function getstr($string, $length, $in_slashes = 0, $out_slashes = 0, $bbcode = 0, $html = 0)
    global $_G;
    $string = trim($string);
    $sppos = strpos($string, chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0));
    if ($sppos !== false) {
        $string = substr($string, 0, $sppos);
    if ($in_slashes) {
        $string = dstripslashes($string);
    $string = preg_replace("/\\[hide=?\\d*\\](.*?)\\[\\/hide\\]/is", '', $string);
    if ($html < 0) {
        $string = preg_replace("/(\\<[^\\<]*\\>|\r|\n|\\s|\\[.+?\\])/is", ' ', $string);
    } elseif ($html == 0) {
        $string = dhtmlspecialchars($string);
    if ($length) {
        $string = cutstr($string, $length);
    if ($bbcode) {
        require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/class/class_bbcode.php';
        $bb =& bbcode::instance();
        $string = $bb->bbcode2html($string, $bbcode);
    if ($out_slashes) {
        $string = daddslashes($string);
    return trim($string);
Exemple #2
function gpc($pre)
    $array = array();
    $pre = str_replace(" ", '', $pre);
    $pre = str_replace("\t", '', $pre);
    if (strpos($pre, '|') !== false) {
        $pre_array = explode('|', $pre);
    foreach ($_GET as $key => $g) {
        if ($pre_array) {
            foreach ($pre_array as $v) {
                $substr = '';
                $substr = substr($key, 0, strlen($v));
                if (strstr($substr, $v)) {
                    $array[$key] = daddslashes(htmlspecialchars($g));
        } else {
            $substr = '';
            $substr = substr($key, 0, strlen($pre));
            if (strstr($substr, $pre)) {
                $array[$key] = daddslashes(htmlspecialchars($g));
    return $array;
Exemple #3
 function all($tpl = '')
     global $_G;
     $url = URL . 'a=all';
     $sql = make_sql();
     $size = $_G[setting][cate_page] ? $_G[setting][cate_page] : 120;
     if ($_GET[tag]) {
         $tag = trim_html($tag, 1);
         $tag = daddslashes($_GET[tag]);
         $and .= "AND FIND_IN_SET('" . $tag . "', keywords) ";
         $url .= "&tag=" . urlencode_utf8($tag);
         $sql['and'] .= $and;
         $sql['url'] .= $url;
     $sql['key'] = 'all_';
     $rs = D($sql, array('url' => $url . $sql[url], 'size' => $size));
     $title = '';
     if ($_GET[tag]) {
         $title .= $_GET[tag];
     $title .= '全部商品';
 public function fetch_all_by_search($aid, $authorid, $starttime, $endtime, $idtype, $message, $start = 0, $limit = 0, $type = 1)
     $idtype = in_array($idtype, array('aid', 'topicid')) ? $idtype : 'aid';
     $tablename = $idtype == 'aid' ? 'portal_article_title' : 'portal_topic';
     $sql = '';
     $sql .= $aid ? ' AND c.' . DB::field('id', $aid) : '';
     $sql .= $authorid ? ' AND c.' . DB::field('uid', $authorid) : '';
     $sql .= $starttime ? ' AND c.' . DB::field('dateline', $starttime, '>') : '';
     $sql .= $endtime ? ' AND c.' . DB::field('dateline', $endtime, '<') : '';
     if ($message != '') {
         $sqlmessage = '';
         $or = '';
         $message = daddslashes($message);
         $message = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $message));
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($message); $i++) {
             if (preg_match("/\\{(\\d+)\\}/", $message[$i])) {
                 $message[$i] = preg_replace("/\\\\{(\\d+)\\\\}/", ".{0,\\1}", preg_quote($message[$i], '/'));
                 $sqlmessage .= " {$or} c.message REGEXP '" . $message[$i] . "'";
             } else {
                 $sqlmessage .= " {$or} c.message LIKE '%" . $message[$i] . "%'";
             $or = 'OR';
         if ($sqlmessage) {
             $sql .= " AND ({$sqlmessage})";
     if ($type == 2) {
         return DB::result_first('SELECT count(*) FROM %t c WHERE 1 %i', array($this->_table, $sql));
     } else {
         return DB::fetch_all('SELECT c.*, a.title FROM %t c LEFT JOIN %t a ON a.`' . $idtype . '` WHERE 1 %i ORDER BY c.dateline DESC %i', array($this->_table, $tablename, $sql, DB::limit($start, $limit)));
 function userapp_update()
     global $_G;
     if (!empty($_G['gp_id']) && is_numeric($_G['gp_id'])) {
         $applist = array();
         $userapp = DB::fetch_first("SELECT appid FROM " . DB::table('home_userapp_plying') . " WHERE uid='{$_G['uid']}'");
         if (!empty($userapp['appid'])) {
             $applist = explode(',', $userapp['appid']);
             if (!empty($applist)) {
                 $applist = array_diff($applist, array(''));
                 $key = array_search($_G['gp_id'], $applist);
                 if ($key !== false) {
                 array_unshift($applist, $_G['gp_id']);
                 while (count($applist) > $this->num) {
         if (empty($applist)) {
             $applist = array($_G['gp_id']);
         if (!empty($applist)) {
             $appstr = implode(',', $applist);
             DB::insert('home_userapp_plying', array('uid' => $_G['uid'], 'appid' => daddslashes($appstr)), false, true);
Exemple #6
function searchkey($keyword, $field, $returnsrchtxt = 0)
    $srchtxt = '';
    if ($field && $keyword) {
        if (preg_match("(AND|\\+|&|\\s)", $keyword) && !preg_match("(OR|\\|)", $keyword)) {
            $andor = ' AND ';
            $keywordsrch = '1';
            $keyword = preg_replace("/( AND |&| )/is", "+", $keyword);
        } else {
            $andor = ' OR ';
            $keywordsrch = '0';
            $keyword = preg_replace("/( OR |\\|)/is", "+", $keyword);
        $keyword = str_replace('*', '%', addcslashes($keyword, '%_'));
        $srchtxt = $returnsrchtxt ? $keyword : '';
        foreach (explode('+', $keyword) as $text) {
            $text = trim(daddslashes($text));
            if ($text) {
                $keywordsrch .= $andor;
                $keywordsrch .= str_replace('{text}', $text, $field);
        $keyword = " AND ({$keywordsrch})";
    return $returnsrchtxt ? array($srchtxt, $keyword) : $keyword;
 public function add()
     $sid = intval($_GET['sid']);
     $sname = daddslashes($_GET['sname']);
     if (!isset($_SESSION['username']) || empty($_SESSION['username'])) {
         $this->showmessage('请登录后操作!', "index.php?controller=user&method=login");
     if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {
         VIEW::assign(array('title' => "添加" . $sname . "旅游攻略", 'sid' => $sid));
     } else {
         $strategy = daddslashes($_POST['strategy']);
         $impression = daddslashes($_POST['impression']);
         if (empty($strategy)) {
             $this->showmessage("请填写您的旅游攻略!", 'index.php?controller=strategy&method=add&sid=' . $sid . '&sname=' . $sname);
         $username = $_SESSION['username'];
         $data = array('sid' => $sid, 'username' => $username, 'strategy' => $strategy, 'dateline' => time());
         if (!empty($impression) && isset($impression)) {
             $data['impression'] = $impression;
         $strategyobj = M('strategy');
         $this->showmessage('添加攻略成功!', 'index.php?controller=strategy&method=detail&sid=' . $sid . "&sname=" . $sname);
function getstr($string, $length, $in_slashes = 0, $out_slashes = 0, $censor = 0, $bbcode = 0, $html = 0)
    global $_G;
    $string = trim($string);
    if ($in_slashes) {
        $string = dstripslashes($string);
    if ($html < 0) {
        $string = preg_replace("/(\\<[^\\<]*\\>|\r|\n|\\s|\\[.+?\\])/is", ' ', $string);
    } elseif ($html == 0) {
        $string = dhtmlspecialchars($string);
    if ($censor) {
        if (!class_exists('discuz_censor')) {
            include libfile('class/censor');
        $censor = discuz_censor::instance();
        if ($censor->modbanned() || $censor->modmoderated()) {
    if ($length) {
        $string = cutstr($string, $length);
    if ($bbcode) {
        require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/class/class_bbcode.php';
        $bb =& bbcode::instance();
        $string = $bb->bbcode2html($string, $bbcode);
    if ($out_slashes) {
        $string = daddslashes($string);
    return trim($string);
Exemple #9
 function usesubmit()
     global $_G;
     if (empty($_G['gp_pid'])) {
         showmessage(lang('magic/namepost', 'namepost_info_nonexistence'));
     $_G['tid'] = $_G['gp_ptid'];
     $post = getpostinfo($_G['gp_pid'], 'pid', array('p.first', 'p.tid', 'p.fid', 'p.authorid', 'p.dateline', 'p.anonymous'));
     $query = DB::query("SELECT username FROM " . DB::table('common_member') . " WHERE uid='{$post['authorid']}'");
     $author = daddslashes(DB::result($query, 0), 1);
     $thread = getpostinfo($post['tid'], 'tid', array('tid', 'subject', 'author', 'replies', 'lastposter'));
     $posttable = getposttablebytid($post['tid']);
     if ($post['first']) {
         $lastposter = $thread['replies'] > 0 ? $thread['lastposter'] : $author;
         DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table($posttable) . " SET anonymous='0' WHERE tid='{$post['tid']}' AND first='1'");
     } else {
         $lastposter = $author;
         $author = $thread['author'];
         DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table($posttable) . " SET anonymous='0' WHERE pid='{$_G['gp_pid']}'");
     $forum['lastpost'] = explode("\t", DB::result_first("SELECT lastpost FROM " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " WHERE fid='{$post['fid']}'"));
     if ($thread['subject'] == $forum['lastpost'][1] && ($forum['lastpost'][3] == '' && $post['anonymous'])) {
         $lastpost = "{$thread['tid']}\t{$thread['subject']}\t{$_G['timestamp']}\t{$lastposter}";
         DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " SET lastpost='{$lastpost}' WHERE fid='{$post['fid']}'", 'UNBUFFERED');
     DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " SET author='{$author}', lastposter='{$lastposter}' WHERE tid='{$post['tid']}'");
     usemagic($this->magic['magicid'], $this->magic['num']);
     updatemagiclog($this->magic['magicid'], '2', '1', '0', 0, 'tid', $_G['gp_tid']);
     if ($post['authorid'] != $_G['uid']) {
         notification_add($post['authorid'], 'magic', lang('magic/namepost', 'namepost_notification'), array('pid' => $_G['gp_pid'], 'tid' => $_G['gp_tid'], 'subject' => $thread['subject'], 'magicname' => $this->magic['name']));
     showmessage(lang('magic/namepost', 'namepost_succeed'), dreferer(), array(), array('showdialog' => 1, 'locationtime' => true));
 public function cronAction()
     $day = daddslashes(trim($this->reqVar('day', '')));
     $time_stamp = time();
     if (!empty($day)) {
         $time_stamp = strtotime($day);
     $ctime = date("Y-m-d", $time_stamp - 60 * 60 * 24 * 2);
     // 2天注册的用户 android
     $this->stat($ctime, 0);
     $ctime = date("Y-m-d", $time_stamp - 60 * 60 * 24 * 4);
     // 4天注册的用户
     $this->stat($ctime, 1);
     $ctime = date("Y-m-d", $time_stamp - 60 * 60 * 24 * 8);
     // 8天注册的用户
     $this->stat($ctime, 2);
     $ctime = date("Y-m-d", $time_stamp - 60 * 60 * 24 * 2);
     // 2天注册的用户 ios
     $this->stat($ctime, 3);
     $ctime = date("Y-m-d", $time_stamp - 60 * 60 * 24 * 4);
     // 4天注册的用户
     $this->stat($ctime, 4);
     $ctime = date("Y-m-d", $time_stamp - 60 * 60 * 24 * 8);
     // 8天注册的用户
     $this->stat($ctime, 5);
Exemple #11
 function usesubmit()
     global $_G;
     $id = intval($_GET['id']);
     if (empty($id)) {
         showmessage(lang('magic/namepost', 'namepost_info_nonexistence'));
     $idtype = !empty($_GET['idtype']) ? dhtmlspecialchars($_GET['idtype']) : '';
     if (!in_array($idtype, array('pid', 'cid'))) {
         showmessage(lang('magic/namepost', 'namepost_use_error'));
     if ($idtype == 'pid') {
         $_G['tid'] = intval($_GET['ptid']);
         $post = getpostinfo($id, 'pid', array('p.first', 'p.tid', 'p.fid', 'p.authorid', 'p.dateline', 'p.anonymous'));
         $authorid = $post['authorid'];
         $author = $post['anonymous'] ? '' : 1;
     } elseif ($idtype == 'cid') {
         $comment = C::t('home_comment')->fetch($id);
         $authorid = $comment['authorid'];
         $author = $comment['author'];
     if ($author) {
     $member = getuserbyuid($authorid);
     if (!checkmagicperm($this->parameters['targetgroups'], $member['groupid'])) {
         showmessage(lang('magic/namepost', 'namepost_info_user_noperm'));
     $author = daddslashes($member['username']);
     usemagic($this->magic['magicid'], $this->magic['num']);
     updatemagiclog($this->magic['magicid'], '2', '1', '0', 0, $idtype, $id);
     showmessage(lang('magic/namepost', 'magic_namepost_succeed'), 'javascript:;', array('uid' => $authorid, 'username' => $author, 'avatar' => 1), array('alert' => 'right'));
Exemple #12
 public function tjAction()
     $password = $this->reqVar('passwd', '');
     $startDate = daddslashes($this->reqVar('start_date', ''));
     $whereStr = '';
     if ($password == $this->password && !empty($startDate)) {
         $startDateWhere = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($startDate));
         $endDateWhere = date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", strtotime($startDate));
         $whereStr = " ctime>='{$startDateWhere}' AND ctime<='{$endDateWhere}' AND ad_id='share_random'";
         $startTime = time();
         $cNum = $uNum = $ssNum = 0;
         for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
             if (strlen($i) == 1) {
                 $tableStr = '0' . $i;
             } else {
                 $tableStr = $i;
             $scoreRe = $this->scoreModel->query("SELECT COUNT(*) as c_num, COUNT(DISTINCT uid) as u_num, SUM(score) as ss_num\n                                                     FROM z_score_log_{$tableStr}\n                                                     WHERE {$whereStr} LIMIT 1");
             if ($scoreRe) {
                 foreach ($scoreRe as $key => $val) {
                     $cNum = $val['c_num'] + $cNum;
                     $uNum = $val['u_num'] + $uNum;
                     $ssNum = $val['ss_num'] + $ssNum;
         echo '中奖数:' . $cNum . '--中奖用户数:' . $uNum . '--中奖金额:' . $ssNum / 100;
         $runTime = time() - $startTime;
         echo "<br/>运行时间为(秒)" . $runTime;
     } else {
         echo "参数错误!";
function userlogin($username, $password, $questionid, $answer, $loginfield = 'username')
    $return = array();
    if ($loginfield == 'uid') {
        $isuid = 1;
    } elseif ($loginfield == 'email') {
        $isuid = 2;
    } elseif ($loginfield == 'auto') {
        $isuid = 3;
    } else {
        $isuid = 0;
    if (!function_exists('uc_user_login')) {
    if ($isuid == 3) {
        if (preg_match('/^[1-9]\\d*$/', $username)) {
            $return['ucresult'] = uc_user_login($username, $password, 1, 1, $questionid, $answer);
        } elseif (isemail($username)) {
            $return['ucresult'] = uc_user_login($username, $password, 2, 1, $questionid, $answer);
        if ($return['ucresult'][0] <= 0) {
            $return['ucresult'] = uc_user_login($username, $password, 0, 1, $questionid, $answer);
    } else {
        $return['ucresult'] = uc_user_login($username, $password, $isuid, 1, $questionid, $answer);
    $tmp = array();
    $duplicate = '';
    list($tmp['uid'], $tmp['username'], $tmp['password'], $tmp['email'], $duplicate) = daddslashes($return['ucresult'], 1);
    $return['ucresult'] = $tmp;
    if ($duplicate && $return['ucresult']['uid'] > 0) {
        if ($olduid = DB::result_first("SELECT uid FROM " . DB::table('common_member') . " WHERE username='******'ucresult']['username']) . "'")) {
            require_once libfile('function/membermerge');
            if ($olduid != $return['ucresult']['uid']) {
                membermerge($olduid, $return['ucresult']['uid']);
        } else {
            $return['status'] = 0;
            return $return;
    if ($return['ucresult']['uid'] <= 0) {
        $return['status'] = 0;
        return $return;
    $member = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('common_member') . " WHERE uid='" . $return['ucresult']['uid'] . "'");
    if (!$member) {
        $return['status'] = -1;
        return $return;
    $return['member'] = $member;
    $return['status'] = 1;
    if (addslashes($member['email']) != $return['ucresult']['email']) {
        DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('common_member') . " SET email='" . $return['ucresult']['email'] . "' WHERE uid='" . $return['ucresult']['uid'] . "'");
    return $return;
function insert_new_reply()
    global $_G;
    $tid = intval($_POST['tid']);
    $post = array('tid' => $tid, 'author' => $_G['username'], 'authorid' => $_G['uid'], 'audio' => '', 'message' => $_POST['content'], 'fname' => '', 'first' => 0, 'dateline' => time());
    C::t("#smart_video#video")->increase_by_where('smart_video_thread', 'reply', "tid={$tid}");
    return C::t("#smart_video#video")->insert_new("smart_video_post", daddslashes($post), true);
 public function raffleAction()
     $ajax = daddslashes($this->reqVar('ajax', ''));
     if ($ajax == 'tid') {
         $tid = (int) $this->reqVar('tid', 0);
         if ($tid > 0) {
             $isThread = $this->siteThreadModel->query("SELECT 'X' FROM zs_forum_post WHERE tid='{$tid}' LIMIT 1");
             if ($isThread) {
     } else {
         $dosubmit = daddslashes($this->postVar('dosubmit', ''));
         $raffleAdd['tid'] = (int) $this->postVar('tid', 0);
         $raffleAdd['num'] = (int) $this->postVar('num', 0);
         $raffleAdd['is_images'] = (int) $this->postVar('is_images', 0);
         $raffleAdd['creater'] = UNAME;
         if (!empty($dosubmit)) {
             if (empty($raffleAdd['tid'])) {
                 $this->redirect('请填写帖子ID!', '', 3);
             if (empty($raffleAdd['num'])) {
                 $this->redirect('请填写中奖人数!', '', 3);
             $whereStr = "";
             if ($raffleAdd['is_images']) {
                 $whereStr = " AND attachment>0";
             $sqlCountStr = "SELECT count(distinct(authorid)) as num FROM zs_forum_post WHERE tid='{$raffleAdd['tid']}' AND first=0 {$whereStr} LIMIT 1";
             $fPostCountRe = $this->siteThreadModel->query($sqlCountStr);
             if (empty($fPostCountRe[0]['num']) || $fPostCountRe[0]['num'] <= $raffleAdd['num']) {
                 $this->redirect('中奖人数超出回帖数了!', '', 3);
             $rid = $this->raffleModel->addRaffle($raffleAdd);
             if ($rid > 0) {
                 $sqlStr = "SELECT pid FROM zs_forum_post WHERE tid='{$raffleAdd['tid']}' AND first=0 {$whereStr} group by authorid LIMIT 5000";
                 $fPostRe = $this->siteThreadModel->query($sqlStr);
                 if (!empty($fPostRe[0]['pid'])) {
                     $winnersSet = $raffleAdd;
                     $winnersSet['rid'] = $rid;
                     $winnersSet['post'] = $fPostRe;
                     $this->redirect('抽奖成功!', '/admin/thread_raffle/winners/?rid=' . $rid, 3);
Exemple #16
function daddslashes($string)
    if (!is_array($string)) {
        return addslashes($string);
    foreach ($string as $key => $val) {
        $string[$key] = daddslashes($val);
    return $string;
Exemple #17
function userlogin()
    global $db, $tablepre, $_DCACHE, $ucresult, $username, $password, $questionid, $answer, $loginfield;
    require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './uc_client/client.php';
    if ($loginfield == 'uid') {
        $isuid = 1;
    } elseif ($loginfield == 'email') {
        $isuid = 2;
    } else {
        $isuid = 0;
    $ucresult = uc_user_login($username, $password, $isuid, 1, $questionid, $answer);
    list($tmp['uid'], $tmp['username'], $tmp['password'], $tmp['email'], $duplicate) = daddslashes($ucresult, 1);
    $ucresult = $tmp;
    if ($duplicate && $ucresult['uid'] > 0) {
        if ($olduid = $db->result_first("SELECT uid FROM {$tablepre}members WHERE username='******'username']) . "'")) {
            require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './include/membermerge.func.php';
            membermerge($olduid, $ucresult['uid']);
        } else {
            return 0;
    if ($ucresult['uid'] <= 0) {
        return 0;
    $member = $db->fetch_first("SELECT m.uid AS discuz_uid, m.username AS discuz_user, m.password AS discuz_pw, m.secques AS discuz_secques,\r\n\t\, m.adminid, m.groupid, m.styleid, m.lastvisit, m.lastpost, u.allowinvisible\r\n\t\tFROM {$tablepre}members m LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}usergroups u USING (groupid)\r\n\t\tWHERE m.uid='{$ucresult['uid']}'");
    if (!$member) {
        return -1;
    $member['discuz_userss'] = $member['discuz_user'];
    $member['discuz_user'] = addslashes($member['discuz_user']);
    foreach ($member as $var => $value) {
        $GLOBALS[$var] = $value;
    if (addslashes($member['email']) != $ucresult['email']) {
        $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}members SET email='{$ucresult['email']}' WHERE uid='{$ucresult['uid']}'");
    if ($questionid > 0 && empty($member['discuz_secques'])) {
        $GLOBALS['discuz_secques'] = random(8);
        $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}members SET secques='{$GLOBALS['discuz_secques']}' WHERE uid='{$ucresult['uid']}'");
    $GLOBALS['styleid'] = $member['styleid'] ? $member['styleid'] : $_DCACHE['settings']['styleid'];
    $cookietime = intval(isset($_POST['cookietime']) ? $_POST['cookietime'] : 0);
    dsetcookie('cookietime', $cookietime, 31536000);
    dsetcookie('auth', authcode("{$member['discuz_pw']}\t{$member['discuz_secques']}\t{$member['discuz_uid']}", 'ENCODE'), $cookietime, 1, true);
    $GLOBALS['sessionexists'] = 0;
    if ($_DCACHE['settings']['frameon'] && $_DCOOKIE['frameon'] == 'yes') {
        $GLOBALS['extrahead'] .= '<script>if(top != self) {parent.leftmenu.location.reload();}</script>';
    return 1;
 public function indexAction()
     $keyword = daddslashes($this->reqVar('keyword', ''));
     $startTime = daddslashes($this->reqVar('start_time', ''));
     $endTime = daddslashes($this->reqVar('end_time', ''));
     $page = (int) $this->reqVar('page', 1);
     $pageUrl = "/admin/operate/";
     if (!empty($keyword)) {
         $opertaeSet['operat'] = $keyword;
         $pageUrl .= "?keyword={$keyword}";
     if (!empty($startTime)) {
         $opertaeSet['start_time'] = $startTime;
         $pageUrl .= !empty($keyword) ? "&" : "?";
         $pageUrl .= "&start_time={$startTime}";
     if (!empty($endTime)) {
         $opertaeSet['end_time'] = $endTime;
         if (!empty($keyword) || !empty($startTime)) {
             $pageUrl .= "&end_time={$endTime}";
         } else {
             $pageUrl .= "?end_time={$endTime}";
     $operateList = $this->operateModel->getOpLogList($opertaeSet, $page, 20);
     if ($operateList) {
         foreach ($operateList as $key => $val) {
             $contentStr = '';
             $content = json_decode($val['content'], true);
             //                die();
             if (is_array($content)) {
                 foreach ($content as $ckey => $cval) {
                     $contentStr .= $ckey . "/" . $cval . ",";
                 $contentStr = trim($contentStr, ",");
                 $contentSub = cn_substr($contentStr, 20);
                 $operateList[$key]['content'] = $contentStr;
                 $operateList[$key]['content_sub'] = $contentSub;
             } else {
                 $operateList[$key]['content'] = $operateList[$key]['content_sub'] = $content;
             //                $operateList[$key]['content_sub'] = $val['content'];
     $operateCount = $this->operateModel->getOpLogCount($opertaeSet);
     $operatePages = pages($operateCount, $page, 20, $pageUrl, array());
     $this->assign('keyword', $keyword);
     $this->assign('startTime', $startTime);
     $this->assign('endTime', $endTime);
     $this->assign('operateList', $operateList);
     $this->assign('operatePages', $operatePages);
     $this->assign("page", $page);
Exemple #19
function daddslashes($string)
    if (is_array($string)) {
        foreach ($string as $key => $val) {
            $string[$key] = daddslashes($val);
    } else {
        $string = addslashes($string);
    return $string;
Exemple #20
 static function filter($str)
     if (is_array($str)) {
         foreach ($str as $key => $val) {
             $str[$key] = daddslashes($val, $force);
     } else {
         $str = addslashes($str);
     return $str;
  * 获取表结构
 public function getCacheAction()
     $key = daddslashes($this->getVar('key'));
     if (empty($key)) {
         return false;
     $memcache = Leb_Dao_Memcache::getInstance();
     $result = $memcache->get($key);
 public function ajaxchannelAction()
     $channel = daddslashes($this->getVar('channel', ''));
     if (!empty($channel)) {
         $channelSetRe = $this->channelSetModel->getChannelSet(array("channel" => $channel));
         if ($channelSetRe) {
Exemple #23
function daddslashes($string, $force = 1)
    if (is_array($string)) {
        foreach ($string as $key => $val) {
            $string[addslashes($key)] = daddslashes($val, $force);
    } else {
        $string = addslashes($string);
    return $string;
 public function pak_ppjoyAction()
     $channel = daddslashes(trim($this->reqVar('channel', '')));
     $invite = (int) $this->reqVar('invite', 0);
     $c = daddslashes(trim($this->reqVar('c', '')));
     $pakRe = $this->pakIos($channel, $invite, $c);
     if (1 == $pakRe['status']) {
         echo "itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=" . $pakRe["url"];
     } else {
         echo "error";
Exemple #25
function daddslashes($string, $force = 0)
    if (!$GLOBALS["magic_quotes_gpc"] || $force) {
        if (is_array($string)) {
            foreach ($string as $key => $val) {
                $string[$key] = daddslashes($val, $force);
        } else {
            $string = addslashes($string);
    return $string;
Exemple #26
function daddslashes($string, $force = 0, $strip = FALSE)
    if (!MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC || $force) {
        if (is_array($string)) {
            foreach ($string as $key => $val) {
                $string[$key] = daddslashes($val, $force, $strip);
        } else {
            $string = addslashes($strip ? stripslashes($string) : $string);
    return $string;
Exemple #27
 public static function manyoulog($logtype, $uids, $action, $fid = '')
     global $_G;
     if ($_G['setting']['my_app_status'] && $logtype == 'user') {
         $action = daddslashes($action);
         $values = array();
         $uids = is_array($uids) ? $uids : array($uids);
         foreach ($uids as $uid) {
             $uid = intval($uid);
             C::t('common_member_log')->insert(array('uid' => $uid, 'action' => $action, 'dateline' => TIMESTAMP), false, true);
 public function insert_by_bid($bid, $data)
     if ($bid && $data && is_array($data)) {
         $data = daddslashes($data);
         $str = array();
         foreach ($data as $value) {
             $str[] = "('{$value['bid']}', '{$value['pic']}', '{$value['picflag']}', '{$value['type']}')";
         if ($str) {
             DB::query('INSERT INTO ' . DB::table($this->_table) . ' (bid, pic, picflag, `type`) VALUES ' . implode(',', $str));
 public function fetch_all_search($searchctrl, $useip, $uid, $timestamp, $searchstring, $srchmod = '')
     if (!$searchctrl || !$timestamp) {
         return null;
     $timestamp = dintval($timestamp);
     $uid = dintval($uid);
     $srchmod = dintval($srchmod);
     $useip = daddslashes($useip);
     $searchctrl = dintval($searchctrl);
     $searchstring = daddslashes($searchstring);
     return DB::fetch_all("SELECT searchid, dateline,\n\t\t\t('" . $searchctrl . "'<>'0' AND " . (empty($uid) ? "useip='{$useip}'" : "uid='{$uid}'") . " AND {$timestamp}-dateline<'" . $searchctrl . "') AS flood,\n\t\t\t(searchstring='{$searchstring}' AND expiration>'{$timestamp}') AS indexvalid\n\t\t\tFROM " . DB::table($this->_table) . "\n\t\t\tWHERE " . ($srchmod ? "srchmod='{$srchmod}' AND " : '') . "('" . $searchctrl . "'<>'0' AND " . (empty($uid) ? "useip='{$useip}'" : "uid='{$uid}'") . " AND {$timestamp}-dateline<" . $searchctrl . ") OR (searchstring='{$searchstring}' AND expiration>'{$timestamp}')\n\t\t\tORDER BY flood");
 public function delete_by_session($session, $onlinehold, $guestspan)
     if (!empty($session) && is_array($session)) {
         $onlinehold = time() - $onlinehold;
         $guestspan = time() - $guestspan;
         $session = daddslashes($session);
         $condition = " sid='{$session[sid]}' ";
         $condition .= " OR lastactivity<{$onlinehold} ";
         $condition .= " OR (uid='0' AND ip1='{$session['ip1']}' AND ip2='{$session['ip2']}' AND ip3='{$session['ip3']}' AND ip4='{$session['ip4']}' AND lastactivity>{$guestspan}) ";
         $condition .= $session['uid'] ? " OR (uid='{$session['uid']}') " : '';
         DB::delete('common_session', $condition);