Exemple #1
function DEFENSIO_dataValHandler($DATA)
    global $hostURL;
    $cfg = misc::fetchConfigVal($DATA);
    // check apikey
    if (isset($cfg['apikey'])) {
        $r = defensio_verify_key($cfg['apikey']);
        if ($r) {
            // check and create table;
            return true;
        } else {
            return "API-Key is invalid";
    } else {
        return "Please, Input your defensio api-key.";
function defensio_settings()
    global $pixelpost_db_prefix, $cfgrow, $defensio_conf;
    // get the settings
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `{$pixelpost_db_prefix}defensio` LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
    $defensio_conf = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $v = array();
    $v['key'] = $defensio_conf['key'];
    if (defensio_verify_key($defensio_conf, $v['key'])) {
        $v['valid'] = true;
    } else {
        $v['valid'] = false;
    $v['threshold'] = $defensio_conf['threshold'] * 100;
    $v['remove_older_than'] = $defensio_conf['remove_older_than'];
    $v['remove_older_than_days'] = $defensio_conf['remove_older_than_days'];
    $v['defensio_widget_image'] = $defensio_conf['defensio_widget_image'];
    $v['defensio_widget_align'] = $defensio_conf['defensio_widget_align'];
    if ($_GET['optionsview'] == 'antispam' && $_GET['optaction'] == 'updateantispam') {
        $older_than_error = '';
        $minimum_days = 15;
        if (isset($_POST['defensio_remove_older_than_days']) and (int) $_POST['defensio_remove_older_than_days'] < $minimum_days) {
            $older_than_error = 'Days has to be a numeric value greater than ' . $minimum_days;
            $v['remove_older_than_days'] = $minimum_days;
        } else {
            $v['remove_older_than_days'] = (int) $_POST['defensio_remove_older_than_days'];
        $v['key'] = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['new_key']));
        if (defensio_verify_key($defensio_conf, $v['key'])) {
            $v['valid'] = true;
        } else {
            $v['valid'] = false;
        $v['threshold'] = (int) $_POST['new_threshold'];
        $v['defensio_widget_image'] = $_POST['defensio_widget_image'];
        $v['defensio_widget_align'] = $_POST['defensio_widget_align'];
        $v['remove_older_than_error'] = $older_than_error;
        if ($_POST['defensio_remove_older_than'] == 'on') {
            $v['remove_older_than'] = 1;
        } else {
            $v['remove_older_than'] = 0;
        $threshold_db = $v['threshold'] / 100;
        $query = "UPDATE {$pixelpost_db_prefix}defensio SET \n\t\t\t`threshold` = '" . $threshold_db . "', `remove_older_than` = '" . $v['remove_older_than'] . "', `remove_older_than_days` = '" . $v['remove_older_than_days'] . "',`key` = '" . $v['key'] . "',`defensio_widget_image` = '" . $v['defensio_widget_image'] . "',`defensio_widget_align` = '" . $v['defensio_widget_align'] . "'";
        $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
    echo "<div class='jcaption'>DEFENSIO settings</div>\n\t\t<div class='content'>\n\t\t<a href=\"http://defensio.com\">Defensio</a>'s blog spam web service aggressively and intelligently prevents comment and trackback spam from hitting your blog. You should quickly notice a dramatic reduction in the amount of spam you have to worry about.\n  \t\t<p>When the filter does rarely make a mistake (say, the odd spam message gets through or a rare good comment is marked as spam) we've made it a joy to sort through your comments and set things straight. Not only will the filter learn and improve over time, but it will do so in a personalized way!</p>\n  \t\t<p>In order to use our service, you will need a <strong>free</strong> Defensio API key.  Get yours now at <a href=\"http://defensio.com/signup\">Defensio.com</a>.</p>\n  \t\t<h3>Defensio API Key</h3>";
    echo defensio_render_key_validity($v);
    echo "<input type=\"text\" value=\"" . $v['key'] . "\" name=\"new_key\" size=\"38\" /><br />";
    echo defensio_render_spaminess_threshold_option($v['threshold']);
    echo "<h3><label>Automatic removal of spam</label></h3>";
    echo defensio_render_delete_older_than_option($v);
    echo defensio_render_widget_image_option($v);
    echo defensio_render_widget_align_option($v);
    echo "</div>";