function cloneDatabase($targetdbname)
    $newname = HEURIST_DB_PREFIX . $targetdbname;
    //create new empty database
    if (!db_create($newname)) {
        return false;
    echo_flush("<p>Create Database Structure (tables)</p>");
    if (db_script($newname, HEURIST_DIR . "admin/setup/dbcreate/blankDBStructure.sql")) {
        echo_flush('<p style="padding-left:20px">SUCCESS</p>');
    } else {
        return false;
    // Remove initial values from empty database
    mysql_query('delete from sysIdentification where 1');
    mysql_query('delete from sysTableLastUpdated where 1');
    mysql_query('delete from sysUsrGrpLinks where 1');
    mysql_query('delete from sysUGrps where ugr_ID>=0');
    mysql_query('delete from defLanguages where 1');
    echo_flush("<p>Copy data</p>");
    // db_clone function in /common/php/db_utils.php does all the work
    if (db_clone(DATABASE, $newname)) {
        echo_flush('<p style="padding-left:20px">SUCCESS</p>');
    } else {
        return false;
    //cleanup database to avoid issues with addition of constraints
    //1. cleanup missed trm_InverseTermId
    mysql_query('update defTerms t1 left join defTerms t2 on t1.trm_InverseTermId=t2.trm_ID
        set t1.trm_InverseTermId=null
    where t1.trm_ID>0 and t2.trm_ID is NULL');
    //2. remove missed recent records
    mysql_query('delete FROM usrRecentRecords
        where rre_RecID is not null
    and rre_RecID not in (select rec_ID from Records)');
    //3. remove missed rrc_SourceRecID and rrc_TargetRecID
    mysql_query('delete FROM recRelationshipsCache
        where rrc_SourceRecID is not null
    and rrc_SourceRecID not in (select rec_ID from Records)');
    mysql_query('delete FROM recRelationshipsCache
        where rrc_TargetRecID is not null
    and rrc_TargetRecID not in (select rec_ID from Records)');
    //4. cleanup orphaned details
    mysql_query('delete FROM recDetails
        where dtl_RecID is not null
    and dtl_RecID not in (select rec_ID from Records)');
    //5. cleanup missed references to uploaded files
    mysql_query('delete FROM recDetails
        where dtl_UploadedFileID is not null
    and dtl_UploadedFileID not in (select ulf_ID from recUploadedFiles)');
    $sHighLoadWarning = "<p><h4>Note: </h4>Failure to clone a database may result from high server load. Please try again, and if the problem continues contact the Heurist developers at info heuristnetwork dot org</p>";
    // 4. add contrainsts, procedure and triggers
    echo_flush("<p>Addition of Referential Constraints</p>");
    if (db_script($newname, dirname(__FILE__) . "/../dbcreate/addReferentialConstraints.sql")) {
        echo_flush('<p style="padding-left:20px">SUCCESS</p>');
    } else {
        print $sHighLoadWarning;
        return false;
    echo_flush("<p>Addition of Procedures and Triggers</p>");
    if (db_script($newname, dirname(__FILE__) . "/../dbcreate/addProceduresTriggers.sql")) {
        echo_flush('<p style="padding-left:20px">SUCCESS</p>');
    } else {
        print $sHighLoadWarning;
        return false;
    // 5. remove registration info and assign originID for definitions
    $sourceRegID = 0;
    $res = mysql_query('select sys_dbRegisteredID from sysIdentification where 1');
    if ($res) {
        $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
        if ($row) {
            $sourceRegID = $row[0];
    //print "<p>".$sourceRegID."</p>";
    // RESET register db ID
    $query1 = "update sysIdentification set sys_dbRegisteredID=0, sys_hmlOutputDirectory=null, sys_htmlOutputDirectory=null, sys_SyncDefsWithDB=null, sys_MediaFolders=null where 1";
    $res1 = mysql_query($query1);
    if (mysql_error()) {
        //(mysql_num_rows($res1) == 0)
        print "<p><h4>Warning</h4><b>Unable to reset sys_dbRegisteredID in sysIdentification table. (" . mysql_error() . ")<br> Please reset the registration ID manually</b></p>";
    //assign origin ID
    db_register($newname, $sourceRegID);
    // Index new database for Elasticsearch
    //TODO: Needs error report, trap error and warn or abort clone
    // Copy the images and the icons directories
    //TODO: Needs error report, trap error and warn or abort clone
    // Update file path in target database  with absolute paths
    $query1 = "update recUploadedFiles set ulf_FilePath='" . HEURIST_UPLOAD_ROOT . $targetdbname . "/' where ulf_FilePath='" . HEURIST_UPLOAD_ROOT . HEURIST_DBNAME . "/' and ulf_ID>0";
    $res1 = mysql_query($query1);
    if (mysql_error()) {
        //(mysql_num_rows($res1) == 0)
        print "<p><h4>Warning</h4><b>Unable to set database files path to new path</b>" . "<br>Query was:" . $query1 . "<br>Please get your system administrator to fix this problem BEFORE editing the database (your edits will affect the original database)</p>";
    // Success!
    echo "<hr><p>&nbsp;</p><h2>New database '{$targetdbname}' created successfully</h2>";
    print "<p>Please access your new database through this link: <a href='" . HEURIST_BASE_URL . "?db=" . $targetdbname . "' title='' target=\"_new\"><strong>" . $targetdbname . "</strong></a></p>";
    return true;
                print "<p class='error'>Undefined database name</p>";
                // shouldn't get here
            } else {
                // It's too risky to delete data with "rm -Rf .$uploadPath", could end up trashing stuff needed elsewhere, so we move it
                $uploadPath = HEURIST_UPLOAD_ROOT . $dbname;
                // individual deletio nto avoid risk of unintended disaster with -Rf
                $cmdline = "mv " . $uploadPath . " " . HEURIST_UPLOAD_ROOT . "DELETED_DATABASES";
                $output2 = exec($cmdline . ' 2>&1', $output, $res2);
                if ($res2 != 0) {
                    echo "<h2>Warning:</h2> Unable to move <b>{$uploadPath}</b> to the deleted files folder, perhaps a permissions problem or previously deleted.";
                    echo "<p>Please ask your system adminstrator to delete this folder if it exists.<br></p>";
                    echo $output2;
                //$cmdline = "mysql -h".HEURIST_DBSERVER_NAME." -u".ADMIN_DBUSERNAME." -p".ADMIN_DBUSERPSWD." -e'drop database ".HEURIST_DB_PREFIX."$dbname'";
                //$output2 = exec($cmdline . ' 2>&1', $output, $res2); // this is the one we really care about
                if (!db_drop(HEURIST_DB_PREFIX . $dbname, false)) {
                    echo "<h2>Warning:</h2> Unable to delete <b>" . HEURIST_DB_PREFIX . $dbname . "</b>";
                    echo "<p>Check that the database still exists. Consult Heurist helpdesk if needed<br></p>";
                } else {
                    // Remove from Elasticsearch
                    print "<p>Removing indexes, calling deleteIndexForDatabase with parameter {$dbname}<br /><br /></p>";
                    //Deleting all Elasticsearch indexes
                            <h2>Database <b><?php 
                    echo $dbname;
</b> has been deleted</h2>
                            <p>Associated files stored in upload subdirectories <b><?php 
                    echo $uploadPath;
function unlockDatabase($isdroptemp = true)
    global $tempDBName;
    if ($isdroptemp && $tempDBName) {
        db_drop($tempDBName, false);
    // Use logged into DB
    $res = mysql_query("delete from sysLocks where lck_Action='buildcrosswalks'");
    // Remove sysLock
Exemple #4
function createDatabaseEmpty($newDBName)
    $newname = HEURIST_DB_PREFIX . $newDBName;
    if (!db_create($newname)) {
        return false;
    //echo_flush ("<p>Create Database Structure (tables) ".HEURIST_DIR." </p>");
    if (db_script($newname, HEURIST_DIR . "admin/setup/dbcreate/blankDBStructure.sql")) {
        // echo_flush ('OK');
        // echo_flush ("<p>Add Referential Constraints ");
        if (db_script($newname, HEURIST_DIR . "admin/setup/dbcreate/addReferentialConstraints.sql")) {
            // echo_flush ('OK');
            // echo_flush ("<p>Add Procedures and Triggers ");
            if (db_script($newname, HEURIST_DIR . "admin/setup/dbcreate/addProceduresTriggers.sql")) {
                // echo_flush ('OK');
                return true;
    return false;
function cleanupNewDB($dbname)