Exemple #1

define('ROOT_PATH', '');
require_once ROOT_PATH . 'functions.php';
require_once ROOT_PATH . 'classes/recaptchalib.php';
Login, logout, whatever.
if (posted('logout')) {
    alert('Successfully logged out.', 1);
} elseif (csrfVerify()) {
    if (limit_attempts('login', 10, 300)) {
        alert('Too many attempts. (no more than ten in five minutes)', -1);
    } elseif (posted('login')) {
        //Is the submit button submitted for all browsers? hm
        //Naturally all this stuff is useless without proper SSL security. Shhhhhhhhhhh.
        if (loginEmailPass($_POST['email'], $_POST['pass'])) {
            if (isset($_SESSION['login_redirect_back'])) {
                //--todo-- redirect back immediately, don't redirect
                $lr = $_SESSION['login_redirect_back'];
                alert('Logged in!', 1, basename($lr));
                header('Location: ' . $lr);
            } else {
                alert('Successfully logged in!', 1);
        } else {
Exemple #2
define('ROOT_PATH', '');
require_once ROOT_PATH . 'functions.php';
Input of questions into the database.
$unparsed = '';
$lastErr = error_get_clear();
if (isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH']) && (int) $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] > convert_to_bytes(ini_get('post_max_size'))) {
    echo 'File(s) too large.';
    $error = true;
if (csrfVerify() && (posted("copypaste") || filed("fileupload") || posted("directentry"))) {
    echo '<div style="font-size:0.8em;border:solid 1px #000000;display:inline-block;padding:5px;">
		<i>We are processing your questions right now...</i><br><br>';
    if (posted("directentry")) {
        $err = '';
        try {
            $q = new qIO();
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $err = "Error: " . $e->getMessage();
        if ($err == '') {
            echo "Questions entered successfully, with Question-IDs <b>" . arrayToRanges($q->getQIDs()) . "</b><br><br><br>";
        } else {
            echo $err;
Exemple #3
foreach ($fullname as $name => $full) {
    $count = count($ruleSet[$name]);
    $checkboxoptions .= '<div><b>' . $full . '</b> ';
    if (csrfVerify() && posted($name)) {
        $_SESSION["randq"][$name] = $_POST[$name];
    } elseif (!array_key_exists($name, $_SESSION["randq"])) {
        $_SESSION["randq"][$name] = NULL;
    //Remembering in $_SESSION
    for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
        $checkboxoptions .= '<label>' . $ruleSet[$name][$i] . ' <input type="checkbox" name="' . $name . '[]" value="' . $i . '" ' . (is_array($_SESSION["randq"][$name]) && in_array($i, $_SESSION["randq"][$name]) || $_SESSION["randq"][$name] === NULL ? 'checked' : '') . ' /></label> ';
    $checkboxoptions .= '</div>';
$_SESSION["randq"]["numqs"] = normRange(csrfVerify() ? POST("numqs") : NULL, 1, $MAX_NUMQS, $DEFAULT_NUMQS);
$checkboxoptions .= "<b>Number of Questions</b> (max {$MAX_NUMQS}) <input type='number' name='numqs' value='{$_SESSION["randq"]["numqs"]}' min='1' max='{$MAX_NUMQS}'/>";
//Using the session variables set above to get random questions.
//--todo-- what's the point of "add" if you're only doing it this once? Overhead w/ $Q? Really OP.
if ($E = $q->clear()->addRand($_SESSION["randq"]["QParts"], $_SESSION["randq"]["Subjects"], $_SESSION["randq"]["QTypes"], $_SESSION["randq"]["numqs"])->error) {
    alert($E, -1);
$checkboxoptions .= '<input type="hidden" name="qidcsv" value="' . implode(',', $q->getQIDs()) . '" />' . '<br><input type="submit" value="Next" onclick="return confirm(\'Not all questions are revealed. Are you sure?\');"/>' . '<br><br><div><b>Export Below as Document:</b> <select name="docexport"><option value="QIDCSV">Question-ID comma-separated values</option><option value="HTML">HTML</option></select><input type="submit" name="getDoc" value="Export"/></div>';
<!--div class='question'>
	<span style='display:inline-block;width:40%;'>[QID %QID%]</span><span style='display:inline-block;width:59%;text-align:right;font-size:0.8em;'><a href="#" class="editbtn">[Edit]</a></span>
	<div>Mark as Bad: <input type="checkbox" name="markBad[]" value="%N%"/></div>
	<input type="hidden" name="qids[]" value="%QID%"/>
	<div style='font-weight:bold;text-align:center;' class="part">%PART%</div>
	<div><span class="subject">%SUBJECT%</span> <i><span class="type">%TYPE%</span></i> <span class="qtext">%QUESTION%</span></div>
	<div style="font-size:0.9em;">%MCOPTIONS%</div>
Exemple #4

define('ROOT_PATH', '');
require_once ROOT_PATH . 'functions.php';
//separate face of this page: "Are you sure?"
//echo $_SESSION["admin-ver"]=genRandStr();
//for particularly dangerous ones "Reenter password to do this action"
echo '<b style="color:green">';
if (csrfVerify()) {
    if (isset($_POST["logout"])) {
        die("logged out");
    } elseif (isset($_POST["truncQs"])) {
        DB::query("TRUNCATE TABLE questions");
        alert("TRUNCATE TABLE executed.<br><br>", 1);
    } elseif (isset($_POST["timesViewed"])) {
        DB::query("UPDATE questions SET TimesViewed=0");
        alert("All questions' times-viewed-s zeroed.<br><br>", 1);
    } elseif (isset($_POST["markBad"])) {
        DB::query("UPDATE questions SET MarkBad=0");
        alert("All questions' marked-as-bad-s zeroed.<br><br>", 1);
    } elseif (isset($_POST["optimizeTables"])) {
        DB::query("OPTIMIZE TABLE users,questions");
        alert("OPTIMIZE TABLE executed<br><br>", 1);
    } elseif (isset($_POST["qInt"])) {
        //Subject in {0,1,2,3,4}
        //isB and isSA in {0,1}
        //Question not blank or null