# query data
if (is_numeric($bucketsz)) {
    $sec = $bucketsz;
} else {
    $sec = 60 * 60;
    // One hour
if ($DEBUG == TRUE) {
    echo "bucketsz:{$bucketsz}<br>\n";
    echo "tstampF:{$tstampF} " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $tstampF) . "<br>\n";
    echo "tstampT:{$tstampT} " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $tstampT) . "<br>\n";
    echo "probeid:{$probeid}<br>\n";
$startqd = getMicroTime();
$data = one_channel_data_query_ts($channel, $probeid, $sec, $tstampF, $tstampT);
displayTimingInfo($startqd, getMicroTime(), $displayTiming, "query_data");
if ($localdb == TRUE) {
$urldata['bucketsz'] = $bucketsz;
$urldata['probeid'] = $probeid;
$urldata['channel'] = $channel;
/*** Data Points ***/
// Trick we add two datapoints, Start and End of the period we are plotting.
$Dataset->addPoint($tstampF, 0);
// Call data_addPoints()
$records = data_addPoints01($Dataset, $data, $droptype, $maxy, $urldata);
// End datapoint
$Dataset->addPoint($tstampT, 0);

ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . ':../:');
require_once "design.inc.php";
$title = "Probe overview";
doHeader($title, array('calender' => TRUE));
echo "<h1>{$title}</h1>";
require_once "functions.inc.php";
#$displayTiming = TRUE;
$starttime = getMicroTime();
$probes = probes_info_query();
echo "\n<h4>Please select a probe:</h4>\n";
probes_info_form_tabel($probes, $probeid);
# Trick incl the graph php script
include "../include/graph_probe_drops_bar02.php";
include "../staging/pie01.php";
displayTimingInfo($starttime, getMicroTime(), $displayTiming, "php done");
$Fill->addColor('yellow', 'NODROPS');
// set a line color
//set a standard fill style
$AxisX =& $Plotarea->getAxis(IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_X);
# Needs auto adjustment
$AxisX->setLabelOption('dateformat', "Y-m-d\nH:i:s");
#$AxisX->setLabelOption('dateformat', 'Y-m-d (\HH)');
#$AxisX->setLabelOption('dateformat', 'Y-m-d');
// Fix the Y-axis max
$AxisY =& $Plotarea->getAxis(IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_Y);
if ($_REQUEST['maxy_fixed'] == "fixed") {
    if (is_numeric($max_y_value)) {
$filename = generateFilename("probe_drops_bar02", $_REQUEST, 'png');
// Special output the Graph
$output = $Graph->done(array('tohtml' => True, 'showtime' => $displayTiming, 'border' => 0, 'filename' => $filename, 'filepath' => './graphs/', 'urlpath' => 'graphs/'));
if ($records > 0) {
    print $output;
} else {
    echo "<h3>Graph: No data available in choosen period</h3>";
displayTimingInfo($startg, getMicroTime(), $displayTiming, "graph_bar02 done");