Exemple #1
			header('Location: index.php?e=6');
		else {
			// need to check the Activatoin table.
			$a = new Activation();
			if ($a->id and !$a->success) {
				// Good
				$a->password = md5($password);
				if (!doEmail($a->username, $password, $a->email)) {
					throw new Exception('Could not send the activation email. Please contact an admin on the forum, or by email');
				header('Location: index.php?e=6');
			else {
				throw new Exception('That email address does not exists');			
	} //if 
} // try
catch (Exception $e) {
now with both of those functions defined, you can run
a simple check to get back your responce:
$fp = doTheCurl();
if (!$fp) {
    doEmail("cURL ERROR, SWITCHING TO HTTP", $email);
    $fp = doTheHttp();
$res = $fp;
and after that, you can check to see if $res is
invalid or verified
if (strcmp($res, "VERIFIED") == 0) {
    log stuff into your database here!
    Also, it's a good idea to send yourself an e-mail with all _POST params, just so you know what's going on.  The e-mail code is here, the database code is not.
    doEmail("PayPal Purchase Success", $email);
} else {
    if (strcmp($res, "INVALID") == 0) {
        doEmail("INVALID PayPal Purchase!!", $email);
    } else {
        doEmail("Error in IPN Code - Normally HTTP Error", $email);
     // don't start sending now, because we want to inform the client first and show the logentry
     // log-messages will be sent to client
     if ($config['send_mail'] == 1) {
         $log->write(Log::PHP, $lang['L_EMAIL_START']);
     if (count($_SESSION['log']['ftp']) > 0) {
         $log->write(Log::PHP, $lang['L_FTP_START']);
 } else {
     if (count($_SESSION['log']['email']) > 0) {
         // Ok we need to send an e-mail -> get index of first file
         $files = $_SESSION['log']['email'];
         $key = array_keys($files);
         // remove from array
     } else {
         $dump['backup_in_progress'] = 0;
         // all files sent
     if ($dump['backup_in_progress'] == 0) {
         // check if ftp-transfers need to be done
         if (isset($_SESSION['log']['ftp']) && count($_SESSION['log']['ftp']) > 0) {
             // a file needs to be transferred
             $dump['backup_in_progress'] = 1;
             // indicate that there is still more to do
             // get index of ftp-connection
             $ftpConnectionIndexes = array_keys($_SESSION['log']['ftp']);
             $ftpConnection = $ftpConnectionIndexes[0];