Exemple #1
     * The UI to edit a template.
     * @return tempcode		The UI
    function _edit_templates()
        $theme = get_param('theme');
        //if ((get_file_base()!=get_custom_file_base()) && ($theme=='default')) warn_exit(do_lang_tempcode('SHARED_INSTALL_PROHIBIT'));
        $title = get_page_title('EDIT_TEMPLATES');
        $GLOBALS['HELPER_PANEL_TEXT'] = comcode_lang_string('DOC_MARKUP');
        $GLOBALS['HELPER_PANEL_TUTORIAL'] = 'tut_themes';
        // Searching for something, which will provide links that loop back to the proper version of this page
        $search = get_param('search', '', true);
        if ($search != '') {
            $filesarray = $this->get_template_files_array($theme);
            $results = new ocp_tempcode();
            foreach ($filesarray as $file) {
                $full_path = (strpos($file, '/default/templates/') !== false ? get_file_base() : get_custom_file_base()) . '/themes/' . $file;
                $contents = file_get_contents($full_path, FILE_TEXT);
                if (strpos(strtolower($contents), strtolower($search)) !== false || strpos(strtolower($file), strtolower($search)) !== false) {
                    $_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '_edit_templates', 'theme' => $theme, 'f0file' => $file), '_SELF');
                    $results->attach(do_template('INDEX_SCREEN_ENTRY', array('_GUID' => 'ed744a45728f3d7c1082a3dda893f352', 'URL' => $_url, 'NAME' => $file)));
            return do_template('INDEX_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => '286a7ae3add44f935a9a2018dde3ccaf', 'TITLE' => $title, 'PRE' => do_lang_tempcode('_RESULTS'), 'POST' => '', 'CONTENT' => $results));
        $post_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '__edit_templates'), '_SELF');
        $preview_url = get_param('preview_url', '');
        // We support multi-list for getting here, so f0file can be an array, in which case we change that
        if (array_key_exists('f0file', $_GET)) {
            if (is_array($_GET['f0file'])) {
                foreach ($_GET['f0file'] as $i => $f) {
                    $_GET['f' . strval($i) . 'file'] = $f;
        $template_editors = new ocp_tempcode();
        $templates = array();
        $files_seen = array();
        if (get_option('editarea') == '1') {
				<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="' . get_base_url() . '/data/editarea/edit_area_full.js"></script>
        $count = 0;
        $first_id = '';
        foreach (array_keys($_GET) as $_i) {
            $matches = array();
            if (preg_match('#f(\\d+)file#', $_i, $matches) != 0) {
                $i = $matches[1];
            } else {
            // The file we're editing
            $file = filter_naughty(get_param('f' . $i . 'file', ''));
            if ($file == '') {
                $file = filter_naughty(get_param('f' . $i . 'file2', ''));
            if ($file == '') {
            if (substr($file, -4) != '.tpl' && substr($file, -4) != '.css') {
                $file .= '.tpl';
            if (get_param('preview_url', '') == '') {
                if (substr($file, -4) != '.tpl' && substr($file, -4) != '.css') {
                    $file .= '.tpl';
                $all_previews = find_all_previews__by_template();
                if (array_key_exists(basename($file), $all_previews)) {
                    $_preview_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => 'view', 'id' => basename($file), 'hook' => $all_previews[basename($file)][0], 'function' => $all_previews[basename($file)][1], 'arg' => '', 'keep_theme' => $theme, 'keep_wide_high' => 1), '_SELF');
                    $preview_url = $_preview_url->evaluate();
            if (in_array($file, $files_seen)) {
            $files_seen[] = $file;
            if (!is_null($GLOBALS['CURRENT_SHARE_USER']) && strpos($file, 'BANNER_TYPED') !== false) {
            if ($file[0] == '!') {
            $syntax = 'html';
            if (substr($file, -4) == '.css') {
                $syntax = 'css';
            } elseif (substr($file, 0, 11) == 'JAVASCRIPT_') {
                $syntax = 'js';
            if (get_option('editarea') == '1') {
					<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
						id : "f' . $i . '_new"
						,syntax: "' . $syntax . '"
						,start_highlight: true
						,language: "' . (file_exists(get_file_base() . '/data/editarea/langs/' . strtolower(user_lang())) ? strtolower(user_lang()) : 'en') . '"
						,allow_resize: true
						,toolbar: "search, go_to_line, fullscreen, |, undo, redo, |, select_font,|, reset_highlight, word_wrap"
            if ($file == 'HEADER.tpl') {
                $a = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '_edit_templates', 'theme' => $theme, 'f0file' => 'FOOTER'), '_SELF');
                $b = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '_edit_templates', 'theme' => $theme, 'f0file' => 'STYLED_HTML_WRAP'), '_SELF');
                $c = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '_edit_templates', 'theme' => $theme, 'f0file' => 'BASIC_HTML_WRAP'), '_SELF');
                $d = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '_edit_templates', 'theme' => $theme, 'f0file' => 'POPUP_HTML_WRAP'), '_SELF');
                $e = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '_edit_templates', 'theme' => $theme, 'f0file' => 'MAIL'), '_SELF');
                attach_message(do_lang_tempcode('HEADER_EDIT_ALSO', escape_html($a->evaluate()), escape_html($b->evaluate()), array(escape_html($c->evaluate()), escape_html($d->evaluate()), escape_html($e->evaluate()))), 'inform');
            // Support searching
            if (strpos($file, '/') === false) {
                $codename = $file;
                if (substr($file, -4) == '.css') {
                    $file = $theme . '/css_custom/' . $codename;
                    if (!file_exists(get_custom_file_base() . '/themes/' . $file)) {
                        $file = 'default/css_custom/' . $codename;
                    if (!file_exists(get_custom_file_base() . '/themes/' . $file)) {
                        $file = 'default/css/' . $codename;
                } else {
                    $file = $theme . '/templates_custom/' . $codename;
                    if (!file_exists(get_custom_file_base() . '/themes/' . $file)) {
                        $file = $theme . '/templates/' . $codename;
                    if (!file_exists(get_custom_file_base() . '/themes/' . $file)) {
                        $file = 'default/templates_custom/' . $codename;
                    if (!file_exists(get_custom_file_base() . '/themes/' . $file)) {
                        $file = 'default/templates/' . $codename;
            } else {
                $codename = basename($file);
            // The file we're LOADING from for edit (maybe $file, maybe some old versions being restored)
            $restore_from = filter_naughty(get_param('restore_from', $file));
            if (file_exists(get_file_base() . '/themes/' . $restore_from)) {
                $path = get_file_base() . '/themes/' . $restore_from;
                $contents = file_get_contents($path, FILE_TEXT);
                $last_path = $path;
            } elseif (file_exists(get_custom_file_base() . '/themes/' . $restore_from)) {
                $path = get_custom_file_base() . '/themes/' . $restore_from;
                $contents = file_get_contents($path, FILE_TEXT);
                $last_path = $path;
            } else {
                $contents = '';
                $last_path = NULL;
            // Revision history
            $filesarray = $this->get_template_files_array($theme, basename($file), true);
            $j = 0;
            $revision_history = new ocp_tempcode();
            $max = intval(get_option('number_revisions_show'));
            foreach ($filesarray as $time) {
                // Find who did the revision
                $editor = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('adminlogs', 'the_user', array('date_and_time' => $time, 'the_type' => 'EDIT_TEMPLATES', 'param_a' => $file));
                if (is_null($editor)) {
                    $editor = do_lang('UNKNOWN');
                } else {
                    $editor = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_username($editor);
                    if (is_null($editor)) {
                        $editor = do_lang('UNKNOWN');
                $date = is_null($time) ? do_lang('UNKNOWN') : get_timezoned_date($time);
                $url = get_custom_base_url() . '/themes/' . str_replace('templates/', 'templates_custom/', $file) . '.' . strval($time);
                $old_file = get_custom_file_base() . '/themes/' . str_replace('templates/', 'templates_custom/', $file) . '.' . strval($time);
                if (!file_exists($old_file)) {
                    $url = get_custom_base_url() . '/themes/' . str_replace('default/', $theme . '/', str_replace('templates/', 'templates_custom/', $file)) . '.' . strval($time);
                    $old_file = get_custom_file_base() . '/themes/' . str_replace('default/', $theme . '/', str_replace('templates/', 'templates_custom/', $file)) . '.' . strval($time);
                if (!file_exists($old_file)) {
                    $url = get_custom_base_url() . '/themes/' . str_replace($theme . '/', 'default/', str_replace('templates/', 'templates_custom/', $file)) . '.' . strval($time);
                    $old_file = get_custom_file_base() . '/themes/' . str_replace($theme . '/', 'default/', str_replace('templates/', 'templates_custom/', $file)) . '.' . strval($time);
                $size = filesize($old_file);
                $restore_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '_edit_templates', 'theme' => $theme, 'f0file' => basename($file), 'restore_from' => substr($old_file, strlen(get_custom_file_base() . '/themes/'))), '_SELF');
                if (function_exists('diff_simple')) {
                    $rendered_diff = is_null($last_path) ? '' : diff_simple($old_file, $last_path);
                    $last_path = $old_file;
                    $revision_history->attach(do_template('REVISION_HISTORY_LINE', array('_GUID' => 'f0cb02bfa3692ed431b69b8d9dc0b2f8', 'RENDERED_DIFF' => $rendered_diff, 'REFERENCE_POINT_EXACT' => true, 'EDITOR' => $editor, 'DATE' => $date, 'DATE_RAW' => strval($time), 'RESTORE_URL' => $restore_url, 'URL' => $url, 'SIZE' => clean_file_size($size))));
                if ($j == $max) {
            $orig_version = str_replace('/templates_custom/', '/templates/', $file);
            $orig_version = str_replace('/css_custom/', '/css/', $orig_version);
            if (!file_exists(get_file_base() . '/themes/' . $orig_version)) {
                $orig_version = 'default' . substr($orig_version, strpos($orig_version, '/'));
            if ((strpos($file, '/templates_custom/') !== false || strpos($file, '/css_custom/') !== false) && file_exists(get_file_base() . '/themes/' . $orig_version)) {
                $restore_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '_edit_templates', 'theme' => $theme, 'f0file' => basename($file), 'restore_from' => $orig_version), '_SELF');
                $url = get_base_url() . '/themes/' . $orig_version;
                $size = filesize(get_custom_file_base() . '/themes/' . $file);
                if (function_exists('diff_simple')) {
                    $rendered_diff = diff_simple(get_file_base() . '/themes/' . $orig_version, $last_path);
                    $revision_history->attach(do_template('REVISION_HISTORY_LINE', array('_GUID' => '7ba03fe98a20330fc64ad742d2fb74fa', 'RENDERED_DIFF' => $rendered_diff, 'REFERENCE_POINT_EXACT' => true, 'RESTORE_URL' => $restore_url, 'URL' => $url, 'SIZE' => clean_file_size($size))));
            if ($j != 0 && get_param('restore_from', '') == '') {
                $revision_history = do_template('REVISION_HISTORY_WRAP', array('_GUID' => '435e050dd2f38187d757e792ceb2f2f5', 'CONTENT' => $revision_history));
            } elseif ($j != 0) {
                $revision_history = do_template('REVISION_RESTORE');
            $_file = substr($file, strrpos($file, '/') + 1);
            if (substr($_file, -4) == '.css') {
                $old_contents = @file_get_contents(get_file_base() . '/themes/default/css/' . $_file);
            } else {
                $old_contents = @file_get_contents(get_file_base() . '/themes/default/templates/' . $_file, FILE_TEXT);
            if ($old_contents === false) {
                $old_contents = '';
            $matches = array();
            $cnt = preg_match_all('#\\{([\\w_]*)\\}#', $old_contents, $matches);
            $parameters = new ocp_tempcode();
            $p_done = array();
            for ($j = 0; $j < $cnt; $j++) {
                if (array_key_exists($matches[1][$j], $p_done)) {
                $p_done[$matches[1][$j]] = 1;
                $parameters->attach(form_input_list_entry($matches[1][$j] . '__0', false, $matches[1][$j]));
            $parameters = do_template('TEMPLATE_EDIT_SCREEN_DROPDOWN', array('_GUID' => '50f31c49c99b864c1719fb51ed426274', 'ID' => $i, 'PARAMETERS' => $parameters, 'NAME' => 'ppparameter', 'LANG' => do_lang_tempcode('INSERT_PARAMETER')));
            $_directives = array(array('BOX', '1'), array('WHILE', '1'), array('IF_NON_EMPTY', '1'), array('IF_EMPTY', '1'), array('IF', '1'), array('IF_ADJACENT', '1'), array('SHIFT_ENCODE', '1'), array('LOOP', '1'));
            $directives = $this->generate_from($_directives, 'DIRECTIVE', $i);
            $_programmatic_symbols = array(array('RAND', '0'), array('SET_RAND', '0+'), array('CYCLE', '1+'), array('INIT', '1'), array('SET', '2'), array('GET', '1'), array('INC', '1'), array('DEC', '1'), array('SHIFT_DECODE', '1'));
            $programmatic_symbols = $this->generate_from($_programmatic_symbols, 'PROGRAMMATIC_SYMBOL', $i);
            $_abstraction_symbols = array(array('IMG', '1'), array('PAGE_LINK', '1'), array('MAILTO', '0'), array('BLOCK', '2'), array('THUMBNAIL', '2'), array('LOAD_PAGE', '1'), array('LOAD_PANEL', '1'));
            $abstraction_symbols = $this->generate_from($_abstraction_symbols, 'ABSTRACTION_SYMBOL', $i);
            $_symbols = array(array('THEME', '0'), array('LANG', '0'), array('BASE_URL', '0'), array('MOBILE', '0'), array('SITE_NAME', '0'), array('STAFF_ADDRESS', '0'), array('USER', '0'), array('DATE_AND_TIME', '0'), array('DATE', '0'), array('TIME', '0'), array('USERNAME', '0-1'), array('IS_STAFF', '0'), array('MATCH_KEY_MATCH', '1'));
            $symbols = $this->generate_from($_symbols, 'SYMBOL', $i);
            $_arithmetical_symbols = array(array('MAX', '2'), array('MIN', '2'), array('REM', '2'), array('DIV', '2'), array('SUBTRACT', '2'), array('ADD', '2'), array('ROUND', '2'), array('MULT', '2'));
            $arithmetical_symbols = $this->generate_from($_arithmetical_symbols, 'ARITHMETICAL_SYMBOL', $i);
            $_formatting_symbols = array(array('WCASE', '1'), array('LCASE', '1'), array('UCASE', '1'), array('REPLACE', '3'), array('AT', '2'), array('SUBSTR', '3'), array('LENGTH', '1'), array('WORDWRAP', '2'), array('TRUNCATE_LEFT', '2'), array('TRUNCATE_SPREAD', '2'));
            $formatting_symbols = $this->generate_from($_formatting_symbols, 'FORMATTING_SYMBOL', $i);
            $_logical_symbols = array(array('NOT', '1'), array('OR', '2'), array('AND', '2'), array('EQ', '2'), array('NEQ', '2'), array('LT', '2'), array('GT', '2'));
            $logical_symbols = $this->generate_from($_logical_symbols, 'LOGICAL_SYMBOL', $i);
            $guid = get_param('f' . $i . 'guid', '?');
            if ($guid == '?') {
                $guid = '';
            $guids = array();
            $file_bits = explode('/', $file);
            $clean_file = str_replace('.tpl', '', $file_bits[count($file_bits) - 1]);
            $_guids = @unserialize(@file_get_contents(get_file_base() . '/data/guids.dat', FILE_TEXT));
            if ($_guids !== false && array_key_exists($clean_file, $_guids)) {
                foreach ($_guids[$clean_file] as $_guid) {
                    $guids[] = array('FILENAME' => $_guid[0], 'LINE' => integer_format($_guid[1]), 'THIS_GUID' => $_guid[2]);
            $templates[] = array('I' => $i, 'FILE' => $file);
            $display = $count == 0 ? 'block' : 'none';
            if ($count == 0) {
                $first_id = $i;
            $template_editors->attach(do_template('TEMPLATE_EDIT_SCREEN_EDITOR', array('PREVIEW_URL' => $preview_url, 'CODENAME' => str_replace('.tpl', '', $codename), 'I' => $i, 'DISPLAY' => $display, 'GUIDS' => $guids, 'GUID' => $guid, 'ARITHMETICAL_SYMBOLS' => $arithmetical_symbols, 'FORMATTING_SYMBOLS' => $formatting_symbols, 'LOGICAL_SYMBOLS' => $logical_symbols, 'ABSTRACTION_SYMBOLS' => $abstraction_symbols, 'PARAMETERS' => $parameters, 'DIRECTIVES' => $directives, 'PROGRAMMATIC_SYMBOLS' => $programmatic_symbols, 'SYMBOLS' => $symbols, 'FILE' => $file, 'FILE_SAVE_TARGET' => str_replace('default/', $theme . '/', $file), 'OLD_CONTENTS' => $old_contents, 'CONTENTS' => $contents, 'REVISION_HISTORY' => $revision_history)));
        if ($count == 1) {
            $GLOBALS['SEO_TITLE'] = $files_seen[0];
        if ($template_editors->is_empty()) {
        breadcrumb_set_parents(array(array('_SELF:_SELF:misc', do_lang_tempcode('MANAGE_THEMES')), array('_SELF:_SELF:edit_templates:theme=' . $theme, do_lang_tempcode('CHOOSE'))));
        return do_template('TEMPLATE_EDIT_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => 'cbcd6d18c2456f94f72624e1a39a36a5', 'MULTIPLE' => $count > 1, 'FIRST_ID' => $first_id, 'THEME' => $theme, 'TEMPLATES' => $templates, 'TITLE' => $title, 'URL' => $post_url, 'TEMPLATE_EDITORS' => $template_editors));
  * The UI to edit a page.
  * @return tempcode		The UI
 function _ed()
     $GLOBALS['HELPER_PANEL_PIC'] = 'pagepics/comcode_page_edit';
     $GLOBALS['HELPER_PANEL_TEXT'] = comcode_lang_string('DOC_WRITING');
     $GLOBALS['HELPER_PANEL_TUTORIAL'] = 'tut_comcode_pages';
     $simple_add = get_param_integer('simple_add', 0) == 1;
     $lang = choose_language(get_page_title($simple_add ? 'COMCODE_PAGE_ADD' : 'COMCODE_PAGE_EDIT'), true);
     if (is_object($lang)) {
         return $lang;
     if (addon_installed('page_management')) {
         // Add to menu
         if (get_param('menu', STRING_MAGIC_NULL) != STRING_MAGIC_NULL && has_actual_page_access(get_member(), 'admin_sitetree')) {
             add_menu_item_simple(get_param('menu'), NULL, get_param('title'), get_param('page_link'), 0, 0, false);
     // Work out what we're editing, and where it's coming from (support for two pagelink specifying parameters for destination, with addition of restore_from to override source if different from destination)
     $page_link = filter_naughty(get_param('page_link', ''));
     if ($page_link == '') {
         $page_link = get_param('page_link_2');
     if (strpos($page_link, ':') === false) {
         $page_link = ':' . $page_link;
     $page_link_parts = explode(':', $page_link);
     if (count($page_link_parts) != 2) {
     $zone = $page_link_parts[0];
     if ($zone != '' && !file_exists(get_file_base() . '/' . $zone . '/pages')) {
     $file = $page_link_parts[1];
     if (!is_alphanumeric($file, true)) {
     $resource_owner = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('comcode_pages', 'p_submitter', array('the_zone' => $zone, 'the_page' => $file));
     check_edit_permission('high', $resource_owner);
     if (is_null($resource_owner)) {
     $restore_from = $this->find_comcode_page($lang, $file, $zone);
     // Check no redirects in our way
     if (addon_installed('redirects_editor')) {
         $test = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('redirects', 'r_to_zone', array('r_from_page' => $file, 'r_from_zone' => $zone));
         if (!is_null($test)) {
             $redirect_url = build_url(array('page' => 'admin_redirects'), get_module_zone('admin_redirects'));
             attach_message(do_lang_tempcode('BLOCKING_REDIRECT_IN_PLACE', escape_html($redirect_url->evaluate())), 'notice');
     $title = get_page_title($simple_add || $file == '' ? 'COMCODE_PAGE_ADD' : '_COMCODE_PAGE_EDIT', true, array(escape_html($zone), escape_html($file)));
     if (!$simple_add && $file != '') {
     if (!has_actual_page_access(get_member(), $file, $zone)) {
     // Default file contents
     $contents = post_param('new', '');
     $parsed = NULL;
     if ($contents == '') {
         $file_base = strpos($restore_from, 'comcode_custom/') ? get_custom_file_base() : get_file_base();
         if (!is_file($file_base . '/' . $restore_from)) {
             $file_base = get_file_base();
         if (is_file($file_base . '/' . $restore_from)) {
             $contents = file_get_contents($file_base . '/' . $restore_from, FILE_TEXT);
             if (is_null(get_param('restore_from', NULL))) {
                 $string_index = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('cached_comcode_pages', 'string_index', array('the_zone' => $zone, 'the_page' => $file));
                 if (!is_null($string_index)) {
                     $parsed = get_translated_tempcode($string_index, NULL, $lang);
             $new = false;
         } elseif (get_param('title', '') != '') {
             $page_pretty_title = get_param('title', '');
             $contents = '[title]' . $page_pretty_title . "[/title]\n\n" . do_lang('PAGE_DEFAULT_TEXT');
             $new = true;
         } else {
             $contents = '[title]' . do_lang('PAGE_DEFAULT_TITLE') . "[/title]\n\n";
             $new = true;
         if ($new && get_option('is_on_comcode_page_children') == '1') {
             $contents .= chr(10) . chr(10) . '[block]main_comcode_page_children[/block]';
     } else {
         $new = false;
     $map = array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '__ed', 'wide' => 1);
     if ($simple_add) {
         $map['simple_add'] = '1';
     $post_url = build_url($map, '_SELF');
     // Revision history
     $filesarray = $this->get_comcode_revisions($zone, 'comcode_custom/' . $lang, $file . '.txt');
     $i = 0;
     $revision_history = new ocp_tempcode();
     $max = intval(get_option('number_revisions_show'));
     $last_path = $file_base . '/' . $restore_from;
     if (is_file($last_path)) {
         foreach ($filesarray as $iterator => $stuff) {
             list($filepath, $time) = $stuff;
             // Find who did the revision
             $editor = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('adminlogs', 'the_user', array('date_and_time' => $time, 'the_type' => 'COMCODE_PAGE_EDIT', 'param_a' => $file));
             if (has_specific_permission(get_member(), 'view_revision_history') || $editor == get_member()) {
                 if (is_null($editor)) {
                     $editor = do_lang('UNKNOWN');
                 } else {
                     $editor = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_username($editor);
                     if (is_null($editor)) {
                         $editor = do_lang('UNKNOWN');
                 $old_file = (strpos($filepath, '_custom/') ? get_custom_file_base() : get_file_base()) . '/' . $filepath;
                 $size = filesize($old_file);
                 $date = get_timezoned_date($time);
                 $url = get_custom_base_url() . '/' . $zone . '/' . 'pages/comcode_custom/' . $lang . '/' . $file . '.txt.' . strval($time);
                 $restore_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '_ed', 'page_link' => $zone . ':' . $file, 'restore_from' => zone_black_magic_filterer($zone . ($zone != '' ? '/' : '') . 'pages/comcode_custom/' . $lang . '/' . $file . '.txt.' . strval($time), true)), '_SELF');
                 if (function_exists('diff_simple')) {
                     $rendered_diff = diff_simple($old_file, $last_path);
                     $last_path = $old_file;
                     if ($rendered_diff == '' && $iterator == 0) {
                     // the version records are often saved on create not replace
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         list($meta_keywords, $meta_description) = seo_meta_get_for('comcode_page', $zone . ':' . $file);
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     $rows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('comcode_pages', array('*'), array('the_zone' => $zone, 'the_page' => $file));
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         $validated = true;
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         $owner = get_member();
     $_pages = find_all_pages($zone, 'comcode/' . $lang, 'txt', false, NULL, FIND_ALL_PAGES__NEWEST);
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     list($warning_details, $ping_url) = handle_conflict_resolution($page_link);
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         breadcrumb_set_parents(array(array('_SELF:_SELF:misc:lang=' . $lang, do_lang_tempcode('CHOOSE'))));
     return do_template('COMCODE_EDIT_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => 'ec1d773684757f5bf6f39cf931555bf2', 'NEW' => $new, 'PING_URL' => $ping_url, 'WARNING_DETAILS' => $warning_details, 'TEXT' => $text, 'TITLE' => $title, 'DELETE_URL' => $delete_url, 'ZONE' => $zone, 'FILE' => $file, 'EXPORT_URL' => $export_url, 'POSTING_FORM' => $posting_form, 'REVISION_HISTORY' => $revision_history));