<?php //check_login(); //include(SITEDIR.'/libraries/addresses/nearby.php'); $uid = ''; $uid = !empty($_GET['uid']) ? $_GET['uid'] : (!empty($_SESSION['user']['id']) ? $_SESSION['user']['id'] : ''); if (empty($uid)) { check_login(); } currentActivity('horo_page', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], null, 'User has browsed the Horo Match page.'); $Models_Googleauth = new Models_Googleauth(); $userDetails = $Models_Googleauth->getUser($uid); $userSql = $Models_Googleauth->sql; //matching naks $Kundali = new Library_Kundali(); $horo = new Models_Horo(); $userHoroInfo = findHoroInfo($userDetails); if (!empty($userHoroInfo)) { $points = $Kundali->points(); $specific_points = $points[$userHoroInfo[9]]; arsort($specific_points); $matchingNaks = array(); foreach ($specific_points as $k => $v) { $matchingNaks[$k]['number'] = $k; $matchingNaks[$k]['nakshatra'] = $Kundali->getnaksfromnumber($k); $matchingNaks[$k]['points'] = $v; } } //matching naks ends $horo_cities = array(); if (!empty($userDetails['horo_cities'])) {
$editFormAction .= "?" . htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); } $currentPage = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; if (isset($_POST["MM_insert"]) && $_POST["MM_insert"] == "form1") { currentActivity('shout_added', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $globalCity['id'], 'A New Shout is added'); $_POST['uid'] = $_SESSION['user']['id']; $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO z_shout (`uid`, shout, city_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", GetSQLValueString($_POST['uid'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['shout'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_GET['city_id'], "int")); mysql_select_db($database_connMain, $connMain); $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $connMain) or die(mysql_error()); mail(ADMIN_EMAIL, 'New Shout Request', 'New shout request has been created at location ' . HTTPPATH . '/superadmin/manage/shout. Please visit there and approve the shout', 'From:<*****@*****.**>'); $msg = 'Your shout is submitted successfully. Please wait for few hours till admin approves your comment.'; $insertGoTo = $currentURL . '?shoutMsg=' . urlencode($msg); header(sprintf("Location: %s", $insertGoTo)); exit; } currentActivity('city_visited', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $globalCity['id'], 'User has visited ' . $globalCity['city'] . ' city'); $maxRows_rsViewShout = 25; $pageNum_rsViewShout = 0; if (isset($_GET['pageNum_rsViewShout'])) { $pageNum_rsViewShout = $_GET['pageNum_rsViewShout']; } $startRow_rsViewShout = $pageNum_rsViewShout * $maxRows_rsViewShout; $colname_rsViewShout = "-1"; if (isset($_GET['city_id'])) { $colname_rsViewShout = $_GET['city_id']; } mysql_select_db($database_connMain, $connMain); $query_rsViewShout = sprintf("SELECT z_shout.*, google_auth.*, geo_cities.name as city FROM z_shout LEFT JOIN google_auth ON z_shout.uid = google_auth.uid LEFT JOIN geo_cities ON z_shout.city_id = geo_cities.cty_id WHERE z_shout.city_id IN (" . $nearby[1] . ") AND z_shout.shout_status = 1 AND z_shout.shout_deleted = 0 ORDER BY shout_id DESC"); $query_limit_rsViewShout = sprintf("%s LIMIT %d, %d", $query_rsViewShout, $startRow_rsViewShout, $maxRows_rsViewShout); $rsViewShout = mysql_query($query_limit_rsViewShout, $connMain) or die(mysql_error()); $row_rsViewShout = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsViewShout);
if ($my) { header("Location: " . $currentURL . '/auto/my?' . $getURL); } else { header("Location: " . $currentURL . '/auto/browse?' . $getURL); } exit; } //end browse //yelp, google, indeed, craigslist addition if ($resultModule['module_name'] == 'jobs') { include SITEDIR . '/includes/jobs_indeed.php'; if (!empty($indeedCheck)) { header("Location: " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); exit; } } if ($resultModule['feature_businesses'] == 1) { include SITEDIR . '/includes/biz_google.php'; include SITEDIR . '/includes/biz_yelp.php'; if (!empty($googleCheck) || !empty($yelpCheck)) { //header("Location: ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); //exit; } } //search box ob_start(); include SITEDIR . '/mods/auto/searchbox.php'; $search_box = ob_get_clean(); //search box ends currentActivity('browse_page', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $globalCity['id'], 'User has browsed the ' . $resultModule['module_name'] . ' page.');
$result = $modelGeneral->deleteDetails($query, array($_GET['id'], $_SESSION['user']['id'])); $query = "DELETE FROM chess_repertorie_moves WHERE repertory_id = ? AND uid = ?"; $result = $modelGeneral->deleteDetails($query, array($_GET['id'], $_SESSION['user']['id'])); } $t = 3600; $query = "SELECT * FROM chess_repertorie WHERE uid = ?"; if (!empty($_POST['MM_Insert']) || !empty($_GET['del'])) { $modelGeneral->clearCache($query, array($_SESSION['user']['id'])); header("Location: " . HTTPPATH . "/chess/repertorie/my"); exit; } $resultChess = $modelGeneral->fetchAll($query, array($_SESSION['user']['id']), $t); if (empty($resultChess)) { $modelGeneral->clearCache($query, array($_SESSION['user']['id'])); } currentActivity('chess_opening_repertorie', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $globalCity['id'], 'User has browsed the Chess Opening Repertorie page.'); ?> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <h3>Chess Opening Repertorie</h3> <?php if (!empty($error)) { echo '<div class="error">' . $error . '</div>'; } ?> <p>Create your opening repertorie and save it for your own personal use.</p> </div> </div> <form name="form1" id="form1" method="post" action=""> <div class="row">