function the_event_date()
    $end = get_field('end_on');
    $is_range = !empty($end);
    $class = $is_range ? 'range' : '';
    echo "<time class='{$class}'>";
    if ($is_range) {
        echo ' <span class="separator">-</span> ';
    echo "</time>";
Exemple #2
function get_subtasks($parent, $level = 1, $type = "", $where = "", $orderby = "", $bg = "", $preview = false)
    //echo "$orderby<br />";
    global $db, $slave, $priorities, $parent_task_id, $expand_collapse, $target_path, $total_tasks;
    if ($orderby != "") {
        $parent = null;
    //if (!is_null($parent)) echo "parent is $parent";
    $expand_collapse = array("expand", "collapse");
    $creator_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];
    if ($_SESSION['project_user_id']) {
        $creator_id = $_SESSION['project_user_id'];
    if (($_GET['today'] or $_GET['user_id'] or $_GET['week']) and ($_GET['action'] != "complete" and $_GET['action'] != "log")) {
        $where2 = "LEFT OUTER JOIN Task_Acknowledgement as A ON T.Task_ID=A.Task_ID WHERE (A.Accepted=1 OR T.Creator_ID=" . $creator_id . ") AND ";
    } else {
        $where2 = "LEFT OUTER JOIN Task_Acknowledgement as A ON T.Task_ID=A.Task_ID WHERE ";
    //$where2="WHERE ";
    if (!is_null($parent)) {
        if (strlen($where) == 4) {
            $where = "";
        if ($parent === 0) {
            if ($_GET['assign']) {
                $where2 = $where2 . "(Parent_Task_ID={$parent} OR Parent_Task_ID NOT IN (SELECT Task_ID FROM Tasks as T2 LEFT OUTER JOIN User_Departments as D2 ON T2.Department_ID=D2.Department_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Users as L2 ON D2.User_ID=L2.User_ID WHERE " . str_replace(".", "2.", substr($where, 4)) . ")) {$where}";
            } else {
                $where2 = $where2 . "(Parent_Task_ID={$parent} OR Parent_Task_ID NOT IN (SELECT Task_ID FROM Tasks as T2 LEFT OUTER JOIN User_Departments as D2 ON T2.Department_ID=D2.Department_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Users as U2 ON D2.User_ID=U2.User_ID WHERE " . str_replace(".", "2.", substr($where, 4)) . ")) {$where}";
        } else {
            $where2 = $where2 . "Parent_Task_ID={$parent} {$where}";
    } else {
        $where2 = $where2 . substr($where, 4);
    //$where2=$where2."T.Task_ID NOT IN (SELECT Parent_Task_ID FROM Tasks) $where"; //if (is_null($parent) AND $subtasks[$t]['Parent_Task_ID']>0)
    if ($type == "complete" and $orderby == "") {
        $orderby = "Log_date DESC, Task_Name";
    //else if ($orderby=="" and $parent==0) $orderby="Task_Name";
    //else if ($orderby!="") $orderby=$orderby." Task_Name";
    if ($orderby and !strstr($orderby, "Task_Name")) {
        $orderby = "ORDER BY " . $orderby . " Task_Name";
    if ($orderby and !strstr($orderby, "ORDER BY")) {
        $orderby = "ORDER BY " . $orderby;
    if (!$orderby and $parent == 0) {
        $orderby2 = "ORDER BY Finish_Date IS NULL, Finish_Date";
    if (!strstr($where, "L.User_ID")) {
        $log = "AND L.Log_Progress=100";
    if (strstr($orderby, "Request_Username")) {
        $orderby = str_replace("Request_Username", "RL.Username", $orderby);
        $query = "SELECT T.*, Project_Name, Log_Date, AD.Department_Name as Affected_Department_Name, RL.Username FROM Login as RL, Users as U, Tasks as T LEFT OUTER JOIN Departments as AD ON T.Affected_Department=AD.Department_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Projects as P ON T.Project_ID=P.Project_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Task_Logs as L ON T.Task_ID=L.Task_ID {$log} LEFT OUTER JOIN User_Departments as D ON T.Department_ID=D.Department_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Departments as M ON D.Department_ID=M.Department_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Login as G ON T.User_ID=G.User_ID {$where2} AND U.User_ID=T.Request_User_ID AND U.User_ID=RL.User_ID GROUP BY T.Task_ID {$orderby} {$orderby2}";
        //echo $query;
    } elseif (strstr($orderby, "Username")) {
        $query = "SELECT T.*, Project_Name, Log_Date, AD.Department_Name as Affected_Department_Name FROM Tasks as T LEFT OUTER JOIN Departments as AD ON T.Affected_Department=AD.Department_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Projects as P ON T.Project_ID=P.Project_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Task_Logs as L ON T.Task_ID=L.Task_ID {$log} LEFT OUTER JOIN User_Departments as D ON T.Department_ID=D.Department_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Departments as M ON D.Department_ID=M.Department_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Users as U ON D.User_ID=U.User_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Login as G ON T.User_ID=G.User_ID {$where2} GROUP BY T.Task_ID {$orderby} {$orderby2}";
    } else {
        $query = "SELECT T.*, Project_Name, Log_Date, AD.Department_Name as Affected_Department_Name FROM Tasks as T LEFT OUTER JOIN Departments as AD ON T.Affected_Department=AD.Department_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Projects as P ON T.Project_ID=P.Project_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Task_Logs as L ON T.Task_ID=L.Task_ID {$log} LEFT OUTER JOIN User_Departments as D ON T.Department_ID=D.Department_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Users as U ON D.User_ID=U.User_ID {$where2} GROUP BY T.Task_ID {$orderby} {$orderby2}";
    //echo $query;
    $subtasks = $slave->select($query);
    //where parents are not assigned to user
    if (is_null($parent)) {
        $query = "SELECT T.*, Project_Name, Log_Date, AD.Department_Name as Affected_Department_Name FROM Tasks as T LEFT OUTER JOIN Departments as AD ON T.Affected_Department=AD.Department_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Projects as P ON T.Project_ID=P.Project_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Task_Logs as L ON T.Task_ID=L.Task_ID {$log} LEFT OUTER JOIN User_Departments as D ON T.Department_ID=D.Department_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Users as U ON D.User_ID=U.User_ID {$where2} GROUP BY T.Task_ID {$orderby} {$orderby2}";
    $query="SELECT T.*, Project_Name, Log_Date FROM Tasks as T LEFT OUTER JOIN Projects as P ON T.Project_ID=P.Project_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Task_Logs as L ON T.Task_ID=L.Task_ID $log LEFT OUTER JOIN User_Departments as D ON T.Department_ID=D.Department_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Users as U ON D.User_ID=U.User_ID $where2 AND Finish_Date IS NULL GROUP BY T.Task_ID ORDER BY $orderby Task_Name";
    $subtasks2 = $slave->select($query);
    if ($subtasks2) {
    if ($subtasks) $subtasks=array_merge($subtasks,$subtasks2);
    else $subtasks=$subtasks2;
    //if ($_SESSION['user_id']==6) print_r($subtasks);
    $expand = true;
    if ($level == 0 and $type != "option") {
        if ($type == "date") {
            echo "<form action=\"tasks.php\" method=\"GET\" onSubmit=\"\\d\\d)\\/(\\d\\d)\\/(\\d\\d\\d\\d)/, '\$3-\$1-\$2')\">\n";
            echo "View Date <input name=\"today\" type=\"text\" value=\"" . display_date($_GET['today']) . "\" onfocus=\";lcs(this)\" onclick=\"event.cancelBubble=true;;lcs(this)\"/>";
            echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Go\">";
            echo "</form>\n";
        if ($type != "complete") {
            echo "<div id=\"expand\">";
            $expand = false;
            if ($_SESSION['expand']['all'] == 1) {
                echo "<a href=\"" . clean_url($expand_collapse) . "expand=none\"><img src=\"" . CDN . "img/collapse.png\" alt=\"Collapse\" /></a>";
            } else {
                echo "<a href=\"" . clean_url($expand_collapse) . "expand=all\"><img src=\"" . CDN . "img/expand.png\" alt=\"Expand\" /></a>";
            echo " all</div>\n";
    if ($subtasks) {
        if ($level == 0 and $type != "option") {
            echo "<table><tr>";
            //if ($type!="complete") echo "<th><a href=".get_order_url('T.Progress',$dir).">Work</a></th>";
            echo "<th>&nbsp;</th>";
            echo "<th><a href=" . get_order_url('T.Priority', $dir) . ">Severity</a></th>";
            echo "<th><a href=" . get_order_url('T.Task_ID', $dir) . ">ID</a></th>";
            echo "<th><a href=" . get_order_url('Task_Name', $dir) . ">Task</a></th>";
            echo "<th><a href=" . get_order_url('Project_Name', $dir) . ">Project</a></th>";
            echo "<th><a href=" . get_order_url('Affected_Department_Name', $dir) . ">Department</a></th>";
            echo "<th>File</th>";
            echo "<th><a href=" . get_order_url('Username', $dir) . ">Assigned</a></th>";
            echo "<th>Last</th>";
            echo "<th><a href=" . get_order_url('Request_Username', $dir) . ">Request</a></th>";
            echo "<th nowrap><a href=" . get_order_url('T.Request_Date', $dir) . ">Req Date</a></th>";
            if ($type == "complete") {
                echo "<th><a href=" . get_order_url('L.Log_Date', $dir) . ">Completed</a></th>";
            } else {
                echo "<th><a href=" . get_order_url('T.Finish_Date', $dir) . ">Due</a></th>";
            if ($type != "complete") {
                echo "<th>Days</th>";
            echo "</tr>\n";
        $space = str_repeat(' &nbsp; ', $level);
        $ptid = 0;
        for ($t = 0; $t < count($subtasks); $t++) {
            if ($type != "option" and $type != "complete" and (is_null($parent) or $parent === 0) and $subtasks[$t]['Parent_Task_ID'] > 0 and $subtasks[$t]['Parent_Task_ID'] != $ptid) {
                $ptid = $subtasks[$t]['Parent_Task_ID'];
                echo "<tr {$bg} class=\"gray\">";
                echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
                echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
                echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
                echo "<td colspan=\"10\"><small>";
                get_parent($ptid, true);
                echo "</small></td>";
                echo "</tr>\n";
            } else {
                $ptid = $subtasks[$t]['Parent_Task_ID'];
            $small_img = $use_file = "";
            $expand = false;
            if ($preview == true or !$_SESSION['expand'] or $_SESSION['expand']['all'] == 1 and (!isset($_SESSION['expand'][$subtasks[$t]['Task_ID']]) or $_SESSION['expand'][$subtasks[$t]['Task_ID']] != 0) or $_SESSION['expand']['all'] == 0 and $_SESSION['expand'][$subtasks[$t]['Task_ID']] == 1) {
                $expand = true;
            if ($type == "option") {
                echo "<option value=\"" . $subtasks[$t]['Task_ID'] . "\"";
                if ($subtasks[$t]['Task_ID'] == $parent_task_id) {
                    echo " selected";
                echo ">" . $space . $subtasks[$t]['Task_Name'] . "</option>\n";
            } else {
                $num_sub = 0;
                $percent_sub = $subtasks[$t]['Progress'];
                if ($type == "complete") {
                    $finish_date = $subtasks[$t]['Log_Date'];
                } else {
                    $finish_date = $subtasks[$t]['Finish_Date'];
                //if (!is_null($parent))
                list($num_sub, $percent_sub, $finish_date) = get_percent($subtasks[$t]['Task_ID'], $num_sub, $percent_sub, $finish_date);
                //if ($subtasks[$t]['Log_Date']) $finish_date=$subtasks[$t]['Log_Date'];
                //if ($level==0) {
                //    if ($t%2==0) $bg="class=\"highlight\"";
                //    else $bg="";
                //$haschildren=$slave->select("SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE Parent_Task_ID=".$subtasks[$t]['Task_ID']);
                //$users=$slave->select("SELECT IF (UD.User_ID IS NOT NULL, UD.User_ID, U.User_ID) AS User_ID, Username, U.First_Name, U.Last_Name, Department_Name FROM Task_Users as T LEFT OUTER JOIN User_Departments as UD ON T.Department_ID=UD.Department_ID AND UD.User_ID=6 LEFT OUTER JOIN Departments as D ON UD.Department_ID=D.Department_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Users as U ON T.User_ID=U.User_ID AND U.User_ID=6 LEFT OUTER JOIN Login as L ON U.User_ID=L.User_ID WHERE Task_ID=".$subtasks[$t]['Task_ID']." ORDER BY IF (Department_Name IS NOT NULL, Department_Name, Username)");
                //if ((!$haschildren AND $user) OR ($haschildren)) {
                echo "<tr {$bg}>";
                //if ($type!="complete") {
                echo "<td align='right' nowrap>";
                if (!$preview and $num_sub > 0) {
                    //echo number_format($percent_sub/$num_sub,1)."% ";
                    if ($expand == true) {
                        echo "<a href=\"" . clean_url($expand_collapse) . "collapse=" . $subtasks[$t]['Task_ID'] . "\" class=\"expand\"><img src=\"" . CDN . "img/collapse.png\" alt=\"Collapse\" /></a>";
                    } else {
                        echo "<a href=\"" . clean_url($expand_collapse) . "expand=" . $subtasks[$t]['Task_ID'] . "\" class=\"expand\"><img src=\"" . CDN . "img/expand.png\" alt=\"Expand\" /></a>";
                //else if ($type=="complete") echo $percent_sub."%";
                //else echo $percent_sub."%";
                //if ($percent_sub<100) echo " | <a href=\"tasks.php?work=".$subtasks[$t]['Task_ID']."\">Add</a>";
                echo "</td>";
                if ($preview) {
                    echo "<td></td><td></td>\n";
                } else {
                    echo "<td nowrap><small>";
                    if ($subtasks[$t]['High_Priority']) {
                        echo "<img src=\"" . CDN . "img/fire.png\" alt=\"High Priority\" />\n";
                    echo $subtasks[$t]['Priority'] . " " . $priorities[$subtasks[$t]['Priority']]['Name'] . "</small></td>";
                    echo "<td><small>" . $subtasks[$t]['Task_ID'] . "</small></td>";
                echo "<td>";
                if ($preview) {
                    echo "<small>";
                if ($type != "complete" and $level > 0) {
                    echo "{$space} - ";
                } elseif (is_null($parent) and $subtasks[$t]['Parent_Task_ID'] > 0) {
                    echo "{$space} - ";
                    //echo "…";
                echo "<a href=\"tasks.php?task_id=" . $subtasks[$t]['Task_ID'] . "\"";
                if ($subtasks[$t]['Parent_Task_ID'] > 0) {
                    $pname = $slave->select("SELECT Task_Name FROM Tasks WHERE Task_ID=" . $subtasks[$t]['Parent_Task_ID']);
                    echo "title=\"" . $pname[0]['Task_Name'] . "\"";
                if ($subtasks[$t]['Progress'] == 100) {
                    echo "><strike>" . $subtasks[$t]['Task_Name'] . "</strike></a>";
                } else {
                    echo ">" . $subtasks[$t]['Task_Name'] . "</a>";
                if ($preview) {
                    echo "</small>";
                echo "</td>";
                echo "<td nowrap>";
                if ($subtasks[$t]['Project_ID']) {
                    echo "<small><a href=\"projects.php?project_id=" . $subtasks[$t]['Project_ID'] . "\">" . $subtasks[$t]['Project_Name'] . "</a></small></td>";
                } else {
                    echo "<small>Non Project Ticket</small>";
                echo "</td>";
                echo "<td nowrap><small>";
                if ($subtasks[$t]['Affected_Department'] > 0) {
                    //$afdep=$slave->select("SELECT Department_Name FROM Departments WHERE Department_ID=".$subtasks[$t]['Affected_Department']);
                    echo $subtasks[$t]['Affected_Department_Name'];
                } else {
                    echo "No Department";
                echo "</small></td>";
                echo "<td align=\"center\">";
                if ($handle = opendir($target_path)) {
                while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
                if (preg_match('/^'.$subtasks[$t]['Task_ID'].'.+/',$file)) {
                if (strstr($file,'_sm.jpg')) $small_img=$file;
                else $use_file=$file;
                } else echo "could not open";
                if ($small_img) echo "<a href=\"${target_path}$use_file\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"".CDN."img/icons/111.png\" border=0 /></a>";
                else if ($use_file) echo "<a href=\"${target_path}$use_file\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"".CDN."img/icons/3.png\" border=0 /></a>";
                $files = $slave->select("SELECT * FROM Files as F, File_Types as T WHERE F.File_Type_ID=T.File_Type_ID AND Task_ID=" . $subtasks[$t]['Task_ID'] . " ORDER BY Image");
                if ($files) {
                    $img = $multi = "";
                    foreach ($files as $f) {
                        if ($img != $f['Image'] or $img == 0) {
                            $img = $f['Image'];
                            if ($f['Image'] == 1) {
                                $icon = "111.png";
                                echo "<a href=\"" . CDN . "img.php?id=" . $subtasks[$t]['Task_ID'] . "\" alt=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" . CDN . "img/icons/{$icon}\" border=0 /></a>";
                            } else {
                                $icon = "3.png";
                                echo "<a href=\"{$target_path}" . $f['File_ID'] . "." . $f['Extention'] . "\" alt=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" . CDN . "img/icons/{$icon}\" border=0 /></a>";
                        } elseif ($img == 1) {
                            $mult = "+";
                    echo $mult;
                echo "</td>";
                echo "<td><small>";
                $users = $slave->select("SELECT IF (UD.User_ID IS NOT NULL, UD.User_ID, U.User_ID) AS User_ID, Username, U.First_Name, U.Last_Name, Department_Name FROM Tasks as T LEFT OUTER JOIN User_Departments as UD ON T.Department_ID=UD.Department_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Departments as D ON UD.Department_ID=D.Department_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Users as U ON T.User_ID=U.User_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Login as L ON U.User_ID=L.User_ID WHERE Task_ID=" . $subtasks[$t]['Task_ID'] . " ORDER BY IF (Department_Name IS NOT NULL, Department_Name, Username)");
                if ($users) {
                    $dep = "";
                    for ($u = 0; $u < count($users); $u++) {
                        if ($u > 0 && ($users[$u]['Department_Name'] == "" or $users[$u]['Department_Name'] != $dep)) {
                            echo ", ";
                        if ($users[$u]['Department_Name']) {
                            if ($users[$u]['Department_Name'] != $dep) {
                                $dep = $users[$u]['Department_Name'];
                                echo $users[$u]['Department_Name'];
                        } else {
                            echo $users[$u]['Username'];
                } else {
                    echo "none";
                echo "</small></td>";
                echo "<td><small>";
                $users = $slave->select("SELECT U.User_ID, Username, U.First_Name, U.Last_Name FROM Tasks as T, Task_Logs as L, Users as U, Login as O WHERE T.Task_ID=L.Task_ID AND L.User_ID=U.User_ID AND O.User_ID=U.User_ID AND T.Task_ID=" . $subtasks[$t]['Task_ID'] . " ORDER BY Log_ID DESC LIMIT 1");
                if (!$users) {
                    $users = $slave->select("SELECT U.User_ID, Username, U.First_Name, U.Last_Name FROM Tasks as T, Users as U, Login as O WHERE T.Creator_ID=U.User_ID AND O.User_ID=U.User_ID AND T.Task_ID=" . $subtasks[$t]['Task_ID']);
                if ($users) {
                    echo $users[0]['Username'];
                } else {
                    echo "none";
                echo "</small></td>";
                echo "<td><small>";
                $users = $slave->select("SELECT U.User_ID, Username, U.First_Name, U.Last_Name FROM Tasks as T, Users as U, Login as L WHERE U.User_ID=L.User_ID AND T.Request_User_ID=U.User_ID AND Task_ID=" . $subtasks[$t]['Task_ID']);
                if ($users) {
                    echo $users[0]['Username'];
                } else {
                    echo "none";
                echo "</small></td>";
                if (display_date($subtasks[$t]['Request_Date']) == "00/00/0000" or display_date($subtasks[$t]['Request_Date']) == "NULL") {
                    echo "<td>Not Set</td>";
                } else {
                    echo "<td><small>" . display_date($subtasks[$t]['Request_Date']) . "</small></td>";
                //echo "<td>".$subtasks[$t]['Durration']."</td>";
                //$isparent=$slave->select("SELECT Task_ID FROM Tasks WHERE Parent_Task_ID=".$subtasks[$t]['Task_ID']);
                //if ($isparent) {
                //    echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
                //} else
                if (display_date($finish_date) == "NULL") {
                    echo "<td><small>Not Set</small></td>";
                    if ($type != "complete") {
                        echo "<td>-</td>";
                } else {
                    echo "<td><small>" . display_date($finish_date) . "</small></td>";
                    if ($type != "complete" and $subtasks[$t]['Progress'] < 100) {
                        echo "<td><small>" . dateDiff(date("Y-m-d"), $finish_date) . "</small></td>";
                echo "</tr>\n";
                if ($expand == true and ($_GET['today'] or $_GET['week']) and !isset($parent_task_id)) {
                    get_subtasks($subtasks[$t]['Task_ID'], $level + 1, "", "AND T.Progress<100", "", "class=\"gray\"", true);
                if ($expand == true and $parent === 0) {
                    get_subtasks($subtasks[$t]['Task_ID'], $level + 1, "", "AND T.Progress<100 AND NOT (T.User_ID=" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . " OR U.User_ID=" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . ")", "", "class=\"gray\"", true);
            if ($expand === true and !is_null($parent) and !$preview) {
                get_subtasks($subtasks[$t]['Task_ID'], $level + 1, $type, $where, $orderby, $bg);
            //if ($add=="no")
            //$space=str_replace('/ &nbsp; $/','',$space);
        if ($level == 0 and $type != "option") {
            echo "</table>";
            echo "<p>";
            $totaltt = 0;
            foreach ($total_tasks as $tk => $tv) {
                echo "Total {$tk} Tasks: {$tv}<br />";
                $totaltt = $totaltt + $tv;
            echo "Grand Total: {$totaltt}";
            echo "</p>\n";
    } else {
        if ($level == 0 and $type != "option") {
            echo "<h2 align=\"center\">No Tasks</h2>";
        return false;
Exemple #3
 * Function creates HTML to display Calendar Header and its Links
 * @param array    $header   - collection of objects and strings
 * @param string   $viewBox  - string 'listview' or 'hourview' or may be empty. if 'listview' means Events ListView.if 'hourview' means Events HourView. if empty means get Todos ListView
 * @param string   $subtab   - string 'todo' or 'event'. if 'todo' means Todos View else Events View
function get_cal_header_tab(&$header, $viewBox, $subtab)
    global $mod_strings, $cal_log;
    $category = getParentTab();
    $cal_log->debug("Entering get_cal_header_tab() method...");
    $tabhtml = "";
    $count = 1;
    include_once 'modules/Calendar/addEventUI.php';
    include_once 'modules/Calendar/header.php';
    $eventlabel = $mod_strings['LBL_EVENTS'];
    $todolabel = $mod_strings['LBL_TODOS'];
    $div = "<div id='miniCal' style='width:300px; position:absolute; display:none; left:100px; top:100px; z-index:100000; background-color:white'></div>\n\t\t<div id='calSettings' class='layerPopup calSettings' style='display:none;width:500px;' align=center ></div>\n\t\t<div id='dataArray'></div>\n\t\t";
    echo $div;
    $tabhtml .= "<table class='small calHdr' align='center' border='0' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' width='100%'><tr>";
    $links = array('day', 'week', 'month', 'year');
    //To differentiate the selected link from unselected links
    foreach ($links as $link) {
        if ($header['view'] == $link) {
            $class = 'calSel';
            $anchor = $mod_strings["LBL_" . $header['calendar']->getCalendarView($link)];
        } else {
            $class = 'calUnSel';
            $anchor = "<a href='index.php?module=Calendar&action=index&view=" . $link . "" . $header['calendar']->date_time->get_date_str() . "&viewOption=" . $viewBox . "&subtab=" . $subtab . "&parenttab=" . $category . "'>" . $mod_strings["LBL_" . $header['calendar']->getCalendarView($link)] . "</a>";
        if ($count == 1) {
            $tabhtml .= "<!-- day week month buttons --> <td style='border-left: 1px solid #666666;' class=" . $class . ">" . $anchor . "</td>";
        } else {
            $tabhtml .= "<td class=" . $class . ">" . $anchor . "</td>";
    //To get Navigation(next&previous) links and display Date info
    $tabhtml .= "<td width='30%'>\n\t\t\t<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>" . get_previous_cal($header, $viewBox, $subtab) . "\n\t\t\t\t</td>";
    $tabhtml .= "<td class='calendarNav'>" . display_date($header['view'], $header['calendar']->date_time) . "</td>";
    $tabhtml .= "<td>" . get_next_cal($header, $viewBox, $subtab) . "\n\t\t     </td></tr>\n\t\t    </table>\n\t\t</td>";
    $tabhtml .= "<td width='2%'><img onClick='fnvshobj(this,\"miniCal\"); getMiniCal(\"view=" . $header['calendar']->view . "" . $header['calendar']->date_time->get_date_str() . "&viewOption=" . $viewBox . "&subtab=" . $subtab . "&parenttab=" . $category . "\");' src='" . $header['IMAGE_PATH'] . "btnL3Calendar.gif' alt='" . $mod_strings['LBL_OPENCAL'] . "...' title='" . $mod_strings['LBL_OPENCAL'] . "...' align='absmiddle' border='0'></td>";
    $tabhtml .= "<td width=20% ><img onClick='fnvshobj(this,\"calSettings\"); getCalSettings(\"view=" . $header['calendar']->view . "" . $header['calendar']->date_time->get_date_str() . "&viewOption=" . $viewBox . "&subtab=" . $subtab . "&parenttab=" . $category . "\");' src='" . $header['IMAGE_PATH'] . "tbarSettings.gif' alt='" . $mod_strings['LBL_SETTINGS'] . "' title='" . $mod_strings['LBL_SETTINGS'] . "' align='absmiddle' border='0'></td>";
    $tabhtml .= "<td class='calHdr calTopRight componentName'>" . $app_strings['Calendar'] . "</td>";
    $tabhtml .= "</tr>";
    echo $tabhtml;
    $cal_log->debug("Exiting get_cal_header_tab() method...");
  * Save a data source
  * @author Minh Duc Nguyen <*****@*****.**>
  * @param [POST] Data Source ID [POST] attributes
  * @todo ACL on which data source you have access to, error handling, new attributes
  * @return [JSON] result of the saving [VOID] 
 public function updateDataSource()
     $jsonData = array();
     $dataSource = NULL;
     $id = NULL;
     $jsonData['status'] = 'OK';
     $POST = $this->input->post();
     if (isset($POST['data_source_id'])) {
         $id = (int) $this->input->post('data_source_id');
     $this->load->model("data_sources", "ds");
     $this->load->model("registry_object/registry_objects", "ro");
     if ($id == 0) {
         $jsonData['status'] = "ERROR";
         $jsonData['message'] = "Invalid data source ID";
     } else {
         $dataSource = $this->ds->getByID($id);
     // ACL enforcement
     $resetHarvest = false;
     $resetPrimaryRelationships = false;
     // reindex all records if the primary relationship information has changed!
     // XXX: This doesn't handle "new" attribute creation? Probably need a whilelist to allow new values to be posted. //**whitelist**//
     if ($dataSource) {
         $valid_attributes = array_merge(array_keys($dataSource->attributes()), array_keys($dataSource->harvesterParams));
         $valid_attributes = array_merge($valid_attributes, $dataSource->primaryRelationship);
         $valid_attributes = array_merge($valid_attributes, array_keys($dataSource->stockAttributes));
         $valid_attributes = array_merge($valid_attributes, array_keys($dataSource->extendedAttributes));
         $valid_attributes = array_unique($valid_attributes);
         foreach ($valid_attributes as $attrib) {
             $new_value = null;
             if (is_integer($attrib) && $attrib == 0) {
             } else {
                 if (isset($POST[$attrib])) {
                     $new_value = trim($this->input->post($attrib));
                 } else {
                     if (in_array($attrib, array_keys($dataSource->harvesterParams))) {
                         $new_value = $dataSource->harvesterParams[$attrib];
                     } else {
                         if (in_array($attrib, $dataSource->primaryRelationship)) {
                             $new_value = '';
             if ($new_value == 'true') {
                 $new_value = DB_TRUE;
             if ($new_value == 'false') {
                 $new_value = DB_FALSE;
             if ($attrib == 'uri') {
                 $providerURI = $new_value;
             // If primary relationships are disabled, unset all the relationship settings
             if ($this->input->post('create_primary_relationships') == 'false') {
                 switch ($attrib) {
                     case 'primary_key_1':
                     case 'service_rel_1':
                     case 'activity_rel_1':
                     case 'collection_rel_1':
                     case 'party_rel_1':
                     case 'primary_key_2':
                     case 'service_rel_2':
                     case 'activity_rel_2':
                     case 'collection_rel_2':
                     case 'party_rel_2':
                         $new_value = '';
             if ($this->input->post('primary_key_2') == '') {
                 switch ($attrib) {
                     case 'primary_key_2':
                     case 'service_rel_2':
                     case 'activity_rel_2':
                     case 'collection_rel_2':
                     case 'party_rel_2':
                         $new_value = '';
             if ($this->input->post('primary_key_1') == '') {
                 switch ($attrib) {
                     case 'primary_key_1':
                     case 'service_rel_1':
                     case 'activity_rel_1':
                     case 'collection_rel_1':
                     case 'party_rel_1':
                         $new_value = '';
             /*	this push to nla functionality has been removed as NLA aren't using it and the ds admins were getting confused
             						case 'isil_value':
             							$new_value = '';
             //echo $attrib." is the attribute";
             if ($new_value != $dataSource->{$attrib} && in_array($attrib, array_keys($dataSource->harvesterParams))) {
                 //var_dump(array($attrib, $dataSource->{$attrib}, $new_value));
                 $resetHarvest = true;
             if ($new_value != $dataSource->{$attrib} && in_array($attrib, $dataSource->primaryRelationship)) {
                 $resetPrimaryRelationships = true;
             //we need to check if we have turned it on or off and then change record statuses accordingly
             if ($new_value == 'f' && $attrib == 'qa_flag' && $new_value != $dataSource->{$attrib}) {
                 $jsonData['qa_flag'] = "changed from " . $dataSource->{$attrib} . " to " . $new_value;
                 $newStatus = PUBLISHED;
                 $manual_publish = $this->input->post('manual_publish');
                 if ($manual_publish == "true" || $manual_publish == "t") {
                     $newStatus = APPROVED;
                 //get all objects with submitted for assessment status for this ds and change status to the new status
                 $ros = '';
                 $ros = $this->ro->getByAttributeDatasource($dataSource->id, 'status', SUBMITTED_FOR_ASSESSMENT, true);
                 $jsonData['ros'] = $ros;
                 if ($ros) {
                     foreach ($ros as $submitted_ro) {
                         $ro = $this->ro->getByID($submitted_ro->id);
                         $jsonData[$submitted_ro->id] = $ro->status;
                         $ro->status = $newStatus;
                 //get all objects with assessment in progress status for this ds and change status to the new status
                 $roa = '';
                 $roa = $this->ro->getByAttributeDatasource($dataSource->id, 'status', ASSESSMENT_IN_PROGRESS, true);
                 $jsonData['roa'] = $roa;
                 if ($roa) {
                     foreach ($roa as $progress_ro) {
                         $ro = $this->ro->getByID($progress_ro->id);
                         $jsonData[$progress_ro->id] = $ro->status;
                         $ro->status = $newStatus;
             //we need to check if we have turned manually publish to NO  - if so set all records of this datasource from Approved to Published
             if ($attrib == 'manual_publish' && $new_value == 'f' && $new_value != $dataSource->{$attrib}) {
                 $jsonData['manual_publish'] = "changed from " . $dataSource->{$attrib} . " to " . $new_value;
                 //so lets get all of the objects for this ds that have a status of "Approved" nad change the status to published
                 $jsonData['ds_id'] = $dataSource->id;
                 $rop = '';
                 $rop = $this->ro->getByAttributeDatasource($dataSource->id, 'status', APPROVED, true);
                 $jsonData['rop'] = $rop;
                 if ($rop) {
                     foreach ($rop as $approved_ro) {
                         $ro = $this->ro->getByID($approved_ro->id);
                         $ro->status = PUBLISHED;
             if (!is_null($new_value)) {
                 $changed = $new_value !== $dataSource->{$attrib};
                 $dataSource->{$attrib} = $new_value;
         $dataSource->append_log("The data source settings were updated..." . NL . NL . "Data Source was updated by: " . $this->user->name() . " (" . $this->user->localIdentifier() . ") at " . display_date());
         if ($resetHarvest && ($providerURI != '' || $providerURI != 'http://')) {
         if ($resetPrimaryRelationships) {
     //$jsonData['attributes'] = $dataSource->attributes();
     $jsonData = json_encode($jsonData);
     echo $jsonData;
    //show all products
    $projects = $slave->select("SELECT S.*,P.*, O.Location_Name, C.Company_Name as Internal, M.Company_Name, CONCAT(U.First_Name,' ',U.Last_Name) as Owner FROM Projects as P LEFT OUTER JOIN Clients as L ON P.Client_ID=L.Client_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Company_Locations as O ON L.Company_Location_ID=O.Company_Location_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN Companies as M ON L.Company_ID=M.Company_ID, Companies as C, Project_Status as S, Users as U WHERE P.Owner_ID=U.User_ID AND P.Status_ID=S.Status_ID AND P.Company_ID=C.Company_ID ORDER BY Target_End_Date ASC");
    if ($projects) {
        echo "<table><tr><th>Project Name</th><th>Company</th><th>Client</th><th>Start</th><th>End</th><th>Actual</th><th>Priority</th><th>Owner</th><th>Tasks  (My)</th><th>Status</th></tr>";
        for ($y = 0; $y < count($projects); $y++) {
            echo "<tr>";
            echo "<td><a href=\"projects.php?project_id=" . $projects[$y]['Project_ID'] . "\">" . $projects[$y]['Project_Name'] . "</a></td>";
            echo "<td>" . $projects[$y]['Internal'] . "</td>\n";
            echo "<td>" . $projects[$y]['Company_Name'];
            if ($projects[$y]['Location_Name']) {
                echo " (" . $clients[$y]['Location_Name'] . ")";
            echo " - " . $projects[$y]['Contact_Name'] . "</td>";
            echo "<td>" . display_date($projects[$y]['Start_Date']) . "</td>";
            echo "<td>" . display_date($projects[$y]['Target_End_Date']) . "</td>";
            echo "<td>" . display_date($projects[$y]['Actual_End_Date']) . "</td>";
            echo "<td>" . $priorities[$projects[$y]['Priority']] . "</td>";
            echo "<td>" . $projects[$y]['Owner'] . "</td>";
            $tasks = $slave->select("SELECT COUNT(Task_ID) as Count FROM Tasks WHERE Project_ID=" . $projects[$y]['Project_ID']);
            $mytasks = $slave->select("SELECT COUNT(User_ID) as Count FROM Tasks as T WHERE T.User_ID=" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . " AND Project_ID=" . $projects[$y]['Project_ID']);
            echo "<td><a href=\"tasks.php?project_id=" . $projects[$y]['Project_ID'] . "\">" . $tasks[0]['Count'] . " (" . $mytasks[0]['Count'] . ")</a></td>";
            echo "<td>" . $projects[$y]['Status_Name'] . "</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
        echo "</table>";
    } else {
        echo "<p>No Projects, please add New Project</p>\n";
echo la_casa_edit_data_gen_input($participant->move_in_address, 'move_in_address_edit', 'edit_term constant');
    <td><strong>Move In Note </strong></td>
    <td> <?php 
echo $participant->move_in_note;
echo la_casa_edit_data_gen_input($participant->move_in_note, 'move_in_note_edit', 'edit_term constant');
    <td><strong>Orientation Date </strong></td>
<td> <?php 
echo display_date($participant->orientation_date);
echo la_casa_edit_data_gen_input($participant->orientation_date, 'orientation_date_edit', 'edit_term constant date_popout', '(mm/dd/yyyy)');
    <td><strong>Orientation Time </strong></td>
    <td> <?php 
echo $participant->orientation_time;
echo la_casa_edit_data_gen_input($participant->orientation_time, 'orientation_time_edit', 'edit_term constant');
    <input type="button" value="Edit" onclick="$('.edit_term.constant').toggle()">
Exemple #7
 * Function creates HTML to display small(mini) Calendar 
 * @param array   $cal    - collection of objects and strings
function get_its_mini_calendar(&$cal)
    global $current_user, $adb, $mod_strings, $theme;
    $category = getParentTab();
    $count = 0;
    //To decide number of rows(weeks) in a month
    if ($cal['calendar']->month_array[$cal['calendar']->slices[35]]->start_time->month != $cal['calendar']->date_time->month) {
        $rows = 5;
    } else {
        $rows = 6;
    $minical = "";
    $minical .= "<table class='mailClient ' bgcolor='white' border='0' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0' width='98%'>\n\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td class='calHdr'>&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td style='padding:5px' colspan='6' class='calHdr' align='center'>" . get_previous_its_cal($cal) . "&nbsp;";
    $minical .= "<a style='text-decoration: none;' href='javascript:changeCalendarMonthDate(" . $cal['calendar']->date_time->year . "," . $cal['calendar']->date_time->month . "," . $cal['calendar']->date_time->day . ");'><b>" . display_date($cal['view'], $cal['calendar']->date_time) . "</b></a>&nbsp;" . get_next_its_cal($cal) . "</td>";
    //$minical .= "<a style='text-decoration: none;' href='index.php?module=Calendar&action=index&view=".$cal['view']."".$cal['calendar']->date_time->get_date_str()."&parenttab=".$category."'><b>".display_date($cal['view'],$cal['calendar']->date_time)."</b></a>&nbsp;".get_next_its_cal($cal)."</td>";
    $minical .= "<td class='calHdr' align='right'><a href='javascript:ghide(\"miniCal\");'><img src='" . vtiger_imageurl('close.gif', $theme) . "' align='right' border='0'></a>\n\t\t\t\t</td></tr>";
    $minical .= "<tr class='hdrNameBg'>";
    //To display days in week
    $minical .= '<th width="12%">' . $mod_strings['LBL_WEEK'] . '</th>';
    for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
        $weekday = $mod_strings['cal_weekdays_short'][$i];
        $minical .= '<th width="12%">' . $weekday . '</th>';
    $minical .= "</tr>";
    $event_class = '';
    $class = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) {
        $minical .= "<tr>";
        //calculate blank days for first week
        for ($j = 0; $j < 7; $j++) {
            $cal['slice'] = $cal['calendar']->month_array[$cal['calendar']->slices[$count]];
            $class = dateCheck($cal['slice']->start_time->get_formatted_date());
            if ($j == 0) {
                $minical .= "<td style='text-align:center' ><a href='javascript:changeCalendarWeekDate(" . $cal['slice']->start_time->year . "," . $cal['slice']->start_time->month . "," . $cal['slice']->start_time->day . ");'>" . $cal['slice']->start_time->week . "</td>";
            //To differentiate day having events from other days
            if (count($cal['slice']->activities) != 0 && $cal['slice']->start_time->get_formatted_date() == $cal['slice']->activities[0]->start_time->get_formatted_date()) {
                $event_class = 'class="eventDay"';
            } else {
                $event_class = '';
            //To differentiate current day from other days
            if ($class != '') {
                $class = 'class="' . $class . '"';
            } else {
                $class = $event_class;
            //To display month dates
            if ($cal['slice']->start_time->getMonth() == $cal['calendar']->date_time->getMonth()) {
                $minical .= "<td " . $class . " style='text-align:center' >";
                $minical .= "<a href='javascript:changeCalendarDayDate(" . $cal['slice']->start_time->year . "," . $cal['slice']->start_time->month . "," . $cal['slice']->start_time->day . ");'>";
                //$minical .= "<a href='index.php?module=Calendar&action=index&view=".$cal['slice']->getView()."".$cal['slice']->start_time->get_date_str()."&parenttab=".$category."'>BBBBBB";
                $minical .= $cal['slice']->start_time->get_Date() . "</a></td>";
            } else {
                $minical .= "<td style='text-align:center' ></td>";
        $minical .= '</tr>';
    $minical .= "</table>";
    echo $minical;
Exemple #8
	  <div class="panel-heading">
	    <h3 class="panel-title"><?php 
    echo display_date('d/m/Y', $t->start);
 | <?php 
    echo h($t->user_name);
	  <div class="panel-body">
		  <span class="pull-right">
			 Start &mdash; End | Time<br>
    echo display_date('H:i', $t->start) . '&mdash;' . display_date('H:i', $t->end);
    echo round(($t->end - $t->start) / 60 / 60, 1);
    echo h($t->description);
   <th>Page viewed</th>
   <th>Query string</th>
   <th>Time of view</th>
     do {
         if ($row["ip_total"] > 1) {
             $ip_list = "More than 1";
         } else {
             $ip_list = $row["ip_address_list"];
         $time = display_date(strtotime($row["timestamp"]));
         echo "<tr>";
         echo "<td>{$row["page_name"]}</td>";
         echo "<td>{$row["query_string"]}</td>";
         echo "<td>{$time}</td>";
         echo "</tr>";
     } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result));
 } else {
   <h3>No records for this visitor</h3>  
Exemple #10
                            <div class="img-container">
                                <img src="<?php 
            echo $attachment_src;
" alt="<?php 
            echo $attachment_alt;
                        <div class="text-container">
                            <p class="date">
                            <a href="<?php 
" title="<?php 
                                <h3 class="news-title">
     echo "<td>Complete</td>";
 } else {
     if ($t['Department_ID']) {
         $department = $slave->select("SELECT Department_Name FROM Departments WHERE Department_ID=" . $t['Department_ID']);
         $assigned = $department[0]['Department_Name'];
     } elseif ($t['Assigned_User_ID']) {
         $user = $slave->select("SELECT First_Name, Last_Name FROM Users WHERE User_ID=" . $t['Assigned_User_ID']);
         $assigned = display_name($user[0]['First_Name'], $user[0]['Last_Name']);
     echo "<td>{$assigned}</td>\n";
 echo "<td>" . display_name($t['Log_First'], $t['Log_Last']) . "</td>\n";
 if ($t['Log_Date']) {
     $finish_date = display_date($t['Log_Date']);
 } else {
     $finish_date = display_date($t['Creation_Date']);
 echo "<td>" . $finish_date . "</td>\n";
 echo "<td>";
 echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"progress[" . $t['Task_ID'] . "]\" value=\"" . $t['Progress'] . "\" />";
 echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"acknowledge[" . $t['Task_ID'] . "]\" value=\"Acknowledge\"></td></tr>\n";
 //if ($note) {
 echo "<tr><td colspan=9>";
 //echo "<div id=\"note_".$t['Task_ID']."\" style=\"display:none\">";
 if ($t['Log_ID']) {
     echo $t['Public_Note'];
     if ($_SESSION['manager'] and $t['Log_Note']) {
         echo "<br /><i><strong>Private:</strong> " . $t['Log_Note'] . "</i>\n";
 } else {
     echo $t['Task_Description'];
Exemple #12
<div class="panel panel-<?php 
    echo !$t->end ? 'danger' : 'info';
  <div class="panel-heading">
    <h3 class="panel-title">
		<span class="pull-right"><?php 
    echo display_date('H:i', $t->start) . ' &ndash; ' . display_date('H:i', $t->end);
    echo round(($t->end - $t->start) / 60 / 60, 1);
    echo display_date('d/m', $t->start);
 | <?php 
    echo h($t->client_name . ' – ' . $t->project_name);
 by <?php 
    echo h($t->user_name);
    if ($this->uri->segment(4) > 0) {
        $filtered[] = round(($t->end - $t->start) / 60 / 60, 1);
Exemple #13
                        <div class="img-container">
                            <img src="<?php 
            echo $attachment_src;
" alt="<?php 
            echo $attachment_alt;
                    <div class="text-container">
                        <p class="date">
                        <h3 class="news-title">
        echo $news->post_title;
                        <p class="news-description">
        echo wp_trim_words($news->post_content, 50);
                    <a class="link-section" href="<?php 
        echo get_the_permalink($news);
} else {
    echo "";
if ($_GET['occurs'] > 0) {
    echo '<fieldset><legend>Range</legend>
    <td><input type="text" name="start_range" value="';
    if ($start_range) {
        echo display_date($start_range);
    } else {
        echo date('m/d/Y');
    echo '" onfocus=";lcs(this)" onclick="event.cancelBubble=true;;lcs(this)" /></td>
    <td><input type="radio" name="ends" value="0"';
    if (!$end_range) {
        echo ' checked="checked"';
    echo ' />No end date<br />
    <input type="radio" name="ends" value="1"';
    if ($end_range) {
        echo ' checked="checked"';
    echo ' />Ends: <input type="text" name="end_range"';
    if ($end_range) {
        echo " value=\"" . display_date($end_range) . "\"";
    echo ' onfocus=";lcs(this);document.getElementsByName(\'ends\')[1].checked=true;" onclick="event.cancelBubble=true;;lcs(this);" /></td>