Exemple #1
} else {
    if (isLoggedIn() && $_GET['view_id']) {
        //display order view_id
        $query = "SELECT id FROM " . $tables['orderlines'] . " WHERE order_id=" . $_GET['view_id'];
        $result = mysqlQuery($query);
        $number = 1;
        while ($result_array = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
            echo "<div class='cart_item'>Item #" . $number . "</div>";
            displayPreviouslySelectedComponentList($result_array[0], 'cart.php');
            echo "<br/>";
    } else {
        if (isLoggedIn() && $_GET['edit_id']) {
            //edit order edit_id
        } else {
            if (isLoggedIn()) {
                $database = connectToDatabase();
                $query = "SELECT *\r\n                    FROM " . $tables['orders'] . "\r\n                    WHERE account_id=" . $_SESSION['id'] . " AND placed_date IS NOT NULL";
                $result = mysqlQuery($query, $database);
                $rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
                if ($rows < 1) {
                    renderError("You have not placed any orders yet.");
                } else {
                    if ($rows >= 1) {
                        echo "\r\n            <table border='1' width='100%'>\r\n            <thead>\r\n            <tr>\r\n            <th><span class='edit_account_table_header'>Shipping Name</span></th>\r\n            <th><span class='edit_account_table_header'>Shipping Address</span></th>\r\n            <th><span class='edit_account_table_header'>Created Date</span></th>\r\n            <th><span class='edit_account_table_header'>Placed Date</span></th>\r\n            <th><span class='edit_account_table_header'>Payment Date</span></th>\r\n            <th><span class='edit_account_table_header'>Shipped Date</span></th>\r\n            <th><span class='edit_account_table_header'>Subtotal</span></th>\r\n            <th/>\r\n            <th/>\r\n            </tr>\r\n            </thead><tbody>";
                        for ($row = 0; $row < $rows; $row++) {
                            $result_array = mysql_fetch_array($result);
                            $name = $result_array['shipping_last_name'] . ", " . $result_array['shipping_first_name'] . " " . $result_array['shipping_middle_initial'];
                            $address = $result_array['shipping_address'] . "<br/>" . $result_array['shipping_city'] . ", " . $result_array['shipping_state'] . " " . $result_array['shipping_zip_code'];

require_once 'utilities.php';
require_once 'header.php';
require_once 'login.php';
require_once 'customer_functions.php';
$_GET = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $_GET);
$_POST = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $_POST);
if (isLoggedIn() && $_POST['CO']) {
} else {
    if (isLoggedIn() && $_POST['ship_submit']) {
        if (!$_POST['last_name']) {
            renderError("You must enter a last name.");
        if (!$_POST['first_name']) {
            renderError("You must enter a first name.");
        if (strlen($_POST['middle_initial']) > 1) {
            renderError("You may not have more than one letter for middle initial");
        if (!validateZipCode($_POST['zip_code'])) {
        if (!$_POST['street_address']) {