function done_transaction($oid, $vpnid) { $ret = order_dopayment($oid); if ($ret === false) { pay_error(CANTFINISH); die; } /// 支付成功,开通服务并显示成功信息 $sql = "SELECT * FROM service WHERE id IN (SELECT serviceid FROM `order` WHERE id={$oid})"; $res = db_query($sql); if ($res === false) { pay_error(_("Can not find service correlate to{$oid}, payment token={$token}")); die; } $service = db_fetch_array($res); /// 查找对应的 VPN 帐号 $vpnid = (int) $vpnid; $vpns = db_quick_fetch('vpnaccount', "WHERE id={$vpnid}"); if (count($vpns) <= 0) { vpn_log("No vpnid {$vpnid} found for order {$oid}"); return false; } $vpn = $vpns[0]; /// 下面的代码和 account_new.php 中的代码一致 /// 3. 账户余额足够,开通帐号 vpn_renew($vpn['username'], $service['duration'], $service['radiusgroup']); /// 4. 发货(在 raidus 中设置帐号),并扣款 order_delivery($oid); return true; }
function account_pay($name, $pass, $serviceid) { global $smarty; $user = user_isonline(); /// 如果账户余额足够,则直接扣款并继续操作;如果余额不足则显示付款页面,并在付款后继续操作 $amt = vpn_afford($serviceid, $user['email']); $services = db_quick_fetch('service', "WHERE id={$serviceid}"); if (count($services) <= 0) { vpn_log("Error: No such service id: {$serviceid}"); } $service = $services[0]; /// 创建订单 $order = null; if ($amt < 0) { $order = order_new($serviceid, abs($amt)); } else { $order = order_new($serviceid); } if ($order === false) { vpn_log("Can not create order({$serviceid}, {$amt})"); $smarty->assign('tip_title', _('An error occur')); $smarty->assign('tip_msg', _('Can not create order, please contact us for help')); $smarty->display('tip.html'); die; } /// 向 order 表中增加 VPN 帐号信息 $qname = addslashes($name); $vpns = db_quick_fetch('vpnaccount', "WHERE username='******'"); if (count($vpns) <= 0) { vpn_log("No VPN username `{$name}' in vpnaccount table"); } db_quick_update('order', "WHERE id={$order['orderid']}", array('vpnid' => $vpns[0]['id'])); if ($amt < 0) { /// 余额不足时,显示付款页面,并在付款成功后继续开通帐号操作 //$smarty->assign('amount', abs($amt)); //$smarty->assign('service', $service); $url = "order_preview.php?id={$order['orderid']}"; header("Location: {$url}"); $smarty->assign('redirect_url', $url); $smarty->assign('tip_title', _('Redirect')); $smarty->assign('tip_msg', _('Redirecting...')); $smarty->display('tip.html'); die; } /// 3. 账户余额足够,开通帐号 //print_r($name); //print_r($service); vpn_renew($name, $service['duration'], $service['radiusgroup']); /// 4. 发货(扣款) order_delivery($order['orderid']); $smarty->assign('tip_title', _('Success')); $smarty->assign('tip_msg', _('Thank you for purchase, now you can go to My Account page to view you VPN account')); $smarty->assign('redirect_url', 'account.php'); $smarty->display('tip.html'); }
/** * 检查邀请码是否有效 * * @return 成功返回 true,失败返回 false */ function reg_checkinvite($code) { $qcode = addslashes($code); $res = db_quick_fetch('invite', "WHERE code='{$qcode}'"); if (count($res) <= 0) { return false; } if ($res[0]['utime'] == null) { return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * 发货操作,将订单标记为已发货,并从用户账户中扣除货款 */ function order_delivery($orderid) { $orderid = (int) $orderid; $orders = db_quick_fetch('order', "WHERE id={$orderid}"); if (count($orders) <= 0) { vpn_log("No such order id {$orderid}"); return false; } $order = $orders[0]; $services = db_quick_fetch('service', "WHERE id IN (SELECT serviceid FROM `order` WHERE id={$order['id']})"); if (count($services) <= 0) { vpn_log("No service correlate to order #{$order['id']}"); return false; } /// FIXME: 这里应该增加失败回滚操作 $sql1 = "UPDATE `order` SET delivered=1 WHERE id={$orderid}"; $sql2 = "UPDATE account SET balance=balance-{$services[0]['price']} WHERE id={$order['uid']}"; db_query($sql1); db_query($sql2); db_quick_update('order', "WHERE id={$orderid} AND ISNULL(paidtime)", array('paidtime' => time())); return true; }
/** * 为 $uid 用户生成一个邀请码 * * 从 INVITECODE_MINLEN 长度开始生成邀请码,如果生成的邀请码已经存在了,则生成一个更长的邀请码,直到得到在数据库中不存在的邀请码为止 * * @return 成功返回验证码,失败返回 false */ function invite_generate($uid) { $uid = (int) $uid; $code = ''; if ($uid == 0) { vpn_log('Invalid argument: $uid == 0'); return false; } /// 没人会使用 99 位长度的验证码吧 for ($len = INVITECODE_MINLEN; $len < 99; $len++) { $code = invite_randstr($len); $res = db_quick_fetch('invite', "WHERE code='{$code}'"); if (count($res) == 0) { break; } } if ($len >= 99) { vpn_log("Invite code out of length: {$len}"); return false; } /// FIXME: 要不要检查用户是否存在捏? $ts = time(); $qcode = addslashes($code); $sql = "INSERT INTO invite (code, uid, ctime, utime) VALUES ('{$qcode}', {$uid}, {$ts}, NULL)"; db_query($sql); return $code; }
require_once 'includes/order.lib.php'; require_once 'includes/vpn.php'; $aid = @$_GET['vpnid']; $aid = (int) $aid; $user = user_isonline(); if ($user === false) { renew_error(_('You have to login before renew your VPN account')); die; } $accounts = db_quick_fetch('vpnaccount', "WHERE id={$aid} AND uid={$user['id']}"); if (count($accounts) <= 0) { renew_error(_('VPN account not exists')); die; } $account = $accounts[0]; $services = db_quick_fetch('service', "WHERE id IN (SELECT serviceid FROM (SELECT DISTINCT serviceid FROM `order` WHERE NOT ISNULL(paidtime) AND vpnid={$account['id']} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) AS t)"); if (count($services) <= 0) { vpn_log("Could not find correlate service id for vpnaccount id {$account['id']}"); renew_error(_('Can not renew, please contact us for help')); die; } $service = $services[0]; $amt = vpn_afford($service['id'], $user['email']); /// 开始支付过程 if ($amt <= 0) { $order = order_new($service['id'], -$amt); } else { $order = order_new($service['id']); } if ($order === false) { vpn_log("Can not get order via order_new('{$service['id']}')");
<?php require_once 'includes/header.php'; $user = user_isonline(); if ($user === false) { if (!isset($_GET['json'])) { $smarty->assign('tip_title', _('Login Required')); $smarty->assign('tip_msg', _('You have to login to access Server List')); $smarty->display('tip.html'); } else { echo json_encode(array('error' => _('You have to login to access Server List'))); } die; } $servers = db_quick_fetch('server', 'WHERE enabled=1'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($servers); $i++) { if ($user === false) { $servers[$i]['address'] = _("*HIDDEN*"); } $servers[$i]['uptimestr'] = time2readable($servers[$i]['uptime'], 3); /// 处理在线信息及流量信息 if (time() - $servers[$i]['heartbeat'] > SERVER_ALIVE_THRESHOLD) { $servers[$i]['isonline'] = 0; $servers[$i]['rtratestr'] = _('Unknown'); } else { $servers[$i]['isonline'] = 1; $servers[$i]['rtrate'] = $servers[$i]['rxrate'] + $servers[$i]['txrate']; $servers[$i]['rtratestr'] = bps2readable($servers[$i]['rtrate']); } } if (isset($_GET['json'])) {
/** * 将用户重定向到 PayPal 付款页面以便让用户进行付款。 * 注意,该函数将直接向用户浏览器发送 Location 头,用户将离开本站 * * @param $oid 订单编号 * @return 失败返回 false,成功则跳转到 PayPal 付款页面,并返回 true */ function paypal_redirect($oid) { global $smarty; $oid = (int) $oid; $payments = db_quick_fetch('payment', "WHERE orderid={$oid}"); if ($payments === false || count($payments) <= 0) { vpn_log("No such order id {$oid} in payment table"); return false; } $payment = $payments[0]; $url = sprintf(PAYPAL_REDIRECTURL, $payment['token']); header("Location: {$url}"); $smarty->assign('tip_title', _('Redirect')); $smarty->assign('tip_msg', _('Redirecting you to PayPal')); $smarty->assign('redirect_url', $url); $smarty->assign('redirect_delay', 3000); $smarty->display('tip.html'); return true; }
<?php require_once 'includes/header.php'; $user = user_isonline(); if ($user === false) { $smarty->assign(array('tip_title' => _('Login Require'), 'tip_msg' => _('You have to login before access this page'))); $smarty->display('tip.html'); die; } /// 为用户生成足够的验证码,并读取之 $res = db_quick_fetch('invite', "WHERE uid={$user['id']} ORDER BY utime ASC"); for ($i = count($res); $i < INVITECODE_MAXINUM; $i++) { invite_generate($user['id']); } if (count($res) < INVITECODE_MAXINUM) { $res = db_quick_fetch('invite', "WHERE uid={$user['id']} ORDER BY utime ASC"); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($res); $i++) { if ($res[$i]['utime'] == null) { $res[$i]['used'] = 0; } else { $res[$i]['used'] = 1; } } $smarty->assign('codes', $res); $smarty->display('invitecode.html');
/** * 计算用户现有账户是否足以支付此项服务,并返回如果购买了此项服务后账户的净余额 * * @return 足够支付返回非负数,不够支付返回负数 */ function vpn_afford($serviceid, $email) { $serviceid = (int) $serviceid; $res = db_quick_fetch('service', "WHERE id={$serviceid}"); if (count($res) <= 0) { vpn_log("No such service id {$serviceid}"); return false; } $user = user_get($email); if ($user == false) { vpn_log("No such user `{$email}'"); return false; } return $user['balance'] + $user['credit'] - $res[0]['price']; }
/// vpnaccount 表中已经超时的帐号最长能够保留多少时间,单位(秒) tool_log(_('SeaVPN VPN Account Cleanup Autotool')); tool_log(_('This script will check vpnaccount table, filter out the expired accounts, and remove them')); /// 第 1 步,从 vpnaccount 表中找出所有已经过期的帐号,将其从 RADIUS 表中删除 $ts = time(); $vpns = db_quick_fetch('vpnaccount', "WHERE validto<{$ts}"); $vpns_count = count($vpns); tool_log(_("There is {$vpns_count} accounts expired in table vpnaccount")); for ($i = 0; $i < $vpns_count; $i++) { $ret = vpn_del($vpns[$i]['username']); if ($ret === true) { tool_log(_("Delete user `{$vpns[$i]['username']}' from RADIUS check table successed")); } else { tool_log(_("Delete user `{$vpns[$i]['username']}' from RADIUS check table FAILED ({$ret})")); } } /// 第 2 步,从 vpnaccount 表中彻底删除帐号 $ts -= VPNACCOUNT_RESERVE_TIME; $expiredays = VPNACCOUNT_RESERVE_TIME / 86400; $vpns = db_quick_fetch('vpnaccount', "WHERE validto<{$ts}"); $vpns_count = count($vpns); tool_log(_("There is {$vpns_count} accounts expired more than {$expiredays} days in table vpnaccount")); for ($i = 0; $i < $vpns_count; $i++) { $ret = vpn_purge($vpns[$i]['username']); if ($ret === true) { tool_log(_("Delete user `{$vpns[$i]['username']}' from vpnaccount table successed")); } else { tool_log(_("Delete user `{$vpns[$i]['username']}' from vpnaccount table FAILED ({$ret})")); } } tool_log(_('VPN Account Cleanup Autotool finished'));
<?php require_once 'includes/header.php'; require_once 'includes/vpn.php'; $id = (int) @$_GET['id']; $pass = @$_GET['passwd']; if ($pass == '') { json_error(_('Empty password is no acceptable')); die; } $user = user_isonline(); if ($user === false) { json_error(_('You have to login before change VPN account password')); die; } $vpns = db_quick_fetch('vpnaccount', "WHERE uid={$user['id']} AND id={$id}"); if (count($vpns) <= 0) { json_error(_('VPN account is not exists')); die; } $ret = vpn_passwd($vpns[0]['username'], $pass); if ($ret === true) { echo json_encode(array('success' => 1)); } else { json_error($ret); } die; function json_error($msg) { echo json_encode(array('error' => $msg)); }
<?php require_once 'includes/header.php'; require_once 'includes/order.lib.php'; $oid = (int) @$_POST['id']; /// 先检查这个订单是不是已经支付过了 $orders = db_quick_fetch('order', "WHERE id={$oid}"); if (count($orders) <= 0) { pay_error('No such order'); die; } $order = $orders[0]; if ($order['paidtime'] != null) { $smarty->assign('tip_title', _('Error')); $smarty->assign('tip_msg', _('This order is already paid')); $smarty->assign('redirect_url', $url); $smarty->assign('redirect_delay', 1); $smarty->display('tip.html'); die; } /// 生成订单并跳转到支付页面 $order = order_request($oid); if ($order === false) { pay_error(_('An error occured, please contact us for help')); die; } order_redirect($oid); function pay_error($msg) { global $smarty; $smarty->assign(array('tip_title' => _('ERROR'), 'tip_msg' => _($msg)));
/** * 当前登录用户是否是管理员 * * @return TRUE 或 FALSE */ function user_isadmin() { $user = user_isonline(); if ($user === FALSE) { return false; } $res = db_quick_fetch('admin', "WHERE uid={$user['id']}"); if (count($res) == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } }