$link[0]['href'] = '?act=add&type_id=' . $setsqlarr['type_id']; $link[1]['text'] = "返回列表"; $link[1]['href'] = '?'; write_log("添加公告:" . $setsqlarr['title'], $_SESSION['admin_name'], 3); $insertid = $db->inserttable(table('notice'), $setsqlarr, 1); if (!$insertid) { adminmsg("添加失败!", 0); } else { baidu_submiturl(url_rewrite('QS_noticeshow', array('id' => $insertid)), 'addnotice'); adminmsg("添加成功!", 2, $link); } } elseif ($act == 'notice_del') { check_token(); check_permissions($_SESSION['admin_purview'], "notice_del"); $id = $_REQUEST['id']; if ($num = del_notice($id)) { write_log("删除公告,共删除" . $num . "行", $_SESSION['admin_name'], 3); adminmsg("删除成功!共删除" . $num . "行", 2); } else { adminmsg("删除失败!", 0); } } elseif ($act == 'category') { get_token(); check_permissions($_SESSION['admin_purview'], "notice_category"); $smarty->assign('category', get_notice_category()); $smarty->assign('navlabel', "category"); $smarty->display('notice/admin_notice_category.htm'); } elseif ($act == 'category_add') { get_token(); check_permissions($_SESSION['admin_purview'], "notice_category"); $smarty->assign('navlabel', "category");
function import_new_notice_suite() { global $dbh; global $notice_id; global $index_sujets; global $pmb_keyword_sep; global $id_notices_custom_opsys, $id_notices_custom_type_opsys; global $info_001, $info_464, $info_464_a, $info_464_e, $info_464_f, $info_461_3, $info_461_t, $info_200_a, $info_200_e, $info_210_d, $info_902_a, $info_686_a, $info_462_3, $info_462_t; global $num_thesaurus, $thes; global $info_675_a; global $info_600_a, $info_600_b, $info_600_j, $info_600_x, $info_600_y, $info_600_z; global $info_601_a, $info_601_b, $info_601_j, $info_601_x, $info_601_y, $info_601_z; global $info_602_a, $info_602_b, $info_602_j, $info_602_x, $info_602_y, $info_602_z; global $info_605_a, $info_605_b, $info_605_j, $info_605_x, $info_605_y, $info_605_z; global $info_606_a, $info_606_b, $info_606_j, $info_606_x, $info_606_y, $info_606_z; global $info_607_a, $info_607_b, $info_607_j, $info_607_x, $info_607_y, $info_607_z; global $info_610_a, $info_610_e, $info_610_b, $info_610_j, $info_610_x, $info_610_y, $info_610_z, $info_610_3, $info_610; global $bulletin_id; global $flag_titre_serie_recuperation; global $flag_depouillements_464, $flag_depouillements_464_doc_sonore, $flag_depouillements_464_doc_imprime; global $aut_700, $aut_701, $aut_702, $aut_710, $aut_711, $aut_712; global $accomp_345_c; global $table_responsability_function; global $lang, $include_path, $xml_changement; global $info_345_d; global $info_071_a, $info_071_b; global $thes_centre_interet, $num_thesaurus_centre_interet, $info_901; global $flag_import_610_in_mot_cles, $thes_610, $num_thesaurus_610; global $collection_225, $sous_coll; // prix dvd et video if ($info_345_d[0]) { $requete = "update notices set prix='" . addslashes($info_345_d[0]) . "' where notice_id='{$notice_id}' "; pmb_mysql_query($requete); } // EAN if ($info_071_a[0]) { $requete = "update notices set code='" . addslashes($info_071_a[0]) . "' where notice_id='{$notice_id}' "; pmb_mysql_query($requete); } // Producteur -> Editeur if ($info_071_b[0]) { $nom = $info_071_b[0]; $requete = "select ed_id from publishers where ed_name='" . addslashes($nom) . "' "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $ed_id = $row[0]; } else { $requete = "insert into publishers SET ed_name='{$nom}', "; $requete .= "index_publisher=' " . strip_empty_words($nom) . " '"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); $ed_id = pmb_mysql_insert_id(); } $requete = "update notices set ed1_id='" . $ed_id . "' where notice_id='{$notice_id}' "; pmb_mysql_query($requete); } // 345_c Matériel d'accompagnement if ($accomp_345_c[0]) { $requete = "update notices set accomp='" . addslashes($accomp_345_c[0]) . "' where notice_id='{$notice_id}' "; pmb_mysql_query($requete); } update_authors_num_opsys($aut_700, 0); update_authors_num_opsys($aut_701, 1); update_authors_num_opsys($aut_702, 2); update_authors_num_opsys($aut_710, 2); update_authors_num_opsys($aut_711, 2); update_authors_num_opsys($aut_712, 2); if ($xml_changement) { xml_save_table("{$include_path}/marc_tables/{$lang}/function_subst.xml", $table_responsability_function); } //UDC if ($info_675_a[0]) { $indexint_id = indexint::import(clean_string($info_675_a[0])); $requete = "update notices set indexint='{$indexint_id}' where notice_id='{$notice_id}' "; pmb_mysql_query($requete); } if ($aut_700[0][a] != "") { if ($aut_700[0][3] != "") { $requete = "select author_id from authors where author_name='" . addslashes($aut_700[0][a]) . "' and author_rejete='" . addslashes($aut_700[0][b]) . "' "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $author_id = $row[0]; $requete = "update authors set author_comment='" . addslashes($aut_700[0][3]) . "' where author_id='{$author_id}' "; pmb_mysql_query($requete); } } } if ($sous_coll == '1' && $collection_225[0]['a'] != "" && $collection_225[1]['a'] != "") { $q = "select coll_id from notices where notice_id='{$notice_id}' "; $r = pmb_mysql_query($q, $dbh); $coll_id = pmb_mysql_result($r, 0, 0); if ($coll_id != '0') { /* sous collection */ $subcollec['name'] = clean_string($collection_225[1]['a']); $subcollec['coll_parent'] = $coll_id; $subcoll_id = subcollection::import($subcollec); $requete = "update notices set subcoll_id='{$subcoll_id}' where notice_id='{$notice_id}' "; pmb_mysql_query($requete); } } $bulletin_id = 0; // Effacement de la notice temporaire eventuelle list($num_opsys, $type_opsys) = explode(" ", $info_001[0]); if ($type_opsys == 'UMO:13') { $requete = "update notices set niveau_biblio='b', niveau_hierar='2' where notice_id='{$notice_id}' "; //print "$requete <br />"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); } if ($type_opsys == 'UMO:23' || $type_opsys == 'UMO:3') { // Titre de périodique $requete = "select * from notices_custom_values where notices_custom_small_text='" . $num_opsys . "'"; //print "new $type_opsys: $requete <br />"; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete); //Notice existe-t-elle comme notice temporaire? if (@pmb_mysql_num_rows($resultat)) { //Si oui, récupération id notice temporaire a supprimer $old_n = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultat); $notice_id_old = $old_n->notices_custom_origine; // modifie les anciennes relations sur la vrai notice $requete = "update notices_relations set linked_notice='{$notice_id}' where linked_notice='{$notice_id_old}' "; //print "$requete <br />"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); $requete = "update bulletins set bulletin_notice='{$notice_id}' where bulletin_notice='{$notice_id_old}' "; //print "$requete <br />"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); $requete = "update notices set niveau_biblio='s', niveau_hierar='1' where notice_id='{$notice_id}' "; //print "$requete <br />"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); // suppression de la notice temporaire $requete = "delete from notices where notice_id=" . $notice_id_old; pmb_mysql_query($requete); $requete = "delete from notices_custom_values where notices_custom_origine='" . $notice_id_old . "'"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); //print "$requete <br />"; } else { $requete = "update notices set niveau_biblio='s', niveau_hierar='1' where notice_id='{$notice_id}' "; pmb_mysql_query($requete); } } else { if ($type_opsys == 'UMO:41' || $type_opsys == 'UMO:42') { // Dépouillement (hors article) //Rien } else { if ($type_opsys == 'UMO:43') { // Dépouillement article de périodique $requete = "select * from notices_custom_values where notices_custom_small_text='" . $num_opsys . "'"; //print "new $type_opsys: $requete <br />"; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete); //Notice existe-t-elle comme notice temporaire? if (@pmb_mysql_num_rows($resultat)) { //Si oui, récupération id notice temporaire a supprimer $old_n = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultat); $notice_id_old = $old_n->notices_custom_origine; // modifie les anciennes relations sur la vrai notice $requete = "update analysis set analysis_notice='{$notice_id}' where analysis_notice='{$notice_id_old}' "; //print "$requete <br />"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); $requete = "update notices set niveau_biblio='a', niveau_hierar='2' where notice_id='{$notice_id}' "; //print "$requete <br />"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); // suppression de la notice temporaire $requete = "delete from notices where notice_id=" . $notice_id_old; pmb_mysql_query($requete); $requete = "delete from notices_custom_values where notices_custom_origine='" . $notice_id_old . "'"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); } else { $requete = "update notices set niveau_biblio='a', niveau_hierar='2' where notice_id='{$notice_id}' "; pmb_mysql_query($requete); //print "$requete <br />"; } } else { // UMO 1 2 4 8 21 22 24 28 $is_serie = $type_opsys == 'UMO:21' || $type_opsys == 'UMO:22' || $type_opsys == 'UMO:24' || $type_opsys == 'UMO:28'; if ($flag_titre_serie_recuperation && $is_serie || !$is_serie) { $requete = "select * from notices_custom_values where notices_custom_small_text='" . $num_opsys . "'"; //print "new $type_opsys: $requete <br />"; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete); //Notice existe-t-elle comme notice temporaire? if (@pmb_mysql_num_rows($resultat)) { //Si oui, récupération id notice temporaire a supprimer $old_n = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultat); $notice_id_old = $old_n->notices_custom_origine; // modifie les anciennes relations sur la vrai notice $requete = "update notices_relations set linked_notice='{$notice_id}' where linked_notice='{$notice_id_old}' "; //print "$requete <br />"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); // suppression de la notice temporaire $requete = "delete from notices where notice_id=" . $notice_id_old; pmb_mysql_query($requete); $requete = "delete from notices_custom_values where notices_custom_origine='" . $notice_id_old . "'"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); //print "$requete <br />"; } } else { if ($is_serie) { // suprimer la notice car on en veut pas del_notice($notice_id); return; } } } } } //Genre dans Thesaurus for ($i = 0; $i < count($info_902_a); $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($info_902_a[$i]); $j++) { $resultat = categories::searchLibelle(addslashes($info_902_a[$i][$j]), $num_thesaurus, 'fr_FR'); if (!$resultat) { /*vérification de l'existence des categs, sinon création */ $resultat = create_categ($thes, $thes->num_noeud_racine, $info_902_a[$i][$j], ' ' . strip_empty_words($info_902_a[$i][$j]) . ' '); } /* ajout de l'indexation à la notice dans la table notices_categories*/ $rqt_ajout = "insert into notices_categories set notcateg_notice='" . $notice_id . "', num_noeud='" . $resultat . "' "; $res_ajout = @pmb_mysql_query($rqt_ajout, $dbh); } } //centre interet dans Thesaurus for ($i = 0; $i < count($info_901); $i++) { $resultat = categories::searchLibelle(addslashes($info_901[$i]['a']), $num_thesaurus_centre_interet, 'fr_FR'); if (!$resultat) { /*vérification de l'existence des categs, sinon création */ $resultat = create_categ($thes_centre_interet, $thes_centre_interet->num_noeud_racine, $info_901[$i]['a'], ' ' . strip_empty_words($info_901[$i]['a']) . ' ', $info_901[$i][3]); } /* ajout de l'indexation à la notice dans la table notices_categories*/ $rqt_ajout = "insert into notices_categories set notcateg_notice='" . $notice_id . "', num_noeud='" . $resultat . "' "; $res_ajout = @pmb_mysql_query($rqt_ajout, $dbh); } // Pcdm (686) dans le plan de classement // print "<pre>"; print_r($info_686_a);print "</pre>"; if (count($info_686_a)) { //vérification de l'existence des categs, sinon création $requete = "select indexint_id from indexint where indexint_name='" . addslashes($info_686_a[0]) . "' and num_pclass='2'"; //print "$requete <br />"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $indexint_id = $row[0]; } else { $requete = "insert into indexint SET indexint_name='" . addslashes($info_686_a[0]) . "', num_pclass='2' "; //print "$requete <br />"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); $indexint_id = pmb_mysql_insert_id(); } $requete = "update notices set indexint='{$indexint_id}' where notice_id='{$notice_id}' "; // print "$requete <br />"; @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); } // if (is_array($index_sujets)) $mots_cles = implode (" $pmb_keyword_sep ",$index_sujets); // else $mots_cles = $index_sujets; $mots_cles = ''; for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($info_600_a); $a++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_600_a[$a][0]; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_600_b[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " , " . $info_600_b[$a][0]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_600_j[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_600_j[$a][$j]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_600_x[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_600_x[$a][$j]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_600_y[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_600_y[$a][$j]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_600_z[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_600_z[$a][$j]; } } for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($info_601_a); $a++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_601_a[$a][0]; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_601_b[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " , " . $info_601_b[$a][0]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_601_j[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_601_j[$a][$j]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_601_x[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_601_x[$a][$j]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_601_y[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_601_y[$a][$j]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_601_z[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_601_z[$a][$j]; } } for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($info_602_a); $a++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_602_a[$a][0]; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_602_b[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " , " . $info_602_b[$a][0]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_602_j[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_602_j[$a][$j]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_602_x[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_602_x[$a][$j]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_602_y[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_602_y[$a][$j]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_602_z[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_602_z[$a][$j]; } } for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($info_605_a); $a++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_605_a[$a][0]; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_605_b[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " , " . $info_605_b[$a][0]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_605_j[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_605_j[$a][$j]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_605_x[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_605_x[$a][$j]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_605_y[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_605_y[$a][$j]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_605_z[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_605_z[$a][$j]; } } for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($info_606_a); $a++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_606_a[$a][0]; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_606_b[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " , " . $info_606_b[$a][0]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_606_j[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_606_j[$a][$j]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_606_x[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_606_x[$a][$j]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_606_y[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_606_y[$a][$j]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_606_z[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_606_z[$a][$j]; } } for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($info_607_a); $a++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_607_a[$a][0]; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_607_b[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " , " . $info_607_b[$a][0]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_607_j[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_607_j[$a][$j]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_607_x[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_607_x[$a][$j]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_607_y[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_607_y[$a][$j]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_607_z[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_607_z[$a][$j]; } } if ($flag_import_610_in_mot_cles) { for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($info_610_a); $a++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_610_a[$a][0]; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_610_b[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " , " . $info_610_b[$a][0]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_610_j[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_610_j[$a][$j]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_610_x[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_610_x[$a][$j]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_610_y[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_610_y[$a][$j]; } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_610_z[$a]); $j++) { $mots_cles .= " {$pmb_keyword_sep} " . $info_610_z[$a][$j]; } if (sizeof($info_610_e[$a])) { $mots_cles .= " ( "; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_610_e[$a]); $j++) { if ($j) { $mots_cles .= " , "; } $mots_cles .= $info_610_e[$a][$j]; } $mots_cles .= " ) "; } } } //print"<pre>";print_r($info_610_a);print_r($info_610_e);print"</pre>"; for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($info_610_a); $a++) { $resultat = categories::searchLibelle(addslashes($info_610_a[$a][0]), $num_thesaurus_610, 'fr_FR', $thes_610->num_noeud_racine); if (!$resultat) { /*vérification de l'existence des categs, sinon création */ $resultat = create_categ($thes_610, $thes_610->num_noeud_racine, $info_610_a[$a][0], ' ' . strip_empty_words($info_610_a[$a][0]) . ' ', $info_610_3[$a][0]); } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_610_e[$a]); $j++) { if ($info_610_e[$a][$j]) { $num_parent = $resultat; $resultat = categories::searchLibelle(addslashes($info_610_e[$a][$j]), $num_thesaurus_610, 'fr_FR', $num_parent); if (!$resultat) { /*vérification de l'existence des categs, sinon création */ $resultat = create_categ($thes_610, $num_parent, $info_610_e[$a][$j], ' ' . strip_empty_words($info_610_e[$a][$j]) . ' ', $info_610_3[$a][0]); } } } /* ajout de l'indexation à la notice dans la table notices_categories*/ $rqt_ajout = "insert into notices_categories set notcateg_notice='" . $notice_id . "', num_noeud='" . $resultat . "' "; $res_ajout = @pmb_mysql_query($rqt_ajout, $dbh); } if (substr($mots_cles, 0, 2) == ' ;') { $mots_cles = substr($mots_cles, 2); } $mots_cles ? $index_matieres = strip_empty_words($mots_cles) : ($index_matieres = ''); $rqt_maj = "update notices set index_l='" . addslashes($mots_cles) . "', index_matieres=' " . addslashes($index_matieres) . " ' where notice_id='{$notice_id}' "; $res_ajout = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_maj, $dbh); // insert du param perso mémorisant le numero Opsys de la notice if (!$id_notices_custom_opsys) { $rqt = "select idchamp from notices_custom where name='num_opsys'"; $res = pmb_mysql_query($rqt, $dbh); if ($res && ($r = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res))) { $id_notices_custom_opsys = $r->idchamp; } $rqt = "select idchamp from notices_custom where name='type_opsys'"; $res = pmb_mysql_query($rqt, $dbh); if ($res && ($r = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res))) { $id_notices_custom_type_opsys = $r->idchamp; } } $requete = "insert into notices_custom_values (notices_custom_champ,notices_custom_origine,notices_custom_small_text) values({$id_notices_custom_opsys},{$notice_id},'" . addslashes($num_opsys) . "')"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); $requete = "insert into notices_custom_values (notices_custom_champ,notices_custom_origine,notices_custom_small_text) values({$id_notices_custom_type_opsys},{$notice_id},'" . addslashes($type_opsys) . "')"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); $requete = "select * from notices where notice_id={$notice_id}"; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete); $r = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultat); // $flag_depouillements_464_doc_sonore // $flag_depouillements_464_doc_imprime=0; // Traiter les dépouillement du champ 464 if ($flag_depouillements_464) { if (is_array($info_464)) { switch ($type_opsys) { case 'UMO:1': // Documents imprimés Unimarc moyen $niveau_biblio = 'm'; $niveau_hierar = '0'; break; case 'UMO:2': // Documents sonores Unimarc moyen $niveau_biblio = 'm'; $niveau_hierar = '0'; break; case 'UMO:13': // bulletin $niveau_biblio = 'a'; $niveau_hierar = '2'; break; case 'UMO:4': // Documents audiovisuel Unimarc moyen $niveau_biblio = 'm'; $niveau_hierar = '0'; break; case 'UMO:8': // Logiciels - CDrom $niveau_biblio = 'm'; $niveau_hierar = '0'; break; default: $niveau_biblio = 'm'; $niveau_hierar = '0'; break; } //print "<pre>";print_r ($info_464);print "</pre>"; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($info_464); $i++) { $a_464 = $e_464 = $_3_464 = array(); $author_id = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($info_464[$i]); $j++) { if ($info_464[$i][$j]['label'] == 'a') { $a_464[] = $info_464[$i][$j]['content']; } if ($info_464[$i][$j]['label'] == 'e') { $e_464[] = $info_464[$i][$j]['content']; } // Complément du titre if ($info_464[$i][$j]['label'] == '3') { $_3_464[] = $info_464[$i][$j]['content']; } // Complément du titre } //print "<pre>";print_r ($_3_464);print "</pre>"; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($a_464); $j++) { if ($_3_464[$j]) { $requete = "select author_id from authors where author_comment='" . addslashes($_3_464[$j]) . "' "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $author_id = $row[0]; //print $author_id."<br />"; } } if ($a_464[$j] != '...') { $requete = "insert into notices set typdoc='{$r->typdoc}', tit1 ='" . addslashes($a_464[$j]) . "',tit2 ='" . addslashes($e_464[$j]) . "', niveau_biblio='{$niveau_biblio}',niveau_hierar='{$niveau_hierar}' "; //if ($type_opsys="UMO:2") print $requete ."<br />"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); $depouille_id = pmb_mysql_insert_id(); if ($depouille_id) { //link notice $requete = "insert into notices_relations set num_notice='{$depouille_id}', linked_notice ='{$notice_id}', relation_type='a' "; pmb_mysql_query($requete); if ($author_id) { $requete = "insert into responsability SET responsability_fonction='070' , responsability_notice='{$depouille_id}' , responsability_author = {$author_id}, responsability_type=0"; //print $requete."<br />"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete); } } } } } /* for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($info_464); $i++) { $a_464=''; $e_464=''; for ($j=0; $j<sizeof($info_464[$i]); $j++) { if($info_464[$i][$j]['label']=='a') $a_464=$info_464[$i][$j]['content']; if($info_464[$i][$j]['label']=='e') $e_464=$info_464[$i][$j]['content']; } $requete="insert into notices set typdoc='$r->typdoc', tit1 ='".addslashes($a_464)."',tit2 ='".addslashes($e_464)."', niveau_biblio='$niveau_biblio',niveau_hierar='$niveau_hierar' "; //if ($type_opsys="UMO:2") print $requete ."<br />"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); $depouille_id=pmb_mysql_insert_id(); if ($depouille_id) { //link notice $requete="insert into notices_relations set num_notice='$depouille_id', linked_notice ='$notice_id', relation_type='a' "; pmb_mysql_query($requete); } } */ } } // $info_461_3,$info_461_t : dépendance d'une notice chapeau for ($_3 = 0; $_3 < sizeof($info_461_3); $_3++) { switch ($type_opsys) { case 'UMO:1': case 'UMO:2': case 'UMO:4': case 'UMO:8': if ($flag_titre_serie_recuperation) { // que si on veut $requete = "select notices_custom_origine from notices_custom_values where notices_custom_small_text='" . $info_461_3[$_3] . "'"; //print "$requete <br />"; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete); //Notice chapeau existe-t-elle ? if (@pmb_mysql_num_rows($resultat)) { //Si oui, récupération id $chapeau_id = pmb_mysql_result($resultat, 0, 0); } else { $niveau_biblio = 'm'; $niveau_hierar = '1'; // Création de la notice temporaire chapeau $requete = "insert into notices set typdoc='{$r->typdoc}', tit1 ='" . addslashes($info_461_t[$a]) . "' , niveau_biblio='{$niveau_biblio}',niveau_hierar='{$niveau_hierar}' "; //print "$requete <br />"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); $chapeau_id = pmb_mysql_insert_id(); $requete = "insert into notices_custom_values (notices_custom_champ,notices_custom_origine,notices_custom_small_text) values({$id_notices_custom_opsys},{$chapeau_id},'" . addslashes($info_461_3[$_3]) . "')"; //print "$requete <br />"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); } if ($chapeau_id) { //link notice $requete = "insert into notices_relations set num_notice='{$notice_id}', linked_notice ='{$chapeau_id}', relation_type='a' "; //print "$requete <br />"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); } } break; case 'UMO:13': // bulletin de périodique $requete = "select notices_custom_origine from notices_custom_values where notices_custom_small_text='" . $info_461_3[$_3] . "'"; //print "$requete <br />"; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete); //Notice chapeau existe-t-elle ? if (@pmb_mysql_num_rows($resultat)) { //Si oui, récupération id $chapeau_id = pmb_mysql_result($resultat, 0, 0); } else { $niveau_biblio = 's'; $niveau_hierar = '1'; // Création de la notice temporaire chapeau $requete = "insert into notices set typdoc='{$r->typdoc}', tit1 ='" . addslashes($info_461_t[$a]) . "' , niveau_biblio='{$niveau_biblio}',niveau_hierar='{$niveau_hierar}' "; //print "$requete <br />"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); $chapeau_id = pmb_mysql_insert_id(); $requete = "insert into notices_custom_values (notices_custom_champ,notices_custom_origine,notices_custom_small_text) values({$id_notices_custom_opsys},{$chapeau_id},'" . addslashes($info_461_3[$_3]) . "')"; //print "$requete <br />"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); } if ($chapeau_id) { //link notice $requete = "insert into notices_relations set num_notice='{$notice_id}', linked_notice ='{$chapeau_id}', relation_type='b' , rank ='1'"; //print "$requete <br />"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); // création bulletin $info = array(); $bulletin = new bulletinage("", $chapeau_id); $info['bul_titre'] = addslashes($info_200_a[0]); $info['bul_no'] = addslashes($info_200_e[0]); $info['bul_date'] = addslashes($info_200_e[1]); $info['date_date'] = gen_date($info_200_e[1], $info_210_d[0]); $bulletin->bull_num_notice = $notice_id; $bulletin_id = $bulletin->update($info, true); } break; default: break; } } // $info_462_3,$info_462_t : Dépouillement, article for ($_3 = 0; $_3 < sizeof($info_462_3); $_3++) { switch ($type_opsys) { case 'UMO:1': case 'UMO:2': case 'UMO:8': $requete = "select notices_custom_origine from notices_custom_values where notices_custom_small_text='" . $info_462_3[$_3] . "'"; //print "$requete <br />"; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete); //Notice chapeau existe-t-elle ? if (@pmb_mysql_num_rows($resultat)) { //Si oui, récupération id $chapeau_id = pmb_mysql_result($resultat, 0, 0); } else { $niveau_biblio = 'm'; $niveau_hierar = '0'; // Création de la notice temporaire chapeau $requete = "insert into notices set typdoc='{$r->typdoc}', tit1 ='" . addslashes($info_462_t[$a]) . "' , niveau_biblio='{$niveau_biblio}',niveau_hierar='{$niveau_hierar}' "; //print "$requete <br />"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); $chapeau_id = pmb_mysql_insert_id(); $requete = "insert into notices_custom_values (notices_custom_champ,notices_custom_origine,notices_custom_small_text) values({$id_notices_custom_opsys},{$chapeau_id},'" . addslashes($info_462_3[$_3]) . "')"; //print "$requete <br />"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); } if ($chapeau_id) { //link notice $requete = "insert into notices_relations set num_notice='{$notice_id}', linked_notice ='{$chapeau_id}', relation_type='a' "; //print "$requete <br />"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); } break; case 'UMO:13': // bulletin de périodique => création des articles $requete = "select notices_custom_origine from notices_custom_values where notices_custom_small_text='" . $info_462_3[$_3] . "'"; //print "$requete <br />"; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete); //Notice article existe-t-elle ? if (@pmb_mysql_num_rows($resultat)) { //Si oui, récupération id $article_id = pmb_mysql_result($resultat, 0, 0); } else { $niveau_biblio = 'a'; $niveau_hierar = '2'; // Création de la notice temporaire de l'article $requete = "insert into notices set typdoc='{$r->typdoc}', tit1 ='" . addslashes($info_462_t[$a]) . "' , niveau_biblio='{$niveau_biblio}',niveau_hierar='{$niveau_hierar}' "; //print "$requete <br />"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); $article_id = pmb_mysql_insert_id(); $requete = "insert into notices_custom_values (notices_custom_champ,notices_custom_origine,notices_custom_small_text) values({$id_notices_custom_opsys},{$article_id},'" . addslashes($info_462_3[$_3]) . "')"; //print "$requete <br />"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); } if ($article_id) { //lien article de bulletin créé dans table analitique $requete = "insert into analysis set analysis_bulletin='{$bulletin_id}', analysis_notice ='{$article_id}' "; //print "$requete <br />"; pmb_mysql_query($requete); } break; default: break; } } }