function deleteUser($userid)
    $query = mysql_query("SELECT type FROM users WHERE userid = {$userid}");
    $type = @mysql_result($query, 0);
    $query = mysql_query("DELETE FROM users WHERE userid = {$userid} LIMIT 1") or die("DeleteFunction.php: Unable to delete selected User(s) - " . mysql_error());
    switch ($type) {
        case "Teacher":
            // Get the list of teachers/substitutes that will also be deleted and delete them //
            $query = mysql_query("SELECT teacherid FROM teachers WHERE userid = {$userid}") or die("DeleteFunctions.php: Unable to get list of teachers to delete for deleteUser() - " . mysql_error());
            while ($teacherid = mysql_fetch_row($query)) {
        case "Student":
            // Get the list of students that will also be deleted and delete them //
            $query = mysql_query("SELECT studentid FROM students WHERE userid = {$userid}") or die("DeleteFunctions.php: Unable to get list of students to delete for deleteUser() - " . mysql_error());
            while ($studentid = @mysql_result($query, 0)) {
        case "Parent":
            // Get the list of parents that will also be deleted and delete them //
            $query = mysql_query("SELECT parentid FROM parents WHERE userid = {$userid}") or die("DeleteFunctions.php: Unable to get list of parents to delete for deleteUser() - " . mysql_error());
            while ($parentid = @mysql_result($query, 0)) {
        case "Admin":
            // Get the list of administration staff that will also be deleted and delete them //
            $query = mysql_query("SELECT adminid FROM adminstaff WHERE userid = {$userid}") or die("DeleteFunctions.php: Unable to get list of admins to delete for deleteUser() - " . mysql_error());
            while ($adminid = @mysql_result($query, 0)) {

require_once __DIR__ . "/../includes/init.php";
$pagename = "docenten";
if (isset($_GET['verwijderdocent'])) {
    $verwijder = $_GET['verwijderdocent'];
    //****************  DOCENT TOEVOEGEN ******************//
    if (isset($_POST['submit_docent'])) {
        if (isset($_POST['voornaam'], $_POST['achternaam'], $_POST['afkorting'], $_POST['emailadres'])) {
            //checken of er geen lege waarden zijn ingevoerd
            if ($_POST['voornaam'] == "" or $_POST['achternaam'] == "" or $_POST['afkorting'] == "" or $_POST['emailadres'] == "") {
                $_SESSION['message'] = "Je moet alle gegevens invullen!";
            } else {
                // overbodige ingevoerde spaties weghalen met functie trim
                $voornaam = filter_var(trim($_POST['voornaam']), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
                $achternaam = filter_var(trim($_POST['achternaam']), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
                $tussenvoegsel = filter_var($_POST['tussenvoegsel'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
                //tussenvoegsel mag spatie bevatten
                $docent_afkorting = filter_var(trim($_POST['afkorting']), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
                $emailadres = filter_var(trim($_POST['emailadres']), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
                if (!$emailadres) {
                    $_SESSION['message'] = 'Voer een geldig e-mailadres in.';
                } else {
                    $role = 2;
                    // is leraar
                    $account_activated = 0;
        // If all is good, insert the new teacher into the database //
        $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO teachers (userid, fname, lname) VALUES( '{$_POST['username']}', '{$_POST['fname']}', '{$_POST['lname']}')") or die("ManageTeachers.php: Unable to insert new teacher - " . mysql_error());
// Edit the teacher if one is being edited //
if ($_POST["editteacher"] == 1 && $_POST["fname"] != "" && $_POST["lname"] != "") {
    $query = mysql_query("UPDATE `teachers` SET `userid`='{$_POST['username']}', `fname`='{$_POST['fname']}', `lname`='{$_POST['lname']}' WHERE `teacherid`='{$_POST['teacherid']}' LIMIT 1") or die("Manageteachers.php: Unable to update the teacher information - " . mysql_error());
// Delete the teacher(s) that the teacher has requested as well as the classes belonging to those teachers //
if ($_POST["deleteteacher"] == 1) {
    require_once "DeleteFunctions.php";
    $delete = $_POST["delete"];
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($delete); $i++) {
print "<script language='JavaScript'>\n\n  // Function to make sure the teacher wants to delete the teacher(s) //\n  function validate()\n  {\n   if( document.teachers.selectteacher.value > 0 )\n   {\n\tvar confirmed = confirm(\"Are you sure you want to delete this teacher?\");\n\n\tif( confirmed == true )\n\t{\n\t document.teachers.submit();\n\t}\n   }\n   else\n   {\n\talert('You must select a teacher to delete.');\n   }\n  }\n\n\n  // Function to make sure only one checkbox has been selected //\n  function checkboxes()\n  {\n   if( document.teachers.selectteacher.value == 1 )\n   {\n\tdocument.teachers.submit();\n   }\n   else\n   {\n\tif( document.teachers.selectteacher.value > 1 )\n\t{\n\t alert('You can only edit one teacher at a time.');\n\t}\n\telse\n\t{\n\t alert('You must select a teacher to edit.');\n\t}\n   }\n  }\n\n\n  // Function to keep track of how many checkboxes are checked //\n  function updateboxes(row)\n  {\n   row = row + 2;\n   if(document.teachers.elements[row].checked)\n   {\n\tdocument.teachers.selectteacher.value = Math.round(document.teachers.selectteacher.value) + 1;\n   }\n   else\n   {\n\tdocument.teachers.selectteacher.value = Math.round(document.teachers.selectteacher.value) - 1;\n   }\n  }\n </script>\n\n <h1>Manage Teachers</h1>\n <br><br>\n <table align='center' width='400' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'>\n <tr>\n <td>\n <form name='teachers' action='./index.php' method='POST'>\n  <input type='button' value='Add' onClick='document.teachers.page2.value=16;document.teachers.submit();'>\n  <input type='button' value='Edit' onClick='document.teachers.page2.value=17;checkboxes();'>\n  <input type='button' value='Delete' onClick='document.teachers.deleteteacher.value=1;validate();'>\n  <br><br>\n  <table cellspacing='0' width='400' cellpadding='8' class='dynamiclist'>\n   <tr class='header'>\n\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\n\t<th>First Name</th>\n\t<th>Last Name</th>\n\t<th>Username</th>\n   </tr>";
// Get the total number of teachers to know how many pages to have //
$query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM teachers") or die("ManageTeachers.php: Unable to retrieve total number of teachers - " . mysql_error());
$numrows = mysql_result($query, 0);
$numpages = ceil($numrows / 25);
if ($_POST["onpage"] == "") {
    $_POST["onpage"] = 1;
// Get and display the teachers //
$query = mysql_query("SELECT t.teacherid,t.fname,t.lname,u.username FROM teachers t, users u WHERE t.userid = u.userid");
$row = 0;
$actualrow = 0;
while ($teacher = mysql_fetch_row($query)) {