Exemple #1
 public function handle_action_act_preprocess(Doku_Event &$event, $param)
     global $ID;
     global $TEXT;
     global $ACT;
     global $SUM;
     global $RANGE;
     global $REV;
     $act = $event->data;
     if ($act != 'dokutranslate_review') {
         $act = act_clean($act);
         $act = act_permcheck($act);
     # Ignore drafts if the page is being translated
     # FIXME: Find a way to save $_REQUEST['parid'] into the draft
     if (@file_exists(metaFN($ID, '.translate')) && in_array($act, array('draft', 'recover'))) {
         $ACT = $act = 'edit';
     if ($act == 'save') {
         # Take over save action if translation is in progress
         # or we're starting it
         if (!@file_exists(metaFN($ID, '.translate')) && empty($_REQUEST['translate'])) {
         if (!checkSecurityToken()) {
         # We're starting a translation
         if (!@file_exists(metaFN($ID, '.translate')) && !empty($_REQUEST['translate'])) {
             # Check if the user has permission to start
             # translation in this namespace
             if (!isModerator($ID)) {
             # Take the event over
             # Save the data but exit if it fails
             $ACT = act_save($act);
             if ($ACT != 'show') {
             # Page was deleted, exit
             if (!@file_exists(wikiFN($ID))) {
             # Prepare data path
             $datapath = dataPath($ID);
             io_mkdir_p($datapath, 0755, true);
             # Backup the original page
             io_rename(wikiFN($ID), $datapath . '/orig.txt');
             # Backup old revisions
             $revisions = allRevisions($ID);
             foreach ($revisions as $rev) {
                 $tmp = wikiFN($ID, $rev);
                 io_rename($tmp, $datapath . '/' . basename($tmp));
             # Backup meta files
             $metas = metaFiles($ID);
             foreach ($metas as $f) {
                 io_rename($f, $datapath . '/' . basename($f));
             # Generate empty page to hold translated text
             $data = getCleanInstructions($datapath . '/orig.txt');
             saveWikiText($ID, genTranslateFile($data), $SUM, $_REQUEST['minor']);
             $translateMeta = genMeta(count($data));
             # create meta file for current translation state
             io_saveFile(metaFN($ID, '.translate'), serialize($translateMeta));
             # create separate meta file for translation history
             io_saveFile(metaFN($ID, '.translateHistory'), serialize(array('current' => $translateMeta)));
         } else {
             # Translation in progress, take the event over
             # Save the data but exit if it fails
             $ACT = act_save($act);
             # Save failed, exit
             if ($ACT != 'show') {
             # Save successful, update translation metadata
             $lastrev = getRevisions($ID, 0, 1, 1024);
             updateMeta($ID, getParID(), $lastrev[0]);
     } else {
         if ($act == 'revert') {
             # Take over save action if translation is in progress
             if (!@file_exists(metaFN($ID, '.translate'))) {
             if (!checkSecurityToken()) {
             # Translation in progress, take the event over
             # Save the data but exit if it fails
             $revert = $REV;
             $ACT = act_revert($act);
             # Revert failed, exit
             if ($ACT != 'show') {
             # Revert successful, update translation metadata
             $lastrev = getRevisions($ID, 0, 1, 1024);
             updateMeta($ID, getParID(), $lastrev[0], $revert);
         } else {
             if (in_array($act, array('edit', 'preview'))) {
                 if (!@file_exists(metaFN($ID, '.translate')) || isset($TEXT)) {
                 $parid = getParID();
                 $instructions = p_cached_instructions(wikiFN($ID));
                 $separators = array();
                 # Build array of paragraph separators
                 foreach ($instructions as $ins) {
                     if ($ins[0] == 'plugin' && $ins[1][0] == 'dokutranslate' && in_array($ins[1][1][0], array(DOKU_LEXER_ENTER, DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL, DOKU_LEXER_EXIT))) {
                         $separators[] = $ins[1][1];
                 # Validate paragraph ID
                 if ($parid >= count($separators) - 1) {
                     $parid = 0;
                 # Build range for paragraph
                 $RANGE = strval($separators[$parid][2] + 1) . '-' . strval($separators[$parid + 1][1] - 1);
             } else {
                 if ($act == 'dokutranslate_review') {
                     # This action is mine
                     # Show the page when done
                     $ACT = 'show';
                     # Load data
                     $meta = unserialize(io_readFile(metaFN($ID, '.translateHistory'), false));
                     $parid = getParID();
                     $writeRev = empty($REV) ? 'current' : intval($REV);
                     $writeRev = empty($meta[$writeRev][$parid]['changed']) ? $writeRev : $meta[$writeRev][$parid]['changed'];
                     $user = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'];
                     # Check for permission to write reviews
                     if (!canReview($ID, $meta[$writeRev], $parid)) {
                     # Add review to meta array
                     $data['message'] = $_REQUEST['review'];
                     $data['quality'] = intval($_REQUEST['quality']);
                     $data['incomplete'] = !empty($_REQUEST['incomplete']);
                     $meta[$writeRev][$parid]['reviews'][$user] = $data;
                     # Review applies to latest revision as well
                     if (empty($REV) || $meta['current'][$parid]['changed'] == $writeRev) {
                         $meta['current'][$parid]['reviews'][$user] = $data;
                         io_saveFile(metaFN($ID, '.translate'), serialize($meta['current']));
                     # Save metadata
                     io_saveFile(metaFN($ID, '.translateHistory'), serialize($meta));
Exemple #2
 public function render($mode, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data)
     global $ID;
     global $ACT;
     global $TEXT;
     global $REV;
     # No metadata rendering
     if ($mode == 'metadata') {
         return false;
     # Allow exporting the page
     if (substr($ACT, 0, 7) == 'export_') {
         # Ignore plugin-specific markup, just let text through
         if ($data[0] != DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED) {
             return true;
         return true;
         # Not exporting, allow only XHTML
     } else {
         if ($mode != 'xhtml') {
             return false;
     # Load instructions for original text on first call
     if (is_null($this->origIns)) {
         $this->origIns = getCleanInstructions(dataPath($ID) . '/orig.txt');
         $this->meta = loadTranslationMeta($ID);
         $this->parCounter = 0;
     $parid = getParID();
     $edithere = in_array($ACT, array('edit', 'preview')) && $parid == $this->parCounter;
     switch ($data[0]) {
         # Open the table
         case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER:
             $renderer->doc .= '<table width="100%" class="dokutranslate"><tbody><tr>';
             $cls = parReviewClass($this->meta, $this->parCounter);
             # Start the cell with proper review class
             if (empty($cls)) {
                 $renderer->doc .= '<td width="50%">';
             } else {
                 $renderer->doc .= '<td width="50%" class="' . $cls . '">';
             # Paragraph anchor (yes, empty named anchor is valid)
             $renderer->doc .= "<a name=\"_par{$this->parCounter}\"></a>\n";
             # Insert edit form if we're editing the first paragraph
             if ($edithere) {
             # Dump original text and close the row
         # Dump original text and close the row
         case DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL:
             # Generate edit button
             if ($ACT == 'show') {
                 if (empty($REV)) {
                     $renderer->doc .= parEditButton($this->parCounter);
                 $renderer->doc .= $this->_renderReviews($ID, $this->meta, $this->parCounter);
                 # Finish erasure if we're editing this paragraph
             } else {
                 if ($edithere) {
                     $renderer->doc .= $this->_renderReviews($ID, $this->meta, $this->parCounter);
             $renderer->doc .= "</td>\n";
             if (needsReview($ID, $this->meta, $this->parCounter) || $edithere) {
                 $renderer->doc .= '<td class="reviewme">';
             } else {
                 $renderer->doc .= '<td>';
             # If this condition fails, somebody's been messing
             # with the data
             if (current($this->origIns) !== FALSE) {
             $renderer->doc .= "</td></tr>\n<tr>";
             $cls = parReviewClass($this->meta, $this->parCounter);
             # Start the cell with proper review class
             if (empty($cls)) {
                 $renderer->doc .= '<td width="50%">';
             } else {
                 $renderer->doc .= '<td width="50%" class="' . $cls . '">';
             # Paragraph anchor (yes, empty named anchor is valid)
             $renderer->doc .= "<a name=\"_par{$this->parCounter}\"></a>\n";
             # Insert edit form if we're editing this paragraph
             if (in_array($ACT, array('edit', 'preview')) && getParID() == $this->parCounter) {
             # Dump the rest of the original text and close the table
         # Dump the rest of the original text and close the table
         case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT:
             # Generate edit button
             if ($ACT == 'show') {
                 if (empty($REV)) {
                     $renderer->doc .= parEditButton($this->parCounter);
                 $renderer->doc .= $this->_renderReviews($ID, $this->meta, $this->parCounter);
                 # Finish erasure if we're editing the last paragraph
             } else {
                 if (in_array($ACT, array('edit', 'preview'))) {
                     $parid = getParID();
                     if ($parid == $this->parCounter) {
                         $renderer->doc .= $this->_renderReviews($ID, $this->meta, $this->parCounter);
                         # Invalid paragraph ID, show form here
                     } else {
                         if ($parid > $this->parCounter) {
                             startEditForm($renderer, true);
             $renderer->doc .= "</td>\n";
             if (needsReview($ID, $this->meta, $this->parCounter) || $edithere) {
                 $renderer->doc .= '<td class="reviewme">';
             } else {
                 $renderer->doc .= '<td>';
             # Loop to make sure all remaining text gets dumped
             # (external edit safety)
             while (current($this->origIns) !== FALSE) {
             $renderer->doc .= '</td></tr></tbody></table>';
             # Just sanitize and dump the text
         # Just sanitize and dump the text
     return true;