Exemple #1
<h6 class="title">Error</h6>
<h6 class="date"><?php 
echo datum();
<h6 class="text">

Deze pagina kan niet gevonden worden.

Exemple #2
} elseif ($action == 'read') {
    $data['nav_path'] .= '&nbsp;&gt;&gt;&nbsp;&Privatnachricht lesen';
    $r_pm = db_query("SELECT\n\t     pm_id,\n\t\t pm_autor,\n\t\t pm_text,\n\t\t pm_empf,\n\t\t pm_time,\n\t\t pm_topic,\n\t\t pm_gelesen,\n\t\t pm_antwort,\n\t\t pm_saved\n\t FROM " . $pref . "pm WHERE pm_id='{$pmid}'");
    if (db_rows($r_pm) != 1) {
        message('Sorry! Es gibt keine PM mit dieser ID.', 'Fehler', 0);
    $pm = db_result($r_pm);
    if ($pm['pm_autor'] != U_NAME && $pm['pm_empf'] != U_NAME) {
        message('Du bist nicht berechtigt diese Nachricht zu lesen.', 'Rechte', 0);
    db_query("UPDATE " . $pref . "pm SET\n\t     pm_gelesen='1'\n\t WHERE pm_id='{$pmid}'");
    $TPm = Get_Template('templates/' . $style['styletemplate'] . '/pm_read.html');
    $TPm = str_replace('[pmid]', $pm['pm_id'], $TPm);
    $TPm = str_replace('[autor]', '<a href="s_profile.php?username='******'pm_autor'] . '">' . $pm['pm_autor'] . '</a>', $TPm);
    $TPm = str_replace('[empf]', '<a href="s_profile.php?username='******'pm_empf'] . '">' . $pm['pm_empf'] . '</a>', $TPm);
    $TPm = str_replace('[datum]', datum($pm['pm_time']), $TPm);
    $TPm = str_replace('[topic]', $pm['pm_topic'], $TPm);
    $TPm = str_replace('[text]', parse_code($pm['pm_text'], 1, 1, 1, $config['smilies']), $TPm);
    // user update
    $r_pm = db_query("SELECT\n\t     COUNT(pm_id)\n\t FROM " . $pref . "pm WHERE pm_empf='" . U_NAME . "' AND pm_gelesen='0'");
    $pm = db_result($r_pm);
    list(, $new) = each($pm);
    db_query("UPDATE " . $pref . "user SET\n\t\t pm_new='" . ($new == 0 ? 0 : 1) . "'\n\t WHERE user_id='" . U_ID . "'");
} elseif ($action == 'delete') {
    if (isset($all)) {
        $r_pm = db_query("SELECT\n\t         pm_id\n\t     FROM " . $pref . "pm WHERE pm_autor='" . U_NAME . "' OR pm_empf='" . U_NAME . "'");
        $pmdel = array();
        if (db_rows($r_pm) > 0) {
            while ($pm = db_result($r_pm)) {
                $pmdel[] = $pm['pm_id'];
Exemple #3
     if ($board['last_post_id'] > $_SESSION[$session_var] && $board['last_post_id'] != 0) {
         $gif = '_new';
         $new_topic = 1;
         $new_cat = 1;
 $boardname = '<a href="board.php?boardid=' . $board['board_id'] . '"><b>' . $board['board_name'] . '</b></a>';
 $boardname .= '<br />[smallfont]' . $board['board_under'] . '[smallfontend]';
 $threads = $board['threads'];
 $posts = $board['posts'];
 if (P_SHOWDELETED == 1) {
     $threads .= '/<font color="' . $style['col_link'] . '">[smallfont]' . $board['threads_del'] . '[smallfontend]</font>';
     $posts .= '/<font color="' . $style['col_link'] . '">[smallfont]' . $board['posts_del'] . '[smallfontend]</font>';
 if ($board['last_act_time'] != 0) {
     $last = datum($board['last_act_time']);
     if (strlen($board['last_act_thread']) > 50) {
         $board['last_act_thread'] = substr($board['last_act_thread'], 0, 46) . '...';
     $last .= '<br /><a href="showtopic.php?threadid=' . $board['last_thread_id'] . '&boardid=' . $board['board_id'] . '&page=last">' . $board['last_act_thread'] . '</a>';
     $last .= '&nbsp;von <a href="s_profile.php?username='******'last_act_user'] . '">' . $board['last_act_user'] . '</a>';
 } else {
     $last = '<center>unbekannt</center>';
 $row = $TBoardrow;
 $row = str_replace('[board_gif]', '<img src="templates/' . $style['styletemplate'] . '/images/board' . $gif . '.gif" border="0">', $row);
 $row = str_replace('[forum_name]', $boardname, $row);
 $row = str_replace('[threads]', $threads, $row);
 $row = str_replace('[posts]', $posts, $row);
 $row = str_replace('[last]', $last, $row);
 $category .= $row;
Exemple #4

// enkele variabelen voor navigatie
$page = !isset($_GET['nav']) ? 1 : $_GET['nav'];
// max
$max = 8;
//aantal records per pagina
$start = $max * $page - $max;
$query = mysql_query('SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(`datum`, "%d/%M/%m/%Y %H:%i") AS `formatdatum` FROM nieuws ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ' . $start . ', ' . $max);
if (mysql_num_rows($query) < 1) {
    echo '<h6 class="title">Startpagina</h6>';
    echo '<h6 class="date">' . datum() . '</h6>';
    echo '<h6 class="text">Er zijn nog geen artikels in de database.</h6>';
} else {
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
    <h6 class="title" style="margin-top: 0;"><?php 
        echo artikelInOrde($row['titel']);
    <h6 class="date"><?php 
        echo datumOmzetten($row['formatdatum']);
    <h6 class="text"><?php 
        echo artikelInOrde($row['artikel']);
    <div style="padding: 0; margin: 0 0 25px 0; border-bottom: 1px dashed #CECECE;"></div>
          <td class="shortcut"><?php 
    echo $row["shortcut"];
          <td class="plmi"><?php 
    echo printSign(StrToPlMi($row["change"]), " €");
          <td class="mlmiproz"><?php 
    echo printSign(StrToPercent($row["change"]), " %");
          <td class="datum"><?php 
    echo datum($row["date"]);
        	<td colspan="6">
        			<div style="width:device-width">
        				<!-- Bild -->
        				<div style="float:left; width: 40%; text-align: center;">
        					<a href="http://chart.finance.yahoo.com/z?s=<?php 
    echo $row["shortcut"];
&t=6m&q=l&l=on&z=l" target="_blank">
	        					<img class="image" src="" loadURL="http://chart.finance.yahoo.com/z?s=<?php 
    echo $row["shortcut"];
Exemple #6
$i = 0;
while ($user = db_result($r_user)) {
    if (U_ID < 1) {
        $mail = '- Versteckt';
    } else {
        if ($user['user_mail'] == '') {
            $mail = '&nbsp;';
        if ($user['user_nomail'] == 1 && U_ISADMIN == 0 && U_ISMOD == 0) {
            $mail = '- Versteckt';
        if ($user['user_nomail'] == 0 || $user['user_nomail'] == 1 && (U_ISADMIN == 1 || U_ISMOD == 1)) {
            $mail = '<a href="mailto:' . $user['user_mail'] . '">' . $user['user_mail'] . '</a>';
    $row = $TRow;
    $row = str_replace('[color_row]', $i % 2 == 0 ? '[CellB]' : '[CellA]', $row);
    $row = str_replace('[name]', '<a href="s_profile.php?username='******'user_name'] . '">' . $user['user_name'] . '</a>', $row);
    $row = str_replace('[mail]', $mail, $row);
    $row = str_replace('[icq]', $user['user_icq'] != 0 ? $user['user_icq'] : '&nbsp;', $row);
    $row = str_replace('[hp]', $user['user_hp'] != '' && $user['user_hp'] != 'http://' ? '<a href="' . $user['user_hp'] . '" target="_blank">' . $user['user_hp'] . '</a>' : '&nbsp;', $row);
    $row = str_replace('[ort]', $user['user_ort'] != '' ? $user['user_ort'] : '&nbsp;', $row);
    $row = str_replace('[posts]', $user['post_count'], $row);
    $row = str_replace('[join]', datum($user['user_join']), $row);
    $row = str_replace('[last]', $user['user_lastpostt'] != 0 ? datum($user['user_lastpostt']) : 'N/A', $row);
    $memberslist .= $row;
$TList = str_replace('[members]', $memberslist, $TList);
$data['boardtable'] = Template($TList);
echo Output(Template($TBoard));
Exemple #7
} else {
    $row = str_replace('[value]', '<a href="mailto:' . $profile['user_mail'] . '">' . $profile['user_mail'] . '</a>', $row);
$table .= $row;
// Registrierung
$row = str_replace('[bgcolor]', color($i), $line);
$row = str_replace('[name]', 'Registrierdatum', $row);
$row = str_replace('[value]', datum($profile['user_join']), $row);
$table .= $row;
// last Post time
if ($profile['user_lastpostt'] != 0) {
    $row = str_replace('[bgcolor]', color($i), $line);
    $row = str_replace('[name]', 'Letzter Beitrag [smallfont](Zeit)[smallfontend]', $row);
    $row = str_replace('[value]', datum($profile['user_lastpostt']), $row);
    $table .= $row;
// last Post
if ($profile['user_lastpostid'] != 0) {
    $row = str_replace('[bgcolor]', color($i), $line);
    $row = str_replace('[name]', 'Letzter Beitrag', $row);
    $row = str_replace('[value]', '<a href="findpost.php?postid=' . $profile['user_lastpostid'] . '">' . $profile['user_lasttopic'] . '</a>', $row);
    $table .= $row;
// optionen
$row = str_replace('[bgcolor]', color($i), $line);
$row = str_replace('[name]', 'Optionen', $row);
$value = '';
Exemple #8
	  ' . ($a_thread['deleted'] == 1 && P_SHOWDELETED ? '&nbsp;<img src="templates/' . $style['styletemplate'] . '/images/saved_no.gif" width="10" height="10" border="0" />' : '') . '</td>
	  <td class="blank" style="text-align:right">[smallfont]' . $a_thread['thread_views'] . '[smallfontend]</td>
// Letzte 10 Posts
$r_post = db_query("SELECT\n     thread_topic, thread_id, last_post_id, last_act_time, board_id\n FROM " . $pref . "thread WHERE board_id IN (" . $show_boards . ") " . (P_SHOWDELETED ? "" : "AND deleted='0'") . " ORDER BY last_act_time DESC LIMIT 0, 10");
$i = 1;
$data['last10posts'] = '';
while ($a_post = db_result($r_post)) {
    $data['last10posts'] .= '<tr bgcolor="' . ($i % 2 == 0 ? '[CellA]' : '[CellB]') . '"><td class="blank" width="10" style="text-align:right">
	  [smallfont]' . $i . '[smallfontend]
	  </td><td class="blank">&nbsp;[smallfont]<a href="showtopic.php?threadid=' . $a_post['thread_id'] . '&boardid=' . $a_post['board_id'] . '#p' . $a_post['last_post_id'] . '">' . len($a_post['thread_topic']) . '</a>[smallfontend]</td>
	  <td class="blank" style="text-align:right">[smallfont]' . datum($a_post['last_act_time']) . '[smallfontend]</td>
// letze 12 Monate
$month = date("m", $board_time);
$year = date("Y", $board_time);
$monatsname = array(" ", "Januar", "Februar", "März", "April", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Dezember");
$monate = array();
$monate[] = array($monatsname[intval($month)] . '&nbsp;' . $year, mktime(0, 0, 0, intval($month), 1, $year), mktime(0, 0, -1, intval($month) + 1, 1, $year));
for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) {
    if ($month == 0) {
        $month = 12;
Exemple #9
function saveDocVorlage($data, $files)
    if (!$data["did"]) {
        $data["did"] = mknewDocVorlage();
        if (!$data["did"]) {
            return false;
    if ($files["file"]["name"]) {
        exec("cp " . $files["file"]["tmp_name"] . " ./vorlage/" . $files["file"]["name"]);
        $file = $files["file"]["name"];
    } else {
        $file = $data["file_"];
    if (!$data["vorlage"]) {
        $data["vorlage"] = "Kein Titel " . datum("d.m.Y");
    $sql = "update docvorlage set vorlage='" . $data["vorlage"] . "', beschreibung='" . $data["beschreibung"];
    $sql .= "', file='" . $file . "', applikation='" . $data["applikation"] . "' where docid=" . $data["did"];
    $rs = $_SESSION['db']->query($sql);
    if (!$rs) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return $data["did"];
Exemple #10
    $aantal_dagen_in_maand = date('t', $tijdstip_in_maand);
    // We kiezen een willekeurige dag in de maand
    $dag = rand(1, $aantal_dagen_in_maand);
    // We schrijven het resultaat naar het scherm
    print "{$dag} {$benaming_maand} {$jaar}<br>";
// We zoeken eerst in 11 opeenvolgende jaren een willekeurige datum
// Omdat er geen beperking is voor de maanden moet er maar één argument worden doorgegeven
for ($i = 2010; $i <= 2020; $i++) {
print "<br>";
// We zoeken vervolgens in 11 opeenvolgende jaren een willekeurige datum in juli of augustus
// We geven nu wel een array door met de nummers van de maanden juli en augustus
for ($i = 2010; $i <= 2020; $i++) {
    datum($i, array(7, 8));
$jaar = date('Y');
$volgendjaar = $jaar + 1;
$nu = time();
$nieuwjaar = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $volgendjaar);
$verschil = ($nieuwjaar - $nu) / 60 / 60 / 24;
$verschil = ceil($verschil);
echo "Nog {$verschil} aantal dagen tot nieuwjaar.";
Exemple #11
         if ($ownpost == 1 && P_EDIT || $ownpost == 0 && P_OEDIT) {
             $more .= ($more == '' ? '' : '||&nbsp;') . '<a href="edit.php?action=edit&threadid=' . $threadid . '&postid=' . $post['post_id'] . '&boardid=' . $boardid . '&page=' . $page . '">' . ($style['editimage'] != '' ? '<img src="' . $style['editimage'] . '" border="0" />' : 'Editieren') . '</a>&nbsp;';
         if ($ownpost == 1 && P_DELPOST || $ownpost == 0 && P_ODELPOST) {
             $more .= ($more == '' ? '' : '||&nbsp;') . '<a href="edit.php?action=delete&threadid=' . $threadid . '&postid=' . $post['post_id'] . '&boardid=' . $boardid . '&page=' . $page . '">' . ($style['deleteimage'] != '' ? '<img src="' . $style['deleteimage'] . '" border="0" />' : 'L&ouml;schen') . '</a>&nbsp;';
     // noch mal optionen
     if (U_ID != 0 && $config['report'] == 1) {
         $options .= ($options == '' ? '' : '&nbsp;||&nbsp;') . '<a href="report.php?boardid=' . $boardid . '&threadid=' . $threadid . '&postid=' . $post['post_id'] . '&page=' . $page . '">' . ($style['reportimage'] != '' ? '<img src="' . $style['reportimage'] . '" border="0" />' : 'Melden') . '</a>&nbsp;';
     // TEMPLATE
     $row = $TPostrow;
     $row = str_replace('[anker]', $anker, $row);
     $row = str_replace('[post_num]', $post_num_string, $row);
     $row = str_replace('[post_time]', datum($post['post_time']), $row);
     $row = str_replace('[user_name]', $user_name, $row);
     $row = str_replace('[user_title]', $user_title, $row);
     $row = str_replace('[avatar]', $avatar, $row);
     $row = str_replace('[stat]', $statik, $row);
     $row = str_replace('[join_time]', $join, $row);
     $row = str_replace('[threadautor]', $threadautor, $row);
     $row = str_replace('[ip]', $ip, $row);
     $row = str_replace('[post]', parse_code($post['post_text'], 1, 1, $post['bcode'], $smilies), $row);
     $row = str_replace('[signatur]', $signatur, $row);
     $row = str_replace('[editline]', $editline, $row);
     $row = str_replace('[new]', '<img src="' . $icon . '" border="0"  align="left" />', $row);
     $row = str_replace('[options]', $options, $row);
     $row = str_replace('[more_options]', $more, $row);
     $posts .= $row;
Exemple #12
$onuser24 = array();
$onlinelist24 = '';
$r_24user = db_query("SELECT\n     user_name,\n\t user_ishidden\n FROM " . $pref . "user WHERE user_lastacttime>'" . ($board_time - 86400) . "'");
if (db_rows($r_24user) > 0) {
    while ($a_24user = db_result($r_24user)) {
        if ($a_24user['user_ishidden'] == 0) {
            $onuser24[] = '<a href="s_profile.php?username='******'user_name'] . '">' . $a_24user['user_name'] . '</a>';
        } else {
            if (P_CANSEEINVIS == 1) {
                $onuser24[] = '<a href="s_profile.php?username='******'user_name'] . '">' . $a_24user['user_name'] . '</a>(Versteckt)';
if (count($onuser24) > 0) {
    $onlinelist24 = implode(' ,', $onuser24);
$r_onstat = db_query("SELECT\n     max_online,\n\t max_online_time\n FROM " . $pref . "stats");
$a_onstat = db_result($r_onstat);
$rek = $a_onstat['max_online'];
$rekorttime = datum($a_onstat['max_online_time']);
if ($onlinecount > $rek) {
    $rek = $onlinecount;
    $rekorttime = datum($board_time);
    db_query("UPDATE " . $pref . "stats SET\n\t     max_online='{$rek}',\n\t\t max_online_time='{$board_time}'");