protected function main() { $this->set_title(Nw::$lang['contact']['contact']); $this->add_css('forms.css'); $this->set_filAriane(array(Nw::$lang['contact']['contact'] => array(''))); $this->set_tpl('contact/contact.html'); $this->load_lang_file('users'); $this->add_form('contenu'); //Si on veut envoyer le mail if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if (empty($_POST['pseudo'])) { $msg_error = sprintf(Nw::$lang['contact']['error_empty'], Nw::$lang['contact']['_pseudo']); } elseif (empty($_POST['mail'])) { $msg_error = sprintf(Nw::$lang['contact']['error_empty'], Nw::$lang['contact']['_mail']); } elseif (empty($_POST['sujet'])) { $msg_error = sprintf(Nw::$lang['contact']['error_empty'], Nw::$lang['contact']['_sujet']); } elseif (empty($_POST['contenu'])) { $msg_error = sprintf(Nw::$lang['contact']['error_empty'], Nw::$lang['contact']['_contenu']); } elseif ($_POST['code_cap'] != $_SESSION['cap_nw']) { $msg_error = Nw::$lang['users']['wrong_antispam']; } if (!empty($msg_error)) { display_form(array('pseudo' => $_POST['pseudo'], 'mail' => $_POST['mail'], 'sujet' => $_POST['sujet'], 'contenu' => $_POST['contenu'], 'captcha' => $_POST['captcha'], 'nom' => $_POST['nom'], 'code_cap' => ''), $msg_error); } else { inc_lib('mail/email_contact'); if (email_contact($_POST['mail'], $_POST['pseudo'], $_POST['nom'], '[Contact] ' . $_POST['sujet'], $_POST['contenu'], get_ip())) { redir(Nw::$lang['contact']['redir_ok'], true, 'contact.html'); } } } else { display_form(array('pseudo' => is_logged_in() ? Nw::$dn_mbr['u_pseudo'] : '', 'mail' => is_logged_in() ? Nw::$dn_mbr['u_email'] : '', 'sujet' => '', 'contenu' => '', 'captcha' => '', 'nom' => '', 'code_cap' => '')); } }
protected function main() { $this->set_title(Nw::$site_slogan); $this->set_tpl('mobile/users/login.html'); $this->load_lang_file('users'); // Si le membre est déjà connecté if (is_logged_in()) { redir(Nw::$lang['common']['already_connected'], false, 'mobile-2.html'); } //Si on a soumis le formulaire if (!multi_empty(trim($_POST['nw_nickname']), trim($_POST['nw_password']))) { $array_post = array('pseudo' => $_POST['nw_nickname'], 'remember' => isset($_POST['nw_remember'])); //On vérifie que la paire pseudo/mot de passe existe inc_lib('users/get_info_account'); if ($dn_info_account = get_info_account($_POST['nw_nickname'], $_POST['nw_password'])) { //Si le compte est actif if ($dn_info_account['u_active'] == 1) { $link_redir = 'mobile-2.html'; $connex_auto = 1; inc_lib('users/connect_auto_user'); connect_auto_user($dn_info_account['u_id'], $_POST['nw_password'], $connex_auto); // On redirige le membre redir(sprintf(Nw::$lang['users']['welcome_user'], $_POST['nw_nickname']), true, $link_redir); } else { display_form($array_post, Nw::$lang['users']['not_active']); } return; } else { display_form($array_post, Nw::$lang['users']['account_no_exist']); } return; } display_form(array('pseudo' => '', 'remember' => true)); Nw::$tpl->set('INC_HEAD', empty($_SERVER['HTTP_AJAX'])); }
function route_request() { $cmd = strtolower(grab_request_var("cmd")); // token if required for most everyting if ($cmd != "" && $cmd != "hello") { check_token(); } //echo "CMD='$cmd'<BR>"; switch ($cmd) { // say hello case "hello": say_hello(); break; // display a form for debugging/testing // display a form for debugging/testing case "": display_form(); break; default: //echo "PASSING TO PLUGINS<BR>"; // let plugins handle the output $args = array("cmd" => $cmd); do_callbacks(CALLBACK_PROCESS_REQUEST, $args); break; } echo "NO REQUEST HANDLER"; exit; }
function create_guest($vars = '') { global $db, $config, $t; settype($vars, 'array'); $errors = array(); $vars = get_input_vars(); if (!strlen($vars['guest_name'])) { $errors[] = "'Name' is a required field"; } if (!strlen($vars['guest_email'])) { $errors[] = "'Email' is a required field"; } if ($errors) { $t->assign('errors', $errors); display_guest_list(); display_form($vars); return; } //check member $is_member = $db->users_find_by_string($vars['guest_email'], 'email', 1) ? true : false; if (!$is_member) { $q = $db->query($s = "\n\t INSERT INTO {$db->config['prefix']}newsletter_guest\n\t (guest_id,guest_name,guest_email)\n\t VALUES (null, '" . $db->escape($vars['guest_name']) . "', '" . $db->escape($vars['guest_email']) . "')\n\t "); $guest_id = mysql_insert_id($db->conn); $db->add_guest_threads($guest_id, $vars['threads']); } $t->assign('link', "newsletter_guests.php"); $t->display("admin/newsletter_guest_saved.html"); }
function occur_form() { global $vars; if (empty($vars["submit_form"])) { return display_form(); } // else return process_form(); }
function user_groups() { global $vars, $phpc_cal; if (!$phpc_cal->can_admin()) { return tag('div', __('Permission denied')); } if (!empty($vars['submit_form'])) { process_form(); } return display_form(); }
function user_create() { global $vars; if (!is_admin()) { return tag('div', __('Permission denied')); } if (!empty($vars['submit_form'])) { process_form(); } return display_form(); }
protected function main() { if (is_logged_in() && check_auth('manage_groups')) { // Edition d'un groupe if (!empty($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id'])) { // On cherche les infos du groupe inc_lib('admin/get_info_grp'); $donnees_groupe = get_info_grp($_GET['id']); $form_id = $_GET['id']; $form_name = $donnees_groupe['g_nom']; $form_title = $donnees_groupe['g_titre']; $form_icone = $donnees_groupe['g_icone']; $form_color = $donnees_groupe['g_couleur']; // Fil ariane $this->set_filAriane(array(Nw::$lang['admin']['fa_admin'] => array('admin.html'), Nw::$lang['admin']['fa_grp'] => array('admin-299.html'), $donnees_groupe['g_nom'] => array('admin-300-' . $_GET['id'] . '.html'), Nw::$lang['admin']['fa_edit_grp'] => array(''))); } else { $form_id = 0; $form_name = ''; $form_title = ''; $form_icone = 0; $form_color = 0; // Fil ariane $this->set_filAriane(array(Nw::$lang['admin']['fa_admin'] => array('admin.html'), Nw::$lang['admin']['fa_grp'] => array('admin-299.html'), Nw::$lang['admin']['fa_new_grp'] => array(''))); } $this->set_tpl('admin/edit_grp.html'); $this->add_css('forms.css'); $this->set_title(Nw::$lang['admin']['titre_accueil']); // Formulaire soumis if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $array_post = array('nom' => $_POST['nom'], 'titre' => $_POST['titre'], 'icone' => $_POST['icone'], 'couleur' => isset($_POST['couleur']) ? 1 : 0); // Les champs titre & contenu ne sont pas vides if (!multi_empty(trim($_POST['nom']))) { // Edition d'un groupe if (!empty($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id'])) { inc_lib('admin/edit_grp'); edit_grp($_GET['id']); redir(Nw::$lang['admin']['confirm_edit_grp'], true, 'admin-300-' . $_GET['id'] . '.html'); } else { inc_lib('admin/add_grp'); $id_new_grp = add_grp(); redir(Nw::$lang['admin']['confirm_new_grp'], true, 'admin-310-' . $id_new_grp . '.html'); } } else { display_form($array_post, Nw::$lang['admin']['nom_grp_obligatoire']); } return; } // On affiche le template display_form(array('id' => $form_id, 'nom' => $form_name, 'titre' => $form_title, 'icone' => $form_icone, 'couleur' => $form_color)); } else { redir(Nw::$lang['admin']['error_cant_see_admin'], false, './'); } }
function occur_form() { global $vars; if (empty($vars["submit_form"])) { return display_form(); } // else try { return process_form(); } catch (Exception $e) { message($e->getMessage()); return display_form(); } }
/** * Formulaire de connexion à l'espace membre * @author Cam * @return tpl */ protected function main() { // Si le membre est déjà connecté if (is_logged_in()) { redir(Nw::$lang['common']['already_connected'], false, './'); } // On modifie le titre de la page $this->set_title(Nw::$lang['users']['title_connexion']); // Pour rediriger le visiteur d'où il est venu if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], Nw::$site_url) !== false && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], Nw::$site_url . 'users-10.html') === false) { $_SESSION['nw_referer_login'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; } // Affichage du template $this->add_css('forms.css'); $this->set_tpl('membres/login.html'); // Fil ariane $this->set_filAriane(Nw::$lang['users']['fa_connexion']); //Si on a soumis le formulaire if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $array_post = array('pseudo' => $_POST['nw_nickname'], 'remember' => isset($_POST['nw_remember'])); //On vérifie que les deux champs sont remplis if (!multi_empty(trim($_POST['nw_nickname']), trim($_POST['nw_password']))) { //wtf ? =D //echo 'oook'; //On vérifie que la paire pseudo/mot de passe existe inc_lib('users/get_info_account'); if ($dn_info_account = get_info_account($_POST['nw_nickname'], $_POST['nw_password'])) { //Si le compte est actif if ($dn_info_account['u_active'] == 1) { $link_redir = !empty($_SESSION['nw_referer_login']) ? $_SESSION['nw_referer_login'] : '******'; $connex_auto = (bool) isset($_POST['nw_remember']); inc_lib('users/connect_auto_user'); connect_auto_user($dn_info_account['u_id'], $_POST['nw_password'], $connex_auto); // On redirige le membre redir(sprintf(Nw::$lang['users']['welcome_user'], $_POST['nw_nickname']), true, $link_redir); } else { display_form($array_post, Nw::$lang['users']['not_active']); } return; } else { display_form($array_post, Nw::$lang['users']['account_no_exist']); } return; } else { display_form($array_post, Nw::$lang['users']['champ_obligatoire']); } return; } display_form(array('pseudo' => '', 'remember' => true)); }
function _moduleContent(&$smarty, $module_name) { //global variables global $arrConf; global $arrConfModule; $arrConf = array_merge($arrConf, $arrConfModule); //folder path for custom templates $local_templates_dir = getWebDirModule($module_name); switch (getParameter('action')) { case 'csvdownload': return download_csv($smarty); default: return display_form($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir); } }
function display_customer_form() { $customer_labels = array('Name'); $address_labels = array('Street', 'City', 'State', 'Zip'); $payment_labels = array('Bank', 'Account', 'SecurityCode'); echo '</br><b>Enter your details:</b></br></br>'; echo '<form method=POST action="submit_order.php">'; table_start(); display_form($customer_labels); display_form($address_labels); display_form($payment_labels); table_end(); echo '<input type=submit name="Order" value="Submit Order"/></br>'; echo '</form>'; }
function submit_photo() { $dir = "../images"; $pid = intval(get_http_var('pid')); $errors = array(); if (!array_key_exists('photo', $_FILES)) { array_push($errors, 'Not got the photo.'); } elseif ($_FILES['photo']['error'] > 0) { array_push($errors, 'There was an error uploading the photo.'); } elseif (!is_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'])) { array_push($errors, 'Did not get an uploaded file.'); } else { $tmp_name = $_FILES['photo']['tmp_name']; $image = imagick_readimage($tmp_name); if (!$image) { array_push($errors, 'Failed to read image from uploaded file'); } $imageS = imagick_clonehandle($image); if (!imagick_scale($image, 118, 118, false)) { array_push($errors, 'Scaling large failed'); } if (!imagick_scale($imageS, 59, 59, false)) { array_push($errors, 'Scaling small failed'); } if (!imagick_writeimage($image, "{$dir}/mpsL/{$pid}.jpeg")) { array_push($errors, "Saving to {$dir}/mpsL/{$pid}.jpeg failed"); } if (!imagick_writeimage($imageS, "{$dir}/mps/{$pid}.jpeg")) { array_push($errors, "Saving to {$dir}/mps/{$pid}.jpeg failed"); } if (!$errors) { print "<pre>"; chdir("{$dir}/mpsL"); passthru("cvs -Q add -kb {$pid}.jpeg 2>&1"); chdir("../mps"); passthru("cvs -Q add -kb {$pid}.jpeg 2>&1"); chdir("../"); passthru('cvs -Q commit -m "Photo update from admin web photo upload interface." mpsL mps 2>&1'); print "</pre>"; } } if ($errors) { return display_form($errors); } return "<p><em>Photo uploaded and resized for pid {$pid}</em> — check how it looks <a href=\"/mp?p={$pid}\">on their page</a></p>" . display_form(); }
protected function main() { if (!is_logged_in()) { redir(Nw::$lang['common']['need_login'], false, 'users-10.html'); } // Si le paramètre ID manque if (empty($_GET['id']) || !is_numeric($_GET['id'])) { header('Location: ./'); } inc_lib('news/news_exists'); $count_news_existe = news_exists($_GET['id']); if ($count_news_existe == false) { redir(Nw::$lang['news']['news_not_exist'], false, 'news-70.html'); } // Récupération des données de la news inc_lib('news/get_info_news'); $donnees_news = get_info_news($_GET['id']); $droit_delete_news = $donnees_news['n_id_auteur'] == Nw::$dn_mbr['u_id'] && Nw::$droits['can_delete_mynews'] || Nw::$droits['can_delete_news'] ? true : false; if (!$droit_delete_news) { redir(Nw::$lang['news']['not_allowed_delete'], false, 'news-70.html'); } // Pour rediriger le visiteur d'où il est venu if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], Nw::$site_url) !== false && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], Nw::$site_url . 'news-65-' . $_GET['id'] . '.html') === false) { $_SESSION['nw_referer_edit'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; } $link_redir = !empty($_SESSION['nw_referer_edit']) ? $_SESSION['nw_referer_edit'] : 'news-70.html'; $this->set_title(sprintf(Nw::$lang['news']['title_del_news'], $donnees_news['n_titre'])); $this->set_tpl('news/delete.html'); $this->add_css('forms.css'); $this->add_js('ajax.js'); $this->add_js('admin.js'); $this->add_form('contenu'); // Fil ariane $this->set_filAriane(array(Nw::$lang['news']['news_section'] => array('news-70.html'), $donnees_news['c_nom'] => array($donnees_news['c_rewrite'] . '/'), $donnees_news['n_titre'] => array($donnees_news['c_rewrite'] . '/' . rewrite($donnees_news['n_titre']) . '-' . $_GET['id'] . '/'), Nw::$lang['news']['field_delete_news'] => array(''))); // Formulaire soumis if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { inc_lib('news/delete_news'); delete_news($_GET['id']); redir(Nw::$lang['news']['news_deleted'], true, rtrim(Nw::$site_url, '/') . '/news-70.html'); } if (isset($_POST['no'])) { header('Location: ' . $link_redir); } Nw::$tpl->set(array('ID' => $_GET['id'], 'TITRE' => $donnees_news['n_titre'], 'PHRASE_DEL' => sprintf(Nw::$lang['news']['phrase_del_news'], $donnees_news['c_rewrite'], rewrite($donnees_news['n_titre']), $_GET['id'], $donnees_news['n_titre']))); display_form(array('contenu' => '')); }
function check_response($dbh) { $name = script_param("name"); $place = script_param("place"); $choices = script_param("choices"); $response = script_param("response"); # Is the user's response the correct birthplace? if ($response == $place) { print "That is correct!<br />\n"; printf("%s was born in %s.<br />\n", htmlspecialchars($name), htmlspecialchars($place)); print "Try the next question:<br /><br />\n"; present_question($dbh); } else { printf("\"%s\" is not correct. Please try again.<br /><br />\n", htmlspecialchars($response)); $choices = explode("#", $choices); display_form($name, $place, $choices); } }
function do_process() { global $HTTP_POST_VARS; $cond_array = array(); for ($x = 0; $x < count($HTTP_POST_VARS['term']); $x++) { $cond_array[] = array("text" => $HTTP_POST_VARS['term'][$x], "loc" => $HTTP_POST_VARS['location'][$x], "conn" => ($x > 0 and isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['connection'][$x - 1])) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['connection'][$x - 1] : ""); } if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['find'])) { search($cond_array); exit; } if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['buildaction'] == "add_condition") { $cond_array[] = array("text" => "", "loc" => "", "conn" => "a"); } if (preg_match('/^erase_condition_([0-9]+)$/', $HTTP_POST_VARS['buildaction'], $matches)) { unset($cond_array[$matches[1]]); } display_form($HTTP_POST_VARS, $cond_array); }
function submit_photo() { $dir = "../images"; $pid = intval(get_http_var('pid')); $errors = array(); if (!array_key_exists('photo', $_FILES)) array_push($errors, 'Not got the photo.'); elseif ($_FILES['photo']['error'] > 0) array_push($errors, 'There was an error uploading the photo.'); elseif (!is_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'])) array_push($errors, 'Did not get an uploaded file.'); else { $tmp_name = $_FILES['photo']['tmp_name']; $image = new Imagick(); $image->readImage($tmp_name); if (!$image) array_push($errors, 'Failed to read image from uploaded file'); $imageS = $image->clone(); if (!$image->scaleImage(0, 118)) array_push($errors, 'Scaling large failed'); if (!$imageS->scaleImage(0, 59)) array_push($errors, 'Scaling small failed'); if (!$image->writeImage("$dir/mpsL/$pid.jpeg")) array_push($errors, "Saving to $dir/mpsL/$pid.jpeg failed"); if (!$imageS->writeImage("$dir/mps/$pid.jpeg")) array_push($errors, "Saving to $dir/mps/$pid.jpeg failed"); if (!$errors) { print "<pre>"; chdir($dir); passthru('git pull'); passthru("git add mpsL/$pid.jpeg"); passthru("git add mps/$pid.jpeg"); passthru('git commit -m "Photo update from admin web photo upload interface."'); passthru('git push'); print "</pre>"; } } if ($errors) return display_form($errors); return "<p><em>Photo uploaded and resized for pid $pid</em> — check how it looks <a href=\"/mp?p=$pid\">on their page</a></p>" . display_form(); }
function check_account_exists() { $username = strtolower(trim($_POST['username'])); $command = "show account {$username}\r\n"; $sock = fsockopen("", 9996, $errornumber, $errorstring, 30); if (!$sock) { die("Error {$errornumber}: {$errorstring}"); } fputs($sock, $command); sleep(1); $result = fread($sock, 1000); fclose($sock); if (strpos($result, "Cannot find account")) { create_account(); } else { echo "<B><font color=red>That account name is taken, please try again.</font></B><BR>"; display_form(); } }
protected function main() { // Seuls les membres peuvent créer des brouillons if (!is_logged_in()) { redir(Nw::$lang['common']['need_login'], false, 'users-10.html'); } if (!Nw::$droits['can_create_brouillon']) { redir(Nw::$lang['news']['cant_create_brouillon'], false, 'news-70.html'); } $this->set_title(Nw::$lang['news']['title_create_brouillon']); $this->set_tpl('news/create_brouillon.html'); $this->add_css('forms.css'); $this->add_css('code.css'); $this->add_js(array('write.js', 'jquery.blockUI.js')); $this->add_form('contenu'); // Fil ariane $this->set_filAriane(array(Nw::$lang['news']['news_section'] => array('news-70.html'), Nw::$lang['news']['title_create_brouillon'] => array(''))); Nw::$tpl->set(array('BAL_CHAMP' => 'contenu')); // Formulaire soumis if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $array_post = array('is_breve' => isset($_POST['is_breve']) ? $_POST['is_breve'] : '', 'titre_news' => $_POST['titre_news'], 'cat' => isset($_POST['cat']) ? $_POST['cat'] : 0, 'contenu' => $_POST['contenu'], 'tags' => isset($_POST['tags']) ? $_POST['tags'] : '', 'private_news' => isset($_POST['private_news']), 'source' => isset($_POST['source']) ? $_POST['source'] : '', 'source_nom' => isset($_POST['source_nom']) ? $_POST['source_nom'] : ''); // Les champs titre & contenu ne sont pas vides if (!multi_empty(trim($_POST['titre_news']), trim($_POST['contenu']))) { // On créé la news inc_lib('news/add_news_brouillon'); add_news_brouillon(); redir(Nw::$lang['news']['brouillon_cree'], true, 'news-70.html'); } else { display_form($array_post, Nw::$lang['news']['title_content_oblig']); } return; } // Catégories de news foreach (Nw::$cache_categories as $idcs => $donnees_categorie) { Nw::$tpl->setBlock('cats_news', array('ID' => $idcs, 'TITRE' => $donnees_categorie[0])); } // On affiche le template display_form(array('is_breve' => '', 'titre_news' => '', 'cat' => 0, 'contenu' => '', 'tags' => '', 'private_news' => 0, 'source' => '', 'source_nom' => '')); }
protected function main() { if (!is_logged_in()) { redir(Nw::$lang['common']['need_login'], false, 'users-10.html'); } $this->set_title(Nw::$lang['users']['item_avatar']); $this->set_tpl('membres/options_avatar.html'); $this->add_css('forms.css'); $this->set_filAriane(array(Nw::$lang['users']['mes_options_title'] => array('users-60.html'), Nw::$lang['users']['item_avatar'] => array(''))); if (isset($_GET['delete']) && !empty(Nw::$dn_mbr['u_avatar'])) { inc_lib('users/delete_avatar'); delete_avatar(Nw::$dn_mbr['u_id']); redir(Nw::$lang['users']['redir_d_avatar'], true, 'users-62.html'); } if (isset($_POST['submit']) && (!empty($_FILES['file']['name']) || !empty($_POST['url']))) { inc_lib('users/edit_avatar_mbr'); edit_avatar_mbr(); redir(Nw::$lang['users']['redir_t_avatar'], true, 'users-62.html'); } Nw::$tpl->set(array('AVATAR' => Nw::$dn_mbr['u_avatar'])); // On affiche le template display_form(array('avatar' => Nw::$dn_mbr['u_avatar'])); }
function register_user() { global $db_server, $db_username, $db_password, $db_database; // read input variables $name = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : ""; $username = isset($_POST['username']) ? $_POST['username'] : ""; $email = isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : ""; $password = isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : ""; // something is missing if ($name == "" || $username == "" || $email == "" || $password == "") { display_form("One or more input fields are empty", $name, $username, $email, $password); } else { $mysqli = new mysqli($db_server, $db_username, $db_password, $db_database); $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO reg(name, username, email, password) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"); $stmt->bind_param('ssss', $name, $username, $email, get_password_hash($password)); $stmt->execute(); if ($stmt->affected_rows == 1) { echo "Registration successful"; } $stmt->close(); $mysqli->close(); } }
function custom_form_generate($atts) { global $wpdb; //allows us to have database tables access extract(shortcode_atts(array('invoice_name' => 'stuff', 'invoice_type_id' => 'stuff'), $atts, 'cfg')); set_external_js_css($invoice_type_id); // add linked js and css files /* Form Validation/Submission Handler */ if ($_POST) { if ($invoice_type_id != 17) { $error_messages = custom_form_generate_validation($invoice_type_id); $form .= $error_messages; //output error messages } if (!$error_messages) { $form .= handle_submission($invoice_type_id); } } // if $_POST if (!$_POST || $_POST && $error_messages) { $form .= display_form($invoice_type_id); } return $form; }
protected function main() { if (!is_logged_in()) { redir(Nw::$lang['common']['need_login'], false, 'users-10.html'); } $this->set_title(Nw::$lang['users']['item_infos_profil']); $this->set_tpl('membres/options_profil.html'); $this->add_css('code.css'); $this->add_css('forms.css'); $this->add_js('ajax.js'); $this->add_js('write.js'); $this->add_form('contenu'); $this->set_filAriane(array(Nw::$lang['users']['mes_options_title'] => array('users-60.html'), Nw::$lang['users']['item_infos_profil'] => array(''))); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { inc_lib('users/edit_profile_mbr'); edit_profile_mbr(); redir(Nw::$lang['users']['redir_t_infos_profil'], true, 'users-60.html'); } inc_lib('bbcode/unparse'); $fuseaux_horaires = array('-13:00:00' => '[UTC - 12] Ile Baker', '-12:00:00' => '[UTC - 11] Iles Midway, Samoa', '-11:00:00' => '[UTC - 10] Hawaii, Iles Cook', '-10:30:00' => '[UTC - 9:30] Iles Marquises', '-10:00:00' => '[UTC - 9] Alaska, Iles Gambier', '-09:00:00' => '[UTC - 8] Pacifique (Etats-unis et Canada), Tijuana', '-08:00:00' => '[UTC - 7] Arizona, Chihuahua, La Paz, Montagnes Rocheuses', '-07:00:00' => '[UTC - 6] Amérique Centrale', '-06:00:00' => '[UTC - 5] Heure de l\'est (Etats-Unis, Canada), Bogota, Lima, Quito', '-05:00:00' => '[UTC - 4] Heure atlantique (Canada), Caracas, La Paz, Santiago', '-04:30:00' => '[UTC - 3:30] Terre Neuve', '-04:00:00' => '[UTC - 3] Amazonie, Groenland central', '-03:00:00' => '[UTC - 2] Fernando de Noronha, Géorgie du Sud & Iles Sandwich', '-02:00:00' => '[UTC - 1] Iles des Açores, Iles du Cap Vert, Groenland oriental', '-01:00:00' => '[UTC] Europe de l\'Ouest, Heure de Greenwich, Dublin, Edimbourg, Lisbonne, Londres', '00:00:00' => '[UTC + 1] Europe Centrale, Bruxelles, Copenhague, Madrid, Paris, Afrique de l\'Est', '01:00:00' => '[UTC + 2] Europe de l\'Est, Bucarest, Helsinki, Kiev, Afrique Centrale, Jérusalem', '02:00:00' => '[UTC + 3] Moscou, Afrique de l\'Est, Koweït, Riyad', '02:30:00' => '[UTC + 3:30] Iran', '03:00:00' => '[UTC + 4] Abu Dhabi, Samara, Seychelles', '03:30:00' => '[UTC + 4:30] Afghanistan', '04:00:00' => '[UTC + 5] Pakistan', '04:30:00' => '[UTC + 5:30] Inde, Sri Lanka', '04:40:00' => '[UTC + 5:45] Népal', '05:00:00' => '[UTC + 6] Bangladesh, Bhutan, Novossibirsk', '05:30:00' => '[UTC + 6:30] Iles Cocos, Birmanie', '06:00:00' => '[UTC + 7] Indochine, Krasnoïarsk, Jakarta', '07:00:00' => '[UTC + 8] Chine, Australie de l\'Ouest, Irkoutsk', '07:45:00' => '[UTC + 8:45] Australie du Sud-ouest', '08:00:00' => '[UTC + 9] Japon, Corée, Taïwan', '08:30:00' => '[UTC + 9:30] Australie Centrale', '09:00:00' => '[UTC + 10] Australie de l\'Est, Vladivostok', '09:30:00' => '[UTC + 10:30] Ile de Lord Howe', '10:00:00' => '[UTC + 11] Iles Salomon, Nouvelle Calédonie', '10:30:00' => '[UTC + 11:30] Norfolk', '11:00:00' => '[UTC + 12] Nouvelle-Zélande, Fidji, Kamchatka', '11:45:00' => '[UTC + 12:45] Iles Chatham', '12:00:00' => '[UTC + 13] Tonga, Iles Phoenix', '13:00:00' => '[UTC + 14] Iles de la ligne'); Nw::$tpl->set(array('BAL_CHAMP' => 'biographie', 'FUSEAUX' => $fuseaux_horaires)); // On affiche le template display_form(array('decalage_horaire' => !empty(Nw::$dn_mbr['u_decalage']) ? Nw::$dn_mbr['u_decalage'] : '00:00:00', 'date_naissance' => Nw::$dn_mbr['date_naissance'], 'localisation' => Nw::$dn_mbr['u_localisation'], 'biographie' => unparse(Nw::$dn_mbr['u_bio']))); }
function create_newsletter($vars = '') { global $db, $config, $t; settype($vars, 'array'); $errors = array(); $vars = get_input_vars(); if (!strlen($vars['subject'])) { $errors[] = "'Subject' is a required field"; } if (!strlen($vars['message'])) { $errors[] = "'Message' is a required field"; } if ($errors) { $t->assign('errors', $errors); display_archive_list(); display_form($vars); return; } $vars['threads'] = $db->escape_array($vars['threads']); $threads = "," . implode(",", $vars['threads']) . ","; $q = $db->query($s = "\n INSERT INTO {$db->config['prefix']}newsletter_archive\n (archive_id,threads,subject,message,add_date)\n VALUES (null, '" . $db->escape($threads) . "', '" . $db->escape($vars['subject']) . "',\n '" . $db->escape($vars['message']) . "', NOW())\n "); $t->assign('link', "newsletter_archive.php"); $t->display("admin/newsletter_archive_saved.html"); }
<table border="0" align="center" width = "100" style="font-family:georgia;font-size:15px;"> <tr> <td align="right" width="300" style="padding-right:5px">House Number:</td> <td width="100" align="left"> <input id="hno" style = "height:25px; padding-left:10px;border-radius:5px;" size = "25" type="text" name="f[]" placeholder="House Number" required = "true" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan = "2"> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="submit" name="submit" value = "Delete" style=" background:#000099;border:none; color:white; font-family:georgia; font-size:14px; height: 25px; width: 100px; border-radius:5px; position:relative; left: 200px; top: 10px;" /> </div> </form>'; } display_form(); display_view(); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $formData = $_POST['f']; $fclass = new dummy(); $fclass->check($formData); // $fclass->result(); } echo '</br> </br><a href="pm_home.php" style=" background:#000099; border:none; color:white; font-family:georgia; font-size:20px; height: 25px; width: 100px; border-radius:5px; left: 20px; top: 10px;">Return</a>'; ?> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /#contents --> </body> </html>
include 'dbconn.php'; ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <head> <title>Creating a drop down</title> </head> <body> <pre><?php print_r($_GET); ?> </pre> <?php if (isset($_GET['submitted'])) { handle_form($_GET['student']); } display_form("student"); ?> </body> </html> <?php function handle_form($id) { $dbc = connect_to_db("jed"); $query = "select lastname, firstname, major from student where ID = '{$id}'"; $result = perform_query($dbc, $query); $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC); //print_r($row); $lastname = $row['lastname']; $firstname = $row['firstname']; $major = $row['major']; echo "{$firstname} {$lastname}'s major is {$major}<br />";
<?php $page_file = "top11_vote_add.php"; $page_title = "Add Top 11 Vote"; require "functions/main_fns.php"; require "functions/top11_fns.php"; require "partials/_header.php"; /*----- CONTENT ------*/ ?> <div class="row"> <div class="tweleve columns content full-width"> <h1>Add Top 11 Vote</h1> <?php if ($_POST['action']) { $by_pass_ip_check = true; require "partials/_top11_save.php"; } else { display_form($page_file); } ?> <div class="top-spacer_20"> <a href="top11_vote_add.php">Add another Top 11 Vote</a> <p> <a href="cp.php">Control Panel</a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of row div --> <?php require "partials/_footer.php";
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/body.css" /> <style> body {font-size:80%; margin:5px;} h1 {font-size:140%} table {margin-left:40px; border-collapse:collapse} td {border:1px solid #C0C0C0; padding:2px} .grey {background-color:#EAEAEA; font-weight:bold} .nonexist {background-color:#FFC0C0} .dkred {background-color:#C00000; color:white; font-weight:bold} .err {color:red; font-weight:bold} </style> </head> <body> <?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { make_db_connections(); $table_list = get_tables($_POST['master_dbname'], $master_mysqli); foreach ($table_list as $table) { echo "<h1>{$table}</h1>\n"; compare_indexes($_POST['master_dbname'], $_POST['test_dbname'], $table, $master_mysqli, $test_mysqli); } } else { echo display_form(); } ?> </body> </html>
// Assign template variables $template['files'][] = 'resources_create.html'; $template['files'][] = 'resources_retrieve.html'; $template['resources'] = ""; $template['category_list'] = ""; // Pull all details $all_locations_assoc = $db->GetAssoc("SELECT * FROM " . LOCATIONS_TABLE . " WHERE location_id != 0 ORDER BY loc_order_hash ASC, loc_name ASC"); // Define the SQL to pull all resources, alter if a specific row is requested $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . RESOURCES_TABLE; if ($row = isset($_GET['row'])) { $sql .= " WHERE resource_id = " . clean_string($_GET['row']); } $all_resources = $db->Execute($sql . " ORDER BY resource_id ASC"); // If this isn't a category refresh, we generate the return location and bookable location drop-downs if (!$cat) { $template['location_list'] = display_form($all_locations, "create_base_location", FALSE, FALSE); $template['book_location'] = str_replace("create_base_location", "create_book_location", $template['location_list']); // Display resources foreach ($all_resources as $resource) { $display = display_resource($resource); if ($ajax) { echo $display; } else { $template['resources'] .= $display; } } } $template['category_list'] = display_categories($all_categories); if ($ajax && $cat) { echo $template['category_list']; } else {
* $Id$ * Copyright (c) 2010 Craig Watson [ ] * Distributed Under the Mozilla Public License 1.1 [ ] */ if (!defined('IN_OB')) { exit; } // If the form has NOT been submitted if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { $id = (int) clean_string($_GET['loc']); // Pull the details for the location and its parent, and display the form $location = $db->GetArray("SELECT * FROM " . LOCATIONS_TABLE . " WHERE location_id = {$id}"); $poss_parents = $db->getArray("SELECT * FROM " . LOCATIONS_TABLE . " WHERE loc_type < " . $location[0]['loc_type'] . " ORDER BY loc_order_hash"); // Build the possible parents box if ($location[0]['loc_num_children'] == 0) { $parents_form = display_form($poss_parents, "update_parent", $location[0]['loc_parent_id']); } // Include the update form include $root_path . 'style/templates/locations_update_form.html'; } else { // Parse submitted values $id = (int) clean_string($_POST['id']); $name = clean_string($_POST['update_name']); $parent_update = FALSE; // Define base SQL $sql = "UPDATE " . LOCATIONS_TABLE . " SET loc_name = '{$name}'"; // If the number of children is greater than zero (i.e. true) if (!$_POST['children']) { // Parse values $new_parent_id = (int) clean_string($_POST['update_parent']); $old_parent_id = (int) clean_string($_POST['old_parent']);