function dbQuery($sql, $parameters = array()) { global $fullSql; $fullSql = dbMakeQuery($sql, $parameters); if (OBS_DEBUG > 0) { // Pre query debug output if (is_cli()) { $debug_sql = explode(PHP_EOL, $fullSql); print_message(PHP_EOL . 'SQL[%y' . implode('%n' . PHP_EOL . '%y', $debug_sql) . '%n]', 'console', FALSE); } else { print_sql($fullSql); } } if (OBS_DEBUG > 0 || $GLOBALS['config']['profile_sql']) { $time_start = microtime(true); } $result = dbCallQuery($fullSql); // sets $this->result if (OBS_DEBUG > 0 || $GLOBALS['config']['profile_sql']) { $runtime = number_format(microtime(true) - $time_start, 8); $debug_msg .= 'SQL RUNTIME[' . ($runtime > 0.05 ? '%r' : '%g') . $runtime . 's%n]'; if ($GLOBALS['config']['profile_sql']) { #fwrite($this->logFile, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n" . $fullSql . "\n" . number_format($time_end - $time_start, 8) . " seconds\n\n"); $GLOBALS['sql_profile'][] = array('sql' => $fullSql, 'time' => $runtime); } } if (OBS_DEBUG > 0) { if ($result === FALSE && error_reporting() & 1) { $error_msg = 'Error in query: (' . dbError() . ') ' . dbErrorNo(); $debug_msg .= PHP_EOL . 'ERROR[%r' . $error_msg . '%n]'; } if (is_cli()) { if (OBS_DEBUG > 1) { $rows = dbAffectedRows(); $debug_msg = 'ROWS[' . ($rows < 1 ? '%r' : '%g') . $rows . '%n]' . PHP_EOL . $debug_msg; } // After query debug output for cli print_message($debug_msg, 'console', FALSE); } else { print_error($error_msg); } } if ($result === FALSE && isset($GLOBALS['config']['db']['debug']) && $GLOBALS['config']['db']['debug']) { logfile('db.log', 'Failed dbQuery (#' . dbErrorNo() . ' - ' . dbError() . '), Query: ' . $fullSql); } return $result; }
require $base_dir . "/config.php"; // Base dir, if it's not set in config if (!isset($config['install_dir'])) { $config['install_dir'] = $base_dir; } // Include necessary supporting files require_once $config['install_dir'] . "/includes/"; require $config['install_dir'] . "/includes/"; // Common functions, for is_ssl and print_warning/print_error include_once $config['install_dir'] . '/includes/'; // Connect to database if (!$GLOBALS[OBS_DB_LINK]) { if (defined('OBS_DB_SKIP') && OBS_DB_SKIP === TRUE) { print_warning("WARNING: In PHP Unit tests we can skip DB connect. But if you test db functions, check your configs."); } else { print_error("DB Error " . dbErrorNo() . ": " . dbError()); die; // Die if not PHP Unit tests } } else { if (!get_db_version() && !(isset($options['u']) || isset($options['V']))) { if (!dbQuery('SELECT 1 FROM `devices` LIMIT 1;')) { // DB schema not installed, install first print_error("DB schema not installed, first install it."); die; } } else { // Disable STRICT mode for DB session (we not fully support them) $db_modes = explode(',', dbFetchCell("SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;")); $db_mode_exclude = 'STRICT_TRANS_TABLES'; if (in_array($db_mode_exclude, $db_modes)) {
// Skip comments if ($line[0] == '#' || $line[0] == '-' || $line[0] == '/') { if (strpos($line, 'ERROR_IGNORE') !== FALSE || strpos($line, 'IGNORE_ERROR') !== FALSE) { $error_ignore = TRUE; } else { if (strpos($line, 'NOTE') !== FALSE) { list(, $note) = explode('NOTE', $line, 2); echo '(' . trim($note) . ')'; } } continue; } print_debug($line); $update = dbQuery($line); if (!$update) { $error_no = dbErrorNo(); $error_msg = "({$error_no}) " . dbError(); if ($error_no >= 2000) { // Critical errors, stop update echo " stopped. Critical error: " . $error_msg . PHP_EOL; // logfile('update-errors.log', "====== Schema update " . sprintf("%03d", $db_rev) . " -> " . sprintf("%03d", $filename) . " =============="); logfile('update-errors.log', "Query: " . $line); logfile('update-errors.log', "Error: " . $error_msg); del_process_info(-1); // Remove process info exit(1); } else { echo 'F'; $err++; $errors[] = array('query' => $line, 'error' => $error_msg);