Exemple #1
function sms_autosend_hook_playsmsd()
    global $core_config;
    $timenow = mktime();
    $db_query = "SELECT uid,time_id," . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureAutosend.autosend_id, autosend_message,autosend_number,autosend_time\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureAutosend\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureAutosend_time\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureAutosend.autosend_id =  " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureAutosend_time.autosend_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(" . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureAutosend_time.autosend_time) <= '{$timenow}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureAutosend_time.sent='0'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND autosend_time != ''\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureAutosend.autosend_enable='1'";
    $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
    while ($db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result)) {
        $message = $db_row['autosend_message'];
        $c_uid = $db_row['uid'];
        $username = uid2username($c_uid);
        $sms_to = $db_row['autosend_number'];
        // we are sending to this number
        $autosend_id = $db_row['autosend_id'];
        $time_id = $db_row['time_id'];
        $unicode = 0;
        if (function_exists('mb_detect_encoding')) {
            $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($message, 'auto');
            if ($encoding != 'ASCII') {
                $unicode = 1;
        list($ok, $to, $smslog_id) = sendsms_pv($username, $sms_to, $message, 'text', $unicode);
        if ($ok[0]) {
            $db_query = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureAutosend_time SET sent='1' WHERE time_id = '{$time_id}'";
            $db_result = @dba_affected_rows($db_query);
Exemple #2
function simplebilling_hook_billing_finalize($smslog_id)
    $db_query = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblBilling SET status='1' WHERE smslog_id='{$smslog_id}'";
    $db_result = dba_affected_rows($db_query);
    logger_print("saving smslog_id:" . $smslog_id, 3, "simplebilling finalize");
    return true;
Exemple #3
function simplerate_hook_rate_setusercredit($uid, $remaining = 0)
    $ok = false;
    logger_print("saving uid:" . $uid . " remaining:" . $remaining, 3, "simplerate setusercredit");
    $db_query = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblUser SET c_timestamp=NOW(),credit='{$remaining}' WHERE uid='{$uid}'";
    if ($db_result = @dba_affected_rows($db_query)) {
        logger_print("saved uid:" . $uid . " remaining:" . $remaining, 3, "simplerate setusercredit");
        $ok = true;
    return $ok;
Exemple #4
function simplebilling_hook_billing_finalize($smslog_id)
    $ok = false;
    logger_print("saving smslog_id:" . $smslog_id, 2, "simplebilling finalize");
    $db_query = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblBilling SET status='1' WHERE smslog_id='{$smslog_id}'";
    if ($db_result = dba_affected_rows($db_query)) {
        logger_print("saved smslog_id:" . $smslog_id, 2, "simplebilling finalize");
        $ok = true;
    return $ok;
Exemple #5
function queuelog_delete_all($queue)
    global $user_config;
    $ret = FALSE;
    if ($user_config['status'] != 2) {
        $user_query = "AND uid='" . $user_config['uid'] . "'";
    $db_query = "DELETE FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing_queue WHERE (flag='0' OR flag='3') " . $user_query;
    if ($db_result = dba_affected_rows($db_query)) {
        $ret = TRUE;
    return $ret;
Exemple #6
function logger_get_error_string($id, $nodel = false)
    $ret_string = "";
    $db_query = "SELECT error_string FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblErrorString WHERE id='{$id}'";
    $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
    if ($db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result)) {
        $ret_string = $db_row['error_string'];
        if (!$nodel) {
            $db_query = "DELETE FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblErrorString WHERE id='{$id}'";
            $db_result = @dba_affected_rows($db_query);
    return $ret_string;
Exemple #7
function setsmsdeliverystatus($smslog_id, $uid, $p_status)
    global $core_config;
    // $p_status = 0 --> pending
    // $p_status = 1 --> sent
    // $p_status = 2 --> failed
    // $p_status = 3 --> delivered
    // logger_print("smslog_id:".$smslog_id." uid:".$uid." p_status:".$p_status, 2, "setsmsdeliverystatus");
    $ok = false;
    $db_query = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing SET c_timestamp='" . mktime() . "',p_update='" . core_get_datetime() . "',p_status='{$p_status}' WHERE smslog_id='{$smslog_id}' AND uid='{$uid}'";
    if ($aff_id = @dba_affected_rows($db_query)) {
        // logger_print("saved smslog_id:".$smslog_id, 2, "setsmsdeliverystatus");
        $ok = true;
        if ($p_status > 0) {
            for ($c = 0; $c < count($core_config['featurelist']); $c++) {
                core_hook($core_config['featurelist'][$c], 'setsmsdeliverystatus', array($smslog_id, $uid, $p_status));
    return $ok;
Exemple #8
if ($gateway_module == $template_param[name]) {
    $status_active = "(<font color=green><b>Active</b></font>)";
} else {
    $status_active = "(<font color=red><b>Inactive</b></font>) (<a href=\"menu_admin.php?inc=gwmod_template&op=manage_activate\">click here to activate</a>)";
switch ($op) {
    case "manage":
        if ($err) {
            $content = "<p><font color=red>{$err}</font><p>";
        $content .= "\n\t\t    <h2>Manage Gateway Module</h2>\n\t\t    <p>\n\t\t    <form action=menu_admin.php?inc=gwmod_template&op=manage_save method=post>\n\t\t    <p>Gateway Name: <b>" . $template_param[name] . "</b> {$status_active}\n\t\t    <p>Template Path: <input type=text size=40 maxlength=250 name=up_path value=\"" . $template_param[path] . "\"> (No trailing slash \"/\")\n\t\t    <p>Note :<br>\n\t\t    - When you put <b>/usr/local</b> above, the real path is <b>/usr/local/cache/smsd</b>\n\t\t    <!-- <p><input type=checkbox name=up_trn {$checked}> Send SMS message without footer banner ({$username}) -->\n\t\t    <p><input type=submit class=button value=Save>\n\t\t    </form>\n\t\t";
        echo $content;
    case "manage_save":
        $up_path = $_POST[up_path];
        $error_string = "No changes made!";
        if ($up_path) {
            $db_query = "\n\t\t\t\tUPDATE playsms_gwmodTemplate_config \n\t\t\t\tSET cfg_path='{$up_path}'\n\t\t\t    ";
            if (@dba_affected_rows($db_query)) {
                $error_string = "Gateway module configurations has been saved";
        header("Location: menu_admin.php?inc=gwmod_template&op=manage&err=" . urlencode($error_string));
    case "manage_activate":
        $db_query = "UPDATE playsms_tblConfig_main SET cfg_gateway_module='template'";
        $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
        $error_string = "Gateway has been activated";
        header("Location: menu_admin.php?inc=gwmod_template&op=manage&err=" . urlencode($error_string));
Exemple #9
        $content .= "</table>\n\t\t\t\t<p><input type=submit class=button value=" . _('Add') . ">\n\t\t\t\t</form>\n\t\t\t";
        echo $content;
    case "sms_autosend_add_yes":
        $add_autosend_message = $_POST['add_autosend_message'];
        $add_autosend_number = $_POST['add_autosend_number'];
        $add_autosend_time = $_POST['add_autosend_time'];
        if ($add_autosend_message && $add_autosend_number && $add_autosend_time) {
            $db_query = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureAutosend (uid,autosend_message, autosend_number)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('{$uid}','{$add_autosend_message}','{$add_autosend_number}')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
            if ($new_uid = @dba_insert_id($db_query)) {
                foreach ($add_autosend_time as $value) {
                    $db_query = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureAutosend_time (autosend_id, autosend_time)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('{$new_uid}','{$value}')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
                    if ($value) {
                        $insert = dba_insert_id($db_query);
                if ($insert) {
                    $error_string = _('SMS autosend has been added');
                } else {
                    $db_query = "DELETE FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureAutosend WHERE autosend_id = '" . $db_row['autosend_id'] . "'";
                    $delete = @dba_affected_rows($db_query);
            } else {
                $error_string = _('Fail to add SMS autosend');
        } else {
            $error_string = _('You must fill all fields');
        header("Location: index.php?app=menu&inc=feature_sms_autosend&op=sms_autosend_add&err=" . urlencode($error_string));
Exemple #10
function credit_hook_rate_setusercredit($uid, $balance = 0)
    $ok = false;
    $balance = (double) $balance;
    if ($balance > 0) {
        _log("saving uid:" . $uid . " balance:" . $balance, 2, "credit_hook_rate_setusercredit");
        $db_query = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblUser SET c_timestamp='" . mktime() . "',credit='{$balance}' WHERE uid='{$uid}'";
        if ($db_result = @dba_affected_rows($db_query)) {
            _log("saved uid:" . $uid . " balance:" . $balance, 2, "credit_hook_rate_setusercredit");
            $ok = true;
    return $ok;
Exemple #11
function sendsmsd($single_queue = '', $sendsmsd_limit = 0, $sendsmsd_offset = 0)
    global $core_config;
    if ($single_queue) {
        $queue_sql = "AND queue_code='" . $single_queue . "'";
        // logger_print("single queue queue_code:".$single_queue, 2, "sendsmsd");
    $sendsmsd_limit = (int) $sendsmsd_limit;
    if ($sendsmsd_limit > 0) {
        $sql_limit = "LIMIT " . $sendsmsd_limit;
    $sendsmsd_offset = (int) $sendsmsd_offset;
    if ($sendsmsd_offset > 0) {
        $sql_offset = "OFFSET " . $sendsmsd_offset;
    $db_query = "SELECT * FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing_queue WHERE flag='0' " . $queue_sql . " " . $sql_limit . " " . $sql_offset;
    // logger_print("q: ".$db_query, 3, "sendsmsd");
    $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
    while ($db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result)) {
        $c_queue_id = $db_row['id'];
        $c_queue_code = $db_row['queue_code'];
        $c_sender_id = addslashes(trim($db_row['sender_id']));
        $c_footer = addslashes(trim($db_row['footer']));
        $c_message = addslashes(trim($db_row['message']));
        $c_uid = $db_row['uid'];
        $c_gpid = $db_row['gpid'];
        $c_sms_type = $db_row['sms_type'];
        $c_unicode = $db_row['unicode'];
        $c_sms_count = $db_row['sms_count'];
        $c_schedule = $db_row['datetime_scheduled'];
        $c_smsc = $db_row['smsc'];
        $c_current = core_get_datetime();
        // logger_print("delivery datetime qeueue:".$c_queue_code." scheduled:".$c_schedule." current:".$c_current, 3, "sendsmsd");
        if (strtotime($c_current) >= strtotime($c_schedule)) {
            logger_print("start processing queue_code:" . $c_queue_code . " sms_count:" . $c_sms_count . " uid:" . $c_uid . " gpid:" . $c_gpid . " sender_id:" . $c_sender_id, 2, "sendsmsd");
            $counter = 0;
            $db_query2 = "SELECT * FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing_queue_dst WHERE queue_id='{$c_queue_id}' AND flag='0'";
            $db_result2 = dba_query($db_query2);
            while ($db_row2 = dba_fetch_array($db_result2)) {
                // queue_dst ID is SMS Log ID
                $c_smslog_id = $db_row2['id'];
                $c_dst = $db_row2['dst'];
                $c_flag = 2;
                $c_ok = false;
                logger_print("sending queue_code:" . $c_queue_code . " smslog_id:" . $c_smslog_id . " to:" . $c_dst . " sms_count:" . $c_sms_count . " counter:" . $counter, 2, "sendsmsd");
                $ret = sendsms_process($c_smslog_id, $c_sender_id, $c_footer, $c_dst, $c_message, $c_uid, $c_gpid, $c_sms_type, $c_unicode, $c_queue_code, $c_smsc);
                $c_dst = $ret['to'];
                if ($ret['status']) {
                    $c_ok = true;
                    $c_flag = 1;
                logger_print("result queue_code:" . $c_queue_code . " to:" . $c_dst . " flag:" . $c_flag . " smslog_id:" . $c_smslog_id, 2, "sendsmsd");
                $db_query3 = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing_queue_dst SET flag='{$c_flag}' WHERE id='{$c_smslog_id}'";
                $db_result3 = dba_query($db_query3);
                $ok[] = $c_ok;
                $to[] = $c_dst;
                $smslog_id[] = $c_smslog_id;
                $queue[] = $c_queue_code;
                $counts[] = $c_sms_count;
            $db_query = "SELECT count(*) AS count FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing_queue_dst WHERE queue_id='{$c_queue_id}' AND NOT flag ='0'";
            $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
            $db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result);
            // destinations processed
            $dst_processed = (int) ($db_row['count'] ? $db_row['count'] : 0);
            // number of SMS processed
            $sms_processed = $dst_processed * $c_sms_count;
            // check whether SMS processed is >= stated SMS count in queue
            // if YES then processing queue is finished
            if ($sms_processed >= $c_sms_count) {
                $dt = core_get_datetime();
                $db_query5 = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing_queue SET flag='1', datetime_update='" . $dt . "' WHERE id='{$c_queue_id}'";
                if ($db_result5 = dba_affected_rows($db_query5)) {
                    logger_print("finish processing queue_code:" . $c_queue_code . " uid:" . $c_uid . " sender_id:" . $c_sender_id . " sms_count:" . $c_sms_count, 2, "sendsmsd");
                } else {
                    logger_print("fail to finalize process queue_code:" . $c_queue_code . " uid:" . $c_uid . " sender_id:" . $c_sender_id . " sms_processed:" . $sms_processed, 2, "sendsmsd");
            } else {
                logger_print("partially processing queue_code:" . $c_queue_code . " uid:" . $c_uid . " sender_id:" . $c_sender_id . " sms_count:" . $c_sms_count . " sms_processed:" . $sms_processed . " counter:" . $counter, 2, "sendsmsd");
    return array($ok, $to, $smslog_id, $queue, $counts);
Exemple #12
function inboxgroup_catchalldel($rid, $uid)
    $ret = false;
    $db_query = "SELECT id FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureInboxgroup_catchall WHERE rid='{$rid}' AND uid='{$uid}'";
    $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
    if ($db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result)) {
        $db_query = "DELETE FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureInboxgroup_catchall WHERE rid='{$rid}' AND uid='{$uid}'";
        $ret = dba_affected_rows($db_query);
    return $ret;
Exemple #13
function credit_hook_rate_setusercredit($uid, $balance = 0)
    $balance = (double) $balance;
    $user = user_getdatabyuid($uid);
    if ($user['uid']) {
        if ($user['credit'] != $balance) {
            _log("saving uid:" . $uid . " balance:" . $balance, 2, "credit_hook_rate_setusercredit");
            $db_query = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblUser SET c_timestamp='" . mktime() . "',credit='{$balance}' WHERE flag_deleted='0' AND uid='{$uid}'";
            if ($db_result = @dba_affected_rows($db_query)) {
                _log("saved uid:" . $uid . " balance:" . $balance, 2, "credit_hook_rate_setusercredit");
                return TRUE;
            } else {
                _log("unable to save uid:" . $uid . " balance:" . $balance, 2, "credit_hook_rate_setusercredit");
                return FALSE;
        } else {
            _log("no changes uid:" . $uid . " balance:" . $balance, 2, "credit_hook_rate_setusercredit");
            return TRUE;
    } else {
        _log("user does not exists uid:" . $uid . " balance:" . $balance, 2, "credit_hook_rate_setusercredit");
        return FALSE;
Exemple #14
function sms_survey_questionsdel($sid, $id)
    $ret = false;
    $db_query = "SELECT id FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureSurvey_questions WHERE sid='{$sid}' AND id='{$id}'";
    $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
    if ($db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result)) {
        $db_query1 = "DELETE FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureSurvey_questions WHERE sid='{$sid}' AND id='" . $db_row['id'] . "'";
        $ret = dba_affected_rows($db_query1);
    return $ret;
Exemple #15
function setsmsdeliverystatus($smslog_id, $uid, $p_status)
    global $core_config, $datetime_now;
    // $p_status = 0 --> pending
    // $p_status = 1 --> sent
    // $p_status = 2 --> failed
    // $p_status = 3 --> delivered
    $ok = false;
    $db_query = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing SET c_timestamp='" . mktime() . "',p_update='{$datetime_now}',p_status='{$p_status}' WHERE smslog_id='{$smslog_id}' AND uid='{$uid}'";
    if ($aff_id = @dba_affected_rows($db_query)) {
        $ok = true;
        if ($p_status > 0) {
            for ($c = 0; $c < count($core_config['toolslist']); $c++) {
                x_hook($core_config['toolslist'][$c], 'setsmsdeliverystatus', array($smslog_id, $uid, $p_status));
            for ($c = 0; $c < count($core_config['featurelist']); $c++) {
                x_hook($core_config['featurelist'][$c], 'setsmsdeliverystatus', array($smslog_id, $uid, $p_status));
            x_hook($gateway_module, 'setsmsdeliverystatus', array($smslog_id, $uid, $p_status));
    return $ok;
Exemple #16
 * Process login
function auth_login()
    global $core_config;
    $username = trim($_REQUEST['username']);
    $password = trim($_REQUEST['password']);
    if ($username && $password) {
        if ($ticket = validatelogin($username, $password)) {
            $db_query = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblUser SET c_timestamp='" . mktime() . "',ticket='{$ticket}' WHERE username='******'";
            if (@dba_affected_rows($db_query)) {
                setcookie("vc1", "{$ticket}");
                setcookie("vc2", "{$username}");
                if ($core_config['multilogin']) {
                    $multilogin_id = md5($username . $password);
                    setcookie("vc3", "{$multilogin_id}");
                logger_print("u:" . $username . " t:" . $ticket . " ip:" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 3, "login");
            } else {
                $error_string = _('Unable to update login session');
        } else {
            $error_string = _('Invalid username or password');
    if (isset($error_string)) {
        $errid = logger_set_error_string($error_string);
        header("Location: " . $core_config['http_path']['base'] . "/?errid=" . $errid);
    } else {
        header("Location: " . $core_config['http_path']['base']);
 if ($replace == "ok") {
     $db_query = "SELECT * FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_toolsSimplephonebook WHERE gpid='{$gpid}'";
     $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
     $j = 0;
     while ($db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result)) {
         $pid[$j] = $db_row['pid'];
         $pdesc[$j] = $db_row['p_desc'];
     for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
         $m = 0;
         for ($k = 1; $k <= $j; $k++) {
             if ($Name[$i] == $pdesc[$k]) {
                 if ($Number[$i]) {
                     $db_query1 = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREF_ . "_toolsSimplephonebook SET c_timestamp='" . mktime() . "',p_num='" . $Number[$i] . "',p_email='" . $Email[$i] . "' WHERE pid='" . $pid[$k] . "' AND gpid='{$gpid}'";
                     $db_result1 = dba_affected_rows($db_query1);
                     if ($db_result1 > 0) {
                         // FIXME
                     } else {
                         // FIXME
         if ($m <= 0) {
             if ($Name[$i] && $Number[$i]) {
                 $db_query2 = "\n\t\t\t    INSERT INTO " . _DB_PREF_ . "_toolsSimplephonebook (uid,p_desc,p_num,p_email,gpid)\n\t\t\t    VALUES ('{$uid}','" . $Name[$i] . "','" . $Number[$i] . "','" . $Email[$i] . "','{$gpid}')\n\t\t\t";
                 $db_result2 = dba_insert_id($db_query2);
                 if ($db_result2 > 0) {
                     // FIXME
     header("Location: index.php?app=menu&inc=feature_sms_collect&op=sms_collect_list");
 case "sms_collect_del":
     $collect_id = $_REQUEST['collect_id'];
     $db_query = "SELECT collect_keyword FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureCollect WHERE collect_id='{$collect_id}'";
     $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
     $db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result);
     $collect_keyword = $db_row['collect_keyword'];
     if ($collect_keyword) {
         $db_query = "DELETE FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureCollect WHERE collect_keyword='{$collect_keyword}'";
         if (@dba_affected_rows($db_query)) {
             $db_query = "DELETE FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureCollect_msg WHERE collect_id='{$collect_id}'";
             $del_msg = dba_affected_rows($db_query);
             $db_query = "DELETE FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureCollect_member WHERE collect_id='{$collect_id}'";
             $del_member = dba_affected_rows($db_query);
             $_SESSION['error_string'] = _('SMS collect with all its messages and members has been deleted') . " (" . _('keyword') . ": " . $collect_keyword . ")";
     header("Location: index.php?app=menu&inc=feature_sms_collect&op=sms_collect_list");
 case "sms_collect_add":
     if ($err = $_SESSION['error_string']) {
         $content = "<div class=error_string>{$err}</div>";
     $content .= "\n\t\t\t<h2>" . _('Manage collect') . "</h2>\n\t\t\t<h3>" . _('Add SMS collect') . "</h3>\n\t\t\t<form action=index.php?app=menu&inc=feature_sms_collect&op=sms_collect_add_yes method=post>\n\t\t\t<table width=100%>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td width=270>" . _('SMS collect keyword') . "</td><td><input type=text size=8 maxlength=10 name=add_collect_keyword value=\"{$add_collect_keyword}\"></td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>" . _('SMS collect reply') . "</td><td><input type=text size=30 maxlength=200 name=add_collect_msg value=\"{$add_collect_msg}\"></td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td>" . _('Forward to email') . "</td><td><input type=text size=30 maxlength=250 name=add_collect_fwd_email value=\"{$add_collect_fwd_email}\"></td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t</table>\n\t\t\t<p><input type=submit class=button value=\"" . _('Save') . "\">\n\t\t\t</form>\n\t\t\t" . _b('index.php?app=menu&inc=feature_sms_collect&op=sms_collect_list');
     echo $content;
 case "sms_collect_add_yes":
     $add_collect_keyword = strtoupper($_REQUEST['add_collect_keyword']);
Exemple #19
function smstools_hook_getsmsinbox()
    global $plugin_config;
    $plugin_config['smstools']['backup'] = $plugin_config['smstools']['default_queue'] . '/backup';
    if (!is_dir($plugin_config['smstools']['backup'] . '/incoming')) {
        mkdir($plugin_config['smstools']['backup'] . '/incoming', 0777, TRUE);
    $handle = @opendir($plugin_config['smstools']['default_queue'] . '/incoming');
    while ($sms_in_file = @readdir($handle)) {
        $smsc = '';
        $sms_receiver = '';
        $sms_sender = '';
        $sms_datetime = '';
        $found_sender = FALSE;
        $found_datetime = FALSE;
        $fn = $plugin_config['smstools']['default_queue'] . '/incoming/' . $sms_in_file;
        $fn_backup = $plugin_config['smstools']['backup'] . '/incoming/' . $sms_in_file;
        $lines = @file($fn);
        $start = 0;
        for ($c = 0; $c < count($lines); $c++) {
            $c_line = $lines[$c];
            if (preg_match('/^From: /', $c_line)) {
                $sms_sender = '+' . trim(str_replace('From: ', '', trim($c_line)));
                $found_sender = TRUE;
            } else {
                if (preg_match('/^Received: /', $c_line)) {
                    $sms_datetime = '20' . trim(str_replace('Received: ', '', trim($c_line)));
                    $found_datetime = TRUE;
                } else {
                    if (preg_match('/^Modem: /', $c_line)) {
                        if ($smsc = trim(str_replace('Modem: ', '', trim($c_line)))) {
                            $c_plugin_config = gateway_apply_smsc_config($smsc, $plugin_config);
                            $sms_receiver = $c_plugin_config['smstools']['sms_receiver'];
                    } else {
                        if ($c_line == "\n") {
                            $start = $c + 1;
        // proceed only when the file contains some hint that it is an incoming SMS
        if ($found_sender && $found_datetime && $start) {
            // inspired by keke's suggestion (smstools3 dev).
            // copy to backup folder instead of delete it directly from original spool dir.
            // playSMS does the backup since probably not many smstools3 users configure
            // an eventhandler to backup incoming sms
            if (!rename($fn, $plugin_config['smstools']['backup'] . '/incoming/' . $sms_in_file)) {
                if (file_exists($fn)) {
            // continue process only when incoming sms file can be deleted
            if (!file_exists($fn) && $start) {
                if ($sms_sender && $sms_datetime) {
                    $message = '';
                    for ($lc = $start; $lc < count($lines); $lc++) {
                        $message .= trim($lines[$lc]) . "\n";
                    if (strlen($message) > 0) {
                        $message = substr($message, 0, -1);
                    $is_dlr = false;
                    $msg = explode("\n", $message);
                    if (trim($msg[0]) == 'SMS STATUS REPORT') {
                        $label = explode(':', $msg[1]);
                        if (trim($label[0]) == 'Message_id') {
                            $message_id = trim($label[1]);
                        $label = explode(':', $msg[3]);
                        if (trim($label[0]) == 'Status') {
                            $status_var = explode(',', trim($label[1]));
                            $status = (int) $status_var[0];
                        if ($message_id && $status_var[1]) {
                            _log('DLR received message_id:' . $message_id . ' status:' . $status . ' info1:[' . $status_var[1] . '] info2:[' . $status_var[2] . '] smsc:[' . $smsc . ']', 2, 'smstools_hook_getsmsinbox');
                            $db_query = "SELECT id,uid,smslog_id FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_gatewaySmstools_dlr WHERE message_id='" . $message_id . "' AND status='1' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1";
                            $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
                            $db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result);
                            $id = $db_row['id'];
                            $uid = $db_row['uid'];
                            $smslog_id = $db_row['smslog_id'];
                            if ($uid && $smslog_id && $status === 0) {
                                $db_query = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREF_ . "_gatewaySmstools_dlr SET status='2' WHERE id='" . $id . "'";
                                if ($db_result = dba_affected_rows($db_query)) {
                                    $p_status = 3;
                                    dlr($smslog_id, $uid, $p_status);
                                    _log('DLR smslog_id:' . $smslog_id . ' p_status:' . $p_status . ' smsc:[' . $smsc . ']', 2, 'smstools_hook_getsmsinbox');
                            $is_dlr = true;
                    // collected: $sms_datetime, $sms_sender, $message, $sms_receiver
                    // if not a DLR then route it to incoming handler
                    if (!$is_dlr) {
                        _log('sender:' . $sms_sender . ' receiver:' . $sms_receiver . ' dt:' . $sms_datetime . ' msg:[' . $message . '] smsc:[' . $smsc . ']', 3, 'smstools_hook_getsmsinbox');
                        $sms_sender = addslashes($sms_sender);
                        $message = addslashes($message);
                        recvsms($sms_datetime, $sms_sender, $message, $sms_receiver, $smsc);
Exemple #20
function dba_remove($db_table, $condition = '', $operand = 'AND')
    $ret = false;
    if (is_array($condition)) {
        foreach ($condition as $key => $val) {
            $q_condition .= $operand . " " . $key . "='" . $val . "' ";
        if ($q_condition) {
            $q_condition = "WHERE " . substr($q_condition, 3);
        $db_query = "DELETE FROM " . $db_table . " " . $q_condition;
        if ($c_rows = dba_affected_rows($db_query)) {
            $ret = $c_rows;
    return $ret;
Exemple #21
function sendsmsd($single_queue = '', $chunk = 0)
    global $core_config;
    if ($single_queue) {
        $queue_sql = "AND queue_code='" . $single_queue . "'";
        // _log("single queue queue_code:".$single_queue, 2, "sendsmsd");
    $db_query = "SELECT * FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing_queue WHERE flag='3' " . $queue_sql;
    // _log("q: ".$db_query, 3, "sendsmsd");
    $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
    while ($db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result)) {
        $c_queue_id = $db_row['id'];
        $c_queue_code = $db_row['queue_code'];
        $c_sender_id = addslashes(trim($db_row['sender_id']));
        $c_footer = addslashes(trim(htmlspecialchars_decode($db_row['footer'])));
        $c_message = addslashes(trim(htmlspecialchars_decode($db_row['message'])));
        $c_uid = $db_row['uid'];
        $c_gpid = $db_row['gpid'];
        $c_sms_type = $db_row['sms_type'];
        $c_unicode = $db_row['unicode'];
        // queue size
        $c_queue_count = $db_row['queue_count'];
        // total number of SMS per queue
        $c_sms_count = $db_row['sms_count'];
        // SMS count per destination
        $c_sms_size = ceil($c_sms_count / $c_queue_count);
        $c_schedule = $db_row['datetime_scheduled'];
        $c_smsc = $db_row['smsc'];
        $c_current = core_get_datetime();
        $continue = FALSE;
        // check delivery datetime
        // _log("delivery datetime qeueue:" . $c_queue_code . " scheduled:" . core_display_datetime($c_schedule) . " current:" . core_display_datetime($c_current), 3, "sendsmsd");
        if (strtotime($c_current) >= strtotime($c_schedule)) {
            $continue = TRUE;
            // next, check throttle limit (number of sent SMS per hour)
            if (sendsms_throttle_isoverlimit(0)) {
                $continue = FALSE;
        // process queue
        if ($continue) {
            _log("start processing queue_code:" . $c_queue_code . " chunk:" . $chunk . " queue_count:" . $c_queue_count . " sms_count:" . $c_sms_count . " scheduled:" . core_display_datetime($c_schedule) . " uid:" . $c_uid . " gpid:" . $c_gpid . " sender_id:" . $c_sender_id, 2, "sendsmsd");
            $counter = 0;
            $db_query2 = "SELECT * FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing_queue_dst WHERE queue_id='{$c_queue_id}' AND chunk='" . $chunk . "' AND flag='0'";
            $db_result2 = dba_query($db_query2);
            while ($db_row2 = dba_fetch_array($db_result2)) {
                // make sure the queue is still there
                // if the queue_code with flag=3 is not exists then break, stop sendqueue
                if (!dba_isexists(_DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing_queue", array('flag' => 3, 'queue_code' => $c_queue_code), 'AND')) {
                // queue_dst ID is SMS Log ID
                $c_smslog_id = $db_row2['id'];
                $c_dst = $db_row2['dst'];
                $c_flag = 2;
                $c_ok = false;
                _log("sending queue_code:" . $c_queue_code . " smslog_id:" . $c_smslog_id . " to:" . $c_dst . " sms_count:" . $c_sms_count . " counter:" . $counter, 2, "sendsmsd");
                $ret = sendsms_process($c_smslog_id, $c_sender_id, $c_footer, $c_dst, $c_message, $c_uid, $c_gpid, $c_sms_type, $c_unicode, $c_queue_code, $c_smsc);
                $c_dst = $ret['to'];
                if ($ret['status']) {
                    $c_ok = true;
                    $c_flag = 1;
                    // add to throttle counter
                    sendsms_throttle_count(0, $c_sms_size);
                _log("result queue_code:" . $c_queue_code . " to:" . $c_dst . " flag:" . $c_flag . " smslog_id:" . $c_smslog_id, 2, "sendsmsd");
                $db_query3 = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing_queue_dst SET flag='{$c_flag}' WHERE id='{$c_smslog_id}'";
                $db_result3 = dba_query($db_query3);
                $ok[] = $c_ok;
                $to[] = $c_dst;
                $smslog_id[] = $c_smslog_id;
                $queue[] = $c_queue_code;
                $counts[] = $c_sms_count;
                // check throttle limit (number of sent SMS per hour)
                if (sendsms_throttle_isoverlimit(0)) {
            $db_query = "SELECT count(*) AS count FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing_queue_dst WHERE queue_id='{$c_queue_id}' AND NOT flag ='0'";
            $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
            $db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result);
            // destinations processed
            $dst_processed = (int) ($db_row['count'] ? $db_row['count'] : 0);
            // number of SMS processed
            $sms_processed = $dst_processed * $c_sms_size;
            // check whether SMS processed is >= stated SMS count in queue
            // if YES then processing queue is finished
            if ($sms_processed >= $c_sms_count) {
                $dt = core_get_datetime();
                $db_query5 = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing_queue SET flag='1', datetime_update='" . $dt . "' WHERE id='{$c_queue_id}'";
                if ($db_result5 = dba_affected_rows($db_query5)) {
                    _log("finish processing queue_code:" . $c_queue_code . " uid:" . $c_uid . " sender_id:" . $c_sender_id . " queue_count:" . $c_queue_count . " sms_count:" . $c_sms_count, 2, "sendsmsd");
                } else {
                    _log("fail to finalize process queue_code:" . $c_queue_code . " uid:" . $c_uid . " sender_id:" . $c_sender_id . " queue_count:" . $c_queue_count . " sms_count:" . $c_sms_count . " sms_processed:" . $sms_processed, 2, "sendsmsd");
            } else {
                _log("partially processing queue_code:" . $c_queue_code . " uid:" . $c_uid . " sender_id:" . $c_sender_id . " queue_count:" . $c_queue_count . " sms_count:" . $c_sms_count . " sms_processed:" . $sms_processed . " counter:" . $counter, 2, "sendsmsd");
    return array($ok, $to, $smslog_id, $queue, $counts);
Exemple #22
function sendsmsd($single_queue = '')
    global $core_config;
    if ($single_queue) {
        $queue_sql = "AND queue_code='" . $single_queue . "'";
        logger_print("single queue queue_code:" . $single_queue, 3, "sendsmsd");
    $db_query = "SELECT * FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing_queue WHERE flag='0' " . $queue_sql;
    $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
    while ($db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result)) {
        $c_queue_id = $db_row['id'];
        $c_queue_code = $db_row['queue_code'];
        $c_sender_id = $db_row['sender_id'];
        $c_footer = $db_row['footer'];
        $c_message = $db_row['message'];
        $c_uid = $db_row['uid'];
        $c_gpid = 0;
        $c_sms_type = $db_row['sms_type'];
        $c_unicode = $db_row['unicode'];
        logger_print("start processing queue_code:" . $c_queue_code . " uid:" . $c_uid . " sender_id:" . $c_sender_id, 3, "sendsmsd");
        $db_query2 = "SELECT * FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing_queue_dst WHERE queue_id='{$c_queue_id}' AND flag='0'";
        $db_result2 = dba_query($db_query2);
        while ($db_row2 = dba_fetch_array($db_result2)) {
            $c_id = $db_row2['id'];
            $c_dst = $db_row2['dst'];
            $c_flag = 2;
            logger_print("sending queue_code:" . $c_queue_code . " to:" . $c_dst, 3, "sendsmsd");
            $ret = sendsms($c_sender_id, $c_footer, $c_dst, $c_message, $c_uid, $c_gpid, $c_sms_type, $c_unicode);
            if ($ret['status']) {
                $c_flag = 1;
            logger_print("result queue_code:" . $c_queue_code . " to:" . $c_dst . " flag:" . $c_flag, 3, "sendsmsd");
            $db_query3 = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing_queue_dst SET flag='{$c_flag}' WHERE id='{$c_id}'";
            $db_result3 = dba_query($db_query3);
        $db_query5 = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing_queue SET flag='1', datetime_update='" . $core_config['datetime']['now'] . "' WHERE id='{$c_queue_id}'";
        if ($db_result5 = dba_affected_rows($db_query5)) {
            logger_print("finish processing queue_code:" . $c_queue_code . " uid:" . $c_uid . " sender_id:" . $c_sender_id, 3, "sendsmsd");
        } else {
            logger_print("fail to finalize process queue_code:" . $c_queue_code . " uid:" . $c_uid . " sender_id:" . $c_sender_id, 3, "sendsmsd");
Exemple #23
        $content .= "\n\t</tbody></table>\n\t<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>\n\t<tr>\n\t    <td width=100% colspan=2 align=right>\n\t\t<input type=hidden name=item_count value=\"{$item_count}\">\n\t\t<input type=submit value=\"" . _('Delete selection') . "\" class=button />\n\t    </td>\n\t</tr>\n\t</table>\t\n\t</form>\n\t<p>{$nav_pages}</p>\n\t";
        if ($err) {
            echo "<div class=error_string>{$err}</div><br><br>";
        echo $content;
    case "all_outgoing_del":
        if ($slid) {
            $db_query = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing SET c_timestamp='" . mktime() . "',flag_deleted='1' WHERE smslog_id='{$slid}'";
            $db_result = dba_affected_rows($db_query);
            if ($db_result > 0) {
                $err = _('Selected outgoing SMS has been deleted');
            } else {
                $err = _('Fail to delete SMS');
        header("Location: index.php?app=menu&inc=all_outgoing&op=all_outgoing&err=" . urlencode($err));
    case "act_del":
        $item_count = $_POST['item_count'];
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $item_count; $i++) {
            $chkid = $_POST['chkid' . $i];
            $slid = $_POST['slid' . $i];
            if ($chkid == "on" && $slid) {
                $db_query = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing SET c_timestamp='" . mktime() . "',flag_deleted='1' WHERE smslog_id='{$slid}'";
                $db_result = dba_affected_rows($db_query);
        header("Location: index.php?app=menu&inc=all_outgoing&op=all_outgoing&err=" . urlencode(_('Selected outgoing SMS has been deleted')));
Exemple #24
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) {
            $content .= "\n\t    <tr>\n\t\t<td width=190>" . _('SMS autoreply scenario parameter') . " {$i}</td><td>:</td><td><input type=text size=20 maxlength=20 name=edit_autoreply_scenario_param{$i} value=\"" . ${"edit_autoreply_scenario_param" . $i} . "\">\n</td>\n\t    </tr>";
        $edit_autoreply_scenario_result = $db_row['autoreply_scenario_result'];
        $content .= "\n\t    <tr>\n\t\t<td>" . _('SMS autoreply scenario replies with') . "</td><td>:</td><td><input type=text size=60 name=edit_autoreply_scenario_result value=\"{$edit_autoreply_scenario_result}\"></td>\n\t    </tr>\t    \t\n\t    </table>\n\t    <p><input type=submit class=button value=\"" . _('Save') . "\">\n\t    <p><input type=button class=button value=" . _('Back') . " onClick=javascript:linkto('index.php?app=menu&inc=feature_sms_autoreply&op=sms_autoreply_manage&autoreply_id={$autoreply_id}')>\n\t    </form>\n\t";
        echo $content;
    case "sms_autoreply_scenario_edit_yes":
        $autoreply_scenario_id = $_POST['autoreply_scenario_id'];
        $autoreply_id = $_POST['autoreply_id'];
        $edit_autoreply_scenario_result = $_POST['edit_autoreply_scenario_result'];
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) {
            ${"edit_autoreply_scenario_param" . $i} = strtoupper($_POST['edit_autoreply_scenario_param' . $i]);
        if ($edit_autoreply_scenario_result) {
            for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) {
                $autoreply_scenario_param_list .= "autoreply_scenario_param" . $i . "='" . ${"edit_autoreply_scenario_param" . $i} . "',";
            $db_query = "\n\t\tUPDATE " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureAutoreply_scenario \n\t\tSET c_timestamp='" . mktime() . "'," . $autoreply_scenario_param_list . "autoreply_scenario_result='{$edit_autoreply_scenario_result}' \n\t\tWHERE autoreply_id='{$autoreply_id}' AND autoreply_scenario_id='{$autoreply_scenario_id}'\n\t    ";
            if ($db_result = @dba_affected_rows($db_query)) {
                $error_string = _('SMS autoreply scenario has been edited');
            } else {
                $error_string = _('Fail to edit SMS autoreply scenario');
        } else {
            $error_string = _('You must fill all fields');
        header("Location: index.php?app=menu&inc=feature_sms_autoreply&op=sms_autoreply_scenario_edit&autoreply_id={$autoreply_id}&autoreply_scenario_id={$autoreply_scenario_id}&err=" . urlencode($error_string));