $src);
                 $src = preg_replace('/\\/150x200\\//', '/600x0/', $src);
                 $src = preg_replace('/\\/160x90\\//', '/1200x0/', $src);
                 $filename = Text::create($i++)->pad(3)->to_s();
                 $outpath = $episode_dir . $filename . '.jpg';
                 download_it($src, $outpath);
     file_put_contents('disneycomics.phase2', ob_get_clean());
 case 'phase3':
     require 'disneycomics.phase2';
     foreach ($a as $name => $comics) {
         foreach ($comics as $title => $pages) {
             echo "{$name}\\{$title}\n";
             exec("mkdir \"{$name}\\{$title}\\\"");
             foreach ($pages as $file => $img) {
                 $file = html_entity_decode($file);
                 // quickfix
                 $img = html_entity_decode($img);
                 $output_file = "{$name}\\{$title}\\{$file}";
                 //echo "<a href='$img'>$name/$title/$file</a><br/>\n";flush();
                 download_it($img, $output_file);
                 exec("wget -t 0 --retry-connrefused -O \"$name\\$title\\$file\" $img");
 case 'phase3b':
     // phase 3 pake concurrent download curl
     require 'disneycomics.phase2';
     foreach ($a as $name => $comics) {
         // cUrl init
         $n = 0;
         $size = 2;
         // mau berapa concurrent download at a time
 private function save_to($url, $file)
     download_it($url, $file, "--header=\"Accept: image/*\"");
    $s['value'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($date));
    $s['key'] = $report_condition_KEY;
    $DIA->save('report_condition', $s);
    #update export table with new request
    $e['Status'] = 'Active';
    $e['key'] = $export_KEY;
    $DIA->save('export', $e);
$last = get_export($export_KEY);
$rec = get_export($rec_export_KEY);
if ($_GET['action'] == 'donation') {
    download_it($report_condition_KEY, $export_KEY, $last['Last_Run']);
if ($_GET['action'] == 'rec') {
    download_it($rec_report_condition_KEY, $rec_export_KEY, $rec['Last_Run']);

<h2>Donation Report</h2>

You last downloaded <a href="<?php 
echo $last['Last_Filename'];
">this file</a> with <?php 
echo $last['Last_Linecount'];
 private function download_if_not_exist($img, $dir, $id)
     if ($img->pos('//') === 0) {
         $src = 'https:' . $img->to_s();
     } else {
         $src = $img->to_s();
     $filename = $img->cut_rafter('/')->cut_before('?');
     $outpath = $dir . Text::create($id)->pad(3)->to_s() . '-' . $filename->to_s();
     $hash = $filename->cut_rbefore('.')->to_s();
     if (!in_array($hash, $this->existing_hashes($dir)) && !is_file($outpath)) {
         download_it($src, $outpath, "--header=\"User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:6.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/6.0.2\"");