function discover_wifi_radio($device_id, $radio)
    $params = array('radio_ap', 'radio_mib', 'radio_number', 'radio_type', 'radio_status', 'radio_clients', 'radio_txpower', 'radio_channel', 'radio_mac', 'radio_protection', 'radio_bsstype');
    if (is_array($GLOBALS['cache']['wifi_radios'][$radio['radio_ap']][$radio['radio_number']])) {
        $radio_db = $GLOBALS['cache']['wifi_radios'][$radio['radio_ap']][$radio['radio_number']];
    if (!isset($radio_db['wifi_radio_id'])) {
        $insert = array();
        $insert['device_id'] = $device_id;
        foreach ($params as $param) {
            $insert[$param] = $radio[$param];
            if ($radio[$param] == NULL) {
                $insert[$param] = array('NULL');
        $wifi_radio_id = dbInsert($insert, 'wifi_radios');
        echo "+";
    } else {
        $update = array();
        foreach ($params as $param) {
            if ($radio[$param] != $radio_db[$param]) {
                $update[$param] = $radio[$param];
        if (count($update)) {
            dbUpdate($update, 'wifi_radios', '`wifi_radio_id` = ?', array($radio_db['wifi_radio_id']));
            echo 'U';
        } else {
            echo '.';
    $GLOBALS['valid']['wifi']['radio'][$radio['radio_mib']][$wifi_radio_id] = 1;
    // FIXME. What? How it passed there?
function edit_service($update = array(), $service = null)
    if (!is_numeric($service)) {
        return false;
    return dbUpdate($update, 'services', '`service_id`=?', array($service));
Exemple #3
function mergeCart($usr)
    require "mysql.php";
    require "../../library/connect.php";
    $conn = server_connect();
    //if there are items in the cart add them to the data base
    if (isset($_SESSION['cart'])) {
        $cart = $_SESSION['cart'];
        foreach ($cart as $item_id => $quantity) {
            $query = "INSERT INTO cart (user_id, item_id, quantity) VALUES ({$usr}, {$item_id}, {$quantity}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE quantity = {$quantity} ";
    $cart = array();
    $query = "SELECT item_id, quantity FROM cart WHERE user_id = {$usr}";
    $result = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
    if ($result) {
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            $cart[$row["item_id"]] = $row["quantity"];
        $_SESSION['cart'] = $cart;
    } else {
        $_SESSION['log'] .= mysqli_error($conn);
function thumbnailForm_submit($form, $form_state)
    $params = drupal_get_query_parameters();
    // getting the inputted info from the fields
    $fields = array("FID");
    $picData = getFields($fields, $form_state['values']);
    $picData = stripTags($picData, '');
    $oldFID = isset($form_state['oldFID']) ? $form_state['oldFID'] : 0;
    if (isset($params["UID"])) {
        // if updating user's profile picture
        $UID = $params["UID"];
        replacePicture($picData['FID'], $oldFID, 'Users');
        dbUpdate("profiles", $picData, "UID", $UID);
        drupal_goto("viewUser", array('query' => array('UID' => $UID)));
    } else {
        if (isset($params["OID"])) {
            // if editing outreach thumbnail
            $OID = $params["OID"];
            replacePicture($picData['FID'], $oldFID, 'Outreach');
            dbUpdateOutreach($OID, $picData);
            drupal_goto("viewOutreach", array('query' => array('OID' => $OID)));
        } else {
            if (isset($params["TID"])) {
                // if editing team thumbnail
                $TID = $params["TID"];
                replacePicture($picData['FID'], $oldFID, 'Teams');
                dbUpdateTeam($TID, $picData);
                drupal_goto("viewTeam", array('query' => array('TID' => $TID)));
            } else {
Exemple #5
function loginCheck()
    $user = gpost('uname');
    $pass = md5(gpost('passwd'));
    $t = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM admin WHERE uname='{$uname}' AND passwd='{$passwd}'");
    if (mysql_num_rows($t) == 1) {
        $r = mysql_fetch_array($t);
        if ($r['app'] == APID || $r['level'] == 1) {
            $_SESSION[ASID . 'admin_id'] = $r['replid'];
            $_SESSION[ASID . 'admin_name'] = $r['nama'];
            $_SESSION[ASID . 'admin_uname'] = $r['uname'];
            $_SESSION[ASID . 'admin_level'] = $r['level'];
            $_SESSION[ASID . 'admin_dept'] = $r['departemen'];
            $_SESSION[ASID . 'admin_pegawai'] = $r['pegawai'];
            $_SESSION[ASID . 'admin_bahasa'] = $r['bahasa'];
            dbUpdate("admin", array('tlogin' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")), "replid='" . $r['replid'] . "'");
            echo $r['nama'];
        } else {
            echo "0";
            //echo $r['nama'];
    } else {
        //echo $r['nama'];
        echo "0";
 function userStoreData(&$session, $isnew, $id)
     $session->trace(TC_Gui3, 'forum.UserStoreData');
     if ($_POST['forum_postingsperpage'] <= 0) {
         $_POST['forum_postingsperpage'] = 10;
     if ($_POST['forum_threadsperpage'] <= 0) {
         $_POST['forum_threadsperpage'] = 10;
     dbUpdate($session, T_User, $id, 'postingsperpage=' . $_POST['forum_postingsperpage'] . ',threadsperpage=' . $_POST['forum_threadsperpage'] . ',');
Exemple #7
 * Update a device group
 * @param $group_id
 * @param $pattern
 * @param $name
 * @param $desc
 * @return bool
function EditDeviceGroup($group_id, $name = null, $desc = null, $pattern = null)
    $vars = array();
    if (!is_null($name)) {
        $vars['name'] = $name;
    if (!is_null($desc)) {
        $vars['desc'] = $desc;
    if (!is_null($pattern)) {
        $vars['pattern'] = $pattern;
    $success = dbUpdate($vars, 'device_groups', 'id=?', array($group_id)) >= 0;
    if ($success) {
    return $success;
function main()
    if (array_key_exists("CID", $_GET)) {
        $CID = $_GET["CID"];
    } else {
        print_r("ERROR: CID NOT FOUND");
        $CID = 1;
    if (!array_key_exists("customerForm", $_GET)) {
        $data = takeCustomerFromDataBase($CID);
        showCustomerForm($data, "", array());
        // sends an empty array as the badFields
    } else {
        $badFields = customerValidate($_GET);
        // checks to make sure the info given is complete
        if (count($badFields) != 0) {
            showCustomerForm($_GET, "", $badFields);
        } else {
            // at this point we have good data, and just need to get it into the
            // database.  Before we do it, get the OID from the form data so we
            // know whether we need to go back to the orders page or customer page
            $OID = NULL;
            if (array_key_exists("OID", $_GET)) {
                $OID = $_GET["OID"];
            $customer = formatForDataBase($_GET);
            $CID = dbUpdate("customers", $customer, "CID", $CID);
            // get the configuration information from the Wordpress page so we know where
            // our target "return to" pages are
            $config = getConfigData();
            $backToOrder = getSpecialVariable("backToOrder", $config);
            $backToCustomer = getSpecialVariable("backToCustomer", $config);
            if ($OID) {
                // came from order
                backToWPPage($backToOrder, "oid={$OID}");
            } else {
                // otherwise from a customer edit
                backToWPPage($backToCustomer, "CID={$CID}");
function process_port_adsl(&$this_port, $device, $port)
    // Check to make sure Port data is cached.
    if (!isset($this_port['adslLineCoding'])) {
    // Used below for StatsD only
    $adsl_oids = array('adslAtucCurrSnrMgn', 'adslAtucCurrAtn', 'adslAtucCurrOutputPwr', 'adslAtucCurrAttainableRate', 'adslAtucChanCurrTxRate', 'adslAturCurrSnrMgn', 'adslAturCurrAtn', 'adslAturCurrOutputPwr', 'adslAturCurrAttainableRate', 'adslAturChanCurrTxRate', 'adslAtucPerfLofs', 'adslAtucPerfLoss', 'adslAtucPerfLprs', 'adslAtucPerfESs', 'adslAtucPerfInits', 'adslAturPerfLofs', 'adslAturPerfLoss', 'adslAturPerfLprs', 'adslAturPerfESs', 'adslAtucChanCorrectedBlks', 'adslAtucChanUncorrectBlks', 'adslAturChanCorrectedBlks', 'adslAturChanUncorrectBlks');
    $adsl_db_oids = array('adslLineCoding', 'adslLineType', 'adslAtucInvVendorID', 'adslAtucInvVersionNumber', 'adslAtucCurrSnrMgn', 'adslAtucCurrAtn', 'adslAtucCurrOutputPwr', 'adslAtucCurrAttainableRate', 'adslAturInvSerialNumber', 'adslAturInvVendorID', 'adslAturInvVersionNumber', 'adslAtucChanCurrTxRate', 'adslAturChanCurrTxRate', 'adslAturCurrSnrMgn', 'adslAturCurrAtn', 'adslAturCurrOutputPwr', 'adslAturCurrAttainableRate');
    $adsl_tenth_oids = array('adslAtucCurrSnrMgn', 'adslAtucCurrAtn', 'adslAtucCurrOutputPwr', 'adslAturCurrSnrMgn', 'adslAturCurrAtn', 'adslAturCurrOutputPwr');
    foreach ($adsl_tenth_oids as $oid) {
        if (isset($this_port[$oid])) {
            $this_port[$oid] = $this_port[$oid] / 10;
    if (dbFetchCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ports_adsl` WHERE `port_id` = ?", array($port['port_id'])) == "0") {
        dbInsert(array('port_id' => $port['port_id']), 'ports_adsl');
    $adsl_update = array('port_adsl_updated' => array('NOW()'));
    foreach ($adsl_db_oids as $oid) {
        $adsl_update[$oid] = $this_port[$oid];
    dbUpdate($adsl_update, 'ports_adsl', '`port_id` = ?', array($port['port_id']));
    if ($this_port['adslAtucCurrSnrMgn'] > "1280") {
        $this_port['adslAtucCurrSnrMgn'] = "U";
    if ($this_port['adslAturCurrSnrMgn'] > "1280") {
        $this_port['adslAturCurrSnrMgn'] = "U";
    rrdtool_update_ng($device, 'port-adsl', array('AtucCurrSnrMgn' => $this_port['adslAtucCurrSnrMgn'], 'AtucCurrAtn' => $this_port['adslAtucCurrAtn'], 'AtucCurrOutputPwr' => $this_port['adslAtucCurrOutputPwr'], 'AtucCurrAttainableR' => $this_port['adslAtucCurrAttainableR'], 'AtucChanCurrTxRate' => $this_port['adslAtucChanCurrTxRate'], 'AturCurrSnrMgn' => $this_port['adslAturCurrSnrMgn'], 'AturCurrAtn' => $this_port['adslAturCurrAtn'], 'AturCurrOutputPwr' => $this_port['adslAturCurrOutputPwr'], 'AturCurrAttainableR' => $this_port['adslAturCurrAttainableR'], 'AturChanCurrTxRate' => $this_port['adslAturChanCurrTxRate'], 'AtucPerfLofs' => $this_port['adslAtucPerfLofs'], 'AtucPerfLoss' => $this_port['adslAtucPerfLoss'], 'AtucPerfLprs' => $this_port['adslAtucPerfLprs'], 'AtucPerfESs' => $this_port['adslAtucPerfESs'], 'AtucPerfInits' => $this_port['adslAtucPerfInits'], 'AturPerfLofs' => $this_port['adslAturPerfLofs'], 'AturPerfLoss' => $this_port['adslAturPerfLoss'], 'AturPerfLprs' => $this_port['adslAturPerfLprs'], 'AturPerfESs' => $this_port['adslAturPerfESs'], 'AtucChanCorrectedBl' => $this_port['adslAtucChanCorrectedBl'], 'AtucChanUncorrectBl' => $this_port['adslAtucChanUncorrectBl'], 'AturChanCorrectedBl' => $this_port['adslAturChanCorrectedBl'], 'AturChanUncorrectBl' => $this_port['adslAturChanUncorrectBl']), get_port_rrdindex($port));
    if ($GLOBALS['config']['statsd']['enable']) {
        foreach ($adsl_oids as $oid) {
            // Update StatsD/Carbon
            StatsD::gauge(str_replace(".", "_", $device['hostname']) . '.' . 'port' . '.' . $port['ifIndex'] . '.' . $oid, $this_port[$oid]);
    //echo("ADSL (".$this_port['adslLineCoding']."/".formatRates($this_port['adslAtucChanCurrTxRate'])."/".formatRates($this_port['adslAturChanCurrTxRate']).")");
foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM mempools WHERE device_id = ?", array($device['device_id'])) as $mempool) {
    echo "Mempool " . $mempool['mempool_descr'] . ": ";
    $mempool_rrd = $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $device['hostname'] . "/" . safename("mempool-" . $mempool['mempool_type'] . "-" . $mempool['mempool_index'] . ".rrd");
    $file = $config['install_dir'] . "/includes/polling/mempools/" . $mempool['mempool_type'] . ".inc.php";
    if (is_file($file)) {
        include $file;
    } else {
        // Do we need a generic mempool poller?
    if ($mempool['total']) {
        $percent = round($mempool['used'] / $mempool['total'] * 100, 2);
    } else {
        $percent = 0;
    echo $percent . "% ";
    if (!is_file($mempool_rrd)) {
        rrdtool_create($mempool_rrd, "--step 300 DS:used:GAUGE:600:0:U DS:free:GAUGE:600:0:U " . $config['rrd_rra']);
    rrdtool_update($mempool_rrd, "N:" . $mempool['used'] . ":" . $mempool['free']);
    $mempool['state'] = array('mempool_used' => $mempool['used'], 'mempool_perc' => $percent, 'mempool_free' => $mempool['free'], 'mempool_total' => $mempool['total'], 'mempool_largestfree' => $mempool['largestfree'], 'mempool_lowestfree' => $mempool['lowestfree']);
    if ($config['memcached']['enable']) {
        if ($debug) {
        $memcache->set('mempool-' . $mempool['mempool_id'] . '-value', $mempool['state']);
    } else {
        dbUpdate($mempool['state'], 'mempools', '`mempool_id` = ?', array($mempool['mempool_id']));
    echo "\n";
function unmute_alert()
    global $config;
    $app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
    $router = $app->router()->getCurrentRoute()->getParams();
    $alert_id = mres($router['id']);
    $status = 'error';
    $err_msg = '';
    $message = '';
    $code = 500;
    if (is_numeric($alert_id)) {
        $status = 'ok';
        $code = 200;
        if (dbUpdate(array('state' => 1), 'alerts', '`id` = ? LIMIT 1', array($alert_id))) {
            $message = 'Alert has been unmuted';
        } else {
            $message = 'No alert by that ID';
    } else {
        $err_msg = 'Invalid alert has been provided';
    $output = array('status' => $status, 'err-msg' => $err_msg, 'message' => $message);
    $app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    echo _json_encode($output);
 * Run all rules for a device
 * @param int $device Device-ID
 * @return void
function RunRules($device)
    global $debug;
    $chk = dbFetchRow("SELECT id FROM alert_schedule WHERE alert_schedule.device_id = ? AND NOW() BETWEEN alert_schedule.start AND alert_schedule.end", array($device));
    if ($chk['id'] > 0) {
        return false;
    foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM alert_rules WHERE alert_rules.disabled = 0 && ( alert_rules.device_id = -1 || alert_rules.device_id = ? ) ORDER BY device_id,id", array($device)) as $rule) {
        echo " #" . $rule['id'] . ":";
        $chk = dbFetchRow("SELECT state FROM alerts WHERE rule_id = ? && device_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1", array($rule['id'], $device));
        $sql = GenSQL($rule['rule']);
        $qry = dbFetchRows($sql, array($device));
        if (sizeof($qry) > 0) {
            if ($chk['state'] === "2") {
                echo " SKIP  ";
            } elseif ($chk['state'] === "1") {
                echo " NOCHG ";
            } else {
                $extra = gzcompress(json_encode(array('contacts' => GetContacts($qry), 'rule' => $qry)), 9);
                if (dbInsert(array('state' => 1, 'device_id' => $device, 'rule_id' => $rule['id'], 'details' => $extra), 'alert_log')) {
                    if (!dbUpdate(array('state' => 1, 'open' => 1), 'alerts', 'device_id = ? && rule_id = ?', array($device, $rule['id']))) {
                        dbInsert(array('state' => 1, 'device_id' => $device, 'rule_id' => $rule['id'], 'open' => 1), 'alerts');
                    echo " ALERT ";
        } else {
            if ($chk['state'] === "0") {
                echo " NOCHG ";
            } else {
                if (dbInsert(array('state' => 0, 'device_id' => $device, 'rule_id' => $rule['id']), 'alert_log')) {
                    if (!dbUpdate(array('state' => 0, 'open' => 1), 'alerts', 'device_id = ? && rule_id = ?', array($device, $rule['id']))) {
                        dbInsert(array('state' => 0, 'device_id' => $device, 'rule_id' => $rule['id'], 'open' => 1), 'alerts');
                    echo " OK    ";
Exemple #13
function renamehost($id, $new, $source = 'console')
    global $config;
    // FIXME does not check if destination exists!
    $host = dbFetchCell("SELECT `hostname` FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($id));
    if (rename($config['rrd_dir'] . "/{$host}", $config['rrd_dir'] . "/{$new}") === TRUE) {
        dbUpdate(array('hostname' => $new), 'devices', 'device_id=?', array($id));
        log_event("Hostname changed -> {$new} ({$source})", $id, 'system');
    } else {
        echo "Renaming of {$host} failed\n";
        log_event("Renaming of {$host} failed", $id, 'system');
Exemple #14
    //db operation : add , update, delete
    $q = false;
    if ($opt == 'a') {
        // add
        $q = dbInsert($dbtable, $inp);
        $y = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM admin WHERE pegawai='" . $inp['pegawai'] . "'");
        // $y=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM admin WHERE pegawai='".$inp['pegawai']."'");
        if (mysql_num_rows($y) == 0) {
            $y = mysql_query("SELECT hrd_pegawai.nip,hrd_pegawai.nama FROM hrd_pegawai WHERE hrd_pegawai.replid='" . $inp['pegawai'] . "'");
            $u = mysql_fetch_array($y);
            $q = mysql_query("INSERT INTO admin SET app='gur', nama='" . $u['nama'] . "', uname='" . $u['nip'] . "', passwd='" . md5('admin') . "', pegawai='" . $inp['pegawai'] . "', level='2'");
    } else {
        if ($opt == 'u') {
            // edit
            $q = dbUpdate($dbtable, $inp, "replid='{$cid}'");
        } else {
            if ($opt == 'd') {
                // delete
                $t = mysql_query("SELECT pegawai FROM aka_guru WHERE replid='{$cid}'");
                $r = mysql_fetch_array($t);
                $q = dbDel($dbtable, "replid='{$cid}'");
                $q &= dbDel("admin", "pegawai='" . $r['pegawai'] . "'");
} else {
    // form process
    if ($opt == 'uf' || $opt == 'df') {
        // db operation for form : update , delete
Exemple #15
if ($_SESSION['userlevel'] >= '10') {
    // Scan for new plugins and add to the database
    $new_plugins = scan_new_plugins();
    // Check if we have to toggle enabled / disable a particular module
    $plugin_id = $_POST['plugin_id'];
    $plugin_active = $_POST['plugin_active'];
    if (is_numeric($plugin_id) && is_numeric($plugin_active)) {
        if ($plugin_active == '0') {
            $plugin_active = 1;
        } elseif ($plugin_active == '1') {
            $plugin_active = 0;
        } else {
            $plugin_active = 0;
        if (dbUpdate(array('plugin_active' => $plugin_active), 'plugins', '`plugin_id` = ?', array($plugin_id))) {
            echo '
<script type="text/javascript">
    url: "",
    context: document.body,
    success: function(s,x){
    //end if
Exemple #16
function set_config_name($name, $config_value)
    return dbUpdate(array('config_value' => $config_value), 'config', '`config_name`=?', array($name));
Exemple #17
            echo "VLAN {$vlan_id} \n";
            if ($vlan_data) {
                echo str_pad("dot1d id", 10) . str_pad("ifIndex", 10) . str_pad("Port Name", 25) . str_pad("Priority", 10) . str_pad("State", 15) . str_pad("Cost", 10) . "\n";
            foreach ($vlan_data as $vlan_port_id => $vlan_port) {
                $port = get_port_by_index_cache($device, $vlan_port['dot1dBasePortIfIndex']);
                echo str_pad($vlan_port_id, 10) . str_pad($vlan_port['dot1dBasePortIfIndex'], 10) . str_pad($port['ifDescr'], 25) . str_pad($vlan_port['dot1dStpPortPriority'], 10) . str_pad($vlan_port['dot1dStpPortState'], 15) . str_pad($vlan_port['dot1dStpPortPathCost'], 10);
                $db_w = array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'port_id' => $port['port_id'], 'vlan' => $vlan_id);
                $db_a['baseport'] = $vlan_port_id;
                $db_a['priority'] = isset($vlan_port['dot1dStpPortPriority']) ? $vlan_port['dot1dStpPortPriority'] : 0;
                $db_a['state'] = isset($vlan_port['dot1dStpPortState']) ? $vlan_port['dot1dStpPortState'] : "unknown";
                $db_a['cost'] = isset($vlan_port['dot1dStpPortPathCost']) ? $vlan_port['dot1dStpPortPathCost'] : 0;
                $from_db = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ?", array($device['device_id'], $port['port_id'], $vlan_id));
                if ($from_db['port_vlan_id']) {
                    dbUpdate($db_a, 'ports_vlans', "`port_vlan_id` = ?", array($from_db['port_vlan_id']));
                    echo "Updated";
                } else {
                    dbInsert(array_merge($db_w, $db_a), 'ports_vlans');
                    echo "Inserted";
                echo "\n";
foreach ($vlans_db as $domain_id => $vlans) {
    foreach ($vlans as $vlan_id => $vlan) {
        if (empty($device['vlans'][$domain_id][$vlan_id])) {
            dbDelete('vlans', "`device_id` = ? AND vlan_domain = ? AND vlan_vlan = ?", array($device['device_id'], $domain_id, $vlan_id));
Exemple #18
		} else {
	else if($opt=='u') { // edit
	else if($opt=='d'){ // delete
} else {
	if($opt=='uf'||$opt=='df'){ // Prepocessing form
		$tk=mysql_query("SELECT judul,klasifikasi,pengarang FROM pus_katalog WHERE replid='".$r['katalog']."'");
Exemple #19
                            foreach ($extras as $option) {
                                list($k, $v) = explode('=', $option, 2);
                                if (!empty($k) || !empty($v)) {
                                    dbInsert(array('config_name' => 'alert.transports.boxcar.' . $config_id . '.' . $k, 'config_value' => $v, 'config_group' => $config_group, 'config_sub_group' => $config_sub_group, 'config_default' => $v, 'config_descr' => 'Boxcar ' . $v), 'config');
                        } else {
                            $message = 'Could not create config item';
                } else {
                    if (empty($config_group) || empty($config_sub_group) || empty($config_name) || empty($config_value)) {
                        $message = 'Missing config name or value';
                    } else {
                        $config_id = dbInsert(array('config_name' => $config_name, 'config_value' => $config_value, 'config_group' => $config_group, 'config_sub_group' => $config_sub_group, 'config_default' => $config_value, 'config_descr' => 'API Transport'), 'config');
                        if ($config_id > 0) {
                            dbUpdate(array('config_name' => $config_name . $config_id), 'config', 'config_id=?', array($config_id));
                            $status = 'ok';
                            $message = 'Config item created';
                        } else {
                            $message = 'Could not create config item';
//end if
$response = array('status' => $status, 'message' => $message, 'config_id' => $config_id, 'additional_id' => $additional_id);
echo _json_encode($response);
Exemple #20
 * Code for Gridster.sort_by_row_and_col_asc(serialization) call is from
$no_refresh = true;
$default_dash = 0;
$tmp = dbFetchCell('SELECT dashboard FROM users WHERE user_id=?', array($_SESSION['user_id']));
if ($tmp != 0) {
    $default_dash = $tmp;
} elseif ((int) $config['webui']['default_dashboard_id']) {
    // if the user hasn't set their default page, and there is a global default set
    $default_dash = dbFetchCell('SELECT `dashboard_id` FROM `dashboards` WHERE `dashboard_id` = ?', array((int) $config['webui']['default_dashboard_id']));
if ($default_dash == 0 && dbFetchCell('SELECT dashboard_id FROM dashboards WHERE user_id=?', array($_SESSION['user_id'])) == 0) {
    $vars['dashboard'] = dbInsert(array('dashboard_name' => 'Default', 'user_id' => $_SESSION['user_id']), 'dashboards');
    if (dbFetchCell('select 1 from users_widgets where user_id = ? && dashboard_id = ?', array($_SESSION['user_id'], 0)) == 1) {
        dbUpdate(array('dashboard_id' => $vars['dashboard']), 'users_widgets', 'user_id = ? && dashboard_id = ?', array($_SESSION['user_id'], 0));
if (!empty($vars['dashboard'])) {
    $orig = $vars['dashboard'];
    $vars['dashboard'] = dbFetchRow('select * from dashboards where user_id = ? && dashboard_id = ? order by dashboard_id limit 1', array($_SESSION['user_id'], $vars['dashboard']));
    if (empty($vars['dashboard'])) {
        $vars['dashboard'] = dbFetchRow('select dashboards.*,users.username from dashboards inner join users on dashboards.user_id = users.user_id where dashboards.dashboard_id = ? && dashboards.access > 0', array($orig));
if (empty($vars['dashboard'])) {
    if ($default_dash != 0) {
        $vars['dashboard'] = dbFetchRow('select dashboards.*,users.username from dashboards inner join users on dashboards.user_id = users.user_id where dashboards.dashboard_id = ?', array($default_dash));
    } else {
        $vars['dashboard'] = dbFetchRow('select * from dashboards where user_id = ? order by dashboard_id limit 1', array($_SESSION['user_id']));
 if (empty($vars['new_email'])) {
     $vars['new_email'] = $users_details['email'];
 if ($config['twofactor']) {
     if ($vars['twofactorremove']) {
         if (dbUpdate(array('twofactor' => ''), users, 'user_id = ?', array($vars['user_id']))) {
             echo "<div class='alert alert-success'>TwoFactor credentials removed.</div>";
         } else {
             echo "<div class='alert alert-danger'>Couldnt remove user's TwoFactor credentials.</div>";
     if ($vars['twofactorunlock']) {
         $twofactor = dbFetchRow("SELECT twofactor FROM users WHERE user_id = ?", array($vars['user_id']));
         $twofactor = json_decode($twofactor['twofactor'], true);
         $twofactor['fails'] = 0;
         if (dbUpdate(array('twofactor' => json_encode($twofactor)), users, 'user_id = ?', array($vars['user_id']))) {
             echo "<div class='alert alert-success'>User unlocked.</div>";
         } else {
             echo "<div class='alert alert-danger'>Couldnt reset user's TwoFactor failures.</div>";
 echo "<form class='form-horizontal' role='form' method='post' action=''>\n  <input type='hidden' name='user_id' value='" . $vars['user_id'] . "'>\n  <input type='hidden' name='edit' value='yes'>\n  <div class='form-group'>\n    <label for='new_realname' class='col-sm-2 control-label'>Realname</label>\n    <div class='col-sm-4'>\n      <input name='new_realname' class='form-control input-sm' value='" . $vars['new_realname'] . "'>\n    </div>\n    <div class='col-sm-6'>\n    </div>\n  </div>\n  <div class='form-group'>\n    <label for='new_email' class='col-sm-2 control-label'>Email</label>\n    <div class='col-sm-4'>\n      <input name='new_email' class='form-control input-sm' value='" . $vars['new_email'] . "'>\n    </div>\n    <div class='col-sm-6'>\n    </div>\n  </div>\n  <div class='form-group'>\n    <label for='new_level' class='col-sm-2 control-label'>Level</label>\n    <div class='col-sm-4'>\n      <select name='new_level' class='form-control input-sm'>\n        <option value='1'";
 if ($vars['new_level'] == '1') {
     echo "selected";
 echo ">Normal User</option>\n        <option value='5'";
 if ($vars['new_level'] == '5') {
     echo "selected";
 echo ">Global Read</option>\n        <option value='10'";
Exemple #22
             $interface = dbFetchRow('SELECT ifDescr, port_id FROM ports WHERE ifIndex = ? AND device_id = ?', array($if_id, $device['device_id']));
             echo short_ifname($interface['ifDescr']) . " ";
             dbUpdate(array('ifVrf' => $vrf_id), 'ports', '`port_id` = ?', array($interface['port_id']));
             $if = $interface['port_id'];
             $valid_vrf_if[$vrf_id][$if] = 1;
 echo "\n";
 foreach (dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM ports WHERE device_id = ?', array($device['device_id'])) as $row) {
     $if = $row['port_id'];
     $vrf_id = $row['ifVrf'];
     if ($row['ifVrf']) {
         if (!$valid_vrf_if[$vrf_id][$if]) {
             echo "-";
             dbUpdate(array('ifVrf' => NULL), 'ports', '`port_id` = ?', array($if));
         } else {
             echo ".";
 foreach (dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM vrfs WHERE device_id = ?', array($device['device_id'])) as $row) {
     $vrf_id = $row['vrf_id'];
     if (!$valid_vrf[$vrf_id]) {
         echo "-";
         dbDelete('vrfs', '`vrf_id` = ?', array($vrf_id));
     } else {
         echo ".";
Exemple #23
print_message("This page allows you to disable or enable certain Graphs detected for a device.");
$graphs_db = array();
foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT `graph`,`enabled` FROM `device_graphs` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($device['device_id'])) as $entry) {
    $graph = $entry['graph'];
    $section = $config['graph_types']['device'][$graph]['section'];
    $graphs_db[$graph] = (bool) $entry['enabled'];
    // Another array sorted by sections
    $graphs_sections[$section][$graph] = (bool) $entry['enabled'];
$graph = $_POST['toggle_graph'];
if ($graph && isset($graphs_db[$graph]) && !in_array($config['graph_types']['device'][$graph]['section'], array('poller', 'system'))) {
    $value = (int) (!$graphs_db[$graph]);
    // Toggle current 'enabled' value
    $updated = dbUpdate(array('enabled' => $value), 'device_graphs', '`device_id` = ? AND `graph` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $graph));
    if ($updated) {
        print_success("Graph '{$graph}' " . ($value ? 'enabled' : 'disabled') . '.');
        $graphs_sections[$config['graph_types']['device'][$graph]['section']][$graph] = (bool) $value;

<div class="row"> <!-- begin row -->

  <div class="col-md-6"> <!-- begin poller options -->

  <legend>Device Graphs</legend>
Exemple #24
            $rows_updated = -1;
        $rows_updated += $n;
    } else {
        if (strncmp($key, 'olddis_', 7) == 0) {
            // Interface identifier passed as part of the field name
            $port_id = intval(substr($key, 7));
            $olddis = intval($val) ? 1 : 0;
            $newdis = $_POST['disabled_' . $port_id] ? 1 : 0;
            // As checkboxes are not posted when unset - we effectively need to do a diff to work
            // out a set->unset case.
            if ($olddis == $newdis) {
            $n = dbUpdate(array('disabled' => $newdis), 'ports', '`device_id` = ? AND `port_id` = ?', array($device_id, $port_id));
            if ($n < 0) {
                $rows_updated = -1;
            $rows_updated += $n;
    //end if
//end foreach
if ($rows_updated > 0) {
    $message = $rows_updated . ' Device record updated.';
    $status = 'ok';
} else {
    if ($rows_updated = '-1') {
Exemple #25
        if ($device['override_sysLocation'] != $override_sysLocation_bool || $device['location'] != $override_sysLocation_string) {
            $updated = 1;
        if ($override_sysLocation_bool) {
            $override_sysLocation = 1;
        } else {
            $override_sysLocation = 0;
        dbUpdate(array('override_sysLocation' => $override_sysLocation), 'devices', '`device_id`=?', array($device['device_id']));
        if (isset($override_sysLocation_string)) {
            dbUpdate(array('location' => $override_sysLocation_string), 'devices', '`device_id`=?', array($device['device_id']));
        #FIXME needs more sanity checking! and better feedback
        $param = array('purpose' => $_POST['descr'], 'type' => $_POST['type'], 'ignore' => $_POST['ignore'], 'disabled' => $_POST['disabled']);
        $rows_updated = dbUpdate($param, 'devices', '`device_id` = ?', array($device['device_id']));
        if ($rows_updated > 0 || $updated) {
            $update_message = "Device record updated.";
            $updated = 1;
            $device = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($device['device_id']));
        } elseif ($rows_updated = '-1') {
            $update_message = "Device record unchanged. No update necessary.";
            $updated = -1;
        } else {
            $update_message = "Device record update error.";
    } else {
        include 'includes/';
$descr = $device['purpose'];
$rserver_array = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'cesServerFarmRserverTable', array(), 'CISCO-ENHANCED-SLB-MIB');
$rserver_db = dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM `loadbalancer_rservers` WHERE `device_id` = ?', array($device['device_id']));
foreach ($rserver_db as $serverfarm) {
    $serverfarms[$serverfarm['farm_id']] = $serverfarm;
foreach ($rserver_array as $index => $serverfarm) {
    $farm_id = preg_replace('@\\d+\\."(.*?)"\\.\\d+@', '\\1', $index);
    $oids = array('cesServerFarmRserverTotalConns', 'cesServerFarmRserverCurrentConns', 'cesServerFarmRserverFailedConns');
    $db_oids = array($farm_id => 'farm_id', 'cesServerFarmRserverStateDescr' => 'StateDescr');
    if (!is_array($serverfarms[$farm_id])) {
        $rserver_id = dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'farm_id' => $farm_id, 'StateDescr' => $serverfarm['cesServerFarmRserverStateDescr']), 'loadbalancer_rservers');
    } else {
        foreach ($db_oids as $db_oid => $db_value) {
            $db_update[$db_value] = $serverfarm[$db_oid];
        $updated = dbUpdate($db_update, 'loadbalancer_rservers', '`rserver_id` = ?', $serverfarm['cesServerFarmRserverFailedConns']['farm_id']);
    $rrd_name = array('rserver', $serverfarms[$farm_id]['rserver_id']);
    $rrd_def = array();
    foreach ($oids as $oid) {
        $oid_ds = truncate(str_replace('cesServerFarm', '', $oid), 19, '');
        $rrd_def[] = "DS:{$oid_ds}:GAUGE:600:-1:100000000";
    $fields = array();
    foreach ($oids as $oid) {
        if (is_numeric($serverfarm[$oid])) {
            $value = $serverfarm[$oid];
        } else {
            $value = '0';
        $fields[$oid] = $value;
Exemple #27
         //end if
         $update = 'UPDATE bgpPeers_cbgp SET';
         $peer['c_update']['AcceptedPrefixes'] = $cbgpPeerAcceptedPrefixes;
         $peer['c_update']['DeniedPrefixes'] = $cbgpPeerDeniedPrefixes;
         $peer['c_update']['PrefixAdminLimit'] = $cbgpPeerAdminLimit;
         $peer['c_update']['PrefixThreshold'] = $cbgpPeerPrefixThreshold;
         $peer['c_update']['PrefixClearThreshold'] = $cbgpPeerPrefixClearThreshold;
         $peer['c_update']['AdvertisedPrefixes'] = $cbgpPeerAdvertisedPrefixes;
         $peer['c_update']['SuppressedPrefixes'] = $cbgpPeerSuppressedPrefixes;
         $peer['c_update']['WithdrawnPrefixes'] = $cbgpPeerWithdrawnPrefixes;
         dbUpdate($peer['c_update'], 'bgpPeers_cbgp', '`device_id` = ? AND bgpPeerIdentifier = ? AND afi = ? AND safi = ?', array($device['device_id'], $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'], $afi, $safi));
         $cbgp_rrd = $config['rrd_dir'] . '/' . $device['hostname'] . '/' . safename('cbgp-' . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . ".{$afi}.{$safi}.rrd");
         if (!is_file($cbgp_rrd)) {
             $rrd_create = 'DS:AcceptedPrefixes:GAUGE:600:U:100000000000 
                 DS:WithdrawnPrefixes:GAUGE:600:U:100000000000 ' . $config['rrd_rra'];
             rrdtool_create($cbgp_rrd, $rrd_create);
         $fields = array('AcceptedPrefixes' => $cbgpPeerAcceptedPrefixes, 'DeniedPrefixes' => $cbgpPeerDeniedPrefixes, 'AdvertisedPrefixes' => $cbgpPeerAdvertisedPrefixes, 'SuppressedPrefixes' => $cbgpPeerSuppressedPrefixes, 'WithdrawnPrefixes' => $cbgpPeerWithdrawnPrefixes);
         rrdtool_update("{$cbgp_rrd}", $fields);
     //end foreach
 //end if
Exemple #28
    d_echo("  numasoclients: {$numasoclients}\n");
    d_echo("  interference: {$interference}\n");
    // if there is a numeric channel, assume the rest of the data is valid, I guess
    if (!is_numeric($channel)) {
    $rrd_name = array('arubaap', $name . $radionum);
    $rrd_def = array('DS:channel:GAUGE:600:0:200', 'DS:txpow:GAUGE:600:0:200', 'DS:radioutil:GAUGE:600:0:100', 'DS:nummonclients:GAUGE:600:0:500', 'DS:nummonbssid:GAUGE:600:0:200', 'DS:numasoclients:GAUGE:600:0:500', 'DS:interference:GAUGE:600:0:2000');
    $fields = array('channel' => $channel, 'txpow' => $txpow, 'radioutil' => $radioutil, 'nummonclients' => $nummonclients, 'nummonbssid' => $nummonbssid, 'numasoclients' => $numasoclients, 'interference' => $interference);
    $tags = compact('name', 'radionum', 'rrd_name', 'rrd_def');
    data_update($device, 'arubaap', $tags, $fields);
    $foundid = 0;
    for ($z = 0; $z < sizeof($ap_db); $z++) {
        if ($ap_db[$z]['name'] == $name && $ap_db[$z]['radio_number'] == $radionum) {
            $foundid = $ap_db[$z]['accesspoint_id'];
            $ap_db[$z]['seen'] = 1;
    if ($foundid == 0) {
        $ap_id = dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'name' => $name, 'radio_number' => $radionum, 'type' => $type, 'mac_addr' => $mac, 'channel' => $channel, 'txpow' => $txpow, 'radioutil' => $radioutil, 'numasoclients' => $numasoclients, 'nummonclients' => $nummonclients, 'numactbssid' => $numactbssid, 'nummonbssid' => $nummonbssid, 'interference' => $interference), 'access_points');
    } else {
        dbUpdate(array('mac_addr' => $mac, 'type' => $type, 'deleted' => 0, 'channel' => $channel, 'txpow' => $txpow, 'radioutil' => $radioutil, 'numasoclients' => $numasoclients, 'nummonclients' => $nummonclients, 'numactbssid' => $numactbssid, 'nummonbssid' => $nummonbssid, 'interference' => $interference), 'access_points', '`accesspoint_id` = ?', array($foundid));
//end foreach
for ($z = 0; $z < sizeof($ap_db); $z++) {
    if (!isset($ap_db[$z]['seen']) && $ap_db[$z]['deleted'] == 0) {
        dbUpdate(array('deleted' => 1), 'access_points', '`accesspoint_id` = ?', array($ap_db[$z]['accesspoint_id']));
Exemple #29
         $raw_mac = $data['ipNetToMediaPhysAddress'];
         list($if, $ip) = explode('.', $ip, 2);
         $ipv = 'ipv4';
     $interface = get_port_by_index_cache($device['device_id'], $if);
     $port_id = $interface['port_id'];
     if (!empty($ip) && $ipv === 'ipv4' && $raw_mac != '0:0:0:0:0:0' && !isset($arp_table[$port_id][$ip])) {
         $mac = implode(array_map('zeropad', explode(':', $raw_mac)));
         $arp_table[$port_id][$ip] = $mac;
         $index = array_search($ip, $ipv4_addresses);
         if ($index !== false) {
             $old_mac = $existing_data[$index]['mac_address'];
             if ($mac != $old_mac && $mac != '') {
                 d_echo("Changed mac address for {$ip} from {$old_mac} to {$mac}\n");
                 log_event("MAC change: {$ip} : " . mac_clean_to_readable($old_mac) . ' -> ' . mac_clean_to_readable($mac), $device, 'interface', $port_id);
                 dbUpdate(array('mac_address' => $mac), 'ipv4_mac', 'port_id=? AND ipv4_address=? AND context_name=?', array($port_id, $ip, $context));
             d_echo(null, '.');
         } elseif (isset($interface['port_id'])) {
             d_echo(null, '+');
             $insert_data[] = array('port_id' => $port_id, 'mac_address' => $mac, 'ipv4_address' => $ip, 'context_name' => $context);
 // add new entries
 if (!empty($insert_data)) {
     dbBulkInsert($insert_data, 'ipv4_mac');
 // remove stale entries
 foreach ($existing_data as $entry) {
     $entry_mac = $entry['mac_address'];
Exemple #30
            if ($opt == 'd') {
                dbUpdate("employee", array('level' => 0), "status='{$cid}'");
                dbDel($dbtable, "dcid='{$cid}'");
            } else {
                if ($opt == 'up') {
                    $a = MstrGetNextUrut($dbtable, $cid);
                    if ($a[0] != -1) {
                        dbUpdate($dbtable, array('urut' => $a[1]), "dcid='{$cid}'");
                        dbUpdate($dbtable, array('urut' => $a[2]), "dcid='" . $a[0] . "'");
                } else {
                    if ($opt == 'dn') {
                        $a = MstrGetNextUrut($dbtable, $cid, "DESC");
                        if ($a[0] != -1) {
                            dbUpdate($dbtable, array('urut' => $a[1]), "dcid='{$cid}'");
                            dbUpdate($dbtable, array('urut' => $a[2]), "dcid='" . $a[0] . "'");
    require_once VWDIR . $fmod . '.php';
} else {
    $sx = str_replace('f', '', $opt);
    $nobtn = "Cancel";
    // Form dimension
    $fwidth = 400;
    $lwidth = 100;
    $iTextFw = "width:" . ($fwidth - $lwidth - 16) . "px";
    // Preprocessing form