Exemple #1

require_once 'autoload.php';
//load app classes
require_once 'lib/limonade.php';
dispatch('/css/:css', 'AssetController::css');
dispatch('/js/:js', 'AssetController::js');
dispatch_get('/', 'PostController::index');
dispatch_get('/new', 'PostController::neew');
dispatch_get('/edit/:post', 'PostController::edit');
dispatch_post('/:post', 'PostController::save');
//C, U
dispatch_get('/:post', 'PostController::post');
dispatch_post('/remove/:post', 'PostController::remove');
  * Define a POST route for AJAX POST with token validation
  * @param string $route
  * @param \Closure $closure
 public static function post($route, \Closure $closure, $getNewStuff = true)
     if (!\CODOF\User\CurrentUser\CurrentUser::loggedIn()) {
         $getNewStuff = false;
         //not available for guests
     dispatch_post($route, function () use($closure, $getNewStuff) {
         Request::processReq($closure, $getNewStuff, func_get_args());
Exemple #3
    return html('index.html.php');
dispatch('/info', 'info');
function info()
    return html('info.html.php');
dispatch('/book', 'book');
function book()
    // $event = option('tito')->getEvent('funconf');
    // set('event', $event->event);
    // set('ticket_types', $event->event->ticket_types);
    return html('book.html.php');
dispatch_post('/book', 'book_post');
function book_post()
    $event = option('tito')->getEvent('funconf');
    set('event', $event->event);
    set('ticket_types', $event->event->ticket_types);
    $ticketInfo = new stdClass();
    $ticketInfo->{1} = new stdClass();
    $ticketInfo->{1}->ticket_type_id = $_POST['ticket_type_id'];
    $ticketInfo->{1}->release_id = $_POST['release_id'];
    $ticketInfo->{1}->quantity = $_POST['quantity'];
    // Here you set your own data.
    $name = $_POST['name'];
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    // The first param is the event to add the ticket to. The second parameter
    // is the array of information to pass. See the ticketInfo hack above, this has
    if ($choice == "3") {
        $tropo->say("You picked the Star Wars prequels.  Stop calling this number, Mr. Lucas, we know it's you.");
    if ($choice == "4") {
        $tropo->say("You picked the Matrix. Dude, woe.");
    // Tell Tropo what to do next. This redirects to the instructions under dispatch_post('/hangup', 'app_hangup').
    $tropo->on(array("event" => "continue", "next" => "favorite-movie-webapi.php?uri=hangup"));
    // Tell Tropo what to do if there's an problem, like a timeout. This redirects to the instructions under dispatch_post('/incomplete', 'app_incomplete').
    $tropo->on(array("event" => "incomplete", "next" => "favorite-movie-webapi.php?uri=incomplete"));
    // Render the JSON for the Tropo WebAPI to consume.
    return $tropo->RenderJson();
dispatch_post('/hangup', 'app_hangup');
function app_hangup()
    $tropo = new Tropo();
    $tropo->say("Thanks for voting!");
    return $tropo->RenderJson();
dispatch_post('/incomplete', 'app_incomplete');
function app_error()
    $tropo = new Tropo();
    $tropo->say("Something has gone wrong, please call back.");
    return $tropo->RenderJson();
// Run this sucker!
Exemple #5
dispatch('/', 'index');
function index()
    $o = "HELLO";
    if (array_key_exists('sort', $_GET)) {
        $o .= " | sort=" . $_GET['sort'];
    return $o;
dispatch('/books/:lang', 'books');
function books()
    $o = "lang=" . params('lang');
    if (array_key_exists('sort', $_GET)) {
        $o .= " | sort=" . $_GET['sort'];
    if (array_key_exists('page', $_GET)) {
        $o .= " | page=" . $_GET['page'];
    return $o;
dispatch_post('/books', 'create');
function create()
    $o = '';
    if (array_key_exists('title', $_POST)) {
        $o = "title=" . $_POST['title'];
    return $o;

require 'tropo.class.php';
require 'limonade/lib/limonade.php';
dispatch_post('/', 'app_start');
function app_start()
    $tropo = new Tropo();
    $tropo->call("+14071234321", array("machineDetection" => "This is just a test to see if you are a human or a machine. PLease hold while we determine. Almost finished. Thank you!", "voice" => "Kate"));
    $tropo->on(array("event" => "continue", "next" => "your_app.php?uri=continue"));
dispatch_post('/continue', 'app_continue');
function app_continue()
    $tropo = new Tropo();
    @($result = new Result());
    $userType = $result->getUserType();
    $tropo->say("You are a {$userType}");
Exemple #7

# render a view for connecting roles with services
dispatch('/roles_services', 'roles_services_index');
function roles_services_index()
    $cfg = $GLOBALS['cfg'];
    $db = $GLOBALS['db'];
    $arrRoles = fetchRolesServices();
    set('roles', $arrRoles);
    $arrServices = $db->select("SELECT {$cfg['tblService']}.id as sid,\n                {$cfg['tblService']}.`desc` as service_desc,\n                {$cfg['tblDaemon']}.name as daemon_name,\n                {$cfg['tblServer']}.fqdn as fqdn\n        FROM {$cfg['tblService']}\n        LEFT OUTER JOIN {$cfg['tblServer']}\n        ON {$cfg['tblServer']}.id = {$cfg['tblService']}.server_id\n        LEFT OUTER JOIN {$cfg['tblDaemon']}\n        ON {$cfg['tblDaemon']}.id = {$cfg['tblService']}.daemon_id\n        ORDER BY {$cfg['tblDaemon']}.name ASC");
    set('services', $arrServices);
    return html('roles_services/index.html.php');
# associate a role with a service
dispatch_post('/roles_services', 'roles_services_create');
function roles_services_create()
    $cfg = $GLOBALS['cfg'];
    $db = $GLOBALS['db'];
    $role_id = intval($_POST['role_id']);
    $service_id = intval($_POST['service_id']);
    $connect = isset($_POST['connect']) ? true : false;
    $result = $db->insert("INSERT INTO {$cfg['tblAccess']}\n        (rolle_id, dienst_id) VALUES\n        ('{$role_id}', '{$service_id}')");
    if (!$result) {
    if (isAjaxRequest() && $connect) {
        $arrRoles = fetchRolesServices("WHERE {$cfg['tblRole']}.id = {$role_id}");
        return js('roles_services/role.js.php', null, array('role' => array_pop($arrRoles)));
Exemple #8

require_once 'lib/limonade.php';
require_once 'lib/php-activerecord/ActiveRecord.php';
require_once "lib/JBBCode/Parser.php";
require_once 'ServiceLocator.php';
//My own locator
ActiveRecord\Config::initialize(function ($cfg) {
    $cfg->set_connections(array('development' => 'mysql://root@localhost/xii'));
dispatch('/', 'PostController::index');
dispatch('/blog/:user_id', 'PostController::blog');
//dispatch('/blog/:user_id/:id', 'PostController::post');
dispatch('/google-auth', 'GoogleAuthController::auth');
dispatch('/logout', 'GoogleAuthController::logout');
dispatch('/new', 'PostController::newpost');
dispatch('/:id', 'PostController::post');
dispatch('/:id/edit', 'PostController::edit');
dispatch_post('/:id/save', 'PostController::save');
dispatch('/:id/delete', 'PostController::delete');
Exemple #9

require_once "lib/limonade.php";
dispatch_get("/", "redirect_data");
dispatch_get("/data", "data");
dispatch_get("/data/extract", "data_extract");
dispatch_get("/document", "document");
dispatch_get("/promo", "promo");
dispatch_post("/document", "add_document");
dispatch_post("/promo", "add_promo");
dispatch_put("/data/:dataid", "alter_data");
dispatch_put("/document/:documentid", "alter_document");
dispatch_put("/promo/:promoid", "alter_promo");
dispatch_delete("/document/:fileid", "delete_document");
dispatch_delete("/promo/:promoid", "delete_promo");
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
Exemple #10

function configure()
    option('app_dir', file_path(dirname(option('root_dir')), 'app'));
    option('lib_dir', file_path(option('app_dir'), 'lib'));
    option('views_dir', file_path(option('app_dir'), 'views'));
    option('session', "app_session");
    option('debug', false);
    setlocale(LC_TIME, "ro_RO");
 * Start the logic
dispatch('/', 'index');
dispatch('/creare', 'creare');
dispatch_post('/creare', 'cont_nou');
dispatch('/contact', 'contact');
dispatch_post('/contact', 'trimite');
Exemple #11
    option('env', $env);
    option('dsn', $dsn);
    option('db_conn', $db);
    option('debug', true);
function after($output)
    $time = number_format((double) substr(microtime(), 0, 10) - LIM_START_MICROTIME, 6);
    $output .= "<!-- page rendered in {$time} sec., on " . date(DATE_RFC822) . "-->";
    return $output;
// main controller
dispatch('/', 'main_page');
// books controller
dispatch_get('books', 'books_index');
dispatch_post('books', 'books_create');
dispatch_get('books/new', 'books_new');
dispatch_get('books/:id/edit', 'books_edit');
dispatch_get('books/:id', 'books_show');
dispatch_put('books/:id', 'books_update');
dispatch_delete('books/:id', 'books_destroy');
// authors controller
dispatch_get('authors', 'authors_index');
dispatch_post('authors', 'authors_create');
dispatch_get('authors/new', 'authors_new');
dispatch_get('authors/:id/edit', 'authors_edit');
dispatch_get('authors/:id', 'authors_show');
dispatch_put('authors/:id', 'authors_update');
dispatch_delete('authors/:id', 'authors_destroy');
Exemple #12
    $db = option('db_conn');
    $user = get('user');
    $stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT id, content, is_private, created_at, updated_at FROM memos WHERE user = :user ORDER BY created_at DESC');
    $stmt->bindValue(':user', $user['id']);
    $memos = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    set('memos', $memos);
    return html('mypage.html.php');
dispatch_post('/memo', function () {
    $db = option('db_conn');
    $user = get('user');
    $content = $_POST["content"];
    $is_private = $_POST["is_private"] != 0 ? 1 : 0;
    $stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO memos (user, content, is_private, created_at) VALUES (:user, :content, :is_private, now())');
    $stmt->bindValue(':user', $user['id']);
    $stmt->bindValue(':content', $content);
    $stmt->bindValue(':is_private', $is_private);
    $memo_id = $db->lastInsertId();
    return redirect('/memo/' . $memo_id);
dispatch_get('/memo/:id', function () {
    $db = option('db_conn');
    $user = get('user');
    $stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT id, user, content, is_private, created_at, updated_at FROM memos WHERE id = :id');
    $stmt->bindValue(':id', params('id'));
    $memo = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    if (!$memo) {
        return halt(404);
# matches GET /posts/1
dispatch('/posts/:id', 'blog_posts_show');
function blog_posts_show()
    if ($post = post_find(params('id'))) {
        set('post', $post);
        # passing the post the the view
        return html('posts/show.html.php');
        # rendering the view
    } else {
        halt(NOT_FOUND, "This post doesn't exists");
        # raises error / renders an error page
# matches POST /posts
dispatch_post('/posts', 'blog_posts_create');
function blog_posts_create()
    if ($post_id = post_create($_POST['post'])) {
        redirect_to('posts', $post_id);
        # redirects to the show page of this newly created post
    } else {
        halt(SERVER_ERROR, "AN error occured while trying to create a new post");
        # raises error / renders an error page
# matches GET /posts/1/edit
dispatch('/posts/:id/edit', 'blog_posts_edit');
function blog_posts_edit()
    if ($post = post_find(params('id'))) {
Exemple #14
                $argstr = $args;
            logit("calling " . "return {$name}::{$message}({$argstr});");
            $result = eval("return {$name}::{$message}({$argstr});");
        logit("result", $result);
        return json_encode(array($result));
    } catch (LoadError $e) {
        halt(422, json_encode(array("exception" => "LoadError", "error" => $e->getMessage())));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        logit('Exception ' . $e->getMessage());
        halt(422, json_encode(array("exception" => get_class($e), "error" => $e->getMessage())));
        // return json_encode(array('error' => $e->getMessage()));
dispatch_post('/class/:name', 'new_object');
function new_object()
    try {
        $name = params('name');
        $args = $_POST['args'];
        $argstr = $args;
        logit('POST: args ', $args);
        if (is_null($args) || $args == '[]') {
            logit("calling new {$name}()");
            $object = new $name();
            logit("got object:" . get_class($object));
        } else {
            logit('args b4 decode', $args);
            $args = json_decode($args, true);
            logit('args after decode', $args);
Exemple #15
        set('seat_id', $seat_id);
        return html('complete.html.php');
    } else {
        return html('soldout.html.php');
dispatch('/admin', function () {
    return html('admin.html.php');
dispatch_post('/admin', function () {
    $db = option('db_conn');
    $fh = fopen(realpath(__DIR__ . '/../config/database/initial_data.sql'), 'r');
    while ($sql = fgets($fh)) {
        $sql = rtrim($sql);
        if (!empty($sql)) {
dispatch('/admin/order.csv', function () {
    $db = option('db_conn');
    $stmt = $db->query(<<<SQL
SELECT order_request.*, stock.seat_id, stock.variation_id, stock.updated_at
FROM order_request JOIN stock ON order_request.id = stock.order_id
ORDER BY order_request.id ASC
    $body = '';
    $orders = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
dispatch_post('/end', 'zip_end');
function zip_end()
    // Create a new instance of the result object and get the value of the user input.
    $result = new Result();
    $zip = $result->getValue();
    // Create a new instance of the Tropo object.
    $tropo = new Tropo();
    // Get the weather information for the entered zip code.
    formatWeatherResponse($tropo, $zip);
    // Render the JSON for the Tropo WebAPI to consume.
    return $tropo->RenderJson();
 * If an error occurs, end the session.
dispatch_post('/error', 'zip_error');
function zip_error()
    // Step 1. Create a new instance of the Tropo object.
    $tropo = new Tropo();
    // Step 2. This is the last thing the user will be told before the session ends.
    $tropo->say("Please try your request again later.");
    // Step 3. End the session.
    // Step 4. Render the JSON for the Tropo WebAPI to consume.
    return $tropo->renderJSON();
// Run this sucker!
Exemple #17
    (int) $id;
    return $id / $divider;
dispatch('/route9/*', 'MyController::staticMethod');
dispatch('/route9b/*', 'MyController::staticMethod', array('params' => array(10)));
dispatch(array('/route10/*', array('id')), 'MyController::staticMethod');
dispatch(array('/route10b/*', array('id')), 'MyController::staticMethod', array('params' => array('id' => 10)));
/* http methods dispatching */
dispatch_get('/route11', 'test_route11');
function test_route11()
    header('X-LIM-CTL: route11');
    return "GET";
dispatch_post('/route11', 'test_route11post');
function test_route11post()
    //header('Content-length: 4');
    return "POST";
dispatch_put('/route11', 'test_route11put');
function test_route11put()
    return "PUT";
dispatch_delete('/route11', 'test_route11delete');
function test_route11delete()
    return "DELETE";
Exemple #18
//dispatch_put('/domain/changeMain', 'changeMain');
 * => controllers/app.php
//dispatch('/app', 'apps');
//dispatch('/app/list', 'listApps');
//dispatch('/app/:operation/:app', 'operateApp');
//dispatch('/app/:operation/:app/ajax', 'operateAppAjax');
 * => controllers/user.php
dispatch('/user', 'user');
dispatch('/user/list', 'listUser');
dispatch('/user/details/:user', 'userDetails');
dispatch('/user/add', 'addUserForm');
dispatch_post('/user/add', 'addUser');
dispatch('/user/delete/:user', 'deleteUserForm');
dispatch_delete('/user/delete', 'deleteUser');
//dispatch('/user/update/:user', 'updateUserForm');
//dispatch_put('/user/update/:user', 'updateUser');
//dispatch('/user/mailaliases/:user', 'updateMailAliasesUserForm');
//dispatch_put('/user/mailaliases/:user', 'updateMailAliasesUser');
//dispatch('/user/password/:user', 'updatePasswordUserForm');
//dispatch_put('/user/password/:user', 'updatePasswordUser');
 * => controllers/tools.php
//dispatch('/tools', 'tools');
//dispatch('/tools/log/:service/:logFile', 'watchLog');
//dispatch('/tools/chat', 'getChat');
//dispatch('/tools/chat/enable', 'enableChat');
Exemple #19
    set('daemons', $arrDaemons);
    return html('daemons/index.html.php');
# show form for new daemon
dispatch('/daemons/new', 'daemons_new');
function daemons_new()
    if (isAjaxRequest()) {
        return html('daemons/new.js.php', null);
    } else {
# save new daemon
dispatch_post('/daemons', 'daemons_create');
function daemons_create()
    $cfg = $GLOBALS['cfg'];
    $db = $GLOBALS['db'];
    $name = $db->escape($_POST['name']);
    $result = $db->insert("INSERT INTO {$cfg['tblDaemon']}\n        (name) VALUES\n        ('{$name}')");
    if (!$result) {
# edit form
dispatch('/daemons/:id/edit', 'daemons_edit');
function daemons_edit()
Exemple #20
    $logs = get_log($advertiser_id);
    foreach ($reports as $ad_id => $report) {
        $log = fetch($logs, $ad_id, []);
        $report['clicks'] = count($log);
        $breakdown = array('gender' => (object) [], 'agents' => (object) [], 'generations' => (object) []);
        foreach ($log as $click) {
            incr_hash($breakdown['gender'], $click['gender']);
            incr_hash($breakdown['agents'], $click['agent']);
            if (isset($click['age']) && !empty($click['age'])) {
                $generation = intval($click['age'] / 10);
            } else {
                $generation = 'unknown';
            incr_hash($breakdown['generations'], $generation);
        $report['breakdown'] = $breakdown;
        $reports[$ad_id] = $report;
    return json((object) $reports);
dispatch_post('/initialize', function () {
    $redis = option('redis');
    $keys = $redis->keys('isu4:*');
    foreach ($keys as $key) {
    array_map('unlink', glob(get_dir('log') . '/*'));
    return 'OK';

// iSearch DEMO v.0.1 - 05/23/2009
// by imehesz@gmail.com (http://mehesz.net)
// I found limonade couple of days ago (and iUI pretty much the same time)
// wanted to create something very VERY simple, which helps me and
// hopefully other people, to understand how the basic functionalities work
// in this micro-framework
// limonade - a PHP micro-framework ( http://www.sofa-design.net/limonade )
// iUI - iPhone User Interface Framework ( http://code.google.com/p/iui/ )
// download the source from http://mehesz.net/downloads/projects/isearch.zip
// let's load the limonade lib
include_once 'lib/limonade.php';
// we call the menu_show() function if someone comes to /
dispatch('/', 'menu_show');
// calling the country_list
dispatch('/country/list', 'country_list');
dispatch('/country/search', 'country_search');
dispatch_post('/country/search', 'country_search_results');
// we use a POST method for example, but normally in REST, POST is
// for creating new resource. So we should use a GET method here
// let's run()
// Player's Picks
dispatch('/commissioner/players/picks', 'AdminPlayerPicksController::players');
dispatch('/commissioner/player/:uid/picks', 'AdminPlayerPicksController::player_picks');
dispatch('/commissioner/player/:uid/picks/:week', 'AdminPlayerPicksController::player_picks_week');
dispatch_post('/commissioner/player/:uid/picks/:week', 'AdminPlayerPicksController::save_player_picks_week');
 * == UserController ==
 * Method  Path         Controller
 * GET     /login       UserController::show_login
 * POST    /login       UserController::do_login
 * GET     /logout      UserController::do_logout
 * GET     /my-account  UserController::show_account
 * PUT     /my-account  UserController::edit_account
dispatch('/login', 'UserController::show_login');
dispatch_post('/login', 'UserController::do_login');
dispatch('/logout', 'UserController::do_logout');
dispatch('/my-account', 'UserController::show_account');
dispatch_put('/my-account', 'UserController::edit_account');
 * == MessengerController ==
 * Method  Path       Controller
 * GET     /messages  MessengerController::show
 * POST    /messages  MessengerController::create
 * Coming Soon
 * PUT     /messages/:id  MessengerController::edit
 * DELETE  /messages/:id  MessengerController::delete
dispatch('/messages', 'MessengerController::show');
dispatch_post('/messages', 'MessengerController::create');
Exemple #23
    $tropo->on(array("event" => "error", "next" => "WeatherDemo.php?uri=error", "say" => "You seem to be having trouble."));
    return $tropo->RenderJson();
// Get the zip code submitted by the user and look up the weather in that area.
dispatch_post('/end', 'demo_end');
function demo_end()
    $result = new Result();
    $zip = $result->getValue();
    $weather_info = getWeather($zip);
    $city = array_pop($weather_info);
    $tropo = new Tropo();
    $tropo->say("The current weather for {$city} is...");
    foreach ($weather_info as $info) {
    $tropo->say("Thank you for calling. Goodbye.");
    return $tropo->RenderJson();
// If an error occurs, tell the user and bail.
dispatch_post('/error', 'demo_error');
function demo_error()
    $tropo = new Tropo();
    $tropo->say("Please try your request again later.");
    return $tropo->renderJSON();
// Run this sucker!
Exemple #24
function people_roles_new()
    $cfg = $GLOBALS['cfg'];
    $db = $GLOBALS['db'];
    $role_id = intval(params('id'));
    set('role', array('id' => $role_id));
    $arrPeople = $db->select("SELECT *\n        FROM {$cfg['tblPerson']}\n        ORDER BY nachname ASC");
    set('people', $arrPeople);
    if (isAjaxRequest()) {
        return js('people_roles/new.js.php', null);
    } else {
# associate a person with a role
dispatch_post('/people_roles', 'people_roles_create');
function people_roles_create()
    $cfg = $GLOBALS['cfg'];
    $db = $GLOBALS['db'];
    $role_id = intval($_POST['role_id']);
    $person_id = intval($_POST['person_id']);
    $connect = isset($_POST['connect']) ? true : false;
    $result = $db->insert("INSERT INTO {$cfg['tblPersonHasRole']}\n        (person_id, rolle_id) VALUES\n        ('{$person_id}', '{$role_id}')");
    if (!$result) {
    if (isAjaxRequest()) {
        if ($connect) {
            $arrRoles = fetchRoles("WHERE {$cfg['tblRole']}.id = {$role_id}");
Exemple #25
dispatch_post('sso/authorize', function () {
    //CSRF protection
    if (\CODOF\Access\Request::valid($_POST['token'])) {
        //$id = $_POST['uid'];
        $user = $_POST['sso'];
        $posted_token = $user['token'];
        $secret = CODOF\Util::get_opt('sso_secret');
        if (!empty($user)) {
            $sso_token = md5(urlencode(json_encode($user)) . $secret . $_POST['timestamp']);
        $username = $user['name'];
        $mail = $user['mail'];
        if ($sso_token != $posted_token) {
            echo 'error';
        $db = DB::getPDO();
        if (!CODOF\User\User::mailExists($mail)) {
            //this user does not have an account in codoforum
            $reg = new \CODOF\User\Register($db);
            if (\CODOF\User\User::usernameExists($username)) {
                $username .= time();
            $reg->username = $username;
            $reg->name = $username;
            $reg->mail = $mail;
            $reg->user_status = 1;
            $ret = $reg->register_user();
            if (!empty($ret)) {
                echo "error";
        } else {
Exemple #26
    set('people', $arrPersonen);
    return html('people/index.html.php');
# show form for new person
dispatch('/people/new', 'people_new');
function people_new()
    if (isAjaxRequest()) {
        return html('people/new.js.php', null);
    return html('people/new.html.php');
# do stuff with newly created person
dispatch_post('/people', 'people_create');
function people_create()
    $cfg = $GLOBALS['cfg'];
    $db = $GLOBALS['db'];
    $vorname = $db->escape($_POST['vorname']);
    $nachname = $db->escape($_POST['nachname']);
    $result = $db->insert("INSERT INTO {$cfg['tblPerson']}\n        (vorname, nachname) VALUES\n        ('{$vorname}', '{$nachname}')");
    if ($result) {
    } else {
# edit form
dispatch('/people/:id/edit', 'people_edit');
Exemple #27

require_once 'lib/limonade.php';
require_once 'controller/controller.php';
require_once 'bootstrap.php';
/* Index */
dispatch('/', 'index');
dispatch('/sport/:sport_name', 'sport');
dispatch('/evenements/', 'evenements');
dispatch('/admin/', 'admin');
dispatch_post('/users/add', 'useradd');
dispatch('/users/delete/:id', 'userdelete');
dispatch_post('/sports/add', 'sportadd');
dispatch('/sports/delete/:id', 'sportdelete');
dispatch_post('/sports/modify/photos', 'sportpicture');
dispatch_post('/sports/modify/referent', 'sportreferent');
dispatch_post('/events/add', 'eventadd');
dispatch('/events/delete/:id', 'eventdelete');
dispatch_post('/events/modify/photos', 'eventpicture');
Exemple #28
            $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
    return classes();
 * Edit class function.
 * @param String oldLibelleShort
 * @param String newLibelle
 * @param String newLibelleShort
 * @author paul.michaud
 * @author loic.bothorel
dispatch_post('/editClass', 'editPromo');
function editPromo()
    $oldShortcut = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['oldShortcut']);
    $newName = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['newName']);
    $newShortcut = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['newShortcut']);
    //Si on modifie la clé primaire on commence par vérifier si le newlibelleShort existe (clé primaire) si il existe on quitte
    if (strcmp($newShortcut, $oldShortcut) != 0) {
        $query = "SELECT shortcut FROM promo";
        $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
        while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
            if ($data['shortcut'] == $newShortcut) {
                $_SESSION['classError'] = true;
                return classes();
                //Il y a déjà une promos avec comme shortcut $newLibelleShort
Exemple #29
function fz_dispatch_post($path_or_array, $controller, $action)
    return dispatch_post($path_or_array, 'fz_dispatcher', array('params' => array('controller' => $controller, 'action' => $action)));
Exemple #30
function access_new()
    $cfg = $GLOBALS['cfg'];
    $db = $GLOBALS['db'];
    $role_id = intval(params('role_id'));
    set('role', array('id' => $role_id));
    $arrServices = $db->select("SELECT {$cfg['tblService']}.id as dienst_id,\n                {$cfg['tblService']}.`desc` as dienst_desc,\n                {$cfg['tblDaemon']}.name as daemon_name,\n                {$cfg['tblServer']}.fqdn as fqdn\n        FROM {$cfg['tblService']}\n        LEFT OUTER JOIN {$cfg['tblServer']}\n        ON {$cfg['tblServer']}.id = {$cfg['tblService']}.server_id\n        LEFT OUTER JOIN {$cfg['tblDaemon']}\n        ON {$cfg['tblDaemon']}.id = {$cfg['tblService']}.daemon_id\n        ORDER BY {$cfg['tblServer']}.fqdn ASC");
    set('services', $arrServices);
    if (isAjaxRequest()) {
        return js('access/new.js.php', null);
    } else {
# save new role-service association
dispatch_post('/access', 'access_create');
function access_create()
    $cfg = $GLOBALS['cfg'];
    $db = $GLOBALS['db'];
    $role_id = intval($_POST['role_id']);
    $dienst_id = intval($_POST['service_id']);
    $result = $db->insert("INSERT INTO {$cfg['tblAccess']}\n        (dienst_id, rolle_id) VALUES\n        ('{$dienst_id}', '{$role_id}')");
    if (!$result) {
    $arrService = $db->select("SELECT {$cfg['tblService']}.id as dienst_id,\n                {$cfg['tblService']}.`desc` as dienst_desc,\n                {$cfg['tblDaemon']}.name as daemon_name,\n                {$cfg['tblServer']}.fqdn as fqdn\n        FROM {$cfg['tblService']}\n        LEFT OUTER JOIN {$cfg['tblServer']}\n        ON {$cfg['tblServer']}.id = {$cfg['tblService']}.server_id\n        LEFT OUTER JOIN {$cfg['tblDaemon']}\n        ON {$cfg['tblDaemon']}.id = {$cfg['tblService']}.daemon_id\n        WHERE {$cfg['tblService']}.id={$dienst_id}");
    if (!$arrService) {