Exemple #1
 private function renderException(\Exception $e)
     if ($e instanceof RedirectException) {
         return response()->withRedirect($e->url, $e->statusCode);
     alert($e->getMessage(), 'danger');
     $response = response(document());
     if ($e instanceof ForbiddenHttpException) {
     } elseif ($e instanceof NotFoundHttpException) {
     return $response;
Exemple #2
 public function addForm()
     $themes = glob(DIR_THEME . '/*');
     $themeNames = [];
     foreach ($themes as $theme) {
         $themeData = parse_json_file($theme . '/composer.json');
         $theme = str_replace(DIR_THEME . '/', '', $theme);
         $themeNames[$theme] = $themeData['extra']['name'];
     $data = [];
     $data['content'] = view('sites/form', ['title' => t('new_site'), 'name' => '', 'locales' => substr(app('request')->getPreferredLanguage(app('translator')->installedPackages), 0, 2), 'domains' => app('request')->server['HTTP_HOST'], 'use_alias_as_path' => 0, 'maintenance_mode' => 0, 'need_cache' => 0, 'template' => HTML::select('theme', '', $themeNames, 'class="form-control"'), 'site' => 'new', 'sites' => str_replace(DIR_SITE, '', glob(DIR_SITE . 's*'))]);
     $data['sidebar_right'] = HTML::saveButton() . HTML::mastercodeInput();
     $data['sidebar_left'] = '';
     $data['form_url'] = 'admin/sites/add';
     $data['meta_title'] = t('site_creation');
     $data['breadcrumbs'] = [['url' => '?route=config', 'title' => t('settings')], ['url' => '?route=config/sites', 'title' => t('site_list')], ['title' => t('site_creation')]];
     $d = document($data);
     return $d;
Exemple #3
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../classes/Json.class.php";
$userinfo = array();
$userinfo['uid'] = 10086;
$userinfo['name'] = "大帅";
$userinfo['age'] = 18;
$userinfo['sex'] = 1;
$grade = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
$info = array();
$info['up'] = 1;
$info['down'] = 1;
$comment_data = array();
$comment_data['uid'] = 10086;
$comment_data['name'] = "大帅";
$comments = array($comment_data, $comment_data);
$pinfo = array();
$pinfo['id'] = 2;
$pinfo['uid'] = '10086';
$pinfo['rid'] = '10086';
$pinfo['money'] = 100.25;
$pinfo['key'] = 'tokendddsxsedfs115';
$pinfo['alias'] = 'techer';
$pinfo['aliastype'] = 'yousi.com';
$pinfo['date'] = '2015-11-12 15:17:23';
$pinfo['clientdate'] = 1446450068;
$pinfo['info'] = $info;
$pinfo['grade'] = $grade;
$pinfo['comments'] = $comments;
$pinfo['userinfo'] = $userinfo;
/**测试地址 Example.php?document=truxish2114558de*/
document($pinfo, 'PushInfoData');
Exemple #4
function adm($rs)
    global $iCMS;
    $rs->code = stripslashes_deep(unserialize($rs->code));
    $file = FS::path(iPATH . $iCMS->config['htmldir'] . '/!adm') . '/';
    switch ($rs->load) {
        case "js":
            $file .= "{$rs->style}-{$rs->id}.js";
            $html = "/*\n广告:{$rs->varname}\n标签:<!--{iCMS:advertise name=\"{$rs->varname}\"}-->\n*/\n";
            if ($rs->status) {
                $html .= "var timestamp = Date.parse(new Date());\n";
                $html .= "var startime = Date.parse(new Date(\"" . get_date($rs->starttime, 'Y/m/d') . "\"));\n";
                $rs->endtime && ($html .= "var endtime = Date.parse(new Date(\"" . get_date($rs->endtime, 'Y/m/d') . "\"));\n");
                $html .= "if(timestamp>=startime";
                $rs->endtime && ($html .= "||timestamp<endtime");
                $html .= "){\n";
                $html .= document(getadvhtml($rs->style, $rs->code));
                $html .= "}";
        case "iframe":
            $file .= "{$rs->style}-{$rs->id}.html";
            $html = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>无标题文档</title><script type="text/javascript">function resizeFrame(){try{ var frames=parent.document.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); for(var i=0;i<frames.length;i++){ frames[i].style.height=document.body.scrollHeight+"px"; var topPos=location.href.indexOf("#top");if(topPos>0){location.href=location.href.substring(0,topPos)+"#top1"}break;}}}catch(e){return;}}</script></head><body>' . getadvhtml($rs->style, $rs->code) . '</body><script type="text/javascript">resizeFrame();</scrip</html>';
        case "shtml":
            $file .= "{$rs->style}-{$rs->id}.shtml";
            $html = getadvhtml($rs->style, $rs->code);
    $rs->src = $file;
    $iCMS->setCache('system/adm/' . md5($rs->varname), $rs, 0);
    if ($fn) {
        return $file;
    $rs->load && FS::write($file, $html);
Exemple #5
    $view->with('sidebar', document('contents'));
 * Handle the documentation homepage.
 * This page contains the "introduction" to Laravel.
Route::get('(:bundle)', function () {
    return View::make('docs::page')->with('content', document('home'));
 * Handle documentation routes for sections and pages.
 * @param  string  $section
 * @param  string  $page
 * @return mixed
Route::get('(:bundle)/(:any)/(:any?)', function ($section, $page = null) {
    $file = rtrim(implode('/', func_get_args()), '/');
    // If no page was specified, but a "home" page exists for the section,
    // we'll set the file to the home page so that the proper page is
    // displayed back out to the client for the requested doc page.
    if (is_null($page) and document_exists($file . '/home')) {
        $file .= '/home';
    if (document_exists($file)) {
        return View::make('docs::page')->with('content', document($file));
    } else {
        return Response::error('404');
Exemple #6
function document_list()
    return document("", "kd_doc");
Exemple #7
 public function edit()
     $d = document(['content' => view('user/form', ['autologin' => app('user')->autologin]), 'sidebar_left' => '', 'sidebar_right' => HTML::saveButton(DIR_APP . '/config.php') . HTML::mastercodeInput(), 'form_url' => 'admin/user/update', 'meta_title' => t('module_profile'), 'breadcrumbs' => [['url' => 'admin/config', 'title' => t('settings')], ['title' => t('module_profile')]]]);
     return $d;
Exemple #8
    public function adminPages()
        $d = document(['content' => '<p>Pages list</p>
<p><a href="admin">Dashboard</a></p>']);
        return $d;
     * Handle the documentation homepage.
     * This page contains the "introduction" to Laravel.
    Route::get('(:bundle)', function () {
        return View::make('rest_service_api::page')->with('content', document('home'));
     * Handle documentation routes for sections and pages.
     * @param  string  $section
     * @param  string  $page
     * @return mixed
    Route::get('(:bundle)/(:any)/(:any?)', function ($section, $page = null) {
        $file = rtrim(implode('/', func_get_args()), '/');
        // If no page was specified, but a "home" page exists for the section,
        // we'll set the file to the home page so that the proper page is
        // display back out to the client for the requested doc page.
        if (is_null($page) and document_exists($file . '/home')) {
            $file .= '/home';
        if (document_exists($file)) {
            return View::make('rest_service_api::page')->with('content', document($file));
        } else {
            return Response::error('404');

include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/data.api.php";
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../classes/Json.class.php";
$city1 = array();
$city1['id'] = 1;
$city1['name'] = "泉州市";
$city2 = array();
$city2['id'] = 2;
$city2['name'] = "上海市";
$citylist[] = $city1;
$citylist[] = $city2;
/**测试地址 Example.php?document=truxish2114558de*/
document('GetCityList', $citylist);
Exemple #11

include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/data.api.php";
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../classes/Json.class.php";
$city1 = array();
$city1['id'] = 1;
$city1['name'] = "泉州市";
$city2 = array();
$city2['id'] = 2;
$city2['name'] = "上海市";
$citylist[] = $city1;
$citylist[] = $city2;
/**测试地址 Example.php?document=truxish2114558de*/
document($citylist, 'GetCityList');
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../classes/Json.class.php";
$userinfo = array();
$userinfo['uid'] = 10086;
$userinfo['name'] = "大帅";
$userinfo['age'] = 18;
$userinfo['sex'] = 1;
$grade = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
$info = array();
$info['up'] = 1;
$info['down'] = 1;
$comment_data = array();
$comment_data['uid'] = 10086;
$comment_data['name'] = "大帅";
$comments = array($comment_data, $comment_data);
$pinfo = array();
$pinfo['id'] = 2;
$pinfo['uid'] = '10086';
$pinfo['rid'] = '10086';
$pinfo['money'] = 100.25;
$pinfo['key'] = 'tokendddsxsedfs115';
$pinfo['alias'] = 'techer';
$pinfo['aliastype'] = 'yousi.com';
$pinfo['date'] = '2015-11-12 15:17:23';
$pinfo['clientdate'] = 1446450068;
$pinfo['info'] = $info;
$pinfo['grade'] = $grade;
$pinfo['comments'] = $comments;
$pinfo['userinfo'] = $userinfo;
/**测试地址 Example.php?document=truxish2114558de*/
document('PushInfoData', $pinfo);
function CreateAdvJs($id)
    global $iCMS;
    $rs = $iCMS->db->getRow("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__advertise` WHERE `id`='{$id}'");
    $file = "cache/{$rs->style}-id-{$rs->id}.js";
    $rs->code = stripslashes_deep(unserialize($rs->code));
    $html = "/*\n{$rs->varname}\n标签:<!--{iCMS:advertise name=\"{$rs->varname}\"}-->\n*/\n";
    if ($rs->status) {
        $html .= "var timestamp = Date.parse(new Date());\n";
        $html .= "var startime = Date.parse(new Date(\"" . get_date($rs->starttime, 'Y/m/d') . "\"));\n";
        $rs->endtime && ($html .= "var endtime = Date.parse(new Date(\"" . get_date($rs->endtime, 'Y/m/d') . "\"));\n");
        $html .= "if(timestamp>=startime";
        $rs->endtime && ($html .= "||timestamp<endtime");
        $html .= "){\n";
        $html .= document(getadvhtml($rs->style, $rs->code));
        $html .= "}";
    writefile(iPATH . $file, $html);