require '../common.' . substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1); // if($user['authlevel'] < 2) if ($user['authlevel'] < 3) { AdminMessage($lang['adm_err_denied']); } AdminMessage('Временно не работает'); require "includes/" . DOT_PHP_EX; $template = gettemplate('admin/admin_planet_edit', true); $mode = admin_planet_edit_mode($template, $admin_planet_edit_mode_list); $planet_id = sys_get_param_id('planet_id'); $unit_list = sys_get_param('unit_list'); if (sys_get_param('change_data') && !empty($unit_list)) { $query_string = array(); foreach ($unit_list as $unit_id => $unit_amount) { if ($unit_query_string = admin_planet_edit_query_string($unit_id, $unit_amount, $mode)) { $query_string[] = $unit_query_string; } } if (!empty($query_string)) { db_planet_set_by_id($planet_id, implode(', ', $query_string)); } } if ($planet_id) { $edit_planet_row = db_planet_by_id($planet_id); admin_planet_edit_template($template, $edit_planet_row, $mode); } foreach ($admin_planet_edit_mode_list as $page_mode => $mode_locale) { $template->assign_block_vars('page_menu', array('ID' => $page_mode, 'TEXT' => $mode_locale)); } $template->assign_vars(array('MODE' => $mode, 'PLANET_ID' => $planet_id, 'PLANET_NAME' => empty($edit_planet_row) ? '' : $lang['sys_planet_type'][$edit_planet_row['planet_type']] . ' ' . uni_render_planet($edit_planet_row), 'PAGE_HINT' => $lang['adm_planet_edit_hint'])); display($template, $lang['adm_am_ttle'], false, '', true);
continue; } $moon = db_planet_by_parent($UserPlanet['id']); if ($moon) { $moon_fill = min(100, floor($moon['field_current'] / eco_planet_fields_max($moon) * 100)); } else { $moon_fill = 0; } $moon_fleets = flt_get_fleets_to_planet($moon); $template->assign_block_vars('planet', array_merge($template_planet, array('PLANET_FLEET_ID' => $planet_fleet_id, 'MOON_ID' => $moon['id'], 'MOON_NAME' => $moon['name'], 'MOON_IMG' => $moon['image'], 'MOON_FILL' => min(100, $moon_fill), 'MOON_ENEMY' => $moon_fleets['enemy']['count'], 'MOON_PLANET' => $moon['parent_planet']))); $planet_count++; } sn_db_transaction_commit(); tpl_assign_fleet($template, $fleets_to_planet); tpl_assign_fleet($template, $fleets); $lune = $planetrow['planet_type'] == PT_PLANET ? db_planet_by_parent($planetrow['id']) : db_planet_by_id($planetrow['parent_planet']); if ($lune) { $template->assign_vars(array('MOON_ID' => $lune['id'], 'MOON_IMG' => $lune['image'], 'MOON_NAME' => $lune['name'])); } $planet_fill = floor($planetrow['field_current'] / eco_planet_fields_max($planetrow) * 100); $planet_fill = $planet_fill > 100 ? 100 : $planet_fill; $planet_recyclers_orbiting = 0; foreach (sn_get_groups('flt_recyclers') as $recycler_id) { $planet_recyclers_orbiting += mrc_get_level($user, $planetrow, $recycler_id); } int_planet_pretemplate($planetrow, $template); $sn_group_ques = sn_get_groups('ques'); foreach (array(QUE_STRUCTURES => $sn_group_ques[QUE_STRUCTURES]) as $que_id => $que_type_data) { $this_que = $que['ques'][$que_id][$user['id']][$planetrow['id']]; $template->assign_block_vars('ques', array('ID' => $que_id, 'NAME' => $lang['sys_ques'][$que_id], 'LENGTH' => empty($this_que) ? 0 : count($this_que))); if (!empty($this_que)) {
function SetSelectedPlanet(&$user) { $planet_row['id'] = $user['current_planet']; // Пытаемся переключить на новую планету if (($selected_planet = sys_get_param_id('cp')) && $selected_planet != $user['current_planet']) { $planet_row = db_planet_by_id_and_owner($selected_planet, $user['id'], false, 'id'); } else { $planet_row = db_planet_by_id($planet_row['id']); } // Если новая планета не найдена или было переключения - проверяем текущую выбранную планету if (!isset($planet_row['id'])) { $planet_row = db_planet_by_id_and_owner($user['current_planet'], $user['id'], false, 'id'); // Если текущей планеты не существует - выставляем Столицу if (!isset($planet_row['id'])) { $planet_row = db_planet_by_id_and_owner($user['id_planet'], $user['id'], false, 'id'); // Если и столицы не существует - значит что-то очень не так с записью пользователя if (!isset($planet_row['id'])) { global $debug; $debug->error("User ID {$user['id']} has Capital planet {$user['id_planet']} but this planet does not exists", 'User record error', 502); } } } // Если производилось переключение планеты - делаем запись в юзере if ($user['current_planet'] != $planet_row['id']) { db_user_set_by_id($user['id'], "`current_planet` = '{$planet_row['id']}'"); $user['current_planet'] = $planet_row['id']; } return $user['current_planet']; }
message($lang['sys_noalloaw'], $lang['sys_noaccess']); die; } $selected_user = db_user_by_username($Pattern, false, 'id'); $QryUpdate = db_user_set_by_id($selected_user['id'], "`authlevel` = '{$NewLvl}'"); $Message = $lang['adm_mess_lvl1'] . " " . $Pattern . " " . $lang['adm_mess_lvl2']; $Message .= "<font color=\"red\">" . $lang['adm_usr_level'][$NewLvl] . "</font>!"; AdminMessage($Message, $lang['adm_mod_level']); break; case 'ip_search': $bloc = $lang; $bloc['adm_this_ip'] = $ip; $SelUser = db_user_list("`user_lastip` = '{$ip}'"); //while ( $Usr = db_fetch($SelUser) ) { foreach ($SelUser as $Usr) { $UsrMain = db_planet_by_id($Usr['id_planet'], false, 'name'); $bloc['adm_plyer_lst'] .= "<tr><th>" . $Usr['username'] . "</th><th>[" . $Usr['galaxy'] . ":" . $Usr['system'] . ":" . $Usr['planet'] . "] " . $UsrMain['name'] . "</th></tr>"; } $SubPanelTPL = gettemplate('admin/admin_panel_asw2'); $parse['adm_sub_form2'] = parsetemplate($SubPanelTPL, $bloc); break; default: break; } } // Traiter les reponses aux formulaires if (isset($GET_action)) { $bloc = $lang; switch ($GET_action) { case 'usr_search': $SubPanelTPL = gettemplate('admin/admin_panel_frm1');
* jumpgate.php * * Jump Gate interface, I presume * * @version 1.0st Security checks & tests by Gorlum for * @version 1 * @copyright 2008 By Chlorel for XNova */ include 'common.' . substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1); lng_include('fleet'); if ($TargetPlanet = sys_get_param_id('jmpto')) { sn_db_transaction_start(); db_user_by_id($user['id'], true, 'id'); $planetrow = db_planet_by_id($planetrow['id'], true); if (!($NextJumpTime = uni_get_time_to_jump($planetrow))) { $TargetGate = db_planet_by_id($TargetPlanet, true, '`id`, `last_jump_time`'); if (mrc_get_level($user, $TargetGate, STRUC_MOON_GATE) > 0) { $NextDestTime = uni_get_time_to_jump($TargetGate); if (!$NextDestTime) { // $SubQueryOri = ""; // $SubQueryDes = ""; $ship_list = sys_get_param('ships'); $db_changeset = array(); foreach ($ship_list as $ship_id => $ship_count) { if (!in_array($ship_id, sn_get_groups('fleet'))) { continue; } $ship_count = max(0, min(floor($ship_count), mrc_get_level($user, $planetrow, $ship_id))); if ($ship_count) { $db_changeset['unit'][] = sn_db_unit_changeset_prepare($ship_id, -$ship_count, $user, $planetrow['id']); $db_changeset['unit'][] = sn_db_unit_changeset_prepare($ship_id, $ship_count, $user, $TargetGate['id']);
function que_delete($que_type, $user = array(), $planet = array(), $clear = false) { $planets_locked = array(); // TODO: Some checks sn_db_transaction_start(); $user = db_user_by_id($user['id'], true); $planet['id'] = $planet['id'] && $que_type !== QUE_RESEARCH ? $planet['id'] : 0; $global_que = que_get($user['id'], $planet['id'], $que_type, true); //pdump($global_que); //pdump($planet['id']); //pdump($global_que[$que_type][$planet['id']]); if (!empty($global_que['ques'][$que_type][$user['id']][$planet['id']])) { $que = array_reverse($global_que['ques'][$que_type][$user['id']][$planet['id']]); foreach ($que as $que_item) { db_que_delete_by_id($que_item['que_id']); if ($que_item['que_planet_id_origin']) { $planet['id'] = $que_item['que_planet_id_origin']; } if (!isset($planets_locked[$planet['id']])) { $planets_locked[$planet['id']] = $planet['id'] ? db_planet_by_id($planet['id'], true) : $planet; } $build_data = sys_unit_str2arr($que_item['que_unit_price']); db_change_units($user, $planets_locked[$planet['id']], array(RES_METAL => $build_data[RES_METAL] * $que_item['que_unit_amount'], RES_CRYSTAL => $build_data[RES_CRYSTAL] * $que_item['que_unit_amount'], RES_DEUTERIUM => $build_data[RES_DEUTERIUM] * $que_item['que_unit_amount'])); if (!$clear) { break; } } if (is_numeric($planet['id'])) { db_planet_set_by_id($planet['id'], "`que_processed` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())"); } elseif (is_numeric($user['id'])) { db_user_set_by_id($user['id'], '`que_processed` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())'); } sn_db_transaction_commit(); } else { sn_db_transaction_rollback(); } //die(); header("Location: {$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?mode={$que_type}" . "&ally_id=" . sys_get_param_id('ally_id')); }
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); lng_include('universe'); lng_include('fleet'); require_once 'includes/includes/flt_functions.php'; $target_coord = array('galaxy' => $target_galaxy = sys_get_param_int('galaxy'), 'system' => $target_system = sys_get_param_int('system'), 'planet' => $target_planet = sys_get_param_int('planet')); if (!uni_coordinates_valid($target_coord)) { die($lang['gs_c02']); } $target_mission = sys_get_param_int('mission'); $sn_group_missions = sn_get_groups('missions'); if (!isset($sn_group_missions[$target_mission]['AJAX']) || !$sn_group_missions[$target_mission]['AJAX']) { die($lang['gs_c00']); } sn_db_transaction_start(); $user = db_user_by_id($user['id'], true); $planetrow = db_planet_by_id($user['current_planet'], true); $target_planet_type = sys_get_param_int('planet_type'); $target_planet_check = $target_planet_type == PT_DEBRIS ? PT_PLANET : $target_planet_type; $target_coord['planet_type'] = $target_planet_check; $target_row = db_planet_by_vector($target_coord); if (empty($target_row)) { $target_row = array('galaxy' => $target_coord['galaxy'], 'system' => $target_coord['system'], 'planet' => $target_coord['planet'], 'planet_type' => $target_planet_check, 'id_owner' => 0); } $fleet_array = array(); switch ($target_mission) { case MT_SPY: $fleet_array[SHIP_SPY] = min(mrc_get_level($user, $planetrow, SHIP_SPY), abs($user['spio_anz'])); $unit_group = 'flt_spies'; break; case MT_RECYCLE: foreach (sn_get_groups('flt_recyclers') as $unit_id) {
function flt_t_send_fleet($user, &$from, $to, $fleet, $mission, $options = array()) { //ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); $internal_transaction = !sn_db_transaction_check(false) ? sn_db_transaction_start() : false; //pdump($internal_transaction); // TODO Потенциальный дедлок - если успела залочится запись пользователя - хозяина планеты $user = db_user_by_id($user['id'], true); $from = sys_o_get_updated($user, $from['id'], SN_TIME_NOW); $from = $from['planet']; $can_attack = flt_can_attack($from, $to, $fleet, $mission, $options); if ($can_attack != ATTACK_ALLOWED) { $internal_transaction ? sn_db_transaction_rollback() : false; return $can_attack; } $fleet_group = isset($options['fleet_group']) ? floatval($options['fleet_group']) : 0; $travel_data = flt_travel_data($user, $from, $to, $fleet, $options['fleet_speed_percent']); $fleet_start_time = SN_TIME_NOW + $travel_data['duration']; if ($mission == MT_EXPLORE || $mission == MT_HOLD) { $stay_duration = $options['stay_time'] * 3600; $stay_time = $fleet_start_time + $stay_duration; } else { $stay_duration = 0; $stay_time = 0; } $fleet_end_time = $fleet_start_time + $travel_data['duration'] + $stay_duration; $fleet_ship_count = 0; $fleet_string = ''; $db_changeset = array(); $planet_fields = array(); foreach ($fleet as $unit_id => $amount) { if (!$amount || !$unit_id) { continue; } if (in_array($unit_id, sn_get_groups('fleet'))) { $fleet_ship_count += $amount; $fleet_string .= "{$unit_id},{$amount};"; $db_changeset['unit'][] = sn_db_unit_changeset_prepare($unit_id, -$amount, $user, $from['id']); } elseif (in_array($unit_id, sn_get_groups('resources_loot'))) { $planet_fields[pname_resource_name($unit_id)]['delta'] -= $amount; } } $to['id_owner'] = intval($to['id_owner']); $QryInsertFleet = "INSERT INTO {{fleets}} SET "; $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_owner` = '{$user['id']}', "; $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_mission` = '{$mission}', "; $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_amount` = '{$fleet_ship_count}', "; $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_array` = '{$fleet_string}', "; $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_start_time` = '{$fleet_start_time}', "; if ($from['id']) { $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_start_planet_id` = '{$from['id']}', "; } $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_start_galaxy` = '{$from['galaxy']}', "; $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_start_system` = '{$from['system']}', "; $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_start_planet` = '{$from['planet']}', "; $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_start_type` = '{$from['planet_type']}', "; $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_end_time` = '{$fleet_end_time}', "; $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_end_stay` = '{$stay_time}', "; if ($to['id']) { $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_end_planet_id` = '{$to['id']}', "; } $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_end_galaxy` = '{$to['galaxy']}', "; $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_end_system` = '{$to['system']}', "; $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_end_planet` = '{$to['planet']}', "; $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_end_type` = '{$to['planet_type']}', "; $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_resource_metal` = " . floatval($fleet[RES_METAL]) . ", "; $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_resource_crystal` = " . floatval($fleet[RES_CRYSTAL]) . ", "; $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_resource_deuterium` = " . floatval($fleet[RES_DEUTERIUM]) . ", "; $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_target_owner` = '{$to['id_owner']}', "; $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_group` = '{$fleet_group}', "; $QryInsertFleet .= "`start_time` = " . SN_TIME_NOW . ";"; doquery($QryInsertFleet); $planet_fields[pname_resource_name(RES_DEUTERIUM)]['delta'] -= $travel_data['consumption']; $db_changeset['planets'][] = array('action' => SQL_OP_UPDATE, P_VERSION => 1, 'where' => array('id' => $from['id']), 'fields' => $planet_fields); db_changeset_apply($db_changeset); $internal_transaction ? sn_db_transaction_commit() : false; $from = db_planet_by_id($from['id']); return ATTACK_ALLOWED; //ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); }
<?php /** * admin/add_moon.php * * @version 2 * @copyright 2014 Gorlum for */ define('INSIDE', true); define('INSTALL', false); define('IN_ADMIN', true); require '../common.' . substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1); // if ($user['authlevel'] < 2) if ($user['authlevel'] < 3) { AdminMessage($lang['adm_err_denied']); } $template = gettemplate("admin/add_moon", true); if (sys_get_param_str('mode') == 'addit') { $PlanetID = sys_get_param_id('user'); $MoonName = sys_get_param_str('name'); sn_db_transaction_start(); $PlanetSelected = db_planet_by_id($PlanetID, true, '`galaxy`, `system`, `planet`, `id_owner`'); uni_create_moon($PlanetSelected['galaxy'], $PlanetSelected['system'], $PlanetSelected['planet'], $PlanetSelected['id_owner'], 0, $MoonName); sn_db_transaction_commit(); AdminMessage($lang['addm_done'], $lang['addm_title']); } display($template, $lang['addm_title'], false, '', true);
function sn_sys_planet_core_transmute(&$user, &$planetrow) { if (!sys_get_param_str('transmute')) { return array(); } global $lang; try { if ($planetrow['planet_type'] != PT_PLANET) { throw new exception($lang['ov_core_err_not_a_planet'], ERR_ERROR); } if ($planetrow['density_index'] == ($new_density_index = sys_get_param_id('density_type'))) { throw new exception($lang['ov_core_err_same_density'], ERR_WARNING); } sn_db_transaction_start(); $user = db_user_by_id($user['id'], true, '*'); $planetrow = db_planet_by_id($planetrow['id'], true, '*'); // $global_data = sys_o_get_updated($user, $planetrow['id'], SN_TIME_NOW); // $user = $global_data['user']; // $planetrow = $global_data['planet']; $planet_density_index = $planetrow['density_index']; $density_price_chart = planet_density_price_chart($planet_density_index); if (!isset($density_price_chart[$new_density_index])) { // Hack attempt throw new exception($lang['ov_core_err_denisty_type_wrong'], ERR_ERROR); } $user_dark_matter = mrc_get_level($user, false, RES_DARK_MATTER); $transmute_cost = get_unit_param(UNIT_PLANET_DENSITY, 'cost'); $transmute_cost = $transmute_cost[RES_DARK_MATTER] * $density_price_chart[$new_density_index]; if ($user_dark_matter < $transmute_cost) { throw new exception($lang['ov_core_err_no_dark_matter'], ERR_ERROR); } $sn_data_planet_density = sn_get_groups('planet_density'); foreach ($sn_data_planet_density as $key => $value) { if ($key == $new_density_index) { break; } $prev_density_index = $key; } $new_density = round(($sn_data_planet_density[$new_density_index][UNIT_PLANET_DENSITY] + $sn_data_planet_density[$prev_density_index][UNIT_PLANET_DENSITY]) / 2); rpg_points_change($user['id'], RPG_PLANET_DENSITY_CHANGE, -$transmute_cost, array('Planet %1$s ID %2$d at coordinates %3$s changed density type from %4$d "%5$s" to %6$d "%7$s". New density is %8$d kg/m3', $planetrow['name'], $planetrow['id'], uni_render_coordinates($planetrow), $planet_density_index, $lang['uni_planet_density_types'][$planet_density_index], $new_density_index, $lang['uni_planet_density_types'][$new_density_index], $new_density)); db_planet_set_by_id($planetrow['id'], "`density` = {$new_density}, `density_index` = {$new_density_index}"); sn_db_transaction_commit(); $planetrow['density'] = $new_density; $planetrow['density_index'] = $new_density_index; $result = array('STATUS' => ERR_NONE, 'MESSAGE' => sprintf($lang['ov_core_err_none'], $lang['uni_planet_density_types'][$planet_density_index], $lang['uni_planet_density_types'][$new_density_index], $new_density)); } catch (exception $e) { sn_db_transaction_rollback(); $result = array('STATUS' => $e->getCode(), 'MESSAGE' => $e->getMessage()); } return $result; }
/** * int_banner_create.php * @version 2.0 * @copyright 2010 Gorlum for * * heavily based on * CreateBanner.php * @version 1.2 by Ihor * @version 1.0 copyright 2008 By e-Zobar for XNova */ function int_banner_create($id, $type = 'userbar', $format = 'png') { // banner.php?id=<userid>&type=<banner|userbar>&format=<png> global $config, $lang; $id = intval($id); switch ($type) { case 'banner': $img_name = $config->int_banner_background; break; default: $img_name = $config->int_userbar_background; break; } $size = getimagesize(SN_ROOT_PHYSICAL . $img_name); $im = imagecreatefrompng(SN_ROOT_PHYSICAL . $img_name); $image = imagecreatetruecolor($size[0], $size[1]); imagecopy($image, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $size[0], $size[1]); imagedestroy($im); // Colors $color = "FFFFFF"; $red = hexdec(substr($color, 0, 2)); $green = hexdec(substr($color, 2, 4)); $blue = hexdec(substr($color, 4, 6)); $select = imagecolorallocate($image, $red, $green, $blue); $txt_shadow = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 255, 255, 255, 255); $txt_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 255, 255, 255, 2); $txt_shadow2 = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 255, 255, 255, 255); $txt_color2 = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 255, 255, 255, 40); $fonts = array('userbar' => SN_ROOT_PHYSICAL . "design/fonts/" . $config->int_userbar_font, 'universe' => SN_ROOT_PHYSICAL . "design/fonts/" . $config->int_banner_fontUniverse, 'raids' => SN_ROOT_PHYSICAL . "design/fonts/" . $config->int_banner_fontRaids, 'info' => SN_ROOT_PHYSICAL . "design/fonts/" . $config->int_banner_fontInfo); if ($id) { // Querys $user = db_user_by_id($id); $planet_row = db_planet_by_id($user['id_planet']); // Variables $b_user = $user['username']; $b_ally = $user['ally_name']; $b_planet = $planet_row['name']; $b_xyz = "[" . $planet_row['galaxy'] . ":" . $planet_row['system'] . ":" . $planet_row['planet'] . "]"; $b_lvl = ($user['total_rank'] ? $user['total_rank'] : $config->users_amount) . "/{$config->users_amount}"; } else { $b_user = $lang['ov_banner_empty_id']; } $b_univ = $config->game_name; switch ($type) { case 'banner': // Banner size 416 x 58 $fsize = 15; $is = imagettfbbox($fsize, 0, $fonts['universe'], $b_univ); imagettftext($image, $fsize, 0, $size[0] - 4 - $is[2], $size[1] - 2, $txt_shadow, $fonts['universe'], $b_univ); imagettftext($image, $fsize, 0, $size[0] - 6 - $is[2], $size[1] - 4, $txt_color, $fonts['universe'], $b_univ); // Player name imagettftext($image, 11, 0, 8, 26, $txt_shadow, $fonts['info'], $b_user); imagettftext($image, 11, 0, 6, 23, $txt_color, $fonts['info'], $b_user); if ($id) { // Player level - right-alligned $is = imagettfbbox(11, 0, $fonts['info'], $b_lvl); imagettftext($image, 11, 0, $size[0] - 4 - $is[2], 25, $txt_shadow, $fonts['info'], $b_lvl); imagettftext($image, 11, 0, $size[0] - 6 - $is[2], 23, $txt_color, $fonts['info'], $b_lvl); // Ally name $is = imagettfbbox(9, 0, $fonts['info'], $b_ally); imagettftext($image, 9, 0, 412 - $is[2], 37, $txt_shadow, $fonts['info'], $b_ally); imagettftext($image, 9, 0, 410 - $is[2], 35, $txt_color, $fonts['info'], $b_ally); // Player b_planet imagettftext($image, 6, 0, 8, 10, $txt_shadow2, $fonts['raids'], $b_planet . " " . $b_xyz); imagettftext($image, 6, 0, 6, 9, $txt_color2, $fonts['raids'], $b_planet . " " . $b_xyz); //StatPoint $b_points = $lang['ov_points'] . ": " . pretty_number($user['total_points']); $is = imagettfbbox(8, 0, $fonts['info'], $b_points); imagettftext($image, 8, 0, 412 - $is[2], 11, $txt_shadow, $fonts['info'], $b_points); imagettftext($image, 8, 0, 410 - $is[2], 9, $txt_color, $fonts['info'], $b_points); //Raids Total imagettftext($image, 6, 0, 8, 37, $txt_shadow2, $fonts['raids'], $lang['NumberOfRaids']); imagettftext($image, 6, 0, 6, 35, $txt_color2, $fonts['raids'], $lang['NumberOfRaids']); $b_points = ": " . pretty_number($user['raids']); imagettftext($image, 6, 0, 61, 37, $txt_shadow2, $fonts['raids'], $b_points); imagettftext($image, 6, 0, 59, 35, $txt_color2, $fonts['raids'], $b_points); //Raids Won imagettftext($image, 6, 0, 8, 47, $txt_shadow2, $fonts['raids'], $lang['RaidsWin']); imagettftext($image, 6, 0, 6, 45, $txt_color2, $fonts['raids'], $lang['RaidsWin']); $b_points = ": " . pretty_number($user['raidswin']); imagettftext($image, 6, 0, 61, 47, $txt_shadow2, $fonts['raids'], $b_points); imagettftext($image, 6, 0, 59, 45, $txt_color2, $fonts['raids'], $b_points); //Raids Lost imagettftext($image, 6, 0, 8, 57, $txt_shadow2, $fonts['raids'], $lang['RaidsLoose']); imagettftext($image, 6, 0, 6, 55, $txt_color2, $fonts['raids'], $lang['RaidsLoose']); $b_points = ": " . pretty_number($user['raidsloose']); imagettftext($image, 6, 0, 61, 57, $txt_shadow2, $fonts['raids'], $b_points); imagettftext($image, 6, 0, 59, 55, $txt_color2, $fonts['raids'], $b_points); } break; default: // Userbar 350 x 19 $b_univ = strtoupper($b_univ); $is = imagettfbbox(9, 0, $fonts['userbar'], $b_univ); $is = $size[0] - $is[2] - 2; imagettftext($image, 9, 0, $is, $size[1] - 3, $txt_shadow, $fonts['userbar'], $b_univ); imagettftext($image, 9, 0, $is - 1, $size[1] - 5, $txt_color, $fonts['userbar'], $b_univ); imagettftext($image, 22, 0, $is - 8, $size[1], $txt_color, $fonts['userbar'], '/'); // Player name imagettftext($image, 9, 0, 4, $size[1] - 4, $txt_shadow, $fonts['userbar'], $b_user); imagettftext($image, 9, 0, 2, $size[1] - 6, $txt_color, $fonts['userbar'], $b_user); if ($id) { // Player level - right-alligned $isp = imagettfbbox(9, 0, $fonts['userbar'], $b_lvl); imagettftext($image, 9, 0, $is - $isp[2] - 10, $size[1] - 4, $txt_shadow, $fonts['userbar'], $b_lvl); imagettftext($image, 9, 0, $is - $isp[2] - 10 - 1, $size[1] - 4 - 1, $txt_color, $fonts['userbar'], $b_lvl); } } //And now convert it back to PNG-8 $im_result = imagecreate($size[0], $size[1]); imagecopy($im_result, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $size[0], $size[1]); imagedestroy($image); //And save it $imagetypes = imagetypes(); // TODO: Add support to different image types header("Content-type: image/png"); imagepng($im_result); imagedestroy($im_result); }
function sys_o_get_updated($user, $planet, $UpdateTime, $simulation = false, $no_user_update = false) { sn_db_transaction_check(true); $no_data = array('user' => false, 'planet' => false, 'que' => false); if (!$planet) { return $no_data; } if (!$no_user_update) { $user = intval(is_array($user) && $user['id'] ? $user['id'] : $user); if (!$user) { // TODO - Убрать позже print '<h1>СООБЩИТЕ ЭТО АДМИНУ: sys_o_get_updated() - USER пустой!</h1>'; $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); array_shift($backtrace); pdump($backtrace); die; } $user = db_user_by_id($user, !$simulation, '*', true); } if (empty($user['id'])) { return $no_data; } if (is_array($planet) && isset($planet['galaxy']) && $planet['galaxy']) { $planet = db_planet_by_vector($planet, '', !$simulation); } else { $planet = intval(is_array($planet) && isset($planet['id']) ? $planet['id'] : $planet); $planet = db_planet_by_id($planet, !$simulation); } if (!is_array($planet) || !isset($planet['id'])) { return $no_data; } $que = que_process($user, $planet, $UpdateTime); $ProductionTime = max(0, $UpdateTime - $planet['last_update']); $planet['prev_update'] = $planet['last_update']; $planet['last_update'] += $ProductionTime; /* $que = eco_que_process($user, $planet, $ProductionTime); $hangar_built = $ProductionTime && !$simulation ? eco_bld_que_hangar($user, $planet, $ProductionTime) : array(); */ // TODO ЭТО НАДО ДЕЛАТЬ ТОЛЬКО ПРИ СПЕЦУСЛОВИЯХ $caps_real = eco_get_planet_caps($user, $planet, $ProductionTime); $resources_increase = array(RES_METAL => 0, RES_CRYSTAL => 0, RES_DEUTERIUM => 0); switch ($planet['planet_type']) { case PT_PLANET: foreach ($resources_increase as $resource_id => &$increment) { $resource_name = pname_resource_name($resource_id); $increment = $caps_real['total'][$resource_id] * $ProductionTime / 3600; $store_free = $caps_real['total_storage'][$resource_id] - $planet[$resource_name]; $increment = min($increment, max(0, $store_free)); if ($planet[$resource_name] + $increment < 0 && !$simulation) { global $debug; $debug->warning("Player ID {$user['id']} have negative resources on ID {$planet['id']}.{$planet['planet_type']} [{$planet['galaxy']}:{$planet['system']}:{$planet['planet']}]. Difference {$planet[$resource_name]} of {$resource_name}", 'Negative Resources', 501); } $planet[$resource_name] += $increment; $planet[$resource_name . '_perhour'] = $caps_real['total'][$resource_id]; } break; case PT_MOON: default: $planet['metal_perhour'] = 0; $planet['crystal_perhour'] = 0; $planet['deuterium_perhour'] = 0; $planet['energy_used'] = 0; $planet['energy_max'] = 0; break; } // TODO пересчитывать размер планеты только при постройке чего-нибудь и при покупке сектора $planet['field_current'] = 0; $sn_group_build_allow = sn_get_groups('build_allow'); if (is_array($sn_group_build_allow[$planet['planet_type']])) { foreach ($sn_group_build_allow[$planet['planet_type']] as $building_id) { $planet['field_current'] += mrc_get_level($user, $planet, $building_id, !$simulation, true); } } if ($simulation) { return array('user' => $user, 'planet' => $planet, 'que' => $que); } db_planet_set_by_id($planet['id'], "`last_update` = '{$planet['last_update']}', `field_current` = {$planet['field_current']},\n `metal` = `metal` + '{$resources_increase[RES_METAL]}', `crystal` = `crystal` + '{$resources_increase[RES_CRYSTAL]}', `deuterium` = `deuterium` + '{$resources_increase[RES_DEUTERIUM]}',\n `metal_perhour` = '{$planet['metal_perhour']}', `crystal_perhour` = '{$planet['crystal_perhour']}', `deuterium_perhour` = '{$planet['deuterium_perhour']}',\n `energy_used` = '{$planet['energy_used']}', `energy_max` = '{$planet['energy_max']}'"); return array('user' => $user, 'planet' => $planet, 'que' => $que); }
function art_use(&$user, &$planetrow, $unit_id) { global $lang; if (!in_array($unit_id, sn_get_groups('artifacts'))) { return; } sn_db_transaction_start(); $user = db_user_by_id($user['id'], true); $unit_level = $artifact_level_old = mrc_get_level($user, array(), $unit_id, true); if ($unit_level > 0) { $db_changeset = array(); switch ($unit_id) { case ART_LHC: case ART_HOOK_SMALL: case ART_HOOK_MEDIUM: case ART_HOOK_LARGE: $has_moon = db_planet_by_parent($planetrow['id'], true, '`id`'); if ($planetrow['planet_type'] == PT_PLANET && !$has_moon['id']) { $unit_level--; $moon_chance = $unit_id == ART_LHC ? uni_calculate_moon_chance($planetrow['debris_metal'] + $planetrow['debris_crystal']) : ($unit_id == ART_HOOK_MEDIUM ? mt_rand(1100, 8999) : ($unit_id == ART_HOOK_SMALL ? 1100 : 8999)); $random = $unit_id == ART_LHC ? mt_rand(1, 100) : $moon_chance; if ($random <= $moon_chance) { $new_moon_row = uni_create_moon($planetrow['galaxy'], $planetrow['system'], $planetrow['planet'], $user['id'], $moon_chance); $message = sprintf($lang['art_moon_create'][$unit_id], $new_moon_row['name'], uni_render_coordinates($planetrow), pretty_number($moon_chance)); } else { $message = $lang['art_lhc_moon_fail']; } msg_send_simple_message($user['id'], 0, 0, MSG_TYPE_ADMIN, $lang['art_lhc_from'], $lang['art_lhc_subj'], $message); } else { $message = $lang['art_moon_exists']; } break; case ART_RCD_SMALL: case ART_RCD_MEDIUM: case ART_RCD_LARGE: $planetrow = db_planet_by_id($planetrow['id'], true); if ($planetrow['planet_type'] != PT_PLANET) { $message = $lang['art_rcd_err_moon']; break; } $que = que_get($user['id'], $planetrow['id'], QUE_STRUCTURES, false); if (!empty($que['items'])) { $message = $lang['art_rcd_err_que']; break; } $artifact_deploy = get_unit_param($unit_id, P_DEPLOY); // $deployment_str = ''; $sectors_used = 0; foreach ($artifact_deploy as $deploy_unit_id => $deploy_unit_level) { if (!($levels_deployed = max(0, $deploy_unit_level - mrc_get_level($user, $planetrow, $deploy_unit_id, true, true)))) { continue; } $sectors_used += $levels_deployed; $db_changeset['unit'][] = sn_db_unit_changeset_prepare($deploy_unit_id, $levels_deployed, $user, $planetrow['id']); //$deploy_unit_name = get_unit_param($deploy_unit_id, P_NAME); //$deployment_str .= ",`{$deploy_unit_name}` = GREATEST(`{$deploy_unit_name}`, {$deploy_unit_level})"; } if ($sectors_used == 0) { $message = $lang['art_rcd_err_no_sense']; break; } $unit_level--; db_planet_set_by_id($planetrow['id'], "`field_current` = `field_current` + {$sectors_used}"); $message = sprintf($lang['art_rcd_ok'], $lang['tech'][$unit_id], $planetrow['name'], uni_render_coordinates($planetrow)); msg_send_simple_message($user['id'], 0, 0, MSG_TYPE_QUE, $lang['art_rcd_subj'], $lang['art_rcd_subj'], $message); break; case ART_HEURISTIC_CHIP: $que_item = null; $que = que_get($user['id'], $planetrow['id'], QUE_RESEARCH, true); $current_que =& $que['ques'][QUE_RESEARCH][$user['id']][0]; if (!empty($current_que)) { reset($current_que); $que_item =& $que['ques'][QUE_RESEARCH][$user['id']][0][key($current_que)]; } if (!empty($que_item) && $que_item['que_time_left'] > 60) { $unit_level--; $old_time = $que_item['que_time_left']; $que_item['que_time_left'] = $que_item['que_time_left'] > PERIOD_HOUR ? ceil($que_item['que_time_left'] / 2) : 0; db_que_set_time_left_by_id($que_item['que_id'], $que_item['que_time_left']); $message = sprintf($lang['art_heurestic_chip_ok'], $lang['tech'][$que_item['que_unit_id']], $que_item['que_unit_level'], sys_time_human($old_time - $que_item['que_time_left'])); msg_send_simple_message($user['id'], 0, 0, MSG_TYPE_QUE, $lang['art_heurestic_chip_subj'], $lang['art_heurestic_chip_subj'], $message); } else { $message = $lang['art_heurestic_chip_no_research']; } break; case ART_NANO_BUILDER: $planetrow = db_planet_by_id($planetrow['id'], true); $que_item = null; $que = que_get($user['id'], $planetrow['id'], QUE_STRUCTURES, true); $current_que =& $que['ques'][QUE_STRUCTURES][$user['id']][$planetrow['id']]; // $que_item = &$que['que'][QUE_STRUCTURES][0]; if (!empty($current_que)) { reset($current_que); $que_item =& $que['ques'][QUE_STRUCTURES][$user['id']][$planetrow['id']][key($current_que)]; } if (isset($que_item) && $que_item['que_time_left'] > 60) { $unit_level--; $old_time = $que_item['que_time_left']; $que_item['que_time_left'] = $que_item['que_time_left'] > PERIOD_HOUR ? ceil($que_item['que_time_left'] / 2) : 0; db_que_set_time_left_by_id($que_item['que_id'], $que_item['que_time_left']); $message = sprintf($lang['art_nano_builder_ok'], $que_item['que_unit_mode'] == BUILD_CREATE ? $lang['art_nano_builder_build'] : $lang['art_nano_builder_destroy'], $lang['tech'][$que_item['que_unit_id']], $que_item['que_unit_level'], $planetrow['name'], uni_render_coordinates($planetrow), sys_time_human($old_time - $que_item['que_time_left'])); msg_send_simple_message($user['id'], 0, 0, MSG_TYPE_QUE, $lang['art_nano_builder_subj'], $lang['art_nano_builder_subj'], $message); } else { $message = $lang['art_nano_builder_no_que']; } break; } if ($unit_level != $artifact_level_old) { $db_changeset['unit'][] = sn_db_unit_changeset_prepare($unit_id, $unit_level - $artifact_level_old, $user); db_changeset_apply($db_changeset); } } else { $message = $lang['art_err_no_artifact']; } sn_db_transaction_commit(); message($message, "{$lang['tech'][UNIT_ARTIFACTS]} - {$lang['tech'][$unit_id]}", ($request_uri = sys_get_param_str_unsafe('REQUEST_URI')) ? $request_uri : 'artifacts' . DOT_PHP_EX . '#' . $unit_id, 5); }