function holidayspotter_date_nav_title($params)
    $granularity = $params['granularity'];
    $view = $params['view'];
    $date_info = $view->date_info;
    $link = !empty($params['link']) ? $params['link'] : FALSE;
    $format = !empty($params['format']) ? $params['format'] : NULL;
    switch ($granularity) {
        case 'year':
            $title = $date_info->year;
            $date_arg = $date_info->year;
        case 'month':
            $format = !empty($format) ? $format : (empty($date_info->mini) ? 'F Y' : 'F Y');
            $title = date_format_date($date_info->min_date, 'custom', $format);
            $date_arg = $date_info->year . '-' . date_pad($date_info->month);
        case 'day':
            $format = !empty($format) ? $format : (empty($date_info->mini) ? 'l, F j Y' : 'l, F j');
            $title = date_format_date($date_info->min_date, 'custom', $format);
            $date_arg = $date_info->year . '-' . date_pad($date_info->month) . '-' . date_pad($date_info->day);
        case 'week':
            $format = !empty($format) ? $format : (empty($date_info->mini) ? 'F j Y' : 'F j');
            $title = t('Week of @date', array('@date' => date_format_date($date_info->min_date, 'custom', $format)));
            $date_arg = $date_info->year . '-W' . date_pad($date_info->week);
    if (!empty($date_info->mini) || $link) {
        // Month navigation titles are used as links in the mini view.
        $attributes = array('title' => t('View full page month'));
        $url = date_pager_url($view, $granularity, $date_arg, TRUE);
        return l($title, $url, array('attributes' => $attributes));
    } else {
        return $title;
Exemple #2
 * Theme the calendar title
 * Copied and modified from date_views module
function az_gov_date_nav_title($params)
    $granularity = $params['granularity'];
    $view = $params['view'];
    $date_info = $view->date_info;
    $link = !empty($params['link']) ? $params['link'] : FALSE;
    $format = !empty($params['format']) ? $params['format'] : NULL;
    $format_with_year = variable_get('date_views_' . $granularity . 'format_with_year', 'l, F j, Y');
    $format_without_year = variable_get('date_views_' . $granularity . 'format_without_year', 'l, F j');
    switch ($granularity) {
        case 'year':
            $title = $date_info->year;
            $date_arg = $date_info->year;
        case 'month':
            //customized format for month display
            //$format = !empty($format) ? $format : (empty($date_info->mini) ? $format_with_year : $format_without_year);
            $format = 'F Y';
            $title = date_format_date($date_info->min_date, 'custom', $format);
            $date_arg = $date_info->year . '-' . date_pad($date_info->month);
        case 'day':
            $format = !empty($format) ? $format : (empty($date_info->mini) ? $format_with_year : $format_without_year);
            $title = date_format_date($date_info->min_date, 'custom', $format);
            $date_arg = $date_info->year . '-' . date_pad($date_info->month) . '-' . date_pad($date_info->day);
        case 'week':
            $format = !empty($format) ? $format : (empty($date_info->mini) ? $format_with_year : $format_without_year);
            $title = t('Week of @date', array('@date' => date_format_date($date_info->min_date, 'custom', $format)));
            $date_arg = $date_info->year . '-W' . date_pad($date_info->week);
    if (!empty($date_info->mini) || $link) {
        // Month navigation titles are used as links in the mini view.
        $attributes = array('title' => t('View full page month'));
        $url = date_pager_url($view, $granularity, $date_arg, TRUE);
        return l($title, $url, array('attributes' => $attributes));
    } else {
        return $title;
 * Preprocess function for Date pager template.
function rfht2_preprocess_date_views_pager(&$vars)
    ctools_add_css('date_views', 'date_views');
    $plugin = $vars['plugin'];
    $input = $vars['input'];
    $view = $plugin->view;
    $vars['nav_title'] = '';
    $vars['next_url'] = '';
    $vars['prev_url'] = '';
    if (empty($view->date_info) || empty($view->date_info->min_date)) {
    $date_info = $view->date_info;
    // Make sure we have some sort of granularity.
    $granularity = !empty($date_info->granularity) ? $date_info->granularity : 'month';
    $pos = $date_info->date_arg_pos;
    if (!empty($input)) {
        $id = $plugin->options['date_id'];
        if (array_key_exists($id, $input) && !empty($input[$id])) {
            $view->args[$pos] = $input[$id];
    $next_args = $view->args;
    $prev_args = $view->args;
    $min_date = $date_info->min_date;
    $max_date = $date_info->max_date;
    // Set up the pager link format. Setting the block identifier
    // will force pager style links.
    if (isset($date_info->date_pager_format) && $date_info->date_pager_format != 'clean' || !empty($date_info->mini)) {
        if (empty($date_info->block_identifier)) {
            $date_info->block_identifier = $date_info->pager_id;
    if (empty($date_info->hide_nav)) {
        $prev_date = clone $min_date;
        date_modify($prev_date, '-1 ' . $granularity);
        $next_date = clone $min_date;
        date_modify($next_date, '+1 ' . $granularity);
        $format = array('year' => 'Y', 'month' => 'Y-m', 'day' => 'Y-m-d');
        switch ($granularity) {
            case 'week':
                $next_week = date_week(date_format($next_date, 'Y-m-d'));
                $prev_week = date_week(date_format($prev_date, 'Y-m-d'));
                $next_arg = date_format($next_date, 'Y-\\W') . date_pad($next_week);
                $prev_arg = date_format($prev_date, 'Y-\\W') . date_pad($prev_week);
                $next_arg = date_format($next_date, $format[$granularity]);
                $prev_arg = date_format($prev_date, $format[$granularity]);
        $next_path = str_replace($date_info->date_arg, $next_arg, $date_info->url);
        $prev_path = str_replace($date_info->date_arg, $prev_arg, $date_info->url);
        $next_args[$pos] = $next_arg;
        $prev_args[$pos] = $prev_arg;
        $vars['next_url'] = date_pager_url($view, NULL, $next_arg);
        $vars['prev_url'] = date_pager_url($view, NULL, $prev_arg);
        $vars['next_options'] = $vars['prev_options'] = array();
    } else {
        $next_path = '';
        $prev_path = '';
        $vars['next_url'] = '';
        $vars['prev_url'] = '';
        $vars['next_options'] = $vars['prev_options'] = array();
    // Check whether navigation links would point to
    // a date outside the allowed range.
    if (!empty($next_date) && !empty($vars['next_url']) && date_format($next_date, 'Y') > $date_info->limit[1]) {
        $vars['next_url'] = '';
    if (!empty($prev_date) && !empty($vars['prev_url']) && date_format($prev_date, 'Y') < $date_info->limit[0]) {
        $vars['prev_url'] = '';
    $vars['prev_options'] += array('attributes' => array());
    $vars['next_options'] += array('attributes' => array());
    $prev_title = '';
    $next_title = '';
    // Build next/prev link titles.
    switch ($granularity) {
        case 'year':
            $prev_title = t('Navigate to previous year');
            $next_title = t('Navigate to next year');
        case 'month':
            $prev_title = t('Navigate to previous month');
            $next_title = t('Navigate to next month');
        case 'week':
            $prev_title = t('Navigate to previous week');
            $next_title = t('Navigate to next week');
        case 'day':
            $prev_title = t('Navigate to previous day');
            $next_title = t('Navigate to next day');
    $vars['prev_options']['attributes'] += array('title' => $prev_title);
    $vars['next_options']['attributes'] += array('title' => $next_title);
    // Add nofollow for next/prev links.
    $vars['prev_options']['attributes'] += array('rel' => 'nofollow');
    $vars['next_options']['attributes'] += array('rel' => 'nofollow');
    // Need this so we can use '&laquo;' or images in the links.
    $vars['prev_options'] += array('html' => TRUE);
    $vars['next_options'] += array('html' => TRUE);
    $link = FALSE;
    // Month navigation titles are used as links in the block view.
    if (!empty($date_info->mini) && $granularity == 'month') {
        $link = TRUE;
    $params = array('granularity' => $granularity, 'view' => $view, 'link' => $link);
    $nav_title = theme('date_nav_title', $params);
    $vars['nav_title'] = $nav_title;
    $vars['mini'] = !empty($date_info->mini);
    // Get the date information from the view.
    $date_info = $view->date_info;
    // Choose the dislpay format of the month name.
    $format = 'F';
    // Get the previous month.
    $dateString = $date_info->min_date;
    $prev_month = new DateTime($dateString);
    $prev_month->modify('-1 month');
    $prev_pager_title = format_date($prev_month->getTimestamp(), 'custom', $format);
    $vars['prev_title'] = $prev_pager_title;
    // Get the next month.
    $next_month = new DateTime($dateString);
    $next_month->modify('+1 month');
    $next_pager_title = format_date($next_month->getTimestamp(), 'custom', $format);
    $vars['next_title'] = $next_pager_title;
Exemple #4
 * Alters link url for month in calendar events block in order to filter events at /events
 * @see theme_date_nav_title
function epf_date_nav_title($params)
    $granularity = $params['granularity'];
    $view = $params['view'];
    $date_info = $view->date_info;
    $link = !empty($params['link']) ? $params['link'] : FALSE;
    $format = !empty($params['format']) ? $params['format'] : NULL;
    switch ($granularity) {
        case 'month':
            $format = !empty($format) ? $format : (empty($date_info->mini) ? 'F Y' : 'F');
            $title = date_format_date($date_info->min_date, 'custom', $format);
            $date_arg = $date_info->year . '-' . date_pad($date_info->month);
    if (!empty($date_info->mini) || $link) {
        // Month navigation titles are used as links in the mini view.
        $attributes = array('title' => t('View full page month'));
        $url = url('events/' . $date_arg);
        //date_pager_url($view, $granularity, $date_arg, TRUE);
        return l($title, $url, array('attributes' => $attributes));
    } else {
        return $title;
  * Create an ISO date from an array of values.
 public function toISO($arr, $full = FALSE)
     // Add empty values to avoid errors
     // The empty values must create a valid date or we will get date slippage,
     // i.e. a value of 2011-00-00 will get interpreted as November of 2010 by PHP.
     if ($full) {
         $arr += array('year' => 0, 'month' => 1, 'day' => 1, 'hour' => 0, 'minute' => 0, 'second' => 0);
     } else {
         $arr += array('year' => '', 'month' => '', 'day' => '', 'hour' => '', 'minute' => '', 'second' => '');
     $datetime = '';
     if ($arr['year'] !== '') {
         $datetime = date_pad(intval($arr['year']), 4);
         if ($full || $arr['month'] !== '') {
             $datetime .= '-' . date_pad(intval($arr['month']));
             if ($full || $arr['day'] !== '') {
                 $datetime .= '-' . date_pad(intval($arr['day']));
     if ($arr['hour'] !== '') {
         $datetime .= $datetime ? 'T' : '';
         $datetime .= date_pad(intval($arr['hour']));
         if ($full || $arr['minute'] !== '') {
             $datetime .= ':' . date_pad(intval($arr['minute']));
             if ($full || $arr['second'] !== '') {
                 $datetime .= ':' . date_pad(intval($arr['second']));
     return $datetime;