Exemple #1
function checkAuth($redirectIfNeeded)
    // is the user already logged in?
    if (isset($_SESSION["uid"]) && $_SESSION["uid"] != "") {
        // yes, already logged in
        return $_SESSION["uid"];
    } else {
        if ($redirectIfNeeded) {
            // user is not logged in and needs to do so
            // send to the login page
            // pass the current URL so that we can come back here after login
            $currentUrl = currentUrl();
            // rawurlencode converts the string so it's safe to pass as a URL GET parameter
            $urlOfLogin = "******" . rawurlencode($currentUrl) . "&cb=" . microtime(true);
            // use a JavaScript redirect; FYI, there's also an http header (Location:) that
            //    can be used to redirect, but that MUST be sent before any HTML, and this
            //    function (checkAuth) might be called after some HTML is sent
            echo "<script>location.replace('{$urlOfLogin}');</script>";
            return "";
        } else {
            // user is not logged in, but whoever called this function doesn't care
            return "";
 public function indexAct()
     $id = I('get.id');
     $info = D('activity')->where(array('id' => $id))->find();
     $this->assign('info', $info);
     $this->assign('inviteurl', currentUrl());
function currentPage()
    $currentPage = end(explode('/', currentUrl()));
    $currentPage = str_replace('.php', '', $currentPage);
    $currentPage = preg_replace('/\\?.*/', '', $currentPage);
    if (empty($currentPage) || $currentPage === 'home') {
        $currentPage = 'home';
    return $currentPage;
Exemple #4
 public function __construct()
     $this->ogType = 'website';
     $this->ogUrl = currentUrl();
     $this->ogTitle = appName();
     $this->ogDescription = appDescription();
     $this->ogImage = appLogo();
     $this->ogSiteName = appName();
     $this->ogLocale = currentFullLocaleCode();
     $this->ogLocaleAlternate = allSupportedFullLocaleCodes();
Exemple #5
 * Digunakan untuk pengalihan halaman (URL)
 * @param   string  $url  URL Tujuan
 * @return  void
function redirect($url = '', $delay = false)
    if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli') {
        $url = strpos('?', $url) === 1 ? currentUrl($url) : siteUrl($url);
        if ($delay !== false) {
            header("refresh: {$delay}; url={$url}");
        } else {
            header("Location: " . $url);
        unset($_POST, $_GET, $_REQUEST);
 protected function _session_openid()
     $wechatObj = wechatInstance();
     if ($_GET['code']) {
         $result = $wechatObj->getOauthAccessToken();
         $userInfo = $wechatObj->getUserInfo($result['openid']);
         session('openid', $result['openid']);
     } else {
         //$callBackUrl = __BASE__.substr(UC(MODULE_NAME.'/'.CONTROLLER_NAME.'/'.ACTION_NAME),1);
         $callBackUrl = currentUrl();
         $url = $wechatObj->getOauthRedirect($callBackUrl, '', 'snsapi_base');
Exemple #7
function checkAuth($redirectIfNeeded)
    if (isset($_SESSION["uid"]) && $_SESSION["uid"] != "") {
        return $_SESSION["uid"];
    } else {
        if ($redirectIfNeeded) {
            $currentUrl = currentUrl();
            $urlOfLogin = "******" . rawurlencode($currentUrl) . "&cb=" . microtime(true);
            echo "<script>location.replace('{$urlOfLogin}');</script>";
            return "";
        } else {
            return "";
Exemple #8
 * Setup Anchor tag
 * @param   mixed   $url    Path or Permalink
 * @param   string  $label  Text label
 * @return  string
function anchor($url, $label = '', array $extras = [])
    if (is_array($url) and $label == '') {
        $attrs = $url;
        $label = $attrs['label'];
    } else {
        $attrs = ['href' => $url];
    $attrs = array_merge($extras, $attrs);
    if ($attrs['href'] == '' || substr($attrs['href'], 0, 2) != '//') {
        $attrs['href'] = siteUrl($attrs['href']);
    } elseif (strpos('?', $attrs['href']) === 1) {
        $attrs['href'] = currentUrl($attrs['href'], true);
    if (!isset($attrs['class']) or isset($attrs['class']) and strpos($attrs['class'], 'btn') === false) {
        $attrs['tabindex'] = '-1';
    return '<a ' . parseAttrs($attrs) . '>' . $label . '</a>';
 public function current(string $fix = NULL) : string
     return currentUrl($fix);
Exemple #10
// @return example.com/zeroneed.php
define('SITE_URL', siteUrl());
// @return example.com/aktive
define('CURRENT_URL', currentUrl());
// @return example.com/prev
define('PREV_URL', prevUrl());
// @return hostname
Exemple #11
if (!isset($context)) {
    header('Location: ' . $link['kb'] . '?code=' . $errorCode['FORUM_INTEGRATION']);
//Load other classes and database login info
require_once $link['root'] . 'classes/Format.php';
require_once $link['root'] . 'classes/Validation.php';
require_once $link['root'] . 'setting.php';
require_once $link['root'] . 'classes/Help.php';
//Gets website setting !DO NOT REMOVE IT!
$setting = getSetting();
//Save current page url into session for login/logout redirect............ well it does not work anyway! could be a SMF Bug.
if (!strpos(currentUrl(), 'login') && !strpos(currentUrl(), 'logout') && !strpos(currentUrl(), 'includes') && !strpos(currentUrl(), 'styles') && !strpos(currentUrl(), 'img') && !strpos(currentUrl(), 'kb')) {
    $_SESSION['login_url'] = currentUrl();
    $_SESSION['logout_url'] = currentUrl();
    $_SESSION['old_url'] = currentUrl();
    $_SESSION['redirect'] = currentUrl();
$_SESSION['previous_page'] = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : $link['url'];
// var_dump($_SESSION['redirect']);
//Get user avatar or use the default avatar
$user_avatar = $context['user']['avatar'] != null ? $context['user']['avatar']['href'] : $link['url'] . 'img/usersmall.jpg';
//Get the musicbee satble and beta release data
$releaseData['stable'] = getVersionInfo(0, 'byCurrentVersion')[0];
$releaseData['beta'] = getVersionInfo(1, 'byCurrentVersion')[0];
//Contains EVERYTHING in single multidimensional array! DO NOT REMOVE IT!
$mb = array('website' => array('ver' => '1.9.0', 'show_warning' => false, 'is_test' => false, 'github_link' => 'https://github.com/Avik-B/mb_web/'), 'charset' => 'UTF-8', 'user' => array('id' => $context['user']['id'], 'is_logged' => $context['user']['is_logged'], 'is_guest' => $context['user']['is_guest'], 'is_admin' => $context['user']['is_admin'], 'is_mod' => $context['user']['is_mod'], 'is_elite' => false, 'is_newbie' => false, 'rank_name' => null, 'need_approval' => true, 'can_mod' => $context['user']['can_mod'], 'username' => $context['user']['name'], 'email' => $context['user']['email'], 'name' => $context['user']['name'], 'messages' => $context['user']['messages'], 'unread_messages' => $context['user']['unread_messages'], 'avatar' => $user_avatar), 'session_var' => $context['session_var'], 'session_id' => $context['session_id'], 'current_time' => array('date' => date("F j, Y"), 'date_time' => date("F j, Y, g:i a")), 'main_menu' => array('dashboard' => array('title' => $lang['dashboard'], 'href' => $link['addon']['dashboard'], 'restriction' => 'login', 'sub_menu' => array()), 'member-panel' => array('title' => '<img src="' . $user_avatar . '" class="user_avatar">', 'href' => $link['forum'] . '?action=profile', 'restriction' => 'login', 'sub_menu' => array('user-profile' => array('title' => '' . sprintf($lang['hey_username'], $context['user']['name']) . '', 'href' => $link['forum'] . '?action=profile'), 'line1' => array('title' => $lang['line']), 'admin-panel' => array('title' => $lang['web_admin'], 'href' => $link['addon']['dashboard'] . '#admin_setting', 'icon' => $lang['20'], 'restriction' => 'admin'), 'forum-admin' => array('title' => $lang['forum_admin'], 'href' => $link['admin']['forum-panel'], 'icon' => $lang['21'], 'restriction' => 'admin'), 'line2' => array('title' => $lang['line']), 'sign-out' => array('title' => $lang['sign_out'], 'href' => $link['logout'], 'icon' => $lang['23']))), 'download' => array('title' => $lang['download'], 'href' => $link['download'], 'sub_menu' => array()), 'add-ons' => array('title' => $lang['addons'], 'href' => $link['addon']['home'], 'sub_menu' => array('1' => array('title' => $lang['skins'], 'href' => $link['addon']['home'] . "s/?type=1", 'icon' => $lang['24'], 'desc' => $lang['description_1'], 'id' => 1), '2' => array('title' => $lang['plugins'], 'href' => $link['addon']['home'] . "s/?type=2", 'icon' => $lang['25'], 'desc' => $lang['description_2'], 'id' => 2), '3' => array('title' => $lang['visualizer'], 'href' => $link['addon']['home'] . "s/?type=3", 'icon' => $lang['26'], 'desc' => $lang['description_3'], 'id' => 3), '4' => array('title' => $lang['theater_mode'], 'href' => $link['addon']['home'] . "s/?type=4", 'icon' => $lang['28'], 'desc' => $lang['description_5'], 'id' => 4), '5' => array('title' => $lang['misc'], 'href' => $link['addon']['home'] . "s/?type=5", 'icon' => $lang['29'], 'desc' => $lang['description_6'], 'id' => 5))), 'forum' => array('title' => $lang['forum'], 'href' => $link['forum'], 'sub_menu' => array()), 'help' => array('title' => $lang['help'], 'href' => $link['faq'], 'sub_menu' => array('faq' => array('title' => $lang['faq'], 'href' => $link['faq'], 'icon' => $lang['faq_icon']), 'api' => array('title' => $lang['dev_api'], 'href' => $link['api'], 'icon' => $lang['code_icon']), 'line2' => array('title' => $lang['line']), 'release-note' => array('title' => $lang['release-note'], 'href' => $link['release-note'], 'icon' => $lang['note_icon']), 'press' => array('title' => $lang['press'], 'href' => $link['press'], 'icon' => $lang['press_icon']), 'line3' => array('title' => $lang['line']), 'bug' => array('title' => $lang['report_bug'], 'href' => $link['bugreport'], 'icon' => $lang['bug_icon'], 'hide' => true), 'wiki' => array('title' => $lang['mb_wiki'], 'href' => $setting['wikiaLink'], 'icon' => $lang['wiki_icon'], 'target' => '_blank', 'hide' => true)))), 'musicbee_download' => array('stable' => array('appname' => isset($releaseData['stable']['appname']) ? $releaseData['stable']['appname'] : "NA", 'version' => isset($releaseData['stable']['version']) ? $releaseData['stable']['version'] : "NA", 'release_date' => isset($releaseData['stable']['release_date']) ? $releaseData['stable']['release_date'] : "NA", 'supported_os' => isset($releaseData['stable']['supported_os']) ? $releaseData['stable']['supported_os'] : "NA", 'download' => array('available' => isset($releaseData['stable']['available']) ? $releaseData['stable']['available'] : 0, 'installer' => array('link1' => isset($releaseData['stable']['DownloadLink']) ? $releaseData['stable']['DownloadLink'] : "NA", 'link2' => isset($releaseData['stable']['MirrorLink1']) ? $releaseData['stable']['MirrorLink1'] : null, 'link3' => isset($releaseData['stable']['MirrorLink2']) ? $releaseData['stable']['MirrorLink2'] : null), 'portable' => array('link1' => isset($releaseData['stable']['PortableLink']) ? $releaseData['stable']['PortableLink'] : "NA"))), 'beta' => array('appname' => isset($releaseData['beta']['appname']) ? $releaseData['beta']['appname'] : "NA", 'version' => isset($releaseData['beta']['version']) ? $releaseData['beta']['version'] : "NA", 'release_date' => isset($releaseData['beta']['release_date']) ? $releaseData['beta']['release_date'] : "NA", 'supported_os' => isset($releaseData['beta']['supported_os']) ? $releaseData['beta']['supported_os'] : "NA", 'download' => array('available' => isset($releaseData['beta']['available']) ? $releaseData['beta']['available'] : 0, 'link1' => isset($releaseData['beta']['DownloadLink']) ? $releaseData['beta']['DownloadLink'] : "NA"), 'message' => isset($releaseData['beta']['message']) ? $releaseData['beta']['message'] : null), 'patch' => getVersionInfo(2, 'byCurrentVersion')[0]), 'help' => Help::getHelp(), 'view_range' => array('addon_view_range' => 20, 'dashboard_all_view_range' => 20, 'release_all_view_range' => 20));
 * Maybe we don't wan't anyone except admin to see this, show error to anyone else. Or maybe
 * this is only available for logged in users. No guest is allowed kicked them to error page
Exemple #12
 public static function createLink()
     self::$totalPages = ceil(self::$numberOfRows / self::$resultPerPage);
     $halfPages = floor(self::$numberOfPages / 2);
     $range = ['Start' => 1, 'End' => self::$totalPages];
     $isEven = self::$numberOfPages % 2 == 0;
     $atRangeEnd = self::$totalPages - $halfPages;
     $parseUrl = parse_url(currentUrl());
     $url = $parseUrl['scheme'] . "://" . $parseUrl['host'] . $parseUrl['path'];
     if (count($_GET) > 0) {
         $url .= '?' . http_build_query($_GET);
     $query = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY);
     if ($query) {
         $url = $url . '&page=';
     } else {
         $url = $url . '?page=';
     if ($isEven) {
     if (self::$totalPages > self::$numberOfPages) {
         if (self::$page <= $halfPages) {
             $range['End'] = self::$numberOfPages;
         } else {
             if (self::$page >= $atRangeEnd) {
                 $range['Start'] = self::$totalPages - self::$numberOfPages + 1;
             } else {
                 $range['Start'] = self::$page - $halfPages;
                 $range['End'] = self::$page + $halfPages;
                 if ($isEven) {
     $result = self::$fullTagOpen . PHP_EOL;
     if (!empty(self::$firstLabel) && self::$page > 1) {
         $result .= self::$tagOpen . '<a href="' . $url . '1">' . self::$firstLabel . '</a>' . self::$tagClose . PHP_EOL;
     if (!empty(self::$prevLabel) && self::$page > 1) {
         $result .= self::$tagOpen . '<a href="' . $url . (self::$page - 1) . '">' . self::$prevLabel . '</a>' . self::$tagClose . PHP_EOL;
     if (self::$usePageNumber) {
         for ($i = $range['Start']; $i <= $range['End']; $i++) {
             if ($i == self::$page) {
                 $result .= self::$tagOpen . self::$activeTagOpen . $i . self::$activeTagClose . self::$tagClose . PHP_EOL;
             } else {
                 $result .= self::$tagOpen . '<a href="' . $url . $i . '">' . $i . '</a>' . self::$tagClose . PHP_EOL;
     if (!empty(self::$nextLabel) && self::$page < self::$totalPages) {
         $result .= self::$tagOpen . '<a href="' . $url . (self::$page + 1) . '">' . self::$nextLabel . '</a>' . self::$tagClose . PHP_EOL;
     if (!empty(self::$lastLabel) && self::$page < self::$totalPages) {
         $result .= self::$tagOpen . '<a href="' . $url . self::$totalPages . '">' . self::$lastLabel . '</a>' . self::$tagClose . PHP_EOL;
     $result .= self::$fullTagClose;
     return $result;
 private function includeTargetUrl($targetUrl, $queueUrl)
     $queueUrl = preg_replace("/(&?t=[^&]*&?)/i", "", $queueUrl);
     if ($targetUrl == null) {
         $targetUrl = $this->defaultIncludeTargetUrl;
     if (is_bool($targetUrl) && $targetUrl == true) {
         $targetUrl = currentUrl();
     if (is_bool($targetUrl) && $targetUrl == false) {
         return $queueUrl;
     if (!strpos($queueUrl, '?')) {
         return $queueUrl . '?t=' . urlencode($targetUrl);
     return $queueUrl . '&t=' . urlencode($targetUrl);
    public function run($terminalType = 'php', $settings = array())
        if (!is_array($settings)) {
            return Error::set(lang('Error', 'arrayParameter', 'settings'));
        $settings['width'] = isset($settings['width']) ? $settings['width'] : '800px';
        $settings['height'] = isset($settings['height']) ? $settings['height'] : '350px';
        $settings['bgColor'] = isset($settings['bgColor']) ? $settings['bgColor'] : '#000';
        $settings['barBgColor'] = isset($settings['barBgColor']) ? $settings['barBgColor'] : '#222';
        $settings['textColor'] = isset($settings['textColor']) ? $settings['textColor'] : '#ccc';
        $settings['textType'] = isset($settings['textType']) ? $settings['textType'] : 'monospace';
        $settings['textSize'] = isset($settings['textSize']) ? $settings['textSize'] : '12px';
        if (isset($_POST['clear']) && $_POST['clear'] === 'clear') {
        if (!isset($_SESSION['persistCommands']) || !isset($_SESSION['commands'])) {
            $_SESSION['persistCommands'] = array();
            $_SESSION['commands'] = array();
            $_SESSION['commandResponses'] = array();
        $togglingPersist = false;
        if (isset($_POST['persistCommandId']) && is_numeric($_POST['persistCommandId'])) {
            $togglingPersist = true;
            $persistCommandId = $_POST['persistCommandId'];
            if (count($_SESSION['persistCommands']) == $persistCommandId) {
                $togglingCurrentPersistCommand = true;
        $previousCommands = '';
        $response = array();
        if (!empty($_SESSION['persistCommands'])) {
            foreach ($_SESSION['persistCommands'] as $index => $persist) {
                if (!empty($persist)) {
                    $currentCommand = $_SESSION['commands'][$index];
                    if (!empty($currentCommand)) {
                        $previousCommands .= $currentCommand . '; ';
        if (isset($_POST['command'])) {
            $command = $_POST['command'];
            if (!empty($command) && empty($togglingPersist)) {
                if ($command === 'clear') {
                } else {
                    if ($terminalType === 'php') {
                        $cmd = $command;
                        $content = ob_get_contents();
                        $command = $content;
                        if ($getError = error_get_last()) {
                            $command = $cmd;
                            $response[] = $getError['message'];
                    } else {
                        $terminalType = 'cmd';
                        exec($previousCommands . $command . ' 2>&1', $response);
            if ($command !== 'clear') {
                if (!empty($togglingPersist)) {
                    if ($togglingCurrentPersistCommand) {
                        array_push($_SESSION['persistCommands'], true);
                        array_push($_SESSION['commands'], $command);
                        array_push($_SESSION['commandResponses'], $response);
                        if (!empty($command)) {
                            $previousCommands = $previousCommands . $command . '; ';
                } else {
                    array_push($_SESSION['persistCommands'], false);
                    array_push($_SESSION['commands'], $command);
                    array_push($_SESSION['commandResponses'], $response);
		<style type="text/css">
				margin: 0;
				padding: 0;
				color: inherit;
				font-family: inherit;
				font-size: inherit;
				font-weight: inherit;
				background-color: inherit;
				border: inherit;
				width: <?php 
        echo $settings['width'];
				min-width: 400px;
				margin: 0px auto;
				text-align: left;
				overflow: auto;
				background-color: <?php 
        echo $settings['bgColor'];
				color: <?php 
        echo $settings['textColor'];
				font-family: <?php 
        echo $settings['textType'];
				font-weight: bold;
				font-size: <?php 
        echo $settings['textSize'];
				border: 1px solid #CCC;
				height: <?php 
        echo $settings['height'];
				position: relative;
				overflow: auto;
				padding-bottom: 20px;
			.terminal .bar 
        echo $settings['barBgColor'];
				padding: 2px;
				white-space: nowrap;
				overflow: hidden;
        echo $settings['textColor'];
			.terminal .commands 
				padding: 2px;
				padding-right: 0;
			.terminal #command 
				width: 90%;

		<div class="content">
			<div class="terminal" onclick="document.getElementById('command').focus();" id="terminal">
				<div class="bar">
        echo 'ZN Framework Terminal Application ';
				<form action="<?php 
        echo currentUrl();
" method="post" class="commands" id="commands">
        if (!empty($_SESSION['commands'])) {
            foreach ($_SESSION['commands'] as $index => $command) {
                echo $terminalType . ' > ', $command, "\n";
                foreach ($_SESSION['commandResponses'][$index] as $value) {
                    echo htmlentities($value), "\n";
        echo $terminalType . ' > ';
					<input type="text" name="command" id="command" autocomplete="off" onkeydown="return commandKeyedDown(event);" />
		<script type="text/javascript">
        $singleQuoteCancelledCommands = array();
        if (!empty($_SESSION['commands'])) {
            foreach ($_SESSION['commands'] as $command) {
                $cancelledCommand = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $command);
                $cancelledCommand = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $command);
                $singleQuoteCancelledCommands[] = $cancelledCommand;
			var previousCommands = ['', '<?php 
        echo implode('\', \'', $singleQuoteCancelledCommands);
', ''];
			var currentCommandIndex = previousCommands.length - 1;
			document.getElementById('terminal').scrollTop = document.getElementById('terminal').scrollHeight;
			function togglePersistCommand(command_id)
				document.getElementById('persistCommandId').value = command_id;
			function commandKeyedDown(event)
				var keyCode = getKeyCode(event);
				if( keyCode == 38 ) 
				else if( keyCode == 40 ) 
				else if( keyCode == 13 )
					if (event.shiftKey) 
        if (isset($_SESSION['commands'])) {
            echo count($_SESSION['commands']);
        } else {
            echo 0;
						return false;
				return true;
			function fillInPreviousCommand()
				if( currentCommandIndex < 0 ) 
					currentCommandIndex = 0;
				document.getElementById('command').value = previousCommands[currentCommandIndex];
			function fillInNextCommand()
				if( currentCommandIndex >= previousCommands.length ) 
					currentCommandIndex = previousCommands.length - 1;
				document.getElementById('command').value = previousCommands[currentCommandIndex];
			function getKeyCode(event)
				var eventKeyCode = event.keyCode;
				return eventKeyCode;
function unsubscribe()
    global $wpdb;
    if ($_GET['action'] == 'unsubscribe') {
		<div id="unsubscribe">
			<form action="<?php 
        echo currentUrl();
" method="get">
        _e('Enter your email bellow');
				<p><input size="10" type="text" name="unsub_email" /></p>
					<input type="submit" value="Unsubscribe" />
					<input type="hidden" value="yes" name="unsub" />
    if (isset($_GET['unsub_email']) && $_GET['unsub'] == 'yes') {
        $queryResult = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE epicwin_feed SET opt_in=0 WHERE email='" . $_GET['unsub_email'] . "'"));
        if ($queryResult > 0) {
			<div id="unsubscribe">
            _e('You have been removed form our mailing list. If you would like to join the mailing list in the future, just fill in the subscribe box again');
				<a href="#" class="close" onclick="document.getElementById('unsubscribe').style.visibility='hidden'">Close</a>
        } else {
			<div id="unsubscribe">
            _e('You have either already unsubscribed or we could not find your email in our recrods');
				<a href="#" class="close" onclick="document.getElementById('unsubscribe').style.visibility='hidden'">Close</a>

defined('ROOT') or die('Not allowed!');
<div id="main-contents">
    <form action="<?php 
echo currentUrl();
" id="user-form" method="post" class="form">
        <div class="control-group">
            <label class="label" for="nama_lengkap">Nama lengkap</label>
            <div class="control-input">
                <input type="text" required name="nama_lengkap" id="nama_lengkap" <?php 
echo $data ? 'value="' . $data->nama_lengkap . '"' : '';

        <div class="control-group">
            <label class="label" for="alamat">Alamat</label>
            <div class="control-input">
                <textarea name="alamat" id="alamat"><?php 
echo $data ? $data->alamat : '';

        <div class="control-group">
 public function getUrl()
     return currentUrl();
 public function create(int $year = NULL, int $month = NULL) : string
     $today = getdate();
     if (!isset($this->url)) {
         $this->url = suffix(CURRENT_CFURL);
     if ($month === NULL && $year === NULL) {
         if (!is_numeric(URI::segment(-1))) {
             $month = $today['mon'];
         } else {
             $month = URI::segment(-1);
         if (!is_numeric(URI::segment(-2))) {
             $year = $today['year'];
         } else {
             $year = URI::segment(-2);
     } else {
         if (!is_numeric($month)) {
             $month = $today['mon'];
         if (!is_numeric($year)) {
             $year = $today['year'];
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
         $arrays = array_diff(explode('/', prevUrl()), explode('/', currentUrl()));
         $prevMonth = end($arrays);
     } else {
         $prevMonth = $month;
     $monthNamesConfig = VIEWOBJECTS_CALENDAR_CONFIG['monthNames'][getLang()];
     if ($this->monthNames === 'long') {
         $monthNames = array_keys($monthNamesConfig);
     } else {
         $monthNames = array_values($monthNamesConfig);
     $dayNamesConfig = VIEWOBJECTS_CALENDAR_CONFIG['dayNames'][getLang()];
     $monthName = $monthNames[$month - 1];
     $dayNames = $this->dayNames === 'long' ? array_keys($dayNamesConfig) : array_values($dayNamesConfig);
     $firstDay = getdate(mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
     $lastDay = getdate(mktime(0, 0, 0, $month + 1, 0, $year));
     $tableClass = !empty($this->css['table']) ? ' class="' . $this->css['table'] . '"' : '';
     $tableStyle = !empty($this->style['table']) ? ' style="' . $this->style['table'] . '"' : '';
     $monthRowClass = !empty($this->css['monthName']) ? ' class="' . $this->css['monthName'] . '"' : '';
     $monthRowStyle = !empty($this->style['monthName']) ? ' style="' . $this->style['monthName'] . '"' : '';
     $dayRowClass = !empty($this->css['dayName']) ? ' class="' . $this->css['dayName'] . '"' : '';
     $dayRowStyle = !empty($this->style['dayName']) ? ' style="' . $this->style['dayName'] . '"' : '';
     $rowsClass = !empty($this->css['days']) ? ' class="' . $this->css['days'] . '"' : '';
     $rowsStyle = !empty($this->style['days']) ? ' style="' . $this->style['days'] . '"' : '';
     $buttonClass = !empty($this->css['links']) ? ' class="' . $this->css['links'] . '"' : '';
     $buttonStyle = !empty($this->style['links']) ? ' style="' . $this->style['links'] . '"' : '';
     $eol = EOL;
     $url = suffix($this->url);
     $pcyear = $month == 1 ? $year - 1 : $year;
     $pcmonth = $month - 1 == 0 ? 12 : $month - 1;
     $ncyear = $month == 12 ? $year + 1 : $year;
     $ncmonth = $month + 1 == 13 ? 1 : $month + 1;
     $prevDate = $pcyear . "/" . $pcmonth;
     $nextDate = $ncyear . "/" . $ncmonth;
     if ($this->type === 'ajax') {
         $prevUrl = '#cdate=' . $prevDate;
         $nextUrl = '#cdate=' . $nextDate;
         $prevAttr = ' ctype="ajax" cyear="' . $pcyear . '" cmonth="' . $pcmonth . '"';
         $nextAttr = ' ctype="ajax" cyear="' . $ncyear . '" cmonth="' . $ncmonth . '"';
     } else {
         $prevUrl = $url . $prevDate;
         $nextUrl = $url . $nextDate;
         $prevAttr = '';
         $nextAttr = '';
     $prev = "<a href='" . $prevUrl . "' {$buttonClass}{$buttonStyle}{$prevAttr}>{$this->prev}</a>";
     $next = "<a href='" . $nextUrl . "' {$buttonClass}{$buttonStyle}{$nextAttr}>{$this->next}</a>";
     $str = "<table{$tableClass}{$tableStyle}>" . $eol;
     $str .= "\t<tr>" . $eol . "\t\t<th{$monthRowClass}{$monthRowStyle} colspan=\"7\">{$prev} {$monthName} - {$year} {$next}</th></tr>" . $eol;
     $str .= "\t<tr>" . $eol;
     foreach ($dayNames as $day) {
         $str .= "\t\t<td{$dayRowClass}{$dayRowStyle}>{$day}</td>" . $eol;
     $str .= "\t<tr>" . $eol;
     if ($firstDay['wday'] == 0) {
         $firstDay['wday'] = 7;
     for ($i = 1; $i < $firstDay['wday']; $i++) {
         $str .= "\t\t<td{$rowsClass}{$rowsStyle}>&nbsp;</td>" . $eol;
     $activeDay = 0;
     for ($i = $firstDay['wday']; $i <= 7; $i++) {
         if ($activeDay == $today['mday'] && $year == $today['year'] && $month == $today['mon']) {
             $class = !empty($this->css['current']) ? ' class="' . $this->css['current'] . '"' : '';
             $style = !empty($this->style['current']) ? ' style="' . $this->style['current'] . '"' : '';
         } else {
             $class = !empty($this->css['days']) ? ' class="' . $this->css['days'] . '"' : '';
             $style = !empty($this->style['days']) ? ' style="' . $this->style['days'] . '"' : '';
         $str .= "\t\t<td{$class}{$style}>{$activeDay}</td>" . $eol;
     $str .= "\t</tr>" . $eol;
     $weekCount = floor(($lastDay['mday'] - $activeDay) / 7);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $weekCount; $i++) {
         $str .= "\t<tr>";
         for ($j = 0; $j < 7; $j++) {
             if ($activeDay == $today['mday'] && $year == $today['year'] && $month == $today['mon']) {
                 $class = !empty($this->css['current']) ? ' class="' . $this->css['current'] . '"' : '';
                 $style = !empty($this->style['current']) ? ' style="' . $this->style['current'] . '"' : '';
             } else {
                 $class = !empty($this->css['days']) ? ' class="' . $this->css['days'] . '"' : '';
                 $style = !empty($this->style['days']) ? ' style="' . $this->style['days'] . '"' : '';
             $str .= "\t\t<td{$class}{$style}>{$activeDay}</td>" . $eol;
         $str .= "\t</tr>" . $eol;
     if ($activeDay < $lastDay['mday']) {
         $str .= "\t<tr>" . $eol;
         for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
             if ($activeDay == $today['mday']) {
                 $class = !empty($this->css['current']) ? ' class="' . $this->css['current'] . '"' : '';
                 $style = !empty($this->style['current']) ? ' style="' . $this->style['current'] . '"' : '';
             } else {
                 $class = !empty($this->css['days']) ? ' class="' . $this->css['days'] . '"' : '';
                 $style = !empty($this->style['days']) ? ' style="' . $this->style['days'] . '"' : '';
             if ($activeDay <= $lastDay['mday']) {
                 $str .= "\t\t<td{$class}{$style}>{$activeDay}</td>" . $eol;
             } else {
                 $str .= "\t\t<td{$class}{$style}>&nbsp;</td>" . $eol;
         $str .= "\t</tr>" . $eol;
     $str .= "</table>";
     return $str;
Exemple #19
function currentPath()
    $path = parse_url(currentUrl())['path'];
    return empty($path) ? '/' : $path;