Exemple #1
 * getting array of all orders
 * @return array $orders
function get_all_orders(&$pag_info)
    $orders = array();
    $total = db_query_to_row("SELECT COUNT(id) as total FROM orders WHERE status > 0");
    if ($total) {
        $count = $total['total'];
        $p = new Pagination();
        $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? abs((int) $_GET['page']) : 1;
        $pag_info = $p->calculate_pages($count, 10, $page);
        $orders = db_query_to_array("SELECT o.*, u.first_name, u.last_name FROM orders as o LEFT JOIN users as u ON u.id = o.user_id WHERE o.status > 0 ORDER BY o.id DESC " . $pag_info['limit']);
        if ($orders) {
            foreach ($orders as &$order) {
                $week_numbers = get_order_weeks($order['id']);
                $order['week_number'] = '';
                foreach ($week_numbers as $week) {
                    $order['week_number'] = $week;
    return $orders;
Exemple #2
function contact_mech_get_attribute($contact_mech_id, $attr_name)
    $query = "SELECT ATTR_VALUE\n\t\t\t  FROM contact_mech_attribute\n\t\t\t  WHERE CONTACT_MECH_ID = '" . esc($contact_mech_id) . "' AND ATTR_NAME = '" . esc($attr_name) . "'";
    $data = db_query_to_row($query);
    return $data['ATTR_VALUE'];
Exemple #3
 * Gets catalog data
 * @param string $catalog_id the id of the product catalog
 * @return array the catalog data or empty array
function catalog_get($catalog_id)
    $query = "SELECT *\n\t\t\t  FROM prod_catalog\n\t\t\t  WHERE PROD_CATALOG_ID = '" . esc($catalog_id) . "'";
    return db_query_to_row($query);
Exemple #4
 * Checks if a party exists in the database
 * @param str $party_id - id of the party that is being checked
 * @return bool T/F
function party_exists($party_id)
    $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM party WHERE PARTY_ID='" . esc($party_id) . "'";
    $data = db_query_to_row($query);
    return $data['COUNT(*)'] > 0;
Exemple #5
function product_assoc_get_price($unit_list_price, $feature, $party_id)
    $query = "SELECT PRODUCT_ID\n\t\t\t  FROM product_feature_appl\n\t\t\t  WHERE PRODUCT_FEATURE_APPL_ID = '" . $unit_list_price . "'\n\t\t\t  LIMIT 1";
    $data = db_query_to_row($query);
    $run_id = $data['PRODUCT_ID'] . '-COPY';
    $query = "SELECT PRODUCT_FEATURE_APPL_ID\n\t\t\t  FROM product_feature_appl\n\t\t\t  WHERE PRODUCT_ID = '{$run_id}' AND PRODUCT_FEATURE_ID = '{$feature}'\n\t\t\t  LIMIT 1";
    $data = db_query_to_row($query);
    $feature_price = product_feature_price_get($data['PRODUCT_FEATURE_APPL_ID'], CUSTOMER_PRICE, $party_id);
    if (empty($feature_price)) {
        $feature_price = product_feature_price_get($data['PRODUCT_FEATURE_APPL_ID'], GENERAL_PRICE, '');
    return $feature_price['PRICE'];
Exemple #6

if (!($order_id = $_SESSION['order_id']) || !isset($_POST['field']) || !isset($_POST['value']) || !$_POST['value'] || !isset($_POST['id'])) {
    die('no order');
$id = abs((int) $_POST['id']);
if ($id) {
    $result = db_query_to_row("SELECT 1 FROM additional_orders_items WHERE id = {$id} AND order_id = {$order_id}");
    if (!empty($result)) {
        $field = $_POST['field'];
        if (in_array($field, ['width', 'height', 'amount'])) {
            $value = abs((int) $_POST['value']);
        } elseif (in_array($field, ['hanging', 'material'])) {
            if ($field == 'hanging') {
                $field = 'ophaeng_id';
            } else {
                $field = 'material_id';
            $value = abs((int) $_POST['value']);
        } elseif ($field == 'week') {
            $field = 'week_number';
            $value = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['value']));
        if ($value) {
            update_in_db('additional_orders_items', [$field => $value], "id = {$id} AND order_id = {$order_id}");
Exemple #7
function shipment_get_max_break()
    $query = "SELECT MAX(THRU_QUANTITY) as max_units FROM quantity_break";
    $data = db_query_to_row($query);
    return $data['max_units'];
Exemple #8
 * Gets the megamedia person in charge of a customer
 * @param string $party_id the id of the customer
 * @return array with in charge person data
function person_affiliate_get($party_id)
    $query = "SELECT AFFILIATE_NAME, AFFILIATE_DESCRIPTION, AFFILIATE_EMAIL\n\t\t\t  FROM affiliate\n\t\t\t  WHERE PARTY_ID = '" . esc($party_id) . "'\n\t\t\t  LIMIT 1";
    return db_query_to_row($query);
Exemple #9
 * Checks whether an order already exists
 * @param str $order_id - id of the order
 * @return boll - T/F
function order_exists($order_id)
    $query = "SELECT COUNT(*)\n\t\t\t  FROM order_header\n\t\t\t  WHERE ORDER_ID = '" . esc($order_id) . "'";
    $data = db_query_to_row($query);
    return $data['COUNT(*)'] > 0;
Exemple #10

if (!isset($_SESSION['user'])) {
    header('location: /');
$type = get_url_param(2);
if (!($type_key = array_search($type, array(1 => 'banners', 2 => 'posters', 3 => 'rollups')))) {
    header('location: /test/');
$weeks = array();
if (isset($_SESSION['order_id'])) {
    $order_id = $_SESSION['order_id'];
    $weeks = db_query_to_row('SELECT id, week_number FROM orders_weeks WHERE type = ' . $type_key . ' AND order_id = ' . $order_id);
    if (!empty($weeks)) {
        $week_number = $weeks['week_number'];
if (isset($_POST['store']) && ($count = count($_POST['store']))) {
    // if not isset order in session then creating new order
    $order_id = isset($_SESSION['order_id']) ? $_SESSION['order_id'] : insert_to_db('orders', array('user_id' => $_SESSION['user']['id']));
    $insert_array = array();
    //init order data for inserting to db
    for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
        $insert = array();
        $insert['order_id'] = $order_id;
        $insert['type'] = $type_key;
        if ($var = abs((int) $_POST['store'][$i])) {
            $insert['store_id'] = $var;
        if ($var = abs((int) $_POST['width'][$i])) {
Exemple #11
 * Gets user login information by party id
 * @param str $party_id - party id of the user
 * @return array - data about the user login
function users_get_login($party_id)
    $query = "SELECT USER_LOGIN_ID, CURRENT_PASSWORD FROM user_login WHERE party_id='" . esc($party_id) . "'";
    $data = db_query_to_row($query);
    return $data;
Exemple #12

$url = explode('/', $_GET['url']);
if (!isset($url[2]) || !($id = abs((int) $url[2]))) {
    die('bad link');
$store = db_query_to_row("SELECT * FROM `stores` WHERE id = {$id}");
if (!$store) {
    die('store not found');
if (isset($_POST['shop_name'])) {
    $update = array();
    if (!store_validate($update)) {
        $error_msg = 'All fields must be filled';
    } else {
        $hanging_methods = $update['hanging_methods'];
        if (update_in_db('stores', $update, '`id`=' . $id)) {
            delete_from_db('stores_hanging_methods', '`store_id`=' . $id);
            $store_hanging_methods = array();
            foreach ($hanging_methods as $value) {
                $store_hanging_methods[] = array('store_id' => $id, 'hanging_method_id' => $value);
            insert_multi_to_db('stores_hanging_methods', $store_hanging_methods);
            $_SESSION['edit_store_msg'] = 'Store Successfully Updated';
            header('location: /store/edit/' . $id);
Exemple #13
 * Gets the current role of a party
 * @param str $party_id - id of the party
 * @return arr - current party role
function roles_get_party_role($party_id)
    $query = "SELECT  pr.PARTY_ID, rt.ROLE_TYPE_ID, rt.DESCRIPTION\n\t\t\t  FROM `party_role` pr JOIN role_type rt\n\t\t\t  ON pr.ROLE_TYPE_ID = rt.ROLE_TYPE_ID\n\t\t\t  WHERE pr.PARTY_ID = '" . esc($party_id) . "'";
    return db_query_to_row($query);