Exemple #1
  * Provides all members of this group.
  * @return UserGroupMember[]
 public function getMembers()
     // First get all userIDs that are members.
     $qAllMembers = db_query(sprintf("SELECT `userID`,`access` FROM `%s_group_members` WHERE `groupID`=%d", db_prefix(), $this->getGroupID()));
     $nAllMembers = db_num($qAllMembers);
     // Verify that we got any users.
     if ($qAllMembers === false || $nAllMembers < 1) {
         return array();
     $members = array();
     $userIDs = array();
     $rowsIndexedByUID = array();
     // Fetch each as User
     while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($qAllMembers)) {
         $userIDs[] = $row["userID"];
         $rowsIndexedByUID[$row["userID"]] = $row;
     // Fetch the users.
     $users = UserManager::getInstance()->getUsersByID($userIDs);
     if (count($users) < 1) {
         return array();
     // Create as UserGroupMember
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $memberRow = $rowsIndexedByUID[$user->getUserID()];
         $member = new UserGroupMember($user->getUserID());
         // fill extra variables
         $members[] = $member;
         unset($memberRow, $user, $member);
     return $members;
function print_comments_table($fileid){
        global $phrases,$member_data,$id,$content,$op_comment,$sec_img,$sec_string,$settings,$admin_path;
    //-------- send comment command ---------


       $content = htmlspecialchars($content);
    $memberid =  $member_data['id'] ;

            db_query("insert into mobile_files_comments (memberid,content,fileid,date) values('$memberid','$content','$id',now())");

            print "<center>$phrases[your_comment_sent_successfully]</center>";


            print  "<center>$phrases[err_sec_code_not_valid]</center>";

                print "<center> $phrases[please_login_first] </center>";

 $qr = db_query("select * from mobile_files_comments where fileid='$fileid'");
          print "<hr size=1 class=separate_line>";
          while($data = db_fetch($qr)){

             $dx = db_qr_fetch("select ".members_fields_replace('username').",".members_fields_replace('email')." from ".members_table_replace('mobile_members')." where ".members_fields_replace('id')."='$data[memberid]'",MEMBER_SQL);

          print "<table width=100% border=0><tr><td width=50%><b>$dx[username]</b></td><td align=left>$data[date]</td></tr>";

          print "<tr><td colspan=2>$data[content] &nbsp; <a href=\"javascript:report($id,$data[id]);\"><font color='red'>ΚΘανΫ</font></a>";
          print " &nbsp;[<a href='".iif($admin_path,$admin_path,"admin")."/index.php?action=comment_del&id=$data[id]&cat=$id'>$phrases[delete]</a>]";
          print "<br><hr size=1 class=separate_line></td></tr></table>";
Exemple #3
  * @param $productID
  * @return LanProduct|null
 public function getProductByID($productID)
     if (!is_numeric($productID) || $productID < 1) {
         return null;
     $query = db_query(sprintf("SELECT `ID`,`wareType`,`name`,`price` FROM `%s_kiosk_wares` WHERE `ID` = %d LIMIT 0,1", db_prefix(), $productID));
     if (db_num($query) < 1) {
         return null;
     $result = db_fetch_assoc($query);
     $product = new LanProduct($productID);
     return $product;
  * Provides a single article instance.
  * @param int $articleID
  * @return NewsArticle|null
 public function getArticle($articleID)
     global $sql_prefix, $sessioninfo;
     if (intval($articleID) < 1) {
         return null;
     $query = sprintf("SELECT ID,header,eventID,content,createTime,active,global FROM %s_news WHERE ID=%s AND ((global='yes' OR eventID=1) OR eventID=%s)", $sql_prefix, $articleID, $sessioninfo->eventID);
     $result = db_query($query);
     if ($result == false || db_num($result) < 1) {
         return null;
     $row = db_fetch_assoc($result);
     $articleObject = new NewsArticle($articleID);
     unset($row, $result);
     return $articleObject;
Exemple #5
  * Provides the ticket types
  * @param int $eventID If null then active event is used.
  * @return TicketType
 public function getTicketTypes($eventID = null)
     global $sessioninfo, $sql_prefix;
     if ($eventID == null) {
         $eventID = $sessioninfo->eventID;
     $result = db_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `%s_ticketTypes` WHERE `eventID` = %d", $sql_prefix, $eventID));
     $num = db_num($result);
     $ticketTypes = array();
     if ($num > 0) {
         $i = 0;
         while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
             $ticketTypes[$i] = new TicketType($row['ticketTypeID']);
     return $ticketTypes;
Exemple #6
  * @param int $userID
  * @param array $crewIDs
  * @return AdminComment[]
 public function getApplicationComments($userID, $crewIDs)
     global $sessioninfo;
     $query = "SELECT `ID`,`crewID`,`comment`,`approval`,`userID`,`adminID`,`createdTime`,`commentType` FROM `" . db_prefix() . "_wannabeComment`";
     $query .= " WHERE `userID`=" . $userID . "";
     $query .= " AND `crewID` IN(" . implode(",", $crewIDs) . ")";
     $qComments = db_query($query);
     if (db_num($qComments) < 1) {
         return array();
     $comments = array();
     while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($qComments)) {
         $commentObject = new AdminComment($row["ID"]);
         $comments[] = $commentObject;
         unset($commentObject, $row);
     unset($qComments, $query);
     return $comments;
Exemple #7
 * returns all results as array
 * @param $query
 * @return array
function db_fetch_all($query)
    global $sql_type;
    /* Function to fetch results from db_query */
    $return = array();
    switch ($sql_type) {
        case "mysql":
        case "mysqli":
            if (db_num($query) > 0) {
                while ($row = db_fetch($query)) {
                    $return[] = $row;
            die("Something seriously wrong with variable sql_type in function " . __FUNCTION__);
    // End switch ($sql_type)
    return $return;
Exemple #8
            $seatcontent .= ">{$value}</option>\n";
        // End foreach globalaccess
        $seatcontent .= "</select>\n";
    } elseif ($type == "r" && isset($_POST['right'])) {
        $action = "doUpdateSeat";
    // End type == r and isset(right)
// End if action == "updateSeat"
if (!isset($action) || $action == "updateSeat") {
    // No action set... Display the map
    // First, get amount of rows
    $qGetSeatY = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT seatY FROM " . $sql_prefix . "_seatReg\n\t\tWHERE eventID = '" . $sessioninfo->eventID . "'\n\t\tORDER BY seatY ASC");
    $content .= "<form method=\"post\" action=\"?module=seatadmin&amp;action=updateSeat\">\n";
    if (db_num($qGetSeatY) != 0) {
        $content .= "<table style=\"border: 1px solid;\">\n";
        while ($rGetSeatY = db_fetch($qGetSeatY)) {
            $seatY = $rGetSeatY->seatY;
            // Start a new row
            $content .= "<tr>\n";
            // Get the contents of the row; the columns
            $qGetSeatX = db_query("SELECT * FROM " . $sql_prefix . "_seatReg\n\t\t\t\tWHERE eventID = '" . $sessioninfo->eventID . "'\n\t\t\t\tAND seatY = '" . $rGetSeatY->seatY . "'\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY seatX ASC");
            while ($rGetSeatX = db_fetch($qGetSeatX)) {
                $seatX = $rGetSeatX->seatX;
                $content .= "<td style='height: 25px; width: 25px; background-color: " . $rGetSeatX->color;
                $content .= "'>\n";
                $content .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"1\" name=\"x" . $seatX . "y" . $seatY . "\"";
                if ($_POST['x' . $seatX . 'y' . $seatY] == 1) {
                    $content .= " CHECKED";
Exemple #9
 $result = array();
 $resultCount = 0;
 // Verify there is a search query
 $searchString = db_escape($_POST['query']);
 if (strlen($_POST['query']) > 0 || $scope == "tickets") {
     $query = null;
     $str = db_escape(htmlspecialchars($_POST['query']));
     if ($scope == 'all') {
         $query = sprintf("SELECT nick, firstName, lastName as lastName, ID FROM %s WHERE\n                        (nick LIKE '%%%s%%' OR\n                        firstName LIKE '%%%s%%' OR\n                        lastName LIKE '%%%s%%' OR\n                        CONCAT(firstName, ' ', lastName) LIKE '%%%s%%' OR\n                        EMail LIKE '%%%s%%'\n                        ) ORDER BY ID", $usertable, $str, $str, $str, $str, $str);
     } else {
         if ($scope == "tickets") {
             $query = sprintf("SELECT DISTINCT u.nick as nick, u.firstName as firstName, u.lastName as lastName,\n                        u.ID as ID FROM %s as u, %s as t WHERE t.eventID=%s AND t.user=u.ID AND\n                        (u.nick LIKE '%%%s%%' OR\n                        u.firstName LIKE '%%%s%%' OR\n                        u.lastName LIKE '%%%s%%' OR\n                        CONCAT(u.firstName, ' ', u.lastName) LIKE '%%%s%%' OR\n                        EMail LIKE '%%%s%%'\n                        ) ORDER BY u.ID", $usertable, $ticketstable, $sessioninfo->eventID, $str, $str, $str, $str, $str);
     $result = db_query($query);
     $num = db_num($result);
     $content .= "<table class=\"table ticket-table\"><thead><tr><th>" . _("Name") . "</th><th>" . _("Tickets") . "</th></tr></thead><tbody>";
     if ($num > 0) {
         $i = 0;
         while ($row = db_fetch($result)) {
             $cssClass = $i++ % 2 == 0 ? 'odd' : 'even';
             $tickets = $ticketManager->getTicketsOfUser($row->ID, null, array(''));
             $content .= "<tr class=\"{$cssClass}\"><td>" . $row->firstName . " " . $row->lastName . " (" . $row->nick . ")</td><td>";
             // Output tickets
             if (count($tickets) > 0) {
                 $content .= "<div class=\"tickets-list\">";
                 foreach ($tickets as $value) {
                     $extraCss = "";
                     if ($value->getStatus() == Ticket::TICKET_STATUS_DELETED) {
                         $extraCss = " deleted";
                     } else {
Exemple #10
//---------------------- Events types add ----------------------


print "<center>
<form action='index.php' method=post>
<input name=action value='events_types_add_ok' type=hidden>
<table width=50% class=grid>
<tr><td> $phrases[the_name] </td><td><input type=text size=20 name=name></td></tr>
<tr><td> $phrases[the_color] </td><td><input type=text size=20 name=color dir=ltr></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=2 align=center><input type=submit value=' $phrases[add_button] '></td></tr>

//---------------------- Events types edit ----------------------



 $id = intval($id);

$qr = db_query("select * from events_types where id='$id'");

	$data = db_fetch($qr);

print "<center>
<form action='index.php' method=post>
Exemple #11
            $log_old[$prefname] = $rFindPref->value;
            $log_new[$prefname] = $POST;
    // End for
    log_add("edituser", "doEditPreferences", serialize($log_new), serialize($log_old));
    header("Location: ?module=edituserinfo&action=editPreferences&user={$userID}&change=success");
} elseif ($action == "profilePicture" && isset($_GET['user'])) {
    $user = $_GET['user'];
    $userAdmin_acl = acl_access("userAdmin", "", 1);
    if ($user == $sessioninfo->userID) {
    } elseif ($userAdmin_acl == 'Admin' || $userAdmin_acl == 'Write') {
    } else {
        die(lang("Not access to edit profile picture", "edituserinfo"));
    $qFindProfile = db_query("SELECT * FROM " . $sql_prefix . "_files WHERE extra = '" . db_escape($user) . "' AND file_type = 'profilepic'");
    if (db_num($qFindProfile) > 0) {
        $rFindProfile = db_fetch($qFindProfile);
        $content .= "<img src='{$rFindProfile->file_path}'>";
    $content .= '<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="upload.php" method="POST">';
    $content .= '<input type="hidden" name="file_type" value="profilepic" />';
    $content .= _("Choose file to upload: ");
    $content .= "<input name=uploadfile type=file />";
    $content .= "<input type=submit value='" . _("Upload picture") . "' />";
    $content .= "</form>";
} else {
    // no action defined? ship user back to start.
    header('Location: index.php');
Exemple #12
  * Adds a tickettype to this user i.e. creates a ticket in the _tickets table.
  * <p>See validateAddTicketType to handle max amount of tickets an user can order, ment for "ticketorder" module.</p>
  * @see validateAddTicketType()
  * @param TicketType $ticketType The ticket type to add.
  * @param int $amount Amount to add.
  * @param User|null $creator If an moderator has added this ticket, send the mods User object.
  * @return array Array of the new tickets md5 ID.
 public function addTicketType(TicketType $ticketType, $amount = 1, $creator = null)
     global $sessioninfo, $sql_prefix, $maxTicketsPrUser;
     if ($creator instanceof User == false) {
         $creator = $this;
     $insertIDs = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $amount; $i++) {
         db_query(sprintf("INSERT INTO %s_tickets(`md5_ID`, `ticketType`, `eventID`, `owner`, `createTime`, `creator`, `user`)\n                VALUES('%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)", $sql_prefix, md5(rand() . time() . $this->getUserID()), $ticketType->getTicketTypeID(), $sessioninfo->eventID, $this->getUserID(), time(), $creator->getUserID(), $this->getUserID()));
         // Find md5 ID from ticket ID
         $qTicketMd5ID = db_query(sprintf("SELECT `md5_ID` FROM %s_tickets WHERE `ticketID`=%s", $sql_prefix, db_insert_id()));
         if (db_num($qTicketMd5ID) < 0) {
         $rows = db_fetch_assoc($qTicketMd5ID);
         $insertIDs[] = $rows["md5_ID"];
     return $insertIDs;
Exemple #13
    } else {
        header("Location: ?module=eventadmin&action=groupRights&groupID={$groupID}");
} elseif ($action == "eventaccess") {
    // if event is private, admin who can attend
    // FIXME: Only works for accessgroups for now...
    // Should be possible for specially invited people in clans, and all accessgroups
    $qListGroups = db_query("SELECT * FROM " . $sql_prefix . "_groups WHERE groupType = 'access' AND ID != 1 ORDER BY eventID DESC");
    $row = 1;
    $content .= "<table>";
    while ($rListGroups = db_fetch($qListGroups)) {
        $content .= "<tr class='listRow{$row}'><td>";
        $content .= $rListGroups->groupname;
        $content .= "</td><td>";
        $qCheckAccess = db_query("SELECT * FROM " . $sql_prefix . "_ACLs \n\t\t\tWHERE access != 'No' \n\t\t\tAND accessmodule = 'eventAttendee' \n\t\t\tAND eventID = '{$sessioninfo->eventID}' \n\t\t\tAND groupID = '{$rListGroups->ID}'");
        if (db_num($qCheckAccess) == 0) {
            $content .= "<a href=?module=eventadmin&action=doChangeRights&groupID={$rListGroups->ID}&accessmodule=eventAttendee&groupRight=Read>";
            $content .= "<img src=images/icons/no.png width=\"50%\"></a>";
            //			$content .= lang("Allow attendee", "eventadmin")."</a>";
        } else {
            $content .= "<a href=?module=eventadmin&action=doChangeRights&groupID={$rListGroups->ID}&accessmodule=eventAttendee&groupRight=No>";
            $content .= "<img src=images/icons/yes.png width=\"50%\"></a>";
            //			$content .= lang("Disallow attendee", "eventadmin")."</a>";
        if ($row == 3) {
            $row = 1;
    // End while
    $content .= "</table>";
print "<table width=98% style=\"padding: 0\"><tr><td>";
$qr = db_query("select * from songs_dedications where active=1 order by id desc limit 20");
print " <marquee align=\"right\" direction=\"right\" scrollamount=\"4\" style=\"font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 12px;  COLOR: #000000; LINE-HEIGHT: 30px; text-decoration: none dir: rtl; text-align: right;\" onmouseover=\"this.scrollAmount=0\" onmouseout=\"this.scrollAmount='5'\">     \n";
print "&nbsp;&nbsp;*Ü*&nbsp;&nbsp;";
while($data = db_fetch($qr)){
$data['msg'] = addslashes($data['msg']);

$emo_qr = db_query("select * from songs_emotions");
while($emo_data = db_fetch($emo_qr)){
$data['msg'] = str_replace($emo_data['value'],"<img src=\"$emo_data[img]\">",$data['msg']);

$qr_user = db_query("select id from mobile_members where username like '$data[user]'");
        $data_user = db_fetch($qr_user);
print "<b><a href='index.php?action=profile&id=$data_user[id]' target=_blank>$data[user]</a>:</b>";
print "<b>$data[user]:</b>";
print "&nbsp;$data[msg]&nbsp;&nbsp;*Ü*&nbsp;&nbsp;" ;
print "</marquee>";
        print "<center>  áÇ ÊæÌÏ ÅåÏÇÆÇÊ </center>";
print "</td><td width=10%>
<a href='#' onclick=\"window.open('send_dedication.php','displaywindow','toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,width=350,height=380,top=200,left=200');return false;\"> ÇÑÓá ÅåÏÇÁ </a>
<a href=\"javascript:get_dedications();\">ÊÍÏíË</a>
Exemple #15
        } else {
            die(_("User not found!"));
    } else {
        // Assume we've used AJAX search, and that $ware is an ID
        $qFindWareID = db_query("SELECT * FROM " . $sql_prefix . "_kiosk_wares WHERE ID = '" . db_escape($ware) . "'");
        if (db_num($qFindWareID) == 1) {
            $rFindWareID = db_fetch($qFindWareID);
            $wareID = $rFindWareID->ID;
        // End if db_num == 1
    // End else
    if (!$checkingUser) {
        $qFindBasket = db_query("SELECT * FROM " . $sql_prefix . "_kiosk_shopbasket \n\t\t\tWHERE sID = '{$sessioninfo->sID}'\n\t\t\tAND wareID = '{$wareID}'");
        if (db_num($qFindBasket) == 0) {
            db_query("INSERT INTO " . $sql_prefix . "_kiosk_shopbasket\n\t\t\t\tSET sID = '{$sessioninfo->sID}',\n\t\t\t\twareID = {$wareID}");
        } else {
            db_query("UPDATE " . $sql_prefix . "_kiosk_shopbasket\n\t\t\t\tSET amount = amount + 1\n\t\t\t\tWHERE sID = '{$sessioninfo->sID}'\n\t\t\t\tAND wareID = {$wareID}");
        // End else
    // End if checkingUser == FALSE
    header("Location: ?module=kiosk");
} elseif ($action == "removeWare") {
    $ware = $_REQUEST['ware'];
    $qFindAmount = db_query("SELECT * FROM " . $sql_prefix . "_kiosk_shopbasket WHERE \n\t\tsID = '{$sessioninfo->sID}'\n\t\tAND wareID = '" . db_escape($ware) . "'\n\t\t");
    $rFindAmount = db_fetch($qFindAmount);
    if ($rFindAmount->amount == 1) {
        db_query("DELETE FROM " . $sql_prefix . "_kiosk_shopbasket WHERE sID = '{$sessioninfo->sID}' AND wareID = '" . db_escape($ware) . "'");
    } else {
Exemple #16
            db_query("INSERT INTO " . $sql_prefix . "_tickets SET\n\t    owner = '{$sessioninfo->userID}',\n\t    creator = '{$sessioninfo->userID}',\n\t    user = '******',\n\t    eventID = '{$eventID}',\n\t    ticketType = '" . db_escape($tickettype) . "',\n\t    status = '{$status}',\n\t    createTime = " . time());
        // End else (maxTicketsPrUser)
        // Decrease numTickets
    // End while(numtickets
    $logmsg['tickettype'] = $tickettype;
    $logmsg['numTickets'] = $_POST['numTickets'];
    log_add("ticketorder", "buyticket", serialize($logmsg));
    header("Location: ?module=ticketorder");
} elseif ($action == "buyticket" && !empty($_POST['resellercode'])) {
    $code = $_POST['resellercode'];
    $qFindTicket = db_query("SELECT * FROM " . $sql_prefix . "_ticketReseller WHERE resellerTicketID = '" . db_escape($code) . "'");
    $rFindTicket = db_fetch($qFindTicket);
    if (db_num($qFindTicket) == 0) {
        $content .= lang("Could not find that code. Are you sure you typed it correctly?", "ticketorder");
        $content .= "<a href='javascript:history.back()'>" . lang("Back", "ticketorder") . "</a>\n";
    } elseif ($rFindTicket->eventID != $sessioninfo->eventID) {
        $content .= lang("Code found, but it's not for this event. Try finding a newer piece for paper with a newer code", "ticketorder");
        $content .= "<a href='javascript:history.back()'>" . lang("Back", "ticketorder") . "</a>\n";
    } elseif ($rFindTicket->used == 'yes') {
        $content .= lang("Code found, but it has already been used", "ticketorder");
        $content .= "<a href='javascript:history.back()'>" . lang("Back", "ticketorder") . "</a>\n";
    } else {
        // Code can be used
        db_query("UPDATE " . $sql_prefix . "_ticketReseller SET used = 'yes' WHERE resellerTicketID = '" . db_escape($code) . "'");
        db_query("INSERT INTO " . $sql_prefix . "_tickets SET\n\t\t\tpaid= 'yes',\n\t\t\tticketType = '{$rFindTicket->ticketType}',\n\t\t\tuser = '******',\n\t\t\towner = '{$sessioninfo->userID}',\n\t\t\tcreator = '{$sessioninfo->userID}',\n\t\t\teventID = '{$sessioninfo->eventID}',\n\t\t\tstatus = 'notused',\n\t\t\tcreateTime = '" . time() . "'");
        header("Location: ?module=ticketorder");
} elseif ($action == "doChangeOwner") {
Exemple #17
    while ($rMembers = db_fetch($qMembers)) {
        #		print "* ".$rMembers->email."\n";  #debug
        $members .= $rMembers->email . "\n";
    system('echo "' . $members . '" | sync_members -w=no -g=yes -a=no -f - ' . $listname);
    print "\nFinished syncing group " . $rGroups->name . " (mailinglist: " . $listname . "\n\n\n";
foreach ($eventcrewlist as $event => $listname) {
    $qEventname = db_query("SELECT eventname FROM " . $spref . "_events WHERE ID='" . $event . "'");
    if (!db_num($qEventname)) {
        print "# Event " . $event . " doesn't exist\n\n";
    $rEventname = db_fetch($qEventname);
    print "Syncing event crew list for event " . $rEventname->eventname . " (#" . $event . ") (mailinglist: " . $listname . ")\n";
    $qMembers = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT u.EMail as email FROM " . $spref . "_users AS u, " . $spref . "_group_members AS gm, " . $spref . "_ACLs as acl WHERE u.ID=gm.userID AND acl.groupID=gm.groupID AND acl.accessmodule='crewlist' AND acl.access!='No' AND acl.eventID='" . $event . "'") or print "# SQL error: " . mysql_error() . "\n";
    if (!db_num($qMembers)) {
        print "# No members for this list\n\n";
    while ($rMembers = db_fetch($qMembers)) {
        #		print "* ".$rMembers->email."\n";  #debug
        $members .= $rMembers->email . "\n";
    system('echo "' . $members . '" | sync_members -w=no -g=yes -a=no -f - ' . $listname);
    #	$qMembers = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT u.EMail as email FROM ".$spref."_users AS u,".$spref."_group_members gm WHERE gm.userID=u.ID
    #		JOIN ".$spref."_ACLs acl ON acl.groupID=gm.groupID
    #		WHERE acl.accessmodule = 'crewlist' AND acl.access != 'No' AND acl.eventID = '".$event."'") or die ("# SQL error: ".mysql_error());
    print "\nFinished syncing event crew list for event " . $rEventname->eventname . " (#" . $event . ") (mailinglist: " . $listname . ")\n\n\n";
  * Provides all groups of an user where access is admin.
  * @param int $userID
  * @param int|null $eventID
  * @return UserGroup[]
 public function getUserIsAdminGroups($userID)
     global $sessioninfo;
     $eventID = $sessioninfo->eventID;
     $query = "SELECT `groupID` FROM `" . db_prefix() . "_group_members` WHERE `userID` = " . intval($userID) . " AND `access` = 'Admin'";
     $result = db_query($query);
     if (db_num($result) < 1) {
         return array();
     // The groups into an array of ids
     $groupIDs = array();
     while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         $groupIDs[] = $row["groupID"];
     // Fetch groups
     $groups = $this->getGroupsByID($groupIDs);
     if (count($groups) < 1) {
         return array();
     // Filter out eventIDs?
     if (intval($eventID) > 0) {
         foreach ($groups as $key => $group) {
             if ($group->getEventID() != $eventID) {
     return $groups;
Exemple #19
 $birthYear = $_POST['birthYear'];
 $address = $_POST['address'];
 $postnumber = $_POST['postnumber'];
 $cellphone = $_POST['cellphone'];
 if (empty($username)) {
     $register_invalid = lang("Please provide a username", "register");
 if (strlen($username) <= 1) {
     $register_invalid = lang("Please provide a username", "register");
 if (!strchr($email, "@") && strchr($email, ".")) {
     $register_invalud = lang("Please provide a valid email-address", "register");
 /* Check if the username is free */
 $qCheckUsername = db_query("SELECT nick FROM " . $sql_prefix . "_users\n\t\tWHERE nick LIKE '" . db_escape($username) . "'");
 if (db_num($qCheckUsername) != 0) {
     $register_invalid = lang("Username already in use", "register");
     $username = FALSE;
 // end check if username is free
 /* Check if the passwords match */
 if ($pass1 != $pass2) {
     $register_invalid = lang("Passwords does not match", "register");
     $pass1 = FALSE;
     $pass2 = FALSE;
 // End check if passwords match
 /* Check if firstName is valid */
 if (config("register_firstname_required")) {
     if (strlen($firstName) <= 2) {
         $firstName = FALSE;
Exemple #20
 if ($ae) {
     $slideID = $_REQUEST['slideID'];
     if (!is_numeric($slideID) or empty($slideID)) {
         header('Location: ?module=infoscreens');
 if ($an) {
     $content .= "<h3>" . _('Create a new slide') . "</h3>\n";
 } elseif ($ae) {
     $content .= "<h3>" . _('Edit slide') . "</h3>\n";
 if ($ae) {
     $slideQ = sprintf('SELECT * FROM %s WHERE ID=%s', $slidetable, $slideID);
     $slideR = db_query($slideQ);
     $slideC = db_num($slideR);
     if ($slideC) {
         $slide = db_fetch($slideR);
     } else {
         header('Location: ?module=infoscreens');
 $content .= "<form method='POST' action='?module=infoscreens&action=saveSlide'>\n";
 if ($ae) {
     $content .= "<input type='hidden' name='slideID' value='" . $slideID . "' />\n";
 $content .= _('Name:') . " <input type='text' name='name' value='" . stripslashes($slide->name) . "' />\n";
 $content .= "<br /><textarea class='mceEditor' rows=25 cols=60 name='content'>" . stripslashes($slide->content) . "</textarea>\n";
 $content .= "<br /><input type=submit value='" . _('Save') . "'>\n";
 $content .= "</form>\n";
 * Indicates if a user is crew, user is considered a crew-member when in a group with type "access".
 * @param int $userID
 * @param int $eventID If null then current event ID is used.
 * @return bool
function is_user_crew($userID, $eventID = null)
    global $sql_prefix, $sessioninfo;
    if ($eventID == null) {
        $eventID = $sessioninfo->eventID;
    $query = db_query(sprintf("SELECT g.ID FROM %s as g, %s as gm\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE g.ID = gm.groupID AND g.groupType='access' AND (gm.userID=%s AND g.eventID=%s)", $sql_prefix . "_groups", $sql_prefix . "_group_members", $userID, $eventID));
    return db_num($query) > 0 ? true : false;
Exemple #22
        $content .= $rFAQs->question;
        $content .= "</a>\n\n";
        if ($faqID == $rFAQs->ID) {
            // The user has requested to view the current FAQ-ID
            $content .= "<br /><br />{$rFAQs->answer}";
        // End if $faqID == $rFAQs->ID
    // End while $rFAQs = db_fetch()
} elseif ($action == "adminFAQs") {
    // Do ACL-check if you have rights to do this
    if ($acl_access != 'Admin') {
        die("You have to have admin-rights to administer FAQs");
    $qFAQs = db_query("SELECT * FROM " . $sql_prefix . "_FAQ\n\t\tWHERE eventID = '" . db_escape($eventID) . "'");
    if (db_num($qFAQs) != 0) {
        $content .= '<table>';
        while ($rFAQs = db_fetch($qFAQs)) {
            // List FAQs
            $content .= "<tr><td><a name=#" . $rFAQs->ID . "></a>{$rFAQs->question}</td>\n";
            $content .= "<td><a href=\"?module=FAQ&amp;action=editFAQ&amp;faqID={$rFAQs->ID}\">\n";
            $content .= lang("Edit FAQ", "FAQ");
            $content .= "</td><td>\n";
            $content .= "<a href=\"?module=FAQ&amp;action=deleteFAQ&amp;faqID={$rFAQs->ID}\">\n";
            $content .= lang("Delete FAQ", "FAQ");
            $content .= "</td></tr>\n";
        // End while
        $content .= '</table>';
    $content .= "<form method=\"post\" action=\"?module=FAQ&amp;action=addFAQ\">\n";
Exemple #23
        } else {
            $content .= "<p><b>" . _('Found no matching users') . "</b></p>";
} else {
    $content .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"templates/Alfa1/js/wakeup.js\"></script>\n";
    $content .= "<form action='?module=sleepers&action=searchsleeper' method='POST'>\n";
    $content .= _('Search for user:'******'text' name='searchstring' />\n";
    $content .= "<input type='submit' value='" . _('Search') . "' />\n";
    $content .= "<br />\n";
    $content .= _("Search users with tickets for this event only:") . " <input type='checkbox' CHECKED name='scope' value='tickets' />\n";
    $content .= "</form>\n";
    $sleeperQ = sprintf('SELECT s.wakeupTimestamp, s.sleepTimestamp, u.ID, u.nick, CONCAT(u.firstName, " ",u.lastName) AS name FROM %s AS s, %s AS u WHERE s.eventID=%s AND s.userID=u.ID ORDER BY s.sleepTimestamp', $sql_prefix . "_sleepers", $sql_prefix . "_users", $sessioninfo->eventID);
    $sleeperR = db_query($sleeperQ);
    $sleeperC = db_num($sleeperR);
    $sleepersArrayJs = array();
    if ($sleeperC) {
        $border = 'style="border: solid 1px black; border-collapse: collapse;"';
        $content .= "<br /><p>" . _('Number of sleeping users:') . " " . $sleeperC . "</p>\n";
        $content .= "<table {$border}>\n";
        $content .= sprintf("<tr><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th></th></tr>\n", _("Nick"), _("Name"), _("Went to bed"), _("Wakeup"));
        while ($sleeper = db_fetch($sleeperR)) {
            $userID = $sleeper->ID;
            $username = $sleeper->nick;
            $name = $sleeper->name;
            $wakeupTime = $wakeupManager->getWakeupTime($userID);
            $wakeupText = _("No wakeup") . ", <a href=\"?module=sleepers&amp;action=setwakegui&amp;userID={$userID}\">" . mb_strtolower(_("Set wakeup")) . "</a>";
            if ($wakeupTime > 0) {
                $wakeupText = _("Loading");
Exemple #24
 public function removeWare()
     global $kiosk, $kioskSession;
     $request = Request::createFromGlobals();
     if (!$request->query->has("ware")) {
         header("Location: ?module=kiosk&error=productnotfound1");
     $ware = $request->query->getInt("ware");
     $wareID = -1;
     $qFindBarcode = db_query("SELECT * FROM " . db_prefix() . "_kiosk_barcodes WHERE barcode = '" . db_escape($ware) . "'");
     if (db_num($qFindBarcode) > 0) {
         $rFindBarcode = db_fetch($qFindBarcode);
         $wareID = $rFindBarcode->wareID;
     } else {
         $wareID = $ware;
     $product = $kiosk->getProductByID($wareID);
     if (!$product instanceof Product) {
         header("Location: ?module=kiosk&error=productnotfound2");
     header("Location: ?module=kiosk");
Exemple #25
        <td><a href='index.php?action=member_edit&id=$data_user[id]'>$data_user[username]</a></td>
         <td>$data_cat[name] [$data_cat[type]]  </td> 
        <td><a href='index.php?action=members_files_details&id=$data[id]'> ЪнЧеэс \ уцЧноЩ</a></td><td><a href='index.php?action=members_files_del&id=$data[id]' onClick=\"return confirm('are you sure ?');\">Эан</td></tr>";
    print "</table></center>";
print_admin_table("<center> сЧ ЪцЬЯ уснЧЪ </center>");

    $qr=db_query("select * from members_files where id='$id'");
        print "
        <form action=index.php method=post>
        <input type=hidden name=id value='$id'>  
        <input type=hidden name=action value='members_files_accept'>
        <input type=hidden name=userid value='$userid'>
        <table width=100% class=grid>
        <tr><td colspan=2 align=center><img src=\"../".get_image($data['img'])."\"></td></tr>
    <td><b> Чгу Чсусн  : </b> </td><td><input type=text name='name' value=\"$data[name]\" size=30></td></tr>   
    <td><b> бЧШи Чсусн : </b> </td><td><input type=text name=url value=\"$data[url]\" size=40 dir=ltr></td></tr>
     <td><b> ецбЩ Чсусн : </b> </td><td><input type=text name=img value=\"$data[img]\" size=40 dir=ltr></td></tr> 
      <td><b> цен Чсусн : </b> </td><td><textarea cols=40 rows=5 name=details>$data[details]</textarea></td></tr>   
Exemple #26
                $content .= "</a>";
                $content .= "</td>";
                // Unknown type. Just create something
                $content .= "<td class=seatUnknownCell>{$type}</td>\n";
        // End switch
    // End else
// End while rGetSeats
$content .= "</table>";
if (!empty($place_seatY) && !empty($seatX) && config("seating_enabled", $sessioninfo->eventID) == 1 && !empty($ticketID)) {
    $qSeatInfo = db_query("SELECT * FROM " . $sql_prefix . "_seatReg_seatings WHERE\n        eventID = '{$sessioninfo->eventID}' AND\n        seatX = '{$place_seatX}' AND\n        seatY = '{$place_seatY}'");
    if (db_num($qSeatInfo) == 0) {
        // Noone has taken this seat; take it?
        $qGetSeatInfo = db_query("SELECT * FROM " . $sql_prefix . "_seatReg\n\tWHERE eventID = '{$sessioninfo->eventID}' AND\n\tseatX = '{$place_seatX}' AND\n\tseatY = '{$place_seatY}'");
        $rGetSeatInfo = db_fetch($qGetSeatInfo);
        switch ($rGetSeatInfo->type) {
            case "d":
                $content .= lang("This seat is available", "seatmap_table");
                $content .= "<a href=\"?module=seating&amp;action=takeseat&amp;ticketID={$ticketID}&amp;seatX={$place_seatX}&amp;seatY={$place_seatY}{$suffixSeatingUrl}\">";
                $content .= lang("Take seat", "seatmap_table");
                $content .= "</a>";
            case "p":
                $content .= lang("This seat is password-protected. If you know the password, you can take it", "seatmap_table");
                $content .= "<form method=POST action=?module=seating&amp;action=takeseat&amp&ticketID={$ticketID}&amp;seatX={$place_seatX}&amp;seatY={$place_seatY}{$suffixSeatingUrl}>";
                $content .= "<input type=text name=password><input type=submit value='" . lang("Take seat", "seatmap_table") . "'>\n";
                $content .= "</form>";
Exemple #27
        $content .= $rFindSoldTickets->resellerID;
        $content .= "</td><td>";
        $content .= date("Y/m/d H:i", $rFindSoldTickets->saleTime);
        $content .= "</td></tr>";
    // End while
    $content .= "</table>";
} elseif ($action == "addTicket" && !empty($_GET['type'])) {
    $amount = $_POST['amount'];
    $type = $_GET['type'];
    if (acl_access("reseller", $type, $sessioninfo->eventID) == 'No') {
        die("No access to this ticketType");
    while ($amount) {
        $md5 = md5(rand(0, 10000));
        $string = strtoupper(substr($md5, 0, 10));
        $qCheckAlreadyUsed = db_query("SELECT * FROM " . $sql_prefix . "_ticketReseller WHERE resellerTicketID = '{$string}'");
        if (db_num($qCheckAlreadyUsed) == 0) {
            // Key is not already used, use it
            db_query("INSERT INTO " . $sql_prefix . "_ticketReseller \n\t\t\t\tSET resellerTicketID = '{$string}',\n\t\t\t\tticketType = '" . db_escape($type) . "',\n\t\t\t\teventID = '{$sessioninfo->eventID}',\n\t\t\t\tresellerID = '{$sessioninfo->userID}',\n\t\t\t\tsaleTime = '" . time() . "'\n\t\t\t");
            $content .= "<h1>" . $string . "</h1><br />";
        // End if
    // End while
    $log_new['type'] = $type;
    $log_new['amount'] = $amount;
    log_add("reseller", "addTicket", serialize($log_new));
// End addTicket
Exemple #28
    $content .= "</td></tr>";
    $content .= "<tr><th>";
    $content .= _("Number of characters entered:") . " ";
    $content .= "<span id='count'>0</span>";
    $content .= "</th></tr>";
    $content .= "</form></table>";
} elseif ($action == "previewSMS" && isset($_POST['toSmsList'])) {
    $toSmsList = $_POST['toSmsList'];
    $SQL = $smsList[$toSmsList]['SQL'];
    $msgcontent = $_POST['message'];
    if (empty($SQL)) {
        # FIXME: die ()
        die("No such group?");
    $qCellphone = db_query($SQL);
    if (!db_num($qCellphone)) {
        # FIXME: die ()
        die("No users in group..?");
    $content .= "<h2>" . _("Preview SMS") . "</h2>\n";
    $content .= "<h3>" . _("Recipients") . "</h3>\n";
    $content .= "<p>" . _("Sends to group:") . " <strong>" . $smsList[$toSmsList]['name'] . "</strong></p>\n";
    $content .= "<table>\n";
    $content .= "<tr>\n";
    $content .= "<th>" . _("Username") . "</th>";
    $content .= "<th>" . _("Name") . "</th>";
    $content .= "<th>" . _("Number") . "</th>";
    $content .= "</tr>\n";
    $rownum = 1;
    while ($rCellphone = db_fetch($qCellphone)) {
        if ($rownum == 3) {
Exemple #29

// First, delete all old sessions
$now = time();
$day_ago = $now - 86400;
db_query("DELETE FROM " . $sql_prefix . "_session WHERE lastVisit < " . $day_ago . " OR userIP = ''");
$do = null;
if (empty($_SESSION[$lancms_session_cookie])) {
    $do = "create_session";
} else {
    $test_exists = db_query("SELECT * FROM " . $sql_prefix . "_session WHERE sID = '" . $_SESSION[$lancms_session_cookie] . "'");
    if (db_num($test_exists) == 0) {
        // Cookie is set, but it is no longer valid
        // Delete cookie/set timeout in past
        setcookie($lancms_session_cookie, "", time() - 10800);
        // Create a new session
        $do = "create_session";
    } else {
        // hopefully, since sID == PRIMARY KEY, this should be the same as db_num($test_exists) == 1. Update session
        db_query("UPDATE " . $sql_prefix . "_session SET lastVisit = " . time() . " WHERE sID = '" . db_escape($_SESSION[$lancms_session_cookie]) . "'");
    // End else (if cookie is valid)
// End if cookie is set
if ($do == "create_session") {
    // User is not logged in; generate a new seed
    $generate = md5(rand(0, 9999999) . microtime());
    $host = str_replace(".", "_", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
    // Find if servername matches any urls defined in eventAutoURL in events.
    // If it matches, use this event when creating session
    #	$qFindAutoEventURL = db_query("SELECT ID FROM ".$sql_prefix."_events WHERE eventAutoURL LIKE '%$host%'
Exemple #30
    $seatX = $_GET['seatX'];
    $seatY = $_GET['seatY'];
    $ticketID = $_GET['ticketID'];
    $eventID = $sessioninfo->eventID;
    $password = $_POST['password'];
    $newlog['ticketID'] = $ticketID;
    $newlog['seatX'] = $seatX;
    $newlog['seatY'] = $seatY;
    $newlog['password'] = $password;
    if (seating_rights($seatX, $seatY, $ticketID, $eventID, $password)) {
        // We have rights to seat that ticket. Update DB
        $qTicketInfo = db_query("SELECT * FROM " . $sql_prefix . "_tickets WHERE ticketID = '" . db_escape($ticketID) . "'");
        $rTicketInfo = db_fetch($qTicketInfo);
        // Check if that ticket is already used
        $qCheckUsedTicket = db_query("SELECT * FROM " . $sql_prefix . "_seatReg_seatings WHERE ticketID = '" . db_escape($ticketID) . "'");
        if (db_num($qCheckUsedTicket) == 0) {
            // Ticket has never been used. Insert it
            db_query("INSERT INTO " . $sql_prefix . "_seatReg_seatings SET\n\t\t\t    eventID = '" . db_escape($eventID) . "',\n\t\t\t    ticketID = '" . db_escape($ticketID) . "',\n\t\t    seatX = '" . db_escape($seatX) . "',\n\t\t    seatY = '" . db_escape($seatY) . "'");
            db_query("UPDATE " . $sql_prefix . "_tickets SET status = 'used'\n\t\t    WHERE ticketID = '" . db_escape($ticketID) . "'");
        } else {
            db_query("UPDATE " . $sql_prefix . "_seatReg_seatings SET\n\t\t    seatX = '" . db_escape($seatX) . "',\n\t\t    seatY = '" . db_escape($seatY) . "'\n\t\t    WHERE ticketID = '" . db_escape($ticketID) . "'");
        // End else
        log_add("seating", "takeseat", serialize($newlog));
    } else {
        // Failed seating_rights()
        log_add("seating", "failedTakeseat", serialize($newlog));
    // End else
    header("Location: ?module=seating&seatX={$seatX}&seatY={$seatY}&ticketID={$ticketID}");