$myrow = get_recurrent_invoice($selected_id); $_POST['description'] = $myrow["description"]; $_POST['order_no'] = $myrow["order_no"]; $_POST['debtor_no'] = $myrow["debtor_no"]; $_POST['group_no'] = $myrow["group_no"]; $_POST['days'] = $myrow["days"]; $_POST['monthly'] = $myrow["monthly"]; $_POST['begin'] = sql2date($myrow["begin"]); $_POST['end'] = sql2date($myrow["end"]); $_POST['last_sent'] = $myrow['last_sent'] == "0000-00-00" ? "" : sql2date($myrow["last_sent"]); } hidden("selected_id", $selected_id); } text_row_ex(_("Description:"), 'description', 50); templates_list_row(_("Template:"), 'order_no'); customer_list_row(_("Customer:"), 'debtor_no', null, " ", true); if ($_POST['debtor_no'] > 0) { customer_branches_list_row(_("Branch:"), $_POST['debtor_no'], 'group_no', null, false); } else { sales_groups_list_row(_("Sales Group:"), 'group_no', null, " "); } small_amount_row(_("Days:"), 'days', 0, null, null, 0); small_amount_row(_("Monthly:"), 'monthly', 0, null, null, 0); date_row(_("Begin:"), 'begin'); date_row(_("End:"), 'end', null, null, 0, 0, 5); if ($selected_id != -1 && $_POST['last_sent'] != "") { date_row(_("Last Created"), 'last_sent'); } end_table(1); submit_add_or_update_center($selected_id == -1, '', 'both'); end_form();
$_SESSION['alloc'] = new allocation(ST_CUSTPAYMENT, $_POST['trans_no']); } else { $_SESSION['alloc'] = new allocation(ST_CUSTPAYMENT, 0); $Ajax->activate('alloc_tbl'); } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $new = !$_SESSION['alloc']->trans_no; start_form(); hidden('trans_no'); hidden('old_ref', $old_ref); start_outer_table(TABLESTYLE2, "width=60%", 5); table_section(1); if ($new) { customer_list_row(_("From Customer:"), 'customer_id', null, false, true); } else { label_cells(_("From Customer:"), $_POST['customer_name'], "class='label'"); hidden('customer_id', $_POST['customer_id']); } if (list_updated('customer_id') || $new && list_updated('bank_account')) { $_SESSION['alloc']->read(); $_POST['memo_'] = $_POST['amount'] = $_POST['discount'] = ''; $Ajax->activate('alloc_tbl'); } if (db_customer_has_branches($_POST['customer_id'])) { customer_branches_list_row(_("Branch:"), $_POST['customer_id'], 'BranchID', null, false, true, true); } else { hidden('BranchID', ANY_NUMERIC); } read_customer_data();
function customer_list($term = '') { global $tpl; $term = trim($term); $query = "SELECT * FROM `customers`"; if (!empty($term)) { $query .= " WHERE `surname` LIKE '%{$term}%'"; $query .= " OR `phone` LIKE '%{$term}%'"; $query .= " OR `address` LIKE '%{$term}%'"; $query .= " OR `email` LIKE '%{$term}%'"; $query .= " OR `vat_account` LIKE '%{$term}%'"; } $query .= " ORDER BY `surname` ASC"; $res = common_query($query, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!$res) { return ERR_MYSQL; } if (!mysql_num_rows($res)) { $msg = ucphr('ERR_NO_CUSTOMER_FOUND'); $msg = '<font color="Red">' . $msg . '</font>'; $tpl->append('messages', $msg); return ''; } $msg .= customer_list_table_head(); while ($arr = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $msg .= customer_list_row($arr); } $msg .= customer_list_table_bottom(); return $msg; }
function display_item_form() { global $table_style2; start_table($table_style2, 5, 7); echo "<tr><td valign=top>"; // outer table echo "<table>"; if (!isset($_POST['customer_id'])) { $_POST['customer_id'] = get_global_customer(false); } if (!isset($_POST['DateBanked'])) { $_POST['DateBanked'] = Today(); if (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['DateBanked'])) { $_POST['DateBanked'] = end_fiscalyear(); } } customer_list_row(tr("From Customer:"), 'customer_id', null, false, true); if (db_customer_has_branches($_POST['customer_id'])) { customer_branches_list_row(tr("Branch:"), $_POST['customer_id'], 'BranchID', null, false, true, true); } else { hidden('BranchID', reserved_words::get_any_numeric()); } read_customer_data(); set_global_customer($_POST['customer_id']); if (isset($_POST['HoldAccount']) && $_POST['HoldAccount'] != 0) { echo "</table></table>"; display_note(tr("This customer account is on hold."), 0, 0, "class='redfb'"); } else { $display_discount_percent = percent_format($_POST['pymt_discount'] * 100) . "%"; amount_row(tr("Amount:"), 'amount'); amount_row(tr("Amount of Discount:"), 'discount'); label_row(tr("Customer prompt payment discount :"), $display_discount_percent); date_row(tr("Date of Deposit:"), 'DateBanked'); echo "</table>"; echo "</td><td valign=top class='tableseparator'>"; // outer table echo "<table>"; bank_accounts_list_row(tr("Into Bank Account:"), 'bank_account', null, true); $cust_currency = get_customer_currency($_POST['customer_id']); $bank_currency = get_bank_account_currency($_POST['bank_account']); if ($cust_currency != $bank_currency) { exchange_rate_display($cust_currency, $bank_currency, $_POST['DateBanked']); } bank_trans_types_list_row(tr("Type:"), 'ReceiptType', null); text_row(tr("Reference:"), 'ref', null, 20, 40); textarea_row(tr("Memo:"), 'memo_', null, 22, 4); echo "</table>"; echo "</td></tr>"; end_table(); // outer table if ($cust_currency != $bank_currency) { display_note(tr("Amount and discount are in customer's currency.")); } echo "<br>"; submit_center('AddPaymentItem', tr("Add Payment")); } echo "<br>"; }
case PT_MISC: text_row_ex($payment ? _("To the Order of:") : _("Name:"), 'person_id', 40, 50); textarea_row(_("Address:"), 'address', '', 40, 3); //moodlearning break; //case PT_WORKORDER : // workorders_list_row(_("Work Order:"), 'person_id', null); // break; //case PT_WORKORDER : // workorders_list_row(_("Work Order:"), 'person_id', null); // break; case PT_SUPPLIER: supplier_list_row(_("Supplier:"), 'person_id', null, false, true, false, true); break; case PT_CUSTOMER: customer_list_row(_("Customer:"), 'person_id', null, false, true, false, true); if (db_customer_has_branches($_POST['person_id'])) { customer_branches_list_row(_("Branch:"), $_POST['person_id'], 'PersonDetailID', null, false, true, true, true); } else { $_POST['PersonDetailID'] = ANY_NUMERIC; hidden('PersonDetailID'); } $trans = get_customer_habit($_POST['person_id']); // take care of customers on hold if ($trans['dissallow_invoices'] != 0) { if ($payment) { $customer_error = true; display_error(_("This customer account is on hold.")); } else { display_warning(_("This customer account is on hold.")); }