function page_admin_images($act = "", $id = "") { requires_admin(); use_template("admin"); if ($act == "add") { if (form_file_uploaded("file")) { $fname = $_FILES["file"]['name']; db_query("INSERT INTO images (link) VALUES ('')"); $id = db_last_id(); $fname = $id . "." . fileext($fname); form_file_uploaded_move("file", "img/" . $fname); db_query("UPDATE images SET link='img/{$fname}' WHERE id=%d", $id); redir("admin/images"); } form_start("", "post", " enctype='multipart/form-data' "); form_file("Файл", "file"); form_submit("Загрузить", "submit"); form_end(); $o = form(); return $o; } if ($act == "del") { $im = db_object_get("images", $id); @unlink("../{$im->link}"); } $o = table_edit("images", "admin/images", $act, $id, "", "", "", "image_func"); return $o; }
function new_item($name, $description, $image, $imageProperties) { $result = db_query("INSERT INTO Item (id, name, description, image, image_type) VALUES (DEFAULT, '{$name}', '{$description}', '{$image}', '{$imageProperties}')"); if ($result) { return db_last_id(); } return $result; }
function page_admin_menu_page_attach($id) { $page_title = menu_page_title($id); db_query("INSERT INTO pages (short) VALUES ('%s')", $page_title); $page_id = db_last_id(); db_query("UPDATE menu SET page_id=%d WHERE id=%d", $page_id, $id); redir("admin/edit/pages/content/{$page_id}&back=" . form_post("back")); }
/** * Create new profile; * * @param : (array) $aProfileFields - `Profiles` table's fields; * @return : (integer) - profile's Id; */ function createProfile(&$aProfileFields) { $sFields = null; // procces all recived fields; foreach ($aProfileFields as $sKey => $mValue) { $mValue = process_db_input($mValue, BX_TAGS_VALIDATE, BX_SLASHES_AUTO); $sKey = process_db_input($sKey, BX_TAGS_STRIP, BX_SLASHES_NO_ACTION); $sFields .= "`{$sKey}` = '{$mValue}', "; } $sFields = preg_replace('/,$/', '', trim($sFields)); $sQuery = "INSERT INTO `Profiles` SET {$sFields}"; $this->query($sQuery); return db_last_id(); }
function page_admin_images($act = "", $id = "") { requires_admin(); use_layout("admin"); form_start("", "post", " enctype='multipart/form-data' "); form_file("Файл", "file"); $caption = "Загрузить картинку"; if ($act == "edit") { $caption = "Изменить картинку"; } form_submit($caption, "submit"); form_end(); $upload = form(); if (form_file_uploaded("file")) { $fname = $_FILES["file"]['name']; $ext = strtolower(fileext($fname)); if (!($ext == "swf" || $ext == "jpg" || $ext == "gif" || $ext == "png" || $ext == "bmp" || $ext == "jpeg" || $ext == "pdf")) { $o = "Данный тип файла не является картинкой"; return $o; } else { if ($act == "add") { db_query("INSERT INTO images (link) VALUES ('')"); $id = db_last_id(); } else { @unlink(db_result(db_query("SELECT link FROM images WHERE id=%d", $id))); } $fname = $id . "." . fileext($fname); form_file_uploaded_move("file", "img/" . $fname); db_query("UPDATE images SET link='img/{$fname}' WHERE id=%d", $id); redir("admin/images/edit/{$id}"); } } if ($act == "add") { $o = $upload; return $o; } if ($act == "del") { $im = db_object_get("images", $id); @unlink("{$im->link}"); } $o = table_edit("images", "admin/images", $act, $id, "", "", "", "image_func"); if ($act == 'edit') { $im = db_object_get("images", $id); $o .= "<img width=100px src={$im->link}><br>{$upload}"; } return $o; }
function zyklusinsert($sar, $ear, $z, $_POST) { $x = 1; $first_id = 0; for ($i0 = $sar[0]; $i0 <= $ear[0]; $i0++) { $sm = 1; $em = 12; if ($sar[0] == $i0) { $sm = $sar[1]; } if ($ear[0] == $i0) { $em = $ear[1]; } for ($i1 = $sm; $i1 <= $em; $i1++) { $st = 1; $et = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i1, 1, $i0)); if ($sar[0] == $i0 and $sar[1] == $i1) { $st = $sar[2]; } if ($ear[0] == $i0 and $ear[1] == $i1) { $et = $ear[2]; } for ($i2 = $st; $i2 <= $et; $i2++) { if (checkzyklusins($x, $i0, $i1, $i2, $z, $sar)) { $time = mktime($_POST['stunde'], $_POST['minute'], 0, $i1, $i2, $i0); db_query("INSERT INTO `prefix_kalender` (`time`,`gid`,`title`,`text`,`recht`) VALUES (" . $time . "," . $first_id . ",'" . escape($_POST['title'], 'string') . "','" . escape($_POST['txt'], 'string') . "','" . escape($_POST['recht'], 'integer') . "')"); if ($first_id == 0) { $first_id = db_last_id(); db_query("UPDATE `prefix_kalender` SET `gid` = " . $first_id . " WHERE `id` = " . $first_id); } } $x++; } } } }
function updateLangFile($key, $string) { $langName = getParam('lang_default'); $langID = db_value("SELECT `ID` FROM `sys_localization_languages` WHERE `Name` = '" . addslashes($langName) . "'"); $keyID = db_value("SELECT `ID` FROM `sys_localization_keys` WHERE `Key` = '" . process_db_input($key) . "'"); if ($keyID) { db_res("UPDATE `sys_localization_strings` SET `String` = '" . process_db_input($string) . "' WHERE `IDKey`='{$keyID}' AND `IDLanguage`='{$langID}'"); } else { db_res("INSERT INTO `sys_localization_keys` SET `IDCategory` = 2, `Key` = '" . process_db_input($key) . "'"); db_res("INSERT INTO `sys_localization_strings` SET `IDKey` = " . db_last_id() . ", `IDLanguage` = '{$langID}', `String` = '" . process_db_input($string) . "'"); } compileLanguage($langID); }
function sendpm($sid, $eid, $ti, $te, $status = 0) { $page = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; // Testen, ob Array. Sonst umwandeln. if (!is_array($eid)) { $eid = array($eid); } // Alle Emf�nger durchlaufen foreach ($eid as $empf) { // PM schreiben und ID speichern db_query("INSERT INTO `prefix_pm` (`sid`,`eid`,`time`,`titel`,`txt`,`status`) VALUES (" . $sid . "," . $empf . ",'" . time() . "','" . $ti . "','" . $te . "'," . $status . ")"); $last_id = db_last_id(); // Alle Zeiten der letzten PMs abfragen, die nach dem letzten Login des Empf�ngers verschickt wurden $erg = db_query("SELECT `b`.`time` FROM `prefix_user` AS `a` LEFT JOIN `prefix_pm` AS `b` ON `a`.`id` = `b`.`eid` AND `b`.`id` != " . $last_id . " WHERE `a`.`id` = " . $empf . " AND `a`.`llogin` < `b`.`time`"); // Wenn keine PM gefunden wurde, Email schreiben if (db_num_rows($erg) == 0) { // Email-Adresse abfragen und Email verschicken $mail = db_result(db_query("SELECT `email` FROM `prefix_user` WHERE `id` = " . $empf), 0); if (!empty($mail)) { icmail($mail, "Du hast eine neue Nachricht", "Hallo,\ndu hast eben eine Neue Nachricht mit dem Betreff '" . $ti . "' bekommen. Diese Nachricht kannst du nun unter folgender Adresse mit Deinen Logindaten aufrufen: " . $page . "?forum-privmsg-showmsg-" . $last_id . "\n\nWir wünschen Dir noch einen schönen Tag!"); } } } }
function checkNewBlock($iBlockID) { $iBlockID = (int) $iBlockID; $sQuery = "SELECT `Desc`, `Caption`, `Func`, `Content`, `Visible`, `DesignBox` FROM `{$this->sDBTable}` WHERE `ID` = '{$iBlockID}'"; $aBlock = db_assoc_arr($sQuery); if ($aBlock['Func'] == 'Sample') { $sQuery = "\n INSERT INTO `{$this->sDBTable}` SET\n `Desc` = '" . addslashes($aBlock['Desc']) . "',\n `Caption` = '" . addslashes($aBlock['Caption']) . "',\n `Func` = '{$aBlock['Content']}',\n `Visible` = '{$aBlock['Visible']}',\n `DesignBox` = '{$aBlock['DesignBox']}',\n `Page` = '{$this->sPage_db}'\n "; db_res($sQuery); echo db_last_id(); $this->createCache(); } }
// mal kurz nen neuen user anlegen // mal kurz nen neuen user anlegen case 'createNewUser': $msg = ''; if (!empty($_POST['name']) and !empty($_POST['pass']) and !empty($_POST['email']) and chk_antispam('adminuser_create', true)) { $_POST['name'] = escape($_POST['name'], 'string'); $_POST['recht'] = escape($_POST['recht'], 'integer'); $_POST['email'] = escape($_POST['email'], 'string'); $erg = db_query("SELECT id FROM prefix_user WHERE name = BINARY '" . $_POST['name'] . "'"); if (db_num_rows($erg) > 0) { $msg = 'Der Name ist leider schon vorhanden!'; } else { $new_pass = $_POST['pass']; $passwordHash = user_pw_crypt($new_pass); db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_user (name,pass,recht,regist,llogin,email)\r\n\t\t VALUES('" . $_POST['name'] . "','" . $passwordHash . "'," . $_POST['recht'] . ",'" . time() . "','" . time() . "','" . $_POST['email'] . "')"); $userid = db_last_id(); db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_userfields (uid,fid,val) VALUES (" . $userid . ",2,'1')"); db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_userfields (uid,fid,val) VALUES (" . $userid . ",3,'1')"); if (isset($_POST['info'])) { $page = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; $page = str_replace('admin.php', 'index.php', $page); $tpl = new tpl('user/new_user_email', 1); $tpl->set('name', $_POST['name']); $tpl->set('pass', $_POST['pass']); $tpl->set('page', $page); $txt = $tpl->get(0); unset($tpl); icmail($_POST['email'], 'Admin hat dich angelegt', $txt); } $msg = 'Benutzer angelegt <a href="javascript:closeThisWindow()">Fenster schließen</a>'; }
function page_admin_catalog_images($catalog_id = "", $act = "", $id = "") { requires_admin(); use_template("admin"); global $tables; $tables['catalog_images']['weight'] = 1; $o = ""; if ($act == "edit") { $o .= "<a href=admin/catalog/images/{$catalog_id}><<Назад</a><br>"; } else { $catalog = db_object_get("catalog", $catalog_id); $o .= "<a href=admin/catalog/edit/{$catalog->parent_id}/edit/{$catalog_id}><<Назад</a><br>"; } if ($act == "del") { $fname = db_object_get("catalog_images", $id)->image_file; @unlink("img/upload/catalog/{$fname}"); } if ($act == "edit") { form_start("", "post", " enctype='multipart/form-data' "); form_file("Файл", "file"); form_submit("Загрузить картинку", "submit"); form_end(); $upload = form(); $upload .= "<script>\r\n \$(function() {\r\n\t\t\t\t \$('input[name=submit]').remove();\r\n \$('input[name=file]').change( function() {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t \$('form').submit();\r\n\t });\r\n\t });\r\n\t\t </script>"; $o .= $upload; if (form_file_uploaded("file")) { $fname = $_FILES["file"]['name']; $ext = strtolower(fileext($fname)); if (!($ext == "swf" || $ext == "jpg" || $ext == "gif" || $ext == "png" || $ext == "bmp" || $ext == "jpeg" || $ext == "pdf")) { $o = "Данный тип файла не является картинкой"; return $o; } else { @unlink("img/upload/catalog/" . db_result(db_query("SELECT image_file FROM catalog_images WHERE id=%d", $id))); $fname = $id . "." . fileext($fname); form_file_uploaded_move("file", "img/upload/catalog/" . $fname); db_query("UPDATE catalog_images SET image_file='{$fname}' WHERE id=%d", $id); redir("admin/catalog/images/{$catalog_id}"); } } } if ($act == "add") { $_REQUEST['add'] = true; } global $table_edit_props; $table_edit_props->add_redir = false; $o .= table_edit("catalog_images", "admin/catalog/images/{$catalog_id}", $act, $id, "catalog_id", $catalog_id, "", "on_catalog_image"); if ($act == "add") { $id = db_last_id(); redir("admin/catalog/images/{$catalog_id}/edit/" . $id); die; } return $o; }
function _updateLanguage($bInstall, $aLanguage, $iCategoryId = 0) { if (empty($iCategoryId)) { $iCategoryId = (int) db_value("SELECT `ID` FROM `sys_localization_categories` WHERE `Name`='" . $this->_aConfig['language_category'] . "' LIMIT 1"); } $sPath = $this->_sHomePath . 'install/langs/' . $aLanguage['name'] . '.php'; if (!file_exists($sPath)) { return false; } include $sPath; if (!(isset($aLangContent) && is_array($aLangContent))) { return false; } //--- Installation ---// if ($bInstall) { foreach ($aLangContent as $sKey => $sValue) { $iLangKeyId = (int) db_value("SELECT `ID` FROM `sys_localization_keys` WHERE `IDCategory`='" . $iCategoryId . "' AND `Key`='" . $sKey . "' LIMIT 1"); if ($iLangKeyId == 0) { db_res("INSERT INTO `sys_localization_keys`(`IDCategory`, `Key`) VALUES('" . $iCategoryId . "', '" . $sKey . "')"); if (db_affected_rows() <= 0) { continue; } $iLangKeyId = db_last_id(); } db_res("INSERT IGNORE INTO `sys_localization_strings`(`IDKey`, `IDLanguage`, `String`) VALUES('" . $iLangKeyId . "', '" . $aLanguage['id'] . "', '" . addslashes($sValue) . "')"); } } else { foreach ($aLangContent as $sKey => $sValue) { db_res("DELETE FROM `sys_localization_keys`, `sys_localization_strings` USING `sys_localization_keys`, `sys_localization_strings` WHERE `sys_localization_keys`.`ID`=`sys_localization_strings`.`IDKey` AND `sys_localization_keys`.`Key`='" . $sKey . "'"); } } return true; }
$um = $menu->get(1); if ($menu->get(1) == 'del') { db_query('DELETE FROM `prefix_poll` WHERE `poll_id` = "' . $_GET['del'] . '"'); db_query('DELETE FROM `prefix_poll_res` WHERE `poll_id` = "' . $_GET['del'] . '"'); } if ($menu->get(1) == 5) { db_query('UPDATE `prefix_poll` SET `stat` = "' . $_GET['ak'] . '" WHERE `poll_id` = "' . $_GET['id'] . '"'); } // A L L E V O T E S W E R D E N A N G E Z E I G T if (isset($_POST['sub']) and chk_antispam('adminuser_action', true)) { $_POST['frage'] = escape($_POST['frage'], 'string'); $_POST['poll_recht'] = escape($_POST['poll_recht'], 'integer'); $_POST['vid'] = escape($_POST['vid'], 'integer'); if (empty($_POST['vid'])) { db_query('INSERT INTO `prefix_poll` (`frage`,`recht`,`stat`,`text`) VALUES ( "' . $_POST['frage'] . '" , "' . $_POST['poll_recht'] . '" , "1" ,"") '); $poll_id = db_last_id(); $i = 1; foreach ($_POST['antw'] as $v) { if (!empty($v)) { $v = escape($v, 'string'); db_query('INSERT INTO `prefix_poll_res` (`sort`,`poll_id`,`antw`,`res`) VALUES ( "' . $i . '" , "' . $poll_id . '" , "' . $v . '" , "" ) '); $i++; } } } else { db_query('UPDATE `prefix_poll` SET frage = "' . $_POST['frage'] . '", recht = "' . $_POST['poll_recht'] . '" WHERE poll_id = "' . $_POST['vid'] . '"'); $i = 1; foreach ($_POST['antw'] as $k => $v) { $a = db_count_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `prefix_poll_res` WHERE `poll_id` = " . $_POST['vid'] . " AND `sort` = " . $k); $v = escape($v, 'string'); if ($a == 0 and $v != '') {
$tpl->set_ar_out($ar, 1); } else { // save toipc $_SESSION['klicktime'] = $dppk_time; $design = new design($title, $hmenu, 0); $design->header($load); if (loggedin()) { $uid = $_SESSION['authid']; $erst = escape($_SESSION['authname'], 'string'); db_query("UPDATE `prefix_user` SET `posts` = `posts`+1 WHERE `id` = " . $uid); } else { $erst = $xnn; $uid = 0; } db_query("INSERT INTO `prefix_topics` (`fid`, `name`, `erst`, `stat`) VALUES ( " . $fid . ", '" . $topic . "', '" . $erst . "', 1 )"); $tid = db_last_id(); // topic alert if (!empty($_POST['topic_alert']) and $_POST['topic_alert'] == 'yes' and loggedin()) { if (0 == db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `prefix_topic_alerts` WHERE `uid` = " . $_SESSION['authid'] . " AND `tid` = " . $tid), 0)) { db_query("INSERT INTO `prefix_topic_alerts` (`tid`,`uid`) VALUES (" . $tid . ", " . $_SESSION['authid'] . ")"); } } db_query("INSERT INTO `prefix_posts` (`tid`,`fid`,`erst`,`erstid`,`time`,`txt`) VALUES ( " . $tid . ", " . $fid . ", '" . $erst . "', " . $uid . ", " . $time . ", '" . $txt . "')"); $pid = db_last_id(); db_query("UPDATE `prefix_topics` SET `last_post_id` = " . $pid . " WHERE `id` = " . $tid); db_query("UPDATE `prefix_forums` SET `posts` = `posts` + 1, `last_post_id` = " . $pid . ", `topics` = `topics` + 1 WHERE `id` = " . $fid); // toipc als gelesen markieren $_SESSION['forumSEE'][$fid][$tid] = time(); wd('index.php?forum-showposts-' . $tid, $lang['createtopicsuccessful']); } $design->footer();
function insert_table_record() { #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # add a record in the table # global $USER_RRN, $dbh, $_FIELDS, $_T_FIELDS; // if(strlen($lang)==0) { $lang = $_SESSION['table_editor']['lang']; } // if(strlen($lang)==0) { $lang = $_SESSION['sitelanguage']; } $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . MAINSITE_DB . '.`' . EDIT_TABLE_NAME . '` ' . 'SET '; if (defined('EDIT_TABLE_IS_LAST_USER') && EDIT_TABLE_IS_LAST_USER == true) { $sql .= '`' . EDIT_TABLE_NAME . '`.`LAST_USER` = ' . (int) $USER_RRN . ', '; } for ($i = 0; $i < $_T_FIELDS; $i++) { $post_name = $_FIELDS[$i]['Field']; if ($post_name != 'RRN' && $post_name != 'LAST_USER' && $post_name != 'LAST_UPDATE') { # if is not a reserved field # $field_len_info = table_editor_get_field_len_info($_FIELDS[$i]['Type']); //var_dump($field_len_info);echo '<hr>'; $field_name = 'r_' . $_FIELDS[$i]['Field']; if ($field_len_info['dec'] > 0) { # MySQL does not like the comma used as the decimal separator... # $value = str_replace(',', '.', $_POST[$post_name]); } if ($field_len_info['isSTRING'] == true || $field_len_info['isTEXT'] == true) { $sql .= '`' . EDIT_TABLE_NAME . '`.`' . $post_name . '` = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[$post_name]) . '\', '; } else { if ($_FIELDS[$i]['Type'] == 'date') { $sql .= '`' . EDIT_TABLE_NAME . '`.`' . $post_name . '` = \'' . format_calendar_to_date($_POST[$post_name]) . '\', '; } elseif ($_FIELDS[$i]['Type'] == 'datetime' || $_FIELDS[$i]['Type'] == 'timestamp') { $sql .= '`' . EDIT_TABLE_NAME . '`.`' . $post_name . '` = \'' . format_calendar_to_datetime($_POST[$post_name]) . '\', '; } elseif ((int) $field_len_info['dec'] > 0) { //$sql .= '`'.EDIT_TABLE_NAME.'`.`'.$post_name.'` = '.number_format($_POST[$post_name], (int)$field_len_info['dec'], '.', '').', '; $sql .= '`' . EDIT_TABLE_NAME . '`.`' . $post_name . '` = ' . $value . ', '; } else { $sql .= '`' . EDIT_TABLE_NAME . '`.`' . $post_name . '` = ' . (int) $_POST[$post_name] . ', '; } } } } $sql = substr($sql, 0, -2); //echo $sql.'<br><br>'; //return; $sth = db_query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__); $RRN = db_last_id($dbh); # return $RRN; }
function addStringToLanguage($langKey, $langString, $langID = -1, $categoryID = BX_DOL_LANGUAGE_CATEGORY_SYSTEM) { // input validation $langID = (int) $langID; $categoryID = (int) $categoryID; if ($langID == -1) { $resLangs = db_res('SELECT `ID`, `Name` FROM `sys_localization_languages`'); } else { $resLangs = db_res(' SELECT `ID`, `Name` FROM `sys_localization_languages` WHERE `ID` = ' . $langID); } $langKey = process_db_input($langKey, BX_TAGS_STRIP); $langString = process_db_input($langString, BX_TAGS_VALIDATE); $resInsertKey = db_res("\n INSERT INTO\t`sys_localization_keys`\n SET\t\t\t`IDCategory` = {$categoryID},\n `Key` = '{$langKey}'", false); if (!$resInsertKey || db_affected_rows() <= 0) { return false; } $keyID = db_last_id(); while ($arrLanguage = mysql_fetch_assoc($resLangs)) { $resInsertString = db_res("\n INSERT INTO\t`sys_localization_strings`\n SET\t\t\t`IDKey` = {$keyID},\n `IDLanguage` = {$arrLanguage['ID']},\n `String` = '{$langString}'", false); if (!$resInsertString || db_affected_rows() <= 0) { return false; } compileLanguage($arrLanguage['ID']); } return true; }
function createLanguage(&$aData) { global $MySQL; $sTitle = process_db_input($aData['CopyLanguage_Title']); $sName = mb_strtolower(process_db_input($aData['CopyLanguage_Name'])); $sFlag = htmlspecialchars_adv($aData['Flag']); $iSourceId = isset($aData['CopyLanguage_SourceLangID']) ? (int) $aData['CopyLanguage_SourceLangID'] : 0; if (strlen($sTitle) <= 0) { return '_adm_txt_langs_empty_title'; } if (strlen($sName) <= 0) { return '_adm_txt_langs_empty_name'; } if (isset($aData['id']) && (int) $aData['id'] != 0) { $MySQL->query("UPDATE `sys_localization_languages` SET `Name`='" . $sName . "', `Flag`='" . $sFlag . "', `Title`='" . $sTitle . "' WHERE `ID`='" . (int) $aData['id'] . "'"); return '_adm_txt_langs_success_updated'; } $mixedResult = $MySQL->query("INSERT INTO `sys_localization_languages` (`Name`, `Flag`, `Title`) VALUES ('{$sName}', '{$sFlag}', '{$sTitle}')"); if ($mixedResult === false) { return '_adm_txt_langs_cannot_create'; } $iId = db_last_id(); $aStrings = $MySQL->getAll("SELECT\t`IDKey`, `String` FROM\t`sys_localization_strings` WHERE\t`IDLanguage` = {$iSourceId}"); foreach ($aStrings as $aString) { $aString['String'] = addslashes($aString['String']); $MySQL->query("INSERT INTO `sys_localization_strings`(`IDKey`, `IDLanguage`, `String`) VALUES ('{$aString['IDKey']}', {$iId}, '{$aString['String']}')"); if (!db_affected_rows()) { return '_adm_txt_langs_cannot_add_string'; } } return '_adm_txt_langs_success_create'; }
$_POST['pkey'] = escape($_POST['pkey'], 'integer'); $_POST['gegner'] = escape($_POST['gegner'], 'string'); $_POST['page'] = get_homepage(escape($_POST['page'], 'string')); $_POST['tid'] = escape($_POST['tid'], 'integer'); $_POST['mod'] = escape($_POST['mod'], 'string'); $_POST['game'] = escape($_POST['game'], 'string'); $_POST['mtyp'] = escape($_POST['mtyp'], 'string'); $_POST['land'] = escape($_POST['land'], 'string'); $_POST['txt'] = escape($_POST['txt'], 'string'); $_POST['tag'] = escape($_POST['tag'], 'string'); $_POST['email'] = escape($_POST['email'], 'string'); $_POST['icq'] = escape($_POST['icq'], 'string'); $_POST['wo'] = escape($_POST['wo'], 'string'); if (empty($_POST['pkey'])) { db_query("INSERT INTO `prefix_wars` (`datime`,`status`,`gegner`,`tag`,`page`,`mail`,`icq`,`wo`,`tid`,`mod`,`game`,`mtyp`,`land`,`txt`) VALUES ('" . get_datime() . "',2,'" . $_POST['gegner'] . "','" . $_POST['tag'] . "','" . $_POST['page'] . "','" . $_POST['email'] . "','" . $_POST['icq'] . "','" . $_POST['wo'] . "','" . $_POST['tid'] . "','" . $_POST['mod'] . "','" . $_POST['game'] . "','" . $_POST['mtyp'] . "','" . $_POST['land'] . "','" . $_POST['txt'] . "')"); $wid = db_last_id(); // in den kalender eintragen wenn gewuenscht if (isset($_POST['kalender']) and $_POST['kalender'] == 'yes') { $timestamp = strtotime(get_datime()); $page = str_replace('admin.php', 'index.php', $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]); db_query("INSERT INTO `prefix_kalender` (`time`, `title`, `text`, `recht`) VALUES (" . $timestamp . ",'Nextwar gegen " . $_POST['gegner'] . "', '" . $_POST['mtyp'] . " " . $_POST['mod'] . " in " . $_POST['game'] . " gegen [url=" . $_POST['page'] . "]" . $_POST['gegner'] . "[/url]\n\n[url=http://" . $page . "?wars-more-" . $wid . "]details des Wars[/url]', 0)"); } $msg = '<tr class="Cmite"><td colspan="2">Erfolgreich eingetragen</td></tr>'; } else { db_query("UPDATE `prefix_wars` SET `datime` = '" . get_datime() . "', `status` = 2,`gegner` = '" . $_POST['gegner'] . "',`tag` = '" . $_POST['tag'] . "',`page` = '" . $_POST['page'] . "',`mail` = '" . $_POST['email'] . "',`icq` = '" . $_POST['icq'] . "',`wo` = '" . $_POST['wo'] . "',`tid` = '" . $_POST['tid'] . "',`mod` = '" . $_POST['mod'] . "',`game` = '" . $_POST['game'] . "',`mtyp` = '" . $_POST['mtyp'] . "',`land` = '" . $_POST['land'] . "',`txt` = '" . $_POST['txt'] . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $_POST['pkey'] . "'"); $wid = $_POST['pkey']; // in den kalender eintragen wenn gewuenscht if (isset($_POST['kalender']) and $_POST['kalender'] == 'yes') { $timestamp = strtotime(get_datime()); $page = str_replace('admin.php', 'index.php', $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]); if (1 == db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `prefix_kalender` WHERE `text` LIKE '%more-" . $wid . "]%'"), 0)) {
function walkThroughLanguage($aLanguage, $aLangInfo) { $sLangName = $aLangInfo['Name']; $sLangFlag = $aLangInfo['Flag']; $sLangTitle = $aLangInfo['Title']; $sInsertLanguageSQL = "INSERT INTO `sys_localization_languages` VALUES (NULL, '{$sLangName}', '{$sLangFlag}', '{$sLangTitle}')"; db_res($sInsertLanguageSQL); $iLangKey = db_last_id(); foreach ($aLanguage as $sKey => $sValue) { $sDqKey = str_replace("'", "''", $sKey); $sDqValue = str_replace("'", "''", $sValue); $iExistedKey = (int) db_value("SELECT `ID` FROM `sys_localization_keys` WHERE `Key`='{$sDqKey}'"); if ($iExistedKey > 0) { // Key exists, no need insert key } else { $sInsertKeySQL = "INSERT INTO `sys_localization_keys` VALUES(NULL, 1, '{$sDqKey}')"; db_res($sInsertKeySQL); $iExistedKey = db_last_id(); } $sInsertValueSQL = "INSERT INTO `sys_localization_strings` VALUES({$iExistedKey}, {$iLangKey}, '{$sDqValue}');"; db_res($sInsertValueSQL); } }
function insert($aValsToAdd = array()) { $oChecker = new BxDolFormChecker($this->_sCheckerHelper); $oChecker->setFormMethod($this->aFormAttrs['method']); $sSql = $oChecker->dbInsert($this->aParams['db'], $this->aInputs, $aValsToAdd); if (!$sSql) { return false; } if (!db_res($sSql)) { return false; } $iLastId = db_last_id(); $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('form', 'insert_data', 0, 0, array('vals_to_add' => $aValsToAdd, 'checker_object' => $oChecker, 'form_object' => $this, 'form_attrs' => &$this->aFormAttrs, 'table_attrs' => &$this->aTableAttrs, 'params' => &$this->aParams, 'inputs' => &$this->aInputs)); $oZ->alert(); return $iLastId; }
function createNewElement($type, $source) { if ($source) { if ($type == 'top' and $source > 1000) { $source = $source - 1000; db_res("\n INSERT INTO `sys_menu_admin`\n (`title`, `icon`, `icon_large`)\n SELECT\n `title`, `icon`, `icon_large`\n FROM `sys_menu_admin`\n WHERE `id` = '{$source}'\n "); $newID = db_last_id(); } elseif ($type == 'custom' and $source < 1000) { $aItem = db_res("SELECT * FROM `sys_menu_admin` WHERE `id` = '{$source}'"); if ($aItem['parent_id'] == 0) { $newID = $source; } else { db_res("\n INSERT INTO `sys_menu_admin`\n (`title`, `url`, `description`, `check`, `icon`)\n SELECT\n `title`, `url`, `description`, `check`, `icon`\n FROM `sys_menu_admin`\n WHERE `id` = '{$source}'\n "); $newID = db_last_id(); } } elseif ($type == 'custom' and $source > 1000) { $source = $source - 1000; db_res("\n INSERT INTO `sys_menu_admin`\n (`title`)\n SELECT\n `title`\n FROM `sys_menu_admin`\n WHERE `id` = '{$source}'\n "); $newID = db_last_id(); } elseif ($type == 'top' and $source < 1000) { db_res("\n INSERT INTO `sys_menu_admin`\n (`title`)\n SELECT\n `title`\n FROM `sys_menu_admin`\n WHERE `id` = '{$source}'\n "); $newID = db_last_id(); } } else { db_res("INSERT INTO `sys_menu_admin` SET `title` = 'NEW ITEM'"); $newID = db_last_id(); } return $newID; }
function createProfile($aData, $bSendMails = true, $iMainMemberID = 0) { if (!$aData or !is_array($aData) or empty($aData)) { return false; } unset($aData['Couple']); unset($aData['Captcha']); unset($aData['TermsOfUse']); unset($aData['ProfilePhoto']); /* @var $this ->oPF BxDolProfileFields */ $this->oPF = new BxDolProfileFields(100); if (!$this->oPF->aArea) { echo 'Profile Fields cache not loaded. Cannot continue.'; return false; } $this->aItems = $this->oPF->aArea[0]['Items']; if ($iMainMemberID) { $aMainMember = $this->getProfileInfo($iMainMemberID); } else { $aMainMember = false; } // begin profile info collecting $aNewProfile = array(); foreach ($this->aItems as $aItem) { $sItemName = $aItem['Name']; if (array_key_exists($sItemName, $aData)) { $aNewProfile[$sItemName] = $aData[$sItemName]; } elseif ($aMainMember and array_key_exists($sItemName, $aMainMember) and $aItem['Type'] != 'system') { if ($aItem['Unique']) { $aNewProfile[$sItemName] = $this->genUniqueValue($sItemName, $aMainMember[$sItemName]); } else { $aNewProfile[$sItemName] = $aMainMember[$sItemName]; } } else { switch ($aItem['Type']) { case 'pass': $aNewProfile[$sItemName] = $this->genRandomPassword(); break; case 'num': $aNewProfile[$sItemName] = (int) $aItem['Default']; break; case 'bool': $aNewProfile[$sItemName] = (bool) $aItem['Default']; break; case 'system': switch ($sItemName) { case 'ID': //set automatically //set automatically case 'Captcha': //not been inserted //not been inserted case 'Location': //not been inserted //not been inserted case 'Keyword': //not been inserted //not been inserted case 'TermsOfUse': //not been inserted //pass break; case 'DateReg': $aNewProfile[$sItemName] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // set current date break; case 'DateLastEdit': case 'DateLastLogin': $aNewProfile[$sItemName] = '0000-00-00'; break; case 'Couple': $aNewProfile[$sItemName] = $aMainMember ? $iMainMemberID : 0; //if main member exists, set him as a couple link break; case 'Featured': $aNewProfile[$sItemName] = false; break; case 'Status': if (getParam('autoApproval_ifNoConfEmail') == 'on') { if (getParam('autoApproval_ifJoin') == 'on' && !(getParam('sys_dnsbl_enable') && 'approval' == getParam('sys_dnsbl_behaviour') && bx_is_ip_dns_blacklisted('', 'join'))) { $aNewProfile[$sItemName] = 'Active'; } else { $aNewProfile[$sItemName] = 'Approval'; } } else { $aNewProfile[$sItemName] = 'Unconfirmed'; } break; } break; default: $aNewProfile[$sItemName] = $aItem['Default']; } } } //we completed collecting // set default language $aNewProfile['LangID'] = getLangIdByName(getCurrentLangName()); // set default privacy bx_import('BxDolPrivacyQuery'); $oPrivacy = new BxDolPrivacyQuery(); $aNewProfile['allow_view_to'] = $oPrivacy->getDefaultValueModule('profile', 'view_block'); $sSet = $this->collectSetString($aNewProfile); $sQuery = "INSERT INTO `Profiles` SET \n{$sSet}"; $rRes = db_res($sQuery); if ($rRes) { $iNewID = db_last_id(); $this->createProfileCache($iNewID); if ($aMainMember) { $this->updateProfile($iMainMemberID, array('Couple' => $iNewID)); } //set main member's couple. they will be linked each other //collect status text if ($bSendMails and !$aMainMember) { //send mail only to main member, not to couple $sStatusText = $aNewProfile['Status']; if (getParam('autoApproval_ifNoConfEmail') == 'on') { if ('Active' == $sStatusText) { $this->sendActivationMail($iNewID); } else { $this->sendApprovalMail($iNewID); } } else { if (!$this->sendConfMail($iNewID)) { $sStatusText = 'NotSent'; } } } else { $sStatusText = 'OK'; } //set crypted password $sSalt = genRndSalt(); $this->updateProfile($iNewID, array('Password' => encryptUserPwd($aNewProfile['Password'], $sSalt), 'Salt' => $sSalt)); bx_member_ip_store($iNewID); return array($iNewID, $sStatusText); } else { return array(false, 'Failed'); } }
/** * Function will send the compose message ; * * @param : $sMessageSubject (string) - message's subject ; * @param : $sMessageBody (string) - message's body ; * @param : $vRecipientID (variant)- message's recipient ID or NickName; * @param : $aComposeSettings (array) - contain all needed settings for compose message ; * [ send_copy ] (bolean) - allow to send message to phisical recipient's email ; * [ notification ] (boolean) - allow to send notification to the recipient's email ; * [ send_copy_to_me ] (boolean) - allow to send message to phisical sender's email ; * @return : signaling information with Html ; */ function sendMessage($sMessageSubject, $sMessageBody, $vRecipientID, &$aComposeSettings, $isSimulateSending = false) { $sMessageSubject = process_db_input($sMessageSubject, BX_TAGS_STRIP); $sMessageSubjectCopy = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->unescape($sMessageSubject); $sMessageBody = process_db_input($sMessageBody, BX_TAGS_VALIDATE); $sCopyMessage = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->unescape($sMessageBody); if (!$isSimulateSending && (!$sMessageSubject || !$sMessageBody)) { $this->iSendMessageStatusCode = BX_MAILBOX_SEND_FAILED; return MsgBox(_t('_please_fill_next_fields_first')); } // init some needed variables ; $sReturnMessage = null; $sComposeUrl = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'mail.php?mode=compose'; // try to define member's ID ; $iRecipientID = (int) getId($vRecipientID); if (!$iRecipientID) { $this->iSendMessageStatusCode = BX_MAILBOX_SEND_UNKNOWN_RECIPIENT; return MsgBox(_t('_Profile not found')); } $aRecipientInfo = getProfileInfo($iRecipientID); $oEmailTemplate = new BxDolEmailTemplates(); $bAllowToSend = true; $this->iSendMessageStatusCode = BX_MAILBOX_SEND_FAILED; // ** check permission for recipient member ; // Check if member is blocked ; $sQuery = "\n SELECT\n `ID`, `Profile`\n FROM\n `sys_block_list`\n WHERE\n `Profile` = {$this->aMailBoxSettings['member_id']}\n AND\n `ID` = '{$iRecipientID}'\n "; if (!isAdmin($this->aMailBoxSettings['member_id']) && db_arr($sQuery)) { $sReturnMessage = MsgBox(_t('_FAILED_TO_SEND_MESSAGE_BLOCK')); $this->iSendMessageStatusCode = BX_MAILBOX_SEND_BLOCKED; $bAllowToSend = false; } // antispam check ; $sQuery = "\n SELECT\n `ID`\n FROM\n `sys_messages`\n WHERE\n `Sender` = {$this->aMailBoxSettings['member_id']}\n AND\n date_add(`Date`, INTERVAL {$this->iWaitMinutes} MINUTE) > Now()\n "; if (db_arr($sQuery)) { $sReturnMessage = MsgBox(_t('_You have to wait for PERIOD minutes before you can write another message!', $this->iWaitMinutes, $sComposeUrl)); $this->iSendMessageStatusCode = BX_MAILBOX_SEND_WAIT; $bAllowToSend = false; } // additional antispam check ; if (bx_is_spam($sCopyMessage)) { $sReturnMessage = MsgBox(sprintf(_t("_sys_spam_detected"), BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'contact.php')); $this->iSendMessageStatusCode = BX_MAILBOX_SEND_FAILED; $bAllowToSend = false; } // check if member not active ; if ($aRecipientInfo['Status'] != 'Active') { $sReturnMessage = MsgBox(_t('_FAILED_TO_SEND_MESSAGE_NOT_ACTIVE', $sComposeUrl)); $this->iSendMessageStatusCode = BX_MAILBOX_SEND_RECIPIENT_NOT_ACTIVE; $bAllowToSend = false; } // chek membership level; if (!$this->isSendMessageAlowed($this->aMailBoxSettings['member_id'], $isSimulateSending ? false : true)) { $sReturnMessage = MsgBox(_t('_FAILED_TO_SEND_MESSAGE_MEMBERSHIP_DISALLOW')); $this->iSendMessageStatusCode = BX_MAILBOX_SEND_FAILED_MEMBERSHIP_DISALLOW; $bAllowToSend = false; } // ** allow to send message ; if (!$isSimulateSending && $bAllowToSend) { $sQuery = "\n INSERT INTO\n `sys_messages`\n SET\n `Sender` = {$this->aMailBoxSettings['member_id']},\n `Recipient` = {$iRecipientID},\n `Subject` = '{$sMessageSubject}',\n `Text` = '{$sMessageBody}',\n `Date` = NOW(),\n `New` = '1',\n `Type` = 'letter'\n "; if (db_res($sQuery)) { $sReturnMessage = MsgBox(_t('_MESSAGE_SENT', $sComposeUrl, getProfileLink($iRecipientID), $aRecipientInfo['NickName'])); $this->iSendMessageStatusCode = BX_MAILBOX_SEND_SUCCESS; //--- create system event bx_import('BxDolAlerts'); $aAlertData = array('msg_id' => db_last_id(), 'subject' => $sMessageSubjectCopy, 'body' => $sCopyMessage, 'send_copy' => $aComposeSettings['send_copy'], 'notification' => $aComposeSettings['notification'], 'send_copy_to_me' => $aComposeSettings['send_copy_to_me']); $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('profile', 'send_mail_internal', $this->aMailBoxSettings['member_id'], $iRecipientID, $aAlertData); $oZ->alert(); // ** check the additional parameters ; // send message to phisical recipient's email ; if ($aComposeSettings['send_copy']) { $aTemplate = $oEmailTemplate->getTemplate('t_Message', $iRecipientID); $aPlus = array(); $aPlus['MessageText'] = replace_full_uris($sCopyMessage); $aPlus['ProfileReference'] = getNickName($this->aMailBoxSettings['member_id']); $aPlus['ProfileUrl'] = getProfileLink($this->aMailBoxSettings['member_id']); sendMail($aRecipientInfo['Email'], $sMessageSubjectCopy, $aTemplate['Body'], $iRecipientID, $aPlus); } // send notification to the recipient's email ; if ($aComposeSettings['notification']) { $aTemplate = $oEmailTemplate->getTemplate('t_Compose', $iRecipientID); $aPlus['ProfileReference'] = getNickName($this->aMailBoxSettings['member_id']); $aPlus['ProfileUrl'] = getProfileLink($this->aMailBoxSettings['member_id']); sendMail($aRecipientInfo['Email'], $aTemplate['Subject'], $aTemplate['Body'], $iRecipientID, $aPlus); } // allow to send message to phisical sender's email; if ($aComposeSettings['send_copy_to_me']) { $aSenderInfo = getProfileInfo($this->aMailBoxSettings['member_id']); $aTemplate = $oEmailTemplate->getTemplate('t_MessageCopy', $this->aMailBoxSettings['member_id']); $aPlus['your subject here'] = $sMessageSubjectCopy; $aPlus['your message here'] = replace_full_uris($sCopyMessage); sendMail($aSenderInfo['Email'], $aTemplate['Subject'], $aTemplate['Body'], $this->aMailBoxSettings['member_id'], $aPlus); } } else { $sReturnMessage = MsgBox(_t('_FAILED_TO_SEND_MESSAGE')); $this->iSendMessageStatusCode = BX_MAILBOX_SEND_FAILED; } } return $sReturnMessage; }
function insert($aValsToAdd = array()) { $oChecker = new BxDolFormChecker($this->_sCheckerHelper); $oChecker->setFormMethod($this->aFormAttrs['method']); $sSql = $oChecker->dbInsert($this->aParams['db'], $this->aInputs, $aValsToAdd); if (!$sSql) { return false; } if (db_res($sSql)) { return db_last_id(); } return false; }
function updateLangFile($key, $string) { // clear from special chars ; $key = preg_replace('|\\{([^\\}]+)\\}|', '', $key); $langName = getParam('lang_default'); $langID = db_value("SELECT `ID` FROM `sys_localization_languages` WHERE `Name` = '" . addslashes($langName) . "'"); $keyID = db_value("SELECT `ID` FROM `sys_localization_keys` WHERE `Key` = '" . process_db_input($key) . "'"); if ($keyID) { db_res("UPDATE `sys_localization_strings` SET `String` = '" . process_db_input($string) . "' WHERE `IDKey`={$keyID} AND `IDLanguage`={$langID}"); } else { db_res("INSERT INTO `sys_localization_keys` SET `IDCategory` = 2, `Key` = '" . process_db_input($key) . "'"); db_res("INSERT INTO `sys_localization_strings` SET `IDKey` = " . db_last_id() . ", `IDLanguage` = {$langID}, `String` = '" . process_db_input($string) . "'"); } compileLanguage($langID); }
function user_regist($name, $mail, $pass) { global $allgAr, $lang; $erg = db_query("SELECT id FROM prefix_user WHERE name = BINARY '" . $name . "'"); if (db_num_rows($erg) > 0) { return false; } if ($allgAr['forum_regist_user_pass'] == 0) { $new_pass = genkey(8); } else { $new_pass = $pass; } $passwordHash = user_pw_crypt($new_pass); $confirmlinktext = ''; # confirm insert in confirm tb not confirm insert in user tb if ($allgAr['forum_regist_confirm_link'] == 1) { # confirm link + text ... bit of shit put it in languages file $page = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; $id = md5(uniqid(rand())); $confirmlinktext = "\n" . $lang['registconfirm'] . "\n\n" . sprintf($lang['registconfirmlink'], $page, $id); db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_usercheck (`check`,name,email,pass,datime,ak)\n\t\tVALUES ('" . $id . "','" . $name . "','" . $mail . "','" . $passwordHash . "',NOW(),1)"); } else { db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_user (name,pass,recht,regist,llogin,email,status,opt_mail,opt_pm)\n\t\tVALUES('" . $name . "','" . $passwordHash . "',-1,'" . time() . "','" . time() . "','" . $mail . "',1,1,1)"); $userid = db_last_id(); } $regmail = sprintf($lang['registemail'], $name, $confirmlinktext, $name, $new_pass); icmail($mail, 'Anmeldung', $regmail); # email an user return true; }
$sql .= ", "; } } $sql .= ") VALUES ("; $i = 0; foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { $i++; $sql .= "'" . $val . "'"; if ($i != $num) { $sql .= ", "; } } $sql .= ")"; db_mysql_query($sql, $conn); if ($action != 'add') { $id = db_last_id($conn); } } } ###### Inhalt aus datenbank auslesen wenn ID gesetzt und Datenaktualisiert wurden ###### if (isset($id)) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $_SESSION['TABLE_PREFIX'] . $modul . " WHERE id = '" . $id . "' "; $result = db_mysql_query($sql, $conn); if (db_mysql_num_rows($result)) { foreach (db_mysql_fetch_array($result) as $key => $val) { ${$key} = $val; } } } $success = true; } else {
function createPage($aData, $bSendMails = true, $iMainMemberID = 0) { if (!$aData or !is_array($aData) or empty($aData)) { return false; } unset($aData['Couple']); unset($aData['Captcha']); unset($aData['TermsOfUse']); unset($aData['thumb']); unset($aData['uri']); /* @var $this->oPF BxDolProfileFields */ $this->oPF = new MlClonetwoPageFields(100); if (!$this->oPF->aArea) { echo 'Profile Fields cache not loaded. Cannot continue.'; return false; } $this->aItems = $this->oPF->aArea[0]['Items']; if ($iMainMemberID) { $aMainMember = $this->getPageInfo($iMainMemberID); } else { $aMainMember = false; } // begin profile info collecting $aNewPage = array(); $aMediaFields = array(); foreach ($this->aItems as $aItem) { $sItemName = $aItem['Name']; if (array_key_exists($sItemName, $aData)) { //if ($aItem['MediaType'] != 'none') //$aMediaFields[$aItem['MediaType']][$sItemName] = $aData[$sItemName]; //else $aNewPage[$sItemName] = $aData[$sItemName]; //if ($aData[$sItemName . '_photos'] && $aData[$sItemName]) //$aPhotoFields[$sItemName] = $aData[$sItemName . '_photos']; } elseif ($aMainMember and array_key_exists($sItemName, $aMainMember) and $aItem['Type'] != 'system') { if ($aItem['Unique']) { $aNewPage[$sItemName] = $this->genUniqueValue($sItemName, $aMainMember[$sItemName]); } else { $aNewPage[$sItemName] = $aMainMember[$sItemName]; } } else { switch ($aItem['Type']) { case 'pass': $aNewPage[$sItemName] = $this->genRandomPassword(); break; case 'num': $aNewPage[$sItemName] = (int) $aItem['Default']; break; case 'bool': $aNewPage[$sItemName] = (bool) $aItem['Default']; break; case 'system': switch ($sItemName) { case 'id': //set automatically //set automatically case 'Captcha': //not been inserted //not been inserted case 'Location': //not been inserted //not been inserted case 'Keyword': //not been inserted //not been inserted case 'TermsOfUse': //not been inserted //pass break; case 'created': $aNewPage[$sItemName] = time(); // set current date break; case 'featured': $aNewPage[$sItemName] = false; break; case 'status': $aNewPage[$sItemName] = 'approved'; break; } break; default: $aNewPage[$sItemName] = $aItem['Default']; } } } //we completed collecting $sEntryUri = uriGenerate($aNewPage['title'], 'ml_clonetwo_main', 'uri'); $aNewPage['uri'] = $sEntryUri; $aNewPage['author_id'] = getLoggedId(); $sSet = $this->collectSetString($aNewPage); $sQuery = "INSERT INTO `ml_clonetwo_main` SET \n{$sSet}"; $rRes = db_res($sQuery); if ($rRes) { $iNewID = db_last_id(); $aNewPage['title'] = sprintf($aNewPage['title'], $iNewID); $sEntryUri = uriGenerate($aNewPage['title'], 'ml_clonetwo_main', 'uri'); $this->createPageCache($iNewID); $sStatus = getParam('ml_clonetwo_autoapproval') == 'on' || isAdmin() ? 'approved' : 'pending'; $this->updatePage($iNewID, array('created' => time(), 'title' => $aNewPage['title'], 'uri' => $sEntryUri)); return array($iNewID, $sEntryUri, $sStatus, $aNewPage['title']); } else { return array(false, 'Failed', 0); } }
function updateLangString($sKey, $sString) { if ($sKey == '') { return false; } $sKey_db = addslashes($sKey); $sString_db = addslashes($sString); $sQuery = "SELECT `ID` FROM `sys_localization_keys` WHERE `Key` = '{$sKey_db}'"; $iKeyID = (int) db_value($sQuery); if (!$iKeyID) { //create key $sQuery = "INSERT INTO `sys_localization_keys` (`IDCategory`,`Key`) VALUES (32,'{$sKey_db}')"; db_res($sQuery); $iKeyID = db_last_id(); } $sQuery = "\n SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM `sys_localization_strings`\n WHERE `IDKey` = {$iKeyID} AND `IDLanguage` = {$this->sLangID}"; $iCount = (int) db_value($sQuery); if ($iCount) { $sQuery = "\n UPDATE `sys_localization_strings`\n SET `String` = '{$sString_db}'\n WHERE `IDKey` = {$iKeyID} AND `IDLanguage` = {$this->sLangID}"; db_res($sQuery); } else { $sQuery = "INSERT INTO `sys_localization_strings` VALUES ( {$iKeyID}, {$this->sLangID}, '{$sString_db}' )"; db_res($sQuery); } compileLanguage($this->sLangID); }
function page_user_signup() { event("on_user_signup"); form_start("", "post", " name=signup_form "); form_input("Email", "email", form_post("email")); form_password("Password", "password", "", "", " class='password' "); form_password("Retype", "retype"); form_submit("Sign Up", "Signup", " id=signup_submit "); form_end(); $o = form(); if (form_post("email")) { if (!form_post("password") || !form_post("retype")) { $o .= "Please fill all fields."; } else { if (form_post("password") != form_post("retype")) { $o .= "Retype doesn't match password."; } else { $exists = db_result(db_query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE email='%s'", form_post("email"))); if ($exists) { $o .= errormsg("Such email (login) already in use."); } else { db_query("INSERT INTO users (email,password)\r\n VALUES ('%s','%s')", form_post("email"), form_post("password")); $_SESSION['userid'] = db_last_id(); redir(""); die; $o .= "Successfully signed up"; } } } } return "{$o}"; }