Exemple #1
function bearing($lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2)
    if (round($lon1, 1) == round($lon2, 1)) {
        if ($lat1 < $lat2) {
            $bearing = 0;
        } else {
            $bearing = 180;
    } else {
        $dist = distance($lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2, 'N');
        $arad = acos((sin(deg2rad($lat2)) - sin(deg2rad($lat1)) * cos(deg2rad($dist / 60))) / (sin(deg2rad($dist / 60)) * cos(deg2rad($lat1))));
        $bearing = $arad * 180 / pi();
        if (sin(deg2rad($lon2 - $lon1)) < 0) {
            $bearing = 360 - $bearing;
    $dirs = array("N", "E", "S", "W");
    $rounded = round($bearing / 22.5) % 16;
    if ($rounded % 4 == 0) {
        $dir = $dirs[$rounded / 4];
    } else {
        $dir = $dirs[2 * floor((floor($rounded / 4) + 1) % 4 / 2)];
        $dir .= $dirs[1 + 2 * floor($rounded / 8)];
        #if ($rounded % 2 == 1)
        #  $dir = $dirs[round_to_int($rounded/4) % 4] . "-" . $dir;
    $var_dist = "";
    #return $dir;
    if (isset($dist)) {
        $var_dist = $dist . " miles";
    return round($bearing, 0) . "&#186; " . $dir . " " . $var_dist;
function dpEncode($points)
    global $verySmall;
    $maxDist = 0;
    $absMaxDist = 0;
    $dists = array();
    if (count($points) > 2) {
        $stack[] = array(0, count($points) - 1);
        while (count($stack) > 0) {
            $current = array_pop($stack);
            $maxDist = 0;
            for ($i = $current[0] + 1; $i < $current[1]; $i++) {
                $temp = distance($points[$i], $points[$current[0]], $points[$current[1]]);
                if ($temp > $maxDist) {
                    $maxDist = $temp;
                    $maxLoc = $i;
                    if ($maxDist > $absMaxDist) {
                        $absMaxDist = $maxDist;
            if ($maxDist > $verySmall) {
                $dists[$maxLoc] = $maxDist;
                array_push($stack, array($current[0], $maxLoc));
                array_push($stack, array($maxLoc, $current[1]));
    $encodedPoints = createEncodings($points, $dists);
    $encodedLevels = encodeLevels($points, $dists, $absMaxDist);
    $encodedPointsLiteral = str_replace('\\', "\\\\", $encodedPoints);
    return array($encodedPoints, $encodedLevels, $encodedPointsLiteral);
 public function showlist()
     global $G;
     $catid = intval($_GET['catid']);
     $pagesize = intval($_GET['pagesize']);
     $pagesize = $pagesize > 0 ? $pagesize : 20;
     $orderby = trim($_GET['orderby']);
     $orderby = in_array($orderby, array('id', 'sold', 'score')) ? $orderby : 'id';
     $asc = $_GET['asc'] == 1 ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
     $goodslist = $this->t('goods')->field('*,dsx_distance(' . $this->longitude . ',' . $this->latitude . ',longitude,latitude) as distance')->order("distance ASC,{$orderby} {$asc}")->page($G['page'], $pagesize)->select();
     if ($goodslist) {
         $newlist = array();
         foreach ($goodslist as $list) {
             $list['pic'] = image($list['pic']);
             $list['distance'] = distance($list['distance']);
             $list['dateline'] = @date('Y-m-d', $list['dateline']);
             $newlist[] = $list;
         $goodslist = $newlist;
     } else {
         $goodslist = array();
Exemple #4
function distance($strandA, $strandB)
    guardSameStrandLength($strandA, $strandB);
    if (empty($strandA) && empty($strandB)) {
        return 0;
    return (int) areDifferent(substr($strandA, 0, 1), substr($strandB, 0, 1)) + distance(substr($strandA, 1), substr($strandB, 1));
function filter_by_loc($coupon_info)
    global $search_bar_coupon_distance;
    global $user_location_longitude;
    global $user_location_latitude;
    if (distance($user_location_latitude, $user_location_longitude, $coupon_info->latitude, $coupon_info->longitude) <= $search_bar_coupon_distance) {
        return true;
    return false;
Exemple #6
function intensity()
    $edir = getcwd();
    $efile = $edir . "/event.xy";
    $contents = file($efile);
    $string = implode($contents);
    list($qlon, $qlat, $qdep, $qmag, $ntrig, $etime, $dtime, $qstd, $r_squared, $misfit) = split('[,]', $string);
    $a = -0.05;
    // Distance term
    $b = 1.8385;
    // Magnitude term
    $c = -7.8671;
    // Constant
    $width = (int) (log10($qmag * $qmag) * 100.0) / 100.0;
    $dec = 100;
    $dI = 1.0 / $dec;
    $dy = (int) (log10($qmag * $qmag) * $dec) / $dec;
    $lon_fact = cos($qlat * pi() / 180.0);
    $lon_fact *= $lon_fact;
    $dx = (int) ($dy / $lon_fact) * $dec / $dec;
    $x_mn = (int) ($qlon * $dec) / $dec - $dx;
    $x_mx = (int) ($qlon * $dec) / $dec + $dx;
    $y_mn = (int) ($qlat * $dec) / $dec - $dy;
    $y_mx = (int) ($qlat * $dec) / $dec + $dy;
    $dx2 = 0.1;
    $nx = (int) ($dx / $dx2 * 2) + 1;
    $ny = (int) ($dy / $dx2 * 2) + 1;
    $intensity_file = "intensity_map.xyz";
    $fh = fopen($intensity_file, 'w');
    for ($ix = 0; $ix < $nx; $ix++) {
        $x = $x_mn + $dx2 * (double) $ix;
        for ($iy = 0; $iy < $ny; $iy++) {
            $y = $y_mn + $dx2 * (double) $iy;
            $dist_xy = distance($qlon, $qlat, $x, $y);
            $dist_xyz = sqrt($dist_xy * $dist_xy + $qdep * $qdep);
            $pga = exp($a * $dist_xyz + $b * $qmag + $c);
            fwrite($fh, "{$x} , {$y} , {$pga}, {$dist_xyz} \n");
    $sfile = $edir . "/stations.xyz";
    $contents = file($sfile);
    foreach ($contents as $line_num => $line) {
        list($slon, $slat, $smag, $hid, $tid, $sfile, $ttime, $rtime, $sig, $dis, $pgah[0], $pgaz[0], $pgah[1], $pgaz[1], $pgah[2], $pgaz[2], $pgah[3], $pgaz[3], $pgah[4], $pgaz[4]) = split('[,]', $line);
        for ($j = 0; $j <= 4; $j++) {
            if ($pgah[$j] > $smag) {
                $smag = $pgah[$j];
            if ($pgaz[$j] > $smag) {
                $smag = $pgaz[$j];
        fwrite($fh, "{$slon} , {$slat}, {$smag}\n");
function distance($word1, $word2)
    if (strlen($word1) == 0) {
        return strlen($word2);
    } elseif (strlen($word2) == 0) {
        return strlen($word1);
    } else {
        $cost = $word1[0] == $word2[0] ? 0 : 1;
        return min(distance(substr($word1, 1), $word2) + 1, distance($word1, substr($word2, 1)) + 1, distance(substr($word1, 1), substr($word2, 1)) + $cost);
Exemple #8
function efficiency($home_lat, $home_lng, $src_lat, $src_lng, $dst_lat, $dst_lng)
    $home_lat = (double) $home_lat;
    $home_lng = (double) $home_lng;
    $src_lat = (double) $src_lat;
    $src_lng = (double) $src_lng;
    $dst_lat = (double) $dst_lat;
    $dst_lng = (double) $dst_lng;
    $src2dst = distance($src_lat, $src_lng, $dst_lat, $dst_lng);
    $home2dst = distance($home_lat, $home_lng, $dst_lat, $dst_lng);
    $home2src = distance($home_lat, $home_lng, $src_lat, $src_lng);
    return ceil($src2dst / ($src2dst + $home2dst + $home2src) * 200);
 function filterStoresByDistance($stores, $radius, $lat, $lng, $unit = "K")
     //Check if Store is in the radius
     foreach ($stores as $id => $store) {
         $distance = distance($lat, $lng, $store['lat'], $store['long'], $unit);
         $distance = intval($distance);
         if ($distance <= $radius or $radius == 0) {
             $stores_radius[$id] = $distance;
     //Sort Radius-Store-List for Distance and rebuild stores-Array
     foreach ($stores_radius as $id => $store) {
         $stores[$id][placeholder][distance] = $store;
         $stores_tmp[] = $stores[$id];
     return $stores_tmp;
function getAlldetails($id, $lat, $lng)
    //! Message Loggin
    comment_message_log('Start of Function : ' . __FUNCTION__);
    //! Data base connection
    $rConnection = dbConnection();
     * Check if the database Connection is failed
    if (!$rConnection) {
        //! Message Loggin
        comment_message_log('End of Function : ' . __FUNCTION__);
        return E00010;
    //! Query
    $sQuery = "SELECT * FROM `servicesubcatrelation` a,`ownerservice` b,`servicebranch` c WHERE a.sub_category_id={$id} and a.service_id=b.service_id and b.service_id=c.service_id ";
    //! Executing the query
    $res = mysqli_query($rConnection, $sQuery);
     * Check If the Query executed properly
    if ($res) {
        $data = array();
        //! retrieve the result from the result set
        while ($aRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) {
            if (distance($lat, $aRow['branch_lat'], $lng, $aRow['branch_lng']) < 300) {
                $data[] = $aRow;
        //! Closing the connections
        //! Message Login
        comment_message_log('Query Executed Successfully.::: ' . $sQuery);
        comment_message_log('End of Function : ' . __FUNCTION__);
        return $data;
    } else {
        comment_message_log('Query Execution failed. ::: ' . $sQuery . ' ::: ' . @mysqli_error($rConnection));
        comment_message_log('End of Function : ' . __FUNCTION__);
        //! Closing the connections
        return E00100;
 public function showlist()
     global $G;
     $pagesize = isset($_GET['pagesize']) ? intval($_GET['pagesize']) : 20;
     $shoplist = $this->t('shop')->field('*,dsx_distance(' . $this->longitude . ',' . $this->latitude . ',longitude,latitude) as distance')->page($G['page'], $pagesize)->order('distance ASC,shopid ASC')->select();
     if ($shoplist) {
         $newlist = array();
         foreach ($shoplist as $list) {
             $list['pic'] = image($list['pic']);
             $list['distance'] = distance($list['distance']);
             $list['description'] = stripHtml($list['description']);
             $newlist[] = $list;
         $shoplist = $newlist;
     } else {
         $shoplist = array();
 public function showmytask()
     global $G, $lang;
     $pagesize = isset($_GET['pagesize']) ? intval($_GET['pagesize']) : 20;
     $tasklist = $this->t('task')->where(array('uid' => $this->uid))->page($G['page'], $pagesize)->order('tid DESC')->select();
     if ($tasklist) {
         $newlist = array();
         foreach ($tasklist as $list) {
             $list['pic'] = image($list['pic']);
             $list['distance'] = distance($list['distance']);
             $newlist[] = $list;
         $tasklist = $newlist;
     } else {
         $tasklist = array();
function distToSegment($firstPointSegment, $secondPointSegment, $point)
    /* нахождение длины отрезка */
    $sizeSegment = distance($firstPointSegment, $secondPointSegment);
    /* нахождение проекции точки $point на отрезке по формуле t = [(p-v) . (w-v)] / |w-v|^2
     * где t - $projection, p - $point, v - $firstPointSegment, w - $secondPointSegment */
    $projection = (($point['X'] - $firstPointSegment['X']) * ($secondPointSegment['X'] - $firstPointSegment['X']) + ($point['Y'] - $firstPointSegment['Y']) * ($secondPointSegment['Y'] - $firstPointSegment['Y'])) / $sizeSegment;
    if ($projection < 0) {
        // если проекция на точке $firstPointSegment
        $pointOnSegment = $firstPointSegment;
    } elseif ($projection > 1) {
        // если проекция на точке $secondPointSegment
        $pointOnSegment = $secondPointSegment;
    } else {
        // если проекция не на границах отрезка
        $pointOnSegment = array('X' => $firstPointSegment['X'] + $projection * ($secondPointSegment['X'] - $firstPointSegment['X']), 'Y' => $firstPointSegment['Y'] + $projection * ($secondPointSegment['Y'] - $firstPointSegment['Y']));
    /* массив с минимальным расстоянием, и расположением точки на отрезке */
    return array('DISTANCE' => sqrt(distance($point, $pointOnSegment)), 'POINT' => $pointOnSegment);
function main($lat, $lon, $offset, $date_search, $distance_tolerance)
    $rows_per_page = 10;
    $cxn = $GLOBALS['cxn'];
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM user_events\n\t\t\tWHERE end_date >= '{$date_search}'\n\t\t\tORDER BY start_date ASC\n\t\t\tLIMIT {$offset}, {$rows_per_page}";
    $res = mysqli_query($cxn, $sql) or die("could not pull events");
    //echo $sql;
    $count = mysqli_num_rows($res);
    //echo "Count:".$count;
    if ($count == 0) {
        //user has no events!
        $arr = array("status" => 0, "content" => "No events!");
        echo json_encode($arr);
    // all results will be appended to this var:
    $search_output = "";
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) {
        //event_id	user_id	event_title	event_description	end_date	start_date	date_created	public
        //echo "pulling event $event_id <br />";
        $query_id = "SELECT * FROM event_address WHERE event_id = '{$event_id}'";
        $res2 = mysqli_query($cxn, $query_id) or die("failed to pull address");
        $row_addy = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res2);
        //address_id	event_id	address_text	x_coord	y_coord
        $distance = distance($x_coord, $y_coord, $lat, $lon, "m");
        /* after everything is extracted:
        			assemble the event and make the html output
        if ($distance <= $distance_tolerance) {
            $all_vars = array("event_id" => $event_id, "user_id" => $user_id, "event_description" => $event_description, "event_title" => $event_title, "start_date" => $start_date, "end_date" => $end_date, "venue_address" => $address_text, "lat" => $x_coord, "lon" => $y_coord, "distance" => $distance, "search_output" => $search_output, "isContactInfo" => $is_contactable, "contactInfo" => $contact_info, "contactType" => $contact_type);
            $search_output = search_output_func_users($all_vars);
            //see search_functions.php
    $content_array = array("status" => 1, "content" => $search_output);
    return $content_array;
Exemple #15
function lookUp($loc, $mask, $pdo, $SENDER_URL, $APP_INFO)
    $user = getUser($mask, $pdo);
    $list = getMatchList($mask, $pdo);
    if (getUser($mask, $pdo)["friendMask"] != 'nill') {
        sendReply("Your friend has left the conversation.", getFMask($mask, $pdo), $SENDER_URL, $APP_INFO);
        sendReply(exitCoversation($mask, $pdo), $mask, $SENDER_URL, $APP_INFO);
    $found = FALSE;
    foreach ($list as $listUser) {
        if (distance($listUser["lat"], $listUser["longi"], $user["lat"], $user["longi"], "K") <= 10) {
            updateFriend($mask, $listUser["mask"], $pdo);
            updateFriend($listUser["mask"], $mask, $pdo);
            $user = $listUser["username"];
            $found = TRUE;
    if ($found) {
        return "You have been matched up with {$user}.\n Type FSTR M <message> and send it to 77100 to start the conversation.";
    } else {
        return "Sorry no match found, please try again later.";
Exemple #16
    $f['number'] = '2';
foreach ($Service1 as &$f) {
    $f['number'] = '0';
foreach ($Service2 as &$f) {
    $f['number'] = '1';
foreach ($Service1 as $service => $value) {
    $dist = distance($lat, $Service1[$service]['branch_lat'], $lon, $Service1[$service]['branch_lng']);
    $Service1[$service]['dist'] = $dist;
    $Service1[$service]['rank'] = 0;
foreach ($Service2 as $service => $value) {
    $dist = distance($lat, $Service2[$service]['lat'], $lon, $Service2[$service]['lng']);
    $Service2[$service]['dist'] = $dist;
    $Service2[$service]['rank'] = 0;
usort($Service1, "cmp");
usort($Service2, "cmp");
foreach ($Service1 as &$service) {
    if ($service['amount_paid'] > 210000) {
        $service['rank'] = 3 * 10 / 100;
    } else {
        if ($service['amount_paid'] > 21000) {
            $service['rank'] = 2 * 10 / 100;
        } else {
            if ($service['listingType'] == 1) {
                $service['rank'] = 1 * 10 / 100;
/*::                  'N' is nautical miles                                  :*/
/*::  Worldwide cities and other features databases with latitude longitude  :*/
/*::  are available at http://www.geodatasource.com                          :*/
/*::                                                                         :*/
/*::  For enquiries, please contact sales@geodatasource.com                  :*/
/*::                                                                         :*/
/*::  Official Web site: http://www.geodatasource.com                        :*/
/*::                                                                         :*/
/*::         GeoDataSource.com (C) All Rights Reserved 2014		   		     :*/
/*::                                                                         :*/
function distance($lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2, $unit)
    $theta = $lon1 - $lon2;
    $dist = sin(deg2rad($lat1)) * sin(deg2rad($lat2)) + cos(deg2rad($lat1)) * cos(deg2rad($lat2)) * cos(deg2rad($theta));
    $dist = acos($dist);
    $dist = rad2deg($dist);
    $miles = $dist * 60 * 1.1515;
    $unit = strtoupper($unit);
    if ($unit == "K") {
        return $miles * 1.609344;
    } else {
        if ($unit == "N") {
            return $miles * 0.8683999999999999;
        } else {
            return $miles;
echo distance(-10.92832, -37.072868333333, -10.934228333333, -37.075035, "K") . " Miles<br>";
Exemple #18
function distance($lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2, $unit)
    $theta = $lon1 - $lon2;
    $dist = sin(deg2rad($lat1)) * sin(deg2rad($lat2)) + cos(deg2rad($lat1)) * cos(deg2rad($lat2)) * cos(deg2rad($theta));
    $dist = acos($dist);
    $dist = rad2deg($dist);
    $miles = $dist * 60 * 1.1515;
    $unit = strtoupper($unit);
    if ($unit == "K") {
        return $miles * 1.609344;
    } else {
        if ($unit == "N") {
            return $miles * 0.8683999999999999;
        } else {
            return $miles;
echo distance(32.9697, -96.80322, 29.46786, -98.53506, "M") . " Miles<br>";
echo distance(32.9697, -96.80322, 29.46786, -98.53506, "K") . " Kilometers<br>";
echo distance(32.9697, -96.80322, 29.46786, -98.53506, "N") . " Nautical Miles<br>";

 * getDirectBusDistance: This function will find the distance of the direct bus
function getDirectBusDistance($startStop, $endStop, $startOffsetDistance, $endOffsetDistance, $xml = false)
    $strRoute = '';
    $strRoute = '<Distances>';
    //latitude & longitude for startStop
    $query = "SELECT Latitude, Longitude FROM  Stops WHERE (StopName ='" . $startStop . "')";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
    $lat1 = $row[0];
    $lon1 = $row[1];
    //latitude & longitude for firstJunction
    $query = "SELECT Latitude, Longitude FROM  Stops WHERE (StopName ='" . $endStop . "')";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
    $lat2 = $row[0];
    $lon2 = $row[1];
    $dist1 = distance($lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2, "K");
    $totalDirectRouteDistance = $startOffsetDistance + $dist1 + $endOffsetDistance;
    if ($xml == true) {
        $strRoute = $strRoute . '<Distance>';
        $strRoute = $strRoute . '<StartStop>' . $startStop . '</StartStop>';
        $strRoute = $strRoute . '<EndStop>' . $endStop . '</EndStop>';
        $strRoute = $strRoute . '<StartOffsetDistance>' . $startOffsetDistance . '</StartOffsetDistance>';
        $strRoute = $strRoute . '<EndOffsetDistance>' . $endOffsetDistance . '</EndOffsetDistance>';
        $strRoute = $strRoute . '<RouteDistance>' . $totalDirectRouteDistance . '</RouteDistance>';
        $strRoute = $strRoute . '</Distance>';
        $strRoute = $strRoute . '</Distances>';
        //return $totalDirectRouteDistance;
        return $strRoute;
    } else {
        return $totalDirectRouteDistance;
    //just the number
Exemple #20
function tratarDados($dados)
    $con = mysql_connect("cloudservice.cgejdsdl842e.sa-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com", "gpstracker", "d1\$1793689");
    if ($con !== false) {
        mysql_select_db('tracker', $con);
        $gpsSignalIndicator = 'F';
        $latitudeDecimalDegrees = $dados[1];
        $longitudeDecimalDegrees = $dados[2];
        $latitudeHemisphere = $dados[3];
        $longitudeHemisphere = $dados[4];
        $speed = $dados[5];
        $imei = $dados[6];
        $satelliteFixStatus = 'A';
        $phone = '';
        $infotext = $dados[8];
        $dataBem = null;
        $dataCliente = null;
        $ligado = count($dados) > 9 ? $dados[9] : 'N';
        $ativo = count($dados) > 10 ? $dados[10] : 'N';
        $realTime = count($dados) > 11 ? $dados[11] : '';
        //D para diferencial
        $gpsSignalIndicator = $dados[0] == 'S' ? 'F' : 'L';
        //Otavio Gomes - 200120152137
        // Estava aqui o problema do crx1 so enviar o sinal S.
        if ($realTime == 'D') {
            $gpsSignalIndicator = 'D';
        } else {
            $gpsSignalIndicator = 'R';
        $resBem = mysql_query("SELECT id, cliente, envia_sms, name, hodometro, alerta_hodometro, alerta_hodometro_saldo, limite_velocidade FROM bem WHERE imei = '{$imei}'", $con);
        //echo 'Ligado: '.$ligado;
        $dataBem = mysql_fetch_assoc($resBem);
        if ($resBem !== false) {
            $resCliente = mysql_query("SELECT id, celular, dt_ultm_sms, envia_sms, sms_acada, hour(TIMEDIFF(now(), dt_ultm_sms)) horas, minute(TIMEDIFF(now(), dt_ultm_sms)) minutos, nome, email FROM cliente WHERE id = " . $dataBem['cliente'], $con);
            if ($resCliente !== false) {
                $dataCliente = mysql_fetch_assoc($resCliente);
                $texto_sms_localiza = "";
                $texto_sms_alerta_hodometro = "";
                $texto_sms_alerta = "";
                $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM preferencias", $con);
                if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
                    while ($dataPref = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                        if ($dataPref['nome'] == 'texto_sms_localiza') {
                            $texto_sms_localiza = $dataPref['valor'];
                        if ($dataPref['nome'] == 'texto_sms_alerta_hodometro') {
                            $texto_sms_alerta_hodometro = $dataPref['valor'];
                        if ($dataPref['nome'] == 'texto_sms_alerta') {
                            $texto_sms_alerta = $dataPref['valor'];
                $movimento = '';
                if ($speed > 0) {
                    $movimento = 'S';
                    if ($dataBem['limite_velocidade'] != "0" && $dataBem['limite_velocidade'] != null && $speed > $dataBem['limite_velocidade']) {
                        if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Limite Velocidade')) {
                            mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Limite Velocidade')", $con);
                            $msgEmail = "<p><b>Alerta de Limite de Velocidade: </b></p><br><p>O veículo " . $dataBem['name'] . " está trafegando com velocidade de " . $speed . " Km/h, ultrapassando o limite de velocidade definido (" . $dataBem['limite_velocidade'] . " Km/h) em " . date("d/m/Y") . " às " . date("H:i:s") . ".</p><br><i>Equipe InovarSat</i>";
                            enviaEmail($dataCliente['email'], "Alerta de Limite de Velocidade", $msgEmail);
                } else {
                    $movimento = 'N';
                // CERCA VIRTUAL
                if ($imei != "") {
                    $consulta = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM geo_fence WHERE imei = '{$imei}'", $con);
                    while ($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($consulta)) {
                        $idCerca = $data['id'];
                        $imeiCerca = $data['imei'];
                        $nomeCerca = $data['nome'];
                        $coordenadasCerca = $data['coordenadas'];
                        $resultCerca = $data['tipo'];
                        $tipoEnvio = $data['tipoEnvio'];
                        $lat_point = $latitudeDecimalDegrees;
                        $lng_point = $longitudeDecimalDegrees;
                        $exp = explode("|", $coordenadasCerca);
                        if (count($exp) < 5) {
                            $strExp = explode(",", $exp[0]);
                            $strExp1 = explode(",", $exp[2]);
                        } else {
                            $int = count($exp) / 2;
                            $strExp = explode(",", $exp[0]);
                            $strExp1 = explode(",", $exp[$int]);
                        $lat_vertice_1 = $strExp[0];
                        $lng_vertice_1 = $strExp[1];
                        $lat_vertice_2 = $strExp1[0];
                        $lng_vertice_2 = $strExp1[1];
                        if ($lat_vertice_1 < $lat_point or $lat_point < $lat_vertice_2 and $lng_point < $lng_vertice_1 or $lng_vertice_2 < $lng_point) {
                            $result = '0';
                            $situacao = 'fora';
                        } else {
                            $result = '1';
                            $situacao = 'dentro';
                        if ($result == 0 and $movimento == 'S') {
                            if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Cerca Violada')) {
                                mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Cerca Violada')", $con);
                                if ($tipoEnvio == 0) {
                                    # Convert the GPS coordinates to a human readable address
                                    /*$tempstr = "http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?q=$lat_point,$lng_point&oe=utf-8&sensor=true&key=ABQIAAAAFd56B-wCWVpooPPO7LR3ihTz-K-sFZ2BISbybur6B4OYOOGbdRShvXwdlYvbnwC38zgCx2up86CqEg&output=csv"; //output = csv, xml, kml, json
                                    		$rev_geo_str = file_get_contents($tempstr);
                                    		$rev_geo_str = preg_replace("/\"/","", $rev_geo_str);
                                    		$rev_geo = explode(',', $rev_geo_str);
                                    		$logradouro = $rev_geo[2] .",". $rev_geo[3] ;*/
                                    /*$consulta1 = mysql_query("SELECT a.*, b.* FROM cliente a INNER JOIN bem b ON a.id = b.cliente WHERE b.imei = '$imei'", $con);
                                    		while($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($consulta1)) {
                                    			$emailDestino = $data['email'];
                                    			$nameBem = $data['name'];
                                    			$msgEmail = "<p><b>Alerta de Violação de Perímetro:</b></p><br><p>O veículo ". $nameBem .", está ". $situacao ." do perímetro ". $nomeCerca .", as ". date("H:i:s") ." do dia ". date("d/m/Y") . ".</p><br><i>Equipe InovarSat</i>";
                                    			enviaEmail($emailDestino, "Alerta de Violação de Perímetro", $msgEmail);
                                    $json = json_decode(file_get_contents("http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng=" . $lat_point . "," . $lng_point . "&sensor=false"));
                                    if (isset($json->status) && $json->status == 'OK') {
                                        $address = $json->results[0]->formatted_address;
                                        $address = utf8_decode($address);
                                    //else echo $json->status;
                                    $emailDestino = $dataCliente['email'];
                                    $nameBem = $dataBem['name'];
                                    $msgEmail = "<p><b>Alerta de Violação de Perímetro: </b></p><br><p>O veículo " . $nameBem . ", está " . $situacao . " do perímetro " . $nomeCerca . ", transitando na " . $address . " às " . date("H:i:s") . " do dia " . date("d/m/Y") . ".</p><br><i>Equipe InovarSat</i>";
                                    enviaEmail($emailDestino, "Alerta de Violação de Perímetro", $msgEmail);
                //FIM CERCA VIRTUAL
                # Write it to the database...
                if ($gpsSignalIndicator != 'L' && !empty($latitudeDecimalDegrees)) {
                    $gpsLat = $latitudeDecimalDegrees;
                    //gprsToGps($latitudeDecimalDegrees, $latitudeHemisphere)
                    $gpsLon = $longitudeDecimalDegrees;
                    //gprsToGps($longitudeDecimalDegrees, $longitudeHemisphere)
                    $gpsLatAnt = 0;
                    $gpsLatHemAnt = '';
                    $gpsLonAnt = 0;
                    $gpsLonHemAnt = '';
                    $alertaACadaSaldo = 0;
                    $resLocAtual = mysql_query("SELECT id, latitudeDecimalDegrees, latitudeHemisphere, longitudeDecimalDegrees, longitudeHemisphere FROM loc_atual WHERE imei = '{$imei}' LIMIT 1", $con);
                    $numRows = mysql_num_rows($resLocAtual);
                    if ($numRows == 0) {
                        mysql_query("INSERT INTO loc_atual (date, imei, phone, satelliteFixStatus, latitudeDecimalDegrees, latitudeHemisphere, longitudeDecimalDegrees, longitudeHemisphere, speed, infotext, gpsSignalIndicator, converte, ligado) VALUES (now(), '{$imei}', '{$phone}', '{$satelliteFixStatus}', '{$latitudeDecimalDegrees}', '{$latitudeHemisphere}', '{$longitudeDecimalDegrees}', '{$longitudeHemisphere}', '{$speed}', '{$infotext}', '{$gpsSignalIndicator}', 0, '{$ligado}')", $con);
                    } else {
                        mysql_query("UPDATE loc_atual SET date = now(), phone = '{$phone}', satelliteFixStatus = '{$satelliteFixStatus}', latitudeDecimalDegrees = '{$latitudeDecimalDegrees}', latitudeHemisphere = '{$latitudeHemisphere}', longitudeDecimalDegrees = '{$longitudeDecimalDegrees}', longitudeHemisphere = '{$longitudeHemisphere}', speed = '{$speed}', infotext = '{$infotext}', gpsSignalIndicator = '{$gpsSignalIndicator}', converte = 0, ligado = '{$ligado}' WHERE imei = '{$imei}'", $con);
                    $distance = 0;
                    try {
                        $bemId = $dataBem['id'];
                        $countGeoDistance = mysql_query("SELECT bem FROM geo_distance WHERE bem = {$bemId}", $con);
                        if ($countGeoDistance === false || mysql_num_rows($countGeoDistance) == 0) {
                            mysql_query("INSERT INTO geo_distance (bem, tipo) VALUES({$bemId}, 'I')", $con);
                            mysql_query("INSERT INTO geo_distance (bem, tipo) VALUES({$bemId}, 'F')", $con);
                        /*envio de sms*/
                        if ($dataCliente['envia_sms'] == 'S' && $dataBem['envia_sms'] == 'S' && !empty($dataCliente['celular']) && !empty($dataCliente['sms_acada'])) {
                            if (empty($dataCliente['dt_ultm_sms'])) {
                                mysql_query("UPDATE cliente SET dt_ultm_sms = convert_tz(now(), 'GMT', 'Brazil/East') WHERE id = " . $dataCliente['id'], $con);
                            } else {
                                $horas = $dataCliente['horas'];
                                $minutos = $dataCliente['minutos'];
                                if (!empty($horas)) {
                                    $horas = $horas * 60;
                                $tempoTotal = $horas + $minutos;
                                if ($tempoTotal > $dataCliente['sms_acada']) {
                                    $json = json_decode(file_get_contents("http://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?sensor=false&latlng={$gpsLat},{$gpsLon}&language=es-ES"));
                                    if (isset($json->status) && $json->status == 'OK' && isset($json->results[0]->formatted_address)) {
                                        $address = $json->results[0]->formatted_address;
                                        $address = utf8_decode($address);
                                        $aDataCliente = split(' ', $dataCliente['nome']);
                                        $msg = $texto_sms_localiza;
                                        $msg = str_replace("#CLIENTE", $aDataCliente[0], $msg);
                                        $msg = str_replace("#VEICULO", $dataBem['name'], $msg);
                                        $msg = str_replace("#LOCALIZACAO", $address, $msg);
                                        $msg = str_replace(' ', '+', $msg);
                                        sendSMS($dataCliente['celular'], $msg, '');
                                        if ($retorno < 0) {
                                            mysql_query("INSERT INTO controle(texto) VALUES('envio de sms retorno: {$retorno}')", $con);
                                        } else {
                                            mysql_query("UPDATE cliente SET dt_ultm_sms = convert_tz(now(), 'GMT', 'Brazil/East') WHERE id = " . $dataCliente['id'], $con);
                        if ($movimento == 'S') {
                            $resGeoDistance = mysql_query("SELECT parou FROM geo_distance WHERE bem = {$bemId} AND tipo = 'I'", $con);
                            if ($resGeoDistance !== false) {
                                $dataGeoDistance = mysql_fetch_assoc($resGeoDistance);
                                if ($dataGeoDistance['parou'] == 'S' || empty($dataGeoDistance['parou'])) {
                                    mysql_query("UPDATE geo_distance SET latitudeDecimalDegrees = '{$latitudeDecimalDegrees}', latitudeHemisphere = '{$latitudeHemisphere}', longitudeDecimalDegrees = '{$longitudeDecimalDegrees}', longitudeHemisphere = '{$longitudeHemisphere}', parou = 'N' WHERE bem = {$bemId} AND tipo = 'I'", $con);
                        } else {
                            $resGeoDistance = mysql_query("SELECT latitudeDecimalDegrees, latitudeHemisphere, longitudeDecimalDegrees, longitudeHemisphere FROM geo_distance WHERE bem = {$bemId} AND tipo = 'I'", $con);
                            if (mysql_num_rows($resGeoDistance) > 0) {
                                $update = mysql_query("UPDATE geo_distance SET latitudeDecimalDegrees = '{$latitudeDecimalDegrees}', latitudeHemisphere = '{$latitudeHemisphere}', longitudeDecimalDegrees = '{$longitudeDecimalDegrees}', longitudeHemisphere = '{$longitudeHemisphere}', parou = 'S' WHERE bem =  {$bemId} AND tipo = 'I'", $con);
                                $dataGeoDistance = mysql_fetch_assoc($resGeoDistance);
                                $gpsLatAnt = !strstr($dataGeoDistance['latitudeDecimalDegrees'], "-") ? gprsToGps($dataGeoDistance['latitudeDecimalDegrees'], $dataGeoDistance['latitudeHemisphere']) : $dataGeoDistance['latitudeDecimalDegrees'];
                                $gpsLonAnt = !strstr($dataGeoDistance['longitudeDecimalDegrees'], "-") ? gprsToGps($dataGeoDistance['longitudeDecimalDegrees'], $dataGeoDistance['longitudeHemisphere']) : $dataGeoDistance['longitudeDecimalDegrees'];
                                // $gpsLatAnt = gprsToGps($dataGeoDistance['latitudeDecimalDegrees'], $dataGeoDistance['latitudeHemisphere']);	//$dataGeoDistance['latitudeDecimalDegrees'];
                                // $gpsLonAnt = gprsToGps($dataGeoDistance['longitudeDecimalDegrees'], $dataGeoDistance['longitudeHemisphere']);	//$dataGeoDistance['longitudeDecimalDegrees'];
                                if ($gpsLatAnt != $gpsLat) {
                                    if ($gpsLatAnt != 0 && $gpsLonAnt != 0) {
                                        $geoDistance = distance($gpsLatAnt, $gpsLonAnt, $gpsLat, $gpsLon);
                                        //$strDistance = $json->rows[0]->elements[0]->distance->value;
                                        $distance = (int) $geoDistance;
                                        //echo "******************************IMEI: ". $imei ." | Lat/Long Antiga: ". $gpsLatAnt . ", ". $gpsLonAnt ." | Lat/Long Atual: ". $gpsLat .", ". $gpsLon ." | Geodistance : ". $geoDistance ." | Inteiro: ". $distance ."<br>";
                                        $alertaACada = $dataBem['alerta_hodometro'];
                                        $alertaACadaSaldo = $dataBem['alerta_hodometro_saldo'];
                                        $alertaACadaSaldo = $alertaACadaSaldo - $distance;
                                        if ($alertaACadaSaldo <= 0 && $alertaACada > 0) {
                                            $msg = $texto_sms_alerta_hodometro;
                                            $msg = str_replace("#CLIENTE", $dataCliente['nome'], $msg);
                                            $msg = str_replace("#VEICULO", $dataBem['name'], $msg);
                                            $msg = str_replace("#HODOMETRO", $alertaACada, $msg);
                                            $msg = str_replace(' ', '+', $msg);
                                            //sendSMS($dataCliente['celular'], $msg, '');
                                            $msgEmail = "<p><b>Quilometragem atingida: </b></p><br><p>O veículo " . $dataBem['name'] . " atingiu a quilometragem de " . $dataBem['hodometro'] . "Km rodados às " . date("H:i:s") . " do dia " . date("d/m/Y") . ".</p><br><i>Equipe InovarSat</i>";
                                            //echo $msgEmail;
                                            // enviaEmail($dataCliente['email'], 'Hodômetro - Quilometragem Atingida', $msgEmail);
                                            $alertaACadaSaldo = $alertaACada;
                                        // $alertaACadaSaldo = (int)$alertaACadaSaldo;//(int)$alertaACadaSaldo/1000
                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                        mysql_query("INSERT INTO controle (texto) VALUES ({$e->getMessage}())", $con);
                    if (!empty($latitudeDecimalDegrees)) {
                        mysql_query("INSERT INTO gprmc (date, imei, phone, satelliteFixStatus, latitudeDecimalDegrees, latitudeHemisphere, longitudeDecimalDegrees, longitudeHemisphere, speed, infotext, gpsSignalIndicator, km_rodado, converte, ligado) VALUES (now(), '{$imei}', '{$phone}', '{$satelliteFixStatus}', '{$latitudeDecimalDegrees}', '{$latitudeHemisphere}', '{$longitudeDecimalDegrees}', '{$longitudeHemisphere}', '{$speed}', '{$infotext}', '{$gpsSignalIndicator}', {$distance}, 0, '{$ligado}')", $con);
                    if ($alertaACadaSaldo == 0) {
                        mysql_query("UPDATE bem set date = now(), status_sinal = 'R', movimento = '{$movimento}', hodometro = hodometro+{$distance} WHERE imei = '{$imei}'", $con);
                    } else {
                        mysql_query("UPDATE bem set date = now(), status_sinal = 'R', movimento = '{$movimento}', hodometro = hodometro+{$distance}, alerta_hodometro_saldo = {$alertaACadaSaldo} WHERE imei = '{$imei}'", $con);
                    if($numRows == 0){
                    mysql_query("INSERT INTO loc_atual (date, imei, phone, satelliteFixStatus, latitudeDecimalDegrees, latitudeHemisphere, longitudeDecimalDegrees, longitudeHemisphere, speed, infotext, gpsSignalIndicator) VALUES (now(), '$imei', '$phone', '$satelliteFixStatus', '$latitudeDecimalDegrees', '$latitudeHemisphere', '$longitudeDecimalDegrees', '$longitudeHemisphere', '$speed', '$infotext', '$gpsSignalIndicator')", $cnx);
                    } else {
                    mysql_query("UPDATE loc_atual set date = now(), phone = '$phone', satelliteFixStatus = '$satelliteFixStatus', latitudeDecimalDegrees = '$latitudeDecimalDegrees', latitudeHemisphere = '$latitudeHemisphere', longitudeDecimalDegrees = '$longitudeDecimalDegrees', longitudeHemisphere = '$longitudeHemisphere', speed = '$speed', infotext = '$infotext', gpsSignalIndicator = '$gpsSignalIndicator' where imei = '$imei'", $cnx);
                } else {
                    $resLocAtual = mysql_query("SELECT id, latitudeDecimalDegrees, latitudeHemisphere, longitudeDecimalDegrees, longitudeHemisphere FROM loc_atual WHERE imei = '{$imei}' LIMIT 1", $con);
                    $numRows = mysql_num_rows($resLocAtual);
                    if ($numRows == 0) {
                        mysql_query("INSERT INTO loc_atual (date, imei, phone, satelliteFixStatus, latitudeDecimalDegrees, latitudeHemisphere, longitudeDecimalDegrees, longitudeHemisphere, speed, infotext, gpsSignalIndicator, converte, ligado) VALUES (now(), '{$imei}', '{$phone}', '{$satelliteFixStatus}', '{$latitudeDecimalDegrees}', '{$latitudeHemisphere}', '{$longitudeDecimalDegrees}', '{$longitudeHemisphere}', '{$speed}', '{$infotext}', '{$gpsSignalIndicator}', 0, '{$ligado}')", $con);
                    } else {
                        mysql_query("UPDATE loc_atual SET date = now(), phone = '{$phone}', satelliteFixStatus = '{$satelliteFixStatus}', latitudeDecimalDegrees = '{$latitudeDecimalDegrees}', latitudeHemisphere = '{$latitudeHemisphere}', longitudeDecimalDegrees = '{$longitudeDecimalDegrees}', longitudeHemisphere = '{$longitudeHemisphere}', speed = '{$speed}', infotext = '{$infotext}', gpsSignalIndicator = '{$gpsSignalIndicator}', converte = 0, ligado = '{$ligado}' WHERE imei = '{$imei}'", $con);
                    if (!empty($latitudeDecimalDegrees)) {
                        mysql_query("INSERT INTO gprmc (date, imei, phone, satelliteFixStatus, latitudeDecimalDegrees, latitudeHemisphere, longitudeDecimalDegrees, longitudeHemisphere, speed, infotext, gpsSignalIndicator, km_rodado, converte, ligado) VALUES (now(), '{$imei}', '{$phone}', '{$satelliteFixStatus}', '{$latitudeDecimalDegrees}', '{$latitudeHemisphere}', '{$longitudeDecimalDegrees}', '{$longitudeHemisphere}', '{$speed}', '{$infotext}', '{$gpsSignalIndicator}', 0, 0, '{$ligado}')", $con);
                    mysql_query("UPDATE bem set date = now(), status_sinal = 'S' WHERE imei = '{$imei}'", $con);
                if (!empty($ligado)) {
                    mysql_query("UPDATE bem SET ligado = '{$ligado}' where imei = '{$imei}'", $con);
                # Now check to see if we need to send any alerts.
                if ($infotext != "tracker") {
                    $msg = $texto_sms_alerta;
                    $msg = str_replace("#CLIENTE", $dataCliente['nome'], $msg);
                    $msg = str_replace("#VEICULO", $dataBem['name'], $msg);
                    $res = mysql_query("SELECT responsible FROM bem WHERE imei='{$imei}'", $con);
                    while ($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
                        switch ($infotext) {
                            case "dt":
                                if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Rastreador Desat.')) {
                                    $body = "Disable Track OK";
                                    $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "Rastreador Desabilitado", $msg);
                                    mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Rastreador Desat.')", $con);
                            case "et":
                                if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Alarme Parado')) {
                                    $body = "Stop Alarm OK";
                                    $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "Alarme parado", $msg);
                                    mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Alarme Parado')", $con);
                            case "gt":
                                if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Alarme Movimento')) {
                                    $body = "Move Alarm set OK";
                                    $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "Alarme de Movimento ativado", $msg);
                                    mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Alarme Movimento')", $con);
                            case "help me":
                                if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'SOS!')) {
                                    $body = "Help!";
                                    mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'SOS!')", $con);
                                    $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "SOS", $msg);
                                //Envia comando de resposta: alerta recebido
                                //$send_cmd = "**,imei:". $conn_imei .",E";
                                //socket_send($socket, $send_cmd, strlen($send_cmd), 0);
                                //printLog($fh, "Comando de resposta (help me): " . $send_cmd . " imei: " . $conn_imei);
                            case "ht":
                                if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Alarme Velocidade')) {
                                    $body = "Speed alarm set OK";
                                    $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "Alarme de velocidade ativado", $msg);
                                    mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Alarme Velocidade')", $con);
                            case "it":
                                $body = "Timezone set OK";
                            case "low battery":
                                if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Bateria Fraca')) {
                                    $body = "Low battery!\nYou have about 2 minutes...";
                                    $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "Bateria fraca, voce tem 2 minutos", $msg);
                                    mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Bateria Fraca')", $con);
                                //Envia comando de resposta: alerta recebido
                                $send_cmd = "**,imei:" . $conn_imei . ",E";
                                socket_send($socket, $send_cmd, strlen($send_cmd), 0);
                                //printLog($fh, "Comando de resposta (low battery): " . $send_cmd . " imei: " . $conn_imei);
                            case "move":
                                if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Movimento')) {
                                    $body = "Move Alarm!";
                                    $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "Seu veiculo esta em movimento", $msg);
                                    mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Movimento')", $con);
                                //Envia comando de resposta: alerta recebido
                                $send_cmd = "**,imei:" . $conn_imei . ",E";
                                socket_send($socket, $send_cmd, strlen($send_cmd), 0);
                                //printLog($fh, "Comando de resposta (move): " . $send_cmd . " imei: " . $conn_imei);
                            case "nt":
                                $body = "Returned to SMS mode OK";
                            case "speed":
                                if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Velocidade')) {
                                    $body = "Speed alarm!";
                                    $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "Seu veiculo ultrapassou o limite de velocidade", $msg);
                                    mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Velocidade')", $con);
                                //Envia comando de resposta: alerta recebido
                                $send_cmd = "**,imei:" . $conn_imei . ",E";
                                socket_send($socket, $send_cmd, strlen($send_cmd), 0);
                                //printLog($fh, "Comando de resposta (speed): " . $send_cmd . " imei: " . $conn_imei);
                            case "stockade":
                                if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Cerca')) {
                                    $body = "Geofence Violation!";
                                    $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "Seu veiculo saiu da cerca virtual", $msg);
                                    mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Cerca')", $con);
                                //Envia comando de resposta: alerta recebido
                                $send_cmd = "**,imei:" . $conn_imei . ",E";
                                socket_send($socket, $send_cmd, strlen($send_cmd), 0);
                                //printLog($fh, "Comando de resposta (stockade): " . $send_cmd . " imei: " . $conn_imei);
                            case "door alarm":
                                if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Porta')) {
                                    $body = "Open door!";
                                    mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Porta')", $con);
                                //Envia comando de resposta: alerta recebido
                                $send_cmd = "**,imei:" . $conn_imei . ",E";
                                socket_send($socket, $send_cmd, strlen($send_cmd), 0);
                                //printLog($fh, "Comando de resposta (door alarm): " . $send_cmd . " imei: " . $conn_imei);
                            case "acc alarm":
                                if (!checkAlerta($imei, 'Alarme Disparado')) {
                                    $body = "ACC alarm!";
                                    $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "Alarme disparado", $msg);
                                    mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('{$imei}', 'Alarme Disparado')", $con);
                                //Envia comando de resposta: alerta recebido
                                $send_cmd = "**,imei:" . $conn_imei . ",E";
                                socket_send($socket, $send_cmd, strlen($send_cmd), 0);
                                //printLog($fh, "Comando de resposta (acc alarm): " . $send_cmd . " imei: " . $conn_imei);
                            case "acc off":
                                $body = "Ignicao Desligada!";
                                $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "Seu veiculo esta com a chave desligada", $msg);
                                //mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('$imei', 'Ignição')", $cnx);
                                mysql_query("UPDATE bem SET ligado = 'N' where imei = '{$imei}'", $con);
                                //Envia comando de resposta: alerta recebido
                                $send_cmd = "**,imei:" . $conn_imei . ",E";
                                socket_send($socket, $send_cmd, strlen($send_cmd), 0);
                                //printLog($fh, "Comando de resposta (acc alarm): " . $send_cmd . " imei: " . $conn_imei);
                            case "acc on":
                                $body = "Ignicao Ligada!";
                                $msg = str_replace("#TIPOALERTA", "Seu veiculo esta com a chave ligada", $msg);
                                //mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (imei, message) VALUES ('$imei', 'Ignição')", $cnx);
                                mysql_query("UPDATE bem SET ligado = 'S' where imei = '{$imei}'", $cnx);
                                //Envia comando de resposta: alerta recebido
                                $send_cmd = "**,imei:" . $conn_imei . ",E";
                                socket_send($socket, $send_cmd, strlen($send_cmd), 0);
                                //printLog($fh, "Comando de resposta (acc alarm): " . $send_cmd . " imei: " . $conn_imei);
                        $msg = str_replace(' ', '+', $msg);
                        //if($dataCliente['envia_sms'] == 'S' && $dataBem['envia_sms'] == 'S' && $infotext != 'acc on'&& $infotext != 'acc off' && $infotext != 'et')
                        //	sendSMS($dataCliente['celular'], $msg, '');
                        //Enviando e-mail de alerta
                        /*$headers = "From: $email_from" . "\r\n" . "Reply-To: $email_from" . "\r\n";
                        		$responsible = $data['responsible'];
                        		$rv = mail($responsible, "Tracker - $imei", $body, $headers);*/
                        if (isset($body)) {
                            enviaEmail($dataCliente['email'], "Rastreador - {$imei}", $body);
            } else {
                echo 'Cliente não encontrado. Erro: ' . mysql_error($con);
        } else {
            echo 'Veículo não encontrado. Erro: ' . mysql_error($con);
    } else {
        echo 'Não foi possivel conectar ao banco. Erro: ' . mysql_error();
Exemple #21
function getDistance($userId, $shopId)
    if (!$shopId) {
        return array();
    static $cache = array();
    if (!isset($cache[$userId])) {
        $cache[$userId] = array();
    if (!isset($cache[$userId][$shopId])) {
        //$tmp=mysql_fetch_assoc(query($sql="select shop_id from panelie_user_shop_link where id=$shopId"));
        $shop = getShopPosition($shopId);
        $home = getHomePosition($userId);
        $cache[$userId][$shopId] = distance($shop, $home);
    return $cache[$userId][$shopId] > 0 ? array('distance' => $cache[$userId][$shopId]) : array();
// local integer = lpeg.P('-')^0 * lpeg.R('09')^1 / tonumber
// local pair = '(' * integer * ', ' * integer * ')'
// local points = pair * ' ' * pair
// local ax, ay, bx, by = points:match(s)
// Not that different for just breaking up the regex:
// $integer = '([-]?\d+)';
// $point = "\($integer, $integer\)";
// $regex = "#$point $point#";
// (I'd say better, but still has wrong types)
function distance($s)
    preg_match('#\\(([-]?\\d+), ([-]?\\d+)\\) \\(([-]?\\d+), ([-]?\\d+)\\)#', $s, $matches);
    $ax = (int) $matches[1];
    $ay = (int) $matches[2];
    $bx = (int) $matches[3];
    $by = (int) $matches[4];
    $dx = max($ax, $bx) - min($ax, $bx);
    $dy = max($ay, $by) - min($ay, $by);
    echo sqrt($dx * $dx + $dy * $dy) . PHP_EOL;
$filename = strpos($argv[0], 'Matthew\\Dropbox') !== false ? 'data.txt' : $argv[1];
foreach (file($filename) as $line) {
    if (trim($line) !== '') {
Exemple #23
function getDistance($c1, $c2)
    return distance(getCoordinates($c1), getCoordinates($c2));
 //$json_array as $json)
 $lastpoint = $json->features[0]->geometry->coordinates;
 if (is_array($json->features)) {
     foreach ($json->features as $feature) {
         // echo $feature->geometry->coordinates[0];
         $latitude = $feature->geometry->coordinates[1];
         $latceil = ceil($latitude);
         $latfloor = floor($latitude);
         $longitude = $feature->geometry->coordinates[0];
         $lngceil = ceil($longitude);
         $lngfloor = floor($longitude);
         $mile = 0;
         //   $lastpoint = $feature->geometry->coordinates;
         $thispoing = $feature->geometry->coordinates;
         $mile = distance($lastpoint[1], $lastpoint[0], $thispoing[1], $thispoing[0], "K");
         //  echo $lastpoint[1]."___".$lastpoint[0]."___".$thispoing[1]."___".$thispoing[0]."___";
         //   echo $mile."___----___";
         $lastpoint = $thispoing;
         $sql = "SELECT *, (((acos(sin(({$latitude}*pi()/180)) * sin((`latitude`*pi()/180))+cos(({$latitude}*pi()/180)) * cos((`latitude`*pi()/180)) * cos((({$longitude} - `longitude`)*pi()/180))))*180/pi())*60*1.1515) AS `distance` \n\tFROM zipcode\n\tWHERE (\n\tlatitude BETWEEN '{$latfloor}' AND '{$latceil}' \n\tAND \n\tlongitude BETWEEN '{$lngceil}' AND '{$lngfloor}'\n\t)\n\tHAVING distance < {$distance} ORDER BY distance ASC LIMIT 1";
         //$sql = "SELECT *, (((acos(sin(($latitude*pi()/180)) * sin((`latitude`*pi()/180))+cos(($latitude*pi()/180)) * cos((`latitude`*pi()/180)) * cos((($longitude - `longitude`)*pi()/180))))*180/pi())*60*1.1515) AS `distance` FROM zipcode HAVING distance < $distance ORDER BY distance ASC LIMIT 1";
         $result = mysqli_query($con, $sql) or die("Error: " . mysqli_error($con));
         while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
             // 		//echo "lsl";
             $city = $row['primary_city'];
             $zip = $row['zip'];
             $lat = $row['latitude'];
             $lon = $row['longitude'];
             //echo $city;
	@param $start<Location> the starting location (address)
	@param $end<Location> the ending location (address)
function findDirPath($start, $end, $start_stations, $end_stations)
    $debug = false;
    if ($debug) {
        echo "findDirPath<br/>";
    if ($start == $end) {
        return "same";
    if (distance($start, $end) < 0.25) {
        return "walk";
    $WALKING_SPEED = 2 / 3600;
    // determine original bounding box
    $original_box = new Box($start->point, $end->point);
    // create end marker
    $end_name = $end->name;
    if ($end_name == "") {
        $end_name = $end->getAddressString();
    $end_marker = new Marker($end->point->lat, $end->point->lng, "end", $end_name);
    if ($debug) {
        echo "end marker = ";
    // create array of paths
    $open = array();
    $start_name = $start->name;
    if ($start_name == "") {
        $start_name = $start->getAddressString();
    $start_marker = new Marker($start->point->lat, $start->point->lng, "start", $start_name);
    if ($debug) {
        echo "start marker = ";
    foreach ($start_stations as $station) {
        $segment = new Segment($start_marker, $station->marker, $station->marker->lines, $station->getDistance() / $WALKING_SPEED, "walking");
        $visited = array();
        $visited[] = $station->marker;
        $new_box = new Box($station->marker->point, $end_marker->point);
        $path = new Path2($segment, $new_box, $visited);
        $area = $new_box->getArea();
        $array = $open["{$area}"];
        if ($array == null) {
            $array = array();
        $array[] = $path;
        #echo "adding $array<br/>";
        $open["{$area}"] = $array;
    return findPath($open, $end_stations, $end_marker);
Exemple #26
function kmeans_clustering($data, $cPositions, &$clusters)
    $nChanges = 0;
    foreach ($data as $dataKey => $value) {
        $minDistance = null;
        $cluster = null;
        foreach ($cPositions as $k => $position) {
            $distance = distance($value, $position);
            if (is_null($minDistance) || $minDistance > $distance) {
                $minDistance = $distance;
                $cluster = $k;
        if (!isset($clusters[$dataKey]) || $clusters[$dataKey] != $cluster) {
        $clusters[$dataKey] = $cluster;
    return $nChanges;
Exemple #27
 public function distanceTo(Locations $location_to)
     return round(distance($this->lat, $this->lng, $location_to->lat, $location_to->lng), 2);
Exemple #28
        return 0;
    $word1len = mb_strlen($word1);
    $word2len = mb_strlen($word2);
    if (!$word1len) {
        return $word2len;
    if (!$word2len) {
        return $word1len;
    $distance = [];
    for ($i = 0; $i <= $word1len; $i++) {
        $distance[$i][0] = $i;
    for ($j = 0; $j <= $word2len; $j++) {
        $distance[0][$j] = $j;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $word1len; $i++) {
        for ($j = 1; $j <= $word2len; $j++) {
            $cost = mb_substr($word1, $i - 1, 1) === mb_substr($word2, $j - 1, 1) ? 0 : 1;
            $distance[$i][$j] = min($distance[$i - 1][$j] + 1, $distance[$i][$j - 1] + 1, $distance[$i - 1][$j - 1] + $cost);
    return $distance[$word1len][$word2len];
$data = [['', '', 0], ['kot', '', 3], ['', 'pies', 4], ['ptak', 'ptak', 0], ['granat', 'granit', 1], ['orczyk', 'oracz', 3], ['marka', 'ariada', 4], ['łabądź', 'łabędź', 1], ['łabądź', 'łabędz', 2], ['gęś', 'kęs', 2]];
foreach ($data as $input) {
    $distance = distance($input[0], $input[1]);
    echo $distance === $input[2] ? '[OK]' : '[FAIL]';
    echo ' ' . $input[0] . ':' . $input[1] . ' expected: ' . $input[2] . ', result: ' . $distance . PHP_EOL;
Exemple #29
$map->height = '431';
// Lets add a marker now
$marker = new Marker(['position' => $coord, 'title' => 'My Home Town']);
// Lets add a marker now
$circle = new Circle(['center' => $coord, 'radius' => 3000]);
// Add marker to the map
$map2 = new Map(['center' => $coord, 'zoom' => 14]);
$map2->width = '100%';
$map2->height = '176';
// Lets add a marker now
$marker2 = new Marker(['position' => $coord, 'title' => 'My Home Town']);
// Add marker to the map
echo distance($model->location->lat, $model->location->lng, $model2->location->lat, $model2->location->lng);

echo Yii::$app->request->url == '/index' ? 'yes' : 'no';

<div class="site-index">
<div class="body-content">
    <div class="card_container record-md grid-item fadeInUp animated" id="card_container" style="float:none;">
        <a href="<?php 
echo Url::to('/services');
            <div class="media-area">                
                <div class="image">
Exemple #30
 echo "<p class='box'>Grid reports that agent is at position: " . $curposResult . "</p>\n";
 // first, read position again, just to see what we get
 		echo "This is how Destination Cube looks like: <br \>\n";
 		echo "<br />\n";
 $currentPosition = explode(",", trim($curposResult, " ()<>"));
 		echo "Distance comparison: Current Position:<br />\n";
 		echo "Target Cube<br />\n";
 		echo "<br />\n";
 $distance = distance($cubePosition, $currentPosition);
 if ($distance < 1.1) {
     echo "<p class='box success'>Within rounding errors of " . $destCube['Name'] . ", distance is merely {$distance} m; let's sit down</p>\n";
     // if we're close enough, sit on it
     $sitResult = callURL($masterController['PermURL'], "npc=" . $agent['OwnerKey'] . "&command=osNpcSit&key=" . $destCube['UUID'], "&integer=" . OS_NPC_SIT_NOW);
     echo "Result from sitting: " . $sitResult . "<br />\n";
 } elseif ($distance < 2.5) {
     echo "<p class='box warning'>Very close to " . $destCube['Name'] . ", distance is now {$distance} m</p>\n";
 } else {
     echo "<p class='box warning'>Still {$distance} m away from " . $destCube['Name'] . " (" . $cubePosition[0] . "," . $cubePosition[1] . "," . $cubePosition[2] . ")</p>\n";
 $time_end = microtime(true);
 $time = $time_end - $time_start;
 echo "<p>CPU time used: {$time} seconds</p>\n";
 // Now place a button to save/export to CSV or XML