function gentree($spy, $max_depth, $describes, $methods = array()) { $generate_test_block = function ($block_method, $path, $index, $spy) { array_push($path, $block_method, $index); $spy_method_name = implode(".", $path); if ($block_method == 'it') { call_user_func($block_method, $spy_method_name, array($spy, $spy_method_name)); } else { call_user_func($block_method, array($spy, $spy_method_name)); } }; $generate = function ($depth, $path) use(&$generate, $describes, $methods, &$generate_test_block, $spy, $max_depth) { foreach ($methods as $block_method => $num) { foreach (range(1, $num) as $index) { $generate_test_block($block_method, $path, $index, $spy); } } if ($depth < $max_depth) { foreach (range(1, $describes) as $index) { describe("describe_{$index}", function () use(&$generate, $depth, $path, $index) { $generate($depth + 1, array_merge($path, array("describe", "{$index}"))); }); } } }; return suite('Root', function ($ctx) use($generate) { $generate(1, array()); }); }
public function describe(array $data = null) { if ($data) { $this->data = $data; } $self = $this; describe("TOKEN SERVEICE", function () use($self) { it("CAN STORE & LOAD EACH DATA", [$self, "testStoreAndLoadData"]); }); }
public static function gensuite($config = array(), $current_depth = 1) { $config = array_merge(array('befores' => 0, 'before_alls' => 0, 'afters' => 0, 'after_alls' => 0, 'tests' => 1, 'depth' => 0, 'describes' => array('L', 'R'), 'callbacks' => array('it' => function ($ctx) { expect(true)->to->eql(true); }, 'before' => function ($ctx) { $ctx->value = 3; }, 'before_all' => function ($ctx) { $ctx->value = 5; }, 'after' => function ($ctx) { $ctx->value = 7; }, 'after_all' => function ($ctx) { $ctx->value = 11; })), $config); if ($config['depth'] == 0) { return; } foreach ($config['describes'] as $side) { describe("Level {$side}{$current_depth}", function ($ctx) use($config, $current_depth) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $config['tests']; $i++) { it("nested {$i}", $config['callbacks']['it']); } for ($i = 1; $i <= $config['befores']; $i++) { before($config['callbacks']['before']); } for ($i = 1; $i <= $config['before_alls']; $i++) { before_all($config['callbacks']['before_all']); } for ($i = 1; $i <= $config['after_alls']; $i++) { after_all($config['callbacks']['after_all']); } for ($i = 1; $i <= $config['afters']; $i++) { after($config['callbacks']['after']); } $config['depth']--; Util::gensuite($config, $current_depth + 1); }); } }
$response->headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html'; $response->headers['Set-Cookie'] = 'username=skeletor'; $response->flush(); $headers = pipes\headers(); expect($headers[0])->to_be('Content-Type: text/html'); expect($headers[1])->to_be('Set-Cookie: username=skeletor'); expect(ob_get_clean())->to_be_empty(); }); it("should implode and echo \$body", function ($context) { extract($context); ob_start(); $response->write("foo\n"); $response->write("bar"); $response->write("baz"); $response->flush(); expect(ob_get_clean())->to_be("foo\nbarbaz"); }); }); describe("write()", function () { it("should append the string to \$body and increase \$length", function ($context) { extract($context); expect($response->body)->to_have_count(0); $response->write("foo"); expect($response->body)->to_have_count(1); $response->write("bar"); expect($response->body)->to_have_count(2); expect($response->body)->to_be(array('foo', 'bar')); expect($response->length)->to_be(6); }); }); });
describe('TypeMatcher', function () { it('implements the MatcherInterface', function () { $matcher = new TypeMatcher('string'); if (!$matcher instanceof MatcherInterface) { throw new \Exception('Does not implement MatcherInterface'); } }); context('match', function () { it('returns true if the value has the expected type', function () { $matcher = new TypeMatcher('string'); if (!$matcher->match('test')) { throw new \Exception('Does not return true'); } }); it('returns false if the value is not of the correct type', function () { $matcher = new TypeMatcher('integer'); if ($matcher->match('test')) { throw new \Exception('Does not return false'); } }); }); context('getFailureMessage', function () { it('lists the expected type and the type of the value', function () { $matcher = new TypeMatcher('integer'); $matcher->match(false); $expected = 'Expected integer, got boolean'; if ($expected !== $matcher->getFailureMessage()) { throw new \Exception('Did not return expected failure message'); } }); it('lists the expected and actual type with inversed logic', function () { $matcher = new TypeMatcher('integer'); $matcher->match(0); $expected = 'Expected a type other than integer'; if ($expected !== $matcher->getFailureMessage(true)) { throw new \Exception('Did not return expected failure message'); } }); }); });
describe('Searchable Query Builder', function () { before(function () { (new Searchable(new Parser()))->boot(); }); given('query', function () { $connection = Stub::create(['extends' => Connection::class, 'methods' => ['__construct']]); $grammar = new Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\MySqlGrammar(); $processor = new Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors\MySqlProcessor(); return (new Builder($connection, $grammar, $processor))->from('users'); }); it('replaces query with custom implementation on call', function () { expect($this->query)->toBeAnInstanceOf(Builder::class); expect($this->query->search('word', ['column']))->toBeAnInstanceOf(Query::class); }); it('adds basic SELECT, WHERE and GROUP BY clauses', function () { $sql = 'select * from (select `users`.*, max(case when `users`.`name` = ? then 15 else 0 end) as relevance ' . 'from `users` where (`users`.`name` like ?) group by `users`.`id`) as `users` ' . 'where `relevance` >= 1 order by `relevance` desc'; $query = $this->query->search('Jarek', ['name'], false, 1); expect($query->toSql())->toBe($sql); expect($query->toBase()->getBindings())->toBe(['Jarek', 'Jarek']); }); it('splits string into separate keywords and adds valid clauses for multiple columns', function () { $sql = 'select * from (select `users`.*, max(case when `users`.`first_name` = ? or `users`.`first_name` = ? then 15 else 0 end ' . '+ case when `users`.`last_name` = ? or `users`.`last_name` = ? then 30 else 0 end) as relevance from `users` ' . 'where (`users`.`first_name` like ? or `users`.`first_name` like ? or `users`.`last_name` like ? or `users`.`last_name` like ?) ' . 'group by `users`.`id`) as `users` where `relevance` >= 0.75 order by `relevance` desc'; $bindings = ['jarek', 'tkaczyk', 'jarek', 'tkaczyk', 'jarek', 'tkaczyk', 'jarek', 'tkaczyk']; $query = $this->query->search('jarek tkaczyk', ['first_name', 'last_name' => 2], false); expect($query->toSql())->toBe($sql); expect($query->toBase()->getBindings())->toBe($bindings); }); it('handles wildcards provided with keyword', function () { $sql = 'select * from (select `users`.*, max(case when `users`.`first_name` = ? then 15 else 0 end ' . '+ case when `users`.`first_name` like ? then 5 else 0 end) ' . 'as relevance from `users` where (`users`.`first_name` like ?) ' . 'group by `users`.`id`) as `users` where `relevance` >= 0.25 order by `relevance` desc'; $bindings = ['jarek', 'jarek%', 'jarek%']; $query = $this->query->search('jarek*', ['first_name'], false); expect($query->toSql())->toBe($sql); expect($query->toBase()->getBindings())->toBe($bindings); }); it('lets you use wildcards manually', function () { $sql = 'select * from (select `users`.*, max(case when `users`.`last_name` = ? or `users`.`last_name` = ? or `users`.`last_name` = ? then 150 else 0 end ' . '+ case when `users`.`last_name` like ? or `users`.`last_name` like ? then 50 else 0 end ' . '+ case when `users`.`last_name` like ? then 10 else 0 end ' . '+ case when `companies`.`name` = ? or `companies`.`name` = ? or `companies`.`name` = ? then 75 else 0 end ' . '+ case when `companies`.`name` like ? or `companies`.`name` like ? then 25 else 0 end ' . '+ case when `companies`.`name` like ? then 5 else 0 end) ' . 'as relevance from `users` left join `company_user` on `company_user`.`user_id` = `users`.`id` ' . 'left join `companies` on `company_user`.`company_id` = `companies`.`id` ' . 'where (`users`.`last_name` like ? or `users`.`last_name` like ? or `users`.`last_name` like ? ' . 'or `companies`.`name` like ? or `companies`.`name` like ? or `companies`.`name` like ?) ' . 'group by `users`.`id`) as `users` where `relevance` >= 3.75 order by `relevance` desc'; $bindings = ['jarek', 'tkaczyk', 'sofa', 'jarek%', 'tkaczyk%', '%jarek%', 'jarek', 'tkaczyk', 'sofa', 'jarek%', 'tkaczyk%', '%jarek%', '%jarek%', 'tkaczyk%', 'sofa', '%jarek%', 'tkaczyk%', 'sofa']; $query = $this->query->search('*jarek* tkaczyk* sofa', ['last_name' => 10, '' => 5], false)->leftJoin('company_user', 'company_user.user_id', '=', '')->leftJoin('companies', 'company_user.company_id', '=', ''); expect($query->toSql())->toBe($sql); expect($query->toBase()->getBindings())->toBe($bindings); }); it('runs fulltext search by default and allows custom key for grouping', function () { $sql = 'select * from (select `users`.*, max(case when `users`.`last_name` = ? then 150 else 0 end ' . '+ case when `users`.`last_name` like ? then 50 else 0 end ' . '+ case when `users`.`last_name` like ? then 10 else 0 end) ' . 'as relevance from `users` where (`users`.`last_name` like ?) ' . 'group by `users`.`custom_key`) as `users` where `relevance` >= 2.5 order by `relevance` desc'; $bindings = ['jarek', 'jarek%', '%jarek%', '%jarek%']; $query = $this->query->search(' jarek ', ['last_name' => 10], true, null, 'custom_key'); expect($query->toSql())->toBe($sql); expect($query->toBase()->getBindings())->toBe($bindings); }); it('fails silently if no words or columns were provided', function () { $sql = 'select * from `users`'; expect($this->query->search(' ', [])->toSql())->toBe($sql); }); it('uses valid case insensitive operator in postgres', function () { $connection = Stub::create(['extends' => Connection::class, 'methods' => ['__construct']]); $grammar = new Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\PostgresGrammar(); $processor = new Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors\PostgresProcessor(); $sql = 'select * from (select "users".*, max(case when "users"."last_name" = ? then 150 else 0 end ' . '+ case when "users"."last_name" ilike ? then 50 else 0 end ' . '+ case when "users"."last_name" ilike ? then 10 else 0 end) ' . 'as relevance from "users" where ("users"."last_name" ilike ?) ' . 'group by "users"."id") as "users" where "relevance" >= 2.5 order by "relevance" desc'; $bindings = ['jarek', 'jarek%', '%jarek%', '%jarek%']; $query = (new Builder($connection, $grammar, $processor))->from('users')->search(' jarek ', ['last_name' => 10]); expect($query->toSql())->toBe($sql); expect($query->toBase()->getBindings())->toBe($bindings); }); it('supports length aware pagination', function () { $sql = 'select count(*) as aggregate from (select `users`.*, max(case when `users`.`last_name` = ? then 150 else 0 end ' . '+ case when `users`.`last_name` like ? then 50 else 0 end ' . '+ case when `users`.`last_name` like ? then 10 else 0 end) ' . 'as relevance from `users` where (`users`.`last_name` like ?) ' . 'group by `users`.`id`) as `users` where `relevance` >= 2.5'; $bindings = ['jarek', 'jarek%', '%jarek%', '%jarek%']; $query = $this->query->search(' jarek ', ['last_name' => 10]); Stub::on($query->getConnection())->method('select', []); expect($query->getConnection())->toReceive('select')->with($sql, $bindings, Arg::toBeA('boolean')); $query->getCountForPagination(); }); it('moves order clauses after the relevance ordering', function () { $sql = 'select * from (select `users`.*, max(case when `users`.`name` = ? then 15 else 0 end) as relevance ' . 'from `users` where (`users`.`name` like ?) group by `users`.`id`) as `users` ' . 'where `relevance` >= 1 order by `relevance` desc, `first_name` asc'; $bindings = ['jarek', 'jarek']; $query = $this->query->orderBy('first_name')->search('jarek', ['name'], false, 1); expect($query->toSql())->toBe($sql); expect($query->toBase()->getBindings())->toBe($bindings); }); it('doesn\'t split quoted string and treats it as a single keyword to search for', function () { $sql = 'select * from (select `users`.*, max(case when `users`.`first_name` = ? then 15 else 0 end ' . '+ case when `users`.`first_name` like ? then 5 else 0 end) as relevance from `users` ' . 'where (`users`.`first_name` like ?) group by `users`.`id`) ' . 'as `users` where `relevance` >= 0.25 order by `relevance` desc'; $bindings = ['jarek tkaczyk', 'jarek tkaczyk%', 'jarek tkaczyk%']; $query = $this->query->search('"jarek tkaczyk*"', ['first_name'], false); expect($query->toSql())->toBe($sql); expect($query->toBase()->getBindings())->toBe($bindings); }); it('prefixes tables correctly', function () { $sql = 'select * from (select `PREFIX_users`.*, max(case when `PREFIX_users`.`first_name` = ? then 15 else 0 end) ' . 'as relevance from `PREFIX_users` where (`PREFIX_users`.`first_name` like ?) ' . 'group by `PREFIX_users`.`id`) as `PREFIX_users` where `relevance` >= 0.25 order by `relevance` desc'; $bindings = ['jarek', 'jarek']; $query = $this->query; $query->getGrammar()->setTablePrefix('PREFIX_'); $query = $query->search('jarek', ['first_name'], false); expect($query->toSql())->toBe($sql); expect($query->toBase()->getBindings())->toBe($bindings); }); it('supports single character wildcards', function () { $sql = 'select * from (select `users`.*, max(case when `users`.`last_name` = ? then 150 else 0 end) ' . 'as relevance from `users` where (`users`.`last_name` like ?) ' . 'group by `users`.`id`) as `users` where `relevance` >= 2.5 order by `relevance` desc'; $bindings = ['jaros_aw', 'jaros_aw']; $query = $this->query->search(' jaros?aw ', ['last_name' => 10], false); expect($query->toSql())->toBe($sql); expect($query->toBase()->getBindings())->toBe($bindings); }); it('supports custom weight and wildcard', function () { (new Searchable(new Parser(10, '%')))->boot(); $sql = 'select * from (select `users`.*, max(case when `users`.`last_name` = ? then 150 else 0 end ' . '+ case when `users`.`last_name` like ? then 50 else 0 end ' . '+ case when `users`.`last_name` like ? then 10 else 0 end) ' . 'as relevance from `users` where (`users`.`last_name` like ?) ' . 'group by `users`.`id`) as `users` where `relevance` >= 2.5 order by `relevance` desc'; $bindings = ['jarek', 'jarek%', '%jarek%', '%jarek%']; $query = $this->query->search('%jarek%', ['last_name'], false); expect($query->toSql())->toBe($sql); expect($query->toBase()->getBindings())->toBe($bindings); }); });
describe('SpecReporter', function () { $console = null; $spec = null; before(function () use(&$console, &$spec) { $console = new Console(array(), 'php://output'); $console->parseArguments(); $suite = new Suite('test', function () { }); $spec = new Spec('testspec', function () { }, $suite); }); it('implements the ReporterInterface', function () use(&$console) { $reporter = new SpecReporter($console); expect($reporter instanceof ReporterInterface)->toBeTrue(); }); context('beforeSuite', function () use(&$console) { $reporter = null; before(function () use(&$console, &$reporter) { $reporter = new SpecReporter($console); }); it('prints the suite title', function () use(&$reporter) { $beforeSuite = function () use(&$reporter) { $suite = new Suite('test suite', function () { }); $reporter->beforeSuite($suite); }; expect($beforeSuite)->toPrint(PHP_EOL . "test suite" . PHP_EOL); }); it('pads nested suites', function () use(&$reporter) { $beforeSuite = function () use(&$reporter) { $suite = new Suite('test suite', function () { }); $reporter->beforeSuite($suite); }; expect($beforeSuite)->toPrint(" test suite" . PHP_EOL); }); }); context('beforeSpec', function () use(&$console, &$spec) { it('increments the spec count', function () use(&$console, &$spec) { $reporter = new SpecReporter($console); $countBefore = $reporter->getSpecCount(); $reporter->beforeSpec($spec); $countAfter = $reporter->getSpecCount(); expect($countAfter)->toEqual($countBefore + 1); }); }); context('afterSpec', function () use(&$console, &$spec) { it('prints the spec title in grey if it passed', function () use(&$console, &$spec) { $reporter = new SpecReporter($console); $afterSpec = function () use($reporter, $spec) { $reporter->afterSpec($spec); }; $title = $console->formatter->grey($spec->getTitle()); expect($afterSpec)->toPrint($title . PHP_EOL); }); it('prints the spec title in red if it failed', function () use(&$console, &$spec) { $suite = new Suite('test', function () { }); $spec = new Spec('testspec', function () { throw new \Exception('test'); }, $suite); $spec->run(); $afterSpec = function () use($console, $spec) { $reporter = new SpecReporter($console); $reporter->afterSpec($spec); }; $specTitle = $console->formatter->red($spec->getTitle()); expect($afterSpec)->toPrint($specTitle . PHP_EOL); }); it('prints the spec title in cyan if incomplete', function () use(&$console, $spec) { $suite = new Suite('test', function () { }); $spec = new Spec('testspec', null, $suite); $spec->run(); $afterSpec = function () use($console, $spec) { $reporter = new SpecReporter($console); $reporter->afterSpec($spec); }; $specTitle = $console->formatter->cyan($spec->getTitle()); expect($afterSpec)->toPrint($specTitle . PHP_EOL); }); }); });
<?php use Vnn\Places\Formatter\LatLngFormatter; describe('Vnn\\Places\\Formatter\\LatLngFormatter', function () { describe('__invoke()', function () { it('should format a single result', function () { $data = ['formatted_address' => '123 main st', 'geometry' => ['location' => ['lat' => 5, 'lng' => 9]]]; $expected = ['address' => '123 main st', 'lat' => 5, 'lng' => 9]; $formatter = new LatLngFormatter(true); $result = $formatter($data); expect($result)->to->equal($expected); }); it('should remove the country on multiple results', function () { $data = [['formatted_address' => '123 main st', 'geometry' => ['location' => ['lat' => 5, 'lng' => 9]]], ['formatted_address' => '862 first st', 'geometry' => ['location' => ['lat' => 55, 'lng' => 12]]]]; $expected = [['address' => '123 main st', 'lat' => 5, 'lng' => 9], ['address' => '862 first st', 'lat' => 55, 'lng' => 12]]; $formatter = new LatLngFormatter(); $result = $formatter($data); expect($result)->to->equal($expected); }); }); });
* Time: 11:29 PM */ use Notes\Domain\Entity\UserGroup\Admin; use Notes\Domain\ValueObject\Uuid; use Notes\Domain\Entity\User; use Notes\Domain\ValueObject\StringLiteral; use Notes\Domain\Entity\Roles\AdminRole; describe('Notes\\Domain\\Entity\\Roles\\AdminRole', function () { describe('->__construct()', function () { it('should return a Admin object', function () { $actual = new AdminRole(); expect($actual)->to->be->instanceof('Notes\\Domain\\Entity\\Roles\\AdminRole'); }); }); // this tests what exists of this class atm im not sure if i will have to add the other methods to it later or if im on the right track describe('->__construct(params)', function () { it('should return a AdminRole object', function () { $roleID = new Uuid(); $name = "Full admins"; $createPermission = true; $deletePermission = true; $permissions = array("Can Create" => $createPermission, "Can Delete" => $deletePermission); $actual = new AdminRole($roleID, $name, $createPermission, $deletePermission); expect($actual)->to->be->instanceof('Notes\\Domain\\Entity\\Roles\\AdminRole'); expect($actual->getID())->equal($roleID->__toString()); expect($actual->getPermissions())->equal($permissions); expect($actual->getName())->equal($name); }); }); }); // end tests
describe('ConsoleOption', function () { $optInfo = array('longName' => 'testLongName', 'shortName' => 'testShortName', 'description' => 'testDescription', 'argumentName' => 'testArgumentName'); $option = new ConsoleOption($optInfo['longName'], $optInfo['shortName'], $optInfo['description'], $optInfo['argumentName']); context('basic getters', function () use($option, $optInfo) { it('return longName', function () use($option, $optInfo) { expect($option->getLongName())->toBe($optInfo['longName']); }); it('return shortName', function () use($option, $optInfo) { expect($option->getShortName())->toBe($optInfo['shortName']); }); it('return description', function () use($option, $optInfo) { expect($option->getDescription())->toBe($optInfo['description']); }); it('return argumentName', function () use($option, $optInfo) { expect($option->getArgumentName())->toBe($optInfo['argumentName']); }); it('return value', function () use($option, $optInfo) { expect($option->getValue())->toBeFalse(); }); }); context('acceptArguments', function () { it('returns true if an argument name was defined', function () { $option = new ConsoleOption('sname', 'lname', 'desc', 'argname'); expect($option->acceptsArguments())->toBeTrue(); }); it('returns true if an argument name was not defined', function () { $option = new ConsoleOption('sname', 'lname', 'desc'); expect($option->acceptsArguments())->toBeFalse(); }); }); context('setValue', function () { it('sets the value if the option accepts arguments', function () { $option = new ConsoleOption('sname', 'lname', 'desc', 'argname'); $value = 'test'; $option->setValue($value); expect($option->getValue())->toBe($value); }); it('casts the value to boolean if the option does not', function () { $option = new ConsoleOption('sname', 'lname', 'desc'); $value = 'test'; $option->setValue($value); expect($option->getValue())->toBeTrue(); }); }); });
expect($param4->getName())->toBe('d'); expect($param4->getDefaultValue())->toBe(null); }); it("merges defauts values with populated values when the third argument is not empty", function () { $inspector = Inspector::parameters($this->class, 'parametersExample', ['first', 1000, true]); expect($inspector)->toBe(['a' => 'first', 'b' => 1000, 'c' => true, 'd' => null]); }); }); describe("::typehint()", function () { it("returns an empty string when no typehint is present", function () { $inspector = Inspector::parameters($this->class, 'parametersExample'); expect(Inspector::typehint($inspector[0]))->toBe(''); $inspector = Inspector::parameters($this->class, 'parameterByReference'); expect(Inspector::typehint($inspector[0]))->toBe(''); }); it("returns parameter typehint", function () { $inspector = Inspector::parameters($this->class, 'exceptionTypeHint'); $typehint = Inspector::typehint(current($inspector)); expect($typehint)->toBeA('string'); expect($typehint)->toBe('\\Exception'); $inspector = Inspector::parameters($this->class, 'arrayTypeHint'); $typehint = Inspector::typehint(current($inspector)); expect($typehint)->toBeA('string'); expect($typehint)->toBe('array'); $inspector = Inspector::parameters($this->class, 'callableTypeHint'); $typehint = Inspector::typehint(current($inspector)); expect($typehint)->toBeA('string'); expect($typehint)->toBe('callable'); }); }); });
expect(new Collection(['data' => [1, 2, 3]]))->toContain(3); }); it("passes if 'a' is in ['a', 'b', 'c']", function () { expect(new Collection(['data' => ['a', 'b', 'c']]))->toContain('a'); }); it("passes if 'd' is in ['a', 'b', 'c']", function () { expect(new Collection(['data' => ['a', 'b', 'c']]))->not->toContain('d'); }); }); context("with a string", function () { it("passes if contained in expected", function () { expect('Hello World!')->toContain('World'); expect('World')->toContain('World'); }); it("fails if not contained in expected", function () { expect('Hello World!')->not->toContain('world'); }); }); it("fails with non string/array", function () { expect(new stdClass())->not->toContain('Hello World!'); expect(false)->not->toContain('0'); expect(true)->not->toContain('1'); }); }); describe("::description()", function () { it("returns the description message", function () { $actual = ToContain::description(); expect($actual)->toBe('contain expected.'); }); }); });
<?php use Vnn\Places\Formatter\CountryStripperFormatter; describe('Vnn\\Places\\Formatter\\CountryStripperFormatter', function () { describe('__invoke()', function () { it('should remove the country on a single result', function () { $data = ['formatted_address' => '1, 2, 3']; $formatter = new CountryStripperFormatter(true); $result = $formatter($data); expect($result)->to->equal(['formatted_address' => '1, 2']); }); it('should remove the country on multiple results', function () { $input = [['formatted_address' => '1, 2, 3'], ['formatted_address' => '5, 6, 2']]; $expected = [['formatted_address' => '1, 2'], ['formatted_address' => '5, 6']]; $formatter = new CountryStripperFormatter(); $result = $formatter($input); expect($result)->to->equal($expected); }); }); });
<?php use spec\mock\MockException; describe('Exception', function () { describe('constructor', function () { it('instantiates an object', function () { expect(function () { throw new MockException('123'); })->toThrow(new MockException('123')); }); }); });
} expect($exception)->to->be->instanceof('\\InvalidArgumentException'); }); }); // tests set and get password describe('->getEmail()', function () { it('should return the users email address', function () { $faker = \Faker\Factory::create(); $email = $faker->freeEmail; $user = new User(); $user->setEmail($email); // setPassword would likely only be used for empty user objects made by an admin or to reset a password expect($user->getEmail())->equal($email); }); }); // tests email validation describe('->setEmail()', function () { it('should throw an invalid argument exception', function () { $invalidEmail = "IAmNotGivingMyEmailToAMachine"; $user = new User(); $exception = null; try { $user->setEmail($invalidEmail); } catch (exception $e) { $exception = $e; } expect($exception)->to->be->instanceof('\\InvalidArgumentException'); }); }); // don't need to test set and get name info. that is already tested with the stringliteral tests });
foreach ($suite->specs as $spec) { $this->spec = $spec; $this->formatter->beforeSpec($spec); $spec->run(); $this->formatter->afterSpec($spec); } $this->formatter->afterSuite($suite); } $this->formatter->after(); } */ }); }); describe("run", function () { it("should call run on the current runner object", function ($scope, $spec) { $oldRunner = pecs\runner(); $mockRunner = new MockRunner(); pecs\runner($mockRunner); $spec->expect($mockRunner->runCalls)->to_be_empty(); $formatter = new pecs\Formatter(); pecs\run($formatter); pecs\run($formatter); $spec->expect($mockRunner->runCalls)->to_have_count(2); $spec->expect($mockRunner->runCalls[0])->to_have_count(1); $spec->expect($mockRunner->runCalls[1])->to_have_count(1); $spec->expect($mockRunner->runCalls[0][0])->to_be($formatter); $spec->expect($mockRunner->runCalls[1][0])->to_be($formatter); pecs\runner($oldRunner); }); }); });
}); describe("::compile()", function () { it("compiles a tokens structure", function () { $token = Parser::tokenize('/test[/{name}[/{id:[0-9]+}]]'); $rules = Parser::compile($token); expect($rules)->toBe(['/test(?:/([^/]+)(?:/([0-9]+))?)?', ['name' => false, 'id' => false]]); }); it("compiles a tokens structure with repeatable patterns", function () { $tokens = Parser::tokenize('/test[/{name}[/{id:[0-9]+}]*]'); $rules = Parser::compile($tokens); expect($rules)->toBe(['/test(?:/([^/]+)((?:/[0-9]+)*))?', ['name' => false, 'id' => '/{id:[0-9]+}']]); }); it("throws an exception when a placeholder is present several time", function () { $closure = function () { Parser::compile(Parser::tokenize('/test/{var}/{var}')); }; expect($closure)->toThrow(ParserException::duplicatePlaceholder('var')); }); it("throws an exception when a placeholder is present several time through different segments", function () { $closure = function () { Parser::compile(Parser::tokenize('/test/{var}[/{var}]')); }; expect($closure)->toThrow(ParserException::duplicatePlaceholder('var')); }); it("throws an exception when multiple placeholder are present in repeatable segments", function () { $closure = function () { Parser::compile(Parser::tokenize('/test[/{var1}/{var2}]*')); }; expect($closure)->toThrow(ParserException::placeholderExceeded()); }); }); });
$cursor->rewind(); expect($cursor->next())->toBe(1); }); }); describe("->current()", function () { it("returns `false` when the `PDOStatement` returns `false`", function () { $resource = Double::instance(); allow($resource)->toReceive('fetch')->andRun(function () { return false; }); $cursor = new Cursor(['resource' => $resource]); expect($cursor->current())->toBe(false); }); it("returns `false` when the `PDOStatement` throws an exception", function () { $resource = Double::instance(); allow($resource)->toReceive('fetch')->andRun(function () { throw new PDOException(); }); $cursor = new Cursor(['resource' => $resource]); expect($cursor->current())->toBe(false); }); it("sets the resource extracted data on success", function () { $resource = Double::instance(); allow($resource)->toReceive('fetch')->andRun(function () { return 'data'; }); $cursor = new Cursor(['resource' => $resource]); expect($cursor->current())->toBe('data'); }); }); });
*/ afterAll(function () { Interceptor::load($this->previous); }); describe("::enable()", function () { it("enables quit statements", function () { Quit::disable(); expect(Quit::enabled())->toBe(false); Quit::enable(); expect(Quit::enabled())->toBe(true); }); }); describe("::disable()", function () { it("disables quit statements", function () { Quit::enable(); expect(Quit::enabled())->toBe(true); Quit::disable(); expect(Quit::enabled())->toBe(false); }); }); describe("::disable()", function () { it("throws an exception when an exit statement occurs if not allowed", function () { Quit::disable(); $closure = function () { $foo = new Foo(); $foo->exitStatement(-1); }; expect($closure)->toThrow(new QuitException('Exit statement occurred', -1)); }); }); });
expect($this->stream->getType())->toBe(T_OPEN_TAG); }); }); describe("->getValue()", function () { it("returns the correct token value", function () { expect($this->stream->getValue(0))->toBe("<?php\n"); }); it("returns the current token type", function () { expect($this->stream->getValue())->toBe("<?php\n"); }); }); describe("->getName()", function () { it("returns the correct token name", function () { expect($this->stream->getName(0))->toBe("T_OPEN_TAG"); }); }); describe("->is()", function () { it("returns true when type is correct", function () { expect($this->stream->is(T_OPEN_TAG, 0))->toBe(true); }); it("returns false when type is incorrect", function () { expect($this->stream->is(T_OPEN_TAG, 1))->toBe(false); }); }); describe("->__toString()", function () { it("generates a string representation of the stream", function () { $actual = (string) $this->stream; expect($actual)->toBe($this->code); }); }); });
<?php namespace Preview\DSL\BDD; require_once __DIR__ . '/../ok.php'; shared_example("to share test", function () { it("will use the caller's context", function () { ok($this->name == "wenjun.yan"); }); describe("create a test suite here", function () { it("and still have access to vars defined caller", function () { ok($this->name == "wenjun.yan"); }); }); }); describe("it_behaves_like", function () { before_each(function () { $this->name = "wenjun.yan"; }); /* * the following line will be replaced by * code defined in shared_exmaple "to share test"; */ it_behaves_like("to share test"); });
describe("Spec", function () { it("should be a subclass of suite", function () { $spec = new pecs\Spec(); expect($spec)->to_be_an_instance_of('pecs\\Suite'); }); it("should have a description", function () { $spec = new pecs\Spec('foo'); expect($spec->description)->to_be('foo'); }); it("should not include the suite's description", function () { $suite = new pecs\Suite('foo'); $spec = new pecs\Spec('bar', null, $suite); expect($spec->description)->to_be('bar'); }); it("should pass by default", function () { $spec = new pecs\Spec(); expect($spec->passed())->to_be_true(); expect($spec->failed())->to_be_false(); }); it("should not pass if fail is called", function () { $spec = new pecs\Spec(); $spec->fail('boat'); expect($spec->passed())->to_be_false(); expect($spec->failed())->to_be_true(); }); it("should allow fail to be called more than once", function () { $spec = new pecs\Spec(); $spec->fail('boat'); $spec->fail('whale'); expect($spec->passed())->to_be_false(); expect($spec->failed())->to_be_true(); expect($spec->failures)->to_have_count(2); }); it("should convert failure strings to exceptions", function () { $spec = new pecs\Spec(); $spec->fail('boat'); expect($spec->failures)->to_have_count(1); $failure = $spec->failures[0]; expect($failure)->to_be_an_instance_of('Exception'); expect($failure->getMessage())->to_be('boat'); }); it("should invoke the function once when run", function () { $called = 0; $spec = new pecs\Spec(null, function () use(&$called) { $called += 1; }); expect($called)->to_be(0); $spec->run(); expect($called)->to_be(1); $spec->run(); expect($called)->to_be(2); }); it("should catch exceptions when invoking the function", function () { $exception = new Exception('failsauce'); $spec = new pecs\Spec(null, function () use($exception) { throw $exception; }); expect($spec->failures)->to_be_empty(); expect(function () use($spec) { $spec->run(); })->not_to_throw(); expect($spec->failures)->to_have_count(1); expect($spec->failures[0])->to_be($exception); }); it("should return a new expect object", function () { $spec = new pecs\Spec(); $expect = $spec->expect('foo'); expect($expect)->to_be_a('pecs\\Expect'); expect($expect->actual)->to_be('foo'); expect($expect->spec)->to_be($spec); }); it('should pass if no assertion is expected', function () { $spec = new pecs\Spec(null, function ($s) { $s->expectAssertions()->to_be(0); }); $spec->run($spec); expect($spec->passed())->to_be_true(); expect($spec->failed())->to_be_false(); }); it('should pass if some assertions are expected', function () { $spec = new pecs\Spec(null, function ($s) { $s->expect(0)->to_be(0); $s->expect(true)->to_be(true); $s->expectAssertions()->to_be(2); }); $spec->run($spec); expect($spec->passed())->to_be_true(); expect($spec->failed())->to_be_false(); }); it('should fail if assertions expectation is not fulfilled', function () { $spec = new pecs\Spec(null, function ($s) { $s->expectAssertions()->to_be(1); }); $spec->run($spec); expect($spec->passed())->to_be_false(); expect($spec->failed())->to_be_true(); expect($spec->failures)->to_have_count(1); }); });
}); it('throws RuntimeException when the resource is already closed', function () { expect(function () { $resource = fopen('php://memory', 'r'); fclose($resource); $stream = new Stream($resource); $stream->getContents(); })->toThrow(new RuntimeException()); }); it('returns content', function () { $resource = fopen('php://memory', 'w+'); fwrite($resource, 'Hello'); fseek($resource, 0); expect((new Stream($resource))->getContents())->toBe('Hello'); }); }); describe('->getMetadata', function () { it('returns null if when there is no resource', function () { expect((new Stream(NULL))->getMetadata())->toBeNull(); expect((new Stream(NULL))->getMetadata('anykey'))->toBeNull(); }); it('returns all metadata when no key given', function () { $stream = new Stream(fopen('php://memory', 'r')); expect($stream->getMetadata())->toBeA('array')->toContainKey('uri'); expect($stream->getMetadata()['uri'])->toBe('php://memory'); }); it('returns value for given key', function () { expect((new Stream(fopen('php://memory', 'r')))->getMetadata('uri'))->toBe('php://memory'); }); }); });
describe('getPrecedence', function () { it('gets precedence', function () { expect($this->obj->getPrecedence())->toEqual(Operator::PRECEDENCE_LOW); }); }); describe('execute', function () { it('executes operation', function () { expect($this->obj->execute(1, 2))->toEqual(1); }); }); describe('getType', function () { it('gets type', function () { expect($this->obj->getType())->toEqual('operator'); }); }); describe('getStringOrder', function () { it('gets string order', function () { expect($this->obj->getStringOrder())->toBe(1); }); }); describe('getStringBrackets', function () { it('gets string brackets', function () { expect($this->obj->getStringBrackets())->toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('__toString', function () { it('converts to string', function () { expect((string) $this->obj)->toEqual('$'); }); }); });
describe("->run()", function () { beforeEach(function () { $this->suite = new Suite("runner test suite", function () { }); $this->passingTest = new Test("passing spec", function () { }); $this->failingTest = new Test("failing spec", function () { throw new \Exception("fail"); }); $this->suite->addTest($this->passingTest); $this->suite->addTest($this->failingTest); $this->eventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); $this->runner = new Runner($this->suite, new Configuration(), $this->eventEmitter); }); it("should emit a start event when the runner starts", function () { $emitted = false; $this->eventEmitter->on('runner.start', function () use(&$emitted) { $emitted = true; }); $this->runner->run(new TestResult($this->eventEmitter)); assert($emitted, 'start event should have been emitted'); }); it("should emit an end event when the runner ends", function () { $emitted = false; $this->eventEmitter->on('runner.end', function () use(&$emitted) { $emitted = true; }); $result = new TestResult(new EventEmitter()); $this->runner->run($result); assert($emitted && $result->getTestCount() > 0, 'end event should have been emitted'); }); it("should emit a fail event when a spec fails", function () { $emitted = null; $exception = null; $this->eventEmitter->on('test.failed', function ($test, $e) use(&$emitted, &$exception) { $emitted = $test; $exception = $e; }); $this->runner->run(new TestResult($this->eventEmitter)); assert($emitted === $this->failingTest && !is_null($exception), 'fail event should have been emitted with spec and exception'); }); it("should emit a pass event when a spec passes", function () { $emitted = null; $this->eventEmitter->on('test.passed', function ($test) use(&$emitted) { $emitted = $test; }); $this->runner->run(new TestResult($this->eventEmitter)); assert($emitted === $this->passingTest, 'pass event should have been emitted'); }); it("should emit a pending event when a spec is pending", function () { $emitted = null; $this->eventEmitter->on('test.pending', function ($test) use(&$emitted) { $emitted = $test; }); $this->passingTest->setPending(true); $this->runner->run(new TestResult($this->eventEmitter)); assert($emitted === $this->passingTest, 'pending event should have been emitted'); }); it("should emit a suite:start event every time a suite starts", function () { $child = new Suite("child suite", function () { }); $grandchild = new Suite("grandchild suite", function () { }); $child->addTest($grandchild); $this->suite->addTest($child); $count = 0; $this->eventEmitter->on('suite.start', function () use(&$count) { $count++; }); $this->runner->run(new TestResult($this->eventEmitter)); assert(3 == $count, "expected 3 suite:start events to fire"); }); it("should emit a suite:end every time a suite ends", function () { $child = new Suite("child suite", function () { }); $grandchild = new Suite("grandchild suite", function () { }); $child->addTest($grandchild); $this->suite->addTest($child); $count = 0; $this->eventEmitter->on('suite.end', function () use(&$count) { $count++; }); $this->runner->run(new TestResult($this->eventEmitter)); assert(3 == $count, "expected 3 suite:end events to fire"); }); context("when configured to bail on failure", function () { it("should stop running on failure", function () { $suite = new Suite("suite", function () { }); $passing = new Test("passing spec", function () { }); $suite->addTest($passing); $childSuite = new Suite("child suite", function () { }); $passingChild = new Test("passing child", function () { }); $failingChild = new Test("failing child", function () { throw new Exception("booo"); }); $passing2Child = new Test("passing2 child", function () { }); $childSuite->addTest($passingChild); $childSuite->addTest($failingChild); $childSuite->addTest($passing2Child); $suite->addTest($childSuite); $passing2 = new Test("passing2 spec", function () { }); $suite->addTest($passing2); $configuration = new Configuration(); $configuration->stopOnFailure(); $suite->setEventEmitter($this->eventEmitter); $runner = new Runner($suite, $configuration, $this->eventEmitter); $result = new TestResult($this->eventEmitter); $runner->run($result); assert($result->getTestCount() === 3, "spec count should be 3"); }); }); $behavesLikeErrorEmitter = function () { $this->suite->addTest(new Test("my spec", function () { trigger_error("This is a user notice", E_USER_NOTICE); })); $error = []; $this->eventEmitter->on('error', function ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) use(&$error) { $error = array('errno' => $errno, 'errstr' => $errstr, 'errfile' => $errfile, 'errline' => $errline); }); $this->runner->run(new TestResult(new EventEmitter())); assert($error['errno'] == E_USER_NOTICE, "error event should have passed error constant"); assert($error['errstr'] == "This is a user notice"); }; it("should emit an error event with error information", $behavesLikeErrorEmitter); it("should restore a previous error handler", function () use($behavesLikeErrorEmitter) { $handler = function ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { //such errors handled. wow! }; set_error_handler($handler); call_user_func(Closure::bind($behavesLikeErrorEmitter, $this, $this)); $old = set_error_handler(function ($n, $s, $f, $l) { }); assert($handler === $old, "runner should have restored previous handler"); }); });
<?php namespace Kahlan\Spec\Suite\Jit\Patcher; use Kahlan\Jit\Parser; use Kahlan\Jit\Patcher\Rebase; describe("Rebase", function () { beforeEach(function () { $this->path = 'spec/Fixture/Jit/Patcher/Rebase'; $this->patcher = new Rebase(); }); describe("->process()", function () { it("patches class's methods", function () { $nodes = Parser::parse(file_get_contents($this->path . '/Rebase.php')); $expected = file_get_contents($this->path . '/RebaseProcessed.php'); $actual = Parser::unparse($this->patcher->process($nodes, '/the/original/path/Rebase.php')); expect($actual)->toBe($expected); }); }); describe("->patchable()", function () { it("return `true`", function () { expect($this->patcher->patchable('SomeClass'))->toBe(true); }); }); });
describe('Route', function () { beforeEach(function () { $this->container = new Container(); $this->container->bind('Rad\\DependencyInterface', 'Rad\\DependencyImpl'); }); it('should be able to resolve dependencies of a responder', function () { $injected = null; $route = new Route('slug', function (DependencyInterface $rad) use(&$injected) { $injected = $rad; }); $route->bind($this->container); $route->resolve(); expect($injected)->to->be->instanceof('Rad\\DependencyImpl'); }); it('should be able to resolve dependencies of a class responder', function () { $route = new Route('slug', 'Rad\\Responder'); $route->bind($this->container); $dep = $route->resolve(); expect($dep)->to->be->an->instanceof('Rad\\DependencyImpl'); }); it('should be able to resolve dependencies registered as a factory', function () { $container = new Container(); $container->bind('Rad\\DependencyInterface', function () { return new \Rad\DependencyImpl(); }); $route = new Route('slug', 'Rad\\Responder'); $route->bind($container); $dep = $route->resolve(); expect($dep)->to->be->an->instanceof('Rad\\DependencyImpl'); }); it('should be able to resolve a route if container not bound', function () { $executed = false; $route = new Route('slug', function (DependencyInterface $ignoreMe) use(&$executed) { $executed = true; }); $route->resolve(); expect($executed)->to->be->true; }); });
*/ use Notes\Domain\Entity\User; use Notes\Domain\ValueObject\StringLiteral; use Notes\Domain\ValueObject\Uuid; describe('Notes\\Domain\\Entity\\User', function () { describe('->__construct()', function () { it('should return a User object', function () { $actual = new User(new Uuid()); expect($actual)->to->be->instanceof('\\Notes\\Domain\\Entity\\User'); }); }); describe('->getId()', function () { it('should return the user\'s username', function () { $uuid = new Uuid(); expect($uuid->isValidV4())->to->be->true(); $user = new User($uuid); $actual = $user->getId(); expect($actual)->to->be->instanceof('\\Notes\\Domain\\ValueObject\\Uuid'); expect($actual->__toString())->equal($uuid->__toString()); }); }); describe('->get/setUsername', function () { it('should get/set the correct the user\'s username', function () { $user = new User(new Uuid()); $user->setUsername(new StringLiteral('Joe')); $actual = $user->getUsername(); expect($actual)->to->be->instanceof('\\Notes\\Domain\\ValueObject\\StringLiteral'); expect($actual->__toString())->equal('Joe'); }); }); });
describe("::write()", function () { beforeEach(function () { $this->output = tempnam("/tmp", "KAHLAN"); }); afterEach(function () { unlink($this->output); }); it("writes the coverage to a file", function () { $path = 'spec' . DS . 'Fixture' . DS . 'Reporter' . DS . 'Coverage' . DS . 'ExtraEmptyLine.php'; $collector = new Collector(['driver' => $this->driver, 'path' => $path]); $code = new ExtraEmptyLine(); $collector->start(); $code->shallNotPass(); $collector->stop(); $success = Coveralls::write(['collector' => $collector, 'file' => $this->output, 'service_name' => 'kahlan-ci', 'service_job_id' => '123', 'repo_token' => 'ABC']); expect($success)->toBe(585); $json = file_get_contents($this->output); $actual = json_decode($json, true); unset($actual['run_at']); expect($actual['service_name'])->toBe('kahlan-ci'); expect($actual['service_job_id'])->toBe('123'); expect($actual['repo_token'])->toBe('ABC'); $coverage = $actual['source_files'][0]; expect($coverage['name'])->toBe($path); expect($coverage['source'])->toBe(file_get_contents($path)); expect($coverage['coverage'])->toHaveLength(16); }); it("throws an exception no file is set", function () { expect(function () { Coveralls::write([]); })->toThrow(new RuntimeException("Missing file name")); }); });
beforeEach(function () { $this->template = new ArrayTemplate([]); $this->matcher->setTemplate($this->template); }); it('should return the set template', function () { expect($this->matcher->getTemplate())->to->equal($this->template); }); }); }); describe('->getArguments()', function () { it('should fetch callable arguments', function () { $args = [1, 2, 3]; $this->matcher->setArguments($args); expect($this->matcher->getArguments())->to->equal($args); }); }); describe('->getExpectedMessage()', function () { it('should fetch expected message', function () { $expected = 'expected'; $this->matcher->setExpectedMessage($expected); expect($this->matcher->getExpectedMessage())->to->equal($expected); }); }); describe('->getMessage()', function () { it('should fetch the actual message', function () { $expected = 'expected'; $this->matcher->setMessage($expected); expect($this->matcher->getMessage())->to->equal($expected); }); }); });