function cultiv8_the_location_details($post_id, $glyph = 'fa') { $classes = array('container' => 'ctcex-location-container', 'details' => 'ctcex-location-details', 'media' => 'ctcex-location-media', 'title' => 'ctcex-location-title', 'address' => 'ctcex-location-address', 'times' => 'ctcex-location-times', 'phone' => 'ctcex-location-phone', 'img' => 'ctcex-location-img'); wp_enqueue_style('cultiv8-glyphs', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/glyphs.css', array(), null, 'screen'); $title = get_the_title($post_id); $data = cultiv8_get_location_data($post_id); // Address $addr_src = ''; if ($data['address']) { $addr_src = sprintf('<div class="%s"><i class="%s %s"></i> %s</div>', $classes['address'], $glyph === 'gi' ? 'genericon' : 'fa', $glyph === 'gi' ? 'genericon-location' : 'fa-map-marker', $data['address']); } // Times $time_src = ''; if ($data['times']) { $time_src = sprintf('<div class="%s"><i class="%s %s"></i> %s</div>', $classes['times'], $glyph === 'gi' ? 'genericon' : 'fa', $glyph === 'gi' ? 'genericon-time' : 'fa-clock-o', $data['times']); } // Phone $phone_src = ''; if ($data['phone']) { $phone_src = sprintf('<div class="%s"><i class="%s %s"></i> %s</div>', $classes['phone'], $glyph === 'gi' ? 'genericon' : 'fa', $glyph === 'gi' ? 'genericon-phone' : 'fa-mobile', $data['phone']); } // Get image $img_src = $data['slider'] ? do_shortcode($data['slider']) : ''; $img_src = !$img_src ? sprintf('%s <img class="%s" src="%s" alt="%s" width="960" height="540"/> %s', $data['map_used'] ? '<a href="' . $data['map_url'] . '" target="_blank">' : '', $classes['img'], $data['img'], get_the_title(), $data['map_used'] ? '</a>' : '') : $img_src; $names = cultiv8_get_option('ctc-people', __('locations/location', 'cultiv8')); $plural_name = explode('/', strtolower($names)); $single_name = array_pop($plural_name); // Prepare output $item_output = sprintf('<div class="%s"> <div class="%s">%s</div> <div class="%s"> %s %s %s </div> </div> ', $classes['container'], $classes['media'], $img_src, $classes['details'], $addr_src, $time_src, $phone_src); echo $item_output; }
?> <?php $data = cultiv8_get_sermon_data($post->ID); if ($data['series']) { $tax_query[] = array('taxonomy' => 'ctc_sermon_series', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $data['series_slug']); if ($data['topic']) { $tax_query[] = array('taxonomy' => 'ctc_sermon_topic', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $data['topic_slug']); $tax_query['relation'] = 'AND'; } $args = array('post_type' => 'ctc_sermon', 'tax_query' => $tax_query, 'order' => 'DESC', 'posts_per_page' => 3, 'no_found_rows' => true, 'post__not_in' => array($post->ID)); $related_pages = new WP_Query($args); $topic_name = cultiv8_get_option('ctc-sermon-topic', __('Topic', 'cultiv8')); $topic = explode('/', $topic_name); $topic = strtolower(array_pop($topic)); $series_name = cultiv8_get_option('ctc-sermon-series', __('Series', 'cultiv8')); $series = explode('/', $series_name); $series = strtolower(array_pop($series)); ?> <?php if ($related_pages->have_posts()) { ?> <h2><?php echo __('Other messages from this ', 'cultiv8') . strtolower($series) . ($data['topic'] ? _x(' and ', 'Space before and after', 'cultiv8') . strtolower($topic) : ''); ?> </h2> <div class="pique-grid-three">
<?php /** * The template for displaying sermon topic archive pages. * * Learn more: * * @package Cultiv8 */ $term = get_queried_object(); $titles = cultiv8_option('ctc-sermon-topic', __('Topic', 'cultiv8')); $titles = explode('/', $titles); $title = array_pop($titles); $query_term = $wp_query->query; $topic_option = cultiv8_get_option('ctc-sermon-topic'); if (!empty($topic_option) && !isset($qv['ctc_sermon_topic'])) { // Set the first location as the default $locs = get_terms('ctc_sermon_topic', array('order_by' => 'id', 'order' => 'DESC')); $min_loc_slug = $locs[0]->slug; if (!empty($min_loc_slug)) { $tax_query = array(array('taxonomy' => 'ctc_sermon_topic', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $min_loc_slug)); $args['tax_query'] = $tax_query; } $query_term = array_merge($args, $query_term); $wp_query = new WP_Query($query_term); } get_header(); ?> <div id="primary" class="content-area">