function uploaduserfile($userid, $file) { global $mysqli; global $filesystemroot; $cmd = 'uploaduserfile'; $success = TRUE; $data = NULL; try { if (isauthenticated()) { $useridtype = $userid; $userid = $userid == "auto_generate" ? getlastcreateduserid() + 1 : $userid; $directory = $filesystemroot . "audiogallery/user_{$userid}/"; mkdir($directory); if ($file["error"] > 0) { throw new Exception(geterrormsg(106), 106); } else { if (file_exists($directory . $file["name"])) { throw new Exception(geterrormsg(108), 108); } else { if (move_uploaded_file($file["tmp_name"], $directory . $file["name"])) { $data = array("fileuploaded" => TRUE); //resizing the image to thumb size $sourcefile = $directory . $file["name"]; generateandsavethumb($sourcefile, $sourcefile); if ($useridtype != "auto_generate") { $query = "SELECT avatar FROM user WHERE id={$userid};"; if ($result = $mysqli->query($query)) { if ($tuple = $result->fetch_array()) { $userthumb = $filesystemroot . "audiogallery/user_{$userid}/" . $tuple['avatar']; deletefile($userthumb); } } } } else { throw new Exception(geterrormsg(106), 106); } } } } else { throw new Exception(geterrormsg(101), 101); } output($cmd, $success, $data); } catch (Exception $e) { $success = FALSE; $data = array("errorcode" => $e->getCode(), "errormsg" => $e->getMessage()); output($cmd, $success, $data); } }
} else { $DreamCMS->db->update('page', $data, compact('id')); redirect($name . "编辑完成!", "admincp.php?do=catalog"); } } if ($action == 'reupload') { $fid = (int) $_POST['fid']; $rs = $DreamCMS->db->get_row("SELECT * FROM `#DC@__file` WHERE `id`='{$fid}' LIMIT 1"); $path = str_replace(array($DreamCMS->config['uploadfiledir'] . '/', $rs->filename), '', $rs->path); uploadfile('file', '', $path, $rs->filename, 'reupload'); alert($rs->filename . '重新上传成功!', 'javascript:window.parent.location.reload();'); } if (isset($_POST['delete'])) { $i = 0; foreach ($_POST['delete'] as $fid) { deletefile($fid) && $i++; } alert("共删除{$i}个文件!", "url:1"); } else { _header(); } break; } function deletefile($fid) { global $DreamCMS; $rs = $DreamCMS->db->get_row("SELECT * FROM `#DC@__file` WHERE `id`='{$fid}' LIMIT 1"); delfile(DCPATH . $rs->path); if ($rs->thumbpath) { delfile(DCPATH . $rs->thumbpath); $DreamCMS->db->query("UPDATE `#DC@__article` SET `pic`='' WHERE `pic`='{$rs->thumbpath}'");
createapp(); } if ($function == addnote) { addnote(); } if ($function == testingfile) { testingfile(); } if ($function == testingfile1) { testingfile1(); } if ($function == addfile) { addfile(); } if ($function == deletefile) { deletefile(); } if ($function == cancelapp) { cancelapp(); } if ($function == filestable) { filestable(); } if ($function == get_file) { get_file(); } function createapp() { $fname = $_POST['Purpose']; $lname = $_POST['Note']; $sid = $_POST['studentid'];