$Webcit_PrefMsgid = 0; if ($num_msgs > 0) { foreach ($msgs as $msgnum) { print_r($msgnum); // Fetch the message from the server list($ok, $response, $fields) = ctdl_fetch_message($msgnum); // Bail out gracefully if the message isn't there. if (!$ok) { echo "Error: " . $response . "\n"; return false; } if (isset($fields['part'])) { $parts = explode('|', $fields['part']); print_r($parts); if ($parts[4] == "text/x-vcard") { list($size, $OldVcard) = download_attachment($msgnum, $result[2]); } else { ctdl_dele($msgnum); } } else { if ($fields['subj'] == "__ WebCit Preferences __") { $Webcit_PrefMsgid = $msgnum; $Webcit_Preferences = $fields; } } } } "begin:vcard\nn:Surename;CName;mitte;Mrs;IV\ntitle:master\nfn:CName Surename\norg:citadel.org\nadr:blarg;Road To nowhere ;10;Metropolis;NRW;12345;Country\ntel;home:888888888\ntel;work:99999999999\nemail;internet:user@samplecitadel.org\nemail;internet:me@samplecitadel.org\nemail;internet:myself@samplecitadel.org\nemail;internet:i@samplecitadel.org\nFBURL;PREF:http://samplecitadel.org/Cname_Lastname.vfb\nUID:Citadel vCard: personal card for Cname Lastname at samplecitadel.org\nend:vcard\n"; $entarray = array(); $entarray['post'] = 1; $entarray['format_type'] = FMT_RFC822;
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // Author: Jenny Murphy - http://google.com/+JennyMurphy // Verify that the parameters we want are there if (!isset($_GET['timeline_item_id']) || !isset($_GET['attachment_id'])) { http_response_code(400); exit; } require_once 'config.php'; require_once 'mirror-client.php'; require_once 'google-api-php-client/src/Google_Client.php'; require_once 'google-api-php-client/src/contrib/Google_MirrorService.php'; require_once 'util.php'; $client = get_google_api_client(); // Authenticate if we're not already if (!isset($_SESSION['userid']) || get_credentials($_SESSION['userid']) == null) { header('Location: ' . $base_url . '/oauth2callback.php'); exit; } else { $client->setAccessToken(get_credentials($_SESSION['userid'])); } // A glass service for interacting with the Mirror API $mirror_service = new Google_MirrorService($client); // fetch the metadata $attachment = $mirror_service->timeline_attachments->get($_GET['timeline_item_id'], $_GET['attachment_id']); // set the content type header header('Content-type: ' . $attachment->getContentType()); // echo the bytes echo download_attachment($_GET['timeline_item_id'], $attachment);
function save_header_images($imageType, $fileMasterId, $fileName, $articleId) { global $articleErrors; if ($imageType == "header" || $imageType == "promoLarge") { $imageDownloadUrlPath = $fileMasterId . "+w640/" . $fileName; } elseif ($imageType == "homepage") { $imageDownloadUrlPath = $fileMasterId . "+w288+h140+re0+cr1+ar0/" . $fileName; } else { $imageDownloadUrlPath = $fileMasterId . "+w1024/" . $fileName; } $imageDownloadUrl = "http://image.adam.automotive.com/f/" . $imageDownloadUrlPath; $file_name = $fileMasterId . "_" . $imageType . "_" . $fileName; $attachmentID = download_attachment($imageDownloadUrl, $file_name, $articleId); if (empty($attachmentID)) { $articleErrors[] = "ERROR: Download attachment failed. url - {$imageDownloadUrl} articleId - {$articleId} entityType - HeaderImages {$imageType} <br>"; } if ($attachmentID[0]) { update_post_meta($articleId, $imageType, $attachmentID[0]); if ($imageType == "header") { update_post_meta($articleId, "_thumbnail_id", $attachmentID[0]); } elseif ($imageType == "promoLarge") { update_post_meta($articleId, "post_flipper-image_thumbnail_id", $attachmentID[0]); } elseif ($imageType == "homepage") { update_post_meta($articleId, "post_home-image_thumbnail_id", $attachmentID[0]); } return $attachmentID[0]; } else { return false; } }
function import_attachment_by_articles() { wp_reset_postdata(); query_posts(array('post_status' => 'publish', 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'order' => 'DESC', 'posts_per_page' => '-1')); if (have_posts()) { $i = 1; while (have_posts()) { the_post(); $post_meta = get_post_meta(get_the_ID()); if (!empty($post_meta['headerImages'])) { $post_meta_headerImages = unserialize($post_meta['headerImages'][0]); foreach ($post_meta_headerImages as $key => $header_images) { $metaPostID = $media_item = null; echo get_the_ID() . "--" . $header_images . "--"; $metaPostID = get_post_id_by_meta_key_and_value('post_id', get_the_ID()); $media_item = get_permalink($metaPostID); if (!empty($metaPostID) && !empty($media_item)) { echo "{$metaPostID} available <br>"; set_post_thumbnail(get_the_ID(), $metaPostID); update_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'post_promo-image_thumbnail_id', $metaPostID); continue; } else { //print_r($metaPostID); echo " {$metaPostID} not attachment {$media_item} <br>"; } $attachment_id = null; if ($key == "header" || $key == "promoSmall" || $key == "homepage") { add_image_size('promo-small', 288, 9999); } elseif ($key == "promoLarge" || $key == 'imagegroup') { add_image_size('promo-large', 650, 317); add_image_size('promo-small', 288, 9999); } $filename = get_attachment_details_from_table($key, get_the_ID(), $header_images); if (empty($filename)) { $filename = $header_images . '-' . $key . '.jpg'; } $url = "http://image.adam.automotive.com/f/{$header_images}/{$filename}"; $attachment_id = download_attachment($url, $filename, get_the_ID()); if (!empty($attachment_id)) { update_post_meta($attachment_id, 'post_id', get_the_ID()); update_post_meta($attachment_id, 'imageType', $key); //if($key=="header"){ set_post_thumbnail(get_the_ID(), $attachment_id); update_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'post_promo-image_thumbnail_id', $attachment_id); //} echo "Success"; } else { echo "Fail"; } echo "<br>"; } } // echo "<pre>"; // print_r($post_meta['headerImages']); // echo "</pre>"; // echo "<br>"; } wp_reset_postdata(); } }