public function testdisplay_progress_bar() { //execute the method and test if it doesn't throw an exception. //this method uses flush so we cannot get and verify content printed try { ob_start(); display_progress_bar('test', 80, 100, false); ob_end_clean(); $this->assertTrue(true); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->fail(); } }
function prepareDiag() { global $getDumpsFrom; global $cacheDir; global $curdatetime; global $progress_bar_percent; global $skip_md5_diff; global $sod_guid; global $mod_strings; echo getClassicModuleTitle("Administration", array("<a href='index.php?module=Administration&action=index'>{$mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_NAME']}</a>", translate('LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_TITLE')), false); echo "<BR>"; echo $mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_EXECUTING']; echo "<BR>"; //determine if files.md5 exists or not if (file_exists('files.md5')) { $skip_md5_diff = false; } else { $skip_md5_diff = true; } // array of all tables that we need to pull rows from below $getDumpsFrom = array('config' => 'config', 'fields_meta_data' => 'fields_meta_data', 'upgrade_history' => 'upgrade_history', 'versions' => 'versions'); //Creates the diagnostic directory in the cache directory $cacheDir = create_cache_directory("diagnostic/"); $cacheDir = create_cache_directory("diagnostic/" . $sod_guid); $cacheDir = create_cache_directory("diagnostic/" . $sod_guid . "/diagnostic" . $curdatetime . "/"); display_progress_bar("diagnostic", $progress_bar_percent, 100); ob_flush(); }
function disable($base_dir) { global $app_strings; $total_steps = 3; //min steps with no tasks $current_step = 0; $this->base_dir = $base_dir; $tasks = array('disable_copy', 'disable_dashlets', 'disable_relationships', 'disable_extensions', 'disable_global_search', 'disable_manifest_logichooks', 'reset_opcodes'); $total_steps += count($tasks); //now the real number of steps if (file_exists($this->base_dir . '/manifest.php')) { if (!$this->silent) { $current_step++; display_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps); echo '<div id ="displayLoglink" ><a href="#" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'displayLog\')">' . $app_strings['LBL_DISPLAY_LOG'] . '</a> </div><div id="displayLog" style="display:none">'; } require_once $this->base_dir . '/manifest.php'; $this->installdefs = $installdefs; $this->id_name = $this->installdefs['id']; $installed_modules = array(); if (isset($this->installdefs['beans'])) { foreach ($this->installdefs['beans'] as $bean) { $installed_modules[] = $bean['module']; } } if (!$this->silent) { $current_step++; update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps); } foreach ($tasks as $task) { $this->{$task}(); if (!$this->silent) { $current_step++; update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps); } } if (!$this->silent) { $current_step++; update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps); echo '</div>'; } UpdateSystemTabs('Restore', $installed_modules); } else { die("No manifest.php Defined In {$this->base_dir}/manifest.php"); } }
function disable($base_dir) { global $app_strings; $total_steps = 3; //min steps with no tasks $current_step = 0; $this->base_dir = $base_dir; $tasks = array('disable_copy', 'disable_menus', 'disable_dashlets', 'disable_userpage', 'disable_administration', 'disable_vardefs', 'disable_layoutdefs', 'disable_relationships', 'disable_languages', 'disable_logichooks', 'reset_opcodes'); $total_steps += count($tasks); //now the real number of steps if (file_exists($this->base_dir . '/manifest.php')) { if (!$this->silent) { $current_step++; display_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps); echo '<div id ="displayLoglink" ><a href="#" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'displayLog\')">' . $app_strings['LBL_DISPLAY_LOG'] . '</a> </div><div id="displayLog" style="display:none">'; } require_once $this->base_dir . '/manifest.php'; $this->installdefs = $installdefs; $this->id_name = $this->installdefs['id']; $installed_modules = array(); if (isset($this->installdefs['beans'])) { foreach ($this->installdefs['beans'] as $bean) { $installed_modules[] = $bean['module']; } mkdir_recursive("custom/Extension/application/Ext/Include/" . DISABLED_PATH, true); //Clear any older disabled version if (file_exists("custom/Extension/application/Ext/Include/" . DISABLED_PATH . '/' . $this->id_name . '.php')) { rmdir_recursive("custom/Extension/application/Ext/Include/" . DISABLED_PATH . '/' . $this->id_name . '.php'); } if (file_exists("custom/Extension/application/Ext/Include/{$this->id_name}.php")) { rename("custom/Extension/application/Ext/Include/{$this->id_name}.php", "custom/Extension/application/Ext/Include/" . DISABLED_PATH . '/' . $this->id_name . '.php'); } $this->rebuild_modules(); } if (!$this->silent) { $current_step++; update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps); } foreach ($tasks as $task) { $this->{$task}(); if (!$this->silent) { $current_step++; update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps); } } if (!$this->silent) { $current_step++; update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps); echo '</div>'; } UpdateSystemTabs('Restore', $installed_modules); } else { die("No manifest.php Defined In {$this->base_dir}/manifest.php"); } }
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program; if not, see or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road, * SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by * SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not * reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must * display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM". ********************************************************************************/ ob_start(); require_once '../include/utils/progress_bar_utils.php'; display_flow_bar('myflow', 1); display_progress_bar('myprogress', 0, 10); for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) { update_progress_bar('myprogress', $i, 10); sleep(1); } destroy_flow_bar('myflow');
echo "Total Time: " . microtime_diff($_SESSION['startTime'], microtime()) . "<br />\n"; if ($page > count($module_keys)) { echo "Core Records Inserted: " . $_SESSION['processedRecords'] . "<br />\n"; echo "Total Records Inserted: " . $_SESSION['allProcessedRecords'] . "<br />\n"; die('Done <a href="install.php">[More]</a>'); } $module = $module_keys[$page - 1]; if (($module == 'Users' || $module == 'Teams') && $_SESSION['UseExistUsers']) { /* If UseExistUsers is set, just move to the next module */ $page++; echo "<script>document.location.href='install.php?page={$page}&offset=0';</script>"; } $total = $modules[$module]; $max = min($recordsPerPage + $offset, $total); echo $module . ' [' . $offset . '-' . $max . ' of ' . $total . ']'; display_progress_bar('module_progress', $offset, $total); set_time_limit(3600); require_once 'config.php'; require_once 'include/modules.php'; $GLOBALS['relatedQueries'] = array(); $GLOBALS['queries'] = array(); $GLOBALS['relatedQueriesCount'] = 0; require_once 'include/database/DBManagerFactory.php'; require_once 'log4php/LoggerManager.php'; require_once 'Tidbit/Data/DefaultData.php'; require_once 'Tidbit/DataTool.php'; require_once 'Tidbit/install_functions.php'; require_once 'Tidbit/Data/contactSeedData.php'; $app_list_strings = return_app_list_strings_language('en_us'); $GLOBALS['log'] = LoggerManager::getLogger('Tidbit'); $GLOBALS['db'] = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
if (isset($_REQUEST['offset'])) { echo '<div id="records_progress_div" style="display:inline">'; echo 'Retrieving Records<br>'; display_progress_bar('records', $_REQUEST['offset'], $_REQUEST['count']); } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['sync_accept'])) { echo '<div id="records_progress_div" style="display:inline">'; } else { echo '<div id="records_progress_div" style="display:none">'; } echo 'Retrieving Records<br>'; display_progress_bar('records', 0, 100); } echo '</div></td><td width=50% valign="top">'; echo get_form_header('Total', '', false); display_progress_bar('Total', $sync_module_index, sizeof($sync_modules)); echo '<br><div id="current_substatus">' . $title . '</div>'; echo '<input type="button" name="stop_sync_btn" id="stop_sync_btn" class="button" value="Stop Sync" onclick="window.close();">'; echo '</td></tr></table>'; echo '<table width="100%"><tr><td colspan="2" id="current_msg" valign="top"><div id="show_conflict_div"> <div></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td colspan="2" id="retrieve_msg" valign="top">'; if ($display_log == 0) { echo '<div id="retrieve_msg_divlink" style="display:inline"><a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById(\'display_log\').value = 1; toggleDisplay(\'retrieve_msg_div\');">display log</a></div><div id="retrieve_msg_div" style="display:none">'; } echo retrieve_msg(); if ($display_log == 0) { echo '</div>'; } echo "</td><td align='right'><A href='' target='_blank'><!--not_in_theme!--><img style='margin-top: 2px' border='0' width='120' height='34' src='" . getJSPath('include/images/poweredby_sugarcrm_65.png') . "' alt='" . $mod_strings['LBL_POWERED_BY_SUGAR'] . "'></a></td></tr></table></div><script>document.getElementById('sync_table').style.display='inline';</script>"; echo str_repeat(' ', 256); flush();
* terms available at * * If you do not agree to all of the applicable terms or do not have the * authority to bind the entity as an authorized representative, then do not * install or use this SugarCRM file. * * Copyright (C) SugarCRM Inc. All rights reserved. */ global $soapclient, $soap_server; if ($sync_module_index == -1) { $current_step = 0; $module_steps = 4; global $timedate; echo '<table width="100%" class="edit view"><tr><td width="50%" valign="top">'; echo get_form_header(translate('LBL_SYNC_SETUP', 'Sync'), '', false); display_progress_bar('sync_setup', $current_step, $module_steps); echo '<br>'; echo '<div id="records_progress_div" style="display:inline">'; display_flow_bar('file_update', 0.5); echo '</div></td><td><div id = "current_substatus"> <div><br><input type="button" name="stop_sync_btn" id="stop_sync_btn" class="button" value="Stop Sync" onclick="window.close();"></td></tr></table>'; echo '<table width="100%"><tr><td colspan="2" id="current_msg" valign="top"><div id="show_conflict_div"> <div></td></tr></table>'; echo '<div id="current_status"> </div>'; } if ($sync_module_index == -1) { add_to_msg("Logging Into Server..."); } $result = $soapclient->call('login', array('user_auth' => sync_get_user_auth_data(), 'application_name' => 'MobileClient')); if (!has_error($result)) { $session = $result['id']; $_SESSION['sync_session'] = $session; //ensure that this system has not been disabled
function uninstall($base_dir) { $total_steps = 4; //min steps with no tasks $current_step = 0; $this->base_dir = $base_dir; $tasks = array('uninstall_mkdirs', 'uninstall_copy', 'uninstall_menus', 'uninstall_dashlets', 'uninstall_administration', 'uninstall_vardefs', 'uninstall_layoutdefs', 'uninstall_relationships', 'uninstall_languages'); $total_steps += count($tasks); //now the real number of steps if (file_exists($this->base_dir . '/manifest.php')) { if (!$this->silent) { $current_step++; display_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps); echo '<div id ="displayLoglink" ><a href="#" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'displayLog\')">Display Log</a> </div><div id="displayLog" style="display:none">'; } require_once $this->base_dir . '/manifest.php'; $this->installdefs = $installdefs; $this->id_name = $this->installdefs['id']; $installed_modules = array(); if (isset($this->installdefs['beans'])) { foreach ($this->installdefs['beans'] as $bean) { $installed_modules[] = $bean['module']; $this->uninstall_user_prefs($bean['module']); } $this->uninstall_beans($installed_modules); if (!$this->silent) { $current_step++; update_progress_bar('install', $total_steps, $total_steps); } rmdir_recursive("custom/Extension/application/Ext/Include/{$this->id_name}.php"); $this->merge_files('Ext/Include', 'modules.ext.php', '', true); } if (!$this->silent) { $current_step++; update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps); } foreach ($tasks as $task) { $this->{$task}(); if (!$this->silent) { $current_step++; update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps); } } if (isset($installdefs['custom_fields'])) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Uninstalling Custom Fields...'); $this->uninstall_custom_fields($installdefs['custom_fields']); } if (!$this->silent) { $current_step++; update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps); echo '</div>'; } $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Complete'); update_progress_bar('install', $total_steps, $total_steps); } else { die("No manifest.php Defined In {$this->base_dir}/manifest.php"); } }