
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/db/db.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ws/webserviceconfig.php';
ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0");
header("Content-type: text/x-json");
if (isset($_GET['action'])) {
    $action = $_GET['action'];
} else {
    $action = "";
$userId = $_SESSION["userid"];
$userRole = $_SESSION["role"];
$userdb = db_getUserName($userId);
$username = $userdb['login'];
$timeZoneId = $userdb['timezone'];
//Handle the available actions
if ($action == "getTimeZones") {
    $client = new SoapClient(WSDL_VL, array('location' => LOCATION_VL));
    $result = $client->getAvailableTimeZoneIds();
    echo json_encode($result);
} else {
    if ($action == "getUserTimeZone") {
        $client = new SoapClient(WSDL_VL, array('location' => LOCATION_VL));
        $params = array("requestingUser" => $username, "userName" => $username);
        $result = $client->getUserDefaultTimeZoneId($params);
        echo json_encode($timeZoneId);
    } else {
        if ($action == "setUserTimeZone") {
            if (isset($_GET['timezone'])) {

require_once 'db.php';
require_once 'webserviceconfig.php';
ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0");
header("Content-type: text/x-json");
if (isset($_GET['action'])) {
    $action = $_GET['action'];
} else {
    $action = "";
$userId = $_SESSION["userid"];
$userRole = $_SESSION["role"];
$username = db_getUserName($userId)->username;
$timeZoneId = db_getUserTimeZone($userId)->data;
//Handle the available actions
if ($action == "getTimeZones") {
    $client = new SoapClient(WSDL_VL, array('location' => LOCATION_VL));
    $result = $client->getAvailableTimeZoneIds();
    echo json_encode($result);
} else {
    if ($action == "getUserTimeZone") {
        //$client = new SoapClient(WSDL_VL, array('location' => LOCATION_VL));
        //$params = array("requestingUser"=>$username, "userName"=>$username);
        //$result = $client->getUserDefaultTimeZoneId($params);
        echo json_encode($timeZoneId);
    } else {
        if ($action == "setUserTimeZone") {
            if (isset($_GET['timezone'])) {
                $timeZoneId = $_GET['timezone'];