Exemple #1
function do_login()
    global $s;
    if (isset($_POST[login_submit])) {
        $checkun = iprotect($_POST[login_un]);
        $rchecktheuser = dbquery("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '******'");
        if (dbrows($rchecktheuser) != 1) {
            return 'Sorry, the specified user doesn\'t exist. Please try again.';
        $checktheuser = dbrow($rchecktheuser);
        if ($checktheuser[pwhash] == md5(md5($checktheuser['salt']) . md5($_POST[login_pw]))) {
            // authenticated correctly!
            $iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC);
            $iv = mcrypt_create_iv($iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND);
            $storediv = addslashes(base64_encode($iv));
            $encryptedpw = base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, PassEncodeKey, $_POST[login_pw], MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv));
            dbquery("UPDATE users SET lastivused = '{$storediv}' WHERE username = '******'");
            $cookietime = time() + 15768000;
            makecookie('logged_in', 1, $cookietime);
            makecookie('username', $_POST[login_un], $cookietime);
            makecookie('password', $encryptedpw, $cookietime);
            $_SESSION[logged_in] = 1;
            $_SESSION[username] = $_POST[login_un];
            $_SESSION[password] = $encryptedpw;
            $s[logged_in] = 1;
            return true;
        } else {
            return 'Wrong password, sorry.';
    // if it returns a non-blank string, it's an error
    // if it returns true (check with === not ==) you've logged in successfully
    // if it returns nothing, just show the form
Exemple #2
function getProfilePic($user_id, $size)
    $profile_pic = dbrow("SELECT profile_pic FROM litter_users\n\t\tWHERE user_id = '{$user_id}'");
    if (!$profile_pic['profile_pic']) {
        $pic = 'userIMG/profile.png';
    } else {
        $pic = 'userIMG/' . $user_id . '/' . $profile_pic['profile_pic'];
    return '<img src="' . $pic . '" height="' . $size . '">';
function request($frm)
    if (isset($_POST["btn_back"])) {
        return enter($frm);
    if ($frm->validate("request")) {
        return confirm($frm);
    $newkey = genkey();
    if (isset($_REQUEST["suppid"])) {
        $suppid = $_REQUEST["suppid"];
        $custid = "0";
    } else {
        $custid = $_REQUEST["custid"];
        $suppid = "0";
    $cols = grp(m("introtime", raw("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")), m("introip", ""), m("email", $_REQUEST["email"]), m("custid", $custid), m("suppid", $suppid), m("key", dbrow("", "", $newkey)), m("userid", USER_ID));
    $upd = new dbUpdate("keys", "trh", $cols);
    if ($upd->affected() > 0) {
        if (isset($_REQUEST["suppid"])) {
            if (($r = send_trhmsg("supp", $_REQUEST["suppid"], $_REQUEST["email"], "reqkey", $newkey)) === true) {
                $OUT = "Sent request for communication to supplier. On response you will be notified.";
            } else {
                $OUT = "Error sending request for communication: {$r}";
        } else {
            if (($r = send_trhmsg("cust", $_REQUEST["custid"], $_REQUEST["email"], "reqkey", $newkey)) === true) {
                $OUT = "Sent request for communication to customer. On response you will be notified.";
            } else {
                $OUT = "Error sending request for communication: {$r}";
    } else {
        $OUT = "Error sending request for communication: Error updating database.";
    return $OUT;
     print "<td style='color: #af3333'><input type='radio' name='rep' value='-1'> Negative (-1)</td>";
     print "<td style='color: #af3333'><input type='radio' name='rep' value='-2'> Negative (-2)</td>";
     print "</tr>";
     print "</table>";
     print "<input type='text' size='70' maxlength='120' name='comment' class='textentry'>";
     print " <input type='submit' name='makeit' value='Rate!' class='button'>";
     print "</form>";
     print "<hr>";
 $getit = dbquery("SELECT reputation.*,users.userid,users.username,users.powerlevel FROM reputation LEFT JOIN users ON reputation.sender=users.userid WHERE recipient = {$userid} ORDER BY reputation.date desc");
 if (mysql_num_rows($getit) == 0) {
     print "No one has rated " . htmlspecialchars($userdata[username]) . " yet. :(";
 } else {
     $alternating = true;
     print "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' style='width: 100%' id='rep'>";
     while ($row = dbrow($getit)) {
         $alternating = !$alternating;
         if ($alternating) {
             $alt = " class='rowalt'";
         } else {
             $alt = "";
         print "<tr{$alt}>";
         print "<td align='left' valign='top'>";
         $userlink = userlink($row[userid], htmlspecialchars($row[username]), $row[powerlevel]);
         $date = parsedate($row[date]);
         print "<span style='font-size: 11px'>{$userlink} rated at {$date}:";
         if ($candelete) {
             print " (<a href='index.php?m=reputation&id={$userid}&deleterep={$row['id']}'>delete</a>)";
         print "</span>";
Exemple #5

if (!defined('IN_TBB')) {
$threadid = $_GET['id'];
if (!is_numeric($threadid)) {
    print "Invalid thread ID.<br><a href='index.php'>Return to the main page</a>";
} else {
    $threadid = intval($threadid);
    // just to be safe
    $threadquery = dbquery("SELECT * FROM threads WHERE id = {$threadid}");
    if (mysql_num_rows($threadquery) == 0) {
        print "No thread with this ID exists.<br><a href='index.php'>Return to the main page</a>";
    } else {
        $threadinfo = dbrow($threadquery);
        $checkifpoll = dbquery("SELECT id FROM polls WHERE thread = {$threadid}");
        if (mysql_num_rows($checkifpoll) != 0) {
            print "This thread already has a poll.<br><a href='index.php?showthread={$threadid}'>Return to the thread</a>";
        } else {
            if ($threadinfo['authorid'] != $s['user']['userid']) {
                print "You can't add a poll to a thread you didn't create.<br><a href='index.php?showthread={$threadid}'>Return to the thread</a>";
            } else {
                // if it returns a non-blank string, it's an error
                // if it returns true (check with === not ==) the poll has been created successfully
                // if it returns nothing, just show the form
                $result = add_poll();
                if ($result === true) {
                    header("Location: index.php?showthread={$threadid}");
                } else {
                    if ($result != '') {
Exemple #6

if (!defined('IN_TBB')) {
$pollid = $_GET['id'];
if (!is_numeric($pollid)) {
    print "Invalid poll ID.<br><a href='index.php'>Return to the main page</a>";
} else {
    $pollid = intval($pollid);
    // just to be safe
    $pollquery = dbquery("SELECT * FROM polls WHERE id = {$pollid}");
    if (mysql_num_rows($pollquery) == 0) {
        print "No poll with this ID exists.<br><a href='index.php'>Return to the main page</a>";
    } else {
        $pollinfo = dbrow($pollquery);
        if (isset($_GET['vote'])) {
            $checkit = dbquery("SELECT id FROM votes WHERE poll={$pollid} AND voter={$s[user][userid]}");
            if (mysql_num_rows($checkit) == 0) {
                $choice = intval($_GET['vote']);
                if ($choice >= 0 && $choice < $pollinfo[choicecount]) {
                    $voteinfo = explode('|', $pollinfo[voteinfo]);
                    $newvoteinfo = implode('|', $voteinfo);
                    dbquery("UPDATE polls SET voteinfo='{$newvoteinfo}', votecount = votecount + 1 WHERE id = {$pollid}");
                    $time = time();
                    dbquery("INSERT INTO votes (poll,voter,choice,date) VALUES ({$pollid},{$s[user][userid]},{$choice},{$time})");
                header("Location: index.php?showthread={$pollinfo['thread']}");
Exemple #7
             print "</form>";
 case 'order':
     print "Editing forum orders: (<a href='index.php?m=admin&act=forums&do=list'>Return to editing forums</a>)";
     //print "<div class='bigspacing'></div>";
     print "<form action='index.php?m=admin&act=forums&do=updateorders' method='post'>";
     $categories = array(0 => array('name' => 'Uncategorised', 'power' => 1, 'order' => -1));
     $getcategories = dbquery("SELECT * FROM categories ORDER BY `order`");
     while ($row = dbrow($getcategories)) {
         $row[forums] = array();
         $categories[$row[id]] = $row;
     $getforums = dbquery("SELECT * FROM forums ORDER BY `order`");
     while ($row = dbrow($getforums)) {
         $categories[$row[category]][forums][$row[id]] = $row;
     foreach ($categories as $cat) {
         print "<div class='bigspacing'></div>";
         print "Category: <b>{$cat['name']}</b>";
         print "<div class='bigspacing'></div>";
         print "<table class='styled' style='width: 100%; max-width: 800px; margin: 0 auto' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
         print "<tr class='header'><td style='width: 10%'>Order</td><td>Forum</td></tr>";
         foreach ($cat[forums] as $row) {
             print "<tr><td><input type='text' size='3' maxlength='3' name='order[{$row['id']}]' value='{$row['order']}' class='textentry'></td><td>{$row['name']}</td></tr>";
         print "</table>";
         print "<hr>";
     print "<input type='submit' name='makeit' value='Update Forum Orders' class='button'>";
function send_pm()
    global $s;
    // self note: not having this is why so many functions mess up
    if (isset($_POST[makeit])) {
        $error_string = '';
        $recipient = iprotect($_POST['recipient']);
        $getrec = dbquery("SELECT userid FROM users WHERE username = '******'");
        if (dbrows($getrec) == 0) {
            $error_string .= 'No user named ' . htmlspecialchars($_POST['recipient']) . ' seems to exist.<br>' . "\n";
        } else {
            $getit = dbrow($getrec);
            $recipientid = $getit[userid];
        if (!($_POST['title'] != '' && strlen($_POST['title']) <= 70)) {
            $error_string .= 'Message title was either not entered, or too long.<br>' . "\n" . 'It must be 70 characters or less.<br>' . "\n";
        if (!isset($_POST['text']) or $_POST['text'] == '') {
            $error_string .= 'You didn\'t enter a message.<br>';
        if ($error_string != '') {
            //print 'WE HANDLED AN ERROR IT WAS '.$error_string;
            return $error_string;
        } else {
            print 'THERE WAS NO ERROR';
            $inserttitle = iprotect($_POST['title']);
            $inserttext = iprotect($_POST['text']);
            $currenttime = time();
            dbquery("INSERT INTO pmessages (title,sender,recipient,exists_sender,exists_recipient,pmread,text,sentdate) VALUES ('{$inserttitle}',{$s[user][userid]},{$recipientid},1,1,0,'{$inserttext}',{$currenttime})");
            //print mysql_error();
            return true;
    // if it returns a non-blank string, it's an error
    // if it returns true (check with ===) the PM has been sent successfully
    // if it returns nothing, just show the form
Exemple #9
        if ($s[logged_in] && $row[lastpostdate] > $lastread[$row[forum]] && $row[id] != $row[thread]) {
            $icon = "<img src='{$theme}images/icon_unreadtiny.png' alt='This thread has unread posts.' title='This thread has unread posts.'>";
        } else {
            $icon = "<img src='{$theme}images/icon_tiny.png' alt='This thread has no unread posts.' title='This thread has no unread posts.'>";
        print "{$icon} <a href='index.php?showthread={$row['id']}{$doit['2']}'>{$row['name']}</a> by {$author}<br>";
      <div class='portalheader'>Board Statistics</div>
      <div class='portalbox'>
$getcounts = dbquery("SELECT count(userid) FROM users");
$getit = dbrow($getcounts);
$users = $getit['count(userid)'];
$getcounts = dbquery("SELECT count(id) FROM threads");
$getit = dbrow($getcounts);
$threads = $getit['count(id)'];
$getcounts = dbquery("SELECT count(id) FROM posts");
$getit = dbrow($getcounts);
$posts = $getit['count(id)'];
print "This board has {$users} members, who have made {$threads} threads and {$posts} posts.";
            } else {
                if ($result != '') {
                    print '<b>The following errors occurred while posting your reply:<br>' . $result . '</b><br>Your post data has been saved.<hr>';
                if (isset($_POST['preview'])) {
                    print "<b>Preview:</b>";
                    $posttext = getpost($_POST['text'], true, true, false);
                    display_post($s[user], 'Posted', time(), $cmds, $posttext);
                    print "<br>";
                if (isset($_GET['quote'])) {
                    $quoteid = intval($_GET[quote]);
                    $getquote = dbquery("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = {$quoteid} AND thread = {$threadid}");
                    if (dbrows($getquote) != 0) {
                        // ignore the quote if it's an invalid id
                        $quotepost = dbrow($getquote);
                        $quotetime = parsedate($quotepost[postdate]);
                        $quote = "[quote={$quotepost['authorname']} ({$quotetime})]{$quotepost['posttext']}[/quote]\n\n";
<b>Replying to <?php 
                echo htmlspecialchars($threadinfo[name]);
: (<a href='index.php?showthread=<?php 
                echo $threadid;
'>Return to Thread</a>)</b>
<form action='index.php?m=board&act=postreply&id=<?php 
                echo $threadid;
Exemple #11
                    $newlastthread[name] = iprotect($newlastthread[name]);
                    $newlastthread[lastpostername] = iprotect($newlastthread[lastpostername]);
                    if ($newlastthread) {
                        dbquery("UPDATE forums SET lastposterid = {$newlastthread['lastposterid']}, lastposter = '{$newlastthread['lastpostername']}', lastpostedin = '{$newlastthread['name']}', lastpostedinid = {$newlastthread['id']}, lastpostdate = {$newlastthread['lastpostdate']}, threads = threads - 1, posts = posts - {$subtract} WHERE id = {$threadinfo['forum']}");
                    } else {
                        dbquery("UPDATE forums SET lastposterid = 0, lastposter = '', lastpostedin = '', lastpostedinid = 0, lastpostdate = 0, threads = threads - 1, posts = posts - {$subtract} WHERE id = {$threadinfo['forum']}");
                    $action = true;
            } elseif (isset($_POST[do_delete])) {
                $getpostcount = dbrow(dbquery("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM posts WHERE thread = {$threadid}"));
                $subtract = $getpostcount['COUNT(id)'];
                dbquery("DELETE FROM posts WHERE thread = {$threadid}");
                dbquery("DELETE FROM threads WHERE id = {$threadid}");
                dbquery("DELETE FROM threadread WHERE thread = {$threadid}");
                $newlastthread = dbrow(dbquery("SELECT threads.*,users.username FROM threads LEFT JOIN users ON threads.lastposterid=users.userid WHERE forum = {$threadinfo['forum']} ORDER BY lastpostdate DESC LIMIT 1"));
                $newlastthread[name] = iprotect($newlastthread[name]);
                $newlastthread[lastpostername] = iprotect($newlastthread[lastpostername]);
                if ($newlastthread) {
                    dbquery("UPDATE forums SET lastposterid = {$newlastthread['lastposterid']}, lastposter = '{$newlastthread['lastpostername']}', lastpostedin = '{$newlastthread['name']}', lastpostedinid = {$newlastthread['id']}, lastpostdate = {$newlastthread['lastpostdate']}, threads = threads - 1, posts = posts - {$subtract} WHERE id = {$threadinfo['forum']}");
                } else {
                    dbquery("UPDATE forums SET lastposterid = 0, lastposter = '', lastpostedin = '', lastpostedinid = 0, lastpostdate = 0, threads = threads - 1, posts = posts - {$subtract} WHERE id = {$threadinfo['forum']}");
                header("Location: index.php?showforum={$threadinfo['forum']}");
            if ($action) {
                header("Location: index.php?showthread={$threadid}");
Exemple #12
             print "The two passwords you entered didn't match.<br>";
             print "<a href='index.php?m=admin&act=users&do=edit&id={$id}'>Return to editing {$showuser}</a>";
         } else {
             dbquery("update users set pwhash = '{$newhash}' where userid = {$id}");
             header("Location: index.php?m=admin&act=users&do=edit&id={$id}");
 case 'updateprofile':
     $id = intval($_GET['id']);
     $getuser = dbquery("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid = {$id}");
     if (mysql_num_rows($getuser) == 0) {
         print "No user exists with this ID.<br>";
         print "<a href='index.php?m=admin&act=users&do=list'>Return to editing users</a>";
     } else {
         $user = dbrow($getuser);
         $powerlevel = intval($_POST[powerlevel]);
         $posts = intval($_POST[posts]);
         $threads = intval($_POST[threads]);
         $email = iprotect($_POST[email]);
         $usertitle = iprotect($_POST[usertitle]);
         $hasavatar = 0;
         if ($_POST[hasavatar] == 'haveit') {
             $hasavatar = 1;
         $avatarext = iprotect($_POST[avatarext]);
         $location = iprotect($_POST[location]);
         $quote = iprotect($_POST[quote]);
         $birthday = '';
         if ($_POST[birthday] != '') {
             $validify = explode('-', $_POST[birthday]);
Exemple #13
             print "<tr{$rowalt}><td>{$choice} ({$vote} vote{$plural}){$votelink}</td></tr>";
     print "</table>";
     print "<br>";
 } else {
     if ($threadinfo[authorid] == $s[user][userid]) {
         print "<a href='index.php?m=board&act=addpoll&id={$threadid}'>Add Poll</a><br>";
 print "<b>Pages:</b> ";
 pagination($pagecount, $pagenum, "index.php?showthread={$threadid}");
 print "<br>";
 while ($post = dbrow($postquery)) {
     $posttext = getpost($post[posttext], true, true, false);
     $cmds = '';
     if ($post[editinfo]) {
         $cmds = " &middot; {$post['editinfo']}";
     if ($s[user][powerlevel] >= $foruminfo[reply_power]) {
         $cmds .= " &middot; <a href='index.php?m=board&act=postreply&id={$threadid}&quote={$post['id']}'>Quote</a>";
     if ($s[user][userid] == $post[userid] || $s[user][powerlevel] >= $foruminfo[mod_power]) {
         $cmds .= " &middot; <a href='index.php?m=board&act=editpost&id={$post['id']}'>Edit</a>";
     if ($s[user][powerlevel] >= $foruminfo[mod_power]) {
         $cmds .= " &middot; <a href='#' onClick='if (confirm(\"Are you sure you want to delete this post?\") == true) { window.location = \"index.php?m=board&act=modpost&id={$post['id']}&func=delete\"; }'>Delete</a>";
     print "<a name='post{$post['id']}'></a>";
Exemple #14
$postid = $_GET['id'];
if (!is_numeric($postid)) {
    print "Invalid post ID.<br><a href='index.php'>Return to the main page</a>";
} else {
    $postid = intval($postid);
    // just to be safe
    $postquery = dbquery("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = {$postid}");
    if (mysql_num_rows($postquery) == 0) {
        print "No post with this ID exists. This post may have been deleted.<br><a href='index.php'>Return to the main page</a>";
    } else {
        $postinfo = dbrow($postquery);
        $userinfo = dbrow(dbquery("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid = {$postinfo['authorid']}"));
        $threadinfo = dbrow(dbquery("SELECT * FROM threads WHERE id = {$postinfo['thread']}"));
        $foruminfo = dbrow(dbquery("SELECT * FROM forums WHERE id = {$threadinfo['forum']}"));
        $threadinfo[name] = htmlspecialchars($threadinfo[name]);
        if ($s[user][powerlevel] < $foruminfo[mod_power] && $s[user][userid] != $postinfo[authorid]) {
            print "You're not allowed to edit this post.<br><a href='index.php?showthread={$threadid}'>Return to the thread</a>";
        } else {
            // if it returns a non-blank string, it's an error
            // if it returns true (check with ===) the post has been edited successfully
            // if it returns nothing, just show the form
            $result = edit_post();
            if ($result === true) {
                header("Location: index.php?showthread={$threadinfo['id']}&post={$postid}#post{$postid}");
            } else {
                if ($result != '') {
                    print '<b>The following errors occurred while editing your post:<br>' . $result . '</b><br>Your post data has been saved.<hr>';
                if (isset($_POST['preview'])) {
 * handles a order request
 * @param string $key
 * @param clsMailMsg $oMSG
 * @param array $config
 * @return bool
function request_order($key, $oMSG, $config)
    if (($stds = msg_std($oMSG)) === false) {
        return false;
    list($compname, $ipaddr, $bustel, $fromwho, $email) = $stds;
    /* other side key */
    if (($yourkey = getfrommmsg(REGEX_YOURKEY, $oMSG)) === false) {
        return false;
    /* validate keys */
    if (($keyinfo = trhKeyPair($key, $yourkey)) === false) {
        return false;
    $custid = $keyinfo["custid"];
    if (count($oMSG->parts) < 2) {
        print "Invalid message: count(parts) < 2\n";
        return false;
    $attach = new clsMailMsg();
    $attach->processMessage(implode("\r\n", $oMSG->parts[1]));
    if ($attach->getAttachmentFilename() != "data.xml") {
        print "Invalid message part. Disposition name != data.xml\n";
        return false;
    $XML = base64_decode(preg_replace("/[ \r\n\t]/", "", implode("", $attach->body)));
    global $reqpur_activetag, $purch_info, $purch_items;
    $reqpur_activetag = $purch_info = $purch_items = array();
    $parser = xml_parser_create();
    xml_set_element_handler($parser, "stElement", "endElement");
    xml_parse($parser, $XML, true);
    $i = grp(m("approved", "n"), m("custid", $custid), m(raw("trhkey"), dbrow("", "{$keyinfo['send_key']}", "{$keyinfo['recv_key']}")));
    $purch_info = array_merge($purch_info, $i);
    foreach ($purch_info as $k => $v) {
        if (empty($v)) {
            $purch_info[$k] = raw("NULL");
    $upd = new dbUpdate("recvpurch", "trh", $purch_info);
    $recvpurch_id = pglib_lastid("trh.recvpurch", "id");
    $upd->setTable("recvpurch_items", "trh");
    foreach ($purch_items as $pi_det) {
        $pi_det["recvpurch_id"] = $recvpurch_id;
    print "Purchase inserted.\n";
    $userinfo = qryUsers($config["MANAGEUSER"]);
    msgSend($userinfo["username"], "Purchase received via Transheks. Click <a target='mainframe' href='../transheks/order_approve.php'>here</a> to view.");
Exemple #16
         header('Location: index.php?m=admin&act=cats&do=list');
 case 'delete':
     $id = intval($_GET['id']);
     dbquery("DELETE FROM categories WHERE id={$id}");
     header('Location: index.php?m=admin&act=cats&do=list');
 case 'order':
     print "Editing category orders: (<a href='index.php?m=admin&act=cats&do=list'>Return to editing categories</a>)";
     print "<div class='bigspacing'></div>";
     print "<form action='index.php?m=admin&act=cats&do=updateorders' method='post'>";
     print "<table class='styled' style='width: 100%; max-width: 800px; margin: 0 auto' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
     print "<tr class='header'><td style='width: 15%'>Order</td><td>Category</td></tr>";
     $getcategories = dbquery("SELECT * FROM categories ORDER BY `order`");
     while ($row = dbrow($getcategories)) {
         print "<tr><td><input type='text' size='3' maxlength='3' name='order[{$row['id']}]' value='{$row['order']}' class='textentry'></td><td>{$row['name']}</td></tr>";
     print "</table>";
     print "<input type='submit' name='makeit' value='Update Category Orders' class='button'>";
     print "</form>";
 case 'updateorders':
     if (isset($_POST['order']) && is_array($_POST['order']) && count($_POST['order']) > 0) {
         foreach ($_POST['order'] as $id => $order) {
             $iid = intval($id);
             $iorder = intval($order);
             dbquery("UPDATE categories SET `order` = {$iorder} WHERE id = {$iid}");
         header('Location: index.php?m=admin&act=cats&do=list');
Exemple #17
 while ($forum = dbrow($getforums)) {
     if (!can_view_forum($forum)) {
     $getlastread = dbquery("SELECT * FROM forumread WHERE forum = {$forum['id']} AND user = {$s[user][userid]}");
     if (dbrows($getlastread) == 0) {
         $lastread = 0;
     } else {
         $getit = dbrow($getlastread);
         $lastread = $getit[lastread];
     $checkagain = dbquery("SELECT COUNT(user) FROM threadread WHERE forum = {$forum['id']} AND user = {$s[user][userid]}");
     $getit = dbrow($checkagain);
     $readcount = $getit['COUNT(user)'];
     $checkunread = dbquery("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM threads WHERE forum = {$forum['id']} AND lastpostdate > {$lastread}");
     $getit = dbrow($checkunread);
     $totalcount = $getit['COUNT(id)'];
     if ($s[logged_in] && $totalcount > $readcount) {
         $unread = $totalcount - $readcount;
         $forumicon = "<img src='{$theme}images/forumicon.php?number={$unread}' alt='This forum has {$unread} unread threads.' title='This forum has {$unread} unread threads.'>";
     } else {
         $forumicon = '';
         $forumicon = "<img src='{$theme}images/icon_forumread.png' alt='This forum has no unread threads.' title='This forum has no unread threads.'>";
     $alternating = !$alternating;
     if ($alternating) {
         print "<tr class='rowalt'>";
     } else {
         print "<tr>";
     print "<td style='text-align: center'>{$forumicon}</td>";
Exemple #18
     print "<b>Pages:</b> ";
     pagination($pagecount, $pagenum, "index.php?m=users");
 case 'profile':
     $userid = $_GET['id'];
     if (!is_numeric($userid)) {
         print "Invalid user ID.<br><a href='index.php'>Return to the main page</a>";
     $userid = intval($userid);
     // just to be safe
     $memberquery = dbquery("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid = {$userid}");
     if (mysql_num_rows($memberquery) == 0) {
         print "No user with this ID exists.<br><a href='index.php'>Return to the main page</a>";
     } else {
         $member = dbrow($memberquery);
         //$member[username] = htmlspecialchars($member[username]);
         $namelink = userlink($member[userid], htmlspecialchars($member[username]), $member[powerlevel]);
         print "<table class='styled' style='width: 100%; margin: 0px auto; border: 0px' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
         print "<tr><td colspan='2' style='font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold'>Profile for {$namelink}</td></tr>";
         print "<tr>";
         // left bit
         print "<td style='width: 50%' valign='top'>";
         print "<table class='styled' style='width: 100%'>";
         print "<tr class='header'><td>Profile Info</td></tr>";
         print "<tr><td style='text-align: left'>";
         if ($member[hasavatar] == 1) {
             print "<img src='avatars/{$member['userid']}.{$member['avatarext']}' alt='Avatar' style='display: block; margin: 0 auto'>";
             print "<div class='bigspacing'></div>";
         if ($member[usertitle]) {
Exemple #19
    $comma = false;
    while ($row = dbrow($getpeople)) {
        if ($comma) {
            print ', ';
        } else {
            $comma = true;
        print userlink($row[userid], htmlspecialchars($row[username]), $row[powerlevel]);
$bddate = date('d-m-%');
$getpeople = dbquery("SELECT userid,username,powerlevel FROM users WHERE birthday LIKE '{$bddate}'");
if (dbrows($getpeople) != 0) {
    print " &middot; <b>Today's Birthdays:</b> ";
    $comma = false;
    while ($row = dbrow($getpeople)) {
        if ($comma) {
            print ', ';
        } else {
            $comma = true;
        print userlink($row[userid], htmlspecialchars($row[username]), $row[powerlevel]);
echo $page;
    <div style='font-style: italic; color: #555; margin: 4px 0px; border-top: 1px solid #aad6ff; padding-top: 4px; text-align: right;'>perpetually unfinished, totally custom board software - &copy; 2009-2010 Treeki</div>
    <!-- random debug info: render time: <?php 

if (!defined('IN_TBB')) {
$forumid = $_GET['id'];
if (!is_numeric($forumid)) {
    print "Invalid forum ID.<br><a href='index.php'>Return to the main page</a>";
} else {
    $forumid = intval($forumid);
    // just to be safe
    $forumquery = dbquery("SELECT * FROM forums WHERE id = {$forumid}");
    if (mysql_num_rows($forumquery) == 0) {
        print "No forum with this ID exists.<br><a href='index.php'>Return to the main page</a>";
    } else {
        $foruminfo = dbrow($forumquery);
        if ($s[user][powerlevel] < $foruminfo[thread_power] || !can_view_forum($foruminfo)) {
            print "You're not allowed to create threads in this forum.<br><a href='index.php'>Return to the main page</a>";
        } else {
            // if it returns a non-blank string, it's an error
            // if it returns a thread id (check with is_numeric) the thread has been created successfully
            // if it returns nothing, just show the form
            $result = create_thread();
            if (is_numeric($result)) {
                header("Location: index.php?showthread={$result}");
            } else {
                if ($result != '') {
                    print '<b>The following errors occurred while creating your thread:<br>' . $result . '</b><br>Your post data has been saved.<hr>';
                if (isset($_POST['preview'])) {
                    print "<b>Preview:</b>";
Exemple #21
function showthreads($threadquery, $alternating)
    global $postspp, $s, $lastread, $theme;
    while ($thread = dbrow($threadquery)) {
        $thread[name] = htmlspecialchars($thread[name]);
        $thread[desc] = htmlspecialchars($thread[desc]);
        $alternating = !$alternating;
        if ($alternating) {
            print "<tr class='rowalt'>";
        } else {
            print "<tr>";
        $dot = '';
        if ($thread[checkpostedin]) {
            $dot = 'dot';
        if ($s[logged_in] && $thread[lastpostdate] >= $lastread && $thread[thread] != $thread[id]) {
            if ($thread[locked] == 1) {
                $threadicon = "<img src='{$theme}images/icon_threadlockedunread.png' alt='This thread has unread posts, and is locked.' title='This thread has unread posts, and is locked.'>";
            } else {
                $threadicon = "<img src='{$theme}images/icon_threadunread{$dot}.png' alt='This thread has unread posts.' title='This thread has unread posts.'>";
        } else {
            if ($thread[locked] == 1) {
                $threadicon = "<img src='{$theme}images/icon_threadlocked.png' alt='This thread has no unread posts, and is locked.' title='This thread has no unread posts, and is locked.'>";
            } else {
                $threadicon = "<img src='{$theme}images/icon_thread{$dot}.png' alt='This thread has no unread posts.' title='This thread has no unread posts.'>";
        $pages = '';
        if ($thread[replies] + 1 > $postspp) {
            $threadpagecount = ceil(($thread[replies] + 1) / $postspp);
            $pages .= ' <span class=\'pages\'>(pages: ';
            if ($threadpagecount > 6) {
                $dleft = 3;
                $dright = $threadpagecount - 2;
            } else {
                $dleft = 7;
                $dright = -1;
            $docomma = false;
            for ($cp = 1; $cp <= $threadpagecount; $cp++) {
                if ($cp > $dleft && $cp < $dright) {
                if ($docomma) {
                    $pages .= ', ';
                } else {
                    $docomma = true;
                $pages .= "<a href='index.php?showthread={$thread['id']}&page={$cp}'>{$cp}</a>";
                if ($cp == $dleft) {
                    $pages .= "...";
                    $docomma = false;
            $pages .= ')</span>';
        print "<td>{$threadicon}</td>";
        $threadcustomicon = '';
        if ($thread[icon]) {
            $threadcustomicon = "<img src='smilies/{$thread['icon']}' alt='Icon'>";
        print "<td>{$threadcustomicon}</td>";
        print "<td style='text-align: left'><a href='index.php?showthread={$thread['id']}' style='font-size: 12px'>{$thread['name']}</a><br><div style='font-size: 11px; margin: 2px 0px 0px 2px'>{$thread['desc']}{$pages}</div></td>";
        $author = userlink($thread[authorid], htmlspecialchars($thread[authorname]), $thread[authorpower]);
        print "<td>{$author}</td>";
        print "<td>{$thread['replies']}</td>";
        print "<td style='font-size: 11px'>";
        $lastpostdate = parsedate($thread[lastpostdate]);
        print "{$lastpostdate}<br>";
        $lastposter = userlink($thread[lastposterid], htmlspecialchars($thread[lastpostername]), $thread[lastposterpower]);
        print "by {$lastposter}";
        print "</td>";
        print "</tr>";
Exemple #22
print "<div class='bigspacing'></div>";
print "<b>Post an Admin Note:</b><br>";
print "<form action='index.php?m=admin&act=idx' method='post'>";
print "<textarea rows='4' cols='70' name='data'></textarea>";
print "<br>";
print "<input type='submit' name='makeit' value='Add Note' class='button'>";
print "</form>";
print "<hr>";
$getnotes = dbquery("select adminnotes.*,users.userid,users.username,users.powerlevel from adminnotes left join users on adminnotes.author=users.userid order by adminnotes.notedate");
if (mysql_num_rows($getnotes) == 0) {
    print "Apparently no one has posted any notes yet.";
} else {
    $alternating = true;
    print "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' style='width: 100%' id='rep'>";
    while ($row = dbrow($getnotes)) {
        $alternating = !$alternating;
        if ($alternating) {
            $alt = " class='rowalt'";
        } else {
            $alt = "";
        print "<tr{$alt}>";
        print "<td align='left' valign='top'>";
        $userlink = userlink($row[userid], htmlspecialchars($row[username]), $row[powerlevel]);
        $date = parsedate($row[notedate]);
        print "<span style='font-size: 11px'>{$userlink} posted at {$date}:</span>";
        print "<div class='smallspacing'></div>";
        print getpost($row[data], true, true, false);
        print "</td>";
        print "</tr>";