Exemple #1
 * Add a file to the system using the configured storage method
 * @param integer $p_bug_id          The bug id (should be 0 when adding project doc).
 * @param array   $p_file            The uploaded file info, as retrieved from gpc_get_file().
 * @param string  $p_table           Either 'bug' or 'project' depending on attachment type.
 * @param string  $p_title           File title.
 * @param string  $p_desc            File description.
 * @param integer $p_user_id         User id (defaults to current user).
 * @param integer $p_date_added      Date added.
 * @param boolean $p_skip_bug_update Skip bug last modification update (useful when importing bug attachments).
 * @return void
function file_add($p_bug_id, array $p_file, $p_table = 'bug', $p_title = '', $p_desc = '', $p_user_id = null, $p_date_added = 0, $p_skip_bug_update = false)
    $t_file_name = $p_file['name'];
    $t_tmp_file = $p_file['tmp_name'];
    if (!file_type_check($t_file_name)) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_NOT_ALLOWED, ERROR);
    if (!file_is_name_unique($t_file_name, $p_bug_id)) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_DUPLICATE, ERROR);
    $t_file_size = filesize($t_tmp_file);
    if (0 == $t_file_size) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_NO_UPLOAD_FAILURE, ERROR);
    $t_max_file_size = (int) min(ini_get_number('upload_max_filesize'), ini_get_number('post_max_size'), config_get('max_file_size'));
    if ($t_file_size > $t_max_file_size) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_TOO_BIG, ERROR);
    if ('bug' == $p_table) {
        $t_project_id = bug_get_field($p_bug_id, 'project_id');
        $t_id = (int) $p_bug_id;
        $t_bug_id = bug_format_id($p_bug_id);
    } else {
        $t_project_id = helper_get_current_project();
        $t_id = $t_project_id;
        $t_bug_id = 0;
    if ($p_user_id === null) {
        $p_user_id = auth_get_current_user_id();
    if ($p_date_added <= 0) {
        $p_date_added = db_now();
    if ($t_project_id == ALL_PROJECTS) {
        $t_file_path = config_get('absolute_path_default_upload_folder');
    } else {
        $t_file_path = project_get_field($t_project_id, 'file_path');
        if (is_blank($t_file_path)) {
            $t_file_path = config_get('absolute_path_default_upload_folder');
    $t_unique_name = file_generate_unique_name($t_file_path);
    $t_method = config_get('file_upload_method');
    switch ($t_method) {
        case DISK:
            $t_disk_file_name = $t_file_path . $t_unique_name;
            if (!file_exists($t_disk_file_name)) {
                if (!move_uploaded_file($t_tmp_file, $t_disk_file_name)) {
                    trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_MOVE_FAILED, ERROR);
                chmod($t_disk_file_name, config_get('attachments_file_permissions'));
                $c_content = '';
            } else {
                trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_DUPLICATE, ERROR);
        case DATABASE:
            $c_content = db_prepare_binary_string(fread(fopen($t_tmp_file, 'rb'), $t_file_size));
            $t_file_path = '';
            trigger_error(ERROR_GENERIC, ERROR);
    $t_file_table = db_get_table($p_table . '_file');
    $t_id_col = $p_table . '_id';
    $t_query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $t_file_table . ' ( ' . $t_id_col . ', title, description, diskfile, filename, folder,
		filesize, file_type, date_added, user_id )
		( ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ' )';
    db_query($t_query, array($t_id, $p_title, $p_desc, $t_unique_name, $t_file_name, $t_file_path, $t_file_size, $p_file['type'], $p_date_added, (int) $p_user_id));
    $t_attachment_id = db_insert_id($t_file_table);
    if (db_is_oracle()) {
        db_update_blob($t_file_table, 'content', $c_content, 'diskfile=\'$t_unique_name\'');
    } else {
        $t_query = 'UPDATE ' . $t_file_table . ' SET content=' . db_param() . ' WHERE id = ' . db_param();
        db_query($t_query, array($c_content, $t_attachment_id));
    if ('bug' == $p_table) {
        # update the last_updated date
        if (!$p_skip_bug_update) {
        # log file added to bug history
        history_log_event_special($p_bug_id, FILE_ADDED, $t_file_name);
Exemple #2
 * Add a file to the system using the configured storage method
 * @param integer $p_bug_id          The bug id (should be 0 when adding project doc).
 * @param array   $p_file            The uploaded file info, as retrieved from gpc_get_file().
 * @param string  $p_table           Either 'bug' or 'project' depending on attachment type.
 * @param string  $p_title           File title.
 * @param string  $p_desc            File description.
 * @param integer $p_user_id         User id (defaults to current user).
 * @param integer $p_date_added      Date added.
 * @param boolean $p_skip_bug_update Skip bug last modification update (useful when importing bug attachments).
 * @return void
function file_add($p_bug_id, array $p_file, $p_table = 'bug', $p_title = '', $p_desc = '', $p_user_id = null, $p_date_added = 0, $p_skip_bug_update = false)
    $t_file_name = $p_file['name'];
    $t_tmp_file = $p_file['tmp_name'];
    if (!file_type_check($t_file_name)) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_NOT_ALLOWED, ERROR);
    $t_org_filename = $t_file_name;
    $t_suffix_id = 1;
    while (!file_is_name_unique($t_file_name, $p_bug_id)) {
        $t_dot_index = strripos($t_org_filename, '.');
        if ($t_dot_index === false) {
            $t_file_name = $t_org_filename . '-' . $t_suffix_id;
        } else {
            $t_extension = substr($t_org_filename, $t_dot_index, strlen($t_org_filename) - $t_dot_index);
            $t_file_name = substr($t_org_filename, 0, $t_dot_index) . '-' . $t_suffix_id . $t_extension;
    $t_file_size = filesize($t_tmp_file);
    if (0 == $t_file_size) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_NO_UPLOAD_FAILURE, ERROR);
    $t_max_file_size = (int) min(ini_get_number('upload_max_filesize'), ini_get_number('post_max_size'), config_get('max_file_size'));
    if ($t_file_size > $t_max_file_size) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_TOO_BIG, ERROR);
    if ('bug' == $p_table) {
        $t_project_id = bug_get_field($p_bug_id, 'project_id');
        $t_id = (int) $p_bug_id;
    } else {
        $t_project_id = helper_get_current_project();
        $t_id = $t_project_id;
    if ($p_user_id === null) {
        $p_user_id = auth_get_current_user_id();
    if ($p_date_added <= 0) {
        $p_date_added = db_now();
    if ($t_project_id == ALL_PROJECTS) {
        $t_file_path = config_get('absolute_path_default_upload_folder');
    } else {
        $t_file_path = project_get_field($t_project_id, 'file_path');
        if (is_blank($t_file_path)) {
            $t_file_path = config_get('absolute_path_default_upload_folder');
    $t_unique_name = file_generate_unique_name($t_file_path);
    $t_method = config_get('file_upload_method');
    switch ($t_method) {
        case DISK:
            $t_disk_file_name = $t_file_path . $t_unique_name;
            if (!file_exists($t_disk_file_name)) {
                if (!move_uploaded_file($t_tmp_file, $t_disk_file_name)) {
                    trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_MOVE_FAILED, ERROR);
                chmod($t_disk_file_name, config_get('attachments_file_permissions'));
                $c_content = '';
            } else {
                trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_DUPLICATE, ERROR);
        case DATABASE:
            $c_content = db_prepare_binary_string(fread(fopen($t_tmp_file, 'rb'), $t_file_size));
            $t_file_path = '';
            trigger_error(ERROR_GENERIC, ERROR);
    $t_file_table = db_get_table($p_table . '_file');
    $t_id_col = $p_table . '_id';
    $t_param = array($t_id_col => $t_id, 'title' => $p_title, 'description' => $p_desc, 'diskfile' => $t_unique_name, 'filename' => $t_file_name, 'folder' => $t_file_path, 'filesize' => $t_file_size, 'file_type' => $p_file['type'], 'date_added' => $p_date_added, 'user_id' => (int) $p_user_id);
    # Oracle has to update BLOBs separately
    if (!db_is_oracle()) {
        $t_param['content'] = $c_content;
    $t_query_param = db_param();
    for ($i = 1; $i < count($t_param); $i++) {
        $t_query_param .= ', ' . db_param();
    $t_query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $t_file_table . '
		( ' . implode(', ', array_keys($t_param)) . ' )
		( ' . $t_query_param . ' )';
    db_query($t_query, array_values($t_param));
    if (db_is_oracle()) {
        db_update_blob($t_file_table, 'content', $c_content, "diskfile='{$t_unique_name}'");
    if ('bug' == $p_table) {
        # update the last_updated date
        if (!$p_skip_bug_update) {
        # log file added to bug history
        history_log_event_special($p_bug_id, FILE_ADDED, $t_file_name);
Exemple #3
 * Add a file
 * @param integer $p_id        File id.
 * @param string  $p_name      File name.
 * @param string  $p_content   File content to write.
 * @param string  $p_file_type File type.
 * @param string  $p_table     Database table name.
 * @param string  $p_title     Title.
 * @param string  $p_desc      Description.
 * @param string  $p_user_id   User id.
 * @return mixed
function mci_file_add($p_id, $p_name, $p_content, $p_file_type, $p_table, $p_title = '', $p_desc = '', $p_user_id = null)
    if (!file_type_check($p_name)) {
        return SoapObjectsFactory::newSoapFault('Client', 'File type not allowed.');
    if (!file_is_name_unique($p_name, $p_id)) {
        return SoapObjectsFactory::newSoapFault('Client', 'Duplicate filename.');
    $t_file_size = strlen($p_content);
    $t_max_file_size = (int) min(ini_get_number('upload_max_filesize'), ini_get_number('post_max_size'), config_get('max_file_size'));
    if ($t_file_size > $t_max_file_size) {
        return SoapObjectsFactory::newSoapFault('Client', 'File is too big.');
    if ('bug' == $p_table) {
        $t_project_id = bug_get_field($p_id, 'project_id');
        $t_id = (int) $p_id;
        $t_issue_id = bug_format_id($p_id);
    } else {
        $t_project_id = $p_id;
        $t_id = $t_project_id;
        $t_issue_id = 0;
    if ($p_user_id === null) {
        $p_user_id = auth_get_current_user_id();
    if ($t_project_id == ALL_PROJECTS) {
        $t_file_path = config_get('absolute_path_default_upload_folder');
    } else {
        $t_file_path = project_get_field($t_project_id, 'file_path');
        if (is_blank($t_file_path)) {
            $t_file_path = config_get('absolute_path_default_upload_folder');
    $t_unique_name = file_generate_unique_name($t_file_path);
    $t_disk_file_name = $t_file_path . $t_unique_name;
    $t_method = config_get('file_upload_method');
    switch ($t_method) {
        case DISK:
            if (!file_exists($t_file_path) || !is_dir($t_file_path) || !is_writable($t_file_path) || !is_readable($t_file_path)) {
                return SoapObjectsFactory::newSoapFault('Server', 'Upload folder \'' . $t_file_path . '\' doesn\'t exist.');
            if (!file_exists($t_disk_file_name)) {
                mci_file_write_local($t_disk_file_name, $p_content);
                chmod($t_disk_file_name, config_get('attachments_file_permissions'));
                $c_content = "''";
        case DATABASE:
            $c_content = db_prepare_binary_string($p_content);
            $t_file_path = '';
    $t_file_table = db_get_table($p_table . '_file');
    $t_id_col = $p_table . '_id';
    $t_param = array($t_id_col => $t_id, 'title' => $p_title, 'description' => $p_desc, 'diskfile' => $t_unique_name, 'filename' => $p_name, 'folder' => $t_file_path, 'filesize' => $t_file_size, 'file_type' => $p_file_type, 'date_added' => db_now(), 'user_id' => (int) $p_user_id);
    # Oracle has to update BLOBs separately
    if (!db_is_oracle()) {
        $t_param['content'] = $c_content;
    $t_query_param = db_param();
    for ($i = 1; $i < count($t_param); $i++) {
        $t_query_param .= ', ' . db_param();
    $t_query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $t_file_table . '
		( ' . implode(', ', array_keys($t_param)) . ' )
		( ' . $t_query_param . ' )';
    db_query($t_query, array_values($t_param));
    # get attachment id
    $t_attachment_id = db_insert_id($t_file_table);
    if (db_is_oracle()) {
        db_update_blob($t_file_table, 'content', $c_content, "diskfile='{$t_unique_name}'");
    if ('bug' == $p_table) {
        # bump the last_updated date
        # add history entry
        history_log_event_special($t_issue_id, FILE_ADDED, $p_name);
    return $t_attachment_id;
Exemple #4
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Schema version: 170
$g_upgrade[170] = array('DropColumnSQL', array(db_get_table('sponsorship'), 'date_submitted'));
$g_upgrade[171] = array('RenameColumnSQL', array(db_get_table('sponsorship'), 'date_submitted_int', 'date_submitted', "\ndate_submitted_int\t\t\tI\t\tUNSIGNED NOTNULL DEFAULT '1' "));
$g_upgrade[172] = array('AddColumnSQL', array(db_get_table('project_file'), "\n\tuser_id\t\t\t\t\tI\t\tUNSIGNED NOTNULL DEFAULT '0' "));
$g_upgrade[173] = array('AddColumnSQL', array(db_get_table('bug_file'), "\n\tuser_id\t\t\t\t\tI\t\tUNSIGNED NOTNULL DEFAULT '0' "));
# Release marker: 1.2.0rc1
$g_upgrade[174] = array('DropColumnSQL', array(db_get_table('custom_field'), 'advanced'));
$g_upgrade[175] = array('DropColumnSQL', array(db_get_table('user_pref'), 'advanced_report'));
$g_upgrade[176] = array('DropColumnSQL', array(db_get_table('user_pref'), 'advanced_view'));
$g_upgrade[177] = array('DropColumnSQL', array(db_get_table('user_pref'), 'advanced_update'));
$g_upgrade[178] = array('CreateIndexSQL', array('idx_project_hierarchy_child_id', db_get_table('project_hierarchy'), 'child_id'));
# Release marker: 1.2.0rc2
# Decrease index name length for oci8 (30 chars max )
if (db_is_oracle()) {
    $t_index_name = 'idx_prj_hier_parent_id';
} else {
    $t_index_name = 'idx_project_hierarchy_parent_id';
$g_upgrade[179] = array('CreateIndexSQL', array($t_index_name, db_get_table('project_hierarchy'), 'parent_id'));
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Schema version: 180
$g_upgrade[180] = array('CreateIndexSQL', array('idx_tag_name', db_get_table('tag'), 'name'));
$g_upgrade[181] = array('CreateIndexSQL', array('idx_bug_tag_tag_id', db_get_table('bug_tag'), 'tag_id'));
$g_upgrade[182] = array('CreateIndexSQL', array('idx_email_id', db_get_table('email'), 'email_id', array('DROP')), array('db_index_exists', array(db_get_table('email'), 'idx_email_id')));
# Release marker: 1.2.0
$g_upgrade[183] = array('UpdateFunction', 'correct_multiselect_custom_fields_db_format');
# Release marker: 1.2.1 - 1.2.x
$g_upgrade[184] = null;
 * Updates a BLOB column
 * This function is only needed for oci8; it will do nothing and return
 * false if used with another RDBMS.
 * @param string $p_table  Table name.
 * @param string $p_column The BLOB column to update.
 * @param string $p_val    Data to store into the BLOB.
 * @param string $p_where  Where clause to identify which record to update
 *                         if null, defaults to the last record inserted in $p_table.
 * @return boolean
function db_update_blob($p_table, $p_column, $p_val, $p_where = null)
    global $g_db, $g_db_log_queries, $g_queries_array;
    if (!db_is_oracle()) {
        return false;
    if (null == $p_where) {
        $p_where = 'id=' . db_insert_id($p_table);
    if (ON == $g_db_log_queries) {
        $t_start = microtime(true);
        $t_backtrace = debug_backtrace();
        $t_caller = basename($t_backtrace[0]['file']);
        $t_caller .= ':' . $t_backtrace[0]['line'];
        # Is this called from another function?
        if (isset($t_backtrace[1])) {
            $t_caller .= ' ' . $t_backtrace[1]['function'] . '()';
        } else {
            # or from a script directly?
            $t_caller .= ' ' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
    $t_result = $g_db->UpdateBlob($p_table, $p_column, $p_val, $p_where);
    if ($g_db_log_queries) {
        $t_elapsed = number_format(microtime(true) - $t_start, 4);
        $t_log_data = array('Update BLOB in ' . $p_table . '.' . $p_column . ' where ' . $p_where, $t_elapsed, $t_caller);
        log_event(LOG_DATABASE, var_export($t_log_data, true));
        array_push($g_queries_array, $t_log_data);
    if (!$t_result) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_DB_QUERY_FAILED, ERROR);
        return false;
    return $t_result;
Exemple #6
 * Add a file to the system using the configured storage method
 * @param integer $p_bug_id the bug id (should be 0 when adding project doc)
 * @param array $p_file the uploaded file info, as retrieved from gpc_get_file()
 * @param string $p_table 'bug' or 'project' depending on attachment type
 * @param string $p_title file title
 * @param string $p_desc file description
 * @param int $p_user_id user id (defaults to current user)
 * @param int $p_date_added date added
 * @param bool $p_skip_bug_update skip bug last modification update (useful when importing bug attachments)
function file_add($p_bug_id, $p_file, $p_table = 'bug', $p_title = '', $p_desc = '', $p_user_id = null, $p_date_added = 0, $p_skip_bug_update = false)
    $t_file_name = $p_file['name'];
    $t_tmp_file = $p_file['tmp_name'];
    if (!file_type_check($t_file_name)) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_NOT_ALLOWED, ERROR);
    if (!file_is_name_unique($t_file_name, $p_bug_id)) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_DUPLICATE, ERROR);
    $t_file_size = filesize($t_tmp_file);
    if (0 == $t_file_size) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_NO_UPLOAD_FAILURE, ERROR);
    $t_max_file_size = (int) min(ini_get_number('upload_max_filesize'), ini_get_number('post_max_size'), config_get('max_file_size'));
    if ($t_file_size > $t_max_file_size) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_TOO_BIG, ERROR);
    if ('bug' == $p_table) {
        $t_project_id = bug_get_field($p_bug_id, 'project_id');
        $t_id = (int) $p_bug_id;
        $t_bug_id = bug_format_id($p_bug_id);
    } else {
        $t_project_id = helper_get_current_project();
        $t_id = $t_project_id;
        $t_bug_id = 0;
    if ($p_user_id === null) {
        $p_user_id = auth_get_current_user_id();
    if ($p_date_added <= 0) {
        $p_date_added = db_now();
    if ($t_project_id == ALL_PROJECTS) {
        $t_file_path = config_get('absolute_path_default_upload_folder');
    } else {
        $t_file_path = project_get_field($t_project_id, 'file_path');
        if (is_blank($t_file_path)) {
            $t_file_path = config_get('absolute_path_default_upload_folder');
    $t_file_hash = 'bug' == $p_table ? $t_bug_id : config_get('document_files_prefix') . '-' . $t_project_id;
    $t_unique_name = file_generate_unique_name($t_file_hash . '-' . $t_file_name, $t_file_path);
    $t_disk_file_name = $t_file_path . $t_unique_name;
    $t_method = config_get('file_upload_method');
    switch ($t_method) {
        case FTP:
        case DISK:
            if (!file_exists($t_disk_file_name)) {
                if (FTP == $t_method) {
                    $conn_id = file_ftp_connect();
                    file_ftp_put($conn_id, $t_disk_file_name, $t_tmp_file);
                if (!move_uploaded_file($t_tmp_file, $t_disk_file_name)) {
                    trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_MOVE_FAILED, ERROR);
                chmod($t_disk_file_name, config_get('attachments_file_permissions'));
                $c_content = '';
            } else {
                trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_DUPLICATE, ERROR);
        case DATABASE:
            $c_content = db_prepare_binary_string(fread(fopen($t_tmp_file, 'rb'), $t_file_size));
            trigger_error(ERROR_GENERIC, ERROR);
    $t_file_table = db_get_table($p_table . '_file');
    $t_id_col = $p_table . "_id";
    $t_query_fields = "\n\t\t{$t_id_col}, title, description, diskfile, filename, folder,\n\t\tfilesize, file_type, date_added, user_id";
    $t_param = array($t_id, $p_title, $p_desc, $t_unique_name, $t_file_name, $t_file_path, $t_file_size, $p_file['type'], $p_date_added, (int) $p_user_id);
    # oci8 stores contents in a BLOB, which is updated separately
    if (!db_is_oracle()) {
        $t_query_fields .= ", content";
        $t_param[] = $c_content;
    $t_query_param = db_param();
    for ($i = 1; $i < count($t_param); $i++) {
        $t_query_param .= ", " . db_param();
    $t_query = "INSERT INTO {$t_file_table} ( {$t_query_fields} )\n\tVALUES\n\t\t( {$t_query_param} )";
    db_query_bound($t_query, $t_param);
    if (db_is_oracle()) {
        db_update_blob($t_file_table, 'content', $c_content, "diskfile='{$t_unique_name}'");
    if ('bug' == $p_table) {
        # update the last_updated date
        if (!$p_skip_bug_update) {
            $result = bug_update_date($p_bug_id);
        # log file added to bug history
        history_log_event_special($p_bug_id, FILE_ADDED, $t_file_name);
Exemple #7
 * Moves attachments from the specified list of projects from disk to database
 * @param string $p_type Attachment type ('bug' or 'project')
 * @param array $p_projects List of projects to process
 * @return array summary of moves per project
function move_attachments_to_db($p_type, $p_projects)
    if (empty($p_projects)) {
        return array();
    # Build the SQL query based on attachment type
    $t_file_table = '{' . $p_type . '_file}';
    switch ($p_type) {
        case 'project':
            $t_query = "SELECT f.*\n\t\t\t\tFROM {project_file} f\n\t\t\t\tWHERE content = ''\n\t\t\t\t  AND f.project_id = " . db_param() . "\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY f.filename";
        case 'bug':
            $t_query = "SELECT f.*\n\t\t\t\tFROM {bug_file} f\n\t\t\t\tJOIN {bug} b ON b.id = f.bug_id\n\t\t\t\tWHERE content = ''\n\t\t\t\t  AND b.project_id = " . db_param() . "\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY f.bug_id, f.filename";
    # Process projects list
    foreach ($p_projects as $t_project) {
        # Retrieve attachments for the project
        $t_result = db_query($t_query, array($t_project));
        # Project upload path
        $t_upload_path = project_get_field($t_project, 'file_path');
        if (is_blank($t_upload_path)) {
            $t_upload_path = config_get('absolute_path_default_upload_folder', '', ALL_USERS, $t_project);
        if (is_blank($t_upload_path) || !file_exists($t_upload_path) || !is_dir($t_upload_path)) {
            # Invalid path
            $t_failures = db_num_rows($t_result);
            $t_data = "ERROR: Upload path '{$t_upload_path}' does not exist or is not accessible";
        } else {
            # Process attachments
            $t_failures = 0;
            $t_data = array();
            while ($t_row = db_fetch_array($t_result)) {
                # read file from disk
                $t_filename = $t_row['folder'] . $t_row['diskfile'];
                if (!file_exists($t_filename)) {
                    $t_status = "Original File Not Found '{$t_filename}'";
                } else {
                    $c_content = db_prepare_binary_string(fread(fopen($t_filename, 'rb'), $t_row['filesize']));
                    # write file to db
                    if (db_is_oracle()) {
                        db_update_blob($t_file_table, 'content', $c_content, "id=" . (int) $t_row['id']);
                        $t_query = "UPDATE {$t_file_table} SET folder='' WHERE id = " . db_param();
                        $t_result2 = db_query($t_query, array((int) $t_row['id']));
                    } else {
                        $t_update_query = "UPDATE {$t_file_table}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSET folder = " . db_param() . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcontent = " . db_param() . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id = " . db_param();
                        $t_result2 = db_query($t_update_query, array('', $c_content, (int) $t_row['id']));
                    if (!$t_result2) {
                        $t_status = 'Database update failed';
                    } else {
                        $t_status = "'{$t_filename}' moved to database";
                # Add the file and status to the list of processed attachments
                $t_file = array('id' => $t_row['id'], 'filename' => $t_row['filename'], 'status' => $t_status);
                if ($p_type == 'bug') {
                    $t_file['bug_id'] = $t_row['bug_id'];
                $t_data[] = $t_file;
        $t_moved[] = array('name' => project_get_name($t_project), 'path' => $t_upload_path, 'rows' => db_num_rows($t_result), 'failed' => $t_failures, 'data' => $t_data);
    return $t_moved;